Bill Text: NY A07155 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Amended

NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Amends the waterfront commission act, relating to empowering the waterfront commission to accept applications in the longshoremen's register.

Spectrum: Slight Partisan Bill (Democrat 8-3)

Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2012-04-17 - print number 7155d [A07155 Detail]

Download: New_York-2011-A07155-Amended.html
                           S T A T E   O F   N E W   Y O R K
                              2011-2012 Regular Sessions
                                 I N  A S S E M B L Y
                                    April 14, 2011
       Introduced  by  M. of A. CUSICK, FARRELL, ROBERTS, WEPRIN -- Multi-Spon-
         sored by -- M. of A. BOYLAND -- read once and referred to the  Commit-
         tee   on   Corporations,  Authorities  and  Commissions  --  committee
         discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
         to said committee -- again reported from said  committee  with  amend-
         ments,  ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
         -- recommitted to  the  Committee  on  Corporations,  Authorities  and
         Commissions  in  accordance  with Assembly Rule 3, sec. 2 -- committee
         discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted
         to said committee -- again reported from said  committee  with  amend-
         ments, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee
       AN ACT to amend the waterfront commission act, in relation to empowering
         the waterfront commission to accept applications in the longshoremen's
    1    Section 1. Section 5-p of chapter 882 of the laws of 1953,  constitut-
    2  ing the waterfront commission act, as amended by chapter 431 of the laws
    3  of 1999, is amended to read as follows:
    4    S  5-p.  [Suspension  or  acceptance  of applications for inclusion in
    5  longshoremen's] LONGSHOREMEN'S register[; exceptions].  [1.] The commis-
    6  sion shall [suspend the acceptance of] ACCEPT applications for inclusion
    7  in the longshoremen's register [for a period of  sixty  days  after  the
    8  effective date of this act. Upon the termination of such sixty day peri-
    9  od the commission shall thereafter have the power to make determinations
   10  to   suspend   the  acceptance  of  application  for  inclusion  in  the
   11  longshoremen's register for such periods of time as the  commission  may
   12  from  time  to  time establish and, after any such period of suspension,
   13  the commission shall have the power to  make  determinations  to  accept
   14  applications  for such period of time as the commission may establish or
   15  in such number as the commission may determine, or both.  Such  determi-
        EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                             [ ] is old law to be omitted.
       A. 7155--D                          2
    1  nations  to  suspend or accept applications shall be made by the commis-
    2  sion]: (a) [on its own initiative or (b)] upon the joint  recommendation
    3  in writing of stevedores and other employers of longshoremen in the port
    4  of  New  York  district,  acting  through  their  representative for the
    5  [purpose] PURPOSES of collective bargaining with  a  labor  organization
    6  representing  such  longshoremen in such district, and such labor organ-
    7  ization; or [(c)] (B) upon the petition in writing  of  a  stevedore  or
    8  [another]  OTHER  employer  of  longshoremen  in  the  port  of New York
    9  district which does not have a representative for the [purpose] PURPOSES
   10  of collective bargaining with a  labor  organization  representing  such
   11  longshoremen.  [The  commission shall have the power to accept or reject
   12  such joint recommendation or petition.
   13    All joint recommendations or petitions filed  for  the  acceptance  of
   14  applications  with  the  commission  for inclusion in the longshoremen's
   15  register shall include:
   16    (a) the number of employees requested;
   17    (b) the category or categories of employees requested;
   18    (c) a detailed statement setting forth  the  reasons  for  said  joint
   19  recommendation or petition;
   20    (d)  in cases where a joint recommendation is made under this section,
   21  the collective bargaining representative of stevedores and other employ-
   22  ers of longshoremen in the port of  New  York  district  and  the  labor
   23  organization representing such longshoremen shall provide the allocation
   24  of  the number of persons to be sponsored by each employer of longshore-
   25  men in the port of New York district; and
   26    (e) any other information requested by the commission.
   27    2. In administering the provisions of  this  section,  the  commission
   28  shall observe the following standards:
   29    (a)  To  encourage  as  far  as  practicable the regularization of the
   30  employment of longshoremen;
   31    (b) To bring the number of eligible longshoremen into balance with the
   32  demand for longshoremen's services within the port of New York  district
   33  without  reducing  the number of eligible longshoremen below that neces-
   34  sary to meet the requirements of longshoremen in the port  of  New  York
   35  district;
   36    (c)  To  encourage  the  mobility and full utilization of the existing
   37  work force  of longshoremen;
   38    (d) To protect the job security of the existing work  force  of  long-
   39  shoremen by considering the wages and employment benefits of prospective
   40  registrants;
   41    (e)  To  eliminate  oppressive  and evil hiring practices injurious to
   42  waterfront labor and  waterborne  commerce  in  the  port  of  New  York
   43  district,  including,  but  not  limited  to,  those oppressive and evil
   44  hiring practices that may result from either a surplus  or  shortage  of
   45  waterfront labor;
   46    (f)  To consider the effect of technological change and automation and
   47  such other economic data and facts as are relevant to a proper  determi-
   48  nation;
   49    (g) To protect the public interest of the port of New York district.
   50    In observing the foregoing standards and before determining to suspend
   51  or  accept  applications   for inclusion in the longshoremen's register,
   52  the commission shall consult with and consider the views  of,  including
   53  any statistical data or other factual information concerning the size of
   54  the longshoremen's  register submitted by, carriers of freight by water,
   55  stevedores,  waterfront  terminal owners and operators, any labor organ-
   56  ization representing employees registered by  the  commission,  and  any
       A. 7155--D                          3
    1  other  person  whose  interests  may  be  affected  by  the  size of the
    2  longshoremen's register.
    3    Any  joint  recommendation  or  petition  granted  hereunder  shall be
    4  subject to such terms and conditions as the commission may prescribe.
    5    3. Any determination by the commission pursuant  to  this  section  to
    6  suspend  or  accept  applications  for  inclusion  in the longshoremen's
    7  register shall be made upon a record, shall not become  effective  until
    8  five  days  after  notice thereof to the collective bargaining represen-
    9  tative of stevedores and other employers of longshoremen in the port  of
   10  New  York district and to the labor organization representing such long-
   11  shoremen and/or the petitioning stevedore or  other  employer  of  long-
   12  shoremen  in the port of New York district and shall be subject to judi-
   13  cial review for being arbitrary, capricious, and an abuse of  discretion
   14  in a proceeding jointly instituted by such representative and such labor
   15  organization  and/or  by  the petitioning stevedore or other employer of
   16  longshoremen in the port of New  York  district.  Such  judicial  review
   17  proceeding  may  be instituted in either state in the manner provided by
   18  the law of such state for review of the  final  decision  or  action  of
   19  administrative  agencies  of  such  state,  provided, however, that such
   20  proceeding shall be decided directly by the appellate  division  as  the
   21  court of first instance (to which the proceeding shall be transferred by
   22  order  of  transfer  by the supreme court in the state of New York or in
   23  the state of New Jersey by notice  of  appeal  from    the  commission's
   24  determination)  and  provided  further  that  notwithstanding  any other
   25  provision of law in either state no court shall have power to  stay  the
   26  commission's  determination  prior  to  final judicial decision for more
   27  than fifteen days. In the event that the  court  enters  a  final  order
   28  setting aside the determination by the commission to accept applications
   29  for  inclusion  in  the longshoremen's register, the registration of any
   30  longshoremen included in the longshoremen's register as a result of such
   31  determination by the commission shall be cancelled.
   32    This section shall apply, notwithstanding any other provision of  this
   33  act,  provided  however,  such  section  shall  not  in any way limit or
   34  restrict the provisions of section five of  article  nine  of  this  act
   35  empowering  the commission to register longshoremen on a temporary basis
   36  to meet special or emergency needs or the provisions of section four  of
   37  article  nine  of  this  act  relating to the immediate reinstatement of
   38  persons removed from the longshoremen's  register  pursuant  to  article
   39  nine  of this act. Nothing in this section shall be construed to modify,
   40  limit or restrict in any way any of  the  rights  protected  by  article
   41  fifteen of this act.
   42    4.  Upon  the  granting  of any joint recommendation or petition under
   43  this section for the acceptance of applications  for  inclusion  in  the
   44  longshoremen's  register,  the commission shall accept applications upon
   45  written sponsorship from the prospective employer of longshoremen.   The
   47  THE PORT OF NEW YORK DISTRICT shall  furnish  the  commission  with  the
   48  [name, address and such other identifying or category information as the
   49  commission  may  prescribe  for  any person so sponsored. The sponsoring
   51  THE  LONGSHOREMEN'S  REGISTER  AND  shall  certify that the selection of
   52  [the] THESE persons [so sponsored] was made in a fair and  non-discrimi-
   53  natory  basis  in  accordance  with  the requirements of the laws of the
   54  United States and the states of New York and  New  Jersey  dealing  with
   55  equal employment opportunities.
       A. 7155--D                          4
    1    [Notwithstanding any of the foregoing, where the commission determines
    2  to  accept  applications for inclusion in the longshoremen's register on
    3  its own initiative, such acceptance shall be accomplished in such manner
    4  deemed appropriate by the commission.
    5    5. Notwithstanding any other provision of this act, the commission may
    6  include  in  the longshoremen's register under such terms and conditions
    7  as the commission may prescribe:
    8    (a) a person issued registration on a temporary basis to meet  special
    9  or emergency needs who is still so registered by the commission;
   10    (b)  a  person defined as a longshoreman in subdivision six of section
   11  five-a of this act who is employed by a stevedore defined  in  paragraph
   12  (b)  or  (c) of subdivision one of said section five-a and whose employ-
   13  ment is not subject to the guaranteed annual income  provisions  of  any
   14  collective bargaining agreement relating to longshoremen;
   15    (c)  no more than twenty persons issued registration limited to acting
   16  as scalemen pursuant to the provisions of chapter 953  of  the  laws  of
   17  1969  and  chapter 64 of the laws of 1982 who are still so registered by
   18  the commission and who are no longer employed as scalemen on the  effec-
   19  tive date of this subdivision;
   20    (d)  a person issued registration on a temporary basis as a checker to
   21  meet special or emergency needs who applied for such registration  prior
   22  to January 15, 1986 and who is still so registered by the commission;
   23    (e)  a person issued registration on a temporary basis as a checker to
   24  meet special or emergency needs in accordance with a waterfront  commis-
   25  sion  resolution  of September 4, 1996 and who is still so registered by
   26  the commission;
   27    (f) a person issued registration on a temporary basis as  a  container
   28  equipment operator to meet special or emergency needs in accordance with
   29  a waterfront commission resolution of September 4, 1996 and who is still
   30  so registered by the commission; and
   31    (g)  a person issued registration on a temporary basis as a longshore-
   32  man to meet special or emergency needs in accordance with  a  waterfront
   33  commission  resolution  of  September 4, 1996 and who is still so regis-
   34  tered by the commission.
   35    6. The commission may include in the  longshoremen's  register,  under
   36  such  terms  and  conditions  as  the  commission may prescribe, persons
   37  issued registration on a temporary basis as a longshoreman or a  checker
   38  to  meet  special  or emergency needs and who are still so registered by
   39  the commission upon the enactment of this amendment.]
   40    S 2. If any part or provision of this act or the  application  thereof
   41  to  any  person  or  circumstances  be  adjudged invalid by any court of
   42  competent jurisdiction, such judgment shall be confined in its operation
   43  to the part, provision or application directly involved in  the  contro-
   44  versy  in  which  such  judgment  shall have been rendered and shall not
   45  affect or impair the validity of the remainder of this act or the appli-
   46  cation thereof to other persons or  circumstances  and  the  two  states
   47  hereby declare that they would have entered into this act or the remain-
   48  der thereof had the invalidity of such provisions or application thereof
   49  been apparent.
   50    S  3. This act constitutes an agreement between the states of New York
   51  and New Jersey, supplementary to the waterfront commission  compact  and
   52  amendatory  thereof,  and shall be liberally construed to effectuate the
   53  purposes of that compact and the powers vested in the waterfront commis-
   54  sion hereby shall be construed to be in aid of and supplemental  to  and
   55  not  in  limitation  of or in derogation of any of the powers heretofore
   56  conferred upon or delegated to the waterfront commission.
       A. 7155--D                          5
    1    S 4. This act shall take effect upon the enactment  into  law  by  the
    2  state  of New Jersey of legislation having an identical effect with this
    3  act, but if the state of New Jersey  shall  have  already  enacted  such
    4  legislation,  then  it  shall take effect immediately; and provided that
    5  the  waterfront  commission  shall  notify the legislative bill drafting
    6  commission upon the occurrence  of  the  enactment  of  the  legislation
    7  provided for in section one of this act in order that the commission may
    8  maintain an accurate and timely effective data base of the official text
    9  of  laws  of  the  state  of  New  York  in furtherance of effecting the
   10  provisions of section 44 of the legislative law and section 70-b of  the
   11  public officers law.