Bill Text: NY A07914 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Amended
Bill Title: Relates to determining the rent increase exemption amount for individuals in a city with a population of one million or more.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 6-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2015-06-18 - substituted by s5721a [A07914 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-A07914-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 7914--A 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N A S S E M B L Y May 29, 2015 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. CYMBROWITZ, LINARES, BARRON -- read once and referred to the Committee on Aging -- reported and referred to the Committee on Ways and Means -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the real property tax law and the administrative code of the city of New York, in relation to the tax abatement and exemption of rental units occupied in part by certain persons sixty-two years of age and older or persons with disabilities THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 2 of section 467-b of the real property tax law 2 is amended by adding a new paragraph (c) to read as follows: 3 (C) PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT IN A CITY OF A POPULATION OF ONE MILLION 4 OR MORE, WHERE THE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE 5 EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND 6 FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN, 7 THE AMOUNT DETERMINED BY PARAGRAPH (A) OF THIS SUBDIVISION SHALL BE AN 8 AMOUNT NOT IN EXCESS OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MAXIMUM RENT OR LEGAL 9 REGULATED RENT AND THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, AS ADJUSTED BY 10 ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS SECTION. 11 S 2. Subparagraph 3 of paragraph d of subdivision 3 of section 467-b 12 of the real property tax law, as amended by section 1 of chapter 188 of 13 the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows: 14 (3) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly allow- 15 ance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by 16 which the maximum rent or legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwell- 17 ing unit exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the 18 household, EXCEPT THAT THIS SUBPARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO A HEAD OF 19 THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT 20 IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT 21 ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD11396-08-5 A. 7914--A 2 1 S 3. Subparagraph 3 of paragraph e of subdivision 3 of section 467-b 2 of the real property tax law, as amended by section 1 of chapter 188 of 3 the laws of 2005, is amended to read as follows: 4 (3) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly allow- 5 ance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by 6 which the maximum rent or legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwell- 7 ing unit exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the 8 household, EXCEPT THAT THIS SUBPARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO A HEAD OF 9 THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT 10 IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT 11 ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. 12 S 4. Paragraph g of subdivision 3 of section 467-b of the real proper- 13 ty tax law, as amended by section 1 of chapter 188 of the laws of 2005, 14 is amended to read as follows: 15 g. notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where a 16 head of the household holds a current, valid tax abatement certificate 17 and, after the effective date of this paragraph, there is a permanent 18 decrease in the combined income of all members of the household in an 19 amount which exceeds twenty percent of such income as represented in 20 such head of the household's last approved application for a tax abate- 21 ment certificate or for renewal thereof, such head of the household may 22 apply for a redetermination of the amount set forth therein. Upon appli- 23 cation, such amount shall be redetermined so as to re-establish the 24 ratio of adjusted rent to income which existed at the time of approval 25 of such head of the household's last application for a tax abatement 26 certificate or for renewal thereof; provided, however, that in no event 27 shall the amount of the adjusted rent be redetermined to be (i) in the 28 case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly allowance 29 for shelter pursuant to the social services law, less than one-third of 30 the combined income of all members of the household UNLESS SUCH HEAD OF 31 THE HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS 32 IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON 33 OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN; or (ii) in the case of a 34 head of the household who receives a monthly allowance for shelter 35 pursuant to the social services law, less than the maximum allowance for 36 shelter which such head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant 37 to such law. For purposes of this paragraph, a decrease in the combined 38 income of all members of the household shall not include any decrease in 39 such income resulting from the manner in which income is calculated 40 pursuant to any amendment to paragraph c of subdivision one of this 41 section made on or after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven. For 42 purposes of this paragraph, "adjusted rent" shall mean maximum rent or 43 legal regulated rent less the amount set forth in a tax abatement 44 certificate. 45 S 5. Subdivision 2 of section 467-b of the real property tax law, as 46 added by chapter 689 of the laws of 1972, is amended to read as follows: 47 2. The governing body of any city, town or village is hereby author- 48 ized and empowered to adopt, after public hearing, in accordance with 49 the provisions of this section, a local law, ordinance or resolution 50 providing for the abatement of taxes of said municipal corporation 51 imposed on real property containing a dwelling unit as defined herein by 52 an amount not in excess of that portion of any increase in maximum rent 53 which causes such maximum rent to exceed one-third of the combined 54 income of all members of the household, EXCEPT THAT IN A CITY OF A POPU- 55 LATION OF ONE MILLION OR MORE WHERE THE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN 56 GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY A. 7914--A 3 1 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO 2 THOUSAND FIFTEEN, SUCH ABATEMENT OF TAXES SHALL BE IN AN AMOUNT NOT IN 3 EXCESS OF THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MAXIMUM RENT OR LEGAL REGULATED 4 RENT AND THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, AS ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER 5 PROVISION OF THIS SECTION. 6 S 6. Paragraph a of subdivision 3 of section 467-c of the real proper- 7 ty tax law is amended by adding a new subparagraph 3 to read as follows: 8 (3) PROVIDED, HOWEVER, THAT IN A CITY OF A POPULATION OF ONE MILLION 9 OR MORE, WHERE THE ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A 10 RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER AS A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY AS DEFINED 11 IN PARAGRAPH M OF SUBDIVISION ONE OF THIS SECTION THAT IS IN EFFECT AS 12 OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY 13 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN, THE AMOUNT DETERMINED BY SUBPARAGRAPH ONE 14 OF THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL BE AN AMOUNT NOT IN EXCESS OF THE DIFFERENCE 15 BETWEEN THE MAXIMUM RENT AND THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, AS 16 ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS SECTION. 17 S 7. Subparagraph 3 of paragraph b of subdivision 3 of section 467-c 18 of the real property tax law, as amended by chapter 420 of the laws of 19 1991, is amended to read as follows: 20 (3) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly allow- 21 ance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by 22 which the maximum rent or legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwell- 23 ing unit exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the 24 household, EXCEPT THAT THIS SUBPARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO A HEAD OF 25 THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER AS A 26 PERSON WITH A DISABILITY AS DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH M OF SUBDIVISION ONE OF 27 THIS SECTION THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN 28 OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. 29 S 8. Paragraph d of subdivision 3 of section 467-c of the real proper- 30 ty tax law, as amended by chapter 594 of the laws of 2002, is amended to 31 read as follows: 32 d. notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where a 33 eligible head of the household holds a current, valid rent increase 34 exemption order/tax abatement certificate and, after the effective date 35 of this paragraph, there is a permanent decrease in income in an amount 36 which exceeds twenty percent of such income as represented in such 37 eligible head of household's last approved application for a rent 38 increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate or for renewal there- 39 of, such eligible head of the household may apply for a redetermination 40 of the amount set forth therein. Upon application, such amount shall be 41 redetermined so as to re-establish the ratio of adjusted rent to income 42 which existed at the time of approval of such eligible head of the 43 household's last application for a rent increase exemption order/tax 44 abatement certificate or for renewal thereof; provided, however, that in 45 no event shall the amount of the adjusted rent be redetermined to be (i) 46 in the case of an eligible head of the household who does not receive a 47 monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, less 48 than one-third of income UNLESS SUCH HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN 49 GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER AS A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY AS 50 DEFINED IN PARAGRAPH M OF SUBDIVISION ONE OF THIS SECTION THAT IS IN 51 EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR 52 BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN; or (ii) in the case of an 53 eligible head of the household who receives a monthly allowance for 54 shelter pursuant to the social services law, less than the maximum 55 allowance for shelter which such eligible head of the household is enti- 56 tled to receive pursuant to law. For purposes of this paragraph, a A. 7914--A 4 1 decrease in income shall not include any decrease in income resulting 2 from the manner in which income is calculated pursuant to any amendment 3 to paragraph f of subdivision one of this section made on or after April 4 first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven. For purposes of this paragraph, 5 "adjusted rent" shall mean maximum rent less the amount set forth in a 6 rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate. 7 S 9. Clause (a) of subparagraph (iv) of paragraph 2 of subdivision m 8 of section 26-405 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as 9 amended by local law number 98 of the city of New York for the year 1985 10 and subparagraph (iv) as renumbered by local law number 76 of the city 11 of New York for the year 2005, is amended to read as follows: 12 (a) in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a 13 monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, (A) 14 the maximum rent for the housing accommodations exceeds one-third of the 15 aggregate disposable income, or (B) if any expected increase in the 16 maximum rent pursuant to paragraph two, three, four or five of subdivi- 17 sion a of this section, or subparagraph (a), (b), (c), (l) or (n) of 18 paragraph one of subdivision g of this section would cause such maximum 19 rent to exceed one-third of the aggregate disposable income, OR (C) IF 20 SUCH HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER 21 THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES 22 EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN REGARDLESS OF 23 WHETHER THE MAXIMUM RENT OR ANY EXPECTED INCREASE DESCRIBED IN THIS 24 CLAUSE EXCEEDS ONE-THIRD OF THE AGGREGATE DISPOSABLE INCOME; or 25 S 10. Item (iii) of subparagraph (a) of paragraph 3 of subdivision m 26 of section 26-405 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as 27 amended by chapter 737 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as 28 follows: 29 (iii) NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE (I) OF THIS SUBPARAGRAPH, IN THE CASE OF 30 AN ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE 31 EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND 32 FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN, 33 THAT THE LANDLORD MAY NOT COLLECT FROM THE TENANT TO WHOM IT IS ISSUED 34 RENT AT A RATE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, EXCEPT 35 AS MAY BE ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS CHAPTER; AND EXCEPT 36 (IV) that the landlord may collect from the tenants described in 37 [items] CLAUSE (i) and ITEMS (ii) AND (III) of this subparagraph 38 increases in rent pursuant to subparagraphs (d), (e), and (i) of para- 39 graph one of subdivision g of this section. 40 S 11. Paragraph 9 of subdivision m of section 26-405 of the adminis- 41 trative code of the city of New York, as amended by local law number 44 42 of the city of New York for the year 2009, is amended to read as 43 follows: 44 (9) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where 45 a head of household holds a current, valid rent exemption order and, 46 after the effective date of this paragraph, there is a permanent 47 decrease in aggregate disposable income in an amount which exceeds twen- 48 ty percent of such aggregate disposable income as represented in such 49 head of the household's last approved application for a rent exemption 50 order or for renewal thereof, such head of the household may apply for a 51 redetermination of the amount set forth therein. Upon application, such 52 amount shall be redetermined so as to re-establish the ratio of adjusted 53 rent to aggregate disposable income which existed at the time of the 54 approval of such eligible head of the household's last application for a 55 rent exemption order or for renewal thereof; provided, however, that in 56 no event shall the amount of the adjusted rent be redetermined to be (i) A. 7914--A 5 1 in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly 2 allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, less than 3 one-third of the aggregate disposable income UNLESS SUCH HEAD OF THE 4 HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS 5 OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY 6 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN; or (ii) in the case of a head of the house- 7 hold who receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social 8 services law, less than the maximum allowance for shelter which such 9 head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant to such law. For 10 purposes of this paragraph, a decrease in aggregate disposable income 11 shall not include any decrease in such income resulting from the manner 12 in which such income is calculated pursuant to any amendment to para- 13 graph c of subdivision one of section four hundred sixty-seven-b of the 14 real property tax law, any amendment to the regulations of the depart- 15 ment of finance made on or after the effective date of the local law 16 that added this clause, or any amendment to the regulations of such 17 other agency as the mayor shall designate made on or after October 18 tenth, two thousand five. For purposes of this paragraph, "adjusted 19 rent" shall mean maximum rent less the amount set forth in a rent 20 exemption order. 21 S 12. Paragraph 3 of subdivision c of section 26-406 of the adminis- 22 trative code of the city of New York, as amended by local law number 98 23 of the city of New York for the year 1985, is amended to read as 24 follows: 25 (3) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly allow- 26 ance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by 27 which the maximum rent or legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwell- 28 ing unit exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the 29 household EXCEPT THAT THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO AN ELIGIBLE HEAD 30 OF THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER 31 THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES 32 EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. 33 S 13. Subparagraph (iv) of paragraph 2 of subdivision b of section 34 26-509 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as amended by 35 local law number 98 of the city of New York for the year 1985 and as 36 renumbered by local law number 76 of the city of New York for the year 37 2005, is amended to read as follows: 38 (iv) (a) in the case of a head of the household who does not receive a 39 monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, (A) 40 the maximum rent for the housing accommodation exceeds one-third of the 41 aggregate disposable income, or (B) subject to the limitations contained 42 within item [(c)] (D) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this 43 subdivision, if any expected lawful increase in the maximum rent would 44 cause such maximum rent to exceed one-third of the aggregate disposable 45 income, OR (C) SUBJECT TO THE LIMITATIONS CONTAINED WITHIN ITEM (D) OF 46 SUBPARAGRAPH (I) OF PARAGRAPH THREE OF THIS SUBDIVISION, IF SUCH HEAD OF 47 HOUSEHOLD HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN 48 EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR 49 BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE MAXI- 50 MUM RENT OR ANY EXPECTED LAWFUL INCREASE DESCRIBED IN THIS CLAUSE 51 EXCEEDS ONE-THIRD OF THE AGGREGATE DISPOSABLE INCOME; or 52 (b) in the case of a head of the household who receives a monthly 53 allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the maximum 54 rent for the housing accommodation exceeds the maximum allowance for 55 shelter which the head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant 56 to the social services law, or subject to the limitations contained A. 7914--A 6 1 within item [(c)] (D) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph three of this 2 subdivision, if any expected lawful increase in the maximum rent would 3 cause such maximum rent to exceed the maximum allowance for shelter 4 which the head of the household is entitled to receive. 5 S 14. Item (c) of subparagraph (i) of paragraph 3 of subdivision b of 6 section 26-509 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as 7 amended by chapter 737 of the laws of 1986, is amended to read as 8 follows: 9 (c) NOTWITHSTANDING CLAUSE (A) OF THIS SUBPARAGRAPH, IN THE CASE OF AN 10 ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE 11 EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND 12 FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN, 13 THAT THE LANDLORD MAY NOT COLLECT FROM THE TENANT TO WHOM IT IS ISSUED 14 RENT AT A RATE IN EXCESS OF THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, EXCEPT 15 AS MAY BE ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS CHAPTER; AND 16 (D) that the landlord may collect from the tenant increases in rent 17 based on an electrical inclusion adjustment or an increase in dwelling 18 space, services or equipment. 19 S 15. Subparagraph (iii) of paragraph 7 of subdivision b of section 20 26-509 of the administrative code of the city of New York, as amended by 21 local law number 98 of the city of New York for the year 1985, is 22 amended to read as follows: 23 (iii) where the head of the household does not receive a monthly 24 allowance for shelter pursuant to the social services law, the amount by 25 which the legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwelling unit exceeds 26 one-third of the combined income of all members of the household EXCEPT 27 THAT THIS SUBPARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO ANY ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE 28 HOUSEHOLD WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS 29 IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON 30 OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. 31 S 16. Paragraph 9 of subdivision b of section 26-509 of the adminis- 32 trative code of the city of New York, as amended by local law number 44 33 of the city of New York for the year 2009, is amended to read as 34 follows: 35 (9) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, where 36 a head of household holds a current, valid rent exemption order and, 37 after the effective date of this paragraph, there is a permanent 38 decrease in aggregate disposable income in an amount which exceeds twen- 39 ty percent of such aggregate disposable income as represented in such 40 head of the household's last approved application for a rent exemption 41 order or for renewal thereof, such head of the household may apply for a 42 redetermination of the amount set forth therein. Upon application, such 43 amount shall be redetermined so as to reestablish the ratio of adjusted 44 rent to aggregate disposable income which existed at the time of 45 approval of such head of the household's last application for a rent 46 exemption order or for renewal thereof; provided, however, that in no 47 event shall the amount of adjusted rent be redetermined to be (i) in the 48 case of a head of the household who does not receive a monthly allowance 49 for shelter pursuant to the social services law, less than one-third of 50 the aggregate disposable income UNLESS SUCH HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD HAS 51 BEEN GRANTED A RENT EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY 52 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO 53 THOUSAND FIFTEEN; or (ii) in the case of a head of the household who 54 receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to such law, less than 55 the maximum allowance for shelter which such head of the household is 56 entitled to receive pursuant to the social services law. For purposes of A. 7914--A 7 1 this paragraph, a decrease in aggregate disposable income shall not 2 include any decrease in such income resulting from the manner in which 3 such income is calculated pursuant to any amendment to paragraph c of 4 subdivision one of section four hundred sixty-seven-b of the real prop- 5 erty tax law, any amendment to the regulations of the department of 6 finance made on or after the effective date of the local law that added 7 this clause, or any amendment to the regulations of such other agency as 8 the mayor shall designate made on or after October tenth, two thousand 9 five. For purposes of this paragraph, "adjusted rent" shall mean legal 10 regulated rent less the amount set forth in a rent exemption order. 11 S 17. Subdivision (a) of section 26-605 of the administrative code of 12 the city of New York is amended by adding a new paragraph 3 to read as 13 follows: 14 (3) NOTWITHSTANDING PARAGRAPH ONE OF THIS SUBDIVISION, WHERE THE 15 ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE HOUSEHOLD IS A PERSON WHO QUALIFIES AS A PERSON 16 WITH A DISABILITY PURSUANT TO SECTION 26-617 OF THIS CHAPTER AND WHO HAS 17 BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF 18 JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY 19 FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN, THE AMOUNT SPECIFIED IN SUCH ORDER, AS 20 ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THIS CHAPTER, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER 21 INCREASES IN THE MAXIMUM RENT SUBSEQUENT TO SUCH PERSONS' ELIGIBILITY 22 DATE HAVE RESULTED IN THE MAXIMUM RENT EXCEEDING ONE-THIRD OF THE 23 COMBINED INCOME OF ALL MEMBERS OF THE HOUSEHOLD FOR THE TAXABLE PERIOD. 24 S 18. Paragraph 3 of subdivision (b) of section 26-605 of the adminis- 25 trative code of the city of New York, as amended by local law number 26 26 of the city of New York for the year 1991, is amended to read as 27 follows: 28 (3) where the eligible head of the household does not receive a month- 29 ly allowance pursuant to the social services law, the amount by which 30 the maximum rent or legal regulated rent of the subsequent dwelling unit 31 exceeds one-third of the combined income of all members of the household 32 EXCEPT THAT THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL NOT APPLY TO AN ELIGIBLE HEAD OF THE 33 HOUSEHOLD WHO QUALIFIES AS A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY PURSUANT TO 34 SECTION 26-617 OF THIS CHAPTER WHO HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE 35 EXEMPTION ORDER THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND 36 FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. 37 S 19. Subdivision (d) of section 26-605 of the administrative code of 38 the city of New York, as amended by local law number 56 of the city of 39 New York for the year 2003, is amended to read as follows: 40 (d) [notwithstanding] NOTWITHSTANDING any other provision of law to 41 the contrary, where an eligible head of the household holds a current, 42 valid rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate and, after 43 the effective date of this subdivision, there is a permanent decrease in 44 income in an amount which exceeds twenty percent of such income as 45 represented in such eligible head of household's last approved applica- 46 tion for a rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate or 47 for renewal thereof, such eligible head of the household may apply for a 48 redetermination of the amount set forth therein. Upon application, such 49 amount shall be redetermined so as to reestablish the ratio of adjusted 50 rent to income which existed at the time of approval of such eligible 51 head of the household's last application for a rent increase exemption 52 order/tax abatement certificate or for renewal thereof; provided, howev- 53 er, that in no event shall the amount of the adjusted rent be redeter- 54 mined to be (i) in the case of an eligible head of the household who 55 does not receive a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social 56 services law, less than one-third of income UNLESS SUCH HEAD OF THE A. 7914--A 8 1 HOUSEHOLD QUALIFIES AS A PERSON WITH A DISABILITY PURSUANT TO SECTION 2 26-617 OF THIS CHAPTER AND HAS BEEN GRANTED A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION 3 ORDER/TAX ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE THAT IS IN EFFECT AS OF JANUARY FIRST, 4 TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN OR TAKES EFFECT ON OR BEFORE JULY FIRST, TWO THOU- 5 SAND FIFTEEN; or (ii) in the case of an eligible head of the household 6 who receives a monthly allowance for shelter pursuant to the social 7 services law, less than the maximum allowance for shelter which such 8 eligible head of the household is entitled to receive pursuant to law. 9 For purposes of this subdivision, a decrease in income shall not include 10 any decrease in income resulting from the manner in which income is 11 calculated pursuant to any amendment to paragraph f of subdivision one 12 of section four hundred sixty-seven-c of the real property tax law or an 13 amendment to subdivision f of section 26-601 of this code made on or 14 after April first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven. For purposes of this 15 subdivision, "adjusted rent" shall mean maximum rent less the amount set 16 forth in a rent increase exemption order/tax abatement certificate. 17 S 20. Section 467-b of the real property tax law is amended by adding 18 a new subdivision 10 to read as follows: 19 10. IN A CITY OF ONE MILLION OR MORE, A HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD MAY APPLY 20 FOR A RECALCULATION OF HIS OR HER CURRENT RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION 21 AMOUNT, PROVIDED THAT SUCH HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD'S PREVIOUS RENT INCREASE 22 EXEMPTION EXPIRED ON OR AFTER DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND THIR- 23 TEEN; HE OR SHE WAS DETERMINED TO BE INELIGIBLE FOR A RENT INCREASE 24 EXEMPTION RENEWAL PRIOR TO JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN; AND HE OR 25 SHE WAS DETERMINED ELIGIBLE FOR A RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION UNDER THE 26 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA THAT TOOK EFFECT JULY FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN. 27 THE TAX EXEMPTION AMOUNT SHALL BE RECALCULATED AS IF SUCH HEAD OF HOUSE- 28 HOLD'S PREVIOUS RENT INCREASE EXEMPTION ORDER, AS ADJUSTED BY ANY OTHER 29 PROVISION OF THIS SECTION, DID NOT EXPIRE. 30 S 21. For any head of household who is aged one hundred years of age 31 or older and eligible to apply for a rent increase exemption recalcu- 32 lation pursuant to subdivision 10 of section 467-b of the real property 33 tax law, but whose previous benefit expired on December 31, 2013 for 34 failure to comply with the income requirement, his or her landlord shall 35 be credited for the re-calculated tax credit associated with his or her 36 benefit for the period between December 31, 2013 and the effective date 37 of this section. 38 S 22. This act shall take effect immediately except that if this act 39 shall have become a law on or after July 1, 2015 this act shall take 40 effect immediately and shall be deemed to have been in full force and 41 effect on and after July 1, 2015; provided, however, that: 42 (a) the amendments to subdivision 2, subparagraph 3 of paragraph d of 43 subdivision 3, subparagraph 3 of paragraph e of subdivision 3, and para- 44 graph g of subdivision 3, of section 467-b of the real property tax law, 45 made by sections one, two, three and four of this act, respectively, 46 shall be subject to the expiration and reversion of such subdivision, 47 subparagraphs and paragraph pursuant to section 17 of chapter 576 of the 48 laws of 1974, as amended, when upon such date the provisions of section 49 five of this act shall take effect; 50 (b) provided that the amendments to sections 26-405 and 26-406 of the 51 city rent and rehabilitation law made by sections nine, ten, eleven and 52 twelve of this act shall remain in full force and effect only as long as 53 the public emergency requiring the regulation and control of residential 54 rents and evictions continues, as provided in subdivision 3 of section 1 55 of the local emergency housing rent control act; A. 7914--A 9 1 (c) the amendments to section 26-509 of the administrative code of the 2 city of New York made by sections thirteen, fourteen, fifteen and 3 sixteen of this act shall expire on the same date as such section 4 expires and shall not affect the expiration of such section as provided 5 under section 26-520 of the administrative code of the city of New York; 6 and 7 (d) the amendments to section 467-b of the real property tax law made 8 by section twenty of this act shall not affect the expiration of such 9 section and shall be deemed expired therewith.