Bill Text: NY A08343 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Relates to the increase in the minimum wage and provides that on December 31st, 2016 and each December 31st thereafter, the rate shall be indexed to inflation.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 78-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-06-10 - amended on third reading (t) 8343a [A08343 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-A08343-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 8343 I N A S S E M B L Y January 9, 2014 ___________ Introduced by M. of A. HEASTIE, SILVER, WRIGHT, MORELLE, FARRELL, HOOP- ER, PEOPLES-STOKES, JACOBS, MARKEY, MILLER, ABINANTI, SKARTADOS, SEPULVEDA, BRAUNSTEIN, CLARK, DenDEKKER, DINOWITZ, FAHY, GALEF, GOTT- FRIED, JAFFEE, LUPARDO, MAYER, MOYA, ROSENTHAL -- Multi-Sponsored by -- M. of A. ABBATE, BENEDETTO, BRENNAN, BUCHWALD, CAMARA, COOK, CRES- PO, CUSICK, DAVILA, GANTT, GLICK, GOLDFEDER, HENNESSEY, HIKIND, KIM, LAVINE, LENTOL, LIFTON, MILLMAN, MOSLEY, NOLAN, O'DONNELL, ORTIZ, OTIS, PAULIN, PERRY, PRETLOW, RAMOS, ROBERTS, ROBINSON, RODRIGUEZ, ROZIC, RYAN, SCARBOROUGH, SCHIMEL, SIMOTAS, SKOUFIS, SOLAGES, STECK, SWEENEY, THIELE, TITONE, WEINSTEIN, WEISENBERG, WEPRIN -- read once and referred to the Committee on Labor AN ACT to amend the labor law, in relation to the minimum wage and repealing subdivision 6 of section 652 of such law relating thereto THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph (n) of subdivision 5 of section 651 of the labor 2 law, as amended by chapter 481 of the laws of 2010, is amended to read 3 as follows: 4 (n) by [a] THE federal[, state or municipal] government [or political 5 subdivision thereof]. The exclusions from the term "employee" contained 6 in this subdivision shall be as defined by regulations of the commis- 7 sioner; or 8 S 2. Subdivision 6 of section 651 of the labor law, as amended by 9 chapter 281 of the laws of 2002, is amended to read as follows: 10 6. "Employer" includes any individual, partnership, association, 11 corporation, limited liability company, business trust, legal represen- 12 tative, STATE OR MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OR POLITICAL SUBDIVISION THEREOF, 13 or any organized group of persons acting as employer. 14 S 3. Subdivisions 1, 4 and 5 of section 652 of the labor law, subdivi- 15 sion 1 as amended by section 1 of part P of chapter 57 of the laws of 16 2013 and subdivisions 4 and 5 as amended by chapter 747 of the laws of 17 2004, are amended to read as follows: 18 1. Statutory. Every employer shall pay to each of its employees for 19 each hour worked a wage of not less than: EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD13423-03-4 A. 8343 2 1 $4.25 on and after April 1, 1991, 2 $5.15 on and after March 31, 2000, 3 $6.00 on and after January 1, 2005, 4 $6.75 on and after January 1, 2006, 5 $7.15 on and after January 1, 2007, 6 $8.00 on and after December 31, 2013, 7 [$8.75 on and after December 31, 2014,] 8 $9.00 on and after December 31, [2015] 2014, AND ON AND AFTER DECEMBER 9 31, 2015 AND ON EACH FOLLOWING DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, THE COMMISSIONER 10 SHALL CALCULATE AND ESTABLISH AN ADJUSTED MINIMUM WAGE RATE BY INCREAS- 11 ING THE THEN CURRENT MINIMUM WAGE RATE BY THE RATE OF INFLATION FOR THE 12 MOST RECENT TWELVE MONTH PERIOD AVAILABLE PRIOR TO EACH DECEMBER THIR- 13 TY-FIRST USING THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX-ALL URBAN CONSUMERS, CPI-U, OR A 14 SUCCESSOR INDEX AS CALCULATED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, 15 IF SUCH RATE OF INFLATION IS GREATER THAN ZERO PERCENT, or, if greater, 16 such other wage as may be established by federal law pursuant to 29 17 U.S.C. section 206 or its successors or such other wage as may be estab- 18 lished in accordance with the provisions of this article. 19 4. Notwithstanding subdivisions one and two of this section, the wage 20 for an employee who is a food service worker receiving tips shall be a 21 cash wage of at least three dollars and thirty cents per hour on or 22 after March thirty-first, two thousand; three dollars and eighty-five 23 cents on or after January first, two thousand five; at least four 24 dollars and thirty-five cents on or after January first, two thousand 25 six; [and] at least four dollars and sixty cents on or after January 26 first, two thousand seven; AT LEAST FIVE DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ON OR 27 AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE CHAPTER OF THE LAWS OF TWO THOUSAND 28 FOURTEEN THAT AMENDED THIS SUBDIVISION; AND AT LEAST SIX DOLLARS AND 29 TWENTY CENTS ON OR AFTER DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN; 30 AND ON OR AFTER DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN AND ON EACH 31 FOLLOWING DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, THE COMMISSIONER SHALL CALCULATE AND 32 ESTABLISH AN ADJUSTED CASH WAGE RATE BY INCREASING THE THEN CURRENT CASH 33 WAGE RATE BY THE RATE OF INFLATION FOR THE MOST RECENT TWELVE MONTH 34 PERIOD AVAILABLE PRIOR TO EACH DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST USING THE CONSUMER 35 PRICE INDEX-ALL URBAN CONSUMERS, CPI-U, OR A SUCCESSOR INDEX AS CALCU- 36 LATED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, IF SUCH RATE OF 37 INFLATION IS GREATER THAN ZERO PERCENT, provided that the tips of such 38 an employee, when added to such cash wage, are equal to or exceed the 39 minimum wage in effect pursuant to subdivision one of this section and 40 provided further that no other cash wage is established pursuant to 41 section six hundred fifty-three of this article. In the event the cash 42 wage payable under the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 United States Code 43 Sec. 203 (m), as amended), is increased after enactment of this subdivi- 44 sion, the cash wage payable under this subdivision shall automatically 45 be increased by the proportionate increase in the cash wage payable 46 under such federal law, and will be immediately enforceable as the cash 47 wage payable to food service workers under this article. 48 5. Notwithstanding subdivisions one and two of this section, meal and 49 lodging allowances for a food service worker receiving a cash wage 50 amounting to three dollars and thirty cents per hour on or after March 51 thirty-first, two thousand; three dollars and eighty-five cents on or 52 after January first, two thousand five; four dollars and thirty-five 53 cents on or after January first, two thousand six; [and] four dollars 54 and sixty cents on or after January first, two thousand seven; FIVE 55 DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS ON OR AFTER THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE CHAPTER OF 56 THE LAWS OF TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN THAT AMENDED THIS SUBDIVISION; SIX A. 8343 3 1 DOLLARS AND TWENTY CENTS ON OR AFTER DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND 2 FOURTEEN; AND ON OR AFTER DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN 3 AND ON EACH FOLLOWING DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST, THE COMMISSIONER SHALL 4 CALCULATE AND ESTABLISH AN ADJUSTED CASH WAGE RATE BY INCREASING THE 5 THEN CURRENT CASH WAGE RATE BY THE RATE OF INFLATION FOR THE MOST RECENT 6 TWELVE MONTH PERIOD AVAILABLE PRIOR TO EACH DECEMBER THIRTY-FIRST USING 7 THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX-ALL URBAN CONSUMERS, CPI-U, OR A SUCCESSOR 8 INDEX AS CALCULATED BY THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR, IF SUCH 9 RATE OF INFLATION IS GREATER THAN ZERO PERCENT, shall not increase more 10 than two-thirds of the increase required by subdivision two of this 11 section as applied to state wage orders in effect pursuant to subdivi- 12 sion one of this section. 13 S 4. Subdivision 6 of section 652 of the labor law is REPEALED. 14 S 5. Subdivision 2 of section 653 of the labor law, as added by chap- 15 ter 14 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows: 16 (2) The commissioner shall, within six months after enactment of any 17 change in the statutory minimum wage set forth in subdivision one of 18 section six hundred fifty-two of this article, appoint a wage board to 19 inquire and report and recommend any changes to wage orders governing 20 wages payable to food service workers AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES PAID IN 21 ACCORDANCE WITH PART 146 OF TITLE 12 OF THE NEW YORK STATE COMPILATION 22 OF CODES, RULES AND REGULATIONS. Such wage board shall be established 23 consistent with the provisions of subdivision one of section six hundred 24 fifty-five of this article, except the representatives of the employees 25 shall be selected upon the nomination of the state American Federation 26 of Labor/Congress of Industrial Organizations; and provided, further, 27 that the representatives of the employers shall be selected upon the 28 nomination of the New York State Business Council. Any wage order 29 authorizing a lesser wage than the previously and statutorily mandated 30 minimum wage for such employees shall be reviewed by the wage board to 31 ascertain at what level such wage order is sufficient to provide 32 adequate maintenance and to protect the health and livelihood of employ- 33 ees subject to such a wage order after a statutory increase in the 34 mandated minimum wage. 35 S 6. This act shall take effect immediately.