Bill Text: NY A08360 | 2023-2024 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Provides for standardized health insurance contracts for small dental employers who meet certain criteria.

Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Democrat 14-2)

Status: (Introduced) 2024-01-03 - referred to insurance [A08360 Detail]

Download: New_York-2023-A08360-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK


                               2023-2024 Regular Sessions

                   IN ASSEMBLY

                                    December 13, 2023

          NO,  LUPARDO, SIMON, PAULIN -- read once and referred to the Committee
          on Insurance

        AN ACT to amend the insurance law, in relation  to  standardized  health
          insurance  contracts for small dental employers; and providing for the
          repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof

          The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and  Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:

     1    Section 1. The section heading and subsections (a), (c), (g), (h), (i)
     2  and  (k)  of section 4326 of the insurance law, as amended by section 56
     3  of part D of chapter 56 of the laws of 2013,  are  amended  to  read  as
     4  follows:
     5    Standardized   health   insurance   contracts   for  qualifying  small
     6  employers, qualifying small dental  employers  and  individuals.  (a)  A
     7  program  is  hereby  established  for the purpose of making standardized
     8  health insurance contracts available to qualifying small  employers  and
     9  qualifying  small  dental  employers  as  defined  in this section. Such
    10  program is designed to encourage small employers to offer health  insur-
    11  ance coverage to their employees.
    12    (c)  The  following  definitions  shall be applicable to the insurance
    13  contracts offered under the program established by this section:
    14    (1) (A) A qualifying small employer is an employer with:
    15    (i) not more than fifty employees;
    16    (ii) no group health insurance that provides benefits  on  an  expense
    17  reimbursed  or  prepaid  basis  covering  employees in effect during the
    18  twelve month period prior to application for a qualifying  group  health
    19  insurance contract under the program established by this section; and
    20    (iii)  at least thirty percent of its employees receiving annual wages
    21  from the employer at a level equal  to  or  less  than  thirty  thousand
    22  dollars.  The  thirty  thousand  dollar figure shall be adjusted period-
    23  ically pursuant to subparagraph (D) of this paragraph.

         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        A. 8360                             2

     1    (B) The twelve month period set forth in item (ii) of subparagraph (A)
     2  of this paragraph may be adjusted  by  the  superintendent  from  twelve
     3  months  to eighteen months if he determines that the twelve month period
     4  is insufficient to  prevent  inappropriate  substitution  of  qualifying
     5  group health insurance contracts for other health insurance contracts.
     6    (C)  An  employer shall cease to be a qualifying small employer if any
     7  health insurance that provides benefits  on  an  expense  reimbursed  or
     8  prepaid  basis  covering  an employer's employees, other than qualifying
     9  group health insurance purchased pursuant to this section, is  purchased
    10  or  otherwise  takes  effect  subsequent to purchase of qualifying group
    11  health insurance under the program established by this section.
    12    (D) The wage levels utilized in subparagraph  (A)  of  this  paragraph
    13  shall  be  adjusted annually, beginning in two thousand two. The adjust-
    14  ment shall take effect on July first of each year. For July  first,  two
    15  thousand  two,  the  adjustment shall be a percentage of the annual wage
    16  figure specified in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.  For  subsequent
    17  years,  the  adjustment  shall be a percentage of the annual wage figure
    18  that took effect on July first of the prior year. The percentage adjust-
    19  ment shall be the same percentage by which the current  year's  non-farm
    20  federal  poverty level, as defined and updated by the federal department
    21  of health and human services, for a family unit of four persons for  the
    22  forty-eight  contiguous  states  and  Washington, D.C., changed from the
    23  same level established for the prior year.
    24    (2) (A) A qualifying small dental employer is an employer with:
    25    (i) not more than fifty employees;
    26    (ii) at least one dentist licensed as a dentist under  section  sixty-
    27  six  hundred  four of the education law who practices general dentistry,
    28  provided  that  such  dentist,  and  any  additional  dentist  similarly
    29  licensed  and  practicing general dentistry with whom such dentist prac-
    30  tices in the same location, shall  each  provide  at  least  ten  dental
    31  office  visits per month to patients receiving medical assistance cover-
    32  age under title eleven of article  five  of  the  social  services  law.
    33  Dental  office  visits  provided  to  such  patients  shall  include all
    34  services  routinely  provided  to  patients  at  such  office  location,
    35  provided  that the services are covered by the patient's medical assist-
    36  ance coverage; and
    37    (iii) at least two dental hygienists  licensed  as  dental  hygienists
    38  under section sixty-six hundred nine of the education law.
    39    (B)  An  employer shall cease to be a qualifying small dental employer
    40  if any health insurance that provides benefits on an expense  reimbursed
    41  or prepaid basis covering an employer's employees, other than qualifying
    42  group  health insurance purchased pursuant to this section, is purchased
    43  or otherwise takes effect subsequent to  purchase  of  qualifying  group
    44  health insurance under the program established by this section.
    45    (3)  A  qualifying group health insurance contract is a group contract
    46  purchased from a health maintenance organization, corporation or insurer
    47  by a qualifying small employer or qualifying small dental employer  that
    48  provides  the  benefits set forth in subsection (d) of this section. The
    49  contract must insure not less than fifty percent of the employees.
    50    (g) A health maintenance organization,  corporation  or  insurer  must
    51  offer the benefit package without change or additional benefits. A qual-
    52  ifying  small  employer  or  qualifying  small  dental employer shall be
    53  issued the benefit  package  in  a  qualifying  group  health  insurance
    54  contract.
    55    (h)  A  health  maintenance organization, corporation or insurer shall
    56  obtain from the employer written certification at the  time  of  initial

        A. 8360                             3

     1  application  and  annually  thereafter ninety days prior to the contract
     2  renewal date that such employer meets the requirements of  a  qualifying
     3  small  employer  or  qualifying  small  dental employer pursuant to this
     4  section.  A  health maintenance organization, corporation or insurer may
     5  require the submission of appropriate documentation in  support  of  the
     6  certification.
     7    (i)  Applications for qualifying group health insurance contracts must
     8  be accepted from any  qualifying  small  employer  or  qualifying  small
     9  dental employer at all times throughout the year. The superintendent, by
    10  regulation,  may  require health maintenance organizations, corporations
    11  or insurers to give  preference  to  qualifying  small  employers  whose
    12  employees  have  the  lowest  average  salaries  and to qualifying small
    13  dental employers who serve more than the threshold  number  of  patients
    14  receiving medical assistance coverage under title eleven of article five
    15  of  the  social  services law as identified in item (ii) of subparagraph
    16  (A) of paragraph two of subsection (c) of this section.
    17    (k) A qualifying small employer or qualifying  small  dental  employer
    18  shall  elect  whether to make coverage under the qualifying group health
    19  insurance contract available to dependents of employees. Any employee or
    20  dependent who is enrolled in Medicare is ineligible for coverage, unless
    21  required by federal law.  Dependents of an employee who is  enrolled  in
    22  Medicare  will be eligible for dependent coverage provided the dependent
    23  is not also enrolled in Medicare.
    24    § 2. The section heading and subsections (m), (m-1) and (n) of section
    25  4327 of the insurance law, the section heading and subsections  (m)  and
    26  (n)  as  amended  by  section  58 of part D of chapter 56 of the laws of
    27  2013, and subsection (m-1) as amended by section 38 of subpart B of part
    28  J of chapter 57 of the laws of 2019, are amended to read as follows:
    29    Stop loss funds for standardized health insurance contracts issued  to
    30  qualifying small employers, qualifying small dental employers and quali-
    31  fying individuals.
    32    (m)  If at any point during a suspension of enrollment of new qualify-
    33  ing small employers and qualifying small dental  employers,  the  super-
    34  intendent  determines that funds are sufficient to provide for the addi-
    35  tion of new enrollments,  the  superintendent  shall  be  authorized  to
    36  reactivate  new  enrollments and to notify all health maintenance organ-
    37  izations, corporations or insurers that enrollment of new employers  may
    38  again commence.
    39    (m-1)  In the event that the superintendent suspends the enrollment of
    40  new individuals for qualifying group  health  insurance  contracts,  the
    41  superintendent shall ensure that small employers, including small dental
    42  employers,  seeking  to  enroll  in  a  qualified group health insurance
    43  contract pursuant to section  forty-three  hundred  twenty-six  of  this
    44  article  are  provided  information  on and directed to coverage options
    45  available through the health benefit exchange established by this state.
    46    (n) The suspension of issuance of qualifying  group  health  insurance
    47  contracts  to new qualifying small employers and qualifying small dental
    48  employers shall not preclude the addition of new employees of an employ-
    49  er already covered under such a contract or new dependents of  employees
    50  already covered under such contracts.
    51    §  3. This act shall take effect one year after it shall have become a
    52  law and shall expire and be deemed repealed 5  years  after  such  date.
    53  Effective immediately, the addition, amendment and/or repeal of any rule
    54  or regulation necessary for the implementation of this act on its effec-
    55  tive  date  are  authorized  to  be made and completed on or before such
    56  effective date.