Bill Text: NY S03729 | 2009-2010 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Increases income eligibility standard for the age 65 and over exemption to a maximum of $50,000 as may be provided by local law; excludes increases in benefits accorded pursuant to the social security act and certain other pensions which increase per the consumer price index from calculation of income.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 10-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2010-01-06 - REFERRED TO AGING [S03729 Detail]
Download: New_York-2009-S03729-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 3729 2009-2010 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E March 30, 2009 ___________ Introduced by Sens. LAVALLE, DeFRANCISCO, GOLDEN, GRIFFO, O. JOHNSON, LIBOUS, MORAHAN, SALAND, SEWARD, VOLKER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Aging AN ACT to amend the real property tax law, in relation to eligibility for the exemption for persons aged sixty-five and over THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Paragraph (a) of subdivision 3 of section 467 of the real 2 property tax law, as amended by chapter 186 of the laws of 2006, is 3 amended to read as follows: 4 (a) if the income of the owner or the combined income of the owners of 5 the property for the income tax year immediately preceding the date of 6 making application for exemption exceeds the sum of three thousand 7 dollars, or such other sum not less than three thousand dollars nor more 8 than [twenty-six thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand 9 six, twenty-seven thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand 10 seven, twenty-eight thousand dollars beginning July first, two thousand 11 eight, and twenty-nine thousand dollars beginning July first, two thou- 12 sand nine] FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS, as may be provided by the local law, 13 ordinance or resolution adopted pursuant to this section. Income tax 14 year shall mean the twelve month period for which the owner or owners 15 filed a federal personal income tax return, or if no such return is 16 filed, the calendar year. Where title is vested in either the husband 17 or the wife, their combined income may not exceed such sum, except where 18 the husband or wife, or ex-husband or ex-wife is absent from the proper- 19 ty as provided in subparagraph (ii) of paragraph (d) of this subdivi- 20 sion, then only the income of the spouse or ex-spouse residing on the 21 property shall be considered and may not exceed such sum. Such income 22 shall include social security and retirement benefits, interest, divi- 23 dends, total gain from the sale or exchange of a capital asset which may 24 be offset by a loss from the sale or exchange of a capital asset in the EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD04553-01-9 S. 3729 2 1 same income tax year, net rental income, salary or earnings, and net 2 income from self-employment, but shall not include a return of capital, 3 gifts, inheritances, payments made to individuals because of their 4 status as victims of Nazi persecution, as defined in P.L. 103-286 or 5 monies earned through employment in the federal foster grandparent 6 program, OR INCREASES IN BENEFITS ACCORDED PURSUANT TO THE SOCIAL SECU- 7 RITY ACT OR A PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PENSION PAID TO ANY OWNER WHICH 8 INCREASES IN ANY GIVEN YEAR, DOES NOT EXCEED THE CONSUMER PRICE INDEX 9 (ALL ITEMS UNITED STATES CITY AVERAGE) FOR SUCH YEAR, and any such 10 income shall be offset by all medical and prescription drug expenses 11 actually paid which were not reimbursed or paid for by insurance, if the 12 governing board of a municipality, after a public hearing, adopts a 13 local law, ordinance or resolution providing therefor. The provisions 14 of this paragraph notwithstanding, such income shall not include veter- 15 ans disability compensation, as defined in Title 38 of the United States 16 Code provided the governing board of such municipality, after public 17 hearing, adopts a local law, ordinance or resolution providing therefor. 18 In computing net rental income and net income from self-employment no 19 depreciation deduction shall be allowed for the exhaustion, wear and 20 tear of real or personal property held for the production of income; 21 S 2. This act shall take effect immediately.