Bill Text: NY S03758 | 2011-2012 | General Assembly | Amended
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Expands the definition of the practice of podiatry to include conditions of the ankle and all soft tissue structures of the leg below the knee anatomically affecting the foot and ankle; establishes podiatrists licensed prior to the effective date of this act need to be certified to operate on the ankle; provides for the conducting of office based surgery by podiatrists; directs the department of health to study the feasibility of a podiatrist profiling program; authorizes the calling of a physician as an expert witness in a podiatric medical malpractice cause of action.
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2012-06-12 - referred to higher education [S03758 Detail]
Download: New_York-2011-S03758-Amended.html
Bill Title: Expands the definition of the practice of podiatry to include conditions of the ankle and all soft tissue structures of the leg below the knee anatomically affecting the foot and ankle; establishes podiatrists licensed prior to the effective date of this act need to be certified to operate on the ankle; provides for the conducting of office based surgery by podiatrists; directs the department of health to study the feasibility of a podiatrist profiling program; authorizes the calling of a physician as an expert witness in a podiatric medical malpractice cause of action.
Spectrum: Bipartisan Bill
Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2012-06-12 - referred to higher education [S03758 Detail]
Download: New_York-2011-S03758-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 3758--A 2011-2012 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E March 3, 2011 ___________ Introduced by Sens. LIBOUS, KLEIN, ADAMS, MAZIARZ, OPPENHEIMER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Higher Education -- recommitted to the Committee on High- er Education in accordance with Senate Rule 6, sec. 8 -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the education law, the public health law and the civil practice law and rules, in relation to the practice of podiatry THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Section 7001 of the education law, as amended by chapter 2 677 of the laws of 1996, is amended to read as follows: 3 S 7001. Definition of practice of podiatry. 1. The practice of the 4 profession of podiatry is defined as diagnosing, treating, operating and 5 prescribing for any disease, injury, deformity or other condition of the 6 foot, [and may include] ANKLE AND ALL SOFT TISSUE STRUCTURES OF THE LEG 7 BELOW THE DISTAL TIBIAL TUBEROCITY. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE ANKLE 8 SHALL NOT EXTEND BEYOND THE TIBIAL METAPHYSEAL FLAIR; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, 9 THAT SUCH SURGICAL TREATMENT MAY EXTEND TO THE DISTAL TIBIAL TUBEROCITY 10 AS NECESSARY FOR THE TREATMENT OF THE ANKLE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED 11 TO, THE APPLICATION OF EXTERNAL FIXATION; AND PROVIDED, FURTHER, THAT 12 SUCH TREATMENT SHALL NOT INCLUDE PILON FRACTURES. THE PRACTICE OF PODIA- 13 TRY INCLUDES performing physical evaluations in conjunction with [the 14 provision of] podiatric treatment. Podiatrists [may] SHALL ONLY treat 15 traumatic open wound fractures [only] AND PROVIDE SURGICAL MANAGEMENT OF 16 COMPLICATED FRACTURES OF THE ANKLE in hospitals [, as defined in] OR 17 AMBULATORY SURGERY CENTERS CERTIFIED PURSUANT TO article twenty-eight of 18 the public health law. FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS ARTICLE, THE TERM 19 "ANKLE" SHALL BE DEFINED AS THE DISTAL METAPHYSIS AND EPIPHYSIS OF THE 20 TIBIA AND FIBULA, THE ARTICULAR CARTILAGE OF THE DISTAL TIBIA AND DISTAL 21 FIBULA, THE LIGAMENTS THAT CONNECT THE DISTAL METAPHYSIS AND EPIPHYSIS EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD02760-04-2 S. 3758--A 2 1 OF THE TIBIA AND FIBULA AND TALUS, AND THE PORTIONS OF SKIN, SUBCUTANE- 2 OUS TISSUE, FASCIA, MUSCLES, TENDONS AND NERVES AT OR BELOW THE LEVEL OF 3 THE MYOTENDINOUS JUNCTION OF THE TRICEPS SURAE. 4 2. [The practice of podiatry shall not include treating any part of 5 the human body other than the foot, nor treating fractures of the 6 malleoli or cutting operations upon the malleoli. Podiatrists licensed 7 to practice, but not authorized to prescribe or administer narcotics 8 prior to the effective date of this subdivision, may do so only after 9 certification by the department in accordance with the qualifications 10 established by the commissioner.] The practice of podiatry shall include 11 administering only local anesthetics for therapeutic purposes as well as 12 for anesthesia and treatment under general anesthesia administered by 13 authorized persons. 14 3. PODIATRISTS LICENSED TO PRACTICE PRIOR TO THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF 15 THIS SUBDIVISION MAY PERFORM SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE ANKLE ONLY AFTER 16 CERTIFICATION BY THE DEPARTMENT IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE QUALIFICATIONS 17 ESTABLISHED BY THE COMMISSIONER. QUALIFICATIONS TO OPERATE ON THE ANKLE, 18 PURSUANT TO THIS SUBDIVISION, SHALL INCLUDE, BUT NOT BE LIMITED TO: THE 19 SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF A RESIDENCY PROGRAM OR PROGRAMS, APPROVED BY 20 THE COUNCIL ON PODIATRIC MEDICAL EDUCATION; OR COMPLETION OF A POST-SEC- 21 ONDARY ACCREDITED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM ACCEPTABLE TO THE COMMISSIONER 22 WITH DEMONSTRATED COMPETENCY IN THE SURGICAL TREATMENT OF THE REAR FOOT 23 AND ANKLE; OR CERTIFICATION BY THE AMERICAN BOARD OF PODIATRIC SURGERY 24 OR A NATIONAL CERTIFYING BOARD HAVING CERTIFICATION STANDARDS ACCEPTABLE 25 TO THE COMMISSIONER. 26 S 2. Paragraph (i) of subdivision 1 of section 230-d of the public 27 health law, as added by chapter 365 of the laws of 2007, is amended to 28 read as follows: 29 (i) "Licensee" shall mean an individual licensed or otherwise author- 30 ized under [articles] ARTICLE one hundred thirty-one [or], one hundred 31 thirty-one-B OR ONE HUNDRED FORTY-ONE of the education law. 32 S 3. Section 2995-d of the public health law is amended by adding a 33 new subdivision 4-a to read as follows: 34 4-A. IN COOPERATION WITH THE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, STUDY HEALTH CARE 35 PRACTITIONER DATA RELATING TO PODIATRISTS. SUCH STUDY SHALL INCLUDE 36 CONSIDERATION OF WHETHER AN INDIVIDUAL PODIATRIST PROFILING PROGRAM 37 SHOULD BE ESTABLISHED AND OUTLINE AN APPROPRIATE METHOD TO DEVELOP AND 38 IMPLEMENT SUCH A PROFILING PROGRAM IF SUCH A PROGRAM IS DETERMINED BY 39 THE DEPARTMENT TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST. SUCH PROGRAM AND RECOMMEN- 40 DATIONS MAY BE SIMILAR TO THE PHYSICIAN PROFILES ESTABLISHED PURSUANT TO 41 SECTION TWENTY-NINE HUNDRED NINETY-FIVE-A OF THIS TITLE. SUCH A PROPOSED 42 PODIATRIST PROFILING PROGRAM, IF SUCH A PROGRAM IS DETERMINED BY THE 43 DEPARTMENT TO BE IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST, SHOULD BE CAPABLE OF PRESENT- 44 ING, IN A COST EFFECTIVE MANNER, RELEVANT MEDICAL AND TREATMENT INFORMA- 45 TION IN A FORMAT THAT IS EASILY UNDERSTOOD BY AND MADE AVAILABLE TO THE 46 GENERAL PUBLIC. SUCH STUDY AND ITS FINDINGS SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO THE 47 GOVERNOR, THE TEMPORARY PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE, THE SPEAKER OF THE 48 ASSEMBLY, THE MINORITY LEADER OF THE SENATE AND THE MINORITY LEADER OF 49 THE ASSEMBLY ON OR BEFORE JUNE FIRST, TWO THOUSAND EIGHTEEN; 50 S 4. Paragraph 1 of subdivision (d) of section 3101 of the civil prac- 51 tice law and rules is amended by adding a new subparagraph (iv) to read 52 as follows: 53 (IV) IN AN ACTION FOR PODIATRIC MEDICAL MALPRACTICE, A PHYSICIAN MAY 54 BE CALLED AS AN EXPERT WITNESS AT TRIAL. 55 S 5. This act shall take effect 18 months after it shall have become a 56 law; provided, however, that effective immediately, the addition, amend- S. 3758--A 3 1 ment and/or repeal of any rule or regulation necessary for the implemen- 2 tation of the provisions of this act on its effective date are author- 3 ized and directed to be made and completed on or before such effective 4 date.