Bill Text: NY S04200 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Introduced
Bill Title: Makes appropriations for the support of government - State Operations Budget.
Spectrum: Committee Bill
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2015-03-10 - REFERRED TO FINANCE [S04200 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-S04200-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4200 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E March 9, 2015 ___________ Introduced by COMMITTEE ON RULES -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance AN ACT making appropriations for the support of government STATE OPERATIONS BUDGET THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. a) The several amounts specified in this chapter for state 2 operations, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to accomplish the 3 purposes designated by the appropriations, are hereby appropriated and 4 authorized to be paid as hereinafter provided, to the respective public 5 officers and for the several purposes specified. 6 b) Where applicable, appropriations made by this chapter for expendi- 7 tures from federal grants for state operations may be allocated 8 for spending from federal grants for any grant period beginning, during, 9 or prior to, the state fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2015. 10 c) The several amounts named herein, or so much thereof as shall be 11 sufficient to accomplish the purpose designated, being the undisbursed 12 and/or unexpended balances of the prior year's appropriations, are here- 13 by reappropriated from the same funds and made available for the same 14 purposes as the prior year's appropriations, unless herein amended, for 15 the fiscal year beginning April 1, 2015. Certain reappropriations in 16 this chapter are shown using abbreviated text, with three leader dots 17 (an ellipsis) followed by three spaces (... ) used to indicate where 18 existing law that is being continued is not shown. However, unless a 19 change is clearly indicated by the use of brackets [ ] for deletions and 20 underscores for additions, the purposes, amounts, funding source and all 21 other aspects pertinent to each item of appropriation shall be as last 22 appropriated. 23 For the purpose of complying with the state finance law, the year, 24 chapter and section of the last act reappropriating a former original EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD20011-02-5 S. 4200 2 1 appropriation or any part thereof is, unless otherwise indicated, chap- 2 ter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014. 3 d) No moneys appropriated by this chapter shall be available for 4 payment until a certificate of approval has been issued by the director 5 of the budget, who shall file such certificate with the department of 6 audit and control, the chairperson of the senate finance committee and 7 the chairperson of the assembly ways and means committee. 8 e) The appropriations contained in this chapter shall be available for 9 the fiscal year beginning on April 1, 2015. 3 20011-02-5 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 4,563,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 700,000 3,410,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 5,263,000 3,410,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 5,263,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,930,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 100,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,030,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................ 88,000 31 Travel ............................................ 37,000 32 Contractual services ............................. 220,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 188,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 533,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 4,563,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 41 APA-Wetlands Mapping Account - 25327 4 20011-02-5 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses including wetlands 2 mapping within the Adirondack Park. 3 Nonpersonal service .............................. 700,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal ..................... 700,000 6 -------------- 5 20011-02-5 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 APA-Transportation Enhancement Account - 25327 5 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2002: 6 Maintenance undistributed 7 For services and expenses including TEA-XH ........................... 8 700,000 ............................................. (re. $100,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 11 APA-Wetlands Mapping Account - 25327 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the 14 Adirondack Park. 15 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $700,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 17 For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the 18 Adirondack Park. 19 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $700,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the 22 Adirondack Park. 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 24 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 25 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 26 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 27 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 28 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 29 ation as if fully stated. 30 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $650,000) 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 32 For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the 33 Adirondack Park. 34 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $560,000) 35 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 36 For services and expenses including wetlands mapping within the 37 Adirondack Park ... 700,000 ......................... (re. $700,000) 6 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE AGING STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 1,311,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 9,754,000 13,949,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 250,000 0 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 100,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 11,415,000 13,949,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 ADMINISTRATION AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................ 11,415,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,126,000 17 Temporary service .................................. 4,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,130,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 15,600 23 Travel ............................................ 29,400 24 Contractual services ............................. 128,000 25 Equipment .......................................... 8,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 181,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 1,311,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 32 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 33 FHHS State Operations Account - 25177 34 For programs provided under the titles of 35 the federal older Americans act and other 36 health and human services programs. 37 Personal service ............................... 6,422,000 38 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,739,000 39 -------------- 7 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE AGING STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 8,161,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 5 Office for the Aging Federal Grants Account - 25300 6 For services and expenses related to the 7 provision of aging services programs. 8 Personal service ................................. 960,000 9 Nonpersonal service .............................. 240,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 1,200,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 15 Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444 16 For the senior community service employment 17 program provided under title V of the 18 federal older Americans act. 19 Personal service ................................. 343,000 20 Nonpersonal service ............................... 50,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ..................... 393,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Other 25 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 26 Aging Grants and Bequest Account - 20196 27 For service and expenses of the state office 28 for the aging. 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 31 Travel ............................................ 50,000 32 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ..................... 250,000 35 -------------- 36 Enterprise Funds 37 Agencies Enterprise Fund 38 Aging Enterprises Account - 50303 39 For service and expenses related to video 40 and other media. 8 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE AGING STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 5 -------------- 9 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE AGING STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION AND GRANTS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 FHHS State Operations Account - 25177 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans 7 act and other health and human services programs. 8 Personal service ... 6,422,000 ...................... (re. $6,422,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 1,739,000 ................... (re. $1,739,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 11 For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans 12 act and other health and human services programs. 13 Personal service ... 7,194,000 ...................... (re. $3,363,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 2,200,000 ................... (re. $1,742,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 16 For programs provided under the titles of the federal older Americans 17 act and other health and human services programs. 18 Personal service ... 7,194,000 ........................ (re. $105,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 2,200,000 ..................... (re. $245,000) 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 Senior Community Service Employment Account - 25444 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For the senior community service employment program provided under 25 title V of the federal older Americans act. 26 Personal service ... 343,000 .......................... (re. $285,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $48,000) 10 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 33,784,000 10,833,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 29,644,000 39,570,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 33,649,000 18,552,000 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 21,261,000 2,422,000 7 Fiduciary Funds .................... 1,836,000 0 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 120,174,000 71,377,000 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 8,260,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,135,000 28 Temporary service ................................. 60,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 45,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,240,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 136,000 35 Travel ........................................... 207,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 2,639,000 37 Equipment ......................................... 38,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,020,000 40 -------------- 11 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 60,209,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 For services and expenses of the agricul- 6 tural business services program, including 7 costs associated with the establishment of 8 a commission to evaluate dairy prices, 9 producer margins and current and potential 10 programs that would provide dairy price 11 stability and maintain dairy farm profit- 12 ability. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,322,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 148,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 60,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,530,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 500,000 32 Travel ........................................... 170,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,634,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 519,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,823,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal .................. 12,353,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 42 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25021 43 For services and expenses related to federal 44 food and nutrition services including 12 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 suballocation to other state departments 2 and agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 3 of the state finance law and any other 4 provision of law to the contrary, the 5 funds appropriated herein may be increased 6 or decreased by transfer between state 7 operations and aid to localities and 8 from/to appropriations for any prior or 9 subsequent grant period within the same 10 federal fund/program to accomplish the 11 intent of this appropriation, as long as 12 such corresponding prior/subsequent grant 13 periods within such appropriations have 14 been reappropriated as necessary. 15 Personal service ................................. 762,000 16 Nonpersonal service ............................ 7,748,000 17 Fringe benefits .................................. 260,000 18 Indirect costs .................................... 33,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 8,803,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 23 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 24 Miscellaneous Federal Operating Grants Account - 25006 25 For services and expenses related to federal 26 operating grants including suballocation 27 to other state departments and agencies. 28 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 29 finance law and any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the funds appropriated 31 herein may be increased or decreased by 32 transfer from/to appropriations for any 33 prior or subsequent grant period within 34 the same federal fund/program and between 35 state operations and aid to localities to 36 accomplish the intent of this appropri- 37 ation, as long as such corresponding 38 prior/subsequent grant periods within such 39 appropriations have been reappropriated as 40 necessary. 41 Personal service ............................... 1,135,000 42 Nonpersonal service ........................... 11,544,000 43 Fringe benefits .................................. 387,000 44 Indirect costs .................................... 50,000 45 -------------- 46 Program account subtotal .................. 13,116,000 47 -------------- 13 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 3 Miscellaneous Gifts Account - 20105 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Animal Population Control Account - 22118 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 14 et is hereby authorized to transfer up to 15 $1,000,000 to local assistance for the 16 purpose of providing funding to a not for 17 profit entity chosen to administer a state 18 animal population control program pursuant 19 to section 117-a of the agriculture and 20 markets law, and for the purpose of 21 providing funding to the city of New York 22 equal to the amount of spay/neuter reven- 23 ues remitted to this account from such 24 city, as determined by the commissioner of 25 agriculture and markets. 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 Pet Dealer License Account - 22137 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ......................... 50,000 36 -------------- 14 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 3 Travel ............................................ 19,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 12,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................... 24,000 6 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 67,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ..................... 117,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 Plant Industry Account - 22029 15 For services and expenses including liabil- 16 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 17 PERSONAL SERVICE 18 Personal service--regular ........................ 363,000 19 Temporary service .................................. 7,000 20 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 21 -------------- 22 Amount available for personal service .......... 376,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ........................... 115,000 26 Travel ............................................ 40,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 322,000 28 Equipment .......................................... 6,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 182,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 12,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 677,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 1,053,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 Special Agricultural Inspecting and Marketing Account - 39 21955 15 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,145,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 72,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,232,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,626,000 10 Travel ........................................... 339,000 11 Contractual services .......................... 16,749,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 878,000 13 Fringe benefits .................................. 564,000 14 Indirect costs .................................... 43,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 20,199,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal .................. 21,431,000 19 -------------- 20 Fiduciary Funds 21 Agriculture Producers' Security Fund 22 Agriculture Producers' Security Fund Account - 66001 23 For services and expenses of the agriculture 24 producers' security fund account pursuant 25 to article 20 of the agriculture and 26 markets law. Notwithstanding any other 27 provision of law to the contrary, this 28 appropriation may be used to support the 29 expenses of administering this fund up to 30 the amount of the actual costs incurred 31 for such purpose. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ........................ 103,000 34 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 35 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service .......... 114,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ........................... 133,000 41 Travel ............................................ 26,000 42 Contractual services .............................. 77,000 43 Equipment ......................................... 80,000 16 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................... 54,000 2 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 374,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 488,000 7 -------------- 8 Fiduciary Funds 9 Milk Producers' Security Fund 10 Milk Producers' Security Fund Account - 66051 11 For services and expenses of the milk 12 producers' security fund account pursuant 13 to section 258-b of the agriculture and 14 markets law. Notwithstanding any other 15 provision of law to the contrary, this 16 appropriation may be used to support the 17 expenses of administering this fund up to 18 the amount of the actual costs incurred 19 for such purpose. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ........................ 254,000 22 Temporary service ................................. 55,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service .......... 313,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Contractual services ............................. 877,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 146,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 12,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,035,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 1,348,000 35 -------------- 36 CONSUMER FOOD SERVICES PROGRAM .............................. 30,444,000 37 -------------- 38 General Fund 39 State Purposes Account - 10050 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 2 appropriation for the budget division 3 program of the division of the budget, are 4 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 5 part of this appropriation as if fully 6 stated. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,468,000 9 Temporary service ................................ 296,000 10 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 552,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,316,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ........................... 324,000 16 Travel ........................................... 240,000 17 Contractual services ............................. 285,000 18 Equipment .......................................... 6,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 855,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal .................. 13,171,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 25 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 26 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25125 27 For services and expenses related to federal 28 health and human services including subal- 29 location to other state departments and 30 agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of 31 the state finance law and any other 32 provision of law to the contrary, the 33 funds appropriated herein may be increased 34 or decreased by transfer from/to appropri- 35 ations for any prior or subsequent grant 36 period within the same federal 37 fund/program and between state operations 38 and aid to localities to accomplish the 39 intent of this appropriation, as long as 40 such corresponding prior/subsequent grant 41 periods within such appropriations have 42 been reappropriated as necessary. 18 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ................................. 844,000 2 Nonpersonal service .............................. 517,000 3 Fringe benefits .................................. 327,000 4 Indirect costs .................................... 34,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 1,722,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 10 Consumer Food Service Account - 25006 11 For services and expenses related to consum- 12 er food services including suballocation 13 to other state departments and agencies. 14 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 15 finance law and any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the funds appropriated 17 herein may be increased or decreased by 18 transfer from/to appropriations for any 19 prior or subsequent grant period within 20 the same federal fund/program and between 21 state operations and aid to localities to 22 accomplish the intent of this appropri- 23 ation, as long as such corresponding 24 prior/subsequent grant periods within such 25 appropriations have been reappropriated as 26 necessary. 27 Personal service ................................. 446,000 28 Nonpersonal service .............................. 380,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 114,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ..................... 950,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 36 Food Monitoring Program Account - 25006 37 For services and expenses related to food 38 testing including suballocation to other 39 state departments and agencies, including 40 but not limited to pesticide residue moni- 41 toring and microbiological data collec- 42 tion. Notwithstanding section 51 of the 43 state finance law and any other provision 44 of law to the contrary, the funds appro- 45 priated herein may be increased or 46 decreased by transfer from/to appropri- 47 ations for any prior or subsequent grant 19 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 period within the same federal 2 fund/program and between state operations 3 and aid to localities to accomplish the 4 intent of this appropriation, as long as 5 such corresponding prior/subsequent grant 6 periods within such appropriations have 7 been reappropriated as necessary. 8 Personal service ............................... 2,375,000 9 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,021,000 10 Fringe benefits .................................. 606,000 11 Indirect costs .................................... 51,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 5,053,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Clean Air Fund 17 Consumer Food - Mobile Source Account - 21452 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Contractual services ........................... 1,224,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 1,224,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Farm Products Inspection Account - 21948 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ........................ 877,000 28 Temporary service .............................. 1,265,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 128,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,270,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 72,000 35 Travel ........................................... 221,000 36 Contractual services ............................. 345,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,150,000 38 Indirect costs ................................... 108,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,896,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ................... 4,166,000 43 -------------- 20 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Motor Fuel Quality Account - 22149 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,194,000 6 Temporary service ................................ 106,000 7 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,305,000 10 -------------- 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ........................... 148,000 13 Travel ............................................ 82,000 14 Contractual services ........................... 1,222,000 15 Equipment ......................................... 97,000 16 Fringe benefits .................................. 632,000 17 Indirect costs .................................... 41,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,222,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 3,527,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Weights and Measures Account - 22150 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ........................ 215,000 28 Temporary service ................................. 37,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service .......... 262,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 27,000 35 Travel ............................................ 35,000 36 Contractual services .............................. 98,000 37 Equipment ......................................... 74,000 38 Fringe benefits .................................. 127,000 39 Indirect costs ..................................... 8,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 369,000 42 -------------- 21 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 631,000 2 -------------- 3 STATE FAIR PROGRAM .......................................... 21,261,000 4 -------------- 5 Enterprise Funds 6 State Exposition Special Account 7 State Fair Account - 50051 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,287,000 20 Temporary service .............................. 3,100,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 381,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,768,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,620,000 27 Travel ........................................... 320,000 28 Contractual services .......................... 10,200,000 29 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,165,000 31 Indirect costs ................................... 138,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 14,493,000 34 -------------- 22 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 6 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 7 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 8 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 9 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 10 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 11 Supplies and materials ... 136,000 ..................... (re. $34,000) 12 Travel ... 207,000 ..................................... (re. $52,000) 13 Contractual services ... 2,639,000 .................. (re. $1,980,000) 14 Equipment ... 38,000 ................................... (re. $38,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 17 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 18 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 19 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 20 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 22 Contractual services ... 2,228,000 ..................... (re. $89,000) 23 AGRICULTURAL BUSINESS SERVICES PROGRAM 24 General Fund 25 State Purposes Account - 10050 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 28 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 29 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 30 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 31 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 33 Supplies and materials ... 500,000 ..................... (re. $27,000) 34 Travel ... 170,000 ..................................... (re. $86,000) 35 Contractual services ... 1,634,000 .................. (re. $1,203,000) 36 Equipment ... 519,000 ................................. (re. $504,000) 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 40 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 41 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 42 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 44 Supplies and materials ... 500,000 ..................... (re. $50,000) 45 Contractual services ... 2,665,000 .................... (re. $150,000) 23 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ... 119,000 ................................... (re. $3,000) 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1991: 3 Amount available for payment to the milk producers security fund 4 consistent with and for the purposes set forth in paragraph (b) of 5 subdivision 11 of section 258-b of the agriculture and markets law 6 ... 6,500,000 ..................................... (re. $6,250,000) 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 9 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25021 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 11 For services and expenses related to federal food and nutrition 12 services including suballocation to other state departments and 13 agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and 14 any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated 15 herein may be increased or decreased by transfer between state oper- 16 ations and aid to localities and from/to appropriations for any 17 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 18 fund/program to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long 19 as such corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such 20 appropriations have been reappropriated as necessary. 21 Personal service ... 762,000 .......................... (re. $762,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 7,748,000 ................... (re. $7,748,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 260,000 ........................... (re. $260,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 33,000 .............................. (re. $33,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 For services and expenses related to federal food and nutrition 27 services including suballocation to other state departments and 28 agencies. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and 29 any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated 30 herein may be increased or decreased by transfer between state oper- 31 ations and aid to localities and from/to appropriations for any 32 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 33 fund/program to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long 34 as such corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such 35 appropriations have been reappropriated as necessary. 36 Personal service ... 762,000 .......................... (re. $130,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 7,748,000 ..................... (re. $600,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 260,000 ............................ (re. $74,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 33,000 .............................. (re. $29,000) 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 42 Miscellaneous Federal Operating Grants Account - 25006 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 44 For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ- 45 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 24 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 2 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 3 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 4 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 5 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 6 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 7 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 8 have been reappropriated as necessary. 9 Personal service ... 1,135,000 ........................ (re. $389,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 11,544,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 387,000 ........................... (re. $300,000) 12 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $43,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 14 For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ- 15 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 16 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 17 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 18 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 19 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 20 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 21 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 22 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 23 have been reappropriated as necessary. 24 Personal service ... 1,135,000 ........................ (re. $631,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 11,544,000 .................. (re. $4,000,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 387,000 ........................... (re. $178,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $50,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 29 For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ- 30 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 31 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 32 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 33 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 34 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 35 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 36 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 37 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 38 have been reappropriated as necessary. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 40 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 41 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 42 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 43 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 44 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 45 ation as if fully stated. 46 Personal service ... 1,135,000 ........................ (re. $376,000) 47 Nonpersonal service ... 11,544,000 .................. (re. $3,000,000) 48 Fringe benefits ... 387,000 ............................ (re. $55,000) 49 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $37,000) 25 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 2 For services and expenses related to federal operating grants includ- 3 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 4 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 5 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 6 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 7 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 8 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 9 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 10 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 11 have been reappropriated as necessary. 12 Nonpersonal service ... 11,544,000 .................... (re. $750,000) 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Animal Population Control Account - 22118 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 18 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $1,000,000 19 to local assistance for the purpose of providing funding to a not 20 for profit entity chosen to administer a state animal population 21 control program pursuant to section 117-a of the agriculture and 22 markets law, and for the purpose of providing funding to the city of 23 New York equal to the amount of spay/neuter revenues remitted to 24 this account from such city, as determined by the commissioner of 25 agriculture and markets. 26 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 29 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $1,000,000 30 to local assistance for the purpose of providing funding to a not 31 for profit entity chosen to administer a state animal population 32 control program pursuant to section 117-a of the agriculture and 33 markets law, and for the purpose of providing funding to the city of 34 New York equal to the amount of spay/neuter revenues remitted to 35 this account from such city, as determined by the commissioner of 36 agriculture and markets. 37 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................... (re. $253,000) 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 40 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $1,000,000 41 to local assistance for the purpose of providing funding to a not 42 for profit entity chosen to administer a state animal population 43 control program pursuant to section 117-a of the agriculture and 44 markets law, and for the purpose of providing funding to the city of 45 New York equal to the amount of spay/neuter revenues remitted to 46 this account from such city, as determined by the commissioner of 47 agriculture and markets. 26 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 3 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 5 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 6 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 7 ation as if fully stated. 8 Contractual Services ... 1,000,000 ..................... (re. $43,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Plant Industry Account - 22029 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For services and expenses including liabilities incurred prior to 14 April 1, 2014. 15 Fringe benefits ... 182,000 ........................... (re. $140,000) 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 18 Special Agricultural Inspecting and Marketing Account - 21955 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 20 Personal service--regular ... 1,145,000 ............... (re. $300,000) 21 Supplies and materials ... 1,626,000 .................. (re. $100,000) 22 Travel ... 339,000 .................................... (re. $100,000) 23 Contractual services ... 16,749,000 ................. (re. $7,283,000) 24 Equipment ... 878,000 ................................. (re. $300,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 564,000 ........................... (re. $300,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 43,000 .............................. (re. $29,000) 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 28 Supplies and materials ... 1,626,000 ................ (re. $1,623,000) 29 Travel ... 339,000 .................................... (re. $310,000) 30 Contractual services ... 16,749,000 ................. (re. $1,410,000) 31 CONSUMER FOOD SERVICES PROGRAM 32 General Fund 33 State Purposes Account - 10050 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 37 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 38 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 39 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 40 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 41 Supplies and materials ... 264,000 .................... (re. $110,000) 42 Travel ... 180,000 .................................... (re. $130,000) 43 Contractual services ... 285,000 ...................... (re. $123,000) 44 Equipment ... 126,000 ................................... (re. $4,000) 27 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 3 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25125 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to federal health and human services 6 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 7 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 8 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 9 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 10 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 11 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 12 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 13 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 14 have been reappropriated as necessary. 15 Personal service ... 844,000 .......................... (re. $300,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 517,000 ....................... (re. $323,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 327,000 ........................... (re. $168,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 34,000 .............................. (re. $34,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 20 For services and expenses related to federal health and human services 21 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 22 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 23 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 24 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 25 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 26 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 27 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 28 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 29 have been reappropriated as necessary. 30 Personal service ... 844,000 .......................... (re. $191,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 517,000 ........................ (re. $60,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 327,000 ........................... (re. $187,000) 33 Indirect costs ... 34,000 .............................. (re. $33,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 35 For services and expenses related to federal health and human services 36 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 37 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 38 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 39 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 40 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 41 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 42 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 43 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 44 have been reappropriated as necessary. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 46 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 47 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 48 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 49 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 28 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 2 ation as if fully stated. 3 Personal service ... 844,000 ........................... (re. $74,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 517,000 ....................... (re. $298,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 327,000 ........................... (re. $174,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 34,000 .............................. (re. $21,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 8 For services and expenses related to federal health and human services 9 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 10 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 11 provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may 12 be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 13 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 14 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 15 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 16 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 17 have been reappropriated as necessary. 18 Personal service ... 844,000 ........................... (re. $17,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 517,000 ......................... (re. $7,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 327,000 ............................ (re. $19,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 34,000 .............................. (re. $34,000) 22 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 23 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 24 Consumer Food Service Account - 25006 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 26 For services and expenses related to consumer food services including 27 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. Notwith- 28 standing section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision 29 of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated herein may be 30 increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropriations for any 31 prior or subsequent grant period within the same federal 32 fund/program and between state operations and aid to localities to 33 accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such corre- 34 sponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropriations 35 have been reappropriated as necessary. 36 Personal service ... 446,000 .......................... (re. $446,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 380,000 ....................... (re. $380,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 114,000 ........................... (re. $114,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 42 Food Monitoring Program Account - 25006 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 44 For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo- 45 cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not 46 limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data 47 collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and 29 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated 2 herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri- 3 ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same 4 federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali- 5 ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such 6 corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri- 7 ations have been reappropriated as necessary. 8 Personal service ... 2,375,000 ...................... (re. $2,375,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 2,021,000 ................... (re. $2,011,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 606,000 ........................... (re. $606,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 51,000 .............................. (re. $51,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo- 14 cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not 15 limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data 16 collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and 17 any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated 18 herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri- 19 ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same 20 federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali- 21 ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such 22 corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri- 23 ations have been reappropriated as necessary. 24 Personal service ... 2,375,000 ...................... (re. $1,601,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 2,021,000 ................... (re. $1,745,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 606,000 ........................... (re. $498,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 51,000 .............................. (re. $42,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 29 For services and expenses related to food testing including suballo- 30 cation to other state departments and agencies, including but not 31 limited to pesticide residue monitoring and microbiological data 32 collection. Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and 33 any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds appropriated 34 herein may be increased or decreased by transfer from/to appropri- 35 ations for any prior or subsequent grant period within the same 36 federal fund/program and between state operations and aid to locali- 37 ties to accomplish the intent of this appropriation, as long as such 38 corresponding prior/subsequent grant periods within such appropri- 39 ations have been reappropriated as necessary. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 42 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 44 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 45 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 46 ation as if fully stated. 47 Personal service ... 2,375,000 ...................... (re. $1,662,000) 48 Nonpersonal service ... 2,021,000 ................... (re. $1,535,000) 49 Fringe benefits ... 606,000 ............................ (re. $93,000) 50 Indirect costs ... 51,000 .............................. (re. $16,000) 30 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Clean Air Fund 3 Consumer Food - Mobile Source Account - 21452 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 Contractual services ... 1,224,000 .................. (re. $1,224,000) 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 7 Contractual services ... 1,224,000 .................... (re. $203,000) 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Farm Products Inspection Account - 21948 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 Supplies and materials ... 72,000 ...................... (re. $68,000) 13 Travel ... 221,000 .................................... (re. $204,000) 14 Contractual services ... 345,000 ...................... (re. $287,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 1,150,000 ....................... (re. $1,150,000) 16 Indirect costs ... 108,000 ............................ (re. $108,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 19 Motor Fuel Quality Account - 22149 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 21 Supplies and materials ... 224,000 .................... (re. $141,000) 22 Travel ... 82,000 ...................................... (re. $77,000) 23 Contractual services ... 1,222,000 .................. (re. $1,040,000) 24 Equipment ... 21,000 ................................... (re. $14,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 632,000 ........................... (re. $520,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 41,000 .............................. (re. $36,000) 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Weights and Measures Account - 22150 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 Supplies and materials ... 27,000 ...................... (re. $17,000) 32 Travel ... 35,000 ...................................... (re. $31,000) 33 Contractual services ... 98,000 ........................ (re. $94,000) 34 Equipment ... 74,000 ................................... (re. $51,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 127,000 ............................ (re. $90,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $6,000) 37 STATE FAIR PROGRAM 38 Enterprise Funds 39 State Exposition Special Account 40 State Fair Account - 50051 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 3 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 4 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 5 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 6 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 7 Fringe benefits ... 2,165,000 ....................... (re. $2,064,000) 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 11 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 12 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 13 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 15 Fringe benefits ... 2,200,000 ......................... (re. $358,000) 32 20011-02-5 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 18,065,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 18,065,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 4,651,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Alcoholic Beverage Account - 22033 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,352,000 25 Temporary service ................................. 20,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,377,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 176,000 32 Travel ............................................ 27,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 2,064,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 202,000 35 Fringe benefits .................................. 763,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 42,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,274,000 39 -------------- 40 COMPLIANCE PROGRAM ........................................... 7,087,000 41 -------------- 33 20011-02-5 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Alcoholic Beverage Account - 22033 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 7 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 8 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 9 appropriation for the budget division 10 program of the division of the budget, are 11 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 12 part of this appropriation as if fully 13 stated. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,729,000 16 Temporary service ................................ 300,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,044,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 78,000 23 Travel ............................................ 62,000 24 Contractual services ............................. 482,000 25 Equipment ........................................ 173,000 26 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,132,000 27 Indirect costs ................................... 116,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,043,000 30 -------------- 31 LICENSING AND WHOLESALER SERVICES PROGRAM .................... 6,327,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Alcoholic Beverage Account - 22033 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 39 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 40 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 41 appropriation for the budget division 42 program of the division of the budget, are 43 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 34 20011-02-5 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,694,000 5 Temporary service ................................ 151,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 50,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,895,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 12 Travel ............................................ 20,000 13 Contractual services ........................... 1,498,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 205,000 15 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,601,000 16 Indirect costs .................................... 98,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,432,000 19 -------------- 35 20011-02-5 COUNCIL ON THE ARTS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 4,319,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 100,000 500,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 4,419,000 500,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 4,419,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,549,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,550,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................ 53,000 31 Travel ........................................... 189,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 1,473,000 33 Equipment ......................................... 54,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,769,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 4,319,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 41 Council on the Arts Account - 25376 36 20011-02-5 COUNCIL ON THE ARTS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For administration of programs funded from 2 the national endowment for the arts feder- 3 al grant award. 4 Nonpersonal service .............................. 100,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 7 -------------- 37 20011-02-5 COUNCIL ON THE ARTS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Council on the Arts Account - 25376 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 7 the arts federal grant award. 8 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as transferred by chapter 10 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 11 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 12 the arts federal grant award. 13 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 14 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 15 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 16 Council on the Arts Account 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 19 the arts federal grant award. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 22 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 24 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 25 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 26 ation as if fully stated. 27 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 29 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 30 the arts federal grant award. 31 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 32 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 33 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 34 the arts federal grant award. 35 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 36 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 37 For administration of programs funded from the national endowment for 38 the arts federal grant award. 39 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 38 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 127,345,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 18,984,000 0 5 Internal Service Funds ............. 31,362,500 0 6 Fiduciary Funds .................... 106,729,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 284,420,500 0 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 13,778,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 16 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 17 changed or transferred without limit to 18 any other appropriation in any other 19 program or fund within the department of 20 audit and control, with the approval of 21 the director of the budget. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,740,000 24 Temporary service ................................ 100,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,843,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 500,000 31 Travel ............................................ 90,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 6,193,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 152,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,935,000 36 -------------- 37 CHIEF INFORMATION OFFICE PROGRAM ............................ 46,613,500 38 -------------- 39 General Fund 40 State Purposes Account - 10050 39 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 2 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 3 changed or transferred without limit to 4 any other appropriation in any other 5 program or fund within the department of 6 audit and control, with the approval of 7 the director of the budget. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,836,000 10 Temporary service ................................ 183,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 32,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ....... 14,051,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,131,000 17 Travel ........................................... 153,000 18 Contractual services ........................... 5,558,000 19 Equipment ...................................... 1,452,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,294,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 22,345,000 24 -------------- 25 Internal Service Funds 26 Audit and Control Revolving Account 27 CIO Information Technology Centralized Services Account 28 - 55252 29 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 30 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 31 changed or transferred without limit to 32 any other appropriation in any other 33 program or fund within the department of 34 audit and control, with the approval of 35 the director of the budget. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,813,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 6,652,500 42 Equipment ...................................... 3,956,000 40 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,626,000 2 Indirect costs ................................... 211,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,455,500 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 24,268,500 7 -------------- 8 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM ................................. 10,600,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 13 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 14 changed or transferred without limit to 15 any other appropriation in any other 16 program or fund within the department of 17 audit and control, with the approval of 18 the director of the budget. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,613,000 21 Temporary service ................................. 94,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 22,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,729,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 79,000 28 Travel ........................................... 160,000 29 Contractual services ............................. 507,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 796,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 8,525,000 35 -------------- 36 Internal Service Funds 37 Audit and Control Revolving Account 38 Executive Direction Internal Audit Account - 55251 39 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 40 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 41 changed or transferred without limit to 42 any other appropriation in any other 43 program or fund within the department of 41 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 audit and control, with the approval of 2 the director of the budget. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,242,000 5 Temporary service ................................. 48,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,290,000 8 -------------- 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 11 Travel ............................................. 5,000 12 Contractual services ............................. 147,000 13 Fringe benefits .................................. 621,000 14 Indirect costs ..................................... 7,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 785,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................... 2,075,000 19 -------------- 20 LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM ....................................... 5,545,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 25 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 26 changed or transferred without limit to 27 any other appropriation in any other 28 program or fund within the department of 29 audit and control, with the approval of 30 the director of the budget. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,148,000 33 Temporary service ................................. 11,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,160,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 70,000 40 Travel ............................................ 15,000 42 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ............................. 290,000 2 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 385,000 5 -------------- 6 NEW YORK ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND SPILL COMPENSATION 7 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ..................................... 1,030,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund 11 Department of Audit and Control Account - 21201 12 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 13 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 14 changed or transferred without limit to 15 any other appropriation in any other 16 program or fund within the department of 17 audit and control, with the approval of 18 the director of the budget. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ........................ 502,000 21 Temporary service ................................. 21,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service .......... 523,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 37,000 27 Travel ............................................ 39,000 28 Contractual services ............................. 147,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 270,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 14,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 507,000 33 -------------- 34 OFFICE OF THE STATE DEPUTY COMPTROLLER FOR NEW YORK CITY ..... 4,858,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 Financial Oversight Account - 22039 39 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 40 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 41 changed or transferred without limit to 42 any other appropriation in any other 43 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program or fund within the department of 2 audit and control, with the approval of 3 the director of the budget. 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,711,000 6 Temporary service ................................. 48,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,759,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ............................ 30,000 12 Travel ............................................. 8,000 13 Contractual services ............................. 181,000 14 Equipment ......................................... 24,000 15 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,782,000 16 Indirect costs .................................... 74,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,099,000 19 -------------- 20 PENSION INVESTMENT AND PUBLIC FINANCE PROGRAM ................ 3,469,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 25 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 26 changed or transferred without limit to 27 any other appropriation in any other 28 program or fund within the department of 29 audit and control, with the approval of 30 the director of the budget. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ........................ 534,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 180,000 36 Travel ............................................. 7,000 37 Contractual services ............................... 3,000 38 Equipment .......................................... 5,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 195,000 41 -------------- 44 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 729,000 2 -------------- 3 Internal Service Funds 4 Agencies Internal Service Fund 5 Banking Services Account - 55057 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 7 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 8 changed or transferred without limit to 9 any other appropriation in any other 10 program or fund within the department of 11 audit and control, with the approval of 12 the director of the budget. 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,230,000 15 Contractual services ........................... 1,510,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 2,740,000 18 -------------- 19 RETIREMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ................................ 106,729,000 20 -------------- 21 Fiduciary Funds 22 Common Retirement Fund 23 Common Retirement Fund Account - 65000 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ..................... 51,468,000 26 Temporary service ................................ 177,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 2,000,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ....... 53,645,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,000,000 33 Travel ........................................... 850,000 34 Contractual services .......................... 19,617,000 35 Equipment ...................................... 1,450,000 36 Fringe benefits ............................... 27,724,000 37 Indirect costs ................................. 1,443,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 53,084,000 40 -------------- 45 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 STATE AND LOCAL ACCOUNTABILITY PROGRAM ...................... 46,917,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 6 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 7 changed or transferred without limit to 8 any other appropriation in any other 9 program or fund within the department of 10 audit and control, with the approval of 11 the director of the budget. 12 A portion of this appropriation must be used 13 to conduct audits of preschool special 14 education programs as required by chapter 15 545 of the laws of 2013. The total amount 16 used for such purpose must be at least 17 $2,000,000 higher than the amount dedi- 18 cated to this purpose during the 2013-14 19 fiscal year. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ..................... 39,981,000 22 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 8,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service ....... 39,999,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ........................... 112,000 29 Travel ......................................... 1,368,000 30 Contractual services ........................... 2,680,000 31 Equipment ........................................ 138,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,298,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal .................. 44,297,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 39 Grants Account - 20100 40 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 41 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 42 changed or transferred without limit to 43 any other appropriation in any other 44 program or fund within the department of 46 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 audit and control, with the approval of 2 the director of the budget. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 270,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Contractual services ............................. 221,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ..................... 491,000 10 -------------- 11 Internal Service Funds 12 Audit and Control Revolving Account 13 Executive Direction Internal Audit Account - 55251 14 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 15 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 16 changed or transferred without limit to 17 any other appropriation in any other 18 program or fund within the department of 19 audit and control, with the approval of 20 the director of the budget. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,000,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ............................ 70,000 26 Travel ............................................ 70,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 252,000 28 Equipment ......................................... 28,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 645,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 64,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,129,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 2,129,000 35 -------------- 36 STATE OPERATIONS PROGRAM .................................... 44,881,000 37 -------------- 38 General Fund 39 State Purposes Account - 10050 47 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 2 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 3 changed or transferred without limit to 4 any other appropriation in any other 5 program or fund within the department of 6 audit and control, with the approval of 7 the director of the budget. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ..................... 27,047,000 10 Temporary service ................................ 200,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 31,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ....... 27,278,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 72,000 17 Travel ............................................ 60,000 18 Contractual services ........................... 4,407,000 19 Equipment ........................................ 309,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,848,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 32,126,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Child Performers Protection Fund 27 Child Performers Protection Account - 20401 28 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 29 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 30 changed or transferred without limit to 31 any other appropriation in any other 32 program or fund within the department of 33 audit and control, with the approval of 34 the director of the budget. 35 Notwithstanding any other law to the contra- 36 ry, for accounting services provided in 37 connection with the administration of the 38 child performer's holding fund created 39 pursuant to section 99-k of the state 40 finance law. 41 PERSONAL SERVICE 42 Personal service--regular ......................... 68,000 43 -------------- 48 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Fringe benefits ................................... 35,000 3 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 37,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ..................... 105,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Abandoned Property Audit Account - 21985 12 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 13 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 14 changed or transferred without limit to 15 any other appropriation in any other 16 program or fund within the department of 17 audit and control, with the approval of 18 the director of the budget. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,500,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ........................... 320,000 24 Travel ........................................... 100,000 25 Contractual services ........................... 4,430,000 26 Equipment ........................................ 150,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,000,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal .................. 12,500,000 31 -------------- 32 Internal Service Funds 33 Agencies Internal Service Fund 34 Statewide Training Account - 55068 35 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 36 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 37 changed or transferred without limit to 38 any other appropriation in any other 39 program or fund within the department of 40 audit and control, with the approval of 41 the director of the budget. 49 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF AUDIT AND CONTROL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000 5 -------------- 50 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 29,811,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 19,283,000 0 5 Internal Service Funds ............. 1,650,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 50,744,000 0 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 BUDGET DIVISION PROGRAM ..................................... 49,244,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, and subject to the condi- 16 tions set forth herein, for the purpose of 17 planning, developing and/or implementing 18 the consolidation of procurement, real 19 estate and facility management, fleet 20 management, business and financial 21 services, administrative services, payroll 22 administration, time and attendance, bene- 23 fits administration and other transaction- 24 al human resources functions, contract 25 management, and grants management, the 26 amounts appropriated for state operations 27 may be (i) interchanged, (ii) transferred 28 from this state operations appropriation 29 within this agency to the office of gener- 30 al services, and/or (iii) suballocated to 31 the office of general services with the 32 approval of the director of the budget who 33 shall file such approval with the depart- 34 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 35 eof with the chairman of the senate 36 finance committee and the chairman of the 37 assembly ways and means committee. With 38 respect only to such interchanges, trans- 39 fers and suballocations for the purpose of 40 planning, developing and/or implementing 41 the consolidation of procurement, real 42 estate and facility management, fleet 43 management, business and financial 44 services, administrative services, payroll 45 administration, time and attendance, bene- 46 fits administration and other transaction- 51 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 al human resources functions, contract 2 management, and grants management that 3 exceed any interchange, transfer or subal- 4 location authorized under any other 5 provision of law, the amounts inter- 6 changed, transferred or suballocated may 7 only be used for state operations and 8 fringe benefits purposes. The foregoing 9 interchange, transfer and suballocation 10 authority is defined as the "OGS Inter- 11 change and Transfer Authority." 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, and subject to the condi- 14 tions set forth herein, for the purpose of 15 planning, developing and/or implementing 16 measures to reduce and eliminate duplica- 17 tive, outdated, and inefficient informa- 18 tion technology infrastructure and proc- 19 esses to achieve better, cost-effective, 20 information technology services for state 21 agencies, the amounts appropriated for 22 state operations may be (i) interchanged, 23 (ii) transferred from this state oper- 24 ations appropriation within this agency to 25 any other state operations appropriations 26 of any state department or agency, and/or 27 (iii) suballocated to any state department 28 or agency with the approval of the direc- 29 tor of the budget who shall file such 30 approval with the department of audit and 31 control and copies thereof with the chair- 32 man of the senate finance committee and 33 the chairman of the assembly ways and 34 means committee. With respect only to such 35 interchanges, transfers and suballocations 36 for the purpose of planning, developing 37 and/or implementing the transformation of 38 information technology services that 39 exceed any interchange, transfer or subal- 40 location authorized under any other 41 provision of law, the amounts inter- 42 changed, transferred or suballocated may 43 only be used for state operations and 44 fringe benefits purposes. The foregoing 45 interchange, transfer and suballocation 46 authority is defined as the "IT Inter- 47 change and Transfer Authority." 48 In addition to such authority granted pursu- 49 ant to law and by this appropriation to 50 interchange, transfer, and suballocate 51 amounts appropriated, such amounts appro- 52 priated for state operations may also be 52 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 interchanged, transferred and suballocated 2 for the purpose of planning, developing 3 and/or implementing the alignment of the 4 following operations within and between 5 the office of mental health, the office 6 for people with developmental disabili- 7 ties, the office of alcoholism and 8 substance abuse services, the department 9 of health, and the office of children and 10 family services in order to better coordi- 11 nate and improve the quality and efficien- 12 cy of oversight activities related to the 13 care of vulnerable persons: (i) conducting 14 criminal background checks as may other- 15 wise be required by law, (ii) workforce 16 training, (iii) the coordination of 17 reports, complaints and other relevant 18 information regarding charges of abuse and 19 neglect committed against individuals in 20 the care and charge of such agencies as 21 otherwise authorized by law, (iv) audit of 22 services and (v) certification. The fore- 23 going interchange, transfer and suballo- 24 cation authority is defined as the "Align- 25 ment Interchange and Transfer Authority." 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 21,391,000 28 Temporary service ................................ 450,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 180,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 22,021,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 180,000 35 Travel ........................................... 167,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 3,839,000 37 Equipment ........................................ 270,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,456,000 40 -------------- 41 Total amount available ...................... 26,477,000 42 -------------- 43 For services and expenses related to member- 44 ship dues in various organizations. 53 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ............................. 274,000 3 Additional contractual services .................. 560,000 4 -------------- 5 Total amount available ......................... 834,000 6 -------------- 7 For services and expenses relating to the 8 costs of expert witnesses or legal 9 services related to cases in which the 10 attorney general provides representation 11 for the state. 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 28,311,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 19 Revenue Arrearage Account - 22024 20 For services and expenses related to enter- 21 prise, administrative, intergovernmental, 22 and technological services including those 23 associated with the collection and maximi- 24 zation of overdue non-tax revenues owed to 25 the state, including liabilities incurred 26 in prior years. Funds herein appropriated 27 may be suballocated, subject to the 28 approval of the director of the budget, to 29 any state department, agency or public 30 benefit corporation. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 34 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 35 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 36 appropriation for the budget division 37 program of the division of the budget, are 38 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 39 part of this appropriation as if fully 40 stated. 41 PERSONAL SERVICE 42 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,155,000 43 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 44 -------------- 54 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,165,000 2 -------------- 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................ 54,000 5 Contractual services .......................... 10,961,000 6 Equipment ........................................ 946,000 7 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,410,000 8 Indirect costs ................................... 114,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 13,485,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal .................. 16,650,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 16 Systems and Technology Account - 22162 17 For services and expenses for the modifica- 18 tion of statewide personnel, accounting, 19 financial management, budgeting and 20 related information systems to accommodate 21 the unique management and information 22 needs of the division of the budget, 23 including liabilities incurred in prior 24 years. Funds herein appropriated may be 25 suballocated, subject to the approval of 26 the director of the budget, to any state 27 department, agency or public benefit 28 corporation. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 32 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 33 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 34 appropriation for the budget division 35 program of the division of the budget, are 36 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 37 part of this appropriation as if fully 38 stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,584,000 41 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 20,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,604,000 44 -------------- 55 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 47,000 3 Contractual services ............................. 160,000 4 Fringe benefits .................................. 587,000 5 Indirect costs .................................... 85,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 879,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................... 2,483,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Not-For-Profit Short-Term Revolving Loan Fund 13 Not-For-Profit Loan Account - 20651 14 For the purpose of making loans from the 15 not-for-profit short-term revolving loan 16 fund to eligible not-for-profit organiza- 17 tions. 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000 22 -------------- 23 Internal Service Funds 24 Agencies Internal Service Fund 25 Federal Single Audit Account - 55053 26 For services and expenses associated with 27 the conduct of the annual independent 28 audit of federal programs as required by 29 the federal single audit act of 1984. 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Contractual services ........................... 1,650,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 1,650,000 34 -------------- 35 CASH MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT ACT PROGRAM ...................... 1,500,000 36 -------------- 37 General Fund 38 State Purposes Account - 10050 39 For services and expenses related to cash 40 management activities of the state and the 56 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF THE BUDGET STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 federal cash management improvement act of 2 1990, including required payment of inter- 3 est to the federal government and includ- 4 ing liabilities incurred in prior years. 5 Funds herein appropriated may be suballo- 6 cated, subject to the approval of the 7 director of the budget, to any state 8 department, agency or public benefit 9 corporation. 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Contractual services ........................... 1,500,000 12 -------------- 57 20011-02-5 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Fiduciary Funds .................... 2,330,120,900 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 175,400,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 2,505,520,900 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 SENIOR COLLEGES .......................................... 1,424,357,400 10 -------------- 11 Fiduciary Funds 12 CUNY Senior College Operating Fund 13 CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, for the purpose of para- 16 graph a of subdivision 14 of section 6206 17 of the education law, the separate amounts 18 appropriated herein for senior colleges 19 and central administration shall be deemed 20 to be amounts appropriated to senior 21 colleges and amounts appropriated to indi- 22 vidual senior colleges shall be deemed to 23 be amounts appropriated for programs or 24 purposes. 25 Provided further, that a portion of the 26 funds appropriated herein shall be used to 27 implement a plan to improve educator 28 effectiveness by: 29 (1) increasing admissions requirements for 30 all city university teacher preparation 31 programs; and 32 (2) upgrading the curriculum and require- 33 ments for these programs, which includes 34 increasing opportunities for in-school 35 experience to better prepare aspiring 36 teachers to enter the classroom upon grad- 37 uation. 38 For services and expenses for Baruch college . 135,119,100 39 For services and expenses for Brooklyn 40 college .................................... 147,844,500 41 For general expenses for city college, 42 including sophie b. davis biomedical 43 program and worker education ............... 169,473,600 44 For services and expenses for Hunter college . 171,700,400 45 For services and expenses for John Jay 46 college ..................................... 95,584,800 58 20011-02-5 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses for Lehman college .. 96,481,900 2 For services and expenses for William E. 3 Macaulay honors college ........................ 291,100 4 For services and expenses for Medgar Evers 5 college ..................................... 55,849,400 6 For services and expenses for New York city 7 college of technology ....................... 95,264,500 8 For services and expenses for Queens 9 college, including the John D. Calandra 10 Italian American Institute ................. 152,688,700 11 For services and expenses for the college of 12 Staten Island .............................. 101,334,000 13 For services and expenses for York college .... 57,354,200 14 For services and expenses for the graduate 15 school and university center ............... 117,392,000 16 For services and expenses for the school of 17 professional studies, including the Joseph 18 Murphy Institute ............................. 3,157,900 19 For additional services and expenses of the 20 Joseph Murphy Institute ...................... 1,500,000 21 For services and expenses for the graduate 22 school of journalism ......................... 7,029,200 23 For services and expenses of CUNY law school .. 16,292,100 24 -------------- 25 INITIATIVES AND MANAGEMENT .................................. 50,467,200 26 -------------- 27 Fiduciary Funds 28 CUNY Senior College Operating Fund 29 CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851 30 For services and expenses of central admin- 31 istration. Provided further, the chancel- 32 lor of the state university of New York 33 and the chancellor of the city university 34 of New York shall jointly develop a back 35 office consolidation plan to expeditiously 36 combine administrative functions between 37 the two university systems including, but 38 not limited to, human resources, financial 39 management, and information technology 40 services and submit such plan, with imple- 41 mentation timelines, to the state univer- 42 sity trustees, the city university trus- 43 tees, and shall submit the plan for 44 approval by the director of the division 45 of the budget on or before November 1, 46 2015 ........................................ 36,300,300 47 For services and expenses for information 48 services ..................................... 8,266,500 59 20011-02-5 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of library/ 2 technology systems ........................... 3,900,400 3 For services and expenses related to the 4 expansion of nursing programs. A portion 5 of the funds herein appropriated may be 6 transferred to the general fund-local 7 assistance account of the city university 8 of New York to accomplish the purposes of 9 this appropriation, in accordance with a 10 plan approved by the director of the budg- 11 et ........................................... 2,000,000 12 -------------- 13 SEARCH FOR EDUCATION, ELEVATION AND KNOWLEDGE (SEEK) 14 PROGRAMS .................................................. 18,378,000 15 -------------- 16 Fiduciary Funds 17 CUNY Senior College Operating Fund 18 CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851 19 For services and expenses to expand opportu- 20 nities in institutions of higher learning 21 for the educationally and economically 22 disadvantaged in accordance with section 23 6452 of the education law, for SEEK 24 programs on senior college campuses, 25 including $1,000,000 which shall be 26 utilized to increase employment opportu- 27 nities for SEEK students and meet the 28 matching requirements of the federal 29 college work study program for SEEK 30 students .................................... 18,378,000 31 -------------- 32 UNIVERSITY OPERATIONS ...................................... 816,905,300 33 -------------- 34 Fiduciary Funds 35 CUNY Senior College Operating Fund 36 CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851 37 For services and expenses of building 38 rentals ..................................... 52,842,400 39 For services and expenses for utilities 40 costs ....................................... 78,627,900 41 For expenses of fringe benefits including 42 social security payments ................... 673,435,000 43 For an additional amount to be distributed 44 to the City University of New York Board 45 of Trustees, representing support for 46 personal service costs ...................... 12,000,000 60 20011-02-5 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 -------------- 2 UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS ......................................... 20,013,000 3 -------------- 4 Fiduciary Funds 5 CUNY Senior College Operating Fund 6 CUNY Senior College Operating Account - 60851 7 For services and expenses, not to exceed 65 8 percent of total services and expenses, 9 related to the operation of child care 10 centers at the senior colleges for the 11 benefit of city university senior college 12 students, to be available for expenditure 13 upon submission to the director of the 14 budget of satisfactory evidence of the 15 required matching funds ...................... 1,430,000 16 For services and expenses of providing 17 student services, including advising & 18 counseling, athletics, career services, 19 health services, international student 20 services, veterans' support, and student 21 activities & leadership development .......... 1,700,000 22 For the payment of city university supple- 23 mental tuition assistance to certain cate- 24 gories of full-time students of senior 25 colleges of the city university who are 26 residents of the state of New York ........... 1,060,000 27 For services and expenses of matching 28 student financial aid ........................ 1,444,000 29 For services and expenses of existing 30 language immersion programs .................. 1,070,000 31 For services and expenses of PSC awards ........ 3,309,000 32 For payment of tuition reimbursement ........... 9,000,000 33 For services and expenses of CUNY LEADS ........ 1,000,000 34 -------------- 35 Total gross senior college operating budget .............. 2,330,120,900 36 ============== 37 Less: senior college revenue offset .................... (1,086,368,000) 38 Less: central administration and university wide programs 39 offset .................................................. (32,275,000) 40 -------------- 41 Total net operating expense ............................ 1,211,477,900 42 -------------- 43 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - OTHER .............................. 175,400,000 44 -------------- 45 Special Revenue Funds - Other 61 20011-02-5 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 IFR/City University Tuition Fund 2 City University Income Reimbursable Account - 23250 3 For services and expenses of activities 4 supported in whole or in part by user fees 5 and other charges including dormitory 6 operations at Hunter college, including 7 liabilities incurred prior to July 1, 2015 . 115,400,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................. 115,400,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 IFR/City University Tuition Fund 13 City University Stabilization Account - 23267 14 For services and expenses at various campus- 15 es .......................................... 10,000,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal .................. 10,000,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 IFR/City University Tuition Fund 21 City University Tuition Reimbursable Account - 23264 22 For services and expenses of activities 23 supported in whole or in part by tuition 24 and related academic fees, including 25 liabilities incurred prior to July 1, 2015 26 to be available for expenditure upon 27 approval by the director of the budget of 28 an annual plan submitted by the university 29 to the director of the budget and chairs 30 of the senate finance committee and the 31 assembly ways and means committee on or 32 before August 1, 2015 ....................... 50,000,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal .................. 50,000,000 35 -------------- 62 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 14,033,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 1,896,000 0 5 Internal Service Funds ............. 34,445,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 50,374,000 0 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ............ 5,316,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,006,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,007,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................. 9,000 32 Travel ............................................ 35,000 33 Contractual services .............................. 11,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 65,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ................... 2,072,000 39 -------------- 40 Internal Service Funds 41 Health Insurance Revolving Account 63 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Civil Service Employee Benefits Division Administration 2 Account - 55301 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,814,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,817,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 21 Travel ............................................. 3,000 22 Contractual services ............................... 7,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 324,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,006,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 62,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,427,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 3,244,000 30 -------------- 31 COMMISSION OPERATIONS AND MUNICIPAL ASSISTANCE ................. 717,000 32 -------------- 33 General Fund 34 State Purposes Account - 10050 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ........................ 701,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service .......... 702,000 40 -------------- 64 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 3,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 12,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 15,000 6 -------------- 7 PERSONNEL BENEFIT SERVICES PROGRAM .......................... 26,626,000 8 -------------- 9 General Fund 10 State Purposes Account - 10050 11 PERSONAL SERVICE 12 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,402,000 13 Temporary service ................................. 27,000 14 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 11,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,440,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 20 Contractual services .............................. 55,000 21 Equipment .......................................... 7,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 122,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 1,562,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 29 Grants Account - 20100 30 For payments to the civil service department 31 from private foundations, corporations and 32 individuals. 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 150,000 35 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000 38 -------------- 39 Internal Service Funds 40 Agencies Internal Service Fund 65 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Civil Service EHS Occupational Health Program Account - 2 55056 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ........................ 422,000 15 Temporary service ................................ 178,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service .......... 600,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 128,000 21 Travel ............................................ 90,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 251,000 23 Equipment .......................................... 4,000 24 Fringe benefits .................................. 333,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 19,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 825,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 1,425,000 30 -------------- 31 Internal Service Funds 32 Health Insurance Revolving Account 33 Health Insurance Internal Services Account - 55300 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 42 part of this appropriation as if fully 43 stated. 66 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,322,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 30,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 129,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,481,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 373,000 10 Travel ........................................... 145,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 8,161,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 164,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,700,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 317,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 13,860,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ...................... 22,341,000 19 -------------- 20 For suballocation to the department of audit 21 and control for services and expenses for 22 auditors in order to achieve administra- 23 tive savings in the health insurance 24 program. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ........................ 414,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Travel ............................................. 1,000 30 Contractual services ............................... 1,000 31 Fringe benefits .................................. 220,000 32 Indirect costs .................................... 13,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 235,000 35 -------------- 36 Total amount available ......................... 649,000 37 -------------- 38 For suballocation to the department of audit 39 and control for services and expenses 40 related to health insurance program 41 payroll transactions. 67 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 226,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 117,000 6 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 123,000 9 -------------- 10 Total amount available ......................... 349,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal .................. 23,339,000 13 -------------- 14 PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ....................... 17,715,000 15 -------------- 16 General Fund 17 State Purposes Account - 10050 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,667,000 20 Temporary service ................................ 900,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 31,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,598,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 36,000 27 Travel ............................................ 27,000 28 Contractual services .............................. 19,000 29 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 84,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 9,682,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 37 Examination and Miscellaneous Revenue Account - 22065 38 For services and expenses related to New 39 York state personnel management services 40 provided by the department. 68 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 520,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service .......... 530,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 59,000 9 Travel ............................................ 33,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 639,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 25,000 12 Fringe benefits .................................. 294,000 13 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,066,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 1,596,000 18 -------------- 19 Internal Service Funds 20 Agencies Internal Service Fund 21 Department of Civil Service Administration Account - 22 55055 23 For services and expenses related to section 24 11 of the civil service law. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 28 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 29 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 30 appropriation for the budget division 31 program of the division of the budget, are 32 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 33 part of this appropriation as if fully 34 stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,574,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,589,000 40 -------------- 69 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 58,000 3 Travel ............................................ 60,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 2,145,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 52,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,424,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 109,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,848,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 6,437,000 12 -------------- 70 20011-02-5 COMMISSION OF CORRECTION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 2,894,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 2,894,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 IMPROVEMENT OF CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES PROGRAM ............... 2,894,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,433,000 24 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 20,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,453,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 30 Travel ........................................... 170,000 31 Contractual services ............................. 242,000 32 Equipment .......................................... 8,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 441,000 35 -------------- 71 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 2,722,586,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 40,500,000 101,676,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 32,355,000 0 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 43,343,000 0 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 64,122,000 0 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 2,902,906,000 101,676,000 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 82,732,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,022,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 102,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,124,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ........................... 338,000 34 Travel ........................................... 238,000 35 Contractual services ............................. 918,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 213,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,707,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal .................. 13,831,000 41 -------------- 72 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Correctional Services-NIC Grants Account - 25306 4 For services and expenses incurred by the 5 department of corrections and community 6 supervision for the incarceration of ille- 7 gal aliens. 8 Personal service .............................. 34,000,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal .................. 34,000,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 13 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 14 Substance Abuse Treatment State Prisons Account - 25408 15 For services and expenses related to 16 substance abuse treatment in state pris- 17 ons. 18 Personal service ............................... 1,500,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 23 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 24 Unanticipated Federal Grants Account - 25371 25 Funds herein appropriated may be used to 26 disburse unanticipated federal grants in 27 support of various purposes and programs. 28 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,000,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 34 Capacity Contracting Account - 22016 35 For services and expenses incurred by the 36 department of corrections and community 37 supervision for the housing of inmates 38 from other jurisdictions under contracts 39 entered into under the direction of the 40 commissioner. 73 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,855,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 94,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,051,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ....... 14,000,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,106,000 10 Travel ............................................ 36,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 2,747,000 12 Equipment ......................................... 91,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,600,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 420,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,000,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal .................. 25,000,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 22 Correctional Services Asset Forfeiture Account - 22189 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 25 Equipment ........................................ 600,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ..................... 700,000 28 -------------- 29 Enterprise Funds 30 Agencies Enterprise Fund 31 Employee Mess Correctional Services Account - 50300 32 For services and expenses related to the 33 operation of employee mess programs. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ........................ 400,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,021,000 39 Travel ............................................. 5,000 40 Contractual services ........................... 1,007,000 74 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 2 Fringe benefits .................................. 207,000 3 Indirect costs .................................... 11,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,301,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ................... 2,701,000 8 -------------- 9 COMMUNITY SUPERVISION PROGRAM .............................. 132,327,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 14 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 15 be used for the payment of prior year 16 liabilities and may be increased or 17 decreased by interchange with any other 18 appropriation within the department of 19 corrections and community supervision 20 general fund - state purposes account with 21 the approval of the director of the budg- 22 et. 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 26 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 27 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 28 appropriation for the budget division 29 program of the division of the budget, are 30 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully 32 stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular .................... 103,291,000 35 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 3,000,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service ...... 106,291,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ........................... 839,000 41 Travel ......................................... 3,110,000 42 Contractual services .......................... 19,939,000 43 Equipment ...................................... 1,323,000 44 -------------- 75 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 25,211,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ................. 131,502,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 7 Parole Officers' Memorial Fund Account - 20100 8 For services and expenses of the parole 9 officers' memorial fund established pursu- 10 ant to chapter 654 of the laws of 1996. 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 13 Contractual services ............................. 300,000 14 Equipment ......................................... 75,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ..................... 425,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 Asset Forfeiture Account - 21999 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 300,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 400,000 26 -------------- 27 CORRECTIONAL INDUSTRIES PROGRAM ............................. 64,864,000 28 -------------- 29 Enterprise Funds 30 Agencies Enterprise Fund 31 Correctional - Recycling Fund Account - 50325 32 For services and expenses related to the 33 operation and maintenance of the correc- 34 tional recycling programs. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ........................ 200,000 37 -------------- 76 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 200,000 3 Travel ............................................. 2,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 160,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 113,000 7 Indirect costs ..................................... 7,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 542,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 742,000 12 -------------- 13 Internal Service Funds 14 Correctional Industries Revolving Account 15 Correctional Industries Account - 55350 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 16,776,000 28 Temporary service ................................. 15,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 700,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 17,491,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................ 26,181,000 35 Travel ........................................... 500,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 8,000,000 37 Equipment ...................................... 1,350,000 38 Fringe benefits ............................... 10,000,000 39 Indirect costs ................................... 600,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 46,631,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal .................. 64,122,000 44 -------------- 77 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM .................................... 377,353,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 6 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 7 be used for the payment of prior year 8 liabilities and may be increased or 9 decreased by interchange or transfer with 10 any other general fund appropriation with- 11 in the department of corrections and 12 community supervision with the approval of 13 the director of the budget. A portion of 14 these funds may be transferred or suballo- 15 cated to the department of health or other 16 state agencies. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular .................... 133,878,000 29 Temporary service .............................. 5,471,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 6,671,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ...... 146,020,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ....................... 113,312,000 36 Travel ........................................... 271,000 37 Contractual services ......................... 116,888,000 38 Equipment ........................................ 862,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 231,333,000 41 -------------- 42 PAROLE BOARD PROGRAM ......................................... 6,598,000 43 -------------- 44 General Fund 78 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 State Purposes Account - 10050 2 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 3 finance law, the amounts herein appropri- 4 ated shall not be decreased by interchange 5 with any other appropriation. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,195,000 8 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 60,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,255,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................ 92,000 14 Travel ........................................... 209,000 15 Contractual services .............................. 40,000 16 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 343,000 19 -------------- 20 PROGRAM SERVICES PROGRAM ................................... 270,094,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 25 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 26 be used for the payment of prior year 27 liabilities and may be increased or 28 decreased by interchange with any other 29 appropriation within the department of 30 corrections and community supervision 31 general fund - state purposes account with 32 the approval of the director of the budg- 33 et. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 42 part of this appropriation as if fully 43 stated. 79 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular .................... 194,246,000 3 Temporary service .............................. 4,613,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,141,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ...... 200,000,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ......................... 6,056,000 10 Travel ........................................... 368,000 11 Contractual services .......................... 20,920,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 750,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 28,094,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................. 228,094,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 20 Correctional Services Account - 20107 21 For services and expenses of various activ- 22 ities funded through gifts and donations. 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Offender Programming - 22208 31 For services and expenses of offender 32 programs awarded through grant applica- 33 tions funded by private entities. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ........................... 2,000,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000 38 -------------- 39 Enterprise Funds 40 Correctional Services Commissary Account 80 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Central Office Account - 50100 2 For services and expenses of operating self 3 sustaining facility commissaries. 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Supplies and materials ........................ 38,000,000 6 Contractual services ........................... 1,900,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal .................. 39,900,000 9 -------------- 10 SUPERVISION OF INMATES PROGRAM ........................... 1,582,783,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 15 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 16 be used for the payment of prior year 17 liabilities and may be increased or 18 decreased by interchange with any other 19 appropriation within the department of 20 corrections and community supervision 21 general fund - state purposes account with 22 the approval of the director of the budg- 23 et. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular .................. 1,390,639,000 36 Temporary Service ............................. 11,788,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ................ 162,535,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service .... 1,564,962,000 40 -------------- 41 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 42 Supplies and materials ......................... 9,206,000 81 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Travel ......................................... 2,400,000 2 Contractual services ........................... 5,020,000 3 Equipment ...................................... 1,195,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 17,821,000 6 -------------- 7 SUPPORT SERVICES PROGRAM ................................... 386,155,000 8 -------------- 9 General Fund 10 State Purposes Account - 10050 11 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 12 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 13 be available for services and expenses 14 including lease payments to the dormitory 15 authority, as successor to the facilities 16 development corporation pursuant to chap- 17 ter 83 of the laws of 1995, pursuant to an 18 agreement entered into between the facili- 19 ties development corporation and the 20 department of corrections and community 21 supervision for the rental of correctional 22 facilities and may be used for the payment 23 of prior year liabilities and may be 24 increased or decreased by interchange with 25 any other appropriation within the depart- 26 ment of corrections and community super- 27 vision general fund - state purposes 28 account with the approval of the director 29 of the budget. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 40 PERSONAL SERVICE 41 Personal service--regular .................... 151,530,000 42 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 9,197,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for personal service ...... 160,727,000 45 -------------- 82 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ....................... 165,745,000 3 Travel ......................................... 1,050,000 4 Contractual services .......................... 45,927,000 5 Equipment ...................................... 8,976,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 221,698,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................. 382,425,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Food Production Center Account - 22136 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ........................ 214,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,152,000 19 Travel ........................................... 590,000 20 Contractual services ............................. 305,000 21 Equipment ........................................ 374,000 22 Fringe benefits ................................... 90,000 23 Indirect costs ..................................... 5,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,516,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ................... 3,730,000 28 -------------- 83 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Correctional Services-NIC Grants Account - 25306 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections 7 and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens. 8 Personal service ... 34,000,000 .................... (re. $34,000,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 11 Correctional Services-NIC Grants Account 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections 14 and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens. 15 Personal service ... 34,000,000 .................... (re. $33,182,000) 16 For services and expenses related to substance abuse treatment in 17 state prisons. 18 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,243,000) 19 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 20 al grants in support of various purposes and programs. 21 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 23 For services and expenses incurred by the department of corrections 24 and community supervision for the incarceration of illegal aliens. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 27 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 28 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 29 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 30 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 31 ation as if fully stated. 32 Personal service ... 34,000,000 .................... (re. $20,629,000) 33 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 34 al grants in support of various purposes and programs. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 37 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 38 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 39 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 40 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 41 ation as if fully stated. 42 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ..................... (re. $547,000) 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 44 For services and expenses related to various purposes including 45 correction officer vests ... 1,000,000 .............. (re. $575,000) 84 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Substance Abuse Treatment State Prisons Account - 25408 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to substance abuse treatment in 6 state prisons. 7 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,500,000) 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 10 Unanticipated Federal Grants Account - 25371 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 13 al grants in support of various purposes and programs. 14 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 85 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 38,017,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 21,450,000 50,060,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 8,516,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 67,983,000 50,060,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 11,645,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 15 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 16 be available for program expenses, includ- 17 ing the payment of liabilities incurred 18 prior to April 1, 2015 or hereafter to 19 accrue, and may be increased or decreased 20 by interchange with any other appropri- 21 ation within the division of criminal 22 justice services general fund - state 23 purposes account with the approval of the 24 director of the budget. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 28 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 29 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 30 appropriation for the budget division 31 program of the division of the budget, are 32 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 33 part of this appropriation as if fully 34 stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,238,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,242,000 40 -------------- 86 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 880,000 3 Travel ............................................ 31,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 3,861,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 631,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,403,000 8 -------------- 9 CRIME PREVENTION AND REDUCTION STRATEGIES PROGRAM ........... 56,338,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 14 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 15 be available for program expenses, includ- 16 ing the payment of liabilities incurred 17 prior to April 1, 2015 or hereafter to 18 accrue, and may be increased or decreased 19 by interchange with any other appropri- 20 ation within the division of criminal 21 justice services general fund - state 22 purposes account with the approval of the 23 director of the budget. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ..................... 20,164,000 36 Temporary service ................................. 15,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 69,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service ....... 20,248,000 40 -------------- 41 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 42 Supplies and materials ........................... 700,000 43 Travel ........................................... 241,000 87 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ........................... 4,879,000 2 Equipment ........................................ 304,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,124,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 26,372,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 10 Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475 11 For services and expenses related to crime 12 identification technologies, pursuant to 13 an expenditure plan developed by the 14 commissioner of the division of criminal 15 justice services. A portion of these funds 16 may be transferred to aid to localities 17 and may be suballocated to other state 18 agencies. 19 Personal service ............................... 2,000,000 20 Nonpersonal service ............................ 6,000,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ................... 8,000,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 25 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 26 DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470 27 Funds herein appropriated may be used to 28 disburse unanticipated federal grants in 29 support of state and local programs to 30 prevent crime, support law enforcement, 31 improve the administration of justice, and 32 assist victims. A portion of these funds 33 may be transferred to aid to localities 34 and may be suballocated to other state 35 agencies. 36 Personal service ............................... 1,000,000 37 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,000,000 38 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,000,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 44 Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account 88 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the 2 federal Edward Byrne memorial justice 3 assistance formula program. Funds appro- 4 priated herein shall be expended pursuant 5 to a plan developed by the commissioner of 6 criminal justice services and approved by 7 the director of the budget. A portion of 8 these funds may be transferred to aid to 9 localities and/or suballocated to other 10 state agencies. 11 Personal service ............................... 3,900,000 12 Nonpersonal service .............................. 100,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ................... 4,000,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 17 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 18 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula 19 Account - 25436 20 For services and expenses associated with 21 the juvenile justice and delinquency 22 prevention formula account in accordance 23 with a distribution plan determined by the 24 juvenile justice advisory group and 25 affirmed by the commissioner of the divi- 26 sion of criminal justice services. A 27 portion of these funds may be transferred 28 to aid to localities and may be suballo- 29 cated to other state agencies. 30 Personal service ................................. 625,000 31 Nonpersonal service .............................. 325,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ..................... 950,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 36 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 37 Violence Against Women Account - 25477 38 For services and expenses related to the 39 federal violence against women program 40 pursuant to an expenditure plan developed 41 by the commissioner of the division of 42 criminal justice services. A portion of 43 these funds may be transferred to aid to 44 localities and may be suballocated to 45 other state agencies. 89 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ................................. 800,000 2 Nonpersonal service .............................. 700,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 8 Grants Account - 20197 9 For services and expenses associated with 10 gifts, grants and bequests to the division 11 of criminal justice services. 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 14 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 20 Missing Children's Clearinghouse Account - 20192 21 For services and expenses associated with 22 grants, gifts and bequests to the division 23 of criminal justice services for missing 24 children. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ........................ 300,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 30 Travel ............................................ 50,000 31 Contractual services ............................. 510,000 32 Equipment ........................................ 290,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 950,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 1,250,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 CJS - Conference and Signs Account - 22190 90 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 3 Travel ........................................... 100,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Fingerprint Identification and Technology Account - 11 21950 12 For services and expenses associated with 13 the development of technology solutions 14 that advance the detection and prevention 15 of crime, according to a plan developed by 16 the commissioner of the division of crimi- 17 nal justice services and approved by the 18 director of the budget. Amounts may be 19 transferred to other state agencies or may 20 be used to make grants to local govern- 21 ments in support of this purpose. A 22 portion of these funds may be suballocated 23 to other state agencies. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ........................ 400,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Contractual services ........................... 6,037,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................... 6,437,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Other 43 State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement and Motor 44 Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund 91 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Motor Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Account - 22801 2 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 3 for services and expenses associated with 4 local anti-auto theft programs. 5 PERSONAL SERVICE 6 Personal service--regular ........................ 200,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 10 Travel ............................................ 33,000 11 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 12 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................... 80,000 14 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 129,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ..................... 329,000 19 -------------- 92 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CRIME PREVENTION AND REDUCTION STRATEGIES PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Crime Identification and Technology Account - 25475 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo- 7 gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner 8 of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these 9 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 10 cated to other state agencies. 11 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 6,000,000 ................... (re. $6,000,000) 13 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, is 14 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 15 For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo- 16 gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner 17 of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these 18 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 19 cated to other state agencies. 20 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... [6,000,000] 5,900,000 ....... (re. $5,900,000) 22 FRINGE BENEFITS ... 100,000 ........................... (re. $100,000) 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 24 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 25 For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo- 26 gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner 27 of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these 28 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 29 cated to other state agencies. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 32 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 34 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 35 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 36 ation as if fully stated. 37 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ........................ (re. $250,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 5,900,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 100,000 ........................... (re. $100,000) 40 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as 41 amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, is hereby 42 amended and reappropriated to read: 43 For services and expenses related to crime identification technolo- 44 gies, pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the commissioner 45 of the division of criminal justice services. A portion of these 46 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 47 cated to other state agencies. 93 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... [1,450,000] 1,290,000 .......... (re. $50,000) 3 FRINGE BENEFITS ... 160,000 ........................... (re. $160,000) 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 5 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 6 DCJS Miscellaneous Discretionary Account - 25470 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 8 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 9 al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime, 10 support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and 11 assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid 12 to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 13 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 17 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 18 al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime, 19 support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and 20 assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid 21 to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 22 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $4,700,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 26 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 27 al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime, 28 support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and 29 assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid 30 to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 33 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 34 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 35 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 36 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 37 ation as if fully stated. 38 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 39 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $4,000,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ......................... (re. $250,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 42 Funds herein appropriated may be used to disburse unanticipated feder- 43 al grants in support of state and local programs to prevent crime, 44 support law enforcement, improve the administration of justice, and 45 assist victims. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid 46 to localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 47 Personal service ... 2,500,000 ........................ (re. $100,000) 94 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 8,150,000 ................... (re. $1,000,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 1,350,000 ......................... (re. $100,000) 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 5 Edward Byrne Memorial Grant Account 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 7 For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial 8 justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall 9 be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of 10 criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg- 11 et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities 12 and/or suballocated to other state agencies. 13 Personal service ... 3,900,000 ...................... (re. $3,900,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 16 For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial 17 justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall 18 be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of 19 criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg- 20 et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities 21 and/or suballocated to other state agencies. 22 Personal service ... 3,900,000 ...................... (re. $3,900,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 25 For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial 26 justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall 27 be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of 28 criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg- 29 et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities 30 and/or suballocated to other state agencies. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 33 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 34 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 35 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 36 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 37 ation as if fully stated. 38 Personal service ... 3,900,000 ........................ (re. $350,000) 39 Nonpersonal service ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 40 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 41 For services and expenses related to the federal Edward Byrne memorial 42 justice assistance formula program. Funds appropriated herein shall 43 be expended pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of 44 criminal justice services and approved by the director of the budg- 45 et. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities 46 and/or suballocated to other state agencies. 47 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 95 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $50,000) 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant Account 5 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, is 6 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 7 For services and expenses related to the federal juvenile accountabil- 8 ity incentive block grant program, pursuant to an expenditure plan 9 developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 10 services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the amount here- 11 in appropriated may be used for program administration. A portion of 12 these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 13 suballocated to other state agencies. 14 Personal service ... 450,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... [200,000] 150,000 .............. (re. $50,000) 16 FRINGE BENEFITS ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 For services and expenses related to the federal juvenile accountabil- 19 ity incentive block grant program, pursuant to an expenditure plan 20 developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 21 services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the amount here- 22 in appropriated may be used for program administration. A portion of 23 these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 24 suballocated to other state agencies. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 27 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 28 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 29 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 30 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 31 ation as if fully stated. 32 Personal service ... 450,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 200,000 ........................ (re. $50,000) 34 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, is 35 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 36 For services and expenses related to the federal juvenile accountabil- 37 ity incentive block grant program, pursuant to an expenditure plan 38 developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 39 services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the amount here- 40 in appropriated may be used for program administration. A portion of 41 these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 42 suballocated to other state agencies. 43 Personal service ... 500,000 ........................... (re. $50,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... [200,000] 150,000 .............. (re. $50,000) 45 FRINGE BENEFITS ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 46 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 47 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 96 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the federal juvenile accountabil- 2 ity incentive block grant program, pursuant to an expenditure plan 3 developed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 4 services, provided however that up to 10 percent of the amount here- 5 in appropriated may be used for program administration. A portion of 6 these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 7 suballocated to other state agencies. 8 Personal service ... 350,000 ........................... (re. $50,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 350,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 12 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Formula Account - 25436 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 14 For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and 15 delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib- 16 ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and 17 affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 18 services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to 19 localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 20 Personal service ... 625,000 .......................... (re. $625,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 325,000 ....................... (re. $325,000) 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 23 For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and 24 delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib- 25 ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and 26 affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 27 services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to 28 localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 29 Personal service ... 625,000 .......................... (re. $200,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 325,000 ....................... (re. $150,000) 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 32 For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and 33 delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib- 34 ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and 35 affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 36 services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to 37 localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 40 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 42 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 43 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 44 ation as if fully stated. 45 Personal service ... 625,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 46 Nonpersonal service ... 325,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 47 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 97 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses associated with the juvenile justice and 2 delinquency prevention formula account in accordance with a distrib- 3 ution plan determined by the juvenile justice advisory group and 4 affirmed by the commissioner of the division of criminal justice 5 services. A portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to 6 localities and may be suballocated to other state agencies. 7 Personal service ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 500,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 11 Violence Against Women Account - 25477 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For services and expenses related to the federal violence against 14 women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the 15 commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion 16 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 17 suballocated to other state agencies. 18 Personal service ... 800,000 .......................... (re. $800,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 450,000 ....................... (re. $450,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 21 For services and expenses related to the federal violence against 22 women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the 23 commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion 24 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 25 suballocated to other state agencies. 26 Personal service ... 800,000 .......................... (re. $500,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 450,000 ....................... (re. $300,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 29 For services and expenses related to the federal violence against 30 women program pursuant to an expenditure plan developed by the 31 commissioner of the division of criminal justice services. A portion 32 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 33 suballocated to other state agencies. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 36 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 37 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 38 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 39 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 40 ation as if fully stated. 41 Personal service ... 800,000 ........................... (re. $50,000) 42 Nonpersonal service ... 450,000 ........................ (re. $50,000) 98 20011-02-5 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING COUNCIL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 4,750,000 9,343,000 4 Enterprise Funds ................... 10,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 4,760,000 9,343,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING PROGRAM .................. 4,760,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 13 DD Planning Council Account - 25143 14 For services and expenses related to the 15 provision of services to the develop- 16 mentally disabled under the provisions of 17 the federal developmental disabilities 18 bill of rights act of nineteen hundred 19 seventy-five. 20 Personal service ............................... 1,163,000 21 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,903,000 22 Fringe benefits .................................. 661,000 23 Indirect costs .................................... 23,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 4,750,000 26 -------------- 27 Enterprise Funds 28 Agencies Enterprise Fund 29 DDPC Publications Account - 50300 30 For services and expenses incurred by the 31 developmental disabilities planning coun- 32 cil related to producing, reproducing, 33 distributing, and mailing printed, 34 recorded and electronic media. 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ...................... 10,000 39 -------------- 99 20011-02-5 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING COUNCIL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 DD Planning Council Account - 25143 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the 7 developmentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel- 8 opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred 9 seventy-five. 10 Personal service ... 1,148,000 ...................... (re. $1,148,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 2,705,000 ................... (re. $2,666,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 495,000 ........................... (re. $495,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 402,000 ............................ (re. $402,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 15 For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the 16 developmentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel- 17 opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred 18 seventy-five. 19 Personal service ... 1,076,000 ........................ (re. $222,000) 20 Nonpersonal service ... 2,833,000 ................... (re. $2,175,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 464,000 ........................... (re. $464,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 377,000 ............................ (re. $370,000) 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 24 For services and expenses related to the provision of services to the 25 developmentally disabled under the provisions of the federal devel- 26 opmental disabilities bill of rights act of nineteen hundred 27 seventy-five. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 32 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 33 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 34 ation as if fully stated. 35 Personal service ... 1,044,000 ......................... (re. $44,000) 36 Nonpersonal service ... 3,246,000 ................... (re. $1,049,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 450,000 ........................... (re. $308,000) 100 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 19,661,000 8,428,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 2,000,000 7,444,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 3,458,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 25,119,000 15,872,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,207,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,698,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 39,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,737,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 64,000 32 Travel ............................................ 86,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,279,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 41,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,470,000 37 -------------- 38 CLEAN AIR PROGRAM .............................................. 385,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 101 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Clean Air Fund 2 Clean Air Account - 21451 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 195,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 8 Travel ............................................ 25,000 9 Contractual services .............................. 88,000 10 Equipment ......................................... 12,000 11 Fringe benefits ................................... 57,000 12 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 190,000 15 -------------- 16 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ................................ 14,502,000 17 -------------- 18 General Fund 19 State Purposes Account - 10050 20 Up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated 21 hereby may be suballocated or transferred 22 to any department, agency, or public 23 authority. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,312,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,318,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 176,000 32 Travel ........................................... 136,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,228,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 59,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,599,000 37 -------------- 38 Total amount available ...................... 10,917,000 39 -------------- 102 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses for programs and 2 activities to promote international trade. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ............................. 700,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 11,617,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 10 Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - 25340 11 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,000,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 17 Procurement Opportunities Newsletter Account - 22133 18 For services and expenses of a procurement 19 contract newsletter pursuant to article 20 4-C of the economic development law. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 22 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 24 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 25 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 26 appropriation for the budget division 27 program of the division of the budget, are 28 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 29 part of this appropriation as if fully 30 stated. 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Contractual services ............................. 875,000 33 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ..................... 885,000 36 -------------- 37 MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PROGRAM ............................ 7,025,000 38 -------------- 39 General Fund 40 State Purposes Account - 10050 103 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,942,000 3 Temporary service .................................. 7,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 52,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,001,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 10 Travel ............................................ 15,000 11 Contractual services ............................. 305,000 12 Equipment .......................................... 6,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 336,000 15 -------------- 16 Total amount available ....................... 2,337,000 17 -------------- 18 For services and expenses of tourism market- 19 ing. Notwithstanding any inconsistent 20 provision of law, all or a portion of this 21 appropriation may, subject to the approval 22 of the director of the budget, be trans- 23 ferred to the general fund, local assis- 24 tance account, for a local tourism 25 promotion matching grants program pursuant 26 to article 5-A of the economic development 27 law. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 31 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 33 appropriation for the budget division 34 program of the division of the budget, are 35 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 36 part of this appropriation as if fully 37 stated. 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 655,000 40 Contractual services ........................... 1,190,000 41 Equipment ........................................ 655,000 42 -------------- 43 Total amount available ....................... 2,500,000 44 -------------- 45 Program account subtotal ................... 4,837,000 46 -------------- 104 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Commerce Economic Development Assistance Account - 22042 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 7 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 8 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 9 appropriation for the budget division 10 program of the division of the budget, are 11 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 12 part of this appropriation as if fully 13 stated. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ......................... 84,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ............................. 3,000 19 Travel ............................................. 3,000 20 Contractual services ........................... 2,057,000 21 Fringe benefits ................................... 38,000 22 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,104,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ................... 2,188,000 27 -------------- 105 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 Up to $1,000,000 of the funds appropriated hereby may be suballocated 6 or transferred to any department, agency, or public authority. 7 Personal service--regular ... 9,312,000 ............... (re. $443,000) 8 Contractual services ... 953,000 ...................... (re. $211,000) 9 For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote 10 international trade. 11 Contractual services ... 700,000 ...................... (re. $700,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 Contractual services ... 4,701,000 .................. (re. $2,345,000) 14 For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote 15 international trade. 16 Contractual services ... 700,000 ...................... (re. $700,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote 19 international trade. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 22 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 24 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 25 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 26 ation as if fully stated. 27 Contractual services ... 700,000 ...................... (re. $472,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 29 For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote 30 international trade. 31 Contractual services ... 1,080,000 .................... (re. $174,000) 32 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 33 For services and expenses for programs and activities to promote 34 international trade. 35 Contractual services ... 1,200,000 ..................... (re. $45,000) 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 38 Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - 25340 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 40 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 42 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 106 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 6 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 7 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 8 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 9 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 10 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 11 ation as if fully stated. 12 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 14 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $1,444,000) 15 MARKETING AND ADVERTISING PROGRAM 16 General Fund 17 State Purposes Account - 10050 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 19 For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any 20 inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri- 21 ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be 22 transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a 23 local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article 24 5-A of the economic development law. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 27 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 28 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 29 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 30 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 31 Supplies and materials ... 655,000 .................... (re. $537,000) 32 Contractual services ... 1,190,000 .................... (re. $431,000) 33 Equipment ... 655,000 ................................. (re. $655,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 35 For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any 36 inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri- 37 ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be 38 transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a 39 local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article 40 5-A of the economic development law. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 42 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 43 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 44 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 45 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 46 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 107 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Supplies and materials ... 655,000 ..................... (re. $21,000) 2 Contractual services ... 1,190,000 .................... (re. $236,000) 3 Equipment ... 655,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 5 For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any 6 inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri- 7 ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be 8 transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a 9 local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article 10 5-A of the economic development law. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 12 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 13 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 15 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 16 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 17 ation as if fully stated. 18 Supplies and materials ... 655,000 .................... (re. $655,000) 19 Contractual services ... 1,520,000 ..................... (re. $12,000) 20 Equipment ... 655,000 ................................. (re. $356,000) 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 22 For services and expenses of tourism marketing. Notwithstanding any 23 inconsistent provision of law, all or a portion of this appropri- 24 ation may, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, be 25 transferred to the general fund, local assistance account, for a 26 local tourism promotion matching grants program pursuant to article 27 5-A of the economic development law. 28 Contractual services ... 1,624,000 ..................... (re. $35,000) 29 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 30 For services and expenses of an upstate business marketing program to 31 attract and return businesses pursuant to a plan submitted by the 32 commissioner of economic development and approved by the director of 33 the budget. 34 Contractual services ... 1,750,000 .................... (re. $300,000) 108 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule, net of 2 disallowances, refunds, reimbursements and credits: 3 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 4 General Fund ....................... 48,712,000 458,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 355,022,000 693,410,266 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 149,293,000 20,202,000 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 33,663,000 0 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 586,690,000 714,070,266 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 ADULT CAREER AND CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICES PROGRAM ..... 144,380,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 For services and expenses related to the 17 administration of the high school equiv- 18 alency diploma exam. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ........................ 614,000 21 Temporary service ................................. 53,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service .......... 667,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 33,000 27 Travel ............................................. 5,000 28 Contractual services ........................... 3,480,000 29 Equipment ......................................... 21,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,539,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 4,206,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 36 Federal Education Fund 37 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 38 For the administration of grants for specif- 39 ic programs including, but not limited to, 109 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 vocational rehabilitation and supported 2 employment. 3 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 4 of law, a portion of this appropriation 5 may be suballocated to other state depart- 6 ments and agencies, subject to the 7 approval of the director of the budget, as 8 needed to accomplish the intent of this 9 appropriation. 10 Personal service .............................. 60,384,525 11 Nonpersonal service ........................... 14,949,492 12 Fringe benefits ............................... 30,672,287 13 Indirect costs ................................ 16,673,176 14 -------------- 15 Total amount available ..................... 122,679,480 16 -------------- 17 For the administration of grants for specif- 18 ic programs including, but not limited to, 19 independent living centers. 20 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 21 of law, a portion of this appropriation 22 may be suballocated to other state depart- 23 ments and agencies, subject to the 24 approval of the director of the budget, as 25 needed to accomplish the intent of this 26 appropriation. 27 Personal service ................................. 300,000 28 Nonpersonal service .............................. 500,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 161,520 30 Indirect costs ..................................... 9,000 31 -------------- 32 Total amount available ......................... 970,520 33 -------------- 34 For the administration of grants for specif- 35 ic programs including, but not limited to, 36 in service training. 37 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 38 of law, a portion of this appropriation 39 may be suballocated to other state depart- 40 ments and agencies, subject to the 41 approval of the director of the budget, as 42 needed to accomplish the intent of this 43 appropriation. 44 Personal service ................................. 120,000 45 Nonpersonal service .............................. 428,040 110 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................... 60,972 2 Indirect costs .................................... 32,988 3 -------------- 4 Total amount available ......................... 642,000 5 -------------- 6 For the administration of grants for specif- 7 ic programs including, but not limited to, 8 the workforce investment act. 9 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 10 of law, a portion of this appropriation 11 may be suballocated to other state depart- 12 ments and agencies, subject to the 13 approval of the director of the budget, as 14 needed to accomplish the intent of this 15 appropriation. 16 Personal service ............................... 2,719,000 17 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,253,023 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,381,524 19 Indirect costs ................................... 747,453 20 -------------- 21 Total amount available ....................... 8,101,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................. 132,393,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 High School Equivalency Account - 21979 28 Notwithstanding section 97-hhh of the state 29 finance law or any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, funds appropriated herein 31 shall be available for services and 32 expenses related to the administration of 33 the high school equivalency diploma exam. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................. 3,000 36 Travel ............................................. 3,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 949,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ..................... 955,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 43 VESID Social Security Account - 22001 111 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For expenses of contractual services for the 2 rehabilitation of social security disabil- 3 ity beneficiaries. 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ........................ 308,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 35,000 9 Travel ............................................. 2,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 262,659 11 Fringe benefits .................................. 327,866 12 Indirect costs .................................... 59,475 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 687,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ..................... 995,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Tuition Reimbursement Fund 20 Tuition Reimbursement Account - 20451 21 For reimbursement of tuition payments made 22 by or on behalf of students at proprietary 23 institutions registered or licensed pursu- 24 ant to section 5001 of the education law, 25 including liabilities incurred prior to 26 April 1, 2015. 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,309,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 1,509,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Tuition Reimbursement Fund 35 Vocational School Supervision Account - 20452 36 For services and expenses for the super- 37 vision of institutions registered pursuant 38 to section 5001 of the education law, and 39 for services and expenses of supervisory 40 programs and payment of associated indi- 41 rect costs and general state charges. 112 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,747,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 8,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,755,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 12,000 9 Travel ............................................ 40,000 10 Contractual services ........................... 1,432,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 12,000 12 Fringe benefits .................................. 857,000 13 Indirect costs .................................... 57,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,410,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 4,165,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Vocational Rehabilitation Fund 21 Vocational Rehabilitation Account - 23051 22 For services and expenses of the special 23 workers' compensation program. 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 26 Travel ............................................. 4,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 146,000 28 Equipment .......................................... 5,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 157,000 31 -------------- 32 CULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM .................................. 72,322,000 33 -------------- 34 General Fund 35 State Purposes Account - 10050 36 For services and expenses related to conser- 37 vation and preservation of library materi- 38 als and the talking book and braille 39 library. 113 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 388,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 6 Travel ............................................. 2,000 7 Contractual services ............................. 278,000 8 Equipment .......................................... 4,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 305,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ..................... 693,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 15 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 16 Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456 17 For administration of federal grants pursu- 18 ant to various federal laws including 19 funds from the national endowment of 20 humanities, the institute of museum and 21 library services, the United States 22 geological survey, the United States 23 department of energy, and the United 24 States department of the interior. 25 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 26 of law, a portion of this appropriation 27 may be suballocated to other state depart- 28 ments and agencies, subject to the 29 approval of the director of the budget, as 30 needed to accomplish the intent of this 31 appropriation. 32 Personal service ............................... 3,157,000 33 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,995,000 34 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,095,000 35 Indirect costs ................................... 511,000 36 -------------- 37 Total amount available ....................... 7,758,000 38 -------------- 39 For the administration of federal grants 40 pursuant to various federal laws includ- 41 ing: the library services technology act 42 (LSTA). 43 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 44 of law, a portion of this appropriation 45 may be suballocated to other state depart- 114 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ments and agencies, subject to the 2 approval of the director of the budget, as 3 needed to accomplish the intent of this 4 appropriation. 5 Personal service ............................... 3,570,000 6 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,250,000 7 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,100,000 8 Indirect costs ................................... 700,000 9 -------------- 10 Total amount available ....................... 7,620,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal .................. 15,378,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 16 Cultural Education Account - 22063 17 For services and expenses of the office of 18 cultural education, including but not 19 limited to the state museum, state 20 library, and state archives. Notwithstand- 21 ing any inconsistent provision of law, a 22 portion of this appropriation may be 23 suballocated to other state departments 24 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the 25 intent of this appropriation. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 14,225,000 28 Temporary service .............................. 1,009,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 303,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 15,537,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,333,000 35 Travel ........................................... 298,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 4,319,000 37 Equipment ...................................... 1,854,000 38 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,618,000 39 Indirect costs ................................... 674,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 17,096,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal .................. 32,633,000 44 -------------- 115 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Education Archives Account - 22077 4 For services and expenses of the state 5 archives. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ........................... 171,000 8 Travel ............................................. 9,000 9 Contractual services .............................. 13,000 10 Equipment ......................................... 64,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ..................... 257,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 16 Education Library Account - 21968 17 For services and expenses of the state 18 library. 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 66,000 21 Travel ............................................ 28,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 600,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 35,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 729,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Education Museum Account - 21924 30 For services and expenses of the state muse- 31 um. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Temporary service ................................ 760,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 245,000 37 Travel ........................................... 109,000 38 Contractual services ........................... 1,074,000 39 Equipment ........................................ 738,000 116 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits .................................. 372,000 2 Indirect costs .................................... 24,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,562,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 3,322,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Summer School of Arts Account - 21929 11 For services and expenses of the summer 12 school of the arts. Notwithstanding any 13 inconsistent provision of law, a portion 14 of this appropriation may be suballocated 15 to other state departments and agencies, 16 as needed, to accomplish the intent of 17 this appropriation. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Temporary service ................................. 88,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 23 Travel ............................................ 45,000 24 Contractual services ........................... 1,273,000 25 Equipment ......................................... 15,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,393,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 1,481,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 NYS Archives Partnership Trust Fund 33 NYS Archives Partnership Trust Account - 20351 34 For services and expenses of the archives 35 partnership trust. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ........................ 485,000 38 -------------- 117 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 13,000 3 Travel ............................................ 22,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 151,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 13,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 212,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 25,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 436,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 921,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 New York State Local Government Records Management 15 Improvement Fund 16 Local Government Records Management Account - 20501 17 For payment of necessary and reasonable 18 expenses incurred by the commissioner of 19 education in carrying out the advisory 20 services required in subdivision 1 of 21 section 57.23 of the arts and cultural 22 affairs law and to implement sections 23 57.21, 57.35 and 57.37 of the arts and 24 cultural affairs law. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,158,000 27 Temporary service ................................ 117,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,275,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ............................ 49,000 33 Travel ........................................... 169,000 34 Contractual services ............................. 425,000 35 Equipment ........................................ 114,000 36 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,000,000 37 Indirect costs ................................... 127,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,884,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal ................... 4,159,000 42 -------------- 43 Internal Service Funds 44 Agencies Internal Service Fund 118 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Archives Records Management Account - 55052 2 For services and expenses of archives 3 records management. 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,111,000 6 Temporary service ................................. 22,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,133,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 12 Travel ............................................. 7,000 13 Contractual services ............................. 247,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 101,000 15 Fringe benefits .................................. 543,000 16 Indirect costs .................................... 53,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 991,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 2,124,000 21 -------------- 22 Internal Service Funds 23 Agencies Internal Service Fund 24 Cultural Resource Survey Account - 55058 25 For services and expenses related to 26 cultural resource surveys. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,190,000 29 Temporary service .............................. 1,170,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 400,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,760,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 139,000 36 Travel ........................................... 454,000 37 Contractual services ........................... 5,729,000 38 Equipment ........................................ 139,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,219,000 40 Indirect costs ................................... 185,000 41 -------------- 119 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,865,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 10,625,000 4 -------------- 5 OFFICE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE PROFESSIONS PROGRAM ...... 63,737,000 6 -------------- 7 General Fund 8 State Purposes Account - 10050 9 For services and expenses of the office of 10 higher education and the professions 11 program, including up to $5,700,000 for 12 services and expenses related to tenured 13 teacher hearings pursuant to section 14 3020-a of the education law. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,445,000 17 Temporary service ................................. 18,000 18 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,464,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ............................ 52,000 24 Travel ............................................ 52,000 25 Contractual services ........................... 5,541,000 26 Equipment ......................................... 52,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,697,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ................... 8,161,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 33 Federal Education Fund 34 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 35 For administration of federal grants pursu- 36 ant to various federal laws including Carl 37 D. Perkins vocational and applied technol- 38 ogy education act (VTEA). 39 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 40 of law, a portion of this appropriation 41 may be suballocated to other state depart- 42 ments and agencies, subject to the 43 approval of the director of the budget, as 120 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 needed to accomplish the intent of this 2 appropriation. 3 Personal service ................................. 275,000 4 Nonpersonal service ............................... 50,000 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 120,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 55,000 7 -------------- 8 Total amount available ......................... 500,000 9 -------------- 10 For administration of federal grants pursu- 11 ant to various federal laws including: 12 title II-A improving teacher quality 13 program. 14 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 15 of law, a portion of this appropriation 16 may be suballocated to other state depart- 17 ments and agencies, subject to the 18 approval of the director of the budget, as 19 needed to accomplish the intent of this 20 appropriation. 21 Personal service ................................. 731,000 22 Nonpersonal service ............................... 78,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................. 286,000 24 Indirect costs ................................... 176,000 25 -------------- 26 Total amount available ....................... 1,271,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 1,771,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 31 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 32 Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456 33 For administration of federal grants pursu- 34 ant to various federal laws including the 35 national community service act and the 36 transition to teaching program. 37 Personal service ................................. 387,000 38 Nonpersonal service .............................. 549,000 39 Fringe benefits .................................. 156,000 40 Indirect costs .................................... 89,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ................... 1,181,000 43 -------------- 44 Special Revenue Funds - Other 45 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 121 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Office of Professions Account - 22051 2 For services and expenses related to licen- 3 sure and disciplining programs for the 4 professions, and foreign and out-of-state 5 medical school evaluations. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ..................... 20,070,000 8 Temporary service ................................ 180,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 170,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ....... 20,420,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ........................... 600,000 15 Travel ........................................... 600,000 16 Contractual services .......................... 12,692,000 17 Equipment ........................................ 600,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,328,000 19 Indirect costs ................................... 896,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 24,716,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 45,136,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Teacher Certification Program Account - 21969 28 For services and expenses related to the 29 administration of the teacher certif- 30 ication program. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,982,000 33 Temporary service ................................ 282,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 140,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,404,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 71,000 40 Travel ............................................ 71,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 1,949,000 122 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ......................................... 71,000 2 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,495,000 3 Indirect costs ................................... 204,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,861,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ................... 7,265,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Teacher Education Accreditation Account - 22166 12 For services and expenses of teacher educa- 13 tion accreditation activities, pursuant to 14 section 212-c of the education law. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ......................... 50,000 17 Temporary service ................................. 22,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ........... 72,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 23 Travel ............................................ 40,000 24 Contractual services .............................. 73,000 25 Fringe benefits ................................... 26,000 26 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 151,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 223,000 31 -------------- 32 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM ....................... 55,060,000 33 -------------- 34 General Fund 35 State Purposes Account - 10050 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,161,000 38 Temporary service ................................ 114,000 39 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 114,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,389,000 42 -------------- 123 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 187,000 3 Travel ............................................ 95,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,314,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 656,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,252,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................... 8,641,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 13 Grants Account - 20115 14 For services and expenses related to the 15 administration of funds paid to the educa- 16 tion department from private foundations, 17 corporations and individuals and from 18 public or private funds received as 19 payment in lieu of honorarium for services 20 rendered by employees which are related to 21 such employees' official duties or respon- 22 sibilities. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ........................ 284,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 28 Travel ........................................... 234,000 29 Contractual services ........................... 1,663,000 30 Equipment ........................................ 141,000 31 Fringe benefits .................................. 124,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,202,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ................... 2,486,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 39 Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21978 40 For services and expenses related to the 41 administration of special revenue funds - 42 other, special revenue funds - federal and 43 internal service funds and for services 124 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 provided to other state agencies, govern- 2 mental bodies and other entities. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,465,000 5 Temporary service ................................ 224,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 447,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,136,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,070,000 12 Travel ........................................... 123,000 13 Contractual services ........................... 2,962,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 491,000 15 Fringe benefits ................................ 6,237,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 10,883,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal .................. 23,019,000 20 -------------- 21 Internal Service Funds 22 Agencies Internal Service Fund 23 Automation and Printing Chargeback Account - 55060 24 For services and expenses associated with 25 centralized electronic data processing and 26 printing. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ..................... 10,056,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 175,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 10,231,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,505,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 3,832,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 348,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,998,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 10,683,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal .................. 20,914,000 42 -------------- 125 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 OFFICE OF PREKINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE TWELVE EDUCATION 2 PROGRAM .................................................. 231,460,000 3 -------------- 4 General Fund 5 State Purposes Account - 10050 6 For services and expenses of the office of 7 prekindergarten through grade twelve 8 education program, including but not 9 limited to accountability activities 10 including but not limited to the develop- 11 ment of a school performance management 12 system that will streamline school 13 district reporting and increase fiscal and 14 programmatic transparency and accountabil- 15 ity, provided further that expenditures 16 for accountability activities shall be 17 pursuant to a plan developed by the 18 commissioner of education and approved by 19 the director of the budget. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,745,000 22 Temporary service .............................. 2,129,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 127,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service ....... 16,001,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ............................ 83,000 29 Travel ........................................... 103,000 30 Contractual services ........................... 9,629,000 31 Equipment ........................................ 195,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 10,010,000 34 -------------- 35 MAINTENANCE UNDISTRIBUTED 36 For services and expenses of facilities 37 planning ..................................... 1,000,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for maintenance undis- 40 tributed ................................... 1,000,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 27,011,000 43 -------------- 126 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Education Fund 3 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 4 For the administration of grants for specif- 5 ic programs including, but not limited to, 6 grants for purposes under title I of the 7 elementary and secondary education act. 8 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 9 of law, a portion of this appropriation 10 may be suballocated to other state depart- 11 ments and agencies, subject to the 12 approval of the director of the budget, as 13 needed to accomplish the intent of this 14 appropriation. 15 Personal service .............................. 21,610,000 16 Nonpersonal service ........................... 12,300,000 17 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,046,000 18 Indirect costs ................................. 4,944,000 19 -------------- 20 Total amount available ...................... 47,900,000 21 -------------- 22 For the administration of grants for specif- 23 ic programs including, but not limited to, 24 improving teacher quality and mathematics 25 and science partnerships pursuant to title 26 II of the elementary and secondary educa- 27 tion act provided, however, that a portion 28 of the funds appropriated herein shall be 29 used to implement a plan to improve educa- 30 tor effectiveness by (1) requiring longer, 31 more intensive and high quality student- 32 teaching experience in a school setting as 33 a prerequisite for certification as a 34 teacher and (2) creating standards for a 35 teacher and principal bar exam certif- 36 ication program that would include a 37 common set of professionally rigorous 38 assessments to ensure the best prepared 39 educators are entering the public school 40 system. 41 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 42 of law, a portion of this appropriation 43 may be suballocated to other state depart- 44 ments and agencies, subject to the 45 approval of the director of the budget, as 46 needed to accomplish the intent of this 47 appropriation. 127 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ............................... 5,000,000 2 Nonpersonal service ............................ 6,000,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,770,000 4 Indirect costs ................................. 1,150,000 5 -------------- 6 Total amount available ...................... 13,920,000 7 -------------- 8 For the administration of grants for specif- 9 ic programs including, but not limited to, 10 English language acquisition program 11 pursuant to title III of the elementary 12 and secondary education act. 13 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 14 of law, a portion of this appropriation 15 may be suballocated to other state depart- 16 ments and agencies, subject to the 17 approval of the director of the budget, as 18 needed to accomplish the intent of this 19 appropriation. 20 Personal service ............................... 3,000,000 21 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,000,000 22 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,200,000 23 Indirect costs ................................... 800,000 24 -------------- 25 Total amount available ....................... 7,000,000 26 -------------- 27 For the administration of grants for specif- 28 ic programs including, but not limited to, 29 21st century community learning centers 30 pursuant to title IV of the elementary and 31 secondary education act. 32 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 33 of law, a portion of this appropriation 34 may be suballocated to other state depart- 35 ments and agencies, subject to the 36 approval of the director of the budget, as 37 needed to accomplish the intent of this 38 appropriation. 39 Personal service ............................... 3,400,000 40 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,000,000 41 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,900,000 42 Indirect costs ................................... 850,000 43 -------------- 44 Total amount available ....................... 9,150,000 45 -------------- 46 For the administration of grants for specif- 47 ic programs including, but not limited to, 128 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 public charter schools pursuant to title V 2 of the elementary and secondary education 3 act. 4 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 5 of law, a portion of this appropriation 6 may be suballocated to other state depart- 7 ments and agencies, subject to the 8 approval of the director of the budget, as 9 needed to accomplish the intent of this 10 appropriation. 11 Personal service ............................... 1,500,000 12 Nonpersonal service .............................. 770,000 13 Fringe benefits .................................. 510,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 320,000 15 -------------- 16 Total amount available ....................... 3,100,000 17 -------------- 18 For the administration of grants for specif- 19 ic programs including, but not limited to, 20 improving academic achievement and the 21 rural education initiative pursuant to 22 title VI of the elementary and secondary 23 education act. 24 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 25 of law, a portion of this appropriation 26 may be suballocated to other state depart- 27 ments and agencies, subject to the 28 approval of the director of the budget, as 29 needed to accomplish the intent of this 30 appropriation. 31 Personal service ............................... 7,000,000 32 Nonpersonal service ........................... 13,500,000 33 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,500,000 34 Indirect costs ................................. 1,300,000 35 -------------- 36 Total amount available ...................... 25,300,000 37 -------------- 38 For the administration of grants for specif- 39 ic programs including, but not limited to, 40 homeless education pursuant to title X of 41 the elementary and secondary education 42 act. 43 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 44 of law, a portion of this appropriation 45 may be suballocated to other state depart- 46 ments and agencies, subject to the 47 approval of the director of the budget, as 129 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 needed to accomplish the intent of this 2 appropriation. 3 Personal service ................................. 400,000 4 Nonpersonal service .............................. 600,000 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 250,000 6 Indirect costs ................................... 150,000 7 -------------- 8 Total amount available ....................... 1,400,000 9 -------------- 10 For the administration of grants for specif- 11 ic programs including, but not limited to, 12 the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied 13 technology education act (VTEA). 14 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 15 of law, a portion of this appropriation 16 may be suballocated to other state depart- 17 ments and agencies, subject to the 18 approval of the director of the budget, as 19 needed to accomplish the intent of this 20 appropriation. 21 Personal service ............................... 5,000,000 22 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,000,000 23 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,000,000 24 Indirect costs ................................. 1,000,000 25 -------------- 26 Total amount available ...................... 12,000,000 27 -------------- 28 For the administration of various grants. 29 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 30 of law, a portion of this appropriation 31 may be suballocated to other state depart- 32 ments and agencies, subject to the 33 approval of the director of the budget, as 34 needed to accomplish the intent of this 35 appropriation. 36 Personal service ............................... 2,700,000 37 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,529,000 38 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,410,000 39 Indirect costs ................................... 700,000 40 -------------- 41 Total amount available ....................... 9,339,000 42 -------------- 43 For services and expenses for school age 44 children and preschool children pursuant 45 to the individuals with disabilities 46 education act of 1991. Notwithstanding any 130 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 inconsistent provision of law, a portion 2 of this appropriation may be suballocated 3 to other state departments and agencies, 4 as needed to accomplish the intent of this 5 appropriation. 6 Personal service .............................. 20,502,000 7 Nonpersonal service ........................... 17,211,000 8 Fringe benefits ............................... 10,940,000 9 Indirect costs ................................. 6,317,000 10 -------------- 11 Total amount available ...................... 54,970,000 12 -------------- 13 For administration of federal grants pursu- 14 ant to the teacher incentive fund program 15 as funded by the American recovery and 16 reinvestment act of 2009. Notwithstanding 17 any inconsistent provision of law, a 18 portion of this appropriation, subject to 19 the approval of the director of the budg- 20 et, may be suballocated to other state 21 departments and agencies, as needed to 22 accomplish the intent of this appropri- 23 ation. Funds appropriated herein shall be 24 subject to all applicable reporting and 25 accountability requirements contained in 26 such act. 27 Personal service ................................. 103,000 28 Nonpersonal service ............................... 26,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................... 48,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 23,000 31 -------------- 32 Total amount available ......................... 200,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................. 184,279,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 38 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122 39 For the administration of federal grants for 40 health education including HIV/AIDS educa- 41 tion. Notwithstanding any inconsistent 42 provision of law, a portion of this appro- 43 priation, subject to the approval of the 44 director of the budget, may be suballo- 45 cated to other state departments and agen- 46 cies, as needed to accomplish the intent 47 of this appropriation. 131 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ................................. 500,000 2 Nonpersonal service .............................. 450,000 3 Fringe benefits .................................. 370,000 4 Indirect costs ................................... 200,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 1,520,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 10 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026 11 For administration of programs funded 12 through the national school lunch act. 13 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 14 of law, a portion of this appropriation, 15 subject to the approval of the director of 16 the budget, may be suballocated to other 17 state departments and agencies, as needed 18 to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 19 ation. 20 Personal service ............................... 5,400,000 21 Nonpersonal service ............................ 7,600,000 22 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,000,000 23 Indirect costs ................................. 2,500,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal .................. 18,500,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Miscellaneous United States Department of Education 30 Contracts Account - 22153 31 For services and expenses of miscellaneous 32 United States department of education 33 contracts. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000 38 -------------- 39 SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND PROGRAM ................................ 10,070,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 43 Expendable Trust Account - 20151 132 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses in fulfillment of 2 donor bequests and gifts. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................ 28,400 5 Travel ............................................. 1,000 6 Contractual services .............................. 18,600 7 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Batavia School for the Blind Account - 22032 14 For services and expenses related to the 15 operation of the school for the blind. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,349,000 18 Temporary service ................................ 576,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 31,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,956,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................... 571,000 25 Travel ............................................. 7,000 26 Contractual services ............................. 240,000 27 Equipment ......................................... 17,000 28 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,068,784 29 Indirect costs ................................... 160,216 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,064,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal .................. 10,020,000 34 -------------- 35 SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF PROGRAM .................................. 9,661,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 39 Expendable Trust Account - 20152 40 For services and expenses in fulfillment of 41 donor bequests and gifts. 133 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 3 Travel ............................................. 1,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 15,000 5 Equipment .......................................... 3,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Rome School for the Deaf Account - 22053 12 For services and expenses related to the 13 operation of the school for the deaf. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,900,000 16 Temporary service ................................ 557,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 25,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,482,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ........................... 537,000 23 Travel ............................................. 8,000 24 Contractual services ............................. 583,000 25 Equipment ......................................... 43,000 26 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,840,534 27 Indirect costs ................................... 147,466 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,159,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 9,641,000 32 -------------- 134 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADULT CAREER AND CONTINUING EDUCATION SERVICES PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to the administration of the high 6 school equivalency diploma exam. 7 Personal service--regular ... 614,000 ................. (re. $138,000) 8 Supplies and materials ... 33,000 ...................... (re. $31,000) 9 Travel ... 5,000 ........................................ (re. $5,000) 10 Contractual services ... 3,480,000 .................... (re. $264,000) 11 Equipment ... 21,000 ................................... (re. $20,000) 12 Special Revenue Fund - Federal 13 Federal Education Fund 14 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 16 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 17 not limited to, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment. 18 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 19 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 20 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 21 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 22 Personal service ... 60,384,525 .................... (re. $60,384,525) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 14,949,492 ................. (re. $14,949,492) 24 Fringe benefits ... 30,672,287 ..................... (re. $30,672,287) 25 Indirect costs ... 16,673,176 ...................... (re. $16,673,176) 26 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 27 not limited to, independent living centers. 28 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 29 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 30 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 31 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 32 Personal service ... 300,000 .......................... (re. $300,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 500,000 ....................... (re. $500,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 161,520 ........................... (re. $161,520) 35 Indirect costs ... 9,000 ................................ (re. $9,000) 36 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 37 not limited to, in service training. 38 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 39 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 40 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 41 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 42 Personal service ... 120,000 .......................... (re. $120,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 428,040 ....................... (re. $428,040) 44 Fringe benefits ... 60,972 ............................. (re. $60,972) 45 Indirect costs ... 32,988 .............................. (re. $32,988) 46 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 47 not limited to, the workforce investment act. 135 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 2 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 3 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 4 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 5 Personal service ... 2,719,000 ...................... (re. $2,607,192) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 3,253,023 ................... (re. $3,055,589) 7 Fringe benefits ... 1,381,524 ....................... (re. $1,381,524) 8 Indirect costs ... 747,453 ............................ (re. $747,453) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 11 not limited to, vocational rehabilitation and supported employment. 12 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 13 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 14 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 15 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 16 Personal service ... 60,384,525 .................... (re. $29,427,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 14,949,492 ................. (re. $12,490,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 30,672,287 ..................... (re. $30,491,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 16,673,176 ...................... (re. $16,672,000) 20 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 21 not limited to, independent living centers. 22 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 23 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 24 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 25 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 26 Personal service ... 300,000 .......................... (re. $300,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 500,000 ....................... (re. $253,000) 28 Fringe benefits ... 161,520 ........................... (re. $161,520) 29 Indirect costs ... 9,000 ................................ (re. $9,000) 30 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 31 not limited to, in service training. 32 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 33 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 34 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 35 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 36 Personal service ... 120,000 ........................... (re. $99,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 428,040 ....................... (re. $346,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 60,972 ............................. (re. $49,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 32,988 .............................. (re. $32,988) 40 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 41 not limited to, the workforce investment act. 42 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 43 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 44 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 45 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 46 Personal service ... 2,719,000 ...................... (re. $2,719,000) 47 Nonpersonal service ... 3,253,023 ................... (re. $3,253,023) 48 Fringe benefits ... 1,381,524 ....................... (re. $1,381,524) 49 Indirect costs ... 747,453 ............................ (re. $747,453) 50 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 136 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 2 not limited to, vocational rehabilitation, supported employment, 3 independent living centers, in-service training, and the workforce 4 investment act. 5 Personal service ... 63,523,525 .................... (re. $45,682,000) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 19,130,555 .................. (re. $5,769,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 32,276,303 ...................... (re. $8,747,000) 8 Indirect costs ... 17,462,617 ...................... (re. $12,258,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 VESID Social Security Account - 22001 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For expenses of contractual services for the rehabilitation of social 14 security disability beneficiaries. 15 Personal service--regular ... 308,000 ................. (re. $308,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 327,866 ........................... (re. $327,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 59,475 .............................. (re. $56,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 19 For expenses of contractual services for the rehabilitation of social 20 security disability beneficiaries. 21 Personal service--regular ... 308,000 ................. (re. $308,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 327,866 ............................ (re. $31,000) 23 Indirect costs ... 59,475 .............................. (re. $52,000) 24 Special Revenue Funds - Other 25 Tuition Reimbursement Fund 26 Tuition Reimbursement Account - 20451 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 28 For reimbursement of tuition payments made by or on behalf of students 29 at proprietary institutions registered or licensed pursuant to 30 section 5001 of the education law, including liabilities incurred 31 prior to April 1, 2014. 32 Contractual services ... 1,509,000 .................... (re. $500,000) 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Tuition Reimbursement Fund 35 Vocational School Supervision Account - 20452 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 37 For services and expenses for the supervision of institutions regis- 38 tered pursuant to section 5001 of the education law, and for 39 services and expenses of supervisory programs and payment of associ- 40 ated indirect costs and general state charges. 41 Supplies and materials ... 12,000 ....................... (re. $1,000) 42 Travel ... 40,000 ....................................... (re. $3,000) 43 Contractual services ... 1,432,000 .................... (re. $200,000) 44 Equipment ... 12,000 .................................... (re. $1,000) 137 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CULTURAL EDUCATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 7 including funds from the national endowment of humanities, the 8 institute of museum and library services, the United States geologi- 9 cal survey, the United States department of energy, and the United 10 States department of the interior. 11 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 12 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 13 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 14 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 15 Personal service ... 3,157,000 ...................... (re. $3,105,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 2,995,000 ................... (re. $2,928,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 1,095,000 ....................... (re. $1,068,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 511,000 ............................ (re. $509,000) 19 For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal 20 laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA). 21 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 22 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 23 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 24 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 25 Personal service ... 3,570,000 ...................... (re. $3,570,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 1,250,000 ................... (re. $1,250,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 2,100,000 ....................... (re. $2,100,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 700,000 ............................ (re. $700,000) 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 30 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 31 including funds from the national endowment of humanities, the 32 institute of museum and library services, the United States geologi- 33 cal survey, the United States department of energy, and the United 34 States department of the interior. 35 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 36 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 37 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 38 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 39 Personal service ... 3,157,000 ...................... (re. $3,105,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 2,995,000 ................... (re. $2,961,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 1,095,000 ....................... (re. $1,076,000) 42 Indirect costs ... 511,000 ............................ (re. $510,000) 43 For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal 44 laws including: the library services technology act (LSTA). 45 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 46 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 47 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 48 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 49 Personal service ... 3,570,000 ...................... (re. $1,133,000) 138 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 1,250,000 ..................... (re. $978,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 2,100,000 ......................... (re. $941,000) 3 Indirect costs ... 700,000 ............................ (re. $602,000) 4 Special Revenue Fund - Federal 5 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 6 Federal Operating Grants Account 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 8 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 9 including library services technology act, funds from the national 10 endowment of humanities, the institute of museum and library 11 services, the United States geological survey, the United States 12 department of energy, and the United States department of the inte- 13 rior. 14 Personal service ... 6,727,000 ...................... (re. $3,909,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 4,245,000 ................... (re. $3,237,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 3,195,000 ....................... (re. $1,782,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 1,211,000 .......................... (re. $938,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 19 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 20 including library services technology act, funds from the national 21 endowment of humanities, the institute of museum and library 22 services, the United States geological survey, the United States 23 department of energy, and the United States department of the inte- 24 rior. 25 Personal service ... 6,727,000 ......................... (re. $15,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 4,245,000 ...................... (re. $76,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 3,195,000 ........................... (re. $7,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 1,211,000 ............................ (re. $7,000) 29 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 30 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 31 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 32 including library services technology act, funds from the national 33 endowment of humanities, the institute of museum and library 34 services, the United States geological survey, the United States 35 department of energy, and the United States department of the inte- 36 rior. 37 Personal service ... 6,727,000 ......................... (re. $35,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 4,245,000 ...................... (re. $50,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 3,195,000 .......................... (re. $20,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 1,211,000 ........................... (re. $25,000) 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 43 Cultural Education Account - 22063 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 45 For services and expenses of the office of cultural education, includ- 46 ing but not limited to the state museum, state library, and state 139 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 archives. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 2 portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state 3 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 4 appropriation. 5 Personal service--regular ... 14,225,000 ............ (re. $3,000,000) 6 Supplies and materials ... 2,333,000 .................. (re. $130,000) 7 Contractual services ... 4,319,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 8 Equipment ... 1,854,000 ............................. (re. $1,000,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 7,618,000 ......................... (re. $200,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 674,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Education Museum Account - 21924 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For services and expenses of the state museum. 16 Temporary service ... 760,000 ......................... (re. $100,000) 17 Supplies and materials ... 245,000 ..................... (re. $40,000) 18 Travel ... 109,000 ..................................... (re. $20,000) 19 Contractual services ... 1,074,000 .................... (re. $700,000) 20 Equipment ... 738,000 ................................. (re. $250,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 372,000 ........................... (re. $100,000) 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 24 Summer School of Arts Account - 21929 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 26 For services and expenses of the summer school of the arts. Notwith- 27 standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this appro- 28 priation may be suballocated to other state departments and agen- 29 cies, as needed, to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 30 Contractual services ... 1,273,000 ..................... (re. $50,000) 31 OFFICE OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE PROFESSIONS PROGRAM 32 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 33 Federal Education Fund 34 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 36 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 37 including Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technology educa- 38 tion act (VTEA). 39 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 40 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 41 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 42 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 43 Personal service ... 275,000 .......................... (re. $275,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 120,000 ........................... (re. $120,000) 140 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 2 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 3 including: title II-A improving teacher quality program. 4 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 5 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 6 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 7 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 8 Personal service ... 731,000 .......................... (re. $731,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 78,000 ......................... (re. $78,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 286,000 ........................... (re. $286,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 176,000 ............................ (re. $176,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 14 including Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technology educa- 15 tion act (VTEA). 16 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 17 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 18 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 19 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 20 Personal service ... 275,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $17,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 120,000 ........................... (re. $101,000) 23 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 24 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 25 including: title II-A improving teacher quality program. 26 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 27 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 28 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 29 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 30 Personal service ... 731,000 .......................... (re. $548,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 78,000 ......................... (re. $73,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 286,000 ........................... (re. $258,000) 33 Indirect costs ... 176,000 ............................ (re. $176,000) 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 36 Federal Operating Grants Account - 25456 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 38 For administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal laws 39 including the national community service act and the transition to 40 teaching program. 41 Personal service ... 387,000 .......................... (re. $387,000) 42 Nonpersonal service ... 549,000 ....................... (re. $549,000) 43 Fringe benefits ... 156,000 ........................... (re. $156,000) 44 Indirect costs ... 89,000 .............................. (re. $89,000) 45 Special Revenue Funds - Other 46 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 47 Office of Professions Account - 22051 141 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 2 For services and expenses related to licensure and disciplining 3 programs for the professions, and foreign and out-of-state medical 4 school evaluations. 5 Personal service--regular ... 20,070,000 ............ (re. $9,346,000) 6 Temporary service ... 180,000 ........................... (re. $4,000) 7 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 170,000 ............... (re. $1,000) 8 Supplies and materials ... 600,000 ..................... (re. $15,000) 9 Travel ... 600,000 ..................................... (re. $15,000) 10 Contractual services ... 12,692,000 ................... (re. $280,000) 11 Equipment ... 600,000 .................................. (re. $40,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 9,328,000 ....................... (re. $8,665,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 896,000 ............................ (re. $504,000) 14 OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT SERVICES PROGRAM 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 17 Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21978 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 19 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 20 revenue funds - other, special revenue funds - federal and internal 21 service funds and for services provided to other state agencies, 22 governmental bodies and other entities. 23 Contractual services ... 2,962,000 .................... (re. $250,000) 24 OFFICE OF PREKINDERGARTEN THROUGH GRADE TWELVE EDUCATION PROGRAM 25 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 26 Federal Education Fund 27 Federal Department of Education Account - 25210 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 30 not limited to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary 31 and secondary education act. 32 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 33 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 34 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 35 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 36 Personal service ... 21,610,000 .................... (re. $16,346,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 12,300,000 ................. (re. $12,090,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 9,046,000 ....................... (re. $8,396,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 4,944,000 ........................ (re. $4,926,000) 40 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 41 not limited to, improving teacher quality and mathematics and 42 science partnerships pursuant to title II of the elementary and 43 secondary education act provided, however, that a portion of the 44 funds appropriated herein shall be used to implement a plan to 45 improve educator effectiveness by (1) requiring longer, more inten- 46 sive and high quality student-teaching experience in a school 142 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 setting as a prerequisite for certification as a teacher and (2) 2 creating standards for a teacher and principal bar exam certif- 3 ication program that would include a common set of professionally 4 rigorous assessments to ensure the best prepared educators are 5 entering the public school system. 6 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 7 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 8 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 9 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 10 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ...................... (re. $4,581,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 6,000,000 ................... (re. $6,000,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 1,770,000 ....................... (re. $1,770,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 1,150,000 ........................ (re. $1,150,000) 14 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 15 not limited to, English language acquisition program pursuant to 16 title III of the elementary and secondary education act. 17 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 18 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 19 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 20 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 21 Personal service ... 3,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,900,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 1,200,000 ....................... (re. $1,200,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 800,000 ............................ (re. $800,000) 25 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 26 not limited to, 21st century community learning centers pursuant to 27 title IV of the elementary and secondary education act. 28 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 29 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 30 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 31 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 32 Personal service ... 3,400,000 ...................... (re. $3,215,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 3,000,000 ................... (re. $3,000,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 1,900,000 ....................... (re. $1,900,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 850,000 ............................ (re. $850,000) 36 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 37 not limited to, public charter schools pursuant to title V of the 38 elementary and secondary education act. 39 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 40 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 41 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 42 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 43 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,358,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 770,000 ....................... (re. $770,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 510,000 ........................... (re. $406,000) 46 Indirect costs ... 320,000 ............................ (re. $304,000) 47 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 48 not limited to, improving academic achievement and the rural educa- 49 tion initiative pursuant to title VI of the elementary and secondary 50 education act. 51 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 52 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 143 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 2 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 3 Personal service ... 7,000,000 ...................... (re. $6,451,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 13,500,000 ................. (re. $13,500,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 3,500,000 ....................... (re. $3,500,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 1,300,000 ........................ (re. $1,300,000) 7 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 8 not limited to, homeless education pursuant to title X of the 9 elementary and secondary education act. 10 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 11 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 12 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 13 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 14 Personal service ... 400,000 .......................... (re. $379,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 600,000 ....................... (re. $600,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 150,000 ............................ (re. $150,000) 18 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 19 not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technolo- 20 gy education act (VTEA). 21 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 22 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 23 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 24 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 25 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ...................... (re. $4,817,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 4,000,000 ................... (re. $3,800,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 2,000,000 ....................... (re. $2,000,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 1,000,000 ........................ (re. $1,000,000) 29 For the administration of various grants. 30 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 31 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 32 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 33 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 34 Personal service ... 2,700,000 ...................... (re. $2,700,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 4,529,000 ................... (re. $4,529,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 1,410,000 ....................... (re. $1,410,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 700,000 ............................ (re. $700,000) 38 For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil- 39 dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of 40 1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion 41 of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments 42 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 43 ation. 44 Personal service ... 20,502,000 .................... (re. $17,809,000) 45 Nonpersonal service ... 17,211,000 ................. (re. $17,198,000) 46 Fringe benefits ... 10,940,000 ..................... (re. $10,940,000) 47 Indirect costs ... 6,317,000 ........................ (re. $6,317,000) 48 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the teacher incentive 49 fund program as funded by the American recovery and reinvestment act 50 of 2009. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 51 portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of the direc- 52 tor of the budget, may be suballocated to other state departments 144 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 2 ation. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject to all applicable 3 reporting and accountability requirements contained in such act. 4 Personal service ... 103,000 .......................... (re. $103,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 26,000 ......................... (re. $26,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 48,000 ............................. (re. $48,000) 7 Indirect costs ... 23,000 .............................. (re. $23,000) 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 9 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 10 not limited to, grants for purposes under title I of the elementary 11 and secondary education act. 12 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 13 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 14 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 15 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 16 Personal service ... 21,610,000 .................... (re. $11,820,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 12,300,000 ................. (re. $11,330,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 9,046,000 ....................... (re. $7,260,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 4,944,000 ........................ (re. $4,910,000) 20 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 21 not limited to, improving teacher quality and mathematics and 22 science partnerships pursuant to title II of the elementary and 23 secondary education act provided, however, that a portion of the 24 funds appropriated herein shall be used to implement a plan to 25 improve educator effectiveness by (1) requiring longer, more inten- 26 sive and high quality student-teaching experience in a school 27 setting as a prerequisite for certification as a teacher and (2) 28 creating standards for a teacher and principal bar exam certif- 29 ication program that would include a common set of professionally 30 rigorous assessments to ensure the best prepared educators are 31 entering the public school system. 32 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 33 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 34 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 35 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 36 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ...................... (re. $4,450,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 6,000,000 ................... (re. $5,890,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 1,770,000 ....................... (re. $1,320,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 1,150,000 ........................ (re. $1,146,000) 40 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 41 not limited to, English language acquisition program pursuant to 42 title III of the elementary and secondary education act. 43 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 44 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 45 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 46 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 47 Personal service ... 3,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,856,000) 48 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $1,905,000) 49 Fringe benefits ... 1,200,000 ......................... (re. $831,000) 50 Indirect costs ... 800,000 ............................ (re. $745,000) 145 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 2 not limited to, 21st century community learning centers pursuant to 3 title IV of the elementary and secondary education act. 4 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 5 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 6 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 7 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 8 Personal service ... 4,400,000 ...................... (re. $3,525,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 2,000,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 1,900,000 ....................... (re. $1,767,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 850,000 ............................ (re. $850,000) 12 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 13 not limited to, public charter schools pursuant to title V of the 14 elementary and secondary education act. 15 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 16 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 17 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 18 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 19 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ........................ (re. $816,000) 20 Nonpersonal service ... 770,000 ....................... (re. $744,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 510,000 ........................... (re. $352,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 320,000 ............................ (re. $307,000) 23 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 24 not limited to, improving academic achievement and the rural educa- 25 tion initiative pursuant to title VI of the elementary and secondary 26 education act. 27 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 28 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 29 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 30 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 31 Personal service ... 8,000,000 ...................... (re. $7,629,000) 32 Nonpersonal service ... 13,500,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 33 Fringe benefits ... 2,500,000 ....................... (re. $2,500,000) 34 Indirect costs ... 1,300,000 ........................ (re. $1,300,000) 35 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 36 not limited to, homeless education pursuant to title X of the 37 elementary and secondary education act. 38 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 39 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 40 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 41 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 42 Personal service ... 400,000 .......................... (re. $381,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 600,000 ....................... (re. $600,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 150,000 ............................ (re. $150,000) 46 For the administration of grants for specific programs including, but 47 not limited to, the Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied technolo- 48 gy education act (VTEA). 49 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 50 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 51 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 52 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 146 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ........................ (re. $420,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 4,000,000 ................... (re. $3,822,000) 3 Fringe benefits ... 2,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,816,000) 4 Indirect costs ... 1,000,000 .......................... (re. $997,000) 5 For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil- 6 dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of 7 1991. 8 Provided that, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, of 9 the funds appropriated herein, up to $2,000,000 shall be available 10 to support program and/or fiscal audits and/or reviews of individual 11 preschool special education providers to be conducted by an external 12 audit firm selected through a competitive request for proposals 13 process or otherwise and, provided further that up to $2,000,000 14 shall be available for development of data collection and analysis 15 systems to improve the capacity of the state, school districts and 16 municipalities oversight of the provision of preschool special 17 education services. 18 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 19 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 20 agencies, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, as 21 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 22 Personal service ... 20,502,000 ..................... (re. $3,737,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 17,211,000 ................. (re. $13,110,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 10,940,000 ...................... (re. $4,249,000) 25 Indirect costs ... 6,317,000 ........................ (re. $4,867,000) 26 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the teacher incentive 27 fund program as funded by the American recovery and reinvestment act 28 of 2009. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 29 portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of the direc- 30 tor of the budget, may be suballocated to other state departments 31 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 32 ation. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject to all applicable 33 reporting and accountability requirements contained in such act. 34 Personal service ... 103,000 .......................... (re. $103,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 26,000 ......................... (re. $26,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 48,000 ............................. (re. $48,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 23,000 .............................. (re. $23,000) 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal EDUCATION Fund 40 Federal Department of Education Account 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 42 For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal 43 laws including: elementary and secondary education act (ESEA); no 44 child left behind act (NCLB); including title I improving the 45 academic achievement of the disadvantaged; title II preparing, 46 training, and recruiting high quality teachers and principals; title 47 III language instruction for limited English proficient and immi- 48 grant students; title IV 21st century schools; title V promoting 49 informed parental choice and innovative programs; title VI flexibil- 50 ity and accountability; Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied tech- 147 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 nology education act (VTEA) and workforce investment act. Notwith- 2 standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 3 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 4 agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 5 Personal service ... 56,897,000 ..................... (re. $8,000,000) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 34,729,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 24,397,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 8 Indirect costs ... 13,086,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 9 For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil- 10 dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of 11 1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion 12 of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments 13 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 14 ation. 15 Personal service ... 20,502,000 ........................ (re. $50,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 17,211,000 .................. (re. $1,200,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 10,940,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 6,317,000 ........................... (re. $15,000) 19 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the statewide data 20 systems grant program provided under section 208 of the educational 21 technical assistance act, as funded by the American recovery and 22 reinvestment act of 2009. Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, 24 subject to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state 25 agency or department for the purposes of section 208 of the educa- 26 tion technical assistance act as funded by the American recovery and 27 reinvestment act of 2009. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject 28 to all applicable reporting and accountability requirements 29 contained in such act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of 30 law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other 31 state departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent 32 of this appropriation. 33 Personal service ... 600,000 .......................... (re. $108,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 8,900,000 ..................... (re. $600,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 250,000 ............................ (re. $188,000) 37 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the teacher incentive 38 fund program as funded by the American recovery and reinvestment act 39 of 2009. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 40 portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state 41 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 42 appropriation. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject to all 43 applicable reporting and accountability requirements contained in 44 such act. 45 Personal service ... 103,000 ............................ (re. $2,000) 46 Nonpersonal service ... 26,000 ......................... (re. $26,000) 47 Fringe benefits ... 48,000 ............................. (re. $14,000) 48 Indirect costs ... 23,000 ............................... (re. $3,000) 49 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 50 For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal 51 laws including: elementary and secondary education act (ESEA); no 148 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 child left behind act (NCLB); including title I improving the 2 academic achievement of the disadvantaged; title II preparing, 3 training, and recruiting high quality teachers and principals; title 4 III language instruction for limited English proficient and immi- 5 grant students; title IV 21st century schools; title V promoting 6 informed parental choice and innovative programs; title VI flexibil- 7 ity and accountability; Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied tech- 8 nology education act (VTEA) and workforce investment act. Notwith- 9 standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 10 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 11 agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 12 Personal service ... 56,706,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 13 Nonpersonal service ... 34,614,000 .................. (re. $2,000,000) 14 Fringe benefits ... 24,303,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 15 Indirect costs ... 13,026,000 .......................... (re. $25,000) 16 For the administration of various grants. 17 Personal service ... 191,000 .......................... (re. $191,000) 18 Nonpersonal service ... 115,000 ....................... (re. $115,000) 19 Fringe benefits ... 94,000 ............................. (re. $94,000) 20 Indirect costs ... 60,000 .............................. (re. $60,000) 21 For services and expenses for school age children and preschool chil- 22 dren pursuant to the individuals with disabilities education act of 23 1991. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion 24 of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments 25 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 26 ation. 27 Personal service ... 20,100,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 28 Nonpersonal service ... 16,873,830 .................. (re. $2,000,000) 29 Fringe benefits ... 10,725,360 ......................... (re. $70,000) 30 Indirect costs ... 6,192,810 ........................... (re. $50,000) 31 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the statewide data 32 systems grant program provided under section 208 of the educational 33 technical assistance act, as funded by the American recovery and 34 reinvestment act of 2009. Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, funds appropriated herein may be suballocated, 36 subject to the approval of the director of the budget, to any state 37 agency or department for the purposes of section 208 of the educa- 38 tion technical assistance act as funded by the American recovery and 39 reinvestment act of 2009. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject 40 to all applicable reporting and accountability requirements 41 contained in such act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of 42 law, a portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other 43 state departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent 44 of this appropriation. 45 Personal service ... 600,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 46 Nonpersonal service ... 8,900,000 ..................... (re. $200,000) 47 Fringe benefits ... 250,000 ............................ (re. $50,000) 48 Indirect costs ... 250,000 ............................. (re. $25,000) 49 For administration of federal grants pursuant to the teacher incentive 50 fund program as funded by the American recovery and reinvestment act 51 of 2009. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 52 portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state 149 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 2 appropriation. Funds appropriated herein shall be subject to all 3 applicable reporting and accountability requirements contained in 4 such act. 5 Personal service ... 103,000 ........................... (re. $70,000) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 26,000 ......................... (re. $26,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 48,000 .............................. (re. $7,000) 8 Indirect costs ... 23,000 ............................... (re. $8,000) 9 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 10 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 11 For the administration of federal grants pursuant to various federal 12 laws including: elementary and secondary education act (ESEA); no 13 child left behind act (NCLB); including title I improving the 14 academic achievement of the disadvantaged; title II preparing, 15 training, and recruiting high quality teachers and principals; title 16 III language instruction for limited English proficient and immi- 17 grant students; title IV 21st century schools; title V promoting 18 informed parental choice and innovative programs; title VI flexibil- 19 ity and accountability; Carl D. Perkins vocational and applied tech- 20 nology education act (VTEA) and workforce investment act. Notwith- 21 standing any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 22 appropriation may be suballocated to other state departments and 23 agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 24 Personal service ... 59,425,000 ....................... (re. $300,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 38,146,000 .................... (re. $500,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 25,470,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 13,709,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 28 For the administration of various grants. 29 Personal service ... 191,000 .......................... (re. $191,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 115,000 ....................... (re. $115,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 94,000 ............................. (re. $94,000) 32 Indirect costs ... 60,000 .............................. (re. $60,000) 33 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 34 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 35 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25122 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 37 For the administration of federal grants for health education includ- 38 ing HIV/AIDS education. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 39 of law, a portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of 40 the director of the budget, may be suballocated to other state 41 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 42 appropriation. 43 Personal service ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $500,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 450,000 ....................... (re. $450,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 370,000 ........................... (re. $370,000) 46 Indirect costs ... 200,000 ............................ (re. $200,000) 47 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 150 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For the administration of federal grants for health education includ- 2 ing HIV/AIDS education. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 3 of law, a portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of 4 the director of the budget, may be suballocated to other state 5 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 6 appropriation. 7 Personal service ... 500,000 ........................... (re. $50,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 450,000 ....................... (re. $100,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 370,000 ............................ (re. $25,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 200,000 ............................. (re. $25,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 13 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25026 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For administration of programs funded through the national school 16 lunch act. 17 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of this 18 appropriation, subject to the approval of the director of the budg- 19 et, may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies, as 20 needed to accomplish the intent of this appropriation. 21 Personal service ... 5,000,000 ...................... (re. $5,000,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 7,500,000 ................... (re. $7,500,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 2,750,000 ....................... (re. $2,750,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 2,250,000 ........................ (re. $2,250,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 For administration of programs funded through the national school 27 lunch act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 28 portion of this appropriation, subject to the approval of the direc- 29 tor of the budget, may be suballocated to other state departments 30 and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this appropri- 31 ation. 32 Personal service ... 4,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,714,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 7,500,000 ................... (re. $5,160,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 2,500,000 ....................... (re. $1,619,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 2,000,000 ........................ (re. $1,794,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 37 For administration of programs funded through the national school 38 lunch act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 39 portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state 40 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 41 appropriation. 42 Personal service ... 4,545,000 ........................ (re. $462,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 2,331,000 ................... (re. $1,348,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 1,905,000 ......................... (re. $185,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 1,604,000 ........................... (re. $29,000) 46 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 151 20011-02-5 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For administration of programs funded through the national school 2 lunch act. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a 3 portion of this appropriation may be suballocated to other state 4 departments and agencies, as needed to accomplish the intent of this 5 appropriation. 6 Personal service ... 4,545,000 ........................ (re. $500,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 2,263,000 ................... (re. $1,500,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 1,905,000 ......................... (re. $300,000) 9 Indirect costs ... 1,604,000 .......................... (re. $200,000) 152 20011-02-5 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 8,140,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 0 17,000,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 3,000,000 4,000,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 11,140,000 21,000,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 REGULATION OF ELECTIONS PROGRAM .............................. 6,880,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,899,000 26 Temporary service ................................. 45,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,948,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ........................... 128,000 33 Travel ............................................ 26,000 34 Contractual services ............................. 701,000 35 Equipment ......................................... 77,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 932,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 3,880,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 153 20011-02-5 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 2 Voting Machine Examinations Account - 22099 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ........................... 3,000,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000 7 -------------- 8 ELECTION ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ................................. 4,260,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purpose Account - 10050 12 For services and expenses related to compli- 13 ance, including but not limited to over- 14 sight of campaign receipts and expendi- 15 tures, and educational efforts to increase 16 compliance. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service - regular ..................... 1,089,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Contractual service .............................. 421,000 32 -------------- 33 For services and expenses related to 34 enforcement of the election law, including 35 but not limited to the investigation of 36 violations and referral for prosecution. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 154 20011-02-5 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program of the division of the budget, are 2 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 3 part of this appropriation as if fully 4 stated. 5 PERSONAL SERVICE 6 Personal service - regular ..................... 1,046,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Contractual service .............................. 404,000 10 -------------- 11 For the purchase of software and/or the 12 development of technology related to 13 compliance and enforcement. 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Contractual service ............................ 1,300,000 16 -------------- 155 20011-02-5 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 REGULATION OF ELECTIONS PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Help America Vote Act Implementation Account 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 6 For services and expenses related to the implementation of federal 7 election requirements including the help America vote act of 2002 8 and the military and overseas voter empowerment act of 2009. 9 Nonpersonal service ... 6,500,000 ................... (re. $6,500,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 11 For services and expenses related to the implementation of the mili- 12 tary and overseas voter empowerment act of 2009 .................... 13 6,500,000 ......................................... (re. $4,500,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 50, 15 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 16 For HAVA related expenditures ... 6,000,000 ......... (re. $4,000,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2005, as added by chapter 62, 18 section 1, of the laws of 2005: 19 For services and expenses related to the help America vote act of 20 2002; provided however, expenditures shall be made from this appro- 21 priation only pursuant to a contract, or modified contract, approved 22 by a vote of the state board of elections pursuant to subdivision 4 23 of section 3-100 of the election law, or, absent a contract, pursu- 24 ant to a vote of the state board of elections for expenditure pursu- 25 ant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election law. The 26 amounts hereby appropriated may be increased or decreased through 27 interchange with any other special revenue funds - federal, federal 28 operating grants fund - 290 appropriation in the board or trans- 29 ferred to any other eligible state agency for the purpose of imple- 30 menting the help America vote act of 2002, provided that any such 31 interchange or transfer shall be approved by the state board of 32 elections pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election 33 law and, in addition, any such interchange or transfer shall be 34 approved by the director of the budget who shall file copies thereof 35 with the state comptroller and the chairman of the senate finance 36 and assembly ways and means committees. 37 For services and expenses incurred prior to April 1, 2005 ............ 38 5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $1,000,000) 39 For services and expenses incurred on or after April 1, 2005 ......... 40 15,000,000 ........................................ (re. $1,000,000) 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 43 Help America Vote Act Matching Funds Account 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 156 20011-02-5 STATE BOARD OF ELECTIONS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For expenses including prior year liabilities related to satisfying 2 the matching fund requirements of section 253(b) (5) of the help 3 America vote act of 2002; provided however, expenditures shall be 4 made from this appropriation only pursuant to a contract, or modi- 5 fied contract, approved by a vote of the state board of elections 6 pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 of the election law, or, 7 absent a contract, pursuant to a vote of the state board of 8 elections for expenditure pursuant to subdivision 4 of section 3-100 9 of the election law. 10 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Voting Machine Examinations Account - 22099 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, as added by chapter 53, 15 section 2, of the laws of 2014: 16 Contractual services ... 3,000,000 .................. (re. $3,000,000) 157 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 2,863,000 5,000,000 4 Internal Service Funds ............. 1,947,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 4,810,000 5,000,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 CONTRACT NEGOTIATION AND ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM .............. 4,810,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,723,000 25 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 26 Holiday / Overtime ................................. 1,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,734,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 32 Travel ............................................ 11,000 33 Contractual services .............................. 97,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 129,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 2,863,000 38 -------------- 39 Internal Service Funds 158 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Joint Labor/Management Administration Fund 2 Joint Labor Management Administration Account - 55201 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ........................ 990,000 15 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,000,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 21 Travel ............................................ 10,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 247,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................. 600,000 24 Indirect costs .................................... 30,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 947,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 1,947,000 29 -------------- 159 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CONTRACT NEGOTIATION AND ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as 5 amended by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is hereby 6 amended and reappropriated to read: 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds 8 appropriated herein shall be made available for a pilot program to 9 provide job placement training to employees in the office of chil- 10 dren and family services, the office of mental health, the depart- 11 ment of corrections and community supervision, and the office for 12 people with developmental disabilities who are impacted by the 13 closure or restructuring of facilities in state fiscal years 2012- 14 13, 2013-14, [or] 2014-15, OR 2015-16. Such pilot program shall be 15 developed and administered solely by the office of employee 16 relations. The terms of this pilot program shall be subject only to 17 consultation with the department of civil service and approval by 18 the director of the division of the budget. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, this pilot 20 program shall only be made available to such impacted employees who 21 are not otherwise offered an employment opportunity in a position 22 with a statutory salary grade, non-statutorily established grade- 23 equation, non-statutorily established flat-salary or non-statutorily 24 established not to exceed salary that is determined to be comparable 25 to the employee's current position by the department of civil 26 service, provided, however, such offer shall be made to a position 27 at a work location in the state service within twenty-five miles of 28 the impacted employee's current work location through: (i) depart- 29 ment of civil service-administered agency reduction transfer lists; 30 or (ii) any means authorized under the New York state civil service 31 law. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the funds 33 provided herein may be suballocated to any other state department, 34 agency, or office, only for the purpose of implementing the pilot 35 program for job placement training established by this appropri- 36 ation, under the terms and conditions specified within this appro- 37 priation subject to the approval of the director of the division of 38 the budget. 39 Contractual services ... 5,000,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 160 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 113,863,000 34,776,200 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 81,198,000 365,887,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 273,861,000 135,763,900 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 95,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 469,017,000 536,427,100 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 23,501,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 For services and expenses of the adminis- 16 tration program, including suballocation 17 to other state departments and agencies. 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 21 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 22 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 23 appropriation for the budget division 24 program of the division of the budget, are 25 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully 27 stated. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,888,000 30 Temporary service ................................ 211,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 41,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,140,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 289,000 37 Travel ............................................ 86,000 38 Contractual services ............................. 964,000 39 Equipment ......................................... 76,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,415,000 42 -------------- 161 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 7,555,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Conservation Fund 5 Conservation Fund Account - 21150 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 8 Travel ............................................ 29,000 9 Contractual services ............................. 243,000 10 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ..................... 324,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 16 ENCON Magazine Account - 21080 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ........................... 207,000 29 Travel ............................................ 11,000 30 Contractual services ............................. 450,000 31 Equipment .......................................... 6,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ..................... 674,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 37 Federal Grant Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21065 38 For services and expenses related to the 39 administration of special revenue funds - 40 federal. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 42 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 162 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 2 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 3 appropriation for the budget division 4 program of the division of the budget, are 5 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 6 part of this appropriation as if fully 7 stated. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,833,000 10 Temporary service .................................. 2,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 2,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,837,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ........................... 168,000 17 Travel ............................................. 9,000 18 Contractual services ............................. 743,000 19 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,096,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,016,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 14,853,000 24 -------------- 25 Internal Service Funds 26 Agencies Internal Service Fund 27 Banking Services Account - 55057 28 For services and expenses related to the 29 lockbox collection of regulatory fees. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 40 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 41 Contractual services .............................. 95,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal ...................... 95,000 44 -------------- 163 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 AIR AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................... 133,309,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 For services and expenses of the air and 6 water quality management program, includ- 7 ing suballocation to other state depart- 8 ments and agencies. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 12 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 13 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 14 appropriation for the budget division 15 program of the division of the budget, are 16 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 17 part of this appropriation as if fully 18 stated. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ..................... 14,485,000 21 Temporary service ................................. 63,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 61,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service ....... 14,609,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ........................... 461,000 28 Travel ........................................... 106,000 29 Contractual services ........................... 1,059,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 71,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,697,000 33 -------------- 34 Total amount available ...................... 16,306,000 35 -------------- 36 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, not 37 less than $150,000 shall be made available 38 to the department of environmental conser- 39 vation for the expansion of the existing 40 free collection and disposal program for 41 unwanted drugs, as such term is defined in 42 subdivision 7 of section 6802 of the 43 education law, to include hospitals, adult 44 care facilities and nursing homes in DEC 45 region one. 164 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 150,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal .................. 16,456,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 7 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 8 Federal Environmental Conservation Air Resources Grants 9 Account - 25334 10 For services and expenses related to air 11 resources purposes. A portion of these 12 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 13 ties and may be suballocated to other 14 state departments and agencies. 15 Personal service ............................... 4,455,000 16 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,010,000 17 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,535,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal ................... 9,000,000 20 -------------- 21 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 22 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 23 Federal Environmental Conservation Spills Management 24 Grant Account - 25334 25 For services and expenses related to spills 26 management purposes. A portion of these 27 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 28 ties and may be suballocated to other 29 state departments and agencies. 30 Personal service ............................... 2,285,000 31 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,416,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,299,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 38 Federal Environmental Conservation Water Grants Account 39 - 25334 40 For services and expenses related to water 41 resource purposes. A portion of these 42 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 165 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ties and may be suballocated to other 2 state departments and agencies. 3 Personal service ............................... 9,802,000 4 Nonpersonal service ............................ 9,517,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,579,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal .................. 24,898,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Clean Air Fund 11 Mobile Source Account - 21452 12 For the direct and indirect costs of the 13 department of environmental conservation 14 associated with developing, implementing 15 and administering the mobile source 16 program, including suballocation to other 17 state departments and agencies. 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 21 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 22 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 23 appropriation for the budget division 24 program of the division of the budget, are 25 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully 27 stated. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,367,000 30 Temporary service ................................ 201,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 132,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,700,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 639,000 37 Travel ........................................... 181,000 38 Contractual services ............................. 339,000 39 Equipment ........................................ 536,000 40 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,864,000 41 Indirect costs ................................... 222,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,781,000 44 -------------- 166 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 12,481,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Clean Air Fund 5 Operating Permit Program Account - 21451 6 For the direct and indirect costs of the 7 department of environmental conservation 8 associated with developing, implementing 9 and administering the operating permit 10 program, including suballocation to other 11 state departments and agencies. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,485,000 24 Temporary service ................................. 75,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 103,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,663,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 305,000 31 Travel ........................................... 112,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 1,968,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 118,000 34 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,113,000 35 Indirect costs ................................... 121,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,737,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 8,400,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 43 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 167 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to facili- 2 ty compliance and monitoring including for 3 concentrated animal feeding operations and 4 dam safety. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 8 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 9 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 10 appropriation for the budget division 11 program of the division of the budget, are 12 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully 14 stated. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ........................ 823,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ............................ 69,000 20 Travel ............................................ 66,000 21 Contractual services .............................. 44,000 22 Equipment ......................................... 79,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................. 475,000 24 Indirect Costs .................................... 28,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 761,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 1,584,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 32 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Account - 21087 33 For services and expenses related to the 34 Great Lakes restoration initiative for the 35 purpose of sustainability and restoration 36 projects in the Great Lakes basin. Pursu- 37 ant to section 11 of the state finance 38 law, the department is authorized to 39 accept any monies from public corpo- 40 rations, not-for-profit corporations and 41 other non-governmental organizations for 42 purposes of Great Lakes restoration. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 44 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 45 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 46 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 168 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 2 appropriation for the budget division 3 program of the division of the budget, are 4 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 5 part of this appropriation as if fully 6 stated. 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 14 Hazardous Substances Bulk Storage Account - 21061 15 For services and expenses related to article 16 40 of the environmental conservation law. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ........................ 157,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service .......... 167,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 17,000 35 Travel ............................................ 14,000 36 Contractual services .............................. 29,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................... 97,000 38 Indirect Costs ..................................... 6,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 163,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ..................... 330,000 43 -------------- 169 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 3 UST Trust Recovery Account - 21083 4 For services and expenses related to the 5 spills program including suballocation to 6 other state departments and agencies. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 10 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 12 appropriation for the budget division 13 program of the division of the budget, are 14 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 15 part of this appropriation as if fully 16 stated. 17 PERSONAL SERVICE 18 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,218,000 19 -------------- 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Fringe benefits .................................. 703,000 22 Indirect costs .................................... 41,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 744,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ................... 1,962,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund 30 Department of Environmental Conservation Account - 21203 31 For services and expenses for cleanup and 32 removal of oil and chemical spills pursu- 33 ant to chapter 845 of the laws of 1977. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 42 part of this appropriation as if fully 43 stated. 170 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ..................... 10,210,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 70,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 298,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ....... 10,578,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 596,000 10 Travel ............................................ 66,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 1,370,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 662,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,983,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 572,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,249,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ...................... 19,827,000 19 -------------- 20 For services and expenses related to the oil 21 spill program, including suballocation to 22 other state departments and agencies. 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 26 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 27 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 28 appropriation for the budget division 29 program of the division of the budget, are 30 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully 32 stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,241,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Fringe benefits .................................. 689,000 38 Indirect costs .................................... 70,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 759,000 41 -------------- 42 Total amount available ....................... 2,000,000 43 -------------- 171 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 21,827,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund 5 Oil Spill Cleanup Account - 21204 6 For services and expenses for cleanup and 7 removal of oil and chemical spills pursu- 8 ant to chapter 845 of the laws of 1977, 9 including prior year liabilities. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 13 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 14 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 15 appropriation for the budget division 16 program of the division of the budget, are 17 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 18 part of this appropriation as if fully 19 stated. 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Contractual services .......................... 21,200,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 21,200,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 New York Great Lakes Protection Fund 27 Great Lakes Protection Account - 22851 28 For services and expenses funded by the 29 Great Lakes protection fund, pursuant to 30 chapter 148 of the laws of 1990 and 31 section 97-ee of the state finance law, 32 including suballocation to other state 33 departments and agencies including the 34 state university of New York. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 36 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 38 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 39 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 40 appropriation for the budget division 41 program of the division of the budget, are 42 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully 44 stated. 172 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ......................... 91,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 6 Travel ............................................ 40,000 7 Contractual services ............................. 741,000 8 Fringe benefits ................................... 53,000 9 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 842,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ..................... 933,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Sewage Treatment Program Management and Administration 17 Fund 18 ENCON Administration Account - 21002 19 For services and expenses for administration 20 of the water pollution control revolving 21 fund and related water quality activities 22 as permitted by law, including suballo- 23 cation to the environmental facilities 24 corporation. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 28 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 29 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 30 appropriation for the budget division 31 program of the division of the budget, are 32 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 33 part of this appropriation as if fully 34 stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,940,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 16,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,956,000 40 -------------- 173 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 10,000 4 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,251,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,282,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 6,238,000 9 -------------- 10 ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ........................... 64,673,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 For services and expenses of the enforcement 15 program, including suballocation to other 16 state departments and agencies. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ..................... 22,417,000 29 Temporary service ................................. 17,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 3,319,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ....... 25,753,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 334,000 36 Travel ............................................ 29,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 363,000 38 Equipment ......................................... 32,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 758,000 41 -------------- 42 Total amount available ...................... 26,511,000 43 -------------- 174 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of the implementa- 2 tion of the New York city watershed agree- 3 ment for activities including, but not 4 limited to enforcement, water quality 5 monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 6 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive 7 award program, providing grants to munici- 8 palities for reimbursement of planning and 9 zoning activities, and establishing a 10 watershed inspector general's office, 11 including suballocation to the departments 12 of health, state and law. Notwithstanding 13 any other provision of law to the contra- 14 ry, the director of the budget is hereby 15 authorized to transfer up to $800,000 of 16 this appropriation to local assistance to 17 the department of state for water quality 18 planning and implementation competitive 19 grants to municipalities within the New 20 York City watershed for the purpose of 21 maintaining the filtration avoidance 22 determination issued by the United States 23 environmental protection agency. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,354,000 36 Temporary service ................................. 65,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,419,000 39 -------------- 40 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 41 Supplies and materials ............................ 33,000 42 Travel ............................................ 20,000 43 Contractual services ............................. 555,000 44 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 45 -------------- 46 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 618,000 47 -------------- 175 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Total amount available ....................... 4,037,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 30,548,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Conservation Fund 7 Conservation Fund Account - 21150 8 For services and expenses of the enforcement 9 program. 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,700,000 12 Temporary service ................................ 425,000 13 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,618,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,743,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ........................... 137,000 19 Contractual services ........................... 1,478,000 20 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,042,000 21 Indirect costs ................................... 289,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,946,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal .................. 15,689,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 29 ENCON-Seized Assets Account - 21052 30 For services and expenses of the environ- 31 mental enforcement program in accordance 32 with a programmatic and financial plan to 33 be approved by the director of the budget. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 42 part of this appropriation as if fully 43 stated. 176 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 75,000 4 Equipment ........................................ 175,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 10 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 11 For services and expenses of the environ- 12 mental enforcement program, including 13 suballocation to other state departments 14 and agencies. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,336,000 27 Temporary service ................................ 113,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 754,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,203,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,115,000 34 Travel ........................................... 368,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 1,480,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 258,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,307,000 38 Indirect costs ................................... 305,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,833,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 18,036,000 43 -------------- 44 Special Revenue Funds - Other 177 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 2 Public Safety Recovery Account - 21077 3 For services and expenses related to fire 4 suppression, homeland security and other 5 public safety activities. This includes 6 access to miscellaneous special revenue 7 receipts associated with the pass-thru of 8 funds from federal agencies/departments in 9 conjunction with public safety or homeland 10 security purposes. Specifically, access to 11 funds deposited into this account from the 12 Port Authority of New York/New Jersey, in 13 their capacity as fiduciary agency for 14 federal agencies/departments. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 27 Travel ............................................ 21,000 28 Contractual services .............................. 24,000 29 Equipment ......................................... 34,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 32 -------------- 33 FISH, WILDLIFE AND MARINE RESOURCES PROGRAM ................. 80,276,000 34 -------------- 35 General Fund 36 State Purposes Account - 10050 37 For services and expenses of the fish, wild- 38 life and marine resources program, includ- 39 ing suballocation to other state depart- 40 ments and agencies. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 42 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 44 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 45 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 46 appropriation for the budget division 178 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program of the division of the budget, are 2 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 3 part of this appropriation as if fully 4 stated. 5 PERSONAL SERVICE 6 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,636,000 7 Temporary service ................................. 95,000 8 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 43,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,774,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ........................... 947,000 14 Travel ............................................ 52,000 15 Contractual services ........................... 1,046,000 16 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,105,000 19 -------------- 20 Total amount available ....................... 4,879,000 21 -------------- 22 For services and expenses related to the 23 natural resource damages program. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ........................ 373,000 36 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for personal service .......... 376,000 39 -------------- 40 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 41 Travel ............................................. 7,000 42 Contractual services ........................... 2,502,000 43 -------------- 179 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,509,000 2 -------------- 3 Total amount available ....................... 2,885,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal ................... 7,764,000 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 9 Federal Environmental Conservation Fish, Wildlife, and 10 Marine Grants Account - 25334 11 For services and expenses related to fish 12 and wildlife purposes, including the Lake 13 Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion 14 of these funds may be transferred to aid 15 to localities and may be suballocated to 16 other state departments and agencies. 17 Personal service .............................. 10,657,000 18 Nonpersonal service ........................... 11,635,000 19 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,708,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal .................. 28,000,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Conservation Fund 25 Conservation Fund Account - 21150 26 For services and expenses of the fish, wild- 27 life and marine resources program, includ- 28 ing suballocation to other state depart- 29 ments and agencies. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ..................... 15,421,000 32 Temporary service ................................ 991,000 33 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 595,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ....... 17,007,000 36 -------------- 180 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,020,000 3 Travel ........................................... 291,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 2,010,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 387,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,807,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 562,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 16,077,000 10 -------------- 11 Total amount available ...................... 33,084,000 12 -------------- 13 For services and expenses for return a gift 14 to wildlife program projects pursuant to 15 chapter 4 of the laws of 1982. 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 18 -------------- 19 For services and expenses related to the 20 operation and maintenance of the depart- 21 ment of environmental conservation's auto- 22 mated computer license system. 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Contractual services ........................... 4,000,000 25 -------------- 26 For services and expenses related to the 27 federal electronic duck stamp act of 2005. 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Contractual services ............................. 480,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 5,480,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Conservation Fund 35 Guides License Account - 21153 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ......................... 53,000 38 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 8,000 39 -------------- 181 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for personal service ........... 61,000 2 -------------- 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................ 23,000 5 Contractual services ............................... 5,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................... 36,000 7 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 67,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 128,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Conservation Fund 15 Habitat Account - 21156 16 For services and expenses including habitat 17 management and the improvement and devel- 18 opment of public access for wildlife-re- 19 lated recreation and study. 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Supplies and materials ............................ 65,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 101,000 23 -------------- 24 Program account subtotal ..................... 166,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Funds - Other 27 Conservation Fund 28 Marine Resources Account - 21151 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ........................ 963,000 31 Temporary service ................................ 193,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 215,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,371,000 35 -------------- 182 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 576,000 3 Travel ............................................ 41,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,531,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 68,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 791,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 46,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,053,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 4,424,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Conservation Fund 15 Surf Clam/Ocean Quahog Account - 21155 16 For services and expenses related to surf 17 clam and ocean quahog programs. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Temporary service ................................. 62,000 20 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 7,000 21 -------------- 22 Amount available for personal service ........... 69,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 26 Travel ............................................. 1,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 104,000 28 Equipment .......................................... 3,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................... 40,000 30 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 152,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ..................... 221,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Conservation Fund 38 Venison Donation Account - 21157 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Contractual services ............................. 116,000 41 -------------- 183 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 116,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 5 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 6 For services and expenses related to 7 stewardship of state lands and facilities. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ........................ 413,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 30,000 23 Travel ............................................ 28,000 24 Contractual services .............................. 20,000 25 Equipment ......................................... 49,000 26 Fringe benefits .................................. 239,000 27 Indirect costs .................................... 14,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 380,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ..................... 793,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 35 Marine and Coastal Account - 21055 36 For services and expenses related to conser- 37 vation, research, and education projects 38 relating to the marine and coastal 39 district of New York. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 44 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 184 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriation for the budget division 2 program of the division of the budget, are 3 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 4 part of this appropriation as if fully 5 stated. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 10 -------------- 11 FOREST AND LAND RESOURCES PROGRAM ........................... 59,012,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 For services and expenses of the forest and 16 land resources program, including suballo- 17 cation to other state departments and 18 agencies. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 20 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 22 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 23 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 24 appropriation for the budget division 25 program of the division of the budget, are 26 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 27 part of this appropriation as if fully 28 stated. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ..................... 21,837,000 31 Temporary service ................................ 251,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,404,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ....... 23,492,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ........................... 524,000 38 Travel ........................................... 144,000 39 Contractual services ........................... 1,849,000 40 Equipment ......................................... 73,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,590,000 43 -------------- 185 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 26,082,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 5 Federal Environmental Conservation USDA Account - 25007 6 For services and expenses related to the 7 federal environmental conservation lands 8 and forest grants. A portion of these 9 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 10 ties and may be suballocated to other 11 state departments and agencies. 12 Personal service ............................... 1,000,000 13 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,430,000 14 Fringe benefits .................................. 570,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Conservation Fund 20 Outdoor Recreation and Trail Maintenance Account - 21158 21 For services and expenses of the forest and 22 land resources program, including trans- 23 fers to aid to localities or suballocation 24 to other state departments and agencies. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 28 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 29 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 30 appropriation for the budget division 31 program of the division of the budget, are 32 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 33 part of this appropriation as if fully 34 stated. 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Contractual services ............................... 5,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ....................... 5,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 41 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 42 ENCON-Seized Assets Account - 21052 186 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of the environ- 2 mental enforcement program in accordance 3 with a programmatic and financial plan to 4 be approved by the director of the budget. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 8 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 9 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 10 appropriation for the budget division 11 program of the division of the budget, are 12 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully 14 stated. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 17 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 18 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 24 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 25 For services and expenses related to 26 stewardship of state lands and facilities. 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 28 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 29 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 30 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 31 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 32 appropriation for the budget division 33 program of the division of the budget, are 34 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 35 part of this appropriation as if fully 36 stated. 37 PERSONAL SERVICE 38 Personal service--regular ........................ 354,000 39 -------------- 187 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 51,000 3 Travel ............................................ 36,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 23,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 57,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 205,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 12,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 384,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 738,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 15 Mined Land Reclamation Account - 21084 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,998,000 28 Temporary service ................................. 63,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 14,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,075,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 143,000 35 Travel ............................................ 24,000 36 Contractual services ............................. 122,000 37 Equipment ......................................... 69,000 38 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,197,000 39 Indirect costs .................................... 69,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,624,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal ................... 3,699,000 44 -------------- 188 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 3 Natural Resources Account - 21082 4 For services and expenses of the forest and 5 land resources program, including suballo- 6 cation to other state departments and 7 agencies. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,997,000 20 Temporary service ................................ 989,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 82,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,068,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ........................... 278,000 27 Travel ............................................ 51,000 28 Contractual services ............................. 651,000 29 Equipment ........................................ 132,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,626,000 31 Indirect costs .................................... 94,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,832,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ................... 5,900,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 39 Oil and Gas Account - 21054 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 44 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 45 appropriation for the budget division 189 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program of the division of the budget, are 2 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 3 part of this appropriation as if fully 4 stated. 5 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 6 Contractual services ............................. 276,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ..................... 276,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 12 Recreation Account - 21067 13 For services and expenses of the forest and 14 land resources program, including trans- 15 fers to aid to localities or suballocation 16 to other state departments and agencies. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,281,000 29 Temporary service .............................. 7,236,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 727,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,244,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,938,000 36 Travel ............................................. 4,000 37 Contractual services ........................... 2,577,000 38 Equipment ......................................... 51,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,992,000 40 Indirect costs ................................... 306,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,868,000 43 -------------- 190 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 17,112,000 2 -------------- 3 OPERATIONS PROGRAM .......................................... 38,534,000 4 -------------- 5 General Fund 6 State Purposes Account - 10050 7 For services and expenses of the operations 8 program, including suballocation to other 9 state departments and agencies. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 13 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 14 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 15 appropriation for the budget division 16 program of the division of the budget, are 17 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 18 part of this appropriation as if fully 19 stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ..................... 15,023,000 22 Temporary service ................................ 999,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 159,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service ....... 16,181,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,450,000 29 Travel ........................................... 281,000 30 Contractual services ........................... 3,041,000 31 Equipment ...................................... 1,069,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,841,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal .................. 24,022,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Conservation Fund 39 Conservation Fund Account - 21150 40 PERSONAL SERVICE 41 Personal service--regular ........................ 665,000 42 -------------- 191 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 934,000 3 Travel ............................................ 33,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,838,000 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 384,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 22,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,211,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 3,876,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 14 Energy Efficient Rebate Account - 21051 15 For services and expenses related to energy 16 rebate activities. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ........................... 105,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 105,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 34 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 35 For services and expenses related to 36 stewardship of state lands and facilities. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 44 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 192 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 137,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................ 68,000 8 Travel ............................................ 39,000 9 Contractual services .............................. 38,000 10 Equipment ......................................... 61,000 11 Fringe benefits ................................... 79,000 12 Indirect costs ..................................... 5,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 290,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ..................... 427,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 20 Indirect Charges Account - 21060 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 22 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 24 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 25 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 26 appropriation for the budget division 27 program of the division of the budget, are 28 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 29 part of this appropriation as if fully 30 stated. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,920,000 33 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 17,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,937,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ........................... 518,000 39 Contractual services ........................... 6,468,000 40 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,117,000 41 Indirect costs .................................... 64,000 42 -------------- 193 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,167,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 10,104,000 4 -------------- 5 SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................ 69,712,000 6 -------------- 7 General Fund 8 State Purposes Account - 10050 9 For services and expenses of the solid and 10 hazardous waste management program, 11 including suballocation to other state 12 agencies. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ........................ 692,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 150,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 8,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service .......... 850,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 99,000 32 Travel ............................................ 19,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 465,000 34 Equipment .......................................... 3,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 586,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ................... 1,436,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 42 Federal Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Grant 43 Account - 25334 194 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to solid 2 waste purposes. A portion of these funds 3 may be transferred to aid to localities 4 and may be suballocated to other state 5 departments and agencies. 6 Personal service ............................... 3,785,000 7 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,482,000 8 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,033,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 7,300,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 14 Environmental Monitoring Account - 21085 15 For services and expenses for the environ- 16 mental monitoring program including subal- 17 location to other state departments and 18 agencies and including research, analysis, 19 monitoring activities, natural resource 20 damages activities, activities of the Lake 21 Champlain management conference, activ- 22 ities of the Great Lakes commission, 23 activities of the joint dredging plan for 24 the port of New York and New Jersey, and 25 environmental monitoring at all facilities 26 subject to the jurisdiction of the depart- 27 ment of environmental conservation. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 31 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 33 appropriation for the budget division 34 program of the division of the budget, are 35 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 36 part of this appropriation as if fully 37 stated. 38 PERSONAL SERVICE 39 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,789,000 40 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 63,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,852,000 43 -------------- 195 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,182,000 3 Travel ......................................... 1,103,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 2,844,000 5 Equipment ...................................... 1,178,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,528,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 260,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,095,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal .................. 18,947,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 15 Environmental Regulatory Account - 21081 16 For services and expenses of the solid and 17 hazardous waste program including suballo- 18 cation to other state departments and 19 agencies. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 23 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 25 appropriation for the budget division 26 program of the division of the budget, are 27 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 28 part of this appropriation as if fully 29 stated. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,941,000 32 Temporary service ................................. 62,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,003,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ........................... 472,000 38 Travel ........................................... 233,000 39 Contractual services ........................... 1,831,000 40 Equipment ........................................ 354,000 41 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,309,000 42 Indirect costs ................................... 133,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,332,000 45 -------------- 196 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 9,335,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 5 Low Level Radioactive Waste Account - 21066 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 9 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 11 appropriation for the budget division 12 program of the division of the budget, are 13 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully 15 stated. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,256,000 18 Temporary service ................................. 13,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 28,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,297,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ............................ 44,000 25 Travel ............................................ 36,000 26 Contractual services ............................. 579,000 27 Equipment ......................................... 19,000 28 Fringe benefits .................................. 748,000 29 Indirect costs .................................... 43,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,469,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 2,766,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 37 Waste Management and Cleanup Account - 21053 38 For services and expenses related to the 39 waste management and cleanup program 40 including suballocation to other state 41 departments and agencies. Notwithstanding 42 any other provision of law, the director 43 of the budget is hereby authorized to 44 transfer any or all of this appropriation 197 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 to local assistance to other state depart- 2 ments and agencies. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,129,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 121,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,250,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 266,000 21 Travel ............................................ 27,000 22 Contractual services ........................... 9,885,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 31,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,064,000 25 Indirect costs ................................... 405,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 17,678,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 29,928,000 30 -------------- 198 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Other 3 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 4 Federal Grant Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 21065 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 7 revenue funds - federal. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 10 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 11 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 12 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 14 Personal service--regular ... 8,831,000 ............. (re. $3,054,000) 15 Supplies and materials ... 61,000 ...................... (re. $61,000) 16 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 17 Contractual services ... 829,000 ...................... (re. $698,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 5,009,000 ....................... (re. $5,009,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 20 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 21 revenue funds - federal. 22 Personal service--regular ... 9,382,000 ............... (re. $100,000) 23 Supplies and materials ... 32,000 ...................... (re. $20,000) 24 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 25 Contractual services ... 810,000 ...................... (re. $400,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 4,152,000 ....................... (re. $3,900,000) 27 AIR AND WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 28 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 29 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 30 Federal Environmental Conservation Air Resources Grants 31 Account - 25334 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 33 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion 34 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 35 suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 36 Personal service ... 4,506,000 ...................... (re. $4,506,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 2,094,000 ................... (re. $2,094,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 2,400,000 ....................... (re. $2,400,000) 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 40 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes. A portion 41 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 42 suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 43 Personal service ... 4,330,000 ...................... (re. $4,330,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 3,126,000 ................... (re. $3,126,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 2,544,000 ....................... (re. $2,544,000) 199 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 2 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes, including 3 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 6 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 7 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 8 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 9 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 10 ation as if fully stated. 11 Personal service ... 4,065,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 1,895,000 ..................... (re. $900,000) 13 Fringe benefits ... 2,040,000 .......................... (re. $20,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 15 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes, including 16 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 17 Personal service ... 4,150,000 ........................ (re. $400,000) 18 Nonpersonal service ... 2,061,000 ..................... (re. $950,000) 19 Fringe benefits ... 1,789,000 ......................... (re. $250,000) 20 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 21 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes, including 22 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 23 Personal service ... 4,125,000 ......................... (re. $80,000) 24 Nonpersonal service ... 2,049,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 1,826,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 26 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 27 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes, including 28 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 29 Personal service ... 4,000,000 ...................... (re. $4,000,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 2,200,000 ................... (re. $2,200,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 1,800,000 ....................... (re. $1,800,000) 32 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 33 For services and expenses related to air resources purposes, including 34 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 35 Personal service ... 3,646,000 ...................... (re. $3,646,000) 36 Nonpersonal service ... 2,694,000 ................... (re. $2,694,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 1,660,000 ....................... (re. $1,660,000) 38 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007: 39 For the grant period October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008, including 40 suballocation to other state departments and agencies: 41 Personal service ... 1,995,000 ...................... (re. $1,995,000) 42 Nonpersonal service ... 1,086,000 ................... (re. $1,086,000) 43 Fringe benefits ... 919,000 ........................... (re. $919,000) 44 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 45 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 200 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Environmental Conservation Spills Management 2 Grant Account - 25334 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 4 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A 5 portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and 6 may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 7 Personal service ... 2,260,000 ........................ (re. $820,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 3,537,000 ................... (re. $3,537,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 1,203,000 ....................... (re. $1,203,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 11 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes. A 12 portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and 13 may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 14 Personal service ... 1,600,000 ........................ (re. $500,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 3,380,000 ................... (re. $3,380,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 1,020,000 ....................... (re. $1,020,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes, 19 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 22 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 24 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 25 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 26 ation as if fully stated. 27 Personal service ... 2,310,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 28 Nonpersonal service ... 2,690,000 ..................... (re. $200,000) 29 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ......................... (re. $200,000) 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 31 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes, 32 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 33 Personal service ... 2,310,000 ........................ (re. $100,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 2,690,000 ................... (re. $1,600,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ......................... (re. $400,000) 36 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 37 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes, 38 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 39 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 1,615,000 ................... (re. $1,615,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 885,000 ........................... (re. $885,000) 42 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 43 For services and expenses related to spills management purposes, 44 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 45 Personal service ... 1,820,000 ........................ (re. $600,000) 46 Nonpersonal service ... 1,360,000 ...................... (re. $50,000) 201 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 820,000 ........................... (re. $200,000) 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Environmental Conservation Water Grants Account - 25334 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A 7 portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and 8 may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 9 Personal service ... 10,155,000 ..................... (re. $6,000,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 9,012,000 ................... (re. $9,012,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 5,731,000 ....................... (re. $5,731,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes. A 14 portion of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and 15 may be suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 16 Personal service ... 10,155,000 ..................... (re. $4,000,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 8,778,000 ................... (re. $8,000,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 5,965,000 ....................... (re. $2,700,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 20 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 21 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 23 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 24 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 26 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 27 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 28 ation as if fully stated. 29 Personal service ... 9,657,000 ...................... (re. $2,900,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 10,392,000 .................. (re. $9,000,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 4,849,000 ....................... (re. $1,400,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 33 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 34 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 35 Personal service ... 9,340,000 ...................... (re. $4,100,000) 36 Nonpersonal service ... 9,545,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 4,566,000 ....................... (re. $2,500,000) 38 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 39 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 40 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 41 Personal service ... 8,440,000 ...................... (re. $8,440,000) 42 Nonpersonal service ... 5,191,000 ................... (re. $5,191,000) 43 Fringe benefits ... 3,738,000 ....................... (re. $3,738,000) 44 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 202 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 2 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 3 Personal service ... 8,260,000 ...................... (re. $8,260,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 5,215,000 ................... (re. $5,215,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 3,525,000 ....................... (re. $3,525,000) 6 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 7 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 8 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 9 Personal service ... 8,120,000 ...................... (re. $8,120,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 7,436,000 ................... (re. $7,436,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 3,696,000 ....................... (re. $3,696,000) 12 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007: 13 For the grant period October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007, including 14 suballocation to other state departments and agencies: 15 Personal service ... 4,067,500 ...................... (re. $4,067,500) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 3,679,000 ................... (re. $3,679,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 1,873,500 ....................... (re. $1,873,500) 18 For the grant period October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008, including 19 suballocation to other state departments and agencies: 20 Personal service ... 4,067,500 ...................... (re. $4,067,500) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 3,679,000 ................... (re. $3,679,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 1,873,500 ....................... (re. $1,873,500) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 25 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Account - 25334 26 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 27 For services and expenses related to water resource purposes, includ- 28 ing suballocation to other state departments and agencies .......... 29 59,000,000 ....................................... (re. $59,000,000) 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 32 Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Account - 21087 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 34 For services and expenses related to the Great Lakes restoration 35 initiative for the purpose of sustainability and restoration 36 projects in the Great Lakes basin. Pursuant to section 11 of the 37 state finance law, the department is authorized to accept any monies 38 from public corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other non- 39 governmental organizations for purposes of Great Lakes restoration. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 42 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 43 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 44 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 45 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 46 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 203 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 2 For services and expenses related to the Great Lakes restoration 3 initiative for the purpose of sustainability and restoration 4 projects in the Great Lakes basin. Pursuant to section 11 of the 5 state finance law, the department is authorized to accept any monies 6 from public corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other 7 non-governmental organizations for purposes of Great Lakes restora- 8 tion. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 11 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 12 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 13 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 15 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 17 For services and expenses related to the Great Lakes restoration 18 initiative for the purpose of sustainability and restoration 19 projects in the Great Lakes basin. Pursuant to section 11 of the 20 state finance law, the department is authorized to accept any monies 21 from public corporations, not-for-profit corporations and other 22 non-governmental organizations for purposes of Great Lakes restora- 23 tion. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 25 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 26 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 28 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 29 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 30 ation as if fully stated. 31 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 New York Great Lakes Protection Fund 34 Great Lakes Protection Account - 22851 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 36 For services and expenses funded by the Great Lakes protection fund, 37 pursuant to chapter 148 of the laws of 1990 and section 97-ee of the 38 state finance law, including suballocation to other state depart- 39 ments and agencies including the state university of New York. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 42 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 43 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 44 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 45 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 46 Personal service--regular ... 87,000 ................... (re. $30,000) 47 Supplies and materials ... 3,000 ........................ (re. $3,000) 48 Travel ... 39,000 ...................................... (re. $39,000) 49 Contractual services ... 727,000 ...................... (re. $727,000) 204 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $26,000) 2 Indirect costs ... 3,000 ................................ (re. $3,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 4 For services and expenses funded by the Great Lakes protection fund, 5 pursuant to chapter 148 of the laws of 1990 and section 97-ee of the 6 state finance law, including suballocation to other state depart- 7 ments and agencies including the state university of New York. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 10 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 11 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 12 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 14 Personal service--regular ... 86,000 ................... (re. $55,000) 15 Supplies and materials ... 3,000 ........................ (re. $3,000) 16 Travel ... 39,000 ...................................... (re. $39,000) 17 Contractual services ... 727,000 ...................... (re. $675,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 48,000 ............................. (re. $13,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $2,000) 20 ENVIRONMENTAL ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM 21 General Fund 22 State Purposes Account - 10050 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For services and expenses of the enforcement program, including subal- 25 location to other state departments and agencies. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 28 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 29 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 30 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 32 Personal service--regular ... 22,591,000 ............ (re. $9,000,000) 33 Temporary service ... 16,000 ........................... (re. $16,000) 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 3,285,000 ......... (re. $1,600,000) 35 Supplies and materials ... 326,100 .................... (re. $326,100) 36 Travel ... 28,000 ...................................... (re. $19,000) 37 Contractual services ... 356,100 ...................... (re. $356,100) 38 Equipment ... 31,000 ................................... (re. $25,000) 39 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 40 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 41 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 42 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 43 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 44 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 45 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 46 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the 47 director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to 48 $800,000 of this appropriation to local assistance to the department 205 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 of state for water quality planning and implementation competitive 2 grants to municipalities within the New York City watershed for the 3 purpose of maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued 4 by the United States environmental protection agency. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 6 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 7 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 8 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 9 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 10 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 11 Personal service--regular ... 3,320,000 ............. (re. $2,100,000) 12 Temporary service ... 64,000 ........................... (re. $64,000) 13 Supplies and materials ... 33,000 ...................... (re. $33,000) 14 Travel ... 20,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000) 15 Contractual services ... 555,000 ...................... (re. $555,000) 16 Equipment ... 10,000 ................................... (re. $10,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 18 For services and expenses of the enforcement program, including subal- 19 location to other state departments and agencies. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 22 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 23 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 24 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 26 Personal service--regular ... 23,315,000 ............ (re. $1,800,000) 27 Temporary service ... 15,000 ............................ (re. $1,000) 28 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 3,188,000 ........... (re. $400,000) 29 Supplies and materials ... 326,100 .................... (re. $305,000) 30 Travel ... 28,000 ...................................... (re. $21,000) 31 Contractual services ... 356,100 ...................... (re. $200,000) 32 Equipment ... 31,000 ................................... (re. $31,000) 33 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 34 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 35 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 36 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 37 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 38 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 39 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 41 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $800,000 of 42 this appropriation to local assistance to the department of state 43 for water quality planning and implementation competitive grants to 44 municipalities within the New York City watershed for the purpose of 45 maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued by the 46 United States environmental protection agency. 47 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 48 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 49 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 50 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 206 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 2 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 3 Personal service--regular ... 3,223,000 ............. (re. $1,500,000) 4 Temporary service ... 63,000 ........................... (re. $63,000) 5 Supplies and materials ... 33,000 ...................... (re. $33,000) 6 Travel ... 20,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000) 7 Contractual services ... 555,000 ...................... (re. $555,000) 8 Equipment ... 10,000 ................................... (re. $10,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 10 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 11 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 12 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 13 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 14 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 15 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 16 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 18 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $800,000 of 19 this appropriation to local assistance to the department of state 20 for water quality planning and implementation competitive grants to 21 municipalities within the New York City watershed for the purpose of 22 maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued by the 23 United States environmental protection agency. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 25 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 26 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 28 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 29 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 30 ation as if fully stated. 31 Personal service--regular ... 3,191,000 ............. (re. $1,500,000) 32 Contractual services ... 555,000 ...................... (re. $555,000) 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 34 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 35 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 36 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 37 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 38 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 39 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 40 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the direc- 42 tor of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $800,000 of 43 this appropriation to local assistance to the department of state 44 for water quality planning and implementation competitive grants to 45 municipalities within the New York City watershed for the purpose of 46 maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued by the 47 United States environmental protection agency. 48 Personal service--regular ... 3,159,000 ............. (re. $3,159,000) 49 Contractual services ... 2,555,000 .................. (re. $2,555,000) 207 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 2 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 3 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 4 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 5 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 6 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 7 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 8 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the 10 director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to 11 $800,000 of this appropriation to local assistance to the department 12 of state for water quality planning and implementation competitive 13 grants to municipalities within the New York City watershed for the 14 purpose of maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued 15 by the United States environmental protection agency. 16 Personal service--regular ... 3,127,000 ............. (re. $1,900,000) 17 Contractual services ... 2,555,000 .................. (re. $2,555,000) 18 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 19 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 20 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 21 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 22 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 23 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 24 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 25 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the 27 director of the budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to 28 $800,000 of this appropriation to local assistance to the department 29 of state for water quality planning and implementation competitive 30 grants to municipalities within the New York City watershed for the 31 purpose of maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued 32 by the United States environmental protection agency. 33 Contractual services ... 2,505,800 .................. (re. $2,037,000) 34 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter 55, 35 section 1, of the laws of 2009: 36 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 37 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 38 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 39 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 40 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 41 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 42 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the 44 budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $700,000 of this 45 appropriation to local assistance to the department of state for 46 water quality planning and implementation competitive grants to 47 municipalities within the New York city watershed for the purpose of 48 maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued by the 49 United States environmental protection agency. 50 Contractual services ... 2,565,800 .................. (re. $1,446,000) 208 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as amended by chapter 55, 2 section 1, of the laws of 2009: 3 For services and expenses of the implementation of the New York city 4 watershed agreement for activities including, but not limited to 5 enforcement, water quality monitoring, technical assistance, estab- 6 lishing a master plan and zoning incentive award program, providing 7 grants to municipalities for reimbursement of planning and zoning 8 activities, and establishing a watershed inspector general's office, 9 including suballocation to the departments of health, state and law. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the 11 budget is hereby authorized to transfer up to $700,000 of this 12 appropriation to local assistance to the department of state for 13 water quality planning and implementation competitive grants to 14 municipalities within the New York city watershed for the purpose of 15 maintaining the filtration avoidance determination issued by the 16 United States environmental protection agency. 17 Contractual services ... 2,500,600 ...................... (re. $6,000) 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 20 Public Safety Recovery Account - 21077 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 22 For services and expenses related to fire suppression, homeland secu- 23 rity and other public safety activities. This includes access to 24 miscellaneous special revenue receipts associated with the pass-thru 25 of funds from federal agencies/departments in conjunction with 26 public safety or homeland security purposes. Specifically, access to 27 funds deposited into this account from the Port Authority of New 28 York/New Jersey, in their capacity as fiduciary agency for federal 29 agencies/departments. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 32 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 34 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 35 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 36 ation as if fully stated. 37 Supplies and materials ... 21,000 ...................... (re. $12,000) 38 Travel ... 21,000 ...................................... (re. $11,000) 39 Equipment ... 1,688,000 ............................... (re. $150,000) 40 FISH, WILDLIFE AND MARINE RESOURCES PROGRAM 41 General Fund 42 State Purposes Account 10050 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 44 For services and expenses related to the marketing the outdoors 45 program or any programs implemented by state agencies, departments 46 or public benefit corporations to increase sporting and outdoors 47 tourism or increase public participation in hunting, fishing and 209 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 other outdoor recreational activities in the state. Funds shall be 2 made available pursuant to a plan developed by the commissioner of 3 the department of environmental conservation in consultation with 4 the commissioners of the office of parks, recreation and historic 5 preservation and the department of economic development and approved 6 by the director of the budget. 7 Funds appropriated herein may be suballocated or transferred to any 8 other state department, agency, or public benefit corporation, or 9 made available for transfer or deposit into any state fund, includ- 10 ing but not limited to the conservation fund to achieve this 11 purpose. 12 Contractual services ... 2,500,000 .................. (re. $2,500,000) 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 15 Federal Environmental Conservation Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Grants 16 Account - 25334 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 18 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 19 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these 20 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 21 cated to other state departments and agencies. 22 Personal service ... 9,274,000 ...................... (re. $6,000,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 11,786,000 ................. (re. $11,000,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 4,940,000 ....................... (re. $3,000,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 27 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control. A portion of these 28 funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be suballo- 29 cated to other state departments and agencies. 30 Personal service ... 9,110,000 ........................ (re. $900,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 11,538,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 5,352,000 ......................... (re. $500,000) 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 34 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 35 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal- 36 location to other state departments and agencies. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 38 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 39 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 40 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 41 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 42 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 43 ation as if fully stated. 44 Personal service ... 9,384,000 ...................... (re. $3,000,000) 45 Nonpersonal service ... 11,907,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 46 Fringe benefits ... 4,709,000 ....................... (re. $2,500,000) 47 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 210 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 2 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal- 3 location to other state departments and agencies. 4 Personal service ... 9,522,000 ...................... (re. $9,522,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 12,374,000 ................. (re. $12,374,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 4,104,000 ....................... (re. $4,104,000) 7 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 8 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 9 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal- 10 location to other state departments and agencies. 11 Personal service ... 9,350,000 ........................ (re. $500,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 12,505,000 .................. (re. $8,400,000) 13 Fringe benefits ... 4,145,000 ......................... (re. $100,000) 14 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 15 For services and expenses related to fish and wildlife purposes, 16 including the Lake Champlain sea lamprey control program and subal- 17 location to other state departments and agencies. 18 Personal service ... 8,800,000 ........................ (re. $500,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 11,240,000 .................. (re. $5,000,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 3,960,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 21 Special Revenue Funds - Other 22 Conservation Fund 23 Ivison Bequest Account - 21159 24 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 25 Contractual services ... 24,300 ........................ (re. $24,300) 26 Special Revenue Funds - Other 27 Conservation Fund 28 Migratory Bird Account - 21152 29 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 30 For administrative services and expenses including the acquisition, 31 preservation, improvement and development of wetlands and access 32 sites within the state. 33 Supplies and materials ... 166,000 .................... (re. $166,000) 34 Contractual services ... 34,000 ........................ (re. $34,000) 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Conservation Fund 37 Traditional Account 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 39 For services and expenses related to the invasive species program. 40 Contractual services ... 775,000 ...................... (re. $582,000) 41 For services and expenses related to fish stocking and game farm oper- 42 ations. 43 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $303,000) 211 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 FOREST AND LAND RESOURCES PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 4 Federal Environmental Conservation USDA Account - 25007 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser- 7 vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be 8 transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other 9 state departments and agencies. 10 Personal service ... 900,000 .......................... (re. $900,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 3,620,000 ................... (re. $3,620,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 480,000 ........................... (re. $480,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 14 For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser- 15 vation lands and forest grants. A portion of these funds may be 16 transferred to aid to localities and may be suballocated to other 17 state departments and agencies. 18 Personal service ... 637,000 .......................... (re. $637,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 3,987,000 ................... (re. $3,987,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 376,000 ........................... (re. $376,000) 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 22 For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser- 23 vation lands and forest grants, including suballocation to other 24 state departments and agencies. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 27 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 28 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 29 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 30 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 31 ation as if fully stated. 32 Personal service ... 637,000 ........................... (re. $50,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 4,041,000 ................... (re. $2,600,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 322,000 ........................... (re. $322,000) 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 36 For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser- 37 vation lands and forest grants, including suballocation to other 38 state departments and agencies. 39 Personal service ... 651,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 4,068,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 281,000 ........................... (re. $150,000) 42 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 43 For services and expenses related to the federal environmental conser- 44 vation lands and forest grants, including suballocation to other 45 state departments and agencies. 46 Personal service ... 648,000 .......................... (re. $200,000) 212 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 4,064,000 ................... (re. $2,400,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 288,000 ........................... (re. $175,000) 3 OPERATIONS PROGRAM 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other 5 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 6 Indirect Charges Account - 21060 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 10 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 11 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 12 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 14 Personal service--regular ... 1,924,000 ............... (re. $600,000) 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 16,000 ............... (re. $16,000) 16 Supplies and materials ... 500,000 .................... (re. $400,000) 17 Contractual services ... 6,347,000 .................. (re. $4,000,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 1,101,000 ......................... (re. $600,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 65,000 .............................. (re. $40,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 23 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 24 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 25 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 27 Personal service--regular ... 2,015,000 ............... (re. $200,000) 28 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 15,000 ............... (re. $13,000) 29 Contractual services ... 6,847,000 .................. (re. $1,700,000) 30 Fringe benefits ... 1,127,000 ......................... (re. $100,000) 31 Indirect costs ... 74,000 .............................. (re. $16,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 34 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 35 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 37 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 38 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 39 ation as if fully stated. 40 Contractual services ... 6,719,000 .................. (re. $1,700,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 42 Contractual services ... 5,719,000 .................. (re. $1,300,000) 43 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 44 Contractual services ... 5,719,000 .................. (re. $1,200,000) 213 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 2 Contractual services ... 7,372,000 .................. (re. $3,300,000) 3 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 4 Contractual services ... 7,372,000 .................. (re. $1,700,000) 5 SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 6 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 7 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 8 Federal Environmental Conservation Solid Waste Grant Account - 25334 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 10 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion 11 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 12 suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 13 Personal service ... 3,786,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 1,498,000 ................... (re. $1,498,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 2,016,000 ....................... (re. $1,500,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 17 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes. A portion 18 of these funds may be transferred to aid to localities and may be 19 suballocated to other state departments and agencies. 20 Personal service ... 3,655,000 ........................ (re. $100,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 1,498,000 ................... (re. $1,100,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 2,147,000 ......................... (re. $300,000) 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 24 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes, including 25 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 28 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 29 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 30 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 31 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 32 ation as if fully stated. 33 Personal service ... 3,669,000 ...................... (re. $1,700,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 1,788,000 ................... (re. $1,788,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 1,843,000 ......................... (re. $800,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 37 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes, including 38 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 39 Personal service ... 3,545,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 1,323,000 ..................... (re. $400,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 1,532,000 ......................... (re. $900,000) 42 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 43 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes, including 44 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 214 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 3,488,000 ......................... (re. $20,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 1,368,000 ..................... (re. $400,000) 3 Fringe benefits ... 1,544,000 .......................... (re. $60,000) 4 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 5 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes, including 6 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 7 Personal service ... 3,450,000 ........................ (re. $100,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 1,400,000 ..................... (re. $200,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 1,550,000 ......................... (re. $200,000) 10 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 11 For services and expenses related to solid waste purposes, including 12 suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 13 Personal service ... 3,438,000 ........................ (re. $500,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 1,394,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 1,568,000 ......................... (re. $250,000) 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 18 S-Area Landfill Account - 21063 19 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 1996, as amended by chapter 55, 20 section 1, of the laws of 2006: 21 For services and expenses of the department of environmental conserva- 22 tion for oversight activities related to the clean up of the s-area 23 landfill originally authorized by appropriations and reappropri- 24 ations enacted prior to 1996 ... 423,400 ............. (re. $92,000) 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 27 Waste Management and Cleanup Account - 21053 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 30 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 31 cies. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of 32 the budget is hereby authorized to transfer any or all of this 33 appropriation to local assistance to other state departments and 34 agencies. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 37 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 38 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 39 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 40 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 41 Personal service--regular ... 11,415,000 ............ (re. $4,000,000) 42 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 119,000 .............. (re. $40,000) 43 Supplies and materials ... 260,000 .................... (re. $220,000) 44 Travel ... 26,000 ...................................... (re. $26,000) 45 Contractual services ... 9,699,800 .................. (re. $9,699,800) 46 Equipment ... 30,000 ................................... (re. $30,000) 215 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 6,543,000 ....................... (re. $3,300,000) 2 Indirect costs ... 382,000 ............................ (re. $250,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 4 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 5 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 6 cies. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 9 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 10 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 11 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 12 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 13 Personal service--regular ... 11,718,000 .............. (re. $400,000) 14 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 115,000 .............. (re. $10,000) 15 Supplies and materials ... 259,900 .................... (re. $259,900) 16 Travel ... 16,000 ...................................... (re. $16,000) 17 Contractual services ... 10,235,900 ................ (re. $10,235,900) 18 Fringe benefits ... 6,565,000 ....................... (re. $6,565,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 428,000 ............................ (re. $428,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 22 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 23 cies. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 25 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 26 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 28 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 29 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 30 ation as if fully stated. 31 Supplies and materials ... 2,000 ........................ (re. $2,000) 32 Travel ... 16,000 ...................................... (re. $16,000) 33 Contractual services ... 9,978,000 .................. (re. $9,978,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 35 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 36 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 37 cies. 38 Contractual services ... 16,978,000 ................ (re. $16,978,000) 39 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 40 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 41 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 42 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 43 cies. 44 Supplies and materials ... 2,000 ........................ (re. $2,000) 45 Travel ... 16,000 ...................................... (re. $16,000) 46 Contractual services ... 16,978,000 ................ (re. $12,000,000) 216 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 50, 2 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 3 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 4 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 5 cies. 6 Supplies and materials ... 2,000 ........................ (re. $2,000) 7 Travel ... 20,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000) 8 Contractual services ... 21,978,000 ................ (re. $12,000,000) 9 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008, as amended by chapter 50, 10 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 11 For services and expenses related to the waste management and cleanup 12 program including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 13 cies. 14 Supplies and materials ... 2,000 ........................ (re. $2,000) 15 Travel ... 20,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000) 16 Contractual services ... 27,478,000 ................ (re. $14,000,000) 217 20011-02-5 EXECUTIVE CHAMBER STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 17,854,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 17,854,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 17,854,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,011,000 24 Temporary service ................................ 180,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 180,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ....... 13,371,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 180,000 31 Travel ........................................... 450,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 3,673,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 180,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,483,000 36 -------------- 218 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 630,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 630,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ......................................... 630,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ........................ 488,000 24 Temporary service .................................. 4,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service .......... 495,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................. 9,000 31 Travel ............................................ 27,000 32 Contractual services .............................. 81,000 33 Equipment ......................................... 18,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 135,000 36 -------------- 219 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 266,715,000 36,139,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 137,938,000 286,962,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 60,046,000 121,605,000 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 475,000 200,000 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 13,577,000 0 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 478,751,000 444,906,000 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM .............................. 47,295,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 17 finance law and any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 19 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 20 er of children and family services, 21 authorize the transfer or interchange of 22 moneys appropriated herein with any other 23 state operations - general fund appropri- 24 ation within the office of children and 25 family services except where transfer or 26 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 27 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 29 the money hereby appropriated may be 30 interchanged or transferred, without 31 limit, to local assistance and/or any 32 appropriation of the office of children 33 and family services, and may be increased 34 or decreased without limit by transfer or 35 suballocation between these appropriated 36 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 37 ment, agency or public authority related 38 to the operation of the justice center for 39 the protection of people with special 40 needs with the approval of the director of 41 the budget who shall file such approval 42 with the department of audit and control 43 and copies thereof with the chairman of 44 the senate finance committee and the 220 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 chairman of the assembly ways and means 2 committee. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 8 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 9 state operations appropriation for the 10 budget division program of the division of 11 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 12 herein and a part of this appropriation as 13 if fully stated. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ..................... 21,656,000 16 Temporary service ................................ 308,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 73,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ....... 22,037,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ........................... 432,000 23 Travel ........................................... 181,000 24 Contractual services ........................... 4,464,000 25 Equipment ...................................... 2,542,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,619,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 29,656,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 32 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 33 Head Start Grant Account - 25181 34 For services and expenses related to the 35 head start collaboration project grant 36 program. 37 Personal service ................................. 215,000 38 Nonpersonal service .............................. 211,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................... 94,000 40 Indirect costs ..................................... 8,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ..................... 528,000 43 -------------- 221 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 3 Grants and Bequests Account - 20145 4 For services and expenses related to 5 research, evaluation and demonstration 6 projects, including fringe benefits. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ......................... 36,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 12 Travel ............................................ 15,000 13 Contractual services ............................. 121,000 14 Equipment ......................................... 19,000 15 Fringe benefits ................................... 17,000 16 Indirect costs ..................................... 1,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 273,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ..................... 309,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 24 Youth Gifts, Grants and Bequests Account - 20142 25 For services and expenses related to 26 studies, research, demonstration projects, 27 recreation programs and other activities 28 including payment for tuition, fees and 29 books for approved post-secondary courses 30 and vocational programs directly related 31 to current or emerging vocations, for 32 youth in office of children and family 33 services facilities. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 2,880,000 37 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 222 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment Loan Fund for the Disabled 2 Equipment Loan Fund Account - 21351 3 For services and expenses related to the 4 implementation of an equipment loan fund 5 for the disabled pursuant to chapter 609 6 of the laws of 1985. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 11 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 12 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 13 state operations appropriation for the 14 budget division program of the division of 15 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 16 herein and a part of this appropriation as 17 if fully stated. 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Equipment ........................................ 225,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 225,000 22 -------------- 23 Internal Service Funds 24 Agencies Internal Service Account 25 Human Services Contact Center - 55072 26 For payments related to the planning, devel- 27 opment and establishment of a new state- 28 wide contact center within the department 29 of tax and finance, the office of children 30 and family services and the department of 31 labor on behalf of customer state agen- 32 cies. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, for the purpose of plan- 35 ning, developing and/or implementing the 36 consolidation of administration, business 37 services, procurement, information tech- 38 nology and/or other functions shared among 39 agencies to improve the efficiency and 40 effectiveness of government operations, 41 the amounts appropriated herein may be (i) 42 interchanged without limit, (ii) trans- 43 ferred between any other state operations 44 appropriations within this agency or to 45 any other state operations appropriations 46 of any state department, agency or public 223 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 authority, and/or (iii) suballocated to 2 any state department, agency or public 3 authority with the approval of the direc- 4 tor of the budget who shall file such 5 approval with the department of audit and 6 control and copies thereof with the chair- 7 man of the senate finance committee and 8 the chairman of the assembly ways and 9 means committee. 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,000,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ........................... 462,000 15 Travel ............................................ 47,000 16 Contractual services ........................... 2,663,000 17 Equipment ........................................ 675,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,440,000 19 Indirect costs ................................... 190,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,477,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 13,477,000 24 -------------- 25 Internal Service Funds 26 Youth Vocational Education Account 27 DFY Account - 55150 28 For services and expenses related to voca- 29 tional programs at office facilities. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 34 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 35 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 36 state operations appropriation for the 37 budget division program of the division of 38 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 39 herein and a part of this appropriation as 40 if fully stated. 224 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 25,000 4 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 7 -------------- 8 CHILD CARE PROGRAM .......................................... 51,254,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 12 Federal Day Care Account - 25175 13 Funds appropriated herein shall be available 14 for aid to municipalities, for services 15 and expenses related to administering 16 activities under the child care block 17 grant and for payments to the federal 18 government for expenditures made pursuant 19 to the social services law and the state 20 plan for individual and family grant 21 program under the disaster relief act of 22 1974. 23 Such funds are to be available for payment 24 of aid, services and expenses heretofore 25 accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici- 26 palities. Subject to the approval of the 27 director of the budget, such funds shall 28 be available to the office net of disal- 29 lowances, refunds, reimbursements, and 30 credits. 31 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 32 of law, the amount herein appropriated may 33 be transferred to any other appropriation 34 within the office of children and family 35 services and/or the office of temporary 36 and disability assistance and/or suballo- 37 cated to the office of temporary and disa- 38 bility assistance for the purpose of 39 paying local social services districts' 40 costs of the above program and may be 41 increased or decreased by interchange with 42 any other appropriation or with any other 43 item or items within the amounts appropri- 44 ated within the office of children and 45 family services general fund - local 46 assistance account or special revenue 47 funds federal / aid to localities federal 225 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 day care account with the approval of the 2 director of the budget who shall file such 3 approval with the department of audit and 4 control and copies thereof with the chair- 5 man of the senate finance committee and 6 the chairman of the assembly ways and 7 means committee. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 9 the money hereby appropriated including 10 any funds transferred by the office of 11 temporary and disability assistance 12 special revenue funds - federal / aid to 13 localities federal health and human 14 services fund, federal temporary assist- 15 ance to needy families block grant funds 16 at the request of the local social 17 services districts and, upon approval of 18 the director of the budget, transfer of 19 federal temporary assistance for needy 20 families block grant funds made available 21 from the New York works compliance fund 22 program or otherwise specifically appro- 23 priated therefor, in combination with the 24 money appropriated in the general fund / 25 aid to localities local assistance 26 account, appropriated for the state block 27 grant for child care shall constitute the 28 state block grant for child care. Pursuant 29 to title 5-C of article 6 of the social 30 services law, the state block grant for 31 child care shall be used for child care 32 assistance and for activities to increase 33 the availability and/or quality of child 34 care programs. 35 Personal service .............................. 16,780,000 36 Nonpersonal service ........................... 24,785,300 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,260,700 38 Indirect costs ................................... 428,000 39 -------------- 40 FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 64,967,000 41 -------------- 42 General Fund 43 State Purposes Account - 10050 44 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 45 finance law and any other provision of law 46 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 47 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 226 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 er of children and family services, 2 authorize the transfer or interchange of 3 moneys appropriated herein with any other 4 state operations - general fund appropri- 5 ation within the office of children and 6 family services except where transfer or 7 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 8 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 10 the money hereby appropriated may be 11 interchanged or transferred, without 12 limit, to local assistance and/or any 13 appropriation of the office of children 14 and family services, and may be increased 15 or decreased without limit by transfer or 16 suballocation between these appropriated 17 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 18 ment, agency or public authority related 19 to the operation of the justice center for 20 the protection of people with special 21 needs with the approval of the director of 22 the budget who shall file such approval 23 with the department of audit and control 24 and copies thereof with the chairman of 25 the senate finance committee and the 26 chairman of the assembly ways and means 27 committee. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority, and the Alignment 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 34 state operations appropriation for the 35 budget division program of the division of 36 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 37 herein and a part of this appropriation as 38 if fully stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ..................... 26,683,000 41 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 2,448,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for personal service ....... 29,131,000 44 -------------- 45 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 46 Supplies and materials ........................... 329,000 47 Travel ........................................... 310,000 227 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services .......................... 10,836,000 2 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,535,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 40,666,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 10 Discretionary Demonstration Account - 25103 11 For services and expenses related to admin- 12 istering federal health and human services 13 discretionary demonstration program grants 14 and grants from the national center on 15 child abuse and neglect. 16 Personal service ............................... 2,350,000 17 Nonpersonal service ........................... 10,155,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,017,000 19 Indirect costs .................................... 25,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal .................. 13,547,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 25 Youth Rehabilitation Account - 25135 26 For services and expenses related to 27 studies, research, demonstration projects 28 and other activities in accordance with 29 articles 19-G and 19-H of the executive 30 law and articles 2 and 6 of the social 31 services law. 32 Personal service ............................... 1,668,000 33 Nonpersonal service .............................. 896,000 34 Fringe benefits .................................. 722,000 35 Indirect costs .................................... 50,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 3,336,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 41 Youth Projects Account - 25479 42 For services and expenses related to 43 studies, research, demonstration projects 228 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and other activities in accordance with 2 articles 19-G and 19-H of the executive 3 law and articles 2 and 6 of the social 4 services law. 5 Personal service ............................... 3,038,000 6 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,632,000 7 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,314,000 8 Indirect costs .................................... 91,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 6,075,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 State Central Register Account - 22028 15 For services and expenses related to admin- 16 istration of the state central register 17 employment screening activities. 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 24 state operations appropriation for the 25 budget division program of the division of 26 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 27 herein and a part of this appropriation as 28 if fully stated. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ........................ 106,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service .......... 111,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Contractual services ........................... 1,179,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................... 53,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,232,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal ................... 1,343,000 42 -------------- 229 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND PROGRAM ............. 42,713,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 For services and expenses of service and 6 training programs for the blind, includ- 7 ing, but not limited to, state match of 8 federal funds made available under various 9 provisions of the federal vocational reha- 10 bilitation act and the federal randolph 11 sheppard act and supportive services for 12 blind children and blind elderly persons. 13 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 14 finance law and any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 16 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 17 er of children and family services, 18 authorize the transfer or interchange of 19 moneys appropriated herein with any other 20 state operations - general fund appropri- 21 ation within the office of children and 22 family services except where transfer or 23 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 24 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 30 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 31 state operations appropriation for the 32 budget division program of the division of 33 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 34 herein and a part of this appropriation as 35 if fully stated. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,661,000 38 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 12,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,673,000 41 -------------- 42 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 43 Supplies and materials ............................. 8,000 44 Contractual services ........................... 6,507,000 45 -------------- 230 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,515,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ................... 8,188,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Education Fund 7 Rehabilitation Services/Basic Support Account - 25213 8 For services and expenses related to the New 9 York state commission for the blind 10 including transfer or suballocation to the 11 state education department. A portion of 12 the funds appropriated herein may be 13 suballocated to the dormitory authority of 14 the state of New York, in accordance with 15 a plan approved by the division of the 16 budget, to design, construct, reconstruct, 17 rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, equip or 18 otherwise improve vending stands for the 19 blind enterprise program pursuant to an 20 agreement between the New York state 21 commission for the blind and the dormitory 22 authority, which may contain such other 23 terms and conditions as may be agreed upon 24 by the parties thereto, including 25 provisions related to indemnities. All 26 contracts for construction awarded by the 27 dormitory authority pursuant to this 28 appropriation shall be governed by article 29 8 of the labor law and shall be awarded in 30 accordance with the authority's procure- 31 ment contract guidelines adopted pursuant 32 to section 2879 of the public authorities 33 law. 34 Personal service ............................... 8,440,000 35 Nonpersonal service ........................... 20,353,000 36 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,652,000 37 Indirect costs ................................... 160,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal .................. 32,605,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 43 CBVH Gifts and Bequests Account - 20129 44 For services and expenses related to the New 45 York state commission for the blind. 231 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 20,000 4 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ...................... 27,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 10 CBVH-Vending Stand Account - 20126 11 For services and expenses related to the 12 vending stand program and pension plan and 13 establishing food service sites. 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 18 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 19 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 20 state operations appropriation for the 21 budget division program of the division of 22 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 23 herein and a part of this appropriation as 24 if fully stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ......................... 50,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ........... 51,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ........................... 215,000 33 Travel ............................................. 4,000 34 Contractual services ............................. 598,000 35 Fringe benefits .................................. 470,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 55,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,342,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................... 1,393,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Other 43 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 232 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 CBVH Highway Revenue Account - 22108 2 For services and expenses of programs that 3 support the blind. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 9 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 10 state operations appropriation for the 11 budget division program of the division of 12 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 13 herein and a part of this appropriation as 14 if fully stated. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 19 -------------- 20 SYSTEMS SUPPORT PROGRAM ..................................... 52,354,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 25 finance law and any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 27 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 28 er of children and family services, 29 authorize the transfer or interchange of 30 moneys appropriated herein with any other 31 state operations - general fund appropri- 32 ation within the office of children and 33 family services except where transfer or 34 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 35 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 37 the money hereby appropriated may be 38 interchanged or transferred, without 39 limit, to local assistance and/or any 40 appropriation of the office of children 41 and family services, and may be increased 42 or decreased without limit by transfer or 43 suballocation between these appropriated 44 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 45 ment, agency or public authority related 233 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 to the operation of the justice center for 2 the protection of people with special 3 needs with the approval of the director of 4 the budget who shall file such approval 5 with the department of audit and control 6 and copies thereof with the chairman of 7 the senate finance committee and the 8 chairman of the assembly ways and means 9 committee. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 14 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 15 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 16 state operations appropriation for the 17 budget division program of the division of 18 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 19 herein and a part of this appropriation as 20 if fully stated. 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ........................... 207,000 23 Travel ............................................ 48,000 24 Contractual services ........................... 3,638,000 25 Equipment ........................................ 215,000 26 -------------- 27 Total amount available ....................... 4,108,000 28 -------------- 29 For the non-federal share of services and 30 expenses for the continued maintenance of 31 the statewide automated child welfare 32 information system; to operate the state- 33 wide automated child welfare information 34 system; and for the continued development 35 of the statewide automated child welfare 36 information system. Of the amounts appro- 37 priated herein, a portion may be available 38 for suballocation to the office of infor- 39 mation technology services for the admin- 40 istration of independent verification and 41 validation services for child welfare 42 systems operated or developed by the 43 office of children and family services. 44 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 45 contrary, funds appropriated herein shall 46 only be available upon approval of an 47 expenditure plan by the director of the 48 budget. 234 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 2 finance law and any other provision of law 3 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 4 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 5 er of children and family services, 6 authorize the transfer or interchange of 7 moneys appropriated herein with any other 8 state operations - general fund appropri- 9 ation within the office of children and 10 family services except where transfer or 11 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 12 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 14 the money hereby appropriated may be 15 interchanged or transferred, without 16 limit, to local assistance and/or any 17 appropriation of the office of children 18 and family services, and may be increased 19 or decreased without limit by transfer or 20 suballocation between these appropriated 21 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 22 ment, agency or public authority related 23 to the operation of the justice center for 24 the protection of people with special 25 needs with the approval of the director of 26 the budget who shall file such approval 27 with the department of audit and control 28 and copies thereof with the chairman of 29 the senate finance committee and the 30 chairman of the assembly ways and means 31 committee. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 33 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 37 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 38 state operations appropriation for the 39 budget division program of the division of 40 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 41 herein and a part of this appropriation as 42 if fully stated. 43 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 44 Supplies and materials ........................... 129,000 45 Travel ........................................... 129,000 46 Contractual services .......................... 16,252,000 47 Equipment ...................................... 1,143,000 48 -------------- 235 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Total amount available ...................... 17,653,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 21,761,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 7 Connections Account - 25175 8 For services and expenses for the statewide 9 automated child welfare information system 10 including related administrative expenses 11 provided pursuant to title IV-e of the 12 federal social security act. 13 Such funds are to be available heretofore 14 accrued and hereafter to accrue for 15 liabilities associated with the continued 16 maintenance, operation, and development of 17 the statewide automated child welfare 18 information system. Subject to the 19 approval of the director of the budget, 20 such funds shall be available to the 21 office net of disallowances, refunds, 22 reimbursements, and credits. 23 Nonpersonal service ........................... 30,593,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal .................. 30,593,000 26 -------------- 27 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ............................ 58,748,000 28 -------------- 29 General Fund 30 State Purposes Account - 10050 31 For the non-federal share of training 32 contracts, including but not limited to, 33 child welfare, public assistance and 34 medical assistance training contracts with 35 not-for-profit agencies or other govern- 36 mental entities. Funds available under 37 this appropriation may be used only after 38 all available funding from other revenue 39 sources, as determined by the director of 40 the budget and including, but not limited 41 to the special revenue funds - other 42 office of children and family services 43 training, management and evaluation 44 account and the special revenue fund - 45 other office of children and family 236 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 services state match account have been 2 fully expended. 3 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 4 finance law and any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 6 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 7 er of the office of temporary and disabil- 8 ity assistance and the commissioner of the 9 office of children and family services, 10 transfer or suballocate any of the amounts 11 appropriated herein, or made available 12 through interchange to the office of 13 temporary and disability assistance for 14 the non-federal share of training 15 contracts. 16 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 17 finance law and any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 19 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 20 er of children and family services, 21 authorize the transfer or interchange of 22 moneys appropriated herein with any other 23 state operations - general fund appropri- 24 ation within the office of children and 25 family services except where transfer or 26 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 27 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 29 the money hereby appropriated may be 30 interchanged or transferred, without 31 limit, to local assistance and/or any 32 appropriation of the office of children 33 and family services, and may be increased 34 or decreased without limit by transfer or 35 suballocation between these appropriated 36 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 37 ment, agency or public authority related 38 to the operation of the justice center for 39 the protection of people with special 40 needs with the approval of the director of 41 the budget who shall file such approval 42 with the department of audit and control 43 and copies thereof with the chairman of 44 the senate finance committee and the 45 chairman of the assembly ways and means 46 committee. 47 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 48 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 49 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 50 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 51 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 237 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 2 state operations appropriation for the 3 budget division program of the division of 4 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 5 herein and a part of this appropriation as 6 if fully stated. 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Contractual services ........................... 2,960,000 9 -------------- 10 For the required state match of training 11 contracts including, but not limited to, 12 child welfare and public assistance train- 13 ing contracts with not-for-profit agencies 14 or other governmental entities. This 15 appropriation shall only be used to reduce 16 the required state match incurred by the 17 office of children and family services, 18 the office of temporary and disability 19 assistance, the department of health and 20 the department of labor funded through 21 other sources, provided, however, that the 22 state match requirement of each agency 23 shall be reduced in an amount proportional 24 to the use of these moneys to reduce the 25 overall state match requirement. Funds 26 appropriated herein shall not be available 27 for personal services costs of the office 28 of children and family services, the 29 office of temporary and disability assist- 30 ance, the department of health and the 31 department of labor. Funds available 32 pursuant to this appropriation may be used 33 only after all available funding from 34 other revenue sources, as determined by 35 the director of the budget, and including, 36 but not limited to, the special revenue 37 fund - other office of children and family 38 services training, management, and evalu- 39 ation account and the special revenue fund 40 - other office of children and family 41 services state match account have been 42 fully expended. Notwithstanding section 51 43 of the state finance law and any other 44 provision of law to the contrary, the 45 director of the budget may upon the advice 46 of the commissioner of the office of 47 temporary and disability assistance and 48 the commissioner of the office of children 238 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and family services, transfer or suballo- 2 cate any of the amounts appropriated here- 3 in, or made available through interchange 4 to the office of temporary and disability 5 assistance for the required state match of 6 training contracts. 7 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 8 finance law and any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 10 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 11 er of children and family services, 12 authorize the transfer or interchange of 13 moneys appropriated herein with any other 14 state operations - general fund appropri- 15 ation within the office of children and 16 family services except where transfer or 17 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 18 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 20 the money hereby appropriated may be 21 interchanged or transferred, without 22 limit, to local assistance and/or any 23 appropriation of the office of children 24 and family services, and may be increased 25 or decreased without limit by transfer or 26 suballocation between these appropriated 27 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 28 ment, agency or public authority related 29 to the operation of the justice center for 30 the protection of people with special 31 needs with the approval of the director of 32 the budget who shall file such approval 33 with the department of audit and control 34 and copies thereof with the chairman of 35 the senate finance committee and the 36 chairman of the assembly ways and means 37 committee. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 42 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 44 state operations appropriation for the 45 budget division program of the division of 46 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 47 herein and a part of this appropriation as 48 if fully stated. 239 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ........................... 2,082,000 3 -------------- 4 For services and expenses for the prevention 5 of domestic violence and expenses related 6 hereto. Of the amount appropriated, 7 $135,000 may be used to contract with the 8 office for the prevention of domestic 9 violence to develop and implement a train- 10 ing program on the dynamics of domestic 11 violence and its relationship to child 12 abuse and neglect with particular emphasis 13 on alternatives to out-of home-placement. 14 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 15 finance law and any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 17 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 18 er of children and family services, 19 authorize the transfer or interchange of 20 moneys appropriated herein with any other 21 state operations - general fund appropri- 22 ation within the office of children and 23 family services except where transfer or 24 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 25 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 27 the money hereby appropriated may be 28 interchanged or transferred, without 29 limit, to local assistance and/or any 30 appropriation of the office of children 31 and family services, and may be increased 32 or decreased without limit by transfer or 33 suballocation between these appropriated 34 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 35 ment, agency or public authority related 36 to the operation of the justice center for 37 the protection of people with special 38 needs with the approval of the director of 39 the budget who shall file such approval 40 with the department of audit and control 41 and copies thereof with the chairman of 42 the senate finance committee and the 43 chairman of the assembly ways and means 44 committee. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 46 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 47 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 48 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 49 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 240 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 2 state operations appropriation for the 3 budget division program of the division of 4 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 5 herein and a part of this appropriation as 6 if fully stated. 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Contractual services ............................. 257,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 5,299,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 Multiagency Training Contract Account - 21989 15 For services and expenses related to the 16 operation of the training and development 17 program including, but not limited to, 18 personal service, fringe benefits and 19 nonpersonal service. To the extent that 20 costs incurred through payment from this 21 appropriation result from training activ- 22 ities performed on behalf of the office of 23 children and family services, the office 24 of temporary and disability assistance, 25 the department of health, the department 26 of labor or any other state or local agen- 27 cy, expenditures made from this appropri- 28 ation shall be reduced by any federal, 29 state, or local funding available for such 30 purpose in accordance with a cost allo- 31 cation plan submitted to the federal 32 government. No expenditure shall be made 33 from this account until an expenditure 34 plan has been approved by the director of 35 the budget. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 40 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 42 state operations appropriation for the 43 budget division program of the division of 44 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 45 herein and a part of this appropriation as 46 if fully stated. 241 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,330,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services .......................... 36,014,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 970,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 65,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 37,049,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal .................. 39,379,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 State Match Account - 21967 16 For services and expenses related to the 17 training and development program. Of the 18 amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may 19 be used only to provide state match for 20 federal training funds in accordance with 21 an agreement with social services 22 districts including, but not limited to, 23 the city of New York. Any agreement with a 24 social services district is subject to the 25 approval of the director of the budget. No 26 expenditure shall be made from this 27 account for personal service costs. No 28 expenditure shall be made from this 29 account until an expenditure plan for this 30 purpose has been approved by the director 31 of the budget. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 33 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 37 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 38 state operations appropriation for the 39 budget division program of the division of 40 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 41 herein and a part of this appropriation as 42 if fully stated. 242 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ........................... 7,000,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ................... 7,000,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 8 Training, Management and Evaluation Account - 21961 9 For services and expenses related to the 10 training and development program. Of the 11 amount appropriated herein, the office 12 shall expend not less than $359,000 for 13 services and expenses of child abuse 14 prevention training pursuant to chapters 15 676 and 677 of the laws of 1985. No 16 expenditure shall be made from this 17 account for any purpose until an expendi- 18 ture plan has been approved by the direc- 19 tor of the budget. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 24 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 26 state operations appropriation for the 27 budget division program of the division of 28 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 29 herein and a part of this appropriation as 30 if fully stated. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service ............................... 3,227,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 36 Travel ............................................ 12,000 37 Contractual services ........................... 1,854,000 38 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,555,000 40 Indirect costs ................................... 102,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,643,000 43 -------------- 243 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 6,870,000 2 -------------- 3 Enterprise Funds 4 Agencies Enterprise Fund 5 Training Materials Account - 50306 6 For services and expenses related to publi- 7 cation and sale of training materials. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 12 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 14 state operations appropriation for the 15 budget division program of the division of 16 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 17 herein and a part of this appropriation as 18 if fully stated. 19 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 22 -------------- 23 YOUTH FACILITIES PROGRAM ................................... 161,420,000 24 -------------- 25 General Fund 26 State Purposes Account - 10050 27 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 28 finance law and any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 30 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 31 er of children and family services, 32 authorize the transfer or interchange of 33 moneys appropriated herein with any other 34 state operations - general fund appropri- 35 ation within the office of children and 36 family services except where transfer or 37 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 38 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 40 the money hereby appropriated may be 41 interchanged or transferred, without 42 limit, to local assistance and/or any 43 appropriation of the office of children 44 and family services, and may be increased 45 or decreased without limit by transfer or 244 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 suballocation between these appropriated 2 amounts and appropriations of any depart- 3 ment, agency or public authority related 4 to the operation of the justice center for 5 the protection of people with special 6 needs with the approval of the director of 7 the budget who shall file such approval 8 with the department of audit and control 9 and copies thereof with the chairman of 10 the senate finance committee and the 11 chairman of the assembly ways and means 12 committee. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 15 et is authorized to waive the 50 percent 16 local share of youth facility costs 17 required under subdivision 2 of section 18 529 of the executive law, as necessary, 19 for bills issued in calendar year 2015 and 20 thereafter, to limit total billings to 21 local social services districts in a 22 calendar year including any billings for 23 services provided in any prior calendar 24 year to no more than $55,000,000. 25 Provided, however, that for the city of 26 New York, a waiver of any reimbursement 27 due to the state above the city of New 28 York's pro-rata share of the $55,000,000 29 shall only be granted to the extent that 30 the director of the budget certifies that 31 the city of New York has spent a minimum 32 amount of additional resources, as deter- 33 mined by the director of the budget, on 34 eligible homeless assistance and services 35 for the period January 1, 2015 through 36 December 31, 2015 and annually thereafter 37 through December 31, 2018, and provided 38 further that state funds shall not be used 39 to supplant any of the city of New York's 40 funds for such services, as determined by 41 the director of the budget. Such eligible 42 homeless assistance and services shall be 43 limited to the city of New York's costs 44 for living in communities (LINC) 3, LINC 45 4, and LINC 5 rental assistance programs 46 and/or any other new rental assistance or 47 homeless services program implemented 48 after January 1, 2015, pursuant to a plan 49 submitted by the city of New York and 50 approved by the office of temporary and 51 disability assistance and the director of 245 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 the budget. The city of New York shall 2 submit monthly reports to the director of 3 the budget and the office of temporary and 4 disability assistance indicating the 5 number of recipients served under each 6 program and the amount spent on each 7 program for the given month, and shall 8 submit a year-end report with cumulative 9 calendar year costs by March 31, 2016 and 10 annually thereafter through March 31, 11 2019. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 17 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 18 state operations appropriation for the 19 budget division program of the division of 20 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 21 herein and a part of this appropriation as 22 if fully stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ..................... 83,176,000 25 Temporary service .............................. 2,724,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 7,386,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ....... 93,286,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ......................... 9,581,000 32 Travel ........................................... 402,000 33 Contractual services .......................... 15,582,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 430,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 25,995,000 37 -------------- 38 Total amount available ................... 119,281,000 39 -------------- 40 For services and expenses related to remedi- 41 ation or improvement of juvenile justice 42 practices, including implementation of a 43 New York model treatment program for youth 44 in the care of the office of children and 45 family services, in office of children and 46 family services facilities and in the 246 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 community. Funds appropriated herein shall 2 be made available subject to the approval 3 of an expenditure plan by the director of 4 the budget. 5 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 6 finance law and any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 8 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 9 er of children and family services, 10 authorize the transfer or interchange of 11 moneys appropriated herein with any other 12 state operations - general fund appropri- 13 ation within the office of children and 14 family services except where transfer or 15 interchange of appropriations is prohibit- 16 ed or otherwise restricted by law. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 19 et is authorized to waive the 50 percent 20 local share of youth facility costs 21 required under subdivision 2 of section 22 529 of the executive law, as necessary, 23 for bills issued in calendar year 2015 and 24 thereafter, to limit total billings to 25 local social services districts in a 26 calendar year including any billings for 27 services provided in any prior calendar 28 year to no more than $55,000,000. 29 Provided, however, that for the city of 30 New York, a waiver of any reimbursement 31 due to the state above the city of New 32 York's pro-rata share of the $55,000,000 33 shall only be granted to the extent that 34 the director of the budget certifies that 35 the city of New York has spent a minimum 36 amount of additional resources, as deter- 37 mined by the director of the budget, on 38 eligible homeless assistance and services 39 for the period January 1, 2015 through 40 December 31, 2015 and annually thereafter 41 through December 31, 2018, and provided 42 further that state funds shall not be used 43 to supplant any of the city of New York's 44 funds for such services, as determined by 45 the director of the budget. Such eligible 46 homeless assistance and services shall be 47 limited to the city of New York's costs 48 for living in communications (LINC) 3, 49 LINC 4, and LINC 5 rental assistance 50 programs and/or any other new rental 51 assistance or homeless services program 247 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 implemented after January 1, 2015, pursu- 2 ant to a plan submitted by the city of New 3 York and approved by the office of tempo- 4 rary and disability assistance and the 5 director of the budget. The city of New 6 York shall submit monthly reports to the 7 director of the budget and the office of 8 temporary and disability assistance indi- 9 cating the number of recipients served 10 under each program and the amount spent on 11 each program for the given month, and 12 shall submit a year-end report with cumu- 13 lative calendar year costs by March 31, 14 2016 and annually thereafter through March 15 31, 2019. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ..................... 25,209,000 18 Temporary service ................................ 850,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 2,266,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ....... 28,325,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ......................... 4,874,000 25 Travel ........................................... 271,000 26 Contractual services ........................... 8,123,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 271,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 13,539,000 30 -------------- 31 Total amount available ...................... 41,864,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................. 161,145,000 34 -------------- 35 Enterprise Funds 36 Youth Commissary Account 37 DFY Account - 50000 38 For services and expenses related to facili- 39 ty commissary supplies. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 45 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 248 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of 3 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 4 herein and a part of this appropriation as 5 if fully stated. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ........................... 155,000 8 Contractual services .............................. 40,000 9 Equipment ......................................... 80,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 275,000 12 -------------- 249 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Head Start Grant Account - 25181 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the head start collaboration 7 project grant program. 8 Personal service ... 215,000 .......................... (re. $199,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 211,000 ....................... (re. $211,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 94,000 ............................. (re. $94,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses related to the head start collaboration 14 project grant program. 15 Personal service ... 215,000 .......................... (re. $111,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 211,000 ....................... (re. $167,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 94,000 ............................. (re. $49,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $6,000) 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 21 Grants and Bequests Account - 20145 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 23 For services and expenses related to research, evaluation and demon- 24 stration projects, including fringe benefits. 25 Personal service--regular ... 36,000 ................... (re. $36,000) 26 Supplies and materials ... 100,000 .................... (re. $100,000) 27 Contractual services ... 121,000 ...................... (re. $121,000) 28 Travel ... 15,000 ...................................... (re. $15,000) 29 Equipment ... 19,000 ................................... (re. $19,000) 30 Fringe benefits ... 17,000 ............................. (re. $17,000) 31 Indirect costs ... 1,000 ................................ (re. $1,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 33 For services and expenses related to research, evaluation and demon- 34 stration projects, including fringe benefits. 35 Personal service--regular ... 36,000 ................... (re. $22,000) 36 Supplies and materials ... 222,000 ..................... (re. $93,000) 37 Travel ... 15,000 ...................................... (re. $13,000) 38 Equipment ... 19,000 ................................... (re. $18,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 17,000 ............................. (re. $10,000) 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 41 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 42 OCFS Program Account - 22111 43 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 250 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the support of health and social 2 services programs. 3 Contractual services ... 5,000,000 .................. (re. $1,385,000) 4 CHILD CARE PROGRAM 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 7 Federal Day Care Account - 25175 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 9 Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici- 10 palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ- 11 ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the 12 federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social 13 services law and the state plan for individual and family grant 14 program under the disaster relief act of 1974. 15 Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and 16 expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici- 17 palities. Subject to the approval of the director of the budget, 18 such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances, 19 refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 20 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein 21 appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within 22 the office of children and family services and/or the office of 23 temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the 24 office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of 25 paying local social services districts' costs of the above program 26 and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other 27 appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts 28 appropriated within the office of children and family services 29 general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds 30 federal / aid to localities federal day care account with the 31 approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval 32 with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the 33 chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the 34 assembly ways and means committee. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 36 ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and 37 disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to 38 localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary 39 assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the 40 local social services districts and, upon approval of the director 41 of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy 42 families block grant funds made available from the New York works 43 compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated 44 therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general 45 fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for 46 the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state 47 block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of 48 the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall 251 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the 2 availability and/or quality of child care programs. 3 Personal service ... 16,780,000 .................... (re. $13,865,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 26,911,300 ................. (re. $22,100,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 7,260,700 ....................... (re. $3,861,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 302,000 ............................ (re. $148,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici- 9 palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ- 10 ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the 11 federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social 12 services law and the state plan for individual and family grant 13 program under the disaster relief act of 1974. 14 Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and 15 expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici- 16 palities. Subject to the approval of the director of the budget, 17 such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances, 18 refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 19 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein 20 appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within 21 the office of children and family services and/or the office of 22 temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the 23 office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of 24 paying local social services districts' costs of the above program 25 and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other 26 appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts 27 appropriated within the office of children and family services 28 general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds 29 federal/aid to localities federal day care account with the approval 30 of the director of the budget who shall file such approval with the 31 department of audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman 32 of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly 33 ways and means committee. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 35 ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and 36 disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to 37 localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary 38 assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the 39 local social services districts and, upon approval of the director 40 of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy 41 families block grant funds made available from the New York works 42 compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated 43 therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general 44 fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for 45 the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state 46 block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of 47 the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall 48 be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the 49 availability and/or quality of child care programs. 252 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any provision of articles 153, 154 and 163 of the 2 education law, there shall be an exemption from the professional 3 licensure requirements of such articles, and nothing contained in 4 such articles, or in any other provisions of law related to the 5 licensure requirements of persons licensed under those articles, 6 shall prohibit or limit the activities or services of any person in 7 the employ of a program or service operated, certified, regulated, 8 funded or approved by the office of children and family services, a 9 local governmental unit as such term is defined in article 41 of the 10 mental hygiene law, and/or a local social services district as 11 defined in section 61 of the social services law, and all such enti- 12 ties shall be considered to be approved settings for the receipt of 13 supervised experience for the professions governed by articles 153, 14 154 and 163 of the education law, and furthermore, no such entity 15 shall be required to apply for nor be required to receive a waiver 16 pursuant to section 6503-a of the education law in order to perform 17 any activities or provide any services. 18 Personal service ... 16,780,000 ....................... (re. $698,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 26,911,300 ................. (re. $14,904,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 7,260,700 ......................... (re. $254,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 302,000 ............................. (re. $86,000) 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 23 Funds appropriated herein shall be available for aid to munici- 24 palities, for services and expenses related to administering activ- 25 ities under the child care block grant and for payments to the 26 federal government for expenditures made pursuant to the social 27 services law and the state plan for individual and family grant 28 program under the disaster relief act of 1974. 29 Such funds are to be available for payment of aid, services and 30 expenses heretofore accrued or hereafter to accrue to munici- 31 palities. Subject to the approval of the director of the budget, 32 such funds shall be available to the office net of disallowances, 33 refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 34 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the amount herein 35 appropriated may be transferred to any other appropriation within 36 the office of children and family services and/or the office of 37 temporary and disability assistance and/or suballocated to the 38 office of temporary and disability assistance for the purpose of 39 paying local social services districts' costs of the above program 40 and may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other 41 appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts 42 appropriated within the office of children and family services 43 general fund - local assistance account or special revenue funds 44 federal/aid to localities federal day care account with the approval 45 of the director of the budget who shall file such approval with the 46 department of audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman 47 of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the assembly 48 ways and means committee. 49 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 50 ated including any funds transferred by the office of temporary and 253 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 disability assistance special revenue funds - federal / aid to 2 localities federal health and human services fund, federal temporary 3 assistance to needy families block grant funds at the request of the 4 local social services districts and, upon approval of the director 5 of the budget, transfer of federal temporary assistance for needy 6 families block grant funds made available from the New York works 7 compliance fund program or otherwise specifically appropriated 8 therefor, in combination with the money appropriated in the general 9 fund / aid to localities local assistance account, appropriated for 10 the state block grant for child care shall constitute the state 11 block grant for child care. Pursuant to title 5-C of article 6 of 12 the social services law, the state block grant for child care shall 13 be used for child care assistance and for activities to increase the 14 availability and/or quality of child care programs. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 17 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 18 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 20 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 21 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 22 fully stated. 23 Nonpersonal service ... 26,911,300 .................. (re. $2,002,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 7,260,700 ....................... (re. $1,261,000) 25 Indirect costs ... 302,000 ............................ (re. $152,000) 26 FAMILY AND CHILDREN'S SERVICES PROGRAM 27 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 28 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 29 Discretionary Demonstration Account - 25103 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 For services and expenses related to administering federal health and 32 human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants 33 from the national center on child abuse and neglect. 34 Personal service ... 2,350,000 ...................... (re. $2,334,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 10,155,000 ................. (re. $10,155,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 1,017,000 ....................... (re. $1,016,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $25,000) 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 39 For services and expenses related to administering federal health and 40 human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants 41 from the national center on child abuse and neglect. 42 Personal service ... 2,350,000 ...................... (re. $2,307,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 10,155,000 .................. (re. $9,939,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 1,017,000 ......................... (re. $984,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $24,000) 46 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 254 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 2 Discretionary Demonstration Account 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 4 For services and expenses related to administering federal health and 5 human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants 6 from the national center on child abuse and neglect. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 9 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 10 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 12 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 13 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 14 fully stated. 15 Personal service ... 2,350,000 ...................... (re. $1,214,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 10,155,000 .................. (re. $8,563,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 1,017,000 ......................... (re. $477,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $23,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 20 For services and expenses related to administering federal health and 21 human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants 22 from the national center on child abuse and neglect. 23 Personal service ... 2,350,000 ........................ (re. $648,000) 24 Nonpersonal service ... 10,155,000 .................. (re. $5,613,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 1,017,000 ......................... (re. $410,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $16,000) 27 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 28 For services and expenses related to administering federal health and 29 human services discretionary demonstration program grants and grants 30 from the national center on child abuse and neglect ................ 31 13,547,000 ........................................ (re. $6,234,000) 32 NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND PROGRAM 33 General Fund 34 State Purposes Account - 10050 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 36 For services and expenses of service and training programs for the 37 blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds 38 made available under various provisions of the federal vocational 39 rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and 40 supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons. 41 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 42 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 43 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 44 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 45 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 255 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 2 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 3 by law. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 6 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 7 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 8 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 9 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 10 ation as if fully stated. 11 Personal service--regular ... 1,661,000 ............... (re. $192,000) 12 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 12,000 ................ (re. $5,000) 13 Supplies and materials ... 8,000 ........................ (re. $8,000) 14 Contractual services ... 6,507,000 .................. (re. $4,056,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50, 16 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 17 For services and expenses of service and training programs for the 18 blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds 19 made available under various provisions of the federal vocational 20 rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and 21 supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons. 22 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 23 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 24 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 25 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 26 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 27 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 28 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 29 by law. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 32 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 34 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 35 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 36 ation as if fully stated. 37 Personal service--regular ... 1,661,000 ............... (re. $151,000) 38 Supplies and materials ... 8,000 ........................ (re. $8,000) 39 Contractual services ... 6,507,000 .................. (re. $1,145,000) 40 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 41 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 42 For services and expenses of service and training programs for the 43 blind, including, but not limited to, state match of federal funds 44 made available under various provisions of the federal vocational 45 rehabilitation act and the federal randolph sheppard act and 46 supportive services for blind children and blind elderly persons. 47 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 48 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 49 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 256 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 2 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 3 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 4 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 5 by law. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 8 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 9 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 11 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 12 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 13 fully stated. 14 Supplies and materials ... 8,000 ........................ (re. $3,000) 15 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 16 Federal Education Fund 17 Rehabilitation Services/Basic Support Account - 25213 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 19 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 20 the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education 21 department. A portion of the funds appropriated herein may be subal- 22 located to the dormitory authority of the state of New York, in 23 accordance with a plan approved by the division of the budget, to 24 design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, 25 equip or otherwise improve vending stands for the blind enterprise 26 program pursuant to an agreement between the New York state commis- 27 sion for the blind and the dormitory authority, which may contain 28 such other terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties 29 thereto, including provisions related to indemnities. All contracts 30 for construction awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this 31 appropriation shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and 32 shall be awarded in accordance with the authority's procurement 33 contract guidelines adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public 34 authorities law. 35 Personal service ... 8,440,000 ...................... (re. $8,440,000) 36 Nonpersonal service ... 20,353,000 ................. (re. $20,353,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 3,652,000 ....................... (re. $3,652,000) 38 Indirect costs ... 160,000 ............................ (re. $160,000) 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50, 40 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 41 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 42 the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education 43 department. A portion of the funds appropriated herein may be subal- 44 located to the dormitory authority of the state of New York, in 45 accordance with a plan approved by the division of the budget, to 46 design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, 47 equip or otherwise improve vending stands for the blind enterprise 48 program pursuant to an agreement between the New York state commis- 257 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 sion for the blind and the dormitory authority, which may contain 2 such other terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties 3 thereto, including provisions related to indemnities. All contracts 4 for construction awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this 5 appropriation shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and 6 shall be awarded in accordance with the authority's procurement 7 contract guidelines adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public 8 authorities law. 9 Personal service ... 8,440,000 ...................... (re. $8,440,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 20,353,000 ................. (re. $11,364,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 3,652,000 ....................... (re. $3,652,000) 12 Indirect costs ... 160,000 ............................ (re. $160,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 14 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 16 the blind including transfer or suballocation to the state education 17 department. A portion of the funds appropriated herein may be subal- 18 located to the dormitory authority of the state of New York, in 19 accordance with a plan approved by the division of the budget, to 20 design, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, renovate, furnish, 21 equip or otherwise improve vending stands for the blind enterprise 22 program pursuant to an agreement between the New York state commis- 23 sion for the blind and the dormitory authority, which may contain 24 such other terms and conditions as may be agreed upon by the parties 25 thereto, including provisions related to indemnities. All contracts 26 for construction awarded by the dormitory authority pursuant to this 27 appropriation shall be governed by article 8 of the labor law and 28 shall be awarded in accordance with the authority's procurement 29 contract guidelines adopted pursuant to section 2879 of the public 30 authorities law. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 33 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 34 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 35 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 36 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 37 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 38 fully stated. 39 Nonpersonal service ... 20,353,000 .................... (re. $656,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 3,652,000 ....................... (re. $2,957,000) 41 Indirect costs ... 160,000 ............................ (re. $160,000) 42 Special Revenue Funds - Other 43 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 44 CBVH Gifts and Bequests Account - 20129 45 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 46 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 47 the blind. 48 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 258 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ... 20,000 ........................ (re. $20,000) 2 Equipment ... 2,000 ..................................... (re. $2,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50, 4 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 6 the blind. 7 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 8 Contractual services ... 20,000 ........................ (re. $20,000) 9 Equipment ... 2,000 ..................................... (re. $2,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 11 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 For services and expenses related to the New York state commission for 13 the blind. 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 16 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 17 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 19 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 20 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 21 fully stated. 22 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 23 Contractual services ... 20,000 ......................... (re. $5,000) 24 Equipment ... 2,000 ..................................... (re. $2,000) 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 27 CBVH-Vending Stand Account - 20126 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and 30 pension plan and establishing food service sites. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 33 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 34 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 35 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 36 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 37 ation as if fully stated. 38 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $50,000) 39 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 1,000 ................. (re. $1,000) 40 Supplies and materials ... 215,000 .................... (re. $215,000) 41 Travel ... 4,000 ........................................ (re. $4,000) 42 Contractual services ... 598,000 ...................... (re. $598,000) 43 Fringe benefits ... 470,000 ........................... (re. $470,000) 44 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 45 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 259 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and 2 pension plan and establishing food service sites. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 4 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 5 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 7 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 8 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 9 ation as if fully stated. 10 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $40,000) 11 Supplies and materials ... 215,000 .................... (re. $170,000) 12 Travel ... 4,000 ........................................ (re. $4,000) 13 Contractual services ... 598,000 ...................... (re. $458,000) 14 Fringe benefits ... 470,000 ........................... (re. $470,000) 15 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 17 For services and expenses related to the vending stand program and 18 pension plan and establishing food service sites. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 20 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 21 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 22 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 23 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 24 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 25 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 26 fully stated. 27 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $28,000) 28 Supplies and materials ... 215,000 ..................... (re. $79,000) 29 Travel ... 4,000 ........................................ (re. $4,000) 30 Contractual services ... 598,000 ...................... (re. $149,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 470,000 ........................... (re. $400,000) 32 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 CBVH Highway Revenue Account - 22108 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 37 For services and expenses of programs that support the blind. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 40 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 42 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 43 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 44 ation as if fully stated. 45 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $500,000) 46 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 50, 47 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 260 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of programs that support the blind. 2 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 3 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 4 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 5 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 6 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 7 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 8 ation as if fully stated. 9 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $500,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 11 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 For services and expenses of programs that support the blind. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 14 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 15 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 16 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 18 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 19 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 20 fully stated. 21 Contractual services ... 500,000 ........................ (re. $2,000) 22 SYSTEMS SUPPORT PROGRAM 23 General Fund 24 State Purposes Account - 10050 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 26 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 27 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 28 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 29 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 30 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 31 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 32 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 33 by law. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 35 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 36 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 37 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 38 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 39 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 40 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 41 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 42 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 43 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 44 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 46 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 47 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 261 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 2 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 3 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 4 ation as if fully stated. 5 Supplies and materials ... 207,000 .................... (re. $158,000) 6 Travel ... 48,000 ...................................... (re. $48,000) 7 Contractual services ... 4,914,600 .................. (re. $2,576,000) 8 Equipment ... 215,000 ................................. (re. $215,000) 9 For the non-federal share of services and expenses for the continued 10 maintenance of the statewide automated child welfare information 11 system; to operate the statewide automated child welfare information 12 system; and for the continued development of the statewide automated 13 child welfare information system. Of the amounts appropriated here- 14 in, a portion may be available for suballocation to the office of 15 information technology services for the administration of independ- 16 ent verification and validation services for child welfare systems 17 operated or developed by the office of children and family services. 18 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, funds appropri- 19 ated herein shall only be available upon approval of an expenditure 20 plan by the director of the budget. 21 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 22 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 23 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 24 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 25 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 26 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 27 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 28 by law. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 30 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 31 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 32 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 33 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 34 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 35 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 36 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 37 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 38 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 39 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 42 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 44 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 45 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 46 ation as if fully stated. 47 Supplies and materials ... 129,000 ..................... (re. $98,000) 48 Travel ... 129,000 .................................... (re. $129,000) 49 Contractual services ... 21,959,400 ................ (re. $16,497,000) 50 Equipment ... 1,143,000 ............................. (re. $1,124,000) 262 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 3 Connections Account - 25175 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare 6 information system including related administrative expenses 7 provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act. 8 Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to 9 accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance, 10 operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare 11 information system. Subject to the approval of the director of the 12 budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow- 13 ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 14 Nonpersonal service ... 30,593,000 ................. (re. $30,593,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 16 For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare 17 information system including related administrative expenses 18 provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act. 19 Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to 20 accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance, 21 operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare 22 information system. Subject to the approval of the director of the 23 budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow- 24 ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 25 Nonpersonal service ... 30,593,000 ................. (re. $30,593,000) 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 28 Connections Account 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 30 For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare 31 information system including related administrative expenses 32 provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act. 33 Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to 34 accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance, 35 operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare 36 information system. Subject to the approval of the director of the 37 budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow- 38 ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 40 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 41 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 42 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 43 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 44 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 45 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 46 fully stated. 47 Nonpersonal service ... 30,593,000 ................. (re. $30,305,000) 263 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 2 For services and expenses for the statewide automated child welfare 3 information system including related administrative expenses 4 provided pursuant to title IV-e of the federal social security act. 5 Such funds are to be available heretofore accrued and hereafter to 6 accrue for liabilities associated with the continued maintenance, 7 operation, and development of the statewide automated child welfare 8 information system. Subject to the approval of the director of the 9 budget, such funds shall be available to the office net of disallow- 10 ances, refunds, reimbursements, and credits. 11 Nonpersonal service ... 30,593,000 ................. (re. $25,319,000) 12 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 16 For the non-federal share of training contracts, including but not 17 limited to, child welfare, public assistance and medical assistance 18 training contracts with not-for-profit agencies or other govern- 19 mental entities. Funds available under this appropriation may be 20 used only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 21 determined by the director of the budget and including, but not 22 limited to the special revenue funds - other office of children and 23 family services training, management and evaluation account and the 24 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 25 state match account have been fully expended. 26 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 27 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 28 upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and 29 disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children 30 and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts 31 appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the 32 office of temporary and disability assistance for the non-federal 33 share of training contracts. 34 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 35 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 36 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 37 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 38 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 39 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 40 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 41 by law. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 43 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 44 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 45 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 46 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 47 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 48 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 264 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 2 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 3 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 4 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 6 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 7 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 8 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 9 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 10 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 11 ation as if fully stated. 12 Contractual services ... 2,960,000 .................. (re. $2,960,000) 13 For the required state match of training contracts including, but not 14 limited to, child welfare and public assistance training contracts 15 with not-for-profit agencies or other governmental entities. This 16 appropriation shall only be used to reduce the required state match 17 incurred by the office of children and family services, the office 18 of temporary and disability assistance, the department of health and 19 the department of labor funded through other sources, provided, 20 however, that the state match requirement of each agency shall be 21 reduced in an amount proportional to the use of these moneys to 22 reduce the overall state match requirement. Funds appropriated here- 23 in shall not be available for personal services costs of the office 24 of children and family services, the office of temporary and disa- 25 bility assistance, the department of health and the department of 26 labor. Funds available pursuant to this appropriation may be used 27 only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 28 determined by the director of the budget, and including, but not 29 limited to, the special revenue fund - other office of children and 30 family services training, management, and evaluation account and the 31 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 32 state match account have been fully expended. Notwithstanding 33 section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the director of the budget may upon the advice of 35 the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assist- 36 ance and the commissioner of the office of children and family 37 services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts appropriated 38 herein, or made available through interchange to the office of 39 temporary and disability assistance for the required state match of 40 training contracts. 41 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 42 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 43 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 44 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 45 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 46 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 47 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 48 by law. 49 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 50 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 51 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 265 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 2 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 3 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 4 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 5 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 6 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 7 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 8 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 11 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 12 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 13 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 14 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 15 ation as if fully stated. 16 Contractual services ... 2,082,000 .................. (re. $2,082,000) 17 For services and expenses for the prevention of domestic violence and 18 expenses related hereto. Of the amount appropriated, $135,000 may be 19 used to contract with the office for the prevention of domestic 20 violence to develop and implement a training program on the dynamics 21 of domestic violence and its relationship to child abuse and neglect 22 with particular emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement. 23 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 24 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 25 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 26 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 27 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 28 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 29 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 30 by law. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 32 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 33 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 34 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 35 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 36 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 37 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 38 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 39 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 40 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 41 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 44 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 45 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 46 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 47 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 48 ation as if fully stated. 49 Contractual services ... 257,000 ...................... (re. $257,000) 50 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 266 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For the non-federal share of training contracts, including but not 2 limited to, child welfare, public assistance and medical assistance 3 training contracts with not-for-profit agencies or other govern- 4 mental entities. Funds available under this appropriation may be 5 used only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 6 determined by the director of the budget and including, but not 7 limited to the special revenue funds - other office of children and 8 family services training, management and evaluation account and the 9 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 10 state match account have been fully expended. 11 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 12 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may 13 upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and 14 disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children 15 and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts 16 appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the 17 office of temporary and disability assistance for the non-federal 18 share of training contracts. 19 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 20 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 21 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 22 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 23 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 24 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 25 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 26 by law. 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 28 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 29 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 30 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 31 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 32 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 33 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 34 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 35 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 36 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 37 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 40 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 42 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 43 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 44 ation as if fully stated. 45 Contractual services ... 2,960,000 .................. (re. $1,653,000) 46 For the required state match of training contracts including, but not 47 limited to, child welfare and public assistance training contracts 48 with not-for-profit agencies or other governmental entities. This 49 appropriation shall only be used to reduce the required state match 50 incurred by the office of children and family services, the office 51 of temporary and disability assistance, the department of health and 267 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 the department of labor funded through other sources, provided, 2 however, that the state match requirement of each agency shall be 3 reduced in an amount proportional to the use of these moneys to 4 reduce the overall state match requirement. Funds appropriated here- 5 in shall not be available for personal services costs of the office 6 of children and family services, the office of temporary and disa- 7 bility assistance, the department of health and the department of 8 labor. Funds available pursuant to this appropriation may be used 9 only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 10 determined by the director of the budget, and including, but not 11 limited to, the special revenue fund - other office of children and 12 family services training, management, and evaluation account and the 13 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 14 state match account have been fully expended. Notwithstanding 15 section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the director of the budget may upon the advice of 17 the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assist- 18 ance and the commissioner of the office of children and family 19 services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts appropriated 20 herein, or made available through interchange to the office of 21 temporary and disability assistance for the required state match of 22 training contracts. 23 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 24 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 25 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 26 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 27 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 28 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 29 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 30 by law. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 32 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 33 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 34 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 35 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 36 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 37 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 38 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 39 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 40 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 41 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 44 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 45 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 46 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 47 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 48 ation as if fully stated. 49 Contractual services ... 2,082,000 .................. (re. $2,082,000) 50 For services and expenses for the prevention of domestic violence and 51 expenses related hereto. Of the amount appropriated, $135,000 may be 268 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 used to contract with the office for the prevention of domestic 2 violence to develop and implement a training program on the dynamics 3 of domestic violence and its relationship to child abuse and neglect 4 with particular emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement. 5 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 6 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 7 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 8 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 9 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 10 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 11 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 12 by law. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 14 ated may be interchanged or transferred, without limit, to local 15 assistance and/or any appropriation of the office of children and 16 family services, and may be increased or decreased without limit by 17 transfer or suballocation between these appropriated amounts and 18 appropriations of any department, agency or public authority related 19 to the operation of the justice center for the protection of people 20 with special needs with the approval of the director of the budget 21 who shall file such approval with the department of audit and 22 control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance 23 committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 25 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 26 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 28 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 29 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 30 ation as if fully stated. 31 Contractual services ... 257,000 ...................... (re. $257,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 33 For the non-federal share of training contracts, including but not 34 limited to, child welfare, public assistance and medical assistance 35 training contracts with not-for-profit agencies or other govern- 36 mental entities. Funds available under this appropriation may be 37 used only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 38 determined by the director of the budget and including, but not 39 limited to the special revenue funds - other office of children and 40 family services training, management and evaluation account and the 41 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 42 state match account have been fully expended. 43 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 44 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may 45 upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and 46 disability assistance and the commissioner of the office of children 47 and family services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts 48 appropriated herein, or made available through interchange to the 49 office of temporary and disability assistance for the non-federal 50 share of training contracts. 269 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 2 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 3 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 4 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 5 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 6 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 7 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 8 by law. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 11 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 12 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 13 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 14 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 15 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 16 fully stated. 17 Contractual services ... 2,960,000 ..................... (re. $26,000) 18 For the required state match of training contracts including, but not 19 limited to, child welfare and public assistance training contracts 20 with not-for-profit agencies or other governmental entities. This 21 appropriation shall only be used to reduce the required state match 22 incurred by the office of children and family services, the office 23 of temporary and disability assistance, the department of health and 24 the department of labor funded through other sources, provided, 25 however, that the state match requirement of each agency shall be 26 reduced in an amount proportional to the use of these moneys to 27 reduce the overall state match requirement. Funds appropriated here- 28 in shall not be available for personal services costs of the office 29 of children and family services, the office of temporary and disa- 30 bility assistance, the department of health and the department of 31 labor. Funds available pursuant to this appropriation may be used 32 only after all available funding from other revenue sources, as 33 determined by the director of the budget, and including, but not 34 limited to, the special revenue fund - other office of children and 35 family services training, management, and evaluation account and the 36 special revenue fund - other office of children and family services 37 state match account have been fully expended. Notwithstanding 38 section 51 of the state finance law and any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the director of the budget may upon the advice of 40 the commissioner of the office of temporary and disability assist- 41 ance and the commissioner of the office of children and family 42 services, transfer or suballocate any of the amounts appropriated 43 herein, or made available through interchange to the office of 44 temporary and disability assistance for the required state match of 45 training contracts. 46 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 47 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 48 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 49 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 50 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 51 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 270 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 2 by law. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 4 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 5 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 6 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 8 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 9 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 10 fully stated. 11 Contractual services ... 2,082,000 .................... (re. $163,000) 12 For services and expenses for the prevention of domestic violence and 13 expenses related hereto. Of the amount appropriated, $135,000 may be 14 used to contract with the office for the prevention of domestic 15 violence to develop and implement a training program on the dynamics 16 of domestic violence and its relationship to child abuse and neglect 17 with particular emphasis on alternatives to out-of home-placement. 18 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 19 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 20 upon the advice of the commissioner of children and family services, 21 authorize the transfer or interchange of moneys appropriated herein 22 with any other state operations - general fund appropriation within 23 the office of children and family services except where transfer or 24 interchange of appropriations is prohibited or otherwise restricted 25 by law. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 28 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 29 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 30 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 31 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 32 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 33 fully stated. 34 Contractual services ... 257,000 ...................... (re. $246,000) 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 37 Multiagency Training Contract Account - 21989 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 39 For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and 40 development program including, but not limited to, personal service, 41 fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs 42 incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train- 43 ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and 44 family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance, 45 the department of health, the department of labor or any other state 46 or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be 47 reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such 48 purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the 49 federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account 271 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 2 budget. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 4 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 5 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 7 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 8 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 9 ation as if fully stated. 10 Personal service--regular ... 2,330,000 ............. (re. $2,330,000) 11 Contractual services ... 36,014,000 ................ (re. $36,014,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 970,000 ........................... (re. $970,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 65,000 .............................. (re. $65,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 15 For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and 16 development program including, but not limited to, personal service, 17 fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs 18 incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train- 19 ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and 20 family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance, 21 the department of health, the department of labor or any other state 22 or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be 23 reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such 24 purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the 25 federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account 26 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 27 budget. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 32 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 33 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 34 ation as if fully stated. 35 Personal service--regular ... 2,330,000 ............. (re. $2,330,000) 36 Contractual services ... 36,014,000 ................ (re. $25,007,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 970,000 ........................... (re. $970,000) 38 Indirect costs ... 65,000 .............................. (re. $65,000) 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 40 For services and expenses related to the operation of the training and 41 development program including, but not limited to, personal service, 42 fringe benefits and nonpersonal service. To the extent that costs 43 incurred through payment from this appropriation result from train- 44 ing activities performed on behalf of the office of children and 45 family services, the office of temporary and disability assistance, 46 the department of health, the department of labor or any other state 47 or local agency, expenditures made from this appropriation shall be 48 reduced by any federal, state, or local funding available for such 49 purpose in accordance with a cost allocation plan submitted to the 272 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 federal government. No expenditure shall be made from this account 2 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 3 budget. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 6 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 7 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 8 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 9 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 10 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 11 fully stated. 12 Personal service--regular ... 2,330,000 ............. (re. $2,330,000) 13 Contractual services ... 36,014,000 ................ (re. $19,433,000) 14 Fringe benefits ... 970,000 ........................... (re. $299,000) 15 Indirect costs ... 65,000 .............................. (re. $33,000) 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 18 State Match Account - 21967 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 20 For services and expenses related to the training and development 21 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used 22 only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance 23 with an agreement with social services districts including, but not 24 limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social 25 services district is subject to the approval of the director of the 26 budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal 27 service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until 28 an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc- 29 tor of the budget. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 32 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 34 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 35 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 36 ation as if fully stated. 37 Contractual services ... 7,000,000 .................. (re. $7,000,000) 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 39 For services and expenses related to the training and development 40 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used 41 only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance 42 with an agreement with social services districts including, but not 43 limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social 44 services district is subject to the approval of the director of the 45 budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal 46 service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until 47 an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc- 48 tor of the budget. 273 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 3 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 5 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 6 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 7 ation as if fully stated. 8 Contractual services ... 7,000,000 .................. (re. $4,315,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 10 For services and expenses related to the training and development 11 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, $1,500,000 may be used 12 only to provide state match for federal training funds in accordance 13 with an agreement with social services districts including, but not 14 limited to, the city of New York. Any agreement with a social 15 services district is subject to the approval of the director of the 16 budget. No expenditure shall be made from this account for personal 17 service costs. No expenditure shall be made from this account until 18 an expenditure plan for this purpose has been approved by the direc- 19 tor of the budget. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 22 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 23 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 25 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 26 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 27 fully stated. 28 Contractual services ... 7,000,000 .................... (re. $336,000) 29 Special Revenue Funds - Other 30 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 31 Training, Management and Evaluation Account - 21961 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 33 For services and expenses related to the training and development 34 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend 35 not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse 36 prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of 37 1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose 38 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 39 budget. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 42 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 44 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 45 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 46 ation as if fully stated. 47 Personal service ... 3,227,000 ...................... (re. $1,883,000) 48 Supplies and materials ... 20,000 ...................... (re. $20,000) 274 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Travel ... 12,000 ...................................... (re. $12,000) 2 Contractual services ... 1,854,000 .................. (re. $1,854,000) 3 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 4 Fringe benefits ... 1,555,000 ....................... (re. $1,555,000) 5 Indirect costs ... 102,000 ............................ (re. $102,000) 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 7 For services and expenses related to the training and development 8 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend 9 not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse 10 prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of 11 1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose 12 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 13 budget. 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 16 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 17 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 18 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 19 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 20 ation as if fully stated. 21 Personal service ... 3,227,000 ...................... (re. $2,613,000) 22 Supplies and materials ... 20,000 ...................... (re. $16,000) 23 Travel ... 12,000 ...................................... (re. $12,000) 24 Contractual services ... 1,854,000 .................. (re. $1,802,000) 25 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 1,555,000 ....................... (re. $1,527,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 102,000 ............................ (re. $102,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 29 For services and expenses related to the training and development 30 program. Of the amount appropriated herein, the office shall expend 31 not less than $359,000 for services and expenses of child abuse 32 prevention training pursuant to chapters 676 and 677 of the laws of 33 1985. No expenditure shall be made from this account for any purpose 34 until an expenditure plan has been approved by the director of the 35 budget. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 38 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 39 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 40 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 41 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 42 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 43 fully stated. 44 Personal service ... 3,227,000 ........................ (re. $728,000) 45 Supplies and Materials ... 20,000 ...................... (re. $20,000) 46 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 47 Fringe benefits ... 1,555,000 ....................... (re. $1,237,000) 48 Indirect costs ... 102,000 ............................ (re. $102,000) 275 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Enterprise Funds 2 Agencies Enterprise Fund 3 Training Materials Account - 50306 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to publication and sale of training 6 materials. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 9 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 10 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 11 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 12 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 13 ation as if fully stated. 14 Contractual services ... 200,000 ...................... (re. $200,000) 276 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 166,979,000 29,466,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 244,775,000 209,559,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 2,500,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 414,254,000 239,025,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 56,419,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 15 personal service and nonpersonal service 16 expenses including the payment of liabil- 17 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 18 The office is authorized to chargeback New 19 York city human resources administration 20 for their contributed share of costs for 21 the training resource system. 22 Notwithstanding section 153 of the social 23 services law or any other inconsistent 24 provision of law, the office shall reduce 25 reimbursement otherwise payable to social 26 services districts to recover 50 percent 27 of the non-federal share of costs incurred 28 by the office for the operation of the 29 automated finger imaging system (AFIS). 30 Notwithstanding any other inconsistent 31 provision of law, the office shall reduce 32 reimbursement otherwise payable to social 33 services districts to recover 100 percent 34 of the costs incurred by the office for 35 employment verification services. The 36 office is authorized to chargeback New 37 York city human resources administration 38 for their contributed share of occupancy 39 costs at 14 Boerum Place. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 44 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 45 appropriation for the budget division 277 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program of the division of the budget, are 2 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 3 part of this appropriation as if fully 4 stated. 5 PERSONAL SERVICE 6 Personal service--regular ..................... 25,509,000 7 Temporary service ................................. 16,000 8 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 44,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for personal service ....... 25,569,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ........................... 815,000 14 Travel ........................................... 212,000 15 Contractual services .......................... 27,094,000 16 Equipment ........................................ 229,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 28,350,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal .................. 53,919,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 24 OTDA Program Account - 21980 25 For services and expenses related to the 26 support of health and social services 27 programs. 28 Notwithstanding section 153 of the social 29 services law or any other inconsistent 30 provision of law, the office shall reduce 31 reimbursement otherwise payable to social 32 services districts to recover 100 percent 33 of costs incurred by the office on behalf 34 of social services districts, including 35 the costs incurred for electronic access 36 to federal systems to verify alien status 37 for entitlements. 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Contractual services ........................... 2,500,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000 42 -------------- 278 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS PROGRAM ............................. 20,445,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 6 personal service and nonpersonal service 7 expenses including the payment of liabil- 8 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 9 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 10 finance law and any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 12 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 13 er of the office of temporary and disabil- 14 ity assistance, authorize the transfer or 15 interchange of moneys appropriated herein 16 with any other state operations - general 17 fund appropriation within the office of 18 temporary and disability assistance except 19 where transfer or interchange of appropri- 20 ations is prohibited or otherwise 21 restricted by law. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 24 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 25 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 26 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 27 appropriation for the budget division 28 program of the division of the budget, are 29 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 30 part of this appropriation as if fully 31 stated. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ..................... 15,073,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 463,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ....... 15,536,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 354,000 40 Travel ........................................... 150,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 4,111,000 42 Equipment ........................................ 294,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,909,000 45 -------------- 279 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 CHILD WELL BEING PROGRAM .................................... 48,275,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 6 personal service and nonpersonal service 7 expenses including the payment of liabil- 8 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 9 Amounts appropriated herein may be matched 10 with available federal funds and without 11 local financial participation. Subject to 12 the approval of the director of the budg- 13 et, funds may be used by the office either 14 directly or through one or more contracts 15 with private or public organizations, for 16 services designed to strengthen child 17 support enforcement activities including 18 but not necessarily limited to instate 19 bank match services; a paternity media 20 campaign; a medical support unit; payments 21 to hospitals and other eligible entities 22 for obtaining voluntary paternity acknowl- 23 edgments; joint enforcement teams; remedi- 24 ation of hard-to-collect cases; location 25 services; website services; child support 26 guidelines review; and operation of a 27 centralized support collection unit, 28 including the cost of banking services and 29 an automated voice response system and 30 customer service unit. 31 Notwithstanding section 153 of the social 32 services law or any other inconsistent 33 provision of law, the office shall reduce 34 reimbursement otherwise payable to social 35 services districts to recover 50 percent 36 of the non-federal share of costs incurred 37 by the office for the operation of a 38 centralized support collection unit, 39 including the cost of banking services and 40 an automated voice response system and 41 customer service unit. Such reduction 42 shall be prorated among districts based on 43 the number of collections and disburse- 44 ments processed or on an alternative meth- 45 odology deemed appropriate by the commis- 46 sioner. 47 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 48 of law, amounts appropriated herein may be 49 used, as matched by federal funds, pursu- 280 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ant to a plan approved by the director of 2 the budget, for the planning, development 3 and operation of an automated system 4 designed to meet the requirements of the 5 family support act of 1988, the personal 6 responsibility and work opportunity recon- 7 ciliation act of 1996 and to facilitate 8 and improve local districts operations 9 related to child support enforcement. 10 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 11 of the law to the contrary, pursuant to 12 memoranda of understanding and subject to 13 the approval of the director of the budg- 14 et, a portion of the amount appropriated 15 herein may be available for expenditures 16 of the department of taxation and finance, 17 the department of motor vehicles, and the 18 department of labor for reimbursement of 19 administrative costs of these departments 20 associated with efforts to increase child 21 support collections. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 24 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 25 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 26 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 27 appropriation for the budget division 28 program of the division of the budget, are 29 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 30 part of this appropriation as if fully 31 stated. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,099,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 79,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,178,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 231,000 40 Travel ........................................... 153,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 8,767,000 42 Equipment ......................................... 46,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,197,000 45 -------------- 46 Program account subtotal .................. 11,375,000 47 -------------- 281 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 3 Child Support Account - 25178 4 For services and expenses related to the 5 administration of the child support 6 enforcement program. 7 A portion of the funds appropriated herein, 8 subject to the approval of the director of 9 the budget, may be used as the federal 10 match for services designed to strengthen 11 child support enforcement activities 12 including but not necessarily limited to 13 instate bank match services; a paternity 14 media campaign; a medical support unit; 15 payments to hospitals and other eligible 16 entities for obtaining voluntary paternity 17 acknowledgments; joint enforcement teams; 18 remediation of hard-to-collect cases; 19 location services; website services; child 20 support guidelines review; and operation 21 of a centralized support collection unit, 22 including the cost of banking services and 23 an automated voice response system and 24 customer service unit. 25 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 26 of law, amounts appropriated herein may be 27 used, pursuant to a plan approved by the 28 director of the budget, for the planning, 29 development and operation of an automated 30 system designed to meet the requirements 31 of the family support act of 1988, the 32 personal responsibility and work opportu- 33 nity reconciliation act of 1996 and to 34 facilitate and improve local districts 35 operations related to child support 36 enforcement. 37 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 38 of the law to the contrary, pursuant to 39 memoranda of understanding and subject to 40 the approval of the director of the budg- 41 et, a portion of the amount appropriated 42 herein may be available for expenditures 43 of the department of taxation and finance, 44 the department of motor vehicles, and the 45 department of labor for reimbursement of 46 administrative costs of these departments 47 associated with efforts to increase child 48 support collections. 282 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ............................... 5,700,000 2 Nonpersonal service ........................... 27,000,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,100,000 4 Indirect costs ................................. 1,100,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 36,900,000 7 -------------- 8 DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS PROGRAM .......................... 181,000,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 12 Disability Determinations Account - 25153 13 For services and expenses related to the 14 office of disability determinations. 15 Personal service .............................. 72,000,000 16 Nonpersonal service ........................... 56,000,000 17 Fringe benefits ............................... 39,000,000 18 Indirect costs ................................ 14,000,000 19 -------------- 20 EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT PROGRAM ..................... 66,776,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 25 personal service and nonpersonal service 26 expenses including the payment of liabil- 27 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 28 The agency is authorized to chargeback 29 social services districts for 100 percent 30 of costs incurred by the agency on their 31 behalf for disability related consultative 32 examination contracts. 33 Notwithstanding section 153 of the social 34 services law or any other inconsistent 35 provision of law, the office shall reduce 36 reimbursement otherwise payable to social 37 services districts to recover 50 percent 38 of the non-federal share of costs incurred 39 by the office for the operation of the 40 statewide electronic benefit transfer 41 (EBT) system and the common benefit iden- 42 tification card (CBIC). 283 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of the client 2 notices system including but not limited 3 to personal service costs, postage, other 4 nonpersonal services costs, and contractor 5 costs paid directly by the office includ- 6 ing but not limited to costs for mail 7 processing. Notwithstanding any other 8 inconsistent provision of law, the office 9 shall reduce reimbursement otherwise paya- 10 ble to social services districts to 11 recover 50 percent of the non-federal 12 share of costs, including prior period 13 costs, incurred by the office for these 14 purposes. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ..................... 15,558,000 27 Temporary service ................................ 160,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 50,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ....... 15,768,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ........................ 10,132,000 34 Travel ........................................... 125,000 35 Contractual services .......................... 21,301,000 36 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 31,608,000 39 -------------- 40 Total amount available ...................... 47,376,000 41 -------------- 42 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 43 personal service and nonpersonal service 44 expenses incurred by the office's division 45 of disability determinations, including 46 payments to the social security adminis- 284 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 tration, in making determinations and 2 re-determinations regarding blindness and 3 disability in accordance with title XVI of 4 the social security act for the New York 5 state supplement program. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ........................ 600,000 8 -------------- 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Contractual services ............................. 600,000 11 -------------- 12 Total amount available ....................... 1,200,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal .................. 48,576,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 17 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 18 Home Energy Assistance Program Account - 25123 19 For services and expenses related to the 20 administration of the low income home 21 energy assistance program. Pursuant to 22 provisions of the federal omnibus budget 23 reconciliation act of 1981, and with the 24 approval of the director of the budget, a 25 portion of the funds appropriated herein 26 may be transferred or suballocated to 27 other state agencies for administration of 28 the home energy assistance program. 29 Personal service ............................... 2,125,000 30 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,375,000 31 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,100,000 32 Indirect costs ................................... 400,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 38 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024 39 For services and expenses related to the 40 administration of the supplemental nutri- 41 tion assistance program. Amounts appropri- 42 ated herein may be used for the expenses 285 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 associated with the operation of the 2 statewide electronic benefit transfer 3 (EBT) system; the common benefit identifi- 4 cation card (CBIC); and the automated 5 finger imaging system (AFIS). With the 6 approval of the director of budget, a 7 portion of the funds appropriated herein 8 may be transferred or suballocated to 9 other state agencies for the adminis- 10 tration of supplemental nutrition assist- 11 ance program. 12 Personal service ................................. 315,000 13 Nonpersonal service ........................... 12,585,000 14 Fringe benefits .................................. 200,000 15 Indirect costs ................................... 100,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal .................. 13,200,000 18 -------------- 19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM .............................. 32,514,000 20 -------------- 21 General Fund 22 State Purposes Account - 10050 23 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 24 nonpersonal service expenses including 25 services and expenses of operating the 26 welfare management system, costs of the 27 imaging and enterprise document repository 28 system, and the phone messaging system 29 including the payment of liabilities 30 incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 31 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 32 contrary, and subject to the approval of 33 the director of the budget the city of New 34 York shall be charged back for costs, 35 including prior period costs, related to 36 Mapper and the operation of the New York 37 city welfare management system. 38 No expenditure shall be made from this 39 appropriation without approval by the 40 director of the budget of a comprehensive 41 expenditure plan. Notwithstanding section 42 51 of the state finance law and any other 43 provision of law to the contrary, the 44 director of the budget may, upon the 45 advice of the commissioner of the office 46 of temporary and disability assistance, 47 authorize the transfer or interchange of 286 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 moneys appropriated herein with any other 2 state operations - general fund appropri- 3 ation within the office of temporary and 4 disability assistance except where trans- 5 fer or interchange of appropriations is 6 prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 10 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 12 appropriation for the budget division 13 program of the division of the budget, are 14 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 15 part of this appropriation as if fully 16 stated. 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 19 Travel ............................................. 3,000 20 Contractual services .......................... 18,888,000 21 Equipment ........................................ 200,000 22 -------------- 23 Total amount available ...................... 19,131,000 24 -------------- 25 For the non-federal share of the design and 26 implementation of modifications and 27 enhancements to the welfare-to-work case 28 management system, the welfare management 29 system, the child support management 30 system and other related systems operated 31 by the office of temporary and disability 32 assistance, the office of children and 33 family services, the department of labor, 34 or the department of health necessary for 35 the successful implementation of the 36 personal responsibility and work opportu- 37 nity reconciliation act of 1996 (P.L. 38 104-193) and the New York state welfare 39 reform act of 1997 (chapter 436 of the 40 laws of 1997) including the payment of 41 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 42 2015. Funds may only be made available 43 pursuant to a cost allocation plan submit- 44 ted to the department of health and human 45 services, the United States department of 46 agriculture and any other applicable 47 federal agency to the extent that such 48 approvals are required by federal statute 287 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 or regulations or upon determination by 2 the director of the budget that expendi- 3 ture of these funds is necessary to meet 4 the purposes defined herein. This appro- 5 priation shall only be available upon 6 approval of an expenditure plan by the 7 director of the budget. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Contractual services ........................... 8,383,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal .................. 27,514,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 25 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024 26 For the federal share of the design and 27 implementation of modifications and 28 enhancements to the welfare-to-work case 29 management system, the welfare management 30 system, the child support management 31 system, the electronic benefit transfer 32 system, costs associated with New York 33 city facilities management, and other 34 related systems operated by the office of 35 temporary and disability assistance, the 36 office of children and family services, 37 the department of labor, or the department 38 of health necessary for the successful 39 implementation of the personal responsi- 40 bility and work opportunity reconciliation 41 act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New 42 York state welfare reform act of 1997 43 (chapter 436 of the laws of 1997). 44 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 45 of law, this appropriation shall be avail- 46 able for costs heretofore and hereafter to 47 be accrued and to be supported with feder- 288 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 al funds including any department of agri- 2 culture food and nutrition services grant 3 award properly received by the state 4 during or for a federal fiscal year in 5 which costs can be properly submitted for 6 reimbursement to the department of agri- 7 culture. A portion of the amount appropri- 8 ated herein may be transferred or inter- 9 changed with any office of temporary and 10 disability assistance federal department 11 of agriculture food and nutrition services 12 funds. Funds may only be made available 13 pursuant to a cost allocation plan submit- 14 ted to the department of health and human 15 services, the United States department of 16 agriculture and any other applicable 17 federal agency to the extent that such 18 approvals are required by federal statute 19 or regulations. This appropriation shall 20 only be available upon approval of an 21 expenditure plan by the director of the 22 budget for the purposes defined herein. 23 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,000,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 26 -------------- 27 SPECIALIZED SERVICES PROGRAM ................................. 8,825,000 28 -------------- 29 General Fund 30 State Purposes Account - 10050 31 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA 32 personal service and nonpersonal service 33 expenses including the payment of liabil- 34 ities incurred prior to April 1, 2015. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 36 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 38 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 39 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 40 appropriation for the budget division 41 program of the division of the budget, are 42 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully 44 stated. 289 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,677,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 14,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,691,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 27,000 9 Travel ............................................ 79,000 10 Contractual services ........................... 1,339,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 14,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,459,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ................... 5,150,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 19 Refugee Resettlement Account - 25160 20 For services and expenses related to the 21 administration of refugee programs includ- 22 ing but not limited to the Cuban-Haitian 23 and refugee resettlement program and the 24 Cuban-Haitian and refugee targeted assist- 25 ance program. Notwithstanding any incon- 26 sistent provision of law, and subject to 27 the approval of the director of the budg- 28 et, funds appropriated herein may be 29 transferred or suballocated to the depart- 30 ment of health for services and expenses 31 related to the administration of the refu- 32 gee resettlement health assessment 33 program. 34 Personal service ............................... 1,540,000 35 Nonpersonal service .............................. 500,000 36 Fringe benefits .................................. 825,000 37 Indirect costs ................................... 300,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 3,165,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 42 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 43 Homeless Housing Account - 25390 290 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the 2 administration of federal homeless and 3 other support services grants. 4 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 5 finance law and any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the director of the budg- 7 et may, upon the advice of the commission- 8 er of the office of temporary and disabil- 9 ity assistance, make an amount 10 appropriated herein available through 11 interchange to any other fund in which 12 federal homeless grants are received, for 13 services and expenses related to federal 14 homeless and other federal support 15 services grants. 16 Personal service ................................. 245,000 17 Nonpersonal service ............................... 85,000 18 Fringe benefits .................................. 131,000 19 Indirect costs .................................... 49,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 510,000 22 -------------- 291 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CHILD WELL BEING PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Child Support Account - 25178 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the administration of the child 7 support enforcement program. 8 A portion of the funds appropriated herein, subject to the approval of 9 the director of the budget, may be used as the federal match for 10 services designed to strengthen child support enforcement activities 11 including but not necessarily limited to instate bank match 12 services; a paternity media campaign; a medical support unit; 13 payments to hospitals and other eligible entities for obtaining 14 voluntary paternity acknowledgments; joint enforcement teams; reme- 15 diation of hard-to-collect cases; location services; website 16 services; child support guidelines review; and operation of a 17 centralized support collection unit, including the cost of banking 18 services and an automated voice response system and customer service 19 unit. 20 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, amounts appropri- 21 ated herein may be used, pursuant to a plan approved by the director 22 of the budget, for the planning, development and operation of an 23 automated system designed to meet the requirements of the family 24 support act of 1988, the personal responsibility and work opportu- 25 nity reconciliation act of 1996 and to facilitate and improve local 26 districts operations related to child support enforcement. 27 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of the law to the contrary, 28 pursuant to memoranda of understanding and subject to the approval 29 of the director of the budget, a portion of the amount appropriated 30 herein may be available for expenditures of the department of taxa- 31 tion and finance, the department of motor vehicles, and the depart- 32 ment of labor for reimbursement of administrative costs of these 33 departments associated with efforts to increase child support 34 collections. 35 Nonpersonal service ... 27,400,000 ................. (re. $18,695,000) 36 DISABILITY DETERMINATIONS PROGRAM 37 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 38 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 39 Disability Determinations Account - 25153 40 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 41 For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi- 42 nations. 43 Personal service ... 72,000,000 .................... (re. $31,973,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 55,000,000 ................. (re. $35,880,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 39,000,000 ..................... (re. $21,566,000) 292 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 2 For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi- 3 nations. 4 Personal service ... 79,000,000 ................... (re. $12,043,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 54,000,000 ................ (re. $15,053,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 47,000,000 ..................... (re. $7,800,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 8 For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi- 9 nations. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 11 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 12 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 14 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 15 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 16 ation as if fully stated. 17 Personal service ... 83,000,000 .................... (re. $10,339,000) 18 Nonpersonal service ... 54,828,000 ................. (re. $18,554,000) 19 Fringe benefits ... 42,172,000 .................... (re. $11,806,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 21 For services and expenses related to the office of disability determi- 22 nations. 23 Nonpersonal service ... 52,000,000 .................. (re. $5,089,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 34,631,000 ...................... (re. $2,018,000) 25 EMPLOYMENT AND ECONOMIC SUPPORT PROGRAM 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 28 Home Energy Assistance Program Account - 25123 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 30 For services and expenses related to the administration of the low 31 income home energy assistance program. Pursuant to provisions of the 32 federal omnibus budget reconciliation act of 1981, and with the 33 approval of the director of the budget, a portion of the funds 34 appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to other 35 state agencies for administration of the home energy assistance 36 program. 37 Personal service ... 1,575,000 ........................ (re. $722,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 2,546,000 ................... (re. $2,223,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 842,000 ........................... (re. $345,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 37,000 .............................. (re. $29,000) 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 42 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 43 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 293 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to the administration of the supple- 2 mental nutrition assistance program. Amounts appropriated herein may 3 be used for the expenses associated with the operation of the state- 4 wide electronic benefit transfer (EBT) system; the common benefit 5 identification card (CBIC); and the automated finger imaging system 6 (AFIS). With the approval of the director of budget, a portion of 7 the funds appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to 8 other state agencies for the administration of supplemental nutri- 9 tion assistance program. 10 Personal service ... 312,000 .......................... (re. $237,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 12,691,000 .................. (re. $7,675,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 167,000 ........................... (re. $167,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 22,000 .............................. (re. $22,000) 14 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM 15 General Fund 16 State Purposes Account - 10050 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 18 This amount is appropriated to pay for OTDA nonpersonal service 19 expenses including services and expenses of operating the welfare 20 management system, costs of the imaging and enterprise document 21 repository system, and the phone messaging system including the 22 payment of liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2014. 23 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, and subject to 24 the approval of the director of the budget the city of New York 25 shall be charged back for costs, including prior period costs, 26 related to Mapper and the operation of the New York city welfare 27 management system. 28 No expenditure shall be made from this appropriation without approval 29 by the director of the budget of a comprehensive expenditure plan. 30 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state finance law and any other 31 provision of law to the contrary, the director of the budget may, 32 upon the advice of the commissioner of the office of temporary and 33 disability assistance, authorize the transfer or interchange of 34 moneys appropriated herein with any other state operations - general 35 fund appropriation within the office of temporary and disability 36 assistance except where transfer or interchange of appropriations is 37 prohibited or otherwise restricted by law. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 40 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 41 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 42 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 44 Contractual services ... 18,925,000 ................ (re. $12,700,000) 45 For the non-federal share of the design and implementation of modifi- 46 cations and enhancements to the welfare-to-work case management 47 system, the welfare management system, the child support management 48 system and other related systems operated by the office of temporary 294 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 and disability assistance, the office of children and family 2 services, the department of labor, or the department of health 3 necessary for the successful implementation of the personal respon- 4 sibility and work opportunity reconciliation act of 1996 (P.L. 5 104-193) and the New York state welfare reform act of 1997 (chapter 6 436 of the laws of 1997) including the payment of liabilities 7 incurred prior to April 1, 2014. Funds may only be made available 8 pursuant to a cost allocation plan submitted to the department of 9 health and human services, the United States department of agricul- 10 ture and any other applicable federal agency to the extent that such 11 approvals are required by federal statute or regulations or upon 12 determination by the director of the budget that expenditure of 13 these funds is necessary to meet the purposes defined herein. This 14 appropriation shall only be available upon approval of an expendi- 15 ture plan by the director of the budget. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 17 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 18 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 19 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 20 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 22 Contractual services ... 8,383,000 .................. (re. $8,383,000) 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 24 For the non-federal share of the design and implementation of modifi- 25 cations and enhancements to the welfare-to-work case management 26 system, the welfare management system, the child support management 27 system and other related systems operated by the office of temporary 28 and disability assistance, the office of children and family 29 services, the department of labor, or the department of health 30 necessary for the successful implementation of the personal respon- 31 sibility and work opportunity reconciliation act of 1996 (P.L. 104- 32 193) and the New York state welfare reform act of 1997 (chapter 436 33 of the laws of 1997) including the payment of liabilities incurred 34 prior to April 1, 2013. Funds may only be made available pursuant to 35 a cost allocation plan submitted to the department of health and 36 human services, the United States department of agriculture and any 37 other applicable federal agency to the extent that such approvals 38 are required by federal statute or regulations or upon determination 39 by the director of the budget that expenditure of these funds is 40 necessary to meet the purposes defined herein. This appropriation 41 shall only be available upon approval of an expenditure plan by the 42 director of the budget. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 45 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 46 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 47 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 48 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 49 Supplies and materials ... 18,000 ...................... (re. $18,000) 50 Travel ... 9,000 ........................................ (re. $9,000) 295 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ... 7,393,000 .................. (re. $7,393,000) 2 Equipment ... 963,000 ................................. (re. $963,000) 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 5 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25024 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 7 For the federal share of the design and implementation of modifica- 8 tions and enhancements to the welfare-to-work case management 9 system, the welfare management system, the child support management 10 system, the electronic benefit transfer system, costs associated 11 with New York city facilities management, and other related systems 12 operated by the office of temporary and disability assistance, the 13 office of children and family services, the department of labor, or 14 the department of health necessary for the successful implementation 15 of the personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation 16 act of 1996 (P.L. 104-193) and the New York state welfare reform act 17 of 1997 (chapter 436 of the laws of 1997). Notwithstanding any 18 inconsistent provision of law, this appropriation shall be available 19 for costs heretofore and hereafter to be accrued and to be supported 20 with federal funds including any department of agriculture food and 21 nutrition services grant award properly received by the state during 22 or for a federal fiscal year in which costs can be properly submit- 23 ted for reimbursement to the department of agriculture. A portion of 24 the amount appropriated herein may be transferred or interchanged 25 with any office of temporary and disability assistance federal 26 department of agriculture food and nutrition services funds. Funds 27 may only be made available pursuant to a cost allocation plan 28 submitted to the department of health and human services, the United 29 States department of agriculture and any other applicable federal 30 agency to the extent that such approvals are required by federal 31 statute or regulations. This appropriation shall only be available 32 upon approval of an expenditure plan by the director of the budget 33 for the purposes defined herein. 34 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 35 SPECIALIZED SERVICES PROGRAM 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 38 U009P 27000 OTDA-Refugee Resettlement Account - 25160 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 40 For services and expenses related to the administration of refugee 41 programs including but not limited to the Cuban-Haitian and refugee 42 resettlement program and the Cuban-Haitian and refugee targeted 43 assistance program. Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of 44 law, and subject to the approval of the director of the budget, 45 funds appropriated herein may be transferred or suballocated to the 296 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ASSISTANCE OFFICE OF TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 department of health for services and expenses related to the admin- 2 istration of the refugee resettlement health assessment program. 3 Personal service ... 1,533,000 ...................... (re. $1,082,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 586,000 ....................... (re. $560,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 820,000 ........................... (re. $652,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 36,000 .............................. (re. $29,000) 297 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE FINANCIAL CONTROL BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 3,131,700 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 3,131,700 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 NEW YORK STATE FINANCIAL CONTROL BOARD ....................... 3,131,700 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 NYS Financial Control Board Account - 21911 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,500,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 28 Travel ............................................. 5,000 29 Contractual services ............................. 625,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 25,700 31 Fringe benefits .................................. 838,000 32 Indirect costs .................................... 38,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,631,700 35 -------------- 298 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 0 1,000,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 337,192,963 1,422,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 337,192,963 2,422,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 66,794,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 13 State Transmitter of Money Insurance Fund Account - 14 20130 15 For services and expenses related to the 16 state transmitter of money insurance fund 17 in accordance with article 13-C of the 18 banking law. 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Contractual services .......................... 14,000,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal .................. 14,000,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Other 25 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 26 Banking Department Account - 21970 27 For services and expenses related to the 28 administration and operation of the 29 department of financial services. 30 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 31 finance law, the money hereby appropriated 32 may be increased or decreased by inter- 33 change with any other appropriation within 34 the department of financial services. Such 35 annual interchanges made between banking 36 department account appropriations and 37 insurance department account appropri- 38 ations may not, in the aggregate, total 39 more than five million dollars. The super- 40 intendent of the department of financial 41 services shall report quarterly to the 42 governor, the speaker of the assembly and 299 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 the majority leader of the senate regard- 2 ing any interchanges made pursuant to this 3 provision. 4 Such report shall specify the amount of 5 moneys so interchanged and detail the 6 expenditures funded as a result of such 7 interchange. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,100,000 10 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 14,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,114,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ........................... 985,000 16 Travel ........................................... 221,000 17 Contractual services ........................... 7,811,000 18 Equipment ........................................ 430,000 19 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,947,000 20 Indirect costs ................................... 222,000 21 -------------- 22 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 13,616,000 23 -------------- 24 Program account subtotal .................. 20,730,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Funds - Other 27 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 28 Financial Services Seized Assets Account - 21973 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Contractual services .............................. 25,000 31 Equipment ........................................ 475,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 37 Insurance Department Account - 21994 38 For services and expenses related to the 39 administration and operation of the 40 department of financial services. 41 Notwithstanding section 51 of the state 42 finance law, the money hereby appropriated 43 may be increased or decreased by inter- 300 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 change with any other appropriation within 2 the department of financial services. Such 3 annual interchanges made between banking 4 department account appropriations and 5 insurance department account appropri- 6 ations may not, in the aggregate, total 7 more than five million dollars. The super- 8 intendent of the department of financial 9 services shall report quarterly to the 10 governor, the speaker of the assembly and 11 the majority leader of the senate regard- 12 ing any interchanges made pursuant to this 13 provision. 14 Such report shall specify the amount of 15 moneys so interchanged and detail the 16 expenditures funded as a result of such 17 interchange. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ..................... 10,600,000 20 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 21,000 21 -------------- 22 Amount available for personal service ....... 10,621,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,477,000 26 Travel ........................................... 331,000 27 Contractual services .......................... 12,216,000 28 Equipment ........................................ 646,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,893,000 30 Indirect costs ................................... 330,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 20,893,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal .................. 31,514,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 Settlement Account - 22045 39 For services and expenses related to the 40 enforcement actions in accordance with the 41 purpose outlined in the settlement under 42 which funding is obtained. Notwithstanding 43 any inconsistent provision of law, all or 44 a portion of this appropriation may, 45 subject to the approval of the director of 46 the budget, be transferred to the special 301 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 revenue funds - other / aid to localities, 2 miscellaneous special revenue fund - other 3 / aid to localities, banking department 4 settlement account. Notwithstanding any 5 inconsistent provision of law, the direc- 6 tor of the budget may suballocate up to 7 the full amount of this appropriation to 8 any department, agency or authority. 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 13 -------------- 14 BANKING PROGRAM ............................................. 72,441,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 18 Banking Department Account - 21970 19 For services and expenses related to consum- 20 er protection activities. Notwithstanding 21 section 51 of the state finance law, the 22 money hereby appropriated may be increased 23 or decreased by interchange with any other 24 appropriation within the department of 25 financial services. Such annual inter- 26 changes made between banking department 27 account appropriations and insurance 28 department account appropriations may not, 29 in the aggregate, total more than five 30 million dollars. The superintendent of the 31 department of financial services shall 32 report quarterly to the governor, the 33 speaker of the assembly and the majority 34 leader of the senate regarding any inter- 35 changes made pursuant to this provision. 36 Such report shall specify the amount of 37 moneys so interchanged and detail the 38 expenditures funded as a result of such 39 interchange. 40 PERSONAL SERVICE 41 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,856,000 42 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 13,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,869,000 45 -------------- 302 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 19,000 3 Travel ........................................... 224,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 348,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,355,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 261,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,217,000 10 -------------- 11 Total amount available ...................... 13,086,000 12 -------------- 13 For services and expenses related to the 14 regulatory activities of the department of 15 financial services. Notwithstanding 16 section 51 of the state finance law, the 17 money hereby appropriated may be increased 18 or decreased by interchange with any other 19 appropriation within the department of 20 financial services. Such annual inter- 21 changes made between banking department 22 account appropriations and insurance 23 department account appropriations may not, 24 in the aggregate, total more than five 25 million dollars. The superintendent of the 26 department of financial services shall 27 report quarterly to the governor, the 28 speaker of the assembly and the majority 29 leader of the senate regarding any inter- 30 changes made pursuant to this provision. 31 Such report shall specify the amount of 32 moneys so interchanged and detail the 33 expenditures funded as a result of such 34 interchange. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service-regular ...................... 34,002,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 68,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service ....... 34,070,000 40 -------------- 41 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 42 Supplies and materials ............................ 11,000 43 Travel ......................................... 1,649,000 44 Contractual services ........................... 2,389,000 45 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 303 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ............................... 18,919,000 2 Indirect costs ................................. 1,052,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 24,120,000 5 -------------- 6 Total amount available ...................... 58,190,000 7 -------------- 8 For suballocation to the office of the 9 inspector general for services and 10 expenses. 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ............................ 55,000 13 Contractual services .............................. 55,000 14 Travel ............................................ 55,000 15 Equipment ......................................... 62,000 16 -------------- 17 Total amount available ......................... 227,000 18 -------------- 19 For services and expenses related to the 20 crime proceeds task force. All or a 21 portion of these funds may be suballocated 22 to the departments of law and taxation and 23 finance for services and expenses incurred 24 on behalf of the crime proceeds task force 25 pursuant to an allocation plan developed 26 by the superintendent of the department of 27 financial services, the attorney general 28 and the commissioner of taxation and 29 finance, as appropriate, subject to the 30 approval of the director of the budget. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ........................ 400,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ............................. 340,000 36 Fringe benefits .................................. 182,000 37 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 538,000 40 -------------- 41 Total amount available ......................... 938,000 42 -------------- 304 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 INSURANCE PROGRAM .......................................... 197,957,963 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Insurance Department Account - 21994 6 For services and expenses related to consum- 7 er services activities. Notwithstanding 8 section 51 of the state finance law, the 9 money hereby appropriated may be increased 10 or decreased by interchange with any other 11 appropriation within the department of 12 financial services. Such annual inter- 13 changes may not, in the aggregate, total 14 more than five million dollars. The super- 15 intendent of the department of financial 16 services shall report quarterly to the 17 governor, the speaker of the assembly and 18 the majority leader of the senate regard- 19 ing any interchanges made pursuant to this 20 provision. Such report shall specify the 21 amount of moneys so interchanged and 22 detail the expenditures funded as a result 23 of such interchange. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,240,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 19,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ....... 11,259,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 29,000 32 Travel ........................................... 336,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 522,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 16,000 35 Fringe benefits ................................ 6,221,000 36 Indirect costs ................................... 393,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,517,000 39 -------------- 40 Total amount available ...................... 18,776,000 41 -------------- 42 For services and expenses related to the 43 regulatory activities of the department of 44 financial services. Notwithstanding 45 section 51 of the state finance law, the 305 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 money hereby appropriated may be increased 2 or decreased by interchange with any other 3 appropriation within the department of 4 financial services. Such annual inter- 5 changes may not, in the aggregate, total 6 more than five million dollars. The super- 7 intendent of the department of financial 8 services shall report quarterly to the 9 governor, the speaker of the assembly and 10 the majority leader of the senate regard- 11 ing any interchanges made pursuant to this 12 provision. Such report shall specify the 13 amount of moneys so interchanged and 14 detail the expenditures funded as a result 15 of such interchange. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ..................... 55,236,000 18 Temporary service ................................. 18,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 135,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ....... 55,389,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................... 372,000 25 Travel ......................................... 2,491,000 26 Contractual services ........................... 4,986,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 129,000 28 Fringe benefits ............................... 30,108,000 29 Indirect costs ................................. 1,678,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 39,764,000 32 -------------- 33 Total amount available ...................... 95,153,000 34 -------------- 35 For suballocation to the department of state 36 for expenses incurred in the enforcement, 37 development and maintenance of the state 38 building code. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,422,222 41 -------------- 306 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 571,000 3 Travel ........................................... 300,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,026,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 201,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,813,291 7 Indirect costs ................................... 154,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,065,291 10 -------------- 11 Total amount available ....................... 8,487,513 12 -------------- 13 For suballocation to the department of 14 health for expenses incurred in the 15 certification of managed care programs. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ........................ 150,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 21 Travel ............................................ 10,000 22 Contractual services .............................. 35,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................... 69,000 25 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 150,000 28 -------------- 29 Total amount available ......................... 300,000 30 -------------- 31 For suballocation to the department of 32 health for expenses incurred in the 33 approval of managed care implementation 34 plans. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ........................ 150,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 40 Travel ............................................ 10,000 41 Contractual services .............................. 35,000 307 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 2 Fringe benefits ................................... 69,000 3 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 150,000 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ......................... 300,000 8 -------------- 9 For suballocation to the division of home- 10 land security and emergency services for 11 expenses related to the urban search and 12 rescue program. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service-regular ......................... 161,596 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ............................ 75,000 18 Travel ............................................ 50,000 19 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 20 Equipment ......................................... 61,000 21 Fringe benefits ................................... 45,705 22 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 335,705 25 -------------- 26 Total amount available ......................... 497,301 27 -------------- 28 For suballocation to the division of home- 29 land security and emergency services for 30 services and expenses related to the fire 31 prevention and control program and the 32 state fire reporting system. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,342,274 35 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 64,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,406,274 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,000,000 41 Travel ......................................... 1,315,000 42 Contractual services ........................... 1,034,000 308 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ...................................... 1,860,000 2 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,934,465 3 Indirect costs ................................... 332,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 10,475,465 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ...................... 22,881,739 8 -------------- 9 For suballocation to the office of the 10 inspector general for services and 11 expenses. 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 14 Travel ............................................ 60,000 15 Contractual services .............................. 60,000 16 Equipment ......................................... 70,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ......................... 250,000 19 -------------- 20 For suballocation to the division of home- 21 land security and emergency services for 22 services and expenses of developing and 23 promulgating fire safety standards for 24 cigarettes pursuant to section 156-c of 25 the executive law. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ........................ 301,647 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 232,658 31 Travel ........................................... 157,658 32 Contractual services ............................. 139,595 33 Equipment ......................................... 62,818 34 Fringe benefits .................................. 105,405 35 Indirect costs .................................... 20,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 718,134 38 -------------- 39 Total amount available ....................... 1,019,781 40 -------------- 41 For suballocation to the division of home- 42 land security and emergency services for 43 services and expenses related to the 309 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 repair and rehabilitation of the state 2 fire training academy. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 5 -------------- 6 Total amount available ......................... 500,000 7 -------------- 8 For suballocation to the division of home- 9 land security and emergency services for 10 expenses related to fire inspections and 11 fire safety training programs at privately 12 operated colleges and universities in New 13 York state. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ........................ 541,939 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ........................... 126,000 19 Travel ............................................ 25,000 20 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 21 Equipment ........................................ 179,000 22 Fringe benefits .................................. 181,826 23 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 627,826 26 -------------- 27 Total amount available ....................... 1,169,765 28 -------------- 29 For suballocation to the department of law 30 for services and expenses associated with 31 the implementation of executive order 109 32 appointing the attorney general as special 33 prosecutor for no-fault auto insurance 34 fraud. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,599,396 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 324,705 40 Travel ........................................... 324,705 310 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ............................. 324,705 2 Equipment ........................................ 360,426 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,194,476 4 Indirect costs ................................... 125,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,654,017 7 -------------- 8 Total amount available ....................... 5,253,413 9 -------------- 10 For suballocation to the department of 11 health for services and expenses of the 12 center for community health program. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,230,000 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,250,000 18 Travel ......................................... 1,500,000 19 Contractual services ............................. 900,000 20 Equipment ...................................... 1,386,000 21 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,733,000 22 Indirect costs ................................... 231,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,000,000 25 -------------- 26 Total amount available ...................... 13,230,000 27 -------------- 28 For suballocation to the department of law 29 for services and expenses associated with 30 investigating broker/insurer practices in 31 the insurance industry. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ........................ 585,938 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 178,419 37 Travel ........................................... 327,102 38 Contractual services ............................. 178,419 39 Equipment ........................................ 211,131 40 Fringe benefits .................................. 269,442 41 Indirect costs .................................... 39,000 42 -------------- 311 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,203,513 2 -------------- 3 Total amount available ....................... 1,789,451 4 -------------- 5 For suballocation to the division of crimi- 6 nal justice services for services and 7 expenses associated with the traffic and 8 criminal software (TraCS) project. 9 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 10 of law, funds may be used to support 11 grants with localities or to support state 12 operations expenses associated with this 13 program. 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 16 Travel ........................................... 100,000 17 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 18 Equipment ...................................... 1,650,000 19 -------------- 20 Total amount available ....................... 1,950,000 21 -------------- 22 For suballocation to the department of 23 health for services and expenses incurred 24 for implementation of a forge-proof phar- 25 maceutical prescription program. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,288,372 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 375,293 31 Travel ........................................... 209,767 32 Contractual services .......................... 10,304,651 33 Equipment ........................................ 190,698 34 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,042,735 35 Indirect costs .................................... 88,484 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 12,211,628 38 -------------- 39 Total amount available ...................... 14,500,000 40 -------------- 41 For suballocation to the department of 42 health for services and expenses related 43 to the enhanced newborn screening program. 312 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service-regular ....................... 4,326,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,341,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,691,000 9 Travel ............................................ 22,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 899,000 11 Equipment ........................................ 803,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,977,000 13 Indirect costs ................................... 167,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,559,000 16 -------------- 17 Total amount available ...................... 11,900,000 18 -------------- 313 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCIAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 BANKING PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Banking Department Account 5 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as transferred by chapter 6 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 7 For services and expenses of the holocaust claims processing office. 8 Personal service ... 575,700 .......................... (re. $575,700) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 151,900 ....................... (re. $151,900) 10 Fringe benefits ... 252,600 ........................... (re. $252,600) 11 Indirect costs ... 19,800 .............................. (re. $19,800) 12 INSURANCE PROGRAM 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Insurance Department Account - 21994 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 17 For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency 18 services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha- 19 bilitation of the state fire training academy. 20 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $500,000) 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 22 For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency 23 services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha- 24 bilitation of the state fire training academy. 25 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $500,000) 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 27 For suballocation to the division of homeland security and emergency 28 services for services and expenses related to the repair and reha- 29 bilitation of the state fire training academy. 30 Contractual services ... 500,000 ...................... (re. $422,000) 314 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 6,971,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 105,062,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 112,033,000 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 6,971,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,329,000 25 Temporary service ................................. 22,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 131,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,482,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 684,000 32 Travel ............................................ 24,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,716,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 65,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,489,000 37 -------------- 38 ADMINISTRATION OF THE LOTTERY PROGRAM ....................... 69,042,800 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 315 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 State Lottery Fund 2 State Lottery Account - 20902 3 For services and expenses related to the 4 administration and operation of the 5 lottery program, providing that moneys 6 hereby appropriated shall be available to 7 the program net of refunds, rebates, 8 reimbursements and credits. A portion of 9 this appropriation may be used for subal- 10 location to the office of the inspector 11 general and/or other state departments or 12 agencies for services and expenses, 13 including fringe benefits. 14 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 15 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 16 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 17 changed with any other appropriation with- 18 in the state gaming commission, except 19 those appropriations that fund activities 20 related to the state lottery program. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 22 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 24 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 25 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 26 appropriation for the budget division 27 program of the division of the budget, are 28 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 29 part of this appropriation as if fully 30 stated, provided, however, that any such 31 transfer or interchange made pursuant to 32 such authority shall be in accordance with 33 article I, section 9 of the state consti- 34 tution. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ..................... 16,265,000 37 Temporary service ................................ 382,000 38 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 594,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for personal service ....... 17,241,000 41 -------------- 42 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 43 Supplies and materials ........................... 580,000 44 Travel ........................................... 178,000 45 Contractual services .......................... 39,228,800 46 Equipment ...................................... 1,496,000 47 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,829,000 316 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Indirect costs ................................... 490,000 2 -------------- 3 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 51,801,800 4 -------------- 5 CHARITABLE GAMING PROGRAM .................................... 1,154,300 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Other 8 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 9 Bell Jar Collection Account - 22003 10 For services and expenses related to the 11 administration and operation of the chari- 12 table gaming program, providing that 13 moneys hereby appropriated shall be avail- 14 able to the program net of refunds, 15 rebates, reimbursements and credits. 16 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 17 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 18 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 19 changed with any other appropriation with- 20 in the state gaming commission, except 21 those appropriations that fund activities 22 related to the state charitable gaming 23 program. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ........................ 649,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ............................ 15,000 39 Travel ............................................ 38,000 40 Contractual services .............................. 52,300 41 Equipment .......................................... 9,000 42 Fringe benefits .................................. 372,000 43 Indirect costs .................................... 19,000 44 -------------- 317 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 505,300 2 -------------- 3 GAMING PROGRAM .............................................. 21,628,400 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 NYS Commercial Gaming Fund 7 Commercial Gaming Regulation Account - 23702 8 For services and expenses related to the 9 administration and operation of the 10 commercial gaming revenue account, provid- 11 ing that moneys hereby appropriated shall 12 be available to the program net of 13 refunds, rebates, reimbursements and cred- 14 its. A portion of this appropriation shall 15 be made available pursuant to a memorandum 16 of understanding between the New York 17 state gaming commission and the division 18 of state police. Funds appropriated herein 19 may be suballocated to the division of 20 state police. 21 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 22 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 23 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 24 changed with any other appropriation with- 25 in the state gaming commission, except 26 those appropriations that fund activities 27 related to the administration of gaming 28 commission program. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 32 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 33 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 34 appropriation for the budget division 35 program of the division of the budget, are 36 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 37 part of this appropriation as if fully 38 stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,232,000 41 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,236,000 44 -------------- 318 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 27,000 3 Travel ............................................ 19,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 7,467,300 5 Equipment ......................................... 17,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 704,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 35,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,269,300 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 9,505,300 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Regulation of Indian Gaming Account - 22046 16 For services and expenses related to the 17 administration and operation of the regu- 18 lation of Indian gaming program, providing 19 that moneys hereby appropriated shall be 20 available to the program net of refunds, 21 rebates, reimbursements and credits. 22 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 23 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 24 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 25 changed with any other appropriation with- 26 in the state gaming commission, except 27 those appropriations that fund activities 28 related to the regulation of Indian gaming 29 program. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 40 PERSONAL SERVICE 41 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,266,000 42 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 62,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,328,000 45 -------------- 319 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 3 Travel ............................................ 10,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 98,400 5 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,859,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 84,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,055,400 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 5,383,400 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 State Lottery Fund 14 VLT Administration Account - 20903 15 For services and expenses related to the 16 state's administration of video lottery 17 gaming program, providing that such moneys 18 appropriated herein shall be available to 19 the program net of refunds, rebates, 20 reimbursements and credits. 21 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 22 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 23 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 24 changed with any other appropriation with- 25 in the state gaming commission, except 26 those appropriations that fund activities 27 related to the state video lottery gaming 28 program. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 32 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 33 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 34 appropriation for the budget division 35 program of the division of the budget, are 36 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 37 part of this appropriation as if fully 38 stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,303,000 41 Temporary service ................................. 23,000 42 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 9,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,335,000 45 -------------- 320 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 3 Travel ............................................ 23,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,301,700 5 Equipment ......................................... 64,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,900,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 95,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,404,700 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 6,739,700 12 -------------- 13 HORSE RACING AND PARI-MUTUEL WAGERING PROGRAM ............... 13,236,500 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 17 Regulation of Racing Account - 21912 18 For services and expenses related to the 19 administration and operation of the regu- 20 lation of horse racing and pari-mutuel 21 wagering program, providing that moneys 22 hereby appropriated shall be available to 23 the program net of refunds, rebates, 24 reimbursements and credits. 25 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 26 contrary, the money hereby appropriated 27 may not be, in whole or in part, inter- 28 changed with any other appropriation with- 29 in the state gaming commission, except 30 those appropriations that fund activities 31 related to the horse racing and parimutuel 32 wagering program. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 36 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 37 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 38 appropriation for the budget division 39 program of the division of the budget, are 40 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 41 part of this appropriation as if fully 42 stated. 321 20011-02-5 NEW YORK STATE GAMING COMMISSION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,057,000 3 Temporary service .............................. 4,620,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 84,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,761,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 112,000 10 Travel ........................................... 250,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 4,135,500 12 Equipment ......................................... 80,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,727,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 171,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,475,500 17 -------------- 322 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 155,211,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 8,230,000 11,365,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 30,194,000 0 6 Enterprise Service Funds ........... 1,600,000 0 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 829,391,000 0 8 Fiduciary Funds .................... 750,000 0 9 ---------------- ---------------- 10 All Funds ........................ 1,025,376,000 11,365,000 11 ================ ================ 12 SCHEDULE 13 BUSINESS SERVICES CENTER PROGRAM ............................ 44,616,000 14 -------------- 15 General Fund 16 State Purposes Account - 10050 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 28 to the contrary, in the event that consol- 29 idations of administrative services, 30 payroll administration, time and attend- 31 ance, benefits administration and/or other 32 transactional human resources functions do 33 not occur due to delays in implementation, 34 the office of general services may, 35 subject to the approval of the director of 36 the budget, transfer, interchange, and/or 37 suballocate funds in accordance with the 38 following schedule: 39 Up to $60,000 to the department of economic 40 development; 41 Up to $240,000 to the office of information 42 technology services; 43 Up to $46,000 to the department of civil 44 service; 45 Up to $46,000 to the division of budget; 323 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Up to $185,000 to the department of motor 2 vehicles; 3 Up to $277,000 to the office of children and 4 family services; 5 Up to $46,000 to the department of state; 6 Up to $432,000 to the division of state 7 police; 8 Up to $138,000 to the office of temporary 9 and disability assistance; 10 Up to $312,000 to the department of taxation 11 and finance; 12 Up to $346,000 to the department of health; 13 Up to $21,000 to the department of agricul- 14 ture and markets; and/or 15 Up to $268,000 to the department of 16 corrections and community supervision. 17 The director of the budget shall file such 18 approval with the department of audit and 19 control and copies thereof with the chair- 20 man of the senate finance committee and 21 the chairman of the assembly ways and 22 means committee 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ..................... 22,416,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Contractual services ............................. 997,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 23,413,000 30 -------------- 31 Internal Service Funds 32 Centralized Services Account 33 Business Services Center Account - 55022 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 42 part of this appropriation as if fully 43 stated. 324 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,654,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ........................... 5,000,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,195,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 354,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 12,549,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal .................. 21,203,000 12 -------------- 13 CURATORIAL SERVICES PROGRAM .................................... 750,000 14 -------------- 15 Fiduciary Funds 16 Miscellaneous New York State Agency Fund 17 Empire State Plaza Art Commission Account - 60600 18 For services and expenses related to the 19 operation of the empire state plaza art 20 commission in accordance with article 4 of 21 the arts and cultural affairs law. 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 26 -------------- 27 Fiduciary Funds 28 Miscellaneous New York State Agency Fund 29 Executive Mansion Trust Account - 60600 30 For services and expenses related to the 31 operation of the executive mansion trust 32 in accordance with article 54 of the arts 33 and cultural affairs law. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ............................. 250,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 250,000 38 -------------- 325 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM ............................. 74,061,000 2 -------------- 3 Internal Service Funds 4 Centralized Services Account 5 Design and Construction Account - 55010 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 9 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 11 appropriation for the budget division 12 program of the division of the budget, are 13 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully 15 stated. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ..................... 27,381,000 18 Temporary service ................................. 14,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 223,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ....... 27,618,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................... 494,000 25 Travel ......................................... 1,285,000 26 Contractual services .......................... 27,566,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 621,000 28 Fringe benefits ............................... 15,704,000 29 Indirect costs ................................... 773,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 46,443,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal .................. 74,061,000 34 -------------- 35 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM ................................ 207,283,000 36 -------------- 37 General Fund 38 State Purposes Account - 10050 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 40 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 42 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 43 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 326 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriation for the budget division 2 program of the division of the budget, are 3 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 4 part of this appropriation as if fully 5 stated. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,685,000 8 Temporary service ................................. 50,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 100,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,835,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 85,000 15 Travel ............................................ 59,000 16 Contractual services ........................... 5,033,000 17 Equipment ......................................... 39,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,216,000 20 -------------- 21 Total amount available ...................... 11,051,000 22 -------------- 23 For payments related to the new headquarters 24 for the department of audit and control, 25 the New York state and local employees' 26 retirement system and the New York state 27 and local police and fire retirement 28 system. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 32 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 33 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 34 appropriation for the budget division 35 program of the division of the budget, are 36 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 37 part of this appropriation as if fully 38 stated. 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Contractual services ........................... 1,168,000 41 -------------- 42 For services and expenses related to a 43 centralized risk management function with- 44 in state government. 327 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 250,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ......................... 350,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal .................. 12,569,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 13 Plaza Special Events Account - 20120 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Temporary service ................................ 200,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ............................ 12,000 19 Travel ............................................. 8,000 20 Contractual services ............................. 963,000 21 Equipment .......................................... 9,000 22 Fringe benefits .................................. 114,000 23 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,112,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ................... 1,312,000 28 -------------- 29 Special Revenue Funds - Other 30 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 31 Cuba Lake Management Account - 22124 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Contractual services ............................. 386,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ..................... 386,000 36 -------------- 37 Enterprise Funds 38 Agencies Enterprise Fund 39 Asset Preservation Account - 50322 328 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 16,000 3 Contractual services ............................... 9,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal ...................... 25,000 6 -------------- 7 Internal Service Funds 8 Centralized Services Account 9 Executive Direction Account 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 13 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 14 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 15 appropriation for the budget division 16 program of the division of the budget, are 17 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 18 part of this appropriation as if fully 19 stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,801,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................ 52,389,000 25 Travel ........................................... 247,000 26 Contractual services .......................... 44,343,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 107,000 28 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,990,000 29 Indirect costs ................................... 114,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 99,190,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................. 102,991,000 34 -------------- 35 Internal Service Funds 36 Centralized Services Account 37 Energy Account - 55008 38 For services and expenses related to the 39 purchase and delivery of energy for state 40 agencies, pursuant to chapter 410 of the 41 laws of 2009. 329 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................ 90,000,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal .................. 90,000,000 5 -------------- 6 PROCUREMENT PROGRAM ........................................ 535,047,000 7 -------------- 8 General Fund 9 State Purposes Account - 10050 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 13 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 14 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 15 appropriation for the budget division 16 program of the division of the budget, are 17 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 18 part of this appropriation as if fully 19 stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,638,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 27,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,665,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 28,000 28 Travel ............................................ 39,000 29 Contractual services ........................... 1,311,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,438,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 7,103,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Funds 38 Environmental Projects Account - 25300 39 For services and expenses related to envi- 40 ronmental projects, including but not 41 limited to training, research and techni- 42 cal assistance and demonstration projects, 330 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 personal services, fringe benefits and 2 indirect costs. 3 Nonpersonal service .............................. 500,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 9 Emergency Assistance-OGS-9461 Account - 25025 10 For services and expenses related to the 11 temporary emergency feeding assistance 12 program. 13 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,865,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ................... 5,865,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 19 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25025 20 For services and expenses related to state 21 administrative costs for the national 22 lunch program. 23 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,865,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 1,865,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Standards and Purchase Account 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 331 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 746,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service .......... 766,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 320,000 10 Travel ............................................ 87,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 4,101,000 12 Equipment ......................................... 20,000 13 Fringe benefits .................................. 436,000 14 Indirect costs .................................... 21,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,985,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................... 5,751,000 19 -------------- 20 Internal Service Funds 21 Centralized Services Account 22 Enterprise Contracting - 55020 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 26 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 27 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 28 appropriation for the budget division 29 program of the division of the budget, are 30 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully 32 stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ........................ 600,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,000,000 38 Travel ........................................... 250,000 39 Contractual services ......................... 485,824,000 40 Equipment ...................................... 2,000,000 41 Fringe benefits .................................. 341,000 42 Indirect costs .................................... 17,000 43 -------------- 332 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 489,432,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ................. 490,032,000 4 -------------- 5 Internal Service Funds 6 Centralized Services Account 7 Standards and Purchase Account 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,068,000 20 Temporary service ................................ 180,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 58,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,306,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,215,000 27 Travel ........................................... 156,000 28 Contractual services .......................... 14,910,000 29 Equipment ...................................... 2,562,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,698,000 31 Indirect costs .................................... 84,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 20,625,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal .................. 23,931,000 36 -------------- 37 REAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ........... 163,785,000 38 -------------- 39 General Fund 40 State Purposes Account - 10050 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 42 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 333 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 2 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 3 appropriation for the budget division 4 program of the division of the budget, are 5 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 6 part of this appropriation as if fully 7 stated. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ..................... 33,412,000 10 Temporary service .............................. 2,221,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,319,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ....... 36,952,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ........................ 37,677,000 17 Travel ........................................... 109,000 18 Contractual services .......................... 36,842,000 19 Equipment ........................................ 546,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 75,174,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................. 112,126,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Building Administration Account 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 31 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 33 appropriation for the budget division 34 program of the division of the budget, are 35 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 36 part of this appropriation as if fully 37 stated. 38 PERSONAL SERVICE 39 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,013,000 40 Temporary service ................................ 765,000 41 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 348,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,126,000 44 -------------- 334 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 158,000 3 Travel ............................................ 24,000 4 Contractual services .......................... 17,459,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 169,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,724,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 85,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 19,619,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal .................. 22,745,000 12 -------------- 13 Enterprise Funds 14 Agencies Enterprise Fund 15 Convention Center Account - 50318 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ........................ 499,000 18 Temporary service ................................. 60,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 65,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service .......... 624,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ............................ 96,000 25 Travel ............................................. 9,000 26 Contractual services ............................. 343,000 27 Equipment ......................................... 24,000 28 Fringe benefits .................................. 329,000 29 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 817,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 1,441,000 34 -------------- 35 Enterprise Funds 36 Agencies Enterprise Fund 37 Empire State Plaza Visitors Center and Gift Shop 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 40 Contractual services ............................. 130,000 41 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 42 -------------- 335 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 134,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ..................... 134,000 4 -------------- 5 Internal Service Funds 6 Centralized Services Account 7 Building Administration Account 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,925,000 20 Temporary service ................................ 119,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 213,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,257,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,783,000 27 Travel ............................................ 10,000 28 Contractual services .......................... 20,616,000 29 Equipment ........................................ 161,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,283,000 31 Indirect costs .................................... 63,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 24,916,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal .................. 27,173,000 36 -------------- 336 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF GENERAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 PROCUREMENT PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 4 Emergency Assistance-OGS-9461 Account - 25025 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the temporary emergency feeding 7 assistance program. 8 Nonpersonal service ... 6,865,000 ................... (re. $6,865,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 For services and expenses related to the temporary emergency feeding 11 assistance program. 12 Nonpersonal service ... 6,865,000 ................... (re. $4,500,000) 337 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 707,966,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,885,904,000 4,870,009,920 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 394,681,000 250,782,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 2,988,551,000 5,120,791,920 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ..................................... 206,612,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 15 the money hereby appropriated may be 16 increased or decreased by interchange, 17 with any appropriation of the department 18 of health, and may be increased or 19 decreased by transfer or suballocation 20 between these appropriated amounts and 21 appropriations of the medicaid inspector 22 general, office of mental health, office 23 for people with developmental disabilities 24 and office of alcoholism and substance 25 abuse services with the approval of the 26 director of the budget, who shall file 27 such approval with the department of audit 28 and control and copies thereof with the 29 chairman of the senate finance committee 30 and the chairman of the assembly ways and 31 means committee. For services and expenses 32 for payment of liabilities accrued hereto- 33 fore and hereafter to accrue. Up to 34 $375,000 of this amount may be used for 35 the department of health's share of costs 36 related to the services of a monitor 37 appointed pursuant to a remedial order of 38 a federal district court, in the 2009 39 case, Disability Advocates, Inc. v. Pater- 40 son. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 42 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 44 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 45 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 46 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 338 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of 3 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 4 herein and a part of this appropriation as 5 if fully stated. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ..................... 85,721,000 8 Temporary service ................................ 329,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,893,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ....... 94,943,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ......................... 7,191,000 15 Travel ......................................... 1,953,000 16 Contractual services .......................... 63,034,800 17 Equipment ...................................... 2,209,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 74,387,800 20 -------------- 21 Total amount available ..................... 162,330,800 22 -------------- 23 For services and expenses related to the New 24 York State Donor Registry. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ......................... 82,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 30 Contractual services .............................. 28,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 68,000 33 -------------- 34 Total amount available ......................... 150,000 35 -------------- 36 For suballocation to the office of children 37 and family services through a memorandum 38 of understanding with the AIDS institute, 39 for services and expenses related to HIV 40 policy development and training. 339 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 135,000 3 -------------- 4 For suballocation to the state education 5 department through a memorandum of under- 6 standing with the AIDS institute, for 7 services and expenses of the provision of 8 HIV/AIDS/sexual health education by 9 regional training coordinators for staff 10 in elementary and secondary schools. 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Contractual services ............................. 180,000 13 -------------- 14 For suballocation to the division of human 15 rights through a memorandum of understand- 16 ing with the AIDS institute, for services 17 and expenses of the office of AIDS 18 discrimination investigation. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ......................... 87,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 24 Travel ............................................. 1,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ......... 3,000 27 -------------- 28 Total amount available .......................... 90,000 29 -------------- 30 For services and expenses related to the 31 emergency preparedness - stockpile. 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,200,000 34 -------------- 35 For services and expenses related to osteo- 36 porosis prevention. 340 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services .............................. 30,700 3 -------------- 4 For grants to a New York state based not- 5 for-profit organization with expertise in 6 the New York state medicaid program for 7 studies, reviews and analysis, to be 8 performed in conjunction with the depart- 9 ment of health, on medicaid policy, opera- 10 tional and other issues as defined by the 11 department. 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Contractual services ............................. 695,600 14 -------------- 15 For services and expenses related to health 16 information technology program. 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Contractual services ............................. 166,200 19 -------------- 20 For services and expenses for a statewide 21 campaign to promote awareness of the New 22 York state donor registry to increase 23 organ and tissue donation. 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Contractual services ............................. 115,700 26 -------------- 27 For services and expenses related to the to 28 the operation of the incident reporting 29 system (NYPORTS). 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Contractual services ............................. 590,300 32 -------------- 33 For services and expenses for patient health 34 information and quality improvement initi- 35 atives. 341 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ............................. 173,700 3 -------------- 4 For services and expenses related to testing 5 for adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Contractual services ............................. 110,000 8 -------------- 9 For suballocation to the office of mental 10 health for services and expenses for 11 surveys of psychiatric residential treat- 12 ment facilities. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ........................ 115,000 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ............................ 16,000 18 Travel ............................................ 45,000 19 Equipment ......................................... 70,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 131,000 22 -------------- 23 Total amount available ......................... 246,000 24 -------------- 25 For services and expenses related to the 26 home health aide registry. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ........................ 270,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 32 Travel ............................................. 1,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 1,512,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 16,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,530,000 37 -------------- 342 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Total amount available ....................... 1,800,000 2 -------------- 3 For services and expenses related to crimi- 4 nal history background checks for adult 5 care facilities. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Contractual services ........................... 1,300,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................. 169,314,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 13 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 14 For various health prevention, diagnostic, 15 detection and treatment services. 16 Personal service ............................... 3,195,000 17 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,703,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,534,000 19 Indirect costs ................................... 224,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 6,656,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 25 National Health Services Corps Account - 25144 26 For administration of the national health 27 services corps. Notwithstanding any incon- 28 sistent provision of law, and subject to 29 the approval of the director of the budg- 30 et, moneys hereby appropriated may be 31 suballocated to the higher education 32 services corporation. 33 Personal service ................................. 230,000 34 Nonpersonal service ............................... 63,000 35 Fringe benefits .................................. 110,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ..................... 419,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 42 Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022 343 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For various food and nutritional services. 2 Personal service ................................. 497,000 3 Nonpersonal service .............................. 264,000 4 Fringe benefits .................................. 239,000 5 Indirect costs .................................... 35,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ................... 1,035,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 11 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022 12 For various food and nutritional services. 13 Personal service ............................... 1,200,000 14 Nonpersonal service .............................. 640,000 15 Fringe benefits .................................. 576,000 16 Indirect costs .................................... 84,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 22 Technology Transfer Account - 20118 23 For services and expenses related to the 24 department of health's patent and technol- 25 ogy transfer program. The department of 26 health may receive and deposit revenue 27 from the sale and licensing of inventions 28 pursuant to a technology and patent trans- 29 fer policy established in accordance with 30 section 64-a of the public officers law. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 32 these funds may be used for payments to 33 Health Research, Inc. as reimbursement for 34 expenses incurred in its patent and tech- 35 nology transfer operations, to support 36 research, training, and infrastructure 37 development in the department's research 38 facilities, and for payments to inventors. 39 The moneys hereby appropriated shall be 40 available for liabilities heretofore and 41 hereafter to accrue. 42 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 43 Contractual services ............................. 496,000 44 -------------- 344 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 496,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Administration Program Account - 21982 6 For services and expenses, including indi- 7 rect costs, related to the administration 8 program. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 15 state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of 17 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 18 herein and a part of this appropriation as 19 if fully stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,051,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 170,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,221,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................. 3,000 28 Travel ............................................ 10,000 29 Contractual services ........................... 2,735,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,525,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,273,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal .................. 11,494,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 Health-SPARCS Account - 21902 39 For all services and expenses, including 40 indirect costs, related to the statewide 41 planning and research cooperative system. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 43 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 44 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 345 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority and as 3 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 4 state operations appropriation for the 5 budget division program of the division of 6 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 7 herein and a part of this appropriation as 8 if fully stated. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,711,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 30,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,741,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 17 Travel ............................................ 10,000 18 Contractual services ........................... 2,843,000 19 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 404,000 21 Indirect costs ................................... 797,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,124,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 5,865,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Professional Medical Conduct Account - 22088 30 For services and expenses, including indi- 31 rect costs, related to the professional 32 medical conduct program. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 38 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 39 state operations appropriation for the 40 budget division program of the division of 41 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 42 herein and a part of this appropriation as 43 if fully stated. 346 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,157,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,167,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 45,000 9 Travel ............................................ 50,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 901,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,560,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,606,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................... 6,773,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 Vital Records Management Account - 22103 21 For services and expenses including the 22 collection of increased fees related to 23 the vital records program. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 28 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 29 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 30 state operations appropriation for the 31 budget division program of the division of 32 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 33 herein and a part of this appropriation as 34 if fully stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ........................ 809,000 37 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 35,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service .......... 844,000 40 -------------- 347 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 3 Travel ............................................. 2,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 562,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 15,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 392,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 205,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,216,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 2,060,000 12 -------------- 13 CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAM ........................ 155,748,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 16 Federal Education Fund 17 Individuals with Disabilities-Part C Account - 25214 18 For activities related to a handicapped 19 infants and toddlers program. 20 Personal service .............................. 11,640,000 21 Nonpersonal service ............................ 6,207,000 22 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,587,000 23 Indirect costs ................................... 815,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal .................. 24,249,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 28 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 29 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 30 For various health prevention, diagnostic, 31 detection and treatment services. The 32 amounts appropriated pursuant to such 33 appropriation may be suballocated to other 34 state agencies or accounts for expendi- 35 tures incurred in the operation of 36 programs funded by such appropriation 37 subject to the approval of the director of 38 the budget. 39 Personal service .............................. 11,527,000 40 Nonpersonal service ............................ 6,147,000 41 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,533,000 42 Indirect costs ................................... 807,000 43 -------------- 348 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 24,014,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 5 Federal Health, Education, and Human Services Account - 6 25148 7 For various health prevention, diagnostic, 8 detection and treatment services. The 9 amounts appropriated pursuant to such 10 appropriation may be suballocated to other 11 state agencies or accounts for expendi- 12 tures incurred in the operation of 13 programs funded by such appropriation 14 subject to the approval of the director of 15 the budget. 16 Personal service .............................. 15,372,000 17 Nonpersonal service ............................ 8,199,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,378,000 19 Indirect costs ................................. 1,076,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal .................. 32,025,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 25 Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022 26 For various food and nutritional services. 27 Personal service ............................... 4,848,000 28 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,585,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,328,000 30 Indirect costs ................................... 339,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal .................. 10,100,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 36 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022 37 For various food and nutritional services. 38 A portion of this appropriation may be 39 suballocated to other state agencies. 349 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service .............................. 26,284,000 2 Nonpersonal service ........................... 15,104,000 3 Fringe benefits ............................... 12,379,000 4 Indirect costs ................................. 1,982,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 55,749,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 10 Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Civil Monetary 11 Account - 25035 12 For services and expenses of the department 13 of health related to the special supple- 14 mental nutrition program for women, 15 infants and children. 16 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,000,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 22 Autism Awareness and Research Account - 20149 23 For services and expenses related to autism 24 awareness and research pursuant to section 25 404-v of the vehicle and traffic law and 26 section 95-e of the state finance law, as 27 added by chapter 301 of the laws of 2004. 28 Nonpersonal service ............................... 20,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 HCRA Resources Fund 34 Tobacco Control and Cancer Services Account - 20801 35 For services and expenses related to the 36 tobacco control and cancer services 37 programs authorized pursuant to sections 38 2807-r and 1399-ii of the public health 39 law. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 350 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 2 state operations appropriation for the 3 budget division program of the division of 4 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 5 herein and a part of this appropriation as 6 if fully stated. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,159,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,165,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 15 Travel ............................................ 45,000 16 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 17 Equipment ......................................... 30,000 18 Fringe benefits .................................. 957,000 19 Indirect costs ................................... 680,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,772,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................... 3,937,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Cable Television Account - 21971 28 For services and expenses related to public 29 service education, with specific emphasis 30 on public health issues. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority are 36 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 37 part of this appropriation as if fully 38 stated. 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Contractual services ............................. 454,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ..................... 454,000 43 -------------- 351 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 CSFP Salvage Account - 22159 4 For services and expenses of the department 5 of health related to the commodity supple- 6 mental food program. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 11 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 12 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 13 state operations appropriation for the 14 budget division program of the division of 15 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 16 herein and a part of this appropriation as 17 if fully stated. 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Contractual services .............................. 25,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ...................... 25,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Drive Out Diabetes Research and Education Account - 26 22035 27 For diabetes research and education pursuant 28 to chapter 339 of the laws of 2001. 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 33 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 34 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 35 state operations appropriation for the 36 budget division program of the division of 37 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 38 herein and a part of this appropriation as 39 if fully stated. 40 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 41 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 44 -------------- 352 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Tobacco Enforcement and Education Account - 22105 4 For services and expenses related to tobacco 5 enforcement, education and related activ- 6 ities, pursuant to chapter 162 of the laws 7 of 2002. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 12 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 14 state operations appropriation for the 15 budget division program of the division of 16 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 17 herein and a part of this appropriation as 18 if fully stated. 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Contractual services .............................. 75,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ...................... 75,000 23 -------------- 24 CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM ..................... 42,571,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 28 Federal Block Grant CEH Account - 25170 29 For various health prevention, diagnostic, 30 detection and treatment services. 31 Personal service ................................. 803,000 32 Nonpersonal service .............................. 429,000 33 Fringe benefits .................................. 385,000 34 Indirect costs .................................... 56,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 1,673,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 40 Federal Grant Account - 25183 41 For services and expenses of various health 42 prevention, diagnostic, detection and 43 treatment services. 353 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ............................... 3,268,000 2 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,742,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,569,000 4 Indirect costs ................................... 229,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 6,808,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 10 Federal Environmental Protection Agency Grants Account - 11 25467 12 For various environmental projects including 13 suballocation for the department of envi- 14 ronmental conservation. 15 Personal service ............................... 4,657,000 16 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,485,000 17 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,235,000 18 Indirect costs ................................... 326,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 9,703,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Clean Air Fund 24 Operating Permit Program Account - 21451 25 For services and expenses of the department 26 of health in developing, implementing and 27 operating the operating permit program. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ........................ 416,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service .......... 421,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 36 Travel ............................................. 5,000 37 Contractual services .............................. 25,000 38 Equipment .......................................... 8,000 39 Fringe benefits .................................. 185,000 40 Indirect costs ................................... 126,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 353,000 43 -------------- 354 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 774,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Drinking Water Program Management and Administration 5 Fund 6 Drinking Water Program Account - 23102 7 For services and expenses of the state 8 revolving funds program. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 15 state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of 17 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 18 herein and a part of this appropriation as 19 if fully stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,663,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 11,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,674,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 89,000 28 Travel ........................................... 131,000 29 Contractual services ........................... 1,147,000 30 Equipment ........................................ 118,000 31 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,522,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,007,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ................... 6,681,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Environmental Conservation Special Revenue Fund 39 Low Level Radioactive Waste Account - 21066 40 For services and expenses of the low-level 41 radioactive waste siting program. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 43 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 44 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 355 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 3 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 4 state operations appropriation for the 5 budget division program of the division of 6 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 7 herein and a part of this appropriation as 8 if fully stated. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ........................ 669,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service .......... 675,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 45,000 17 Travel ............................................ 56,000 18 Contractual services .............................. 95,000 19 Equipment ......................................... 66,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 298,000 21 Indirect costs ................................... 204,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 764,000 24 -------------- 25 Total amount available ....................... 1,439,000 26 -------------- 27 For suballocation to the energy research and 28 development authority, pursuant to chapter 29 673 of the laws of 1986, as amended by 30 chapters 368 and 913 of the laws of 1990. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 37 state operations appropriation for the 38 budget division program of the division of 39 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 40 herein and a part of this appropriation as 41 if fully stated. 42 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 43 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 44 -------------- 356 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 1,589,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation Fund 5 Environmental Protection and Oil Spill Compensation 6 Account - 21202 7 For services and expenses related to the oil 8 spill relocation network program. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 15 state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of 17 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 18 herein and a part of this appropriation as 19 if fully stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ........................ 174,000 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 2,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for personal service .......... 176,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................. 7,000 28 Travel ............................................. 2,000 29 Contractual services .............................. 14,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 13,000 31 Fringe benefits ................................... 78,000 32 Indirect costs .................................... 53,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 167,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ..................... 343,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 Asbestos Safety Training Account - 22009 41 For services and expenses of the asbestos 42 safety training program. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 44 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 357 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 2 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 3 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 5 state operations appropriation for the 6 budget division program of the division of 7 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 8 herein and a part of this appropriation as 9 if fully stated. 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ........................ 287,000 12 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for personal service .......... 293,000 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ............................ 14,000 18 Travel ............................................ 20,000 19 Contractual services .............................. 63,000 20 Equipment ......................................... 12,000 21 Fringe benefits .................................. 129,000 22 Indirect costs .................................... 87,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 325,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ..................... 618,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Occupational Health Clinics Account - 22177 31 For services and expenses of implementing 32 and operating a statewide network of occu- 33 pational health clinics for diagnostic, 34 screening, treatment, referral, and educa- 35 tion services. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 40 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 42 state operations appropriation for the 43 budget division program of the division of 44 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 45 herein and a part of this appropriation as 46 if fully stated. 358 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 323,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service .......... 329,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 9 Contractual services ........................... 9,550,000 10 Fringe benefits .................................. 150,000 11 Indirect costs ..................................... 8,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,712,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 10,041,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 19 Radiological Health Protection Program Account - 21965 20 For services and expenses related to the 21 radiological health protection account. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 24 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 28 state operations appropriation for the 29 budget division program of the division of 30 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 31 herein and a part of this appropriation as 32 if fully stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,184,000 35 Temporary service ................................. 12,000 36 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 8,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,204,000 39 -------------- 359 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 46,000 3 Travel ........................................... 130,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 77,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 40,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 977,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 667,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,937,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 4,141,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Radon Detection Device Account - 21993 16 For services and expenses of the radon 17 detection device distribution program. 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 24 state operations appropriation for the 25 budget division program of the division of 26 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 27 herein and a part of this appropriation as 28 if fully stated. 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 33 -------------- 34 CHILD HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM .............................. 78,442,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 38 Children's Health Insurance Account - 25148 39 The money hereby appropriated is available 40 for payment of aid heretofore accrued or 41 hereafter accrued. 42 For services and expenses related to the 43 children's health insurance program 360 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 provided pursuant to title XXI of the 2 federal social security act. 3 Personal service .............................. 30,772,000 4 Nonpersonal service ........................... 16,411,000 5 Fringe benefits ............................... 14,771,000 6 Indirect costs ................................. 2,154,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal .................. 64,108,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 HCRA Resources Fund 12 Children's Health Insurance Account - 20810 13 The money hereby appropriated is available 14 for payment of aid heretofore accrued or 15 hereafter accrued. 16 For services and expenses related to the 17 children's health insurance program 18 authorized pursuant to title 1-A of arti- 19 cle 25 of the public health law. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 24 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 26 state operations appropriation for the 27 budget division program of the division of 28 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 29 herein and a part of this appropriation as 30 if fully stated. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,023,000 33 Temporary service .................................. 5,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 45,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,073,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 171,000 40 Travel ........................................... 123,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 8,467,000 42 Equipment ........................................ 400,000 43 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,252,000 44 Indirect costs ................................... 848,000 45 -------------- 361 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,261,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 14,334,000 4 -------------- 5 ELDERLY PHARMACEUTICAL INSURANCE COVERAGE PROGRAM ........... 13,000,000 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Other 8 HCRA Resources Fund 9 EPIC Premium Account - 20818 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,050,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 22,000 15 Travel ............................................ 18,000 16 Contractual services .......................... 10,107,000 17 Equipment ......................................... 11,000 18 Fringe benefits .................................. 567,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 10,725,000 21 -------------- 22 Total amount available ...................... 12,775,000 23 -------------- 24 For suballocation to the state office for 25 the aging for the administration of the 26 elderly pharmaceutical insurance coverage 27 program. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 34 state operations appropriation for the 35 budget division program of the division of 36 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 37 herein and a part of this appropriation as 38 if fully stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ........................ 225,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 13,000,000 43 -------------- 362 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 HEALTH CARE REFORM ACT PROGRAM .............................. 14,200,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 HCRA Resources Fund 5 HCRA Program Account - 20807 6 For services and expenses related to audit- 7 ing or payment of audit contracts to 8 determine payor and provider compliance 9 requirements. 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Contractual services .......................... 10,000,000 12 -------------- 13 For services and expenses related to the 14 pool administration. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services ........................... 4,200,000 17 -------------- 18 INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ........................... 148,347,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 22 Batavia Home Donation Account - 20113 23 For services and expenses of patient bene- 24 fits and other activities and other 25 services as funded by gifts and donations. 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 33 Helen Hayes Hospital Account - 20109 34 For services and expenses of patient bene- 35 fits and other activities and services as 36 funded by gifts and donations. 363 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 35,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ...................... 35,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 8 St. Albans Donation Account - 20111 9 For services and expenses of patient bene- 10 fits and other activities and other 11 services as funded by gifts and donations. 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 19 Montrose Donation Account - 20114 20 For services and expenses of patient bene- 21 fits and other activities and other 22 services as funded by gifts and donations. 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 30 Oxford Gifts and Donations Account - 20110 31 For services and expenses of patient bene- 32 fits and other activities and services as 33 funded by gifts and donations. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 200,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 38 -------------- 364 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Helen Hayes Hospital Account - 22140 4 For services and expenses of the Helen Hayes 5 hospital including an affiliation agree- 6 ment contract. Up to $273,846 of this 7 amount may be suballocated to the depart- 8 ment of law for services and expenses of a 9 collection unit at Helen Hayes hospital. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 14 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 15 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 16 state operations appropriation for the 17 budget division program of the division of 18 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 19 herein and a part of this appropriation as 20 if fully stated. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ..................... 30,985,000 23 Temporary service .............................. 3,052,000 24 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 941,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for personal service ....... 34,978,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,625,000 30 Travel ............................................ 32,000 31 Contractual services .......................... 17,412,000 32 Equipment ........................................ 823,000 33 Fringe benefits .................................... 1,000 34 Indirect costs ..................................... 1,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 20,894,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal .................. 55,872,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 41 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 42 New York City Veterans' Home Account - 22141 43 For services and expenses of the New York 44 city veterans' home. Up to $360,000 of 45 this amount may be suballocated to the 365 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 department of law for services and 2 expenses of a collection unit at the New 3 York city veterans' home for the New York 4 state home for veterans and their depen- 5 dents at Oxford, the New York city veter- 6 ans' home, the Western New York veterans' 7 home and New York state veterans' home at 8 Montrose. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 15 state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of 17 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 18 herein and a part of this appropriation as 19 if fully stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,691,000 22 Temporary service .............................. 1,902,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 2,100,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service ....... 15,693,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,105,000 29 Travel ............................................ 52,000 30 Contractual services ........................... 6,816,000 31 Equipment ........................................ 500,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,136,000 33 Indirect costs .................................... 75,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,684,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal .................. 31,377,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 New York State Home for Veterans and Their Dependents at 42 Oxford Account - 22142 43 For services and expenses of the New York 44 state home for veterans and their depen- 45 dents at Oxford. 366 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 3 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 4 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 7 state operations appropriation for the 8 budget division program of the division of 9 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 10 herein and a part of this appropriation as 11 if fully stated. 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ..................... 14,265,000 14 Temporary service ................................ 795,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,551,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ....... 16,611,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,420,000 21 Travel ............................................ 63,000 22 Contractual services ........................... 2,222,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 498,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,003,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 58,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,264,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 23,875,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 New York State Home for Veterans in the Lower-Hudson 34 Valley Account - 22144 35 For services and expenses of the New York 36 state home for veterans in the lower-Hud- 37 son Valley account. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 42 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 44 state operations appropriation for the 45 budget division program of the division of 46 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 367 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 herein and a part of this appropriation as 2 if fully stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,342,000 5 Temporary service .............................. 1,469,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,800,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ....... 16,611,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,453,000 12 Travel ............................................ 23,000 13 Contractual services ........................... 4,990,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 118,000 15 Indirect costs .................................... 14,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,598,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal .................. 24,209,000 20 -------------- 21 Special Revenue Funds - Other 22 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 23 Western New York Veterans' Home Account - 22143 24 For services and expenses of the Western New 25 York veterans' home. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 27 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 29 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 30 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 32 state operations appropriation for the 33 budget division program of the division of 34 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 35 herein and a part of this appropriation as 36 if fully stated. 37 PERSONAL SERVICE 38 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,137,000 39 Temporary service ................................ 374,000 40 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 844,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,355,000 43 -------------- 368 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,016,000 3 Travel ............................................ 16,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 3,031,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 190,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 21,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,274,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal .................. 12,629,000 11 -------------- 12 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ................ 1,544,047,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state 17 finance law or any provision of law to the 18 contrary, subject to federal approval, 19 department of health state funds medicaid 20 spending, excluding payments for medical 21 services provided at state facilities 22 operated by the office of mental health, 23 the office for people with developmental 24 disabilities and the office of alcoholism 25 and substance abuse services and further 26 excluding any payments which are not 27 appropriated within the department of 28 health, in the aggregate, for the period 29 April 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016, 30 shall not exceed $17,937,867,000 provided, 31 however, such aggregate limit may be 32 adjusted to section 368-g of the social 33 services law. 34 The money hereby appropriated is available 35 for payment of aid heretofore and hereaft- 36 er accrued to municipalities, and to 37 providers of medical services pursuant to 38 section 367-b of the social services law, 39 and shall be available to the department 40 net of disallowances, refunds, reimburse- 41 ments, and credits. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 43 the money hereby appropriated may be 44 increased or decreased by interchange, 45 with any appropriation of the department 46 of health, and may be increased or 47 decreased by transfer or suballocation 48 between these appropriated amounts and 369 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriations of the office of mental 2 health, the office for people with devel- 3 opmental disabilities, the office of alco- 4 holism and substance abuse services, the 5 department of family assistance office of 6 temporary and disability assistance, and 7 office of children and family services 8 with the approval of the director of the 9 budget, who shall file such approval with 10 the department of audit and control and 11 copies thereof with the chairman of the 12 senate finance committee and the chairman 13 of the assembly ways and means committee. 14 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 15 of law to the contrary, funds may be used 16 by the department for outside legal 17 assistance on issues involving the federal 18 government, the conduct of preadmission 19 screening and annual resident reviews 20 required by the state's medicaid program, 21 computer matching with insurance carriers 22 to insure that medicaid is the payer of 23 last resort and activities related to the 24 management of the pharmacy benefit avail- 25 able under the medicaid program. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 27 funds from this appropriation shall not be 28 spent unless the temporary president of 29 the senate and the speaker of the assembly 30 have notified the comptroller of the state 31 of New York by March 31, 2015 that the 32 commissioner of health has provided the 33 legislature with a detailed accounting of 34 the state Medicaid global cap, including 35 any spending assumptions, risk and adjust- 36 ments made in FY 2015 or FY 2016. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 42 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 43 state operations appropriation for the 44 budget division program of the division of 45 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 46 herein and a part of this appropriation as 47 if fully stated. 370 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular .................... 103,997,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 130,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 490,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ...... 104,617,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials............................ 720,000 10 Travel............................................ 474,000 11 Contractual services ......................... 412,361,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,700,000 13 Indirect costs ................................. 1,500,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 180,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 416,935,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ..................... 521,552,000 19 -------------- 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 21 the money herein appropriated, together 22 with any available federal matching funds, 23 is available for transfer or suballocation 24 to the state university of New York and 25 its subsidiaries, or to contract without 26 competition for services with the state 27 university of New York research founda- 28 tion, to provide support for the adminis- 29 tration of the medical assistance program 30 including activities such as dental prior 31 approval, retrospective and prospective 32 drug utilization review, development of 33 evidence based utilization thresholds, 34 data analysis, clinical consultation and 35 peer review, clinical support for the 36 pharmacy and therapeutic committee, and 37 other activities related to utilization 38 management and for health information 39 technology support for the medicaid 40 program. 41 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 42 contrary, the portion of this appropri- 43 ation covering fiscal year 2015-16 shall 44 supersede and replace any duplicative (i) 45 reappropriation for this item covering 46 fiscal year 2015-16, and (ii) appropri- 47 ation for this item covering fiscal year 371 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 2015-16 set forth in chapter 50 of the 2 laws of 2014. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ........................... 9,500,000 5 -------------- 6 For services and expenses for conducting 7 audits of disproportionate share hospital 8 payments made by the state of New York to 9 general hospitals and for the purpose of 10 conducting audits of hospital cost reports 11 as submitted to the state of New York in 12 accordance with article 28 of the public 13 health law. 14 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 15 contrary, the portion of this appropri- 16 ation covering fiscal year 2015-16 shall 17 supersede and replace any duplicative (i) 18 reappropriation for this item covering 19 fiscal year 2015-16, and (ii) appropri- 20 ation for this item covering fiscal year 21 2015-16 set forth in chapter 50 of the 22 laws of 2014. 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Contractual services ........................... 4,600,000 25 -------------- 26 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 27 of law, subject to the approval of the 28 director of the budget, up to the amount 29 appropriated herein, together with any 30 available federal matching funds, may be 31 interchanged to support personal service 32 costs related to required criminal back- 33 ground checks for non-licensed long-term 34 care employees including employees of 35 nursing homes, certified home health agen- 36 cies, long term home health care provid- 37 ers, AIDS home care providers, and 38 licensed home care service agencies. 39 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 40 contrary, the portion of this appropri- 41 ation covering fiscal year 2015-16 shall 42 supersede and replace any duplicative (i) 43 reappropriation for this item covering 44 fiscal year 2015-16, and (ii) appropri- 45 ation for this item covering fiscal year 372 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 2015-16 set forth in chapter 50 of the 2 laws of 2014. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ........................... 3,000,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................. 538,652,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 10 Electronic Medicaid System Account - 25107 11 For services and expenses related to the 12 operation of an electronic medicaid eligi- 13 bility verification system and operation 14 of a medicaid override application system, 15 and operation of a medicaid management 16 information system, and development and 17 operation of a replacement medicaid 18 system. The moneys hereby appropriated 19 shall be available for payment of liabil- 20 ities heretofore accrued and hereafter to 21 accrue. 22 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 23 of law and subject to the approval of the 24 director of the budget, the amount appro- 25 priated herein may be increased or 26 decreased by interchange with any other 27 appropriation or with any other item or 28 items within the amounts appropriated 29 within the department of health special 30 revenue funds - federal with the approval 31 of the director of the budget who shall 32 file such approval with the department of 33 audit and control and copies thereof with 34 the chairman of the senate finance commit- 35 tee and the chairman of the assembly ways 36 and means committee. 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Contractual services ......................... 404,000,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................. 404,000,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 44 Medical Administration Transfer Account - 25107 373 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 2 of law and subject to the approval of the 3 director of the budget, moneys hereby 4 appropriated may be increased or decreased 5 by transfer or suballocation between these 6 appropriated amounts and appropriations of 7 other state agencies and appropriations of 8 the department of health. Notwithstanding 9 any inconsistent provision of law and 10 subject to approval of the director of the 11 budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be 12 transferred or suballocated to other state 13 agencies for reimbursement to local 14 government entities for services and 15 expenses related to administration of the 16 medical assistance program. 17 Personal service ............................. 100,612,000 18 Nonpersonal service .......................... 443,901,000 19 Fringe benefits ............................... 50,382,000 20 Indirect costs.................................. 6,500,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ................. 601,395,000 23 -------------- 24 MEDICAL MARIHUANA PROGRAM .................................... 6,740,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Fund - Other 27 Medical Marihuana Trust Fund 28 Medical Marihuana - DOH Account - 23755 29 For services and expenses related to chapter 30 90 of the laws of 2014, establishing the 31 medical marihuana program. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 33 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 37 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 38 state operations appropriation for the 39 budget division program of the division of 40 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 41 herein and a part of this appropriation as 42 if fully stated. 43 PERSONAL SERVICE 44 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,992,000 45 -------------- 374 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ........................... 3,559,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,133,000 4 Indirect costs .................................... 56,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,748,000 7 -------------- 8 OFFICE OF HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM ......................... 634,268,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 12 Medical Assistance and Survey Account - 25107 13 For services and expenses for the medical 14 assistance program and administration of 15 the medical assistance program and survey 16 and certification program, provided pursu- 17 ant to title XIX and title XVIII of the 18 federal social security act. 19 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 20 of law and subject to the approval of the 21 director of the budget, moneys hereby 22 appropriated may be increased or decreased 23 by transfer or suballocation between these 24 appropriated amounts and appropriations of 25 other state agencies and appropriations of 26 the department of health. Notwithstanding 27 any inconsistent provision of law and 28 subject to approval of the director of the 29 budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be 30 transferred or suballocated to other state 31 agencies for reimbursement to local 32 government entities for services and 33 expenses related to administration of the 34 medical assistance program. 35 Personal service .............................. 67,000,000 36 Nonpersonal service .......................... 409,141,000 37 Fringe benefits ............................... 34,000,000 38 Indirect costs ................................ 16,000,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................. 526,141,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 44 Healthcare and Insurance Reform Account - 25148 375 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of the department 2 of health for planning and implementing 3 various healthcare and insurance reform 4 initiatives authorized by federal legis- 5 lation, including, but not limited to, the 6 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 7 (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and 8 Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 9 111-152) in accordance with the following 10 sub-schedule. Notwithstanding any other 11 provision of law, money hereby appropri- 12 ated may be increased or decreased by 13 interchange, transfer, or suballocation 14 within a program, account or subschedule 15 or with any appropriation of any state 16 agency or transferred to health research 17 incorporated or distributed to localities 18 with the approval of the director of the 19 budget, who shall file such approval with 20 the department of audit and control and 21 copies thereof with the chairman of the 22 senate finance committee and the chairman 23 of the assembly ways and means committee. 24 A portion of this appropriation may be 25 transferred to local assistance appropri- 26 ations. 27 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation 28 Programs; Medicaid Psychiatric Demo, 29 Chronic Disease Incentive Program 30 Nonpersonal service ........................... 20,000,000 31 Personal Responsibility Education Grant 32 Program 33 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,000,000 34 Abstinence Education 35 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,000,000 36 Insurance Exchange 37 Personal service ............................... 6,800,000 38 Nonpersonal service ........................... 56,200,000 39 Consumer Assistance -- Independent Health 40 Insurance Consumer Assistance Designee 41 Community Service Society of New York 42 (CSS) for Community Health Advocates (CHA) 43 statewide consortium. 376 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,500,000 2 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient 3 Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 4 111-148) and the Health Care and Education 5 Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152). 6 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,000,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal .................. 96,500,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 12 Alzheimer's Research Account - 20143 13 For Alzheimer's disease research and assist- 14 ance pursuant to chapter 590 of the laws 15 of 1999. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 20 Interchange and Transfer Authority are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 28 -------------- 29 Special Revenue Funds - Other 30 HCRA Resources Fund 31 Medicaid Fraud Hotline and Medicaid Administration 32 Account - 20803 33 For services and expenses related to the 34 medicaid fraud hotline established pursu- 35 ant to chapter 1 of the laws of 1999 and 36 administrative expenses related to the 37 family health plus program pursuant to 38 section 369-ee of the social services law. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 40 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 44 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 377 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of 3 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 4 herein and a part of this appropriation as 5 if fully stated. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ........................ 228,000 8 -------------- 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 11 Contractual services ............................. 494,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................... 88,000 13 Indirect costs .................................... 82,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 689,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ..................... 917,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 HCRA Resources Fund 21 Provider Collection Monitoring Account - 20815 22 For services and expenses related to admin- 23 istration of statutory duties for the 24 collections authorized by sections 2807-j, 25 2807-s, 2807-t and 2807-v of the public 26 health law and the assessments authorized 27 by sections 2807-d, 3614-a and 3614-b of 28 the public health law and section 367-i of 29 the social services law pursuant to chap- 30 ter 41 of the laws of 1992. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 37 state operations appropriation for the 38 budget division program of the division of 39 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 40 herein and a part of this appropriation as 41 if fully stated. 378 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,006,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,016,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 62,000 9 Travel ............................................ 13,000 10 Contractual services .............................. 73,000 11 Equipment ........................................ 331,000 12 Fringe benefits .................................. 499,000 13 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 984,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 2,000,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 21 Assisted Living Residence Quality Oversight Account - 22 22110 23 For services and expenses related to the 24 oversight and licensing activities for 25 assisted living facilities. Subject to the 26 approval of the director of the budget, 27 moneys appropriated herein may be suballo- 28 cated to the state office for the aging, a 29 portion of which may be transferred to 30 state operations and aid to localities. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 37 state operations appropriation for the 38 budget division program of the division of 39 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 40 herein and a part of this appropriation as 41 if fully stated. 42 PERSONAL SERVICE 43 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,094,000 44 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 35,000 45 -------------- 379 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,129,000 2 -------------- 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................. 9,000 5 Travel ............................................ 40,000 6 Contractual services ............................. 131,000 7 Equipment ......................................... 16,000 8 Fringe benefits .................................. 442,000 9 Indirect costs ................................... 343,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 981,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 2,110,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 17 Disease Management Account - 22031 18 For services and expenses related to disease 19 management. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 24 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 26 state operations appropriation for the 27 budget division program of the division of 28 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 29 herein and a part of this appropriation as 30 if fully stated. 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Contractual services ........................... 5,000,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 5,000,000 35 -------------- 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 Medicaid Research Projects Account - 22177 39 For services and expenses related to improv- 40 ing services to medical assistance recipi- 41 ents and other medical assistance research 42 activities. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 44 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 380 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 2 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 3 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 5 state operations appropriation for the 6 budget division program of the division of 7 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 8 herein and a part of this appropriation as 9 if fully stated. 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Contractual services ............................. 600,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ..................... 600,000 14 -------------- 15 OFFICE OF PRIMARY CARE AND HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 16 PROGRAM ................................................... 61,348,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 19 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 20 SAMHSA Account - 25170 21 For expenses incurred in the administration 22 of the prescription drug monitoring 23 program relating to the prescribing and 24 dispensing of controlled substances. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 30 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 31 state operations appropriation for the 32 budget division program of the division of 33 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 34 herein and a part of this appropriation as 35 if fully stated. 36 Personal service ................................. 240,000 37 Nonpersonal service .............................. 128,000 38 Fringe benefits .................................. 115,000 39 Indirect costs .................................... 17,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 42 -------------- 43 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 44 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 45 United States Department of Justice Account - 25300 381 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For expenses incurred in the administration 2 of the prescription drug monitoring 3 program relating to the prescribing and 4 dispensing of controlled substances. 5 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 6 Contractual services ............................. 400,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ..................... 400,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 12 Life Pass It On Trust Fund Account - 20174 13 For services and expenses related to organ 14 donation and transplant research and 15 educational projects promoting organ and 16 tissue donation. 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 HCRA Resources Fund 24 Emergency Medical Services Account - 20809 25 For services and expenses related to emer- 26 gency medical services (EMS) adminis- 27 tration including but not limited to, 28 expenses related to training courses and 29 instructor development, expenses of the 30 state EMS council, expenses of the EMS 31 regional councils and program agencies, 32 and expenses of the general public health 33 work - EMS reimbursement. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 38 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 39 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 40 state operations appropriation for the 41 budget division program of the division of 42 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 43 herein and a part of this appropriation as 44 if fully stated. 382 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,591,000 3 Temporary service .................................. 5,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 75,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,671,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 110,000 10 Travel ........................................... 160,000 11 Contractual services .......................... 14,493,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 280,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,087,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 859,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 16,989,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal .................. 19,660,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 HCRA Resources Fund 22 Health Care Delivery Administration Account - 20821 23 For services and expenses related to admin- 24 istration of the health care and cancer 25 initiative programs pursuant to section 26 2807-l of the public health law. 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 28 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 29 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 32 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 33 state operations appropriation for the 34 budget division program of the division of 35 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 36 herein and a part of this appropriation as 37 if fully stated. 38 PERSONAL SERVICE 39 Personal service--regular ........................ 298,000 40 Temporary service .................................. 5,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for personal service .......... 303,000 43 -------------- 383 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 3 Travel ............................................ 63,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 171,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 34,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 130,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 99,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 517,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ..................... 820,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 HCRA Resources Fund 15 Health Occupation Development and Workplace Demo Account 16 - 20819 17 For services and expenses related to admin- 18 istration of the health occupation devel- 19 opment and workplace demonstration program 20 established pursuant to sections 2807-g 21 and 2807-h of the public health law. Up to 22 50 percent of this appropriation may be 23 suballocated to the department of labor. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 28 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 29 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 30 state operations appropriation for the 31 budget division program of the division of 32 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 33 herein and a part of this appropriation as 34 if fully stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ........................ 501,000 37 Temporary service ................................. 40,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for personal service .......... 541,000 40 -------------- 384 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 3 Travel ............................................ 11,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,177,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 261,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 161,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,625,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 2,166,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 HCRA Resources Fund 15 Primary Care Initiatives Account - 20814 16 For services and expenses related to the 17 administration of the program authorized 18 by section 2807-l of the public health 19 law. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 24 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 26 state operations appropriation for the 27 budget division program of the division of 28 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 29 herein and a part of this appropriation as 30 if fully stated. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ........................ 450,000 33 Temporary service .................................. 5,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service .......... 460,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................. 6,000 40 Travel ............................................. 8,000 41 Contractual services .............................. 15,000 42 Equipment ......................................... 15,000 43 Fringe benefits .................................. 187,000 44 Indirect costs ................................... 190,000 45 -------------- 385 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 421,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ..................... 881,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 Adult Home Quality Enhancement Account - 22091 8 For services and expenses to promote 9 programs to improve the quality of care 10 for residents in adult homes. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 12 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 16 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 17 state operations appropriation for the 18 budget division program of the division of 19 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 20 herein and a part of this appropriation as 21 if fully stated. 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Certificate of Need Account - 21920 30 For services and expenses, including indi- 31 rect costs, related to the certificate of 32 need program. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority amd the Alignment 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 38 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 39 state operations appropriation for the 40 budget division program of the division of 41 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 42 herein and a part of this appropriation as 43 if fully stated. 386 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,818,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,828,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 21,000 9 Travel ............................................ 33,000 10 Contractual services ........................... 1,899,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 33,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,215,000 13 Indirect costs ................................... 915,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,116,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 6,944,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 21 Continuing Care Retirement Community Account - 21922 22 For services and expenses related to the 23 establishment of continuing care retire- 24 ment communities including expenses of the 25 life care community council. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 27 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 29 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 30 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 32 state operations appropriation for the 33 budget division program of the division of 34 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 35 herein and a part of this appropriation as 36 if fully stated. 37 PERSONAL SERVICE 38 Personal service--regular ......................... 34,000 39 -------------- 387 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 3,000 3 Travel ............................................. 5,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 158,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................... 15,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 33,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 214,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ..................... 248,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 Funeral Directing Account - 22075 15 For services and expenses of a statewide 16 program, including indirect costs, related 17 to the funeral direction administration 18 program. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 20 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 23 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 24 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 25 state operations appropriation for the 26 budget division program of the division of 27 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 28 herein and a part of this appropriation as 29 if fully stated. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ........................ 222,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service .......... 232,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ............................ 14,000 38 Travel ............................................ 24,000 39 Contractual services .............................. 45,000 40 Equipment ......................................... 25,000 41 Fringe benefits .................................. 130,000 42 Indirect costs .................................... 49,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 287,000 45 -------------- 388 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 519,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Patient Safety Center Account - 22139 6 For services and expenses of the patient 7 safety center created by title 2 of arti- 8 cle 29-D of the public health law. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 14 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 15 state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of 17 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 18 herein and a part of this appropriation as 19 if fully stated. 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Contractual services ............................. 949,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ..................... 949,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Professional Medical Conduct Account - 22088 28 For services and expenses, including indi- 29 rect costs, related to the professional 30 medical conduct program. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 33 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 35 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 37 state operations appropriation for the 38 budget division program of the division of 39 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 40 herein and a part of this appropriation as 41 if fully stated. 389 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,934,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 340,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 49,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ....... 10,323,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 154,000 10 Travel ........................................... 276,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 5,512,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 250,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,501,000 14 Indirect costs ................................. 3,537,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 14,230,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ...................... 24,553,000 19 -------------- 20 For services and expenses of the medical 21 society contract authorized pursuant to 22 chapter 582 of the laws of 1984. 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Contractual services ............................. 990,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal .................. 25,543,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Quality of Care Improvement Account - 22147 31 For services and expenses related to the 32 protection of the health or property of 33 residents of residential health care 34 facilities that are found to be deficient 35 including, but not limited to, payment for 36 the cost of relocation of residents to 37 other facilities and the maintenance and 38 operation of a facility pending correction 39 of deficiencies or closure. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 43 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 390 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 2 state operations appropriation for the 3 budget division program of the division of 4 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 5 herein and a part of this appropriation as 6 if fully stated. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ........................ 148,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 20,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service .......... 168,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 33,000 15 Travel ............................................ 50,000 16 Contractual services ........................... 1,528,000 17 Equipment ........................................ 117,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................... 70,000 19 Indirect costs .................................... 52,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,850,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................... 2,018,000 24 -------------- 25 WADSWORTH CENTER FOR LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH PROGRAM ...... 83,228,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 28 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 29 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 30 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection 31 and treatment services. 32 Personal service ............................... 5,459,000 33 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,912,000 34 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,620,000 35 Indirect costs ................................... 382,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal .................. 11,373,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 41 Federal Grant WCLR Account - 25170 391 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection 2 and treatment services. 3 Personal service ................................. 747,000 4 Nonpersonal service .............................. 398,000 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 359,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 52,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 1,556,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 12 Breast Cancer Research and Education Account - 20155 13 For breast cancer research and education 14 pursuant to section 97-yy of the state 15 finance law as amended by chapter 550 of 16 the laws of 2000. 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Contractual services ........................... 1,277,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 1,277,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 24 Multiple Sclerosis Research Account - 20178 25 For research into the causes and treatment 26 of pediatric multiple sclerosis pursuant 27 to section 95-d of the state finance law. 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Contractual services .............................. 20,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Clinical Laboratory Reference System Assessment Account 36 - 21962 37 For services and expenses of the clinical 38 laboratory reference and accreditation 39 program. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 392 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 2 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 3 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 5 state operations appropriation for the 6 budget division program of the division of 7 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 8 herein and a part of this appropriation as 9 if fully stated. 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,648,000 12 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 100,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,748,000 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ........................... 846,000 18 Travel ........................................... 300,000 19 Contractual services ........................... 1,665,000 20 Equipment ...................................... 1,441,000 21 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,339,000 22 Indirect costs ................................. 4,407,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,998,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal .................. 19,746,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Empire State Stem Cell Research Account - 22161 31 For services and expenses, including grants, 32 related to stem cell research pursuant to 33 chapter 58 of the laws of 2007. 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 38 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 39 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 40 state operations appropriation for the 41 budget division program of the division of 42 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 43 herein and a part of this appropriation as 44 if fully stated. 393 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services .......................... 44,800,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal .................. 44,800,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 8 Environmental Laboratory Fee Account - 21959 9 For services and expenses hereafter to 10 accrue for the environmental laboratory 11 reference and accreditation program. 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,867,000 14 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 20,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,887,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ........................... 215,000 20 Travel ........................................... 130,000 21 Contractual services ............................. 170,000 22 Equipment ........................................ 103,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................. 920,000 24 Indirect costs ................................. 1,031,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,569,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 4,456,000 29 -------------- 394 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 7 services. 8 Personal service ... 3,195,000 ...................... (re. $3,195,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 1,703,000 ................... (re. $1,703,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 1,534,000 ....................... (re. $1,534,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 224,000 ............................ (re. $224,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 14 services. 15 Personal service ... 3,195,000 ...................... (re. $1,884,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 1,703,000 ................... (re. $1,703,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 1,534,000 ....................... (re. $1,534,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 224,000 ............................ (re. $224,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 20 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 21 services. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 23 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 24 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 25 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 26 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 27 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 28 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 29 fully stated. 30 Personal service ... 3,195,000 ...................... (re. $1,654,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 1,703,000 ................... (re. $1,702,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 1,534,000 ....................... (re. $1,434,000) 33 Indirect costs ... 224,000 ............................ (re. $224,000) 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 36 National Health Services Corps Account - 25144 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 38 For administration of the national health services corps. 39 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the 40 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 41 may be suballocated to the higher education services corporation. 42 Personal service ... 230,000 .......................... (re. $230,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 63,000 ......................... (re. $63,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 110,000 ........................... (re. $110,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 16,000 .............................. (re. $16,000) 395 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 2 For administration of the national health services corps. 3 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the 4 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 5 may be suballocated to the higher education services corporation. 6 Personal service ... 230,000 .......................... (re. $114,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 63,000 ......................... (re. $58,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 110,000 ............................ (re. $56,000) 9 Indirect costs ... 16,000 .............................. (re. $16,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 11 For administration of the national health services corps. 12 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, and subject to the 13 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 14 may be suballocated to the higher education services corporation. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 17 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 18 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 20 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 21 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 22 fully stated. 23 Personal service ... 230,000 ........................... (re. $28,000) 24 Nonpersonal service ... 63,000 .......................... (re. $5,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 110,000 ............................ (re. $15,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 16,000 ............................... (re. $2,000) 27 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 28 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 29 Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 For various food and nutritional services. 32 Personal service ... 497,000 .......................... (re. $497,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 264,000 ....................... (re. $264,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 239,000 ........................... (re. $239,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $35,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 37 For various food and nutritional services. 38 Personal service ... 497,000 .......................... (re. $150,000) 39 Nonpersonal service ... 264,000 ....................... (re. $264,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 239,000 ........................... (re. $155,000) 41 Indirect costs ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $35,000) 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 43 For various food and nutritional services. 44 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 45 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 46 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 47 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 396 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 3 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 4 fully stated. 5 Personal service ... 497,000 .......................... (re. $202,000) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 264,000 ....................... (re. $140,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 239,000 ............................ (re. $54,000) 8 Indirect costs ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $19,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 11 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For various food and nutritional services. 14 Personal service ... 1,200,000 ...................... (re. $1,200,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 640,000 ....................... (re. $640,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 576,000 ........................... (re. $576,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 84,000 .............................. (re. $84,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 19 For various food and nutritional services. 20 Personal service ... 1,200,000 ........................ (re. $184,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 640,000 ....................... (re. $613,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 576,000 ........................... (re. $324,000) 23 Indirect costs ... 84,000 .............................. (re. $84,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 25 For various food and nutritional services. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 28 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 29 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 30 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 31 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 32 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 33 fully stated. 34 Personal service ... 1,200,000 ........................ (re. $203,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 640,000 ....................... (re. $307,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 576,000 ........................... (re. $277,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 84,000 .............................. (re. $40,000) 38 CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH PROGRAM 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Federal Education Fund 41 Individuals with Disabilities-Part C Account - 25214 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 43 For activities related to a handicapped infants and toddlers program. 44 Personal service ... 11,640,000 ..................... (re. $4,920,000) 45 Nonpersonal service ... 6,207,000 ................... (re. $6,207,000) 397 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 5,587,000 ....................... (re. $4,087,000) 2 Indirect costs ... 815,000 ............................ (re. $815,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 4 For activities related to a handicapped infants and toddlers program. 5 Personal service ... 11,640,000 ..................... (re. $4,920,000) 6 Nonpersonal service ... 6,207,000 ................... (re. $6,207,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 5,587,000 ....................... (re. $4,087,000) 8 Indirect costs ... 815,000 ............................ (re. $815,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 10 For activities related to a handicapped infants and toddlers program. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 12 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 13 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 14 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 15 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 16 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 17 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 18 fully stated. 19 Personal service ... 11,640,000 ..................... (re. $3,800,000) 20 Nonpersonal service ... 6,207,000 ................... (re. $3,400,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 5,587,000 ....................... (re. $5,123,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 815,000 ............................ (re. $767,000) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 25 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 27 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 28 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 29 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 30 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 31 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 32 Personal service ... 11,527,000 .................... (re. $11,527,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 6,147,000 ................... (re. $6,147,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 5,533,000 ....................... (re. $5,533,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 807,000 ............................ (re. $807,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 37 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 38 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 39 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 40 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 41 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 42 Personal service ... 11,527,000 ..................... (re. $5,562,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 6,147,000 ................... (re. $5,674,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 5,533,000 ....................... (re. $5,533,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 807,000 ............................ (re. $807,000) 46 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 398 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 2 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 3 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 4 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 5 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 8 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 9 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 11 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 12 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 13 fully stated. 14 Personal service ... 11,527,000 ..................... (re. $5,905,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 6,147,000 ................... (re. $6,147,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 5,533,000 ....................... (re. $5,302,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 807,000 ............................ (re. $807,000) 18 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 19 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 20 Federal Health, Education and Human Services Account - 25148 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 22 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 23 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 24 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 25 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 26 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 27 Personal service ... 15,372,000 .................... (re. $14,089,000) 28 Nonpersonal service ... 8,199,074 ................... (re. $8,082,000) 29 Fringe benefits ... 7,378,380 ....................... (re. $7,321,000) 30 Indirect costs ... 1,075,546 ........................ (re. $1,075,546) 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 32 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 33 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 34 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 35 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 36 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 37 Personal service ... 13,692,000 ..................... (re. $8,924,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 7,303,000 ................... (re. $5,596,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 6,572,000 ....................... (re. $6,040,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 958,000 ............................ (re. $958,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 42 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 43 services. The amounts appropriated pursuant to such appropriation 44 may be suballocated to other state agencies or accounts for expendi- 45 tures incurred in the operation of programs funded by such appropri- 46 ation subject to the approval of the director of the budget. 47 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 48 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 399 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 2 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 3 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 4 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 5 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 6 fully stated. 7 Personal service ... 13,692,000 ..................... (re. $6,084,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 7,303,000 ................... (re. $2,120,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 6,572,000 ....................... (re. $3,072,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 958,000 ............................ (re. $158,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 13 Child and Adult Care Food Account - 25022 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For various food and nutritional services. 16 Personal service ... 4,848,042 ...................... (re. $4,713,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 2,585,274 ................... (re. $2,585,274) 18 Fringe benefits ... 2,327,478 ....................... (re. $2,327,478) 19 Indirect costs ... 339,206 ............................ (re. $339,206) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 21 For various food and nutritional services. 22 Personal service ... 4,645,000 ........................ (re. $425,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 2,477,000 ................... (re. $1,693,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 2,230,000 ....................... (re. $1,020,000) 25 Indirect costs ... 325,000 ............................. (re. $44,000) 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 27 For various food and nutritional services. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 31 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 33 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 34 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 35 fully stated. 36 Personal service ... 4,645,000 ........................ (re. $539,000) 37 Nonpersonal service ... 2,477,000 ..................... (re. $640,000) 38 Fringe benefits ... 2,230,000 ......................... (re. $464,000) 39 Indirect costs ... 325,000 ............................. (re. $44,000) 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 42 Federal Food and Nutrition Services Account - 25022 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 44 For various food and nutritional services. A portion of this appropri- 45 ation may be suballocated to other state agencies. 46 Personal service ... 26,284,000 .................... (re. $26,284,000) 400 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 15,104,000 ................. (re. $15,104,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 12,379,000 ..................... (re. $12,379,000) 3 Indirect costs ... 1,982,000 ........................ (re. $1,982,000) 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 5 For various food and nutritional services. A portion of this appropri- 6 ation may be suballocated to other state agencies. 7 Personal service ... 28,320,000 .................... (re. $18,093,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 15,104,000 .................. (re. $6,909,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 13,594,000 ...................... (re. $9,041,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 1,982,000 ........................ (re. $1,982,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal USDA - Food and Nutrition Services Fund 13 Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Civil Monetary Account - 25035 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For services and expenses of the department of health related to the 16 special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and chil- 17 dren. 18 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 20 For services and expenses of the department of health related to the 21 special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and chil- 22 dren. 23 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $4,511,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 25 For services and expenses of the department of health related to the 26 special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants and chil- 27 dren. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 31 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 33 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 34 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 35 fully stated. 36 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $1,506,416) 37 CENTER FOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 40 Federal Grant Account - 25183 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 42 For services and expenses of various health prevention, diagnostic, 43 detection and treatment services. 44 Personal service ... 3,268,000 ...................... (re. $3,268,000) 401 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service ... 1,742,000 ................... (re. $1,742,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 1,569,000 ....................... (re. $1,569,000) 3 Indirect costs ... 229,000 ............................ (re. $229,000) 4 [Special Revenue Funds - Federal 5 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 6 Federal Block Grant CEH Account - 25170] 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 9 services. 10 Personal service ... 3,268,000 ...................... (re. $3,268,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 1,742,000 ................... (re. $1,742,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 1,569,000 ....................... (re. $1,569,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 229,000 ............................ (re. $229,000) 14 [Special Revenue Funds - Federal 15 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 16 Federal Grant Account] 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 For services and expenses of various health prevention, diagnostic, 19 detection and treatment services. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 21 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 22 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 23 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 25 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 26 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 27 fully stated. 28 Personal service ... 3,268,000 ........................ (re. $799,000) 29 Nonpersonal service ... 1,742,000 ................... (re. $1,611,000) 30 Fringe benefits ... 1,569,000 ......................... (re. $363,000) 31 Indirect costs ... 229,000 ............................ (re. $229,000) 32 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 33 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 34 Federal Block Grant CEH Account - 25170 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 36 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 37 services. 38 Personal service ... 803,000 .......................... (re. $803,000) 39 Nonpersonal service ... 429,000 ....................... (re. $429,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 385,000 ........................... (re. $385,000) 41 Indirect costs ... 56,000 .............................. (re. $56,000) 42 [Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 44 Federal Grant Account - 25183] 402 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 2 For services and expenses of various health prevention, diagnostic, 3 detection and treatment services. 4 Personal service ... 803,000 .......................... (re. $639,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 429,000 ....................... (re. $428,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 385,000 ........................... (re. $385,000) 7 Indirect costs ... 56,000 .............................. (re. $56,000) 8 [Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 10 Federal Grant CEH Account] 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 12 For various health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment 13 services. 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 16 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 17 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 19 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 20 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 21 fully stated. 22 Personal service ... 803,000 .......................... (re. $185,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 429,000 ....................... (re. $273,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 385,000 ........................... (re. $253,000) 25 Indirect costs ... 56,000 ............................... (re. $7,000) 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 28 Federal Environmental Protection Agency Grants Account - 25467 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 30 For various environmental projects including suballocation for the 31 department of environmental conservation. 32 Personal service ... 4,657,000 ...................... (re. $4,657,000) 33 Nonpersonal service ... 2,485,000 ................... (re. $2,473,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 2,235,000 ....................... (re. $2,235,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 326,000 ............................ (re. $326,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 37 For various environmental projects including suballocation for the 38 department of environmental conservation. 39 Personal service ... 4,657,000 ...................... (re. $2,361,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 2,485,000 ................... (re. $2,311,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 2,235,000 ....................... (re. $1,136,000) 42 Indirect costs ... 326,000 ............................ (re. $325,000) 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 44 For various environmental projects including suballocation for the 45 department of environmental conservation. 403 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 3 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 4 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 5 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 6 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 7 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 8 fully stated. 9 Personal service ... 4,657,000 ...................... (re. $1,438,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 2,485,000 ................... (re. $2,259,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 2,235,000 ....................... (re. $1,644,000) 12 Indirect costs ... 326,000 ............................ (re. $120,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 14 For various environmental projects including suballocation for the 15 department of environmental conservation. 16 Personal service ... 4,657,000 ........................ (re. $943,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 2,485,000 ...................... (re. $54,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 2,235,000 ......................... (re. $381,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 326,000 ............................ (re. $326,000) 20 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 21 For various environmental projects including suballocation for the 22 department of environmental conservation ........................... 23 9,703,000 ......................................... (re. $3,951,000) 24 CHILD HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM 25 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 26 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 27 Children's Health Insurance Account - 25148 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 The money hereby appropriated is available for payment of aid hereto- 30 fore accrued or hereafter accrued. 31 For services and expenses related to the children's health insurance 32 program provided pursuant to title XXI of the federal social securi- 33 ty act. 34 Personal service ... 30,772,000 .................... (re. $30,772,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 16,411,000 ................. (re. $16,411,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 14,771,000 ..................... (re. $14,771,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 2,154,000 ........................ (re. $2,154,000) 38 HEALTH CARE FINANCING PROGRAM 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 Nursing Home Receivership Account - 21925 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 1986: 43 For purposes of making payments pursuant to subdivision 3 of section 44 2810 of the public health law ... 2,000,000 ....... (re. $2,000,000) 404 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 MEDICAL ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Electronic Medicaid System Account - 25107 5 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is 6 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 7 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state finance law or any other law 8 to the contrary, all medical assistance appropriations made from 9 this account shall remain in full force and effect in accordance, in 10 the aggregate, with the following schedule: not more than 50 percent 11 for the period April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015; and the remaining 12 amount for the period April 1, 2015 to [March 31] JUNE 30, 2016. 13 For services and expenses related to the operation of an electronic 14 medicaid eligibility verification system and operation of a medicaid 15 override application system, and operation of a medicaid management 16 information system, and development and operation of a replacement 17 medicaid system. The moneys hereby appropriated shall be available 18 for payment of liabilities heretofore accrued and hereafter to 19 accrue. 20 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 21 approval of the director of the budget, the amount appropriated 22 herein may be increased or decreased by interchange with any other 23 appropriation or with any other item or items within the amounts 24 appropriated within the department of health special revenue funds - 25 federal with the approval of the director of the budget who shall 26 file such approval with the department of audit and control and 27 copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance committee and 28 the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 29 Contractual services ... 404,000,000 .............. (re. $404,000,000) 30 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 31 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 32 Medical Administration Transfer Account - 25107 33 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is 34 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 35 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state finance law or any other law 36 to the contrary, all medical assistance appropriations made from 37 this account shall remain in full force and effect in accordance, in 38 the aggregate, with the following schedule: not more than 47 percent 39 for the period April 1, 2014 to March 31, 2015; and the remaining 40 amount for the period April 1, 2015 to [March 31] JUNE 30, 2016. 41 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 42 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 43 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 44 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 45 cies and appropriations of the department of health. Notwithstanding 46 any inconsistent provision of law and subject to approval of the 47 director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be trans- 48 ferred or suballocated to other state agencies for reimbursement to 405 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 local government entities for services and expenses related to 2 administration of the medical assistance program. 3 Personal service ... 94,208,000 .................... (re. $94,208,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 305,902,000 ............... (re. $305,902,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 50,382,000 ..................... (re. $50,382,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 6,500,000 ........................ (re. $6,500,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 The money hereby appropriated herein, together with any available 9 federal matching funds, is available for the services and expenses 10 related to the balancing incentive program. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 12 ated may be increased or decreased by interchange or transfer, with 13 any appropriation of the department of health, and may be increased 14 or decreased by transfer or suballocation between these appropriated 15 amounts and appropriations of state office for the aging with the 16 approval of the director of the budget. 17 Contractual services ... 10,000,000 ................ (re. $10,000,000) 18 OFFICE OF HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM 19 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 20 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 21 Healthcare and Insurance Reform Account - 25148 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 23 For services and expenses of the department of health for planning and 24 implementing various healthcare and insurance reform initiatives 25 authorized by federal legislation, including, but not limited to, 26 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and 27 the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 28 111-152) in accordance with the following sub-schedule. Notwith- 29 standing any other provision of law, money hereby appropriated may 30 be increased or decreased by interchange, transfer, or suballocation 31 within a program, account or subschedule or with any appropriation 32 of any state agency or transferred to health research incorporated 33 or distributed to localities with the approval of the director of 34 the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of 35 audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate 36 finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means 37 committee. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to 38 local assistance appropriations. 39 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation Programs; Medicaid 40 Psychiatric Demo, Chronic Disease Incentive Program 41 Nonpersonal service ... 20,000,000 ................. (re. $20,000,000) 42 Personal Responsibility Education Grant Program 43 Nonpersonal service ... 4,000,000 ................... (re. $4,000,000) 44 Abstinence Education 45 Nonpersonal service ... 3,000,000 ................... (re. $3,000,000) 46 Insurance Exchange 47 Nonpersonal service ... 190,000,000 ............... (re. $189,993,000) 406 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Consumer Assistance -- Independent Health Insurance Consumer Assist- 2 ance Designee Community Service Society of New York (CSS) for Commu- 3 nity Health Advocates (CHA) statewide consortium. 4 Nonpersonal service ... 2,500,000 ................... (re. $2,500,000) 5 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 6 Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation 7 Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152). 8 Nonpersonal service ... 4,000,000 ................... (re. $4,000,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 11 Medical Assistance and Survey Account - 25107 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 For services and expenses for the medical assistance program and 14 administration of the medical assistance program and survey and 15 certification program, provided pursuant to title XIX and title 16 XVIII of the federal social security act. 17 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 18 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 19 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 20 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 21 cies and appropriations of the department of health. Notwithstanding 22 any inconsistent provision of law and subject to approval of the 23 director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be trans- 24 ferred or suballocated to other state agencies for reimbursement to 25 local government entities for services and expenses related to 26 administration of the medical assistance program. 27 Personal service ... 406,279,000 .................. (re. $345,596,000) 28 Nonpersonal service ... 216,681,000 ............... (re. $216,391,000) 29 Fringe benefits ... 195,014,000 ................... (re. $195,014,000) 30 Indirect costs ... 28,440,000 ...................... (re. $28,440,000) 31 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 32 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 33 Medical Assistance and Survey Account 34 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013, is 35 hereby amended by transferring $48,975,000 to aid to localities: 36 For services and expenses for the medical assistance program and 37 administration of the medical assistance program and survey and 38 certification program, provided pursuant to title XIX of the federal 39 social security act. 40 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 41 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 42 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 43 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 44 cies and appropriations of the department of health. Notwithstanding 45 any inconsistent provision of law and subject to approval of the 46 director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be trans- 47 ferred or suballocated to other state agencies for reimbursement to 407 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 local government entities for services and expenses related to 2 administration of the medical assistance program. 3 Personal service ... [406,279,000] 357,304,000 .... (re. $113,307,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 216,681,000 ............... (re. $165,595,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 195,014,000 ................... (re. $194,938,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 28,440,000 ...................... (re. $21,853,000) 7 For services and expenses of the department of health for planning and 8 implementing various healthcare and insurance reform initiatives 9 authorized by federal legislation, including, but not limited to, 10 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and 11 the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 12 111-152) in accordance with the following sub-schedule. Notwith- 13 standing any other provision of law, money hereby appropriated may 14 be increased or decreased by interchange, transfer, or suballocation 15 within a program, account or subschedule or with any appropriation 16 of any state agency or transferred to health research incorporated 17 or distributed to localities with the approval of the director of 18 the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of 19 audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate 20 finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means 21 committee. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to 22 local assistance appropriations. 23 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation Programs; Medicaid 24 Psychiatric Demo, Chronic Disease Incentive Program ................ 25 20,000,000 ....................................... (re. $20,000,000) 26 Personal Responsibility Education Grant Program ...................... 27 4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,000,000) 28 Abstinence Education ... 3,000,000 .................. (re. $3,000,000) 29 Insurance Exchange ... 190,000,000 ................. (re. $51,937,000) 30 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 31 Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation 32 Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $2,922,000) 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 34 For services and expenses of the department of health for planning and 35 implementing various healthcare and insurance reform initiatives 36 authorized by federal legislation, including, but not limited to, 37 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and 38 the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 39 111-152) in accordance with the following sub-schedule. Notwith- 40 standing any other provision of law, money hereby appropriated may 41 be increased or decreased by interchange, transfer, or suballocation 42 within a program, account or subschedule or with any appropriation 43 of any state agency or transferred to health research incorporated 44 or distributed to localities with the approval of the director of 45 the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of 46 audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate 47 finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means 48 committee. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to 49 local assistance appropriations. 50 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 51 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 408 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 2 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 3 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 4 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 5 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 6 fully stated. 7 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation Programs; Medicaid 8 Psychiatric Demo, Chronic Disease Incentive Program ................ 9 20,000,000 ....................................... (re. $20,000,000) 10 Personal Responsibility Education Grant Program ...................... 11 4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,000,000) 12 Abstinence Education ... 3,000,000 .................. (re. $3,000,000) 13 Early Innovators Grant ... 60,000,000 ............... (re. $4,984,000) 14 Consumer Assistance -- Independent Health Insurance Consumer Assist- 15 ance Designee Community Service Society of New York (CSS) for Commu- 16 nity Health Advocates (CHA) statewide consortium ................... 17 6,000,000 ......................................... (re. $6,000,000) 18 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 19 Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation 20 Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152). ... 4,000,000 ......... (re. $2,910,000) 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 22 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 23 Insurance Exchange ... 96,000,000 .................. (re. $29,850,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 25 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 For services and expenses for the medical assistance program and 27 administration of the medical assistance program and survey and 28 certification program, provided pursuant to title XIX of the federal 29 social security act. 30 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 31 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 32 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 33 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 34 cies and appropriations of the department of health. 35 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to 36 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 37 may be transferred or suballocated to other state agencies for 38 reimbursement to local government entities for services and expenses 39 related to administration of the medical assistance program. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 42 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 43 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 44 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 45 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 46 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 47 fully stated. 48 Personal service ... 331,279,000 .................. (re. $222,989,000) 49 Nonpersonal service ... 216,681,000 ............... (re. $176,305,000) 50 Fringe benefits ... 195,014,000 ................... (re. $194,500,000) 409 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Indirect costs ... 28,440,000 ...................... (re. $27,359,000) 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50, 3 section 1, of the laws of 2012: 4 For services and expenses of the department of health for planning and 5 implementing various healthcare and insurance reform initiatives 6 authorized by federal legislation, including, but not limited to, 7 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and 8 the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111- 9 152) in accordance with the following sub-schedule. Notwithstanding 10 any other provision of law, money hereby appropriated may be 11 increased or decreased by interchange, transfer, or suballocation 12 within a program, account or subschedule or with any appropriation 13 of any state agency or transferred to health research incorporated 14 or distributed to localities with the approval of the director of 15 the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of 16 audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate 17 finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means 18 committee. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to 19 local assistance appropriations. 20 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation Programs; Medicaid 21 Psychiatric Demo, Chronic Disease Incentive Program ................ 22 20,000,000 ....................................... (re. $14,060,000) 23 Personal Responsibility Education Grant Program ...................... 24 4,000,000 ......................................... (re. $4,000,000) 25 Medicare Outreach for low income beneficiaries ....................... 26 600,000 ............................................. (re. $600,000) 27 Prevention and Public Health Fund ... 20,000,000 ... (re. $20,000,000) 28 Abstinence Education ... 3,000,000 .................. (re. $3,000,000) 29 Workforce demo for low income health care workers .................... 30 3,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,000,000) 31 Demonstration Project to Develop Training and Certification .......... 32 2,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,000,000) 33 Pregnancy Assessment Fund ... 1,000,000 ............. (re. $1,000,000) 34 Program for Early Detection of Certain Medical Conditions Related to 35 Environmental Health Hazards ... 400,000 ............ (re. $400,000) 36 Long Term Care Grants ... 1,000,000 ................. (re. $1,000,000) 37 Early Innovators Grant ... 30,000,000 .............. (re. $30,000,000) 38 Consumer Assistance -- Independent Health Insurance Consumer Assist- 39 ance Designee Community Service Society of New York (CSS) for Commu- 40 nity Health Advocates (CHA) statewide consortium ................... 41 5,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,594,000) 42 Premium Rate Review ... 5,000,000 ................... (re. $5,000,000) 43 Insurance Exchange ... 70,000,000 .................. (re. $14,764,000) 44 Aging Grants ... 3,000,000 .......................... (re. $3,000,000) 45 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care 46 Act (P.L. 111-148) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation 47 Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) ... 4,000,000 .......... (re. $3,210,000) 48 For services and expenses for the medical assistance program and 49 administration of the medical assistance program and survey and 50 certification program, provided pursuant to title XIX of the federal 51 social security act. 410 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 2 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 3 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 4 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 5 cies and appropriations of the department of health. Notwithstanding 6 any inconsistent provision of law and subject to approval of the 7 director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated may be trans- 8 ferred or suballocated to other state agencies for reimbursement to 9 local government entities for services and expenses related to 10 administration of the medical assistance program. 11 Personal service ... 331,279,000 .................. (re. $326,838,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 216,681,000 ................. (re. $2,590,000) 13 Fringe benefits ... 195,014,000 ..................... (re. $1,186,000) 14 Indirect costs ... 28,440,000 ...................... (re. $27,329,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50, 16 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 17 Health Insurance Consumer Information ................................ 18 4,400,000 ......................................... (re. $2,210,000) 19 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 20 section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For services and expenses of the department of health for planning and 22 implementing various healthcare and insurance reform initiatives 23 authorized by federal legislation, including, but not limited to, 24 the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) and 25 the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111- 26 152) in accordance with the following sub-schedule. Notwithstanding 27 any other provision of law, money hereby appropriated may be 28 increased or decreased by interchange, transfer, or suballocation 29 within a program, account or subschedule or with any appropriation 30 of any state agency or transferred to health research incorporated 31 or distributed to localities with the approval of the director of 32 the budget, who shall file such approval with the department of 33 audit and control and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate 34 finance committee and the chairman of the assembly ways and means 35 committee. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to 36 local assistance appropriations ... 123,400,000 .. (re. $99,655,000) 37 sub-schedule 38 Ombudsman; Resource Centers; Home Visitation 39 Programs; Medicaid Psychiatric Demo, 40 Chronic Disease Incentive Program ........... 20,000,000 41 Personal Responsibility Education Grant 42 Program ...................................... 3,000,000 43 Medicare Outreach for low income benefici- 44 aries .......................................... 600,000 45 Prevention and Public Health Fund ............. 20,000,000 46 Incentives for Prevention of Chronic Disease 47 in Medicaid .................................. 4,000,000 411 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Workforce demo for low income health care 2 workers ...................................... 3,000,000 3 Demonstration Project to Develop Training 4 and Certification ............................ 2,000,000 5 Program for background checks on patient 6 contact personnel in Long Term Care facil- 7 ities ........................................ 2,000,000 8 Pregnancy Assessment Fund ...................... 1,000,000 9 Program for Early Detection of Certain 10 Medical Conditions Related to Environ- 11 mental Health Hazards .......................... 400,000 12 Long Term Care Grants .......................... 4,000,000 13 High Risk Pools ............................... 59,400,000 14 Other purposes pursuant to the Patient 15 Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 16 111-148) and the Health Care and Education 17 Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) .... 4,000,000 18 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 54, 19 section 1, of the laws of 2010: 20 For services and expenses for the medical assistance program and 21 administration of the medical assistance program and survey and 22 certification program, provided pursuant to title XIX of the federal 23 social security act. 24 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to the 25 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 26 may be increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between 27 these appropriated amounts and appropriations of other state agen- 28 cies and appropriations of the department of health. 29 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law and subject to 30 approval of the director of the budget, moneys hereby appropriated 31 may be transferred or suballocated to other state agencies for 32 reimbursement to local government entities for services and expenses 33 related to administration of the medical assistance program ........ 34 771,697,000 ..................................... (re. $699,886,000) 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 37 Alzheimer's Research Account - 20143 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 39 For Alzheimer's disease research and assistance pursuant to chapter 40 590 of the laws of 1999. 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 42 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 43 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 44 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 45 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 46 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 47 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 48 fully stated. 49 Contractual services ... 2,531,000 .................. (re. $2,531,000) 412 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 OFFICE OF HEALTH SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 SAMHSA Account - [25100] 25170 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For expenses incurred in the administration of the prescription drug 7 monitoring program relating to the prescribing and dispensing of 8 controlled substances. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 11 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 12 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 13 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 14 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 15 ation as if fully stated. 16 Personal service ... 240,000 .......................... (re. $240,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 128,000 ....................... (re. $128,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 115,000 ........................... (re. $115,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 17,000 .............................. (re. $17,000) 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 United States Department of Justice Account - 25300 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For expenses incurred in the administration of the prescription drug 25 monitoring program relating to the prescribing and dispensing of 26 controlled substances. 27 Contractual services ... 400,000 ...................... (re. $395,000) 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 30 Life Pass It On Trust Fund Account - 20174 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 32 For services and expenses related to organ donation and transplant 33 research and educational projects promoting organ and tissue 34 donation. 35 Contractual services ... 200,000 ...................... (re. $200,000) 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 HCRA Resources Fund 38 Emergency Medical Services Account - 20809 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 40 For services and expenses related to emergency medical services (EMS) 41 administration including but not limited to, expenses related to 42 training courses and instructor development, expenses of the state 43 EMS council, expenses of the EMS regional councils and program agen- 413 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 cies, and expenses of the general public health work - EMS 2 reimbursement. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 4 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 5 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 7 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 8 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 9 ation as if fully stated. 10 Contractual services ... 14,494,000 ................. (re. $1,000,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Certificate of Need Account - 21920 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 For services and expenses, including indirect costs, related to the 16 certificate of need program. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 18 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 19 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 20 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 21 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 22 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 23 ation as if fully stated. 24 Contractual services ... 1,899,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 25 WADSWORTH CENTER FOR LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH PROGRAM 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 28 Federal Block Grant Account - 25183 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 30 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 31 Personal service ... 5,459,000 ...................... (re. $5,459,000) 32 Nonpersonal service ... 2,912,000 ................... (re. $2,912,000) 33 Fringe benefits ... 2,620,000 ....................... (re. $2,620,000) 34 Indirect costs ... 382,000 ............................ (re. $382,000) 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 36 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 37 Personal service ... 5,459,000 ...................... (re. $2,411,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 2,912,000 ................... (re. $2,912,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 2,620,000 ....................... (re. $2,620,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 382,000 ............................ (re. $382,000) 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 42 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 43 Federal Block Grant Account 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 414 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 2 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 3 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 4 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 5 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 6 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 7 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 8 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 9 fully stated. 10 Personal service ... 5,459,000 ...................... (re. $2,732,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 2,912,000 ................... (re. $2,725,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 2,620,000 ....................... (re. $2,130,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 382,000 ............................ (re. $382,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 15 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 16 Personal service ... 5,459,000 ........................ (re. $213,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 2,912,000 ....................... (re. $3,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 2,620,000 ......................... (re. $289,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 382,000 ............................. (re. $10,000) 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 22 Federal Grant WCLR Account - 25170 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 25 Personal service ... 747,000 .......................... (re. $747,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 398,000 ....................... (re. $398,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 359,000 ........................... (re. $359,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 52,000 .............................. (re. $52,000) 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 30 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 31 Personal service ... 747,000 ........................... (re. $15,000) 32 Nonpersonal service ... 398,000 ........................ (re. $36,000) 33 Fringe benefits ... 359,000 ........................... (re. $322,000) 34 Indirect costs ... 52,000 .............................. (re. $52,000) 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 36 For health prevention, diagnostic, detection and treatment services. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 38 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 39 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 40 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 42 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 43 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 44 fully stated. 45 Personal service ... 747,000 .......................... (re. $170,000) 46 Nonpersonal service ... 398,000 ........................ (re. $22,000) 47 Fringe benefits ... 359,000 ............................ (re. $88,000) 415 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Indirect costs ... 52,000 .............................. (re. $52,000) 2 Special Revenue Funds - Other 3 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 4 Breast Cancer Research and Education Account - 20155 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For breast cancer research and education pursuant to section 97-yy of 7 the state finance law as amended by chapter 550 of the laws of 2000. 8 Contractual services ... 9,737,000 .................. (re. $9,737,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 For breast cancer research and education pursuant to section 97-yy of 11 the state finance law as amended by chapter 550 of the laws of 2000. 12 Contractual services ... 2,536,000 .................. (re. $1,386,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 14 For breast cancer research and education pursuant to section 97-yy of 15 the state finance law as amended by chapter 550 of the laws of 2000. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 17 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 18 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 19 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 21 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 22 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 23 fully stated. 24 Contractual services ... 2,536,000 .................. (re. $1,939,000) 25 Special Revenue Fund - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Empire State Stem Cell Research Account - 22161 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 30 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 33 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 34 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 35 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 36 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 37 ation as if fully stated. 38 Contractual services ... 44,800,000 ................ (re. $44,022,000) 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 40 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 41 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 44 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 45 defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 416 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 2 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 3 ation as if fully stated. 4 Contractual services ... 44,800,000 ................ (re. $43,935,000) 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 6 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 7 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 10 Authority, the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority and 11 the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropriation for the 13 budget division program of the division of the budget, are deemed 14 fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropriation as if 15 fully stated. 16 Contractual services ... 44,800,000 ................ (re. $41,015,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 18 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 19 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007: 20 Contractual services ... 44,800,000 ................ (re. $35,735,000) 21 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 22 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 23 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007: 24 Contractual services ... 44,800,000 ................ (re. $31,043,000) 25 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 26 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 27 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007: 28 Contractual services ... 50,000,000 ................ (re. $20,490,000) 29 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 30 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 31 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007: 32 Contractual services ... 50,000,000 ................. (re. $6,692,000) 33 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as amended by chapter 54, 34 section 1, of the laws of 2008: 35 For services and expenses, including grants, related to stem cell 36 research pursuant to chapter 58 of the laws of 2007: 37 Contractual services ... 100,000,000 ................ (re. $7,766,000) 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 Spinal Cord Injury Research Fund Account - 21987 41 By chapter 54, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 42 For services and expenses related to spinal cord injury research 43 pursuant to chapter 338 of the laws of 1998, in accordance with the 44 following. 417 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ... 7,978,000 .................... (re. $291,000) 418 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF MEDICAID INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 21,893,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 33,062,000 33,942,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 54,955,000 33,942,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 MEDICAID AUDIT AND FRAUD PREVENTION PROGRAM ................. 54,955,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 14 the money hereby appropriated may be 15 increased or decreased by interchange, 16 with any appropriation of the office of 17 medicaid inspector general, and may be 18 increased or decreased by transfer or 19 suballocation between these appropriated 20 amounts and appropriations of the depart- 21 ment of health, office of mental health, 22 office for people with developmental disa- 23 bilities and office of alcoholism and 24 substance abuse services with the approval 25 of the director of the budget, who shall 26 file such approval with the department of 27 audit and control and copies thereof with 28 the chairman of the senate finance commit- 29 tee and the chairman of the assembly ways 30 and means committee. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ..................... 16,741,000 33 Temporary service ................................. 28,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 75,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ....... 16,844,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ........................... 164,000 40 Travel ........................................... 195,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 4,490,000 419 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF MEDICAID INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ........................................ 200,000 2 -------------- 3 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,049,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal .................. 21,893,000 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 9 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Account - 25107 10 For services and expenses related to the 11 medicaid fraud and abuse program. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 13 the money hereby appropriated may be 14 increased or decreased by interchange, 15 with any appropriation of the office of 16 medicaid inspector general, and may be 17 increased or decreased by transfer or 18 suballocation between these appropriated 19 amounts and appropriations of the depart- 20 ment of health, office of mental health, 21 office for people with developmental disa- 22 bilities and office of alcoholism and 23 substance abuse services with the approval 24 of the director of the budget, who shall 25 file such approval with the department of 26 audit and control and copies thereof with 27 the chairman of the senate finance commit- 28 tee and the chairman of the assembly ways 29 and means committee. 30 Personal service .............................. 16,844,000 31 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,551,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,375,000 33 Indirect costs ................................. 1,292,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal .................. 33,062,000 36 -------------- 420 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH OFFICE OF MEDICAID INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 MEDICAID AUDIT AND FRAUD PREVENTION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Account - 25107 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the medicaid fraud and abuse 7 program. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 9 ated may be increased or decreased by interchange, with any appro- 10 priation of the office of medicaid inspector general, and may be 11 increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between these 12 appropriated amounts and appropriations of the department of health, 13 office of mental health, office for people with developmental disa- 14 bilities and office of alcoholism and substance abuse services with 15 the approval of the director of the budget, who shall file such 16 approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof 17 with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman 18 of the assembly ways and means committee. 19 Personal service ... 17,724,000 .................... (re. $17,724,000) 20 Nonpersonal service ... 5,551,000 ................... (re. $5,551,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 9,375,000 ....................... (re. $9,375,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 1,292,000 ........................ (re. $1,292,000) 421 20011-02-5 HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 10,009,000 11,036,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 63,142,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 73,151,000 11,036,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 63,142,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 HESC-Insurance Premium Payments Account - 21960 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ..................... 17,086,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ....... 17,091,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 523,000 32 Travel ........................................... 397,000 33 Contractual services .......................... 34,223,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 926,000 35 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,550,000 36 Indirect costs ................................... 432,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 46,051,000 39 -------------- 40 STUDENT GRANT AND AWARD PROGRAMS ............................ 10,009,000 41 -------------- 422 20011-02-5 HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Education Fund 3 HESC-College Access Challenge Grant Account - 25219 4 For services and expenses of the college 5 access challenge grant program. 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a 7 portion of these funds may be transferred 8 or suballocated, subject to the approval 9 of the director of the budget, to other 10 state agencies. 11 Personal service ................................. 250,000 12 Nonpersonal service ............................ 6,139,000 13 Fringe benefits .................................. 105,000 14 Indirect costs .................................... 15,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................... 6,509,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 19 Federal Department of Education Fund 20 HESC-Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Under- 21 graduate Programs (GEAR UP) Account - 25219 22 For services and expenses related to the 23 gaining early awareness and readiness for 24 undergraduate program. Notwithstanding any 25 inconsistent provision of law, a portion 26 of these funds may be transferred or 27 suballocated, subject to the approval of 28 the director of the budget, to other state 29 agencies. 30 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,500,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ................... 3,500,000 33 -------------- 423 20011-02-5 HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 STUDENT GRANT AND AWARD PROGRAMS 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Education Fund 4 HESC-College Access Challenge Grant Account - 25219 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses of the college access challenge grant 7 program. 8 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, a portion of these funds may 9 be transferred or suballocated, subject to the approval of the 10 director of the budget, to other state agencies. 11 Personal service ... 240,000 .......................... (re. $240,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 6,370,000 ................... (re. $5,659,000) 13 Fringe benefits ... 122,000 ........................... (re. $122,000) 14 Indirect costs ... 15,000 .............................. (re. $15,000) 15 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 16 Federal Department of Education Fund 17 HESC-Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Under- 18 graduate Programs (GEAR UP) Account 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 20 For services and expenses related to the gaining early awareness and 21 readiness for undergraduate program. Notwithstanding any inconsist- 22 ent provision of law, a portion of these funds may be transferred or 23 suballocated, subject to the approval of the director of the budget, 24 to other state agencies ... 5,000,000 ............. (re. $5,000,000) 424 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 4,800,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 35,411,000 57,605,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 26,393,000 6,600,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 66,604,000 64,205,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 13,472,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 Public Safety Communications Account - 22123 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,452,000 27 Temporary service ................................ 295,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 118,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,865,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,500,000 34 Travel ............................................ 70,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 4,787,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 250,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,607,000 39 -------------- 40 DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ................................. 23,086,000 41 -------------- 425 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Federal Grants for Disaster Assistance Account - 25325 4 Personal service .............................. 14,000,000 5 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,586,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 7,500,000 7 -------------- 8 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ................................ 22,454,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 A portion of these funds may be suballocated 13 to the division of military and naval 14 affairs. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Temporary service .............................. 1,000,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,200,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 4,200,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 25 Federal Grants for Emergency Management Performance 26 Account - 25516 27 For services and expenses of state emergency 28 management activities, including suballo- 29 cation to other state departments and 30 agencies. 31 Personal service ............................... 3,385,000 32 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,950,000 33 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,690,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ................... 9,025,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 39 Public Safety Communications Account - 22123 426 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,507,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 586,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 83,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,176,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 170,000 10 Travel ............................................ 80,000 11 Contractual services ........................... 2,650,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 200,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,100,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................... 6,276,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 Radiological Emergency Preparedness Account - 21944 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,639,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 26 Travel ............................................ 43,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 292,000 28 Equipment ........................................ 128,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 805,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 36,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,314,000 33 -------------- 34 Program account subtotal ................... 2,953,000 35 -------------- 36 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM .......................... 5,592,000 37 -------------- 38 General Fund 39 State Purposes Account - 10050 427 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 600,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ..................... 600,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 7 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 8 Fire Prevention and Control Account - 25382 9 For services and expenses of the office of 10 fire prevention and control, including 11 suballocation to other state departments 12 and agencies. 13 Nonpersonal service ............................ 3,300,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ................... 3,300,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 19 Emergency Services Revolving Loan Account - 20150 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ........................ 157,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 25 Travel ............................................. 2,000 26 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 27 Fringe benefits ................................... 70,000 28 Indirect costs ..................................... 6,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 81,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ..................... 238,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 36 Cigarette Fire Safety Act Account - 22018 37 For services and expenses of the cigarette 38 fire safety program, including suballo- 39 cation to other state departments or agen- 40 cies. 428 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 3 Travel ............................................ 20,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 171,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 20,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ..................... 231,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Fire Protection Account - 21996 12 For services and expenses of the fire 13 protection program, including suballo- 14 cation to other state departments or agen- 15 cies. 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 18 Travel ............................................. 2,000 19 Contractual services .............................. 40,000 20 Fringe benefits ................................... 21,000 21 Indirect costs ..................................... 1,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ...................... 66,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 New York Fire Academy Account - 21953 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ........................ 260,000 30 Temporary service ................................. 87,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service .......... 348,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 172,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 509,000 38 Fringe benefits .................................. 117,000 39 Indirect costs .................................... 11,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 809,000 42 -------------- 429 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 1,157,000 2 -------------- 3 INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM ......................... 2,000,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 Public Safety Communications Account - 22123 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,300,000 10 -------------- 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 13 Travel ............................................ 50,000 14 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 15 Equipment ........................................ 350,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 700,000 18 -------------- 430 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 DISASTER ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Grants for Disaster Assistance Account - 25325 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Personal service ... 2,200,000 ...................... (re. $2,200,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 1,586,000 ................... (re. $1,586,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 Personal service ... 2,200,000 ...................... (re. $2,200,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 1,586,000 ................... (re. $1,586,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 16 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 17 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 18 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 19 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 20 ation as if fully stated. 21 Personal service ... 2,200,000 ...................... (re. $2,200,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 1,586,000 ................... (re. $1,586,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 25 Personal service ... 2,200,000 ...................... (re. $2,200,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 1,586,000 ................... (re. $1,586,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 29 Personal service ... 2,200,000 ...................... (re. $2,200,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 1,586,000 ................... (re. $1,586,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 1,000,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 32 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 33 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 34 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 35 Federal Grants for Emergency Management Performance Account - 25516 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 37 For services and expenses of state emergency management activities, 38 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 39 Personal service ... 3,385,000 ...................... (re. $3,385,000) 40 Nonpersonal service ... 3,950,000 ................... (re. $3,950,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 1,690,000 ....................... (re. $1,690,000) 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 431 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of state emergency management activities, 2 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 3 Personal service ... 3,385,000 ...................... (re. $3,385,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 3,950,000 ................... (re. $3,950,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 1,690,000 ....................... (re. $1,690,000) 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 9 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 10 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 11 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 12 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 13 ation as if fully stated. 14 For services and expenses of state emergency management activities, 15 including suballocation to other state departments and agencies. 16 Personal service ... 3,385,000 ...................... (re. $3,385,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 3,950,000 ................... (re. $3,950,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 1,690,000 ....................... (re. $1,690,000) 19 FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL PROGRAM 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 Fire Prevention and Control Account - 25382 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For services and expenses of the office of fire prevention and 25 control, including suballocation to other state departments and 26 agencies. 27 Nonpersonal service ... 3,300,000 ................... (re. $3,300,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 29 For services and expenses of the office of fire prevention and 30 control, including suballocation to other state departments and 31 agencies. 32 Nonpersonal service ... 3,300,000 ................... (re. $3,300,000) 33 INTEROPERABLE COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAM 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 36 Statewide Public Safety Communications Account - 22123 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 38 For services and expenses related to the purchase of emergency commu- 39 nications equipment for state departments or agencies. The amounts 40 appropriated herein may be transferred to any other state department 41 or agency pursuant to a plan submitted by the division of homeland 42 security and emergency services and approved by the director of the 43 budget. 44 Equipment ... 30,000,000 ............................ (re. $6,600,000) 432 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 12,418,000 200,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 14,269,000 27,813,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 60,044,000 29,142,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 86,731,000 57,155,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 OFFICE OF FINANCE AND DEVELOPMENT (F&D) 11 F&D-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ............................ 8,505,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ........................ 674,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service .......... 684,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 23 Travel ............................................. 1,000 24 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 25 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ......... 5,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ..................... 689,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 DHCR-HCA Application Fee Account - 22100 34 For services and expenses related to the 35 administration of the federal low-income 36 housing tax credit program. 433 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,196,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,200,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 61,000 9 Travel ............................................ 98,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 490,000 11 Equipment ........................................ 130,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,300,000 13 Indirect costs ................................... 537,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,616,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 7,816,000 18 -------------- 19 OFFICE OF COMMUNITY RENEWAL (OCR) 20 OCR-COMMUNITY RENEWAL PROGRAM .................................. 327,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ........................ 315,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 7,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service .......... 322,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 32 Travel ............................................. 1,000 33 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 34 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ......... 5,000 37 -------------- 38 OFFICE OF HOUSING PRESERVATION (OHP) 39 OHP-HOUSING PROGRAM ......................................... 19,669,000 40 -------------- 434 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 855,000 5 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for personal service .......... 859,000 8 -------------- 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 11 Travel ............................................. 1,000 12 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 13 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ......... 5,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ..................... 864,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 20 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 21 Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Account - 25315 22 For expenditures related to administering 23 federal section 8 program grants. 24 Personal service ............................... 5,500,000 25 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,018,000 26 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,434,000 27 Indirect costs ................................... 245,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 10,197,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 DHCR Mortgage Servicing Account - 22085 34 For services and expenses related to asset 35 management activities performed by the 36 division of housing and community renewal 37 for the New York state housing finance 38 agency and the urban development corpo- 39 ration. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 435 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 2 appropriation for the budget division 3 program of the division of the budget, are 4 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 5 part of this appropriation as if fully 6 stated. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,340,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,350,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 23,000 15 Travel ........................................... 200,000 16 Contractual services ............................. 346,000 17 Equipment ........................................ 124,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 693,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 4,043,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Low Income Housing Monitoring Account - 22130 26 For services and expenses related to the 27 monitoring of housing projects constructed 28 under low-income housing tax credit 29 programs. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,554,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 50,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,604,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 38 Travel ............................................ 95,000 39 Contractual services ............................. 215,000 40 Equipment ......................................... 75,000 436 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,500,000 2 Indirect costs .................................... 71,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,961,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 4,565,000 7 -------------- 8 OHP-LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM ........................ 4,072,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 12 Department of Energy Weatherization Account - 25499 13 For services and expenses related to admin- 14 istering low income weatherization grants. 15 Personal service ............................... 2,500,000 16 Nonpersonal service .............................. 378,000 17 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,082,000 18 Indirect costs ................................... 112,000 19 -------------- 20 OHP-RENT ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ............................. 40,762,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,578,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,581,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 27,000 32 Travel ............................................. 2,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 166,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 59,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 254,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ................... 1,835,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Other 41 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 437 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Rent Revenue Account - 22158 2 For services and expenses related to the 3 division of housing and community 4 renewal's administration and enforcement 5 of New York state's system of rent regu- 6 lation. 7 PERSONAL SERVICE 8 Personal service--regular ........................ 533,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Fringe benefits .................................. 288,000 12 Indirect costs .................................... 17,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 305,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ..................... 838,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 Rent Revenue Other Account - 22156 21 For services and expenses related to the 22 division of housing and community 23 renewal's administration and enforcement 24 of New York state's system of rent regu- 25 lation. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 27 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 29 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 30 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 31 appropriation for the budget division 32 program of the division of the budget, are 33 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 34 part of this appropriation as if fully 35 stated. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ..................... 22,220,000 38 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 30,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for personal service ....... 22,250,000 41 -------------- 438 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 471,000 3 Travel ............................................ 76,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 2,548,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 405,000 6 Fringe benefits ............................... 11,660,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 679,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,839,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal .................. 38,089,000 12 -------------- 13 OFFICE OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (OPS) 14 OPS-ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM .................................. 12,034,000 15 -------------- 16 General Fund 17 State Purposes Account - 10050 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 21 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 22 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 23 appropriation for the budget division 24 program of the division of the budget, are 25 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully 27 stated. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,956,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,971,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 185,000 36 Travel ........................................... 157,000 37 Contractual services ........................... 4,675,000 38 Equipment ........................................ 353,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,370,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ................... 7,341,000 43 -------------- 439 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Housing Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 22090 4 For services and expenses related to the 5 administration of special revenue funds - 6 other and special revenue funds - federal. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 10 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 12 appropriation for the budget division 13 program of the division of the budget, are 14 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 15 part of this appropriation as if fully 16 stated. 17 PERSONAL SERVICE 18 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,680,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 20,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,700,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 25 Travel ............................................ 60,000 26 Contractual services ........................... 1,818,000 27 Equipment ......................................... 75,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,993,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 4,693,000 32 -------------- 33 OPS-HOUSING INFORMATION SYSTEM PROGRAM ....................... 1,362,000 34 -------------- 35 General Fund 36 State Purposes Account - 10050 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 44 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 440 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................ 13,000 5 Travel ............................................ 28,000 6 Contractual services ............................. 609,000 7 Equipment ........................................ 712,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,362,000 10 -------------- 441 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 F&D-COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is 5 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 6 For services and expenses of a grandparent housing study pursuant to 7 [a] chapter 58 of the laws of 2014 ... 200,000 ...... (re. $200,000) 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 DHCR-HCA Application Fee Account - 22100 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 For services and expenses related to the administration of the federal 13 low-income housing tax credit program. 14 Personal service--regular ... 4,196,000 ............. (re. $2,666,000) 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 4,000 ................. (re. $4,000) 16 Supplies and materials ... 61,000 ...................... (re. $61,000) 17 Travel ... 98,000 ...................................... (re. $73,000) 18 Contractual services ... 490,000 ...................... (re. $240,000) 19 Equipment ... 130,000 ................................. (re. $130,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 2,300,000 ....................... (re. $1,665,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 537,000 ............................ (re. $537,000) 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 23 For services and expenses related to the administration of the federal 24 low-income housing tax credit program. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 27 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 28 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 29 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 30 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 31 ation as if fully stated. 32 Travel ... 98,000 ...................................... (re. $91,000) 33 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 34 For services and expenses related to the administration of the federal 35 low-income housing tax credit program. 36 Supplies and materials ... 48,000 ...................... (re. $10,000) 37 OHP-HOUSING PROGRAM 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 40 Housing and Urban Development Section 8 Account - 25315 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 42 For expenditures related to administering federal section 8 program 43 grants. 442 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 5,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,502,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 2,018,000 ................... (re. $1,987,000) 3 Fringe benefits ... 2,434,000 ....................... (re. $1,795,000) 4 Indirect costs ... 245,000 ............................ (re. $245,000) 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 6 For expenditures related to administering federal section 8 program 7 grants. 8 Personal service ... 5,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,223,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 2,018,000 ................... (re. $1,745,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 2,434,000 ......................... (re. $520,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 245,000 ............................ (re. $242,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 13 For expenditures related to administering federal section 8 program 14 grants. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 17 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 18 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 19 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 20 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 21 ation as if fully stated. 22 Personal service ... 5,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,080,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 2,018,000 ................... (re. $1,684,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 2,434,000 .......................... (re. $65,000) 25 Indirect costs ... 245,000 ............................ (re. $163,000) 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 27 For expenditures related to administering federal section 8 program 28 grants. 29 Nonpersonal service ... 2,018,000 ................... (re. $1,038,000) 30 Indirect costs ... 245,000 ............................. (re. $27,000) 31 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 32 For expenditures related to administering federal section 8 program 33 grants. 34 Personal service ... 6,382,000 ........................ (re. $708,000) 35 Nonpersonal service ... 4,697,000 ...................... (re. $49,000) 36 Special Revenue Funds - Other 37 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 38 DHCR Mortgage Servicing Account - 22085 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 40 For services and expenses related to asset management activities 41 performed by the division of housing and community renewal for the 42 New York state housing finance agency and the urban development 43 corporation. 44 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 45 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 46 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 443 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 2 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 3 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 4 Personal service--regular ... 3,340,000 ............... (re. $520,000) 5 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 10,000 ............... (re. $10,000) 6 Supplies and materials ... 23,000 ...................... (re. $23,000) 7 Travel ... 200,000 .................................... (re. $168,000) 8 Contractual services ... 346,000 ...................... (re. $346,000) 9 Equipment ... 124,000 ................................. (re. $124,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 11 For services and expenses related to asset management activities 12 performed by the division of housing and community renewal for the 13 New York state housing finance agency and the urban development 14 corporation. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 17 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 18 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 19 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 21 Personal service--regular ... 4,081,000 ............... (re. $352,000) 22 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 10,000 ................ (re. $9,000) 23 Supplies and materials ... 23,000 ...................... (re. $23,000) 24 Travel ... 248,000 .................................... (re. $188,000) 25 Contractual services ... 193,000 ...................... (re. $193,000) 26 Equipment ... 124,000 ................................. (re. $124,000) 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Low Income Housing Monitoring Account - 22130 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 For services and expenses related to the monitoring of housing 32 projects constructed under low-income housing tax credit programs. 33 Personal service--regular ... 2,554,000 ............. (re. $1,110,000) 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 50,000 ............... (re. $50,000) 35 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 36 Travel ... 95,000 ...................................... (re. $95,000) 37 Contractual services ... 215,000 ...................... (re. $215,000) 38 Equipment ... 75,000 ................................... (re. $75,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 1,500,000 ....................... (re. $1,299,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 71,000 .............................. (re. $66,000) 41 OHP-LOW INCOME WEATHERIZATION PROGRAM 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 44 Department of Energy Weatherization Account - 25499 45 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 444 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to administering low income weather- 2 ization grants. 3 Personal service ... 2,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,365,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 378,000 ....................... (re. $362,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 1,082,000 ....................... (re. $1,064,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 112,000 ............................ (re. $112,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 For services and expenses related to administering low income weather- 9 ization grants. 10 Personal service ... 2,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,136,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 378,000 ....................... (re. $357,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 1,082,000 ......................... (re. $868,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 112,000 ............................ (re. $108,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 15 For services and expenses related to administering low income weather- 16 ization grants. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 18 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 19 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 20 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 21 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 22 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 23 ation as if fully stated. 24 Personal service ... 2,500,000 ...................... (re. $2,112,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 378,000 ....................... (re. $266,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 1,082,000 ......................... (re. $887,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 112,000 ............................ (re. $103,000) 28 OHP-RENT ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 29 Special Revenue Funds - Other 30 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 31 Rent Revenue Other Account - 22156 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 33 For services and expenses related to the division of housing and 34 community renewal's administration and enforcement of New York 35 state's system of rent regulation. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 38 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 39 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 40 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 41 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 42 Personal service--regular ... 22,220,000 ............ (re. $8,815,000) 43 Supplies and materials ... 471,000 .................... (re. $243,000) 44 Travel ... 76,000 ...................................... (re. $66,000) 45 Contractual services ... 2,548,000 .................. (re. $1,229,000) 46 Contractual services ... 2,548,000 .................... (re. $416,000) 47 Equipment ... 405,000 ................................. (re. $405,000) 445 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 11,660,000 ...................... (re. $2,913,000) 2 Indirect costs ... 679,000 ............................ (re. $302,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 4 For services and expenses related to the division of housing and 5 community renewal's administration and enforcement of New York 6 state's system of rent regulation. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 9 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 10 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 11 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 12 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 13 Personal service--regular ... 22,220,000 .............. (re. $232,000) 14 Supplies and materials ... 471,000 ..................... (re. $90,000) 15 Travel ... 76,000 ...................................... (re. $54,000) 16 Contractual services ... 2,548,000 ..................... (re. $64,000) 17 Equipment ... 405,000 ................................. (re. $376,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 19 For services and expenses related to the division of housing and 20 community renewal's administration and enforcement of New York 21 state's system of rent regulation. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 23 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 24 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 25 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 26 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 27 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 28 ation as if fully stated. 29 Supplies and materials ... 471,000 ...................... (re. $8,000) 30 Travel ... 76,000 ....................................... (re. $2,000) 31 Contractual services ... 2,548,000 .................... (re. $792,000) 32 Equipment ... 405,000 .................................. (re. $39,000) 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 34 For services and expenses related to the division of housing and 35 community renewal's administration and enforcement of New York 36 state's system of rent regulation. 37 Supplies and materials ... 471,000 ...................... (re. $7,000) 38 Equipment ... 405,000 ................................... (re. $4,000) 39 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 40 For services and expenses related to the division of housing and 41 community renewal's administration and enforcement of New York 42 state's system of rent regulation. 43 Travel ... 66,000 ...................................... (re. $30,000) 44 Contractual services ... 3,048,000 .................... (re. $145,000) 45 OPS-ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 46 Special Revenue Funds - Other 446 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 2 Housing Indirect Cost Recovery Account - 22090 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 4 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 5 revenue funds - other and special revenue funds - federal. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 8 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 9 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 10 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 12 Personal service--regular ... 2,680,000 ............... (re. $931,000) 13 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 20,000 ............... (re. $16,000) 14 Supplies and materials ... 40,000 ...................... (re. $21,000) 15 Travel ... 60,000 ...................................... (re. $58,000) 16 Contractual services ... 1,818,000 .................. (re. $1,753,000) 17 Equipment ... 75,000 ................................... (re. $75,000) 447 20011-02-5 STATE OF NEW YORK MORTGAGE AGENCY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 76,800,800 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 76,800,800 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 HOMEOWNER MORTGAGE REVENUES REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM ........... 61,800,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For deposit to the appropriate account or 13 accounts of the homeowner mortgage revenue 14 bonds general resolution pursuant to chap- 15 ter 261 of the laws of 1988. Notwith- 16 standing section 40 of the state finance 17 law, this appropriation shall remain in 18 effect until a subsequent appropriation is 19 made available .............................. 39,800,000 20 The sum of $22,000,000 is hereby appropri- 21 ated to the state of New York mortgage 22 agency, for deposit in the appropriate 23 account or fund of the homeowner mortgage 24 revenue bonds general resolution. Such 25 appropriation shall only be made avail- 26 able, upon certification by the director 27 of the budget, to the state of New York 28 mortgage agency when and to the extent 29 that the agency certifies to the director 30 of the budget that monies available to the 31 agency are not sufficient to meet the 32 agency's obligations with respect to all 33 bonds issued under the homeowner mortgage 34 revenue bonds general resolution dated 35 September 10, 1987 as amended. Copies of 36 the certification made by the director of 37 the budget shall be filed with the chairs 38 of the senate finance committee and the 39 assembly ways and means committee. 40 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state 41 finance law, this appropriation shall 42 remain in effect until a subsequent appro- 43 priation is made available .................. 22,000,000 44 -------------- 448 20011-02-5 STATE OF NEW YORK MORTGAGE AGENCY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 MORTGAGE INSURANCE FUND REIMBURSEMENT PROGRAM ............... 15,000,000 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 The sum of fifteen million dollars 6 ($15,000,000), or so much thereof as may 7 be necessary and available, is hereby 8 appropriated from the state purposes 9 account of the general fund to the state 10 of New York mortgage agency, for deposit 11 in the mortgage insurance fund established 12 by section 2429-b of the public authori- 13 ties law as the aggregate reserve amount 14 of the mortgage insurance fund. Any moneys 15 expended pursuant to the provisions of 16 this appropriation shall forthwith be 17 transferred to the general fund, to the 18 extent moneys are available, from the 19 housing reserve account of the New York 20 state infrastructure trust fund estab- 21 lished pursuant to section 88 of the state 22 finance law. Such appropriation shall only 23 be made available, upon certification by 24 the director of the budget, to the state 25 of New York mortgage agency to the extent 26 and if the agency requires the use of the 27 aggregate reserve amount of the mortgage 28 insurance fund. Copies of such certif- 29 ication shall be filed with the chairs of 30 the senate finance committee and the 31 assembly ways and means committee. 32 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state 33 finance law, this appropriation shall 34 remain in effect until a subsequent appro- 35 priation is made available .................. 15,000,000 36 -------------- 449 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 12,010,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 6,000,000 6,000,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 18,010,000 6,000,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 18,010,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,295,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 292,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 17,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,604,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 136,000 32 Travel ........................................... 110,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 2,046,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 114,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,406,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal .................. 12,010,000 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 450 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Account - 25447 2 For services and expenses related to equal 3 employment opportunity program enforcement 4 activities. 5 Personal service ............................... 2,048,000 6 Nonpersonal service .............................. 140,000 7 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,126,000 8 Indirect costs ................................... 150,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ................... 3,464,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 13 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 14 FHAP-Type I Account - 25308 15 For services and expenses related to fair 16 housing assistance program enforcement 17 activities. 18 Personal service ................................. 683,000 19 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,428,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 375,000 21 Indirect costs .................................... 50,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................... 2,536,000 24 -------------- 451 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF HUMAN RIGHTS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Account - 25447 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to equal employment opportunity 7 program enforcement activities. 8 Personal service ... 2,048,000 ...................... (re. $2,048,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 140,000 ....................... (re. $140,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 1,126,000 ....................... (re. $1,126,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 150,000 ............................ (re. $150,000) 12 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 13 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 14 FHAP-Type I Account - 25308 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 16 For services and expenses related to fair housing assistance program 17 enforcement activities. 18 Personal service ... 683,000 .......................... (re. $683,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 1,428,000 ................... (re. $1,428,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 375,000 ........................... (re. $375,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $50,000) 452 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 2,900,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 2,900,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES PROGRAM .............................. 2,900,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Indigent Legal Services Fund 12 Indigent Legal Services Account - 23551 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,019,000 15 Temporary service .................................. 6,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,025,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 21 Travel ........................................... 120,000 22 Contractual services .............................. 80,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 20,000 24 Fringe benefits .................................. 575,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 30,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 875,000 28 -------------- 29 Total amount available ....................... 1,900,000 30 -------------- 31 For services and expenses related to the 32 implementation of the settlement agreement 33 in the matter of Hurrell-Harring, et al, 34 v. State of New York. Of the amounts 35 appropriated herein, up to $500,000 shall 36 be made available for the purposes of 37 paying costs associated with the obli- 38 gations contained in paragraph IV(A) of 39 such settlement agreement. 453 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 315,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ............................. 500,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 175,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 685,000 10 -------------- 11 Total amount available ....................... 1,000,000 12 -------------- 454 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 511,167,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 30,000,000 0 5 Enterprise Funds ................... 4,000,000 0 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 301,064,000 91,785,000 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 846,231,000 91,785,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PROGRAM ...................... 846,231,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 Any contracts which were previously funded 26 in other agencies, but which are now, due 27 to the consolidation of information tech- 28 nology services, paid for using amounts 29 appropriated for state operations herein 30 shall be deemed assigned from the agency 31 which previously funded such contracts to 32 the office of information technology 33 services. 34 For services and expenses of central admin- 35 istrative activities. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ..................... 14,439,000 38 Temporary service ................................ 219,000 39 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 539,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for personal service ....... 15,197,000 42 -------------- 455 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 243,000 3 Travel ........................................... 223,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 5,013,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 908,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,387,000 8 -------------- 9 Total amount available ...................... 21,584,000 10 -------------- 11 For services and expenses of state data 12 centers. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ..................... 42,597,000 15 Temporary service ................................. 14,000 16 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 370,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for personal service ....... 42,981,000 19 -------------- 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Supplies and materials ........................ 13,028,000 22 Travel ............................................. 2,000 23 Contractual services .......................... 38,563,000 24 Equipment ...................................... 8,552,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 60,145,000 27 -------------- 28 Total amount available ..................... 103,126,000 29 -------------- 30 For services and expenses of programs 31 providing services to end users. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ..................... 31,537,000 34 Temporary service ................................. 94,000 35 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 413,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service ....... 32,044,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,119,000 41 Travel ............................................ 39,000 456 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services .......................... 60,551,000 2 Equipment ...................................... 6,239,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 67,948,000 5 -------------- 6 Total amount available ...................... 99,992,000 7 -------------- 8 For services and expenses related to 9 supporting and maintaining state computer 10 applications. 11 PERSONAL SERVICE 12 Personal service--regular .................... 179,518,000 13 Temporary service ................................ 539,000 14 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 428,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service ...... 180,485,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ........................... 551,000 20 Travel ........................................... 229,000 21 Contractual services .......................... 50,403,000 22 Equipment ........................................ 481,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 51,664,000 25 -------------- 26 Total amount available ..................... 232,149,000 27 -------------- 28 For services and expenses related to provid- 29 ing security and quality control services 30 for state applications and data. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,654,000 33 Temporary service .................................. 1,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,656,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 56,000 40 Travel ............................................. 4,000 41 Contractual services .......................... 14,891,000 457 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ........................................ 482,000 2 -------------- 3 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,433,000 4 -------------- 5 Total amount available ...................... 18,089,000 6 -------------- 7 For services and expenses related to network 8 services. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ..................... 19,413,000 11 Temporary service ................................ 128,000 12 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 314,000 13 -------------- 14 Amount available for personal service ....... 19,855,000 15 -------------- 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ........................... 252,000 18 Travel ........................................... 168,000 19 Contractual services .......................... 15,491,000 20 Equipment ........................................ 461,000 21 -------------- 22 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 16,372,000 23 -------------- 24 Total amount available ...................... 36,227,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ................. 511,167,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Technology Financing Account - 22207 31 For services and expenses related to infor- 32 mation technology including, but not 33 limited to, services and expenses on 34 behalf of state agencies which have trans- 35 ferred funding to this account for such 36 purpose. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 44 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 458 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services .......................... 25,000,000 5 Equipment ...................................... 5,000,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal .................. 30,000,000 8 -------------- 9 Enterprise Funds 10 Agencies Enterprise Fund 11 New York Alert Account - 50326 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ........................ 600,000 14 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 30,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service .......... 630,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Contractual services ........................... 3,000,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 350,000 21 Indirect costs .................................... 20,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,370,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 4,000,000 26 -------------- 27 Internal Service Funds 28 Agencies Internal Service Fund 29 Centralized Technology Services Account - 55069 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 459 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,250,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ......................... 121,452,000 6 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,240,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 92,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 122,784,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................. 125,034,000 12 -------------- 13 Internal Service Funds 14 Agencies Internal Service Fund 15 NYT Account - 55061 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,273,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 35,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,308,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ............................ 90,000 34 Travel ............................................ 60,000 35 Contractual services .......................... 59,581,000 36 Equipment ..................................... 15,620,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,612,000 38 Indirect costs ................................... 165,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 79,128,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 86,436,000 43 -------------- 460 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Internal Service Funds 2 Agencies Internal Service Fund 3 State Data Center Account - 55062 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority, IT Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority and the Lean Certif- 8 ication Bonus Authority as defined in the 9 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 10 appropriation for the budget division 11 program of the division of the budget, are 12 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully 14 stated. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ..................... 21,341,000 17 Temporary service ................................. 96,000 18 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 150,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for personal service ....... 21,587,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,533,000 24 Travel ............................................ 21,000 25 Contractual services .......................... 30,237,000 26 Equipment ..................................... 25,871,000 27 Fringe benefits ................................ 9,458,000 28 Indirect costs ................................... 887,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 68,007,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal .................. 89,594,000 33 -------------- 461 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 OFFICE OF TECHNOLOGY SERVICES PROGRAM 2 Internal Service Funds 3 Agencies Internal Service Fund 4 Centralized Technology Services Account - 55069 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 8 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 9 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 10 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 12 Contractual services ... 122,036,000 ............... (re. $85,989,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 16 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 17 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 18 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 19 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 20 Contractual services ... 122,036,000 ............... (re. $63,214,000) 462 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF THE STATE INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 6,794,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 100,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 6,894,000 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 INSPECTOR GENERAL PROGRAM .................................... 6,894,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 14 money hereby appropriated may be increased 15 or decreased by transfer with any other 16 appropriation within any other agency. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,764,000 29 Temporary service ................................ 500,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,267,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 36 Travel ............................................ 25,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 448,000 38 Equipment ......................................... 34,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 527,000 41 -------------- 463 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF THE STATE INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 6,794,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Inspector General Seized Assets Account - 22095 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 7 money hereby appropriated may be increased 8 or decreased by transfer with any other 9 appropriation within any other agency. 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 14 -------------- 464 20011-02-5 INTEREST ON LAWYER ACCOUNT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 1,841,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 1,841,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 NEW YORK INTEREST ON LAWYER ACCOUNT .......................... 1,841,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 New York Interest on Lawyer Fund 12 IOLA Private Contribution Account - 20301 13 For administrative services and expenses of 14 the interest on lawyer account fund in 15 support of the provision of grants by the 16 board of trustees. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ........................ 719,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 70,000 32 Travel ............................................ 48,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 562,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 35 Fringe benefits .................................. 382,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 50,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,122,000 39 -------------- 465 20011-02-5 COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL CONDUCT STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 5,757,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 5,757,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 JUDICIAL CONDUCT PROGRAM ..................................... 5,757,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,157,000 24 Additional personal service--regular ............. 170,500 25 Temporary service ................................. 36,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,363,500 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................ 43,000 31 Travel ........................................... 100,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 1,122,000 33 Additional contractual services .................. 102,500 34 Equipment ......................................... 26,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,393,500 37 -------------- 466 20011-02-5 COMMISSION ON JUDICIAL NOMINATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 30,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 30,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 JUDICIAL NOMINATION PROGRAM ..................................... 30,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Travel ............................................ 30,000 24 -------------- 467 20011-02-5 JUDICIAL SCREENING COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 38,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 38,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 JUDICIAL SCREENING PROGRAM ...................................... 38,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ......................... 13,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Travel ............................................ 10,000 27 Contractual services .............................. 15,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 25,000 30 -------------- 468 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 41,685,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,921,000 2,086,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 9,789,000 0 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 500,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 53,895,000 2,086,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 PROGRAM OVERSIGHT PROGRAM ................................... 53,895,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 16 the money hereby appropriated may be 17 increased or decreased by interchange, 18 with any appropriation of the justice 19 center for the protection of people with 20 special needs, and may be increased or 21 decreased by transfer or suballocation 22 between these appropriated amounts and 23 appropriations of the office of mental 24 health, office for people with develop- 25 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 26 and substance abuse services, department 27 of health, and the office of children and 28 family services with the approval of the 29 director of the budget who shall file such 30 approval with the department of audit and 31 control and copies thereof with the chair- 32 man of the senate finance committee and 33 the chairman of the assembly ways and 34 means committee. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 36 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 38 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 39 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 40 appropriation for the budget division 41 program of the division of the budget, are 42 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully 44 stated. 469 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ..................... 26,228,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 250,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ....... 26,478,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ........................... 336,000 9 Travel ......................................... 1,904,000 10 Contractual services .......................... 12,310,000 11 Equipment ........................................ 657,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,207,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 41,685,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Education Fund 19 1031-OT-Education Account - 25203 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 21 the money hereby appropriated may be 22 increased or decreased by interchange, 23 with any appropriation of the justice 24 center for the protection of people with 25 special needs, and may be increased or 26 decreased by transfer or suballocation 27 between these appropriated amounts and 28 appropriations of the office of mental 29 health, office for people with develop- 30 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 31 and substance abuse services, department 32 of health, and the office of children and 33 family services with the approval of the 34 director of the budget who shall file such 35 approval with the department of audit and 36 control and copies thereof with the chair- 37 man of the senate finance committee and 38 the chairman of the assembly ways and 39 means committee. 40 For services and expenses related to TRAID 41 including for contract for the delivery of 42 direct services to persons utilizing 43 regional technology centers or other enti- 44 ties funded through the TRAID project. 45 Personal service ................................. 335,000 470 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service .............................. 897,000 2 Fringe benefits .................................. 181,000 3 Indirect costs ..................................... 8,000 4 -------------- 5 Program account subtotal ................... 1,421,000 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 9 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25100 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 11 the money hereby appropriated may be 12 increased or decreased by interchange, 13 with any appropriation of the justice 14 center for the protection of people with 15 special needs, and may be increased or 16 decreased by transfer or suballocation 17 between these appropriated amounts and 18 appropriations of the office of mental 19 health, office for people with develop- 20 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 21 and substance abuse services, department 22 of health, and the office of children and 23 family services with the approval of the 24 director of the budget who shall file such 25 approval with the department of audit and 26 control and copies thereof with the chair- 27 man of the senate finance committee and 28 the chairman of the assembly ways and 29 means committee. 30 For services and expenses associated with 31 federal grant awards yet to be allocated. 32 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 33 of law, the director of the budget is 34 hereby authorized to transfer appropri- 35 ation authority contained herein to any 36 other federal fund or program within the 37 justice center for the protection of 38 people with special needs. 39 Personal service ................................. 100,000 40 Nonpersonal service .............................. 342,000 41 Fringe benefits ................................... 54,000 42 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 43 -------------- 44 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 45 -------------- 46 Special Revenue Funds - Other 47 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 471 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Justice Center Grants and Bequests - 20202 2 For services and expenses associated with 3 gifts, grants and bequests to the justice 4 center for the protection of people with 5 special needs. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular ......................... 90,000 8 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for personal service .......... 100,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................ 45,000 14 Contractual services ............................. 250,000 15 Equipment ......................................... 45,000 16 Fringe benefits ................................... 57,000 17 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 400,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Federal Salary Sharing Account - 22056 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 27 the money hereby appropriated may be 28 increased or decreased by interchange, 29 with any appropriation of the justice 30 center for the protection of people with 31 special needs, and may be increased or 32 decreased by transfer or suballocation 33 between these appropriated amounts and 34 appropriations of the office of mental 35 health, office for people with develop- 36 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 37 and substance abuse services, department 38 of health, and the office of children and 39 family services with the approval of the 40 director of the budget who shall file such 41 approval with the department of audit and 42 control and copies thereof with the chair- 43 man of the senate finance committee and 472 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 the chairman of the assembly ways and 2 means committee. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,468,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 35,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,503,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 21 Travel ........................................... 235,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 315,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 35,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,025,000 25 Indirect costs ................................... 171,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,786,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 9,289,000 30 -------------- 31 Enterprise Funds 32 Agencies Enterprise Fund 33 Publications Account - 50301 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 35 the money hereby appropriated may be 36 increased or decreased by interchange, 37 with any appropriation of the justice 38 center for the protection of people with 39 special needs, and may be increased or 40 decreased by transfer or suballocation 41 between these appropriated amounts and 42 appropriations of the office of mental 43 health, office for people with develop- 44 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 45 and substance abuse services, department 473 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 of health, and the office of children and 2 family services with the approval of the 3 director of the budget who shall file such 4 approval with the department of audit and 5 control and copies thereof with the chair- 6 man of the senate finance committee and 7 the chairman of the assembly ways and 8 means committee. 9 For services and expenses associated with 10 protection of vulnerable persons, includ- 11 ing, but not limited to, the provision of 12 investigative services, training, and the 13 development, production and distribution 14 of training materials, reports, promo- 15 tional materials and other items. Notwith- 16 standing any other inconsistent provision 17 of law, the justice center for the 18 protection of people with special needs 19 may establish and charge fees for the 20 provision of such services. 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ........................... 150,000 23 Travel ............................................ 50,000 24 Equipment ........................................ 150,000 25 Contractual services ............................. 150,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 28 -------------- 474 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 [JUSTICE CENTER] PROGRAM OVERSIGHT PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Education Fund 4 1031-OT-Education Account - 25203 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 7 ated may be increased or decreased by interchange, with any appro- 8 priation of the justice center for the protection of people with 9 special needs, and may be increased or decreased by transfer or 10 suballocation between these appropriated amounts and appropriations 11 of the office of mental health, office for people with developmental 12 disabilities, office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, 13 department of health, and the office of children and family services 14 with the approval of the director of the budget who shall file such 15 approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof 16 with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman 17 of the assembly ways and means committee. 18 For services and expenses related to TRAID including for contract for 19 the delivery of direct services to persons utilizing regional tech- 20 nology centers or other entities funded through the TRAID project. 21 Personal service ... 335,000 .......................... (re. $335,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 897,000 ....................... (re. $897,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 181,000 ........................... (re. $181,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 27 ated may be increased or decreased by interchange, with any appro- 28 priation of the justice center for the protection of people with 29 special needs, and may be increased or decreased by transfer or 30 suballocation between these appropriated amounts and appropriations 31 of the commission on quality of care and advocacy for persons with 32 disabilities, office of mental health, office for people with devel- 33 opmental disabilities, office of alcoholism and substance abuse 34 services, department of health, and the office of children and fami- 35 ly services with the approval of the director of the budget who 36 shall file such approval with the department of audit and control 37 and copies thereof with the chairman of the senate finance committee 38 and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 39 For services and expenses related to TRAID including for contract for 40 the delivery of direct services to persons utilizing regional tech- 41 nology centers or other entities funded through the TRAID project. 42 Personal service ... 142,000 ............................ (re. $5,000) 43 Nonpersonal service ... 392,000 ....................... (re. $149,000) 44 Fringe benefits ... 71,000 ............................. (re. $10,000) 45 Indirect costs ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $1,000) 46 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 47 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 475 20011-02-5 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25100 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 4 ated may be increased or decreased by interchange, with any appro- 5 priation of the justice center for the protection of people with 6 special needs, and may be increased or decreased by transfer or 7 suballocation between these appropriated amounts and appropriations 8 of the office of mental health, office for people with developmental 9 disabilities, office of alcoholism and substance abuse services, 10 department of health, and the office of children and family services 11 with the approval of the director of the budget who shall file such 12 approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof 13 with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman 14 of the assembly ways and means committee. 15 For services and expenses associated with federal grant awards yet to 16 be allocated. 17 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the director of the 18 budget is hereby authorized to transfer appropriation authority 19 contained herein to any other federal fund or program within the 20 justice center for the protection of people with special needs. 21 Personal service ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 342,000 ....................... (re. $342,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 54,000 ............................. (re. $54,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000) 476 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 285,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 524,762,000 346,942,700 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 72,321,000 8,435,000 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 30,000,000 0 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 4,338,000 3,042,000 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 631,706,000 358,419,700 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ..................................... 468,574,000 13 -------------- 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account - 10050 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the New York state data 18 center is established in the department of 19 labor to be operated in cooperation with 20 the United States bureau of the census in 21 order to compile, analyze and disseminate 22 socio-economic information and data. 23 For services and expenses of the state data 24 center pursuant to section 21 of the labor 25 law. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ......................... 85,000 28 -------------- 29 For contracted services for the state data 30 center program. Contractor will act as the 31 department of labor's agent for the 32 federal-state cooperative program for 33 population estimates (FSCPE). 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 285,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 477 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Unemployment Insurance Administration Account - 25901 2 For services and expenses of administering 3 unemployment insurance programs, job 4 service programs, workforce investment act 5 programs, employability development 6 programs, other miscellaneous programs, 7 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, 8 pursuant to federal grants and contracts. 9 A portion of this appropriation may be 10 used to provide information and advice 11 regarding unemployment insurance benefit 12 appeals and hearing assistance. A portion 13 of this appropriation may be transferred 14 to aid to localities. 15 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil 16 service law, the commissioner of the 17 department of labor, subject to approval 18 of the director of the budget, is hereby 19 authorized to grant additional compen- 20 sation to employees of the department of 21 labor whose positions are funded in whole 22 or in part by the disabled veterans' 23 outreach program specialists and/or local 24 veterans' employment representative grant 25 or grants based on merit as determined 26 pursuant to the performance incentive 27 program provided for in the grant consist- 28 ent with the terms of the grant and appli- 29 cable provisions of federal law. The 30 payment of such extra compensation shall 31 be in addition to and shall not be part of 32 an employee's basic annual salary and 33 shall not affect or impair any performance 34 advancement payments, performance awards, 35 longevity payments or other rights or 36 benefits to which an employee may be enti- 37 tled. Furthermore, any additional compen- 38 sation payable pursuant to this subdivi- 39 sion shall not be included as compensation 40 for retirement purposes. The amount appro- 41 priated herein shall also include any Reed 42 act funds that may be made available to 43 this state under section 903 of the social 44 security act as amended and in accordance 45 with federal regulations, to be used under 46 the direction of the New York state 47 department of labor subject to approval of 48 the director of the budget to pay the 49 administrative expenses of the employment 50 security program, including the adminis- 51 tration of the unemployment insurance law 478 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and the administration of state public 2 employment offices. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 Personal service ............................. 184,177,000 14 Nonpersonal service ........................... 80,707,000 15 Fringe benefits ............................... 98,682,000 16 Indirect costs ................................... 164,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................. 363,730,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 22 Unemployment Insurance Control Fund Account - 25903 23 For services and expenses of administering 24 the unemployment insurance control fund 25 program. The amount appropriated herein 26 shall include up to $16,000,000 credited 27 to the unemployment insurance control 28 fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the 29 laws of 2000, as costs are incurred for 30 allowable services pursuant to chapter 5 31 of the laws of 2000. 32 Personal service ............................... 2,456,000 33 Nonpersonal service .............................. 414,000 34 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,316,000 35 Indirect costs .................................... 35,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 4,221,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 40 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 41 Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Services Account - 42 25902 43 For services and expenses of administering 44 the reemployment services program. A 45 portion of this appropriation may be 46 transferred to aid to localities. The 479 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 amount appropriated herein shall include 2 any moneys credited to the reemployment 3 service fund, created pursuant to chapter 4 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs are 5 incurred for allowable services pursuant 6 to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998. 7 Notwithstanding section 581-b of the labor 8 law, or any other provision of law to the 9 contrary, when annual contributions paid 10 into the reemployment services fund by all 11 eligible employers exceed $35,000,000, 12 excess contributions may be used for 13 services and expenses of the unemployment 14 insurance systems modernization project 15 and services and expenses of administering 16 the unemployment insurance program. 17 Personal service .............................. 26,570,000 18 Nonpersonal service ........................... 54,167,000 19 Fringe benefits ............................... 14,236,000 20 Indirect costs ................................... 377,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal .................. 95,350,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 25 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 26 Unemployment Insurance Renovation Fund Account - 25904 27 For services and expenses of the unemploy- 28 ment insurance renovation fund. The amount 29 appropriated herein shall include any 30 funds credited to the unemployment insur- 31 ance renovation sub fund as costs are 32 incurred. 33 Nonpersonal service .............................. 650,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ..................... 650,000 36 -------------- 37 Internal Service Funds 38 Agencies Internal Service Account 39 Labor Contact Center Account - 55071 40 For payments related to the planning, devel- 41 opment and establishment of a new state- 42 wide contact center within the department 43 of tax and finance, the office of children 44 and family services and the department of 45 labor on behalf of customer state agen- 46 cies. 480 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, for the purpose of plan- 3 ning, developing and/or implementing the 4 consolidation of administration, business 5 services, procurement, information tech- 6 nology and/or other functions shared among 7 agencies to improve the efficiency and 8 effectiveness of government operations, 9 the amounts appropriated herein may be (i) 10 interchanged without limit, (ii) trans- 11 ferred between any other state operations 12 appropriations within this agency or to 13 any other state operations appropriations 14 of any state department, agency or public 15 authority, and/or (iii) suballocated to 16 any state department, agency or public 17 authority with the approval of the direc- 18 tor of the budget who shall file such 19 approval with the department of audit and 20 control and copies thereof with the chair- 21 man of the senate finance committee and 22 the chairman of the assembly ways and 23 means committee. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,201,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ........................... 161,000 29 Travel ............................................. 7,000 30 Contractual services ............................. 664,000 31 Equipment ......................................... 19,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,230,000 33 Indirect costs .................................... 56,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,137,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 4,338,000 38 -------------- 39 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM ............................. 65,337,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 42 Federal Emergency Employment Act Fund 43 Federal Workforce Investment Act Account - 26001 44 For the administration and operation of 45 employment and training programs as funded 481 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 by grants under the workforce investment 2 act, public law 105-220, and the workforce 3 innovation and opportunity act, public law 4 113-128, including grants to other govern- 5 mental units, community-based organiza- 6 tions, non-profit and for profit organiza- 7 tions, suballocations to state departments 8 and agencies and a portion may be trans- 9 ferred to aid to localities, according to 10 the following: 11 For services and expenses of statewide 12 activities, including but not limited to 13 state administration and technical assis- 14 tance to local workforce investment areas, 15 pursuant to an expenditure plan approved 16 by the director of the budget. Of the 17 moneys appropriated herein for statewide 18 activities, the state workforce investment 19 board shall assist the governor in devel- 20 oping programs and identifying activities 21 to be funded through the statewide reserve 22 pursuant to section 134 of the federal 23 workforce investment act, PL 105-220, and 24 section 134 of the workforce innovation 25 and opportunity act, public law 113-128, 26 and the commissioner of labor shall peri- 27 odically report to the state workforce 28 investment board on such programs and 29 activities which shall be developed giving 30 consideration to the strategic training 31 alliance program and other existing 32 programs. 33 Statewide employment and training activities 34 may include one-to-one business advisement 35 and training for qualified enrollees of 36 the self-employment assistance program 37 which may be operated by the state's small 38 business development centers or the entre- 39 preneurial assistance program. 40 Personal service ............................... 5,887,000 41 Nonpersonal service ........................... 11,400,000 42 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,154,000 43 Indirect costs ................................... 197,000 44 -------------- 45 Total amount available ...................... 20,638,000 46 -------------- 47 For services and expenses of adult, youth 48 and dislocated worker employment and 49 training local workforce investment area 482 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 programs and statewide rapid response 2 activities. 3 Personal service ............................... 7,962,000 4 Nonpersonal service ............................ 7,945,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,266,000 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ...................... 20,173,000 8 -------------- 9 For services and expenses of miscellaneous 10 workforce investment act, public law 105- 11 220, and workforce innovation and opportu- 12 nity act, public law 113-128, national 13 reserve grants and other federal employ- 14 ment and training grants and federally 15 administered programs. 16 Personal service ............................... 3,000,000 17 Nonpersonal service ........................... 15,350,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,607,000 19 Indirect costs .................................... 43,000 20 -------------- 21 Total amount available ...................... 20,000,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal .................. 60,811,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Unemployment Insurance Interest and Penalty Fund 27 Unemployment Insurance Interest and Penalty Account - 28 23601 29 For services and expenses of the department 30 of labor employment and training programs. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,440,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ........................... 143,000 36 Travel ............................................ 25,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 439,000 38 Equipment ......................................... 53,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,364,000 40 Indirect costs .................................... 62,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,086,000 43 -------------- 483 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 4,526,000 2 -------------- 3 LABOR STANDARDS PROGRAM ..................................... 31,706,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Child Performer Protection Fund 7 DOL-Child Performer Protection Account - 20401 8 For services and expenses related to labor 9 standards program enforcement activities. 10 PERSONAL SERVICE 11 Personal service--regular ........................ 390,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Supplies and materials ............................ 13,000 15 Travel ............................................. 3,000 16 Contractual services .............................. 43,000 17 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 18 Fringe benefits .................................. 218,000 19 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 289,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ..................... 679,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Public Work Enforcement Account - 21998 28 For services and expenses to implement chap- 29 ter 511 of the laws of 1995 as amended by 30 chapter 513 of the laws of 1997, chapter 31 655 of the laws of 1999, chapter 376 of 32 the laws of 2003 and chapter 407 of the 33 laws of 2005. 34 PERSONAL SERVICE 35 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,150,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ............................ 70,000 39 Travel ............................................ 40,000 484 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ............................. 467,000 2 Equipment ......................................... 30,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,202,000 4 Indirect costs .................................... 55,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,864,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 4,014,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 DOL-Fee and Penalty Account - 21923 13 For services and expenses related to labor 14 standards program enforcement activities. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,100,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ............................ 65,000 20 Travel ............................................ 10,000 21 Contractual services ........................... 1,199,000 22 Equipment ......................................... 10,000 23 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,968,000 24 Indirect costs ................................... 180,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,432,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal .................. 12,532,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Training and Education Program on Occupational Safety 32 and Health Fund 33 OSHA-Training and Education Account - 21251 34 For services and expenses related to labor 35 standards program enforcement activities. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 39 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 40 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 41 appropriation for the budget division 42 program of the division of the budget, are 43 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 485 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,586,000 5 Temporary service ................................. 40,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 2,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,628,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ........................... 340,000 12 Travel ............................................ 95,000 13 Contractual services ........................... 1,797,000 14 Equipment ........................................ 165,000 15 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,263,000 16 Indirect costs ................................... 193,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,853,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal .................. 14,481,000 21 -------------- 22 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM ...................... 36,089,000 23 -------------- 24 Special Revenue Funds - Other 25 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 26 DOL-Fee and Penalty Account - 21923 27 For services and expenses related to occupa- 28 tional safety and health program enforce- 29 ment activities. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,960,000 32 Temporary service ................................. 24,000 33 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 24,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,008,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ........................... 350,000 39 Travel ........................................... 250,000 40 Contractual services ............................. 322,000 41 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 486 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,123,000 2 Indirect costs .................................... 51,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,146,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 4,154,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Training and Education Program on Occupational Safety 10 and Health Fund 11 Occupational Safety and Health Inspection Account - 12 21252 13 For services and expenses related to occupa- 14 tional safety and health program enforce- 15 ment activities. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,800,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,806,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ........................... 270,000 34 Travel ........................................... 350,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 2,460,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 315,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................ 5,480,000 38 Indirect costs ................................... 249,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,124,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 18,930,000 43 -------------- 44 Special Revenue Funds - Other 487 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Training and Education Program on Occupational Safety 2 and Health Fund 3 OSHA-Training and Education Account - 21251 4 For services and expenses related to occupa- 5 tional safety and health program enforce- 6 ment activities, services and expenses 7 associated with reporting requirements 8 included in the workers' compensation 9 reform law of 2007 as well as activities 10 previously funded from the department of 11 labor general fund administration appro- 12 priation. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,628,000 25 Temporary service ................................. 34,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,663,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 156,000 32 Travel ........................................... 103,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 6,878,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 65,000 35 Fringe benefits ................................ 2,047,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 93,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,342,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal .................. 13,005,000 41 -------------- 42 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BENEFIT PROGRAM ...................... 30,000,000 43 -------------- 44 Enterprise Funds 45 Unemployment Insurance Benefit Fund 488 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Interest Assessment Account - 50651 2 For payment of interest costs due on 3 advances from the federal unemployment 4 account under title XII of the social 5 security act (42 U.S. code sections 1321- 6 1324). Funds appropriated herein shall not 7 be used in whole or in part for any 8 purpose or in any manner which would 9 permit substitution for, or reduction in, 10 federal funds for unemployment insurance 11 administration or would cause the United 12 States government to withhold any part of 13 an administrative grant which would other- 14 wise be made. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services .......................... 30,000,000 17 -------------- 489 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 4 Unemployment Insurance Administration Account - 25901 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 7 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 8 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 9 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 10 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 11 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 12 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 13 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 14 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 15 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 16 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 17 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 18 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 19 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 20 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 21 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 22 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 23 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 24 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 25 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 26 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 27 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 28 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 29 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 30 shall also include any Reed act funds that may be made available to 31 this state under section 903 of the social security act as amended 32 and in accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the 33 direction of the New York state department of labor subject to 34 approval of the director of the budget to pay the administrative 35 expenses of the employment security program, including the adminis- 36 tration of the unemployment insurance law and the administration of 37 state public employment offices. 38 Personal service ... 210,308,000 ................... (re. $73,608,000) 39 Nonpersonal service ... 79,928,000 ................. (re. $27,975,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 111,989,000 .................... (re. $39,197,000) 41 Indirect costs ... 222,000 ............................. (re. $78,000) 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 44 Unemployment Insurance Administration Account 45 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 46 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 47 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 48 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 490 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 2 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 3 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 4 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 5 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 6 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 7 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 8 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 9 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 10 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 11 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 12 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 13 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 14 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 15 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 16 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 17 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 18 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 19 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 20 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 21 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 22 shall also include any Reed act funds that may be made available to 23 this state under section 903 of the social security act as amended 24 and in accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the 25 direction of the New York state department of labor subject to 26 approval of the director of the budget to pay the administrative 27 expenses of the employment security program, including the adminis- 28 tration of the unemployment insurance law and the administration of 29 state public employment offices. 30 Personal service ... 205,713,000 ................... (re. $30,857,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 77,630,000 ................. (re. $11,645,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 120,856,000 .................... (re. $18,129,000) 33 Indirect costs ... 242,000 ............................. (re. $37,000) 34 For services and expenses of administering the Reemployment Services 35 program. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to aid 36 to localities. The amount appropriated herein shall include any 37 moneys credited to the reemployment service fund, created pursuant 38 to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs are incurred for allow- 39 able services pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998. Notwith- 40 standing section 581-b of the labor law, or any other provision of 41 law to the contrary, when annual contributions paid into the reem- 42 ployment services fund by all eligible employers exceed $35,000,000, 43 any further contributions for the remainder of such year may be used 44 for services and expenses of the unemployment insurance systems 45 modernization project. 46 Personal service ... 21,247,000 ......................... (re. $1,000) 47 Nonpersonal service ... 26,198,000 .................. (re. $1,310,000) 48 Fringe benefits ... 12,483,000 ........................ (re. $625,000) 49 Indirect costs ... 368,000 ............................. (re. $19,000) 50 For services and expenses of administering the Unemployment Insurance 51 Control Fund program. The amount appropriated herein shall include 52 up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insurance control 491 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 2000, as costs 2 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 5 of the 3 laws of 2000. 4 Personal service ... 4,183,000 ........................ (re. $210,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 487,000 ........................ (re. $25,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 2,458,000 ......................... (re. $123,000) 7 Indirect costs ... 73,000 ............................... (re. $3,700) 8 For services and expenses of the unemployment Insurance renovation 9 fund. The amount appropriated herein shall include any funds credit- 10 ed to the unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are 11 incurred. 12 Nonpersonal service ... 4,000,000 ...................... (re. $40,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 14 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 15 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 16 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 17 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 18 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 19 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 20 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 21 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 22 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 23 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 24 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 25 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 26 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 27 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 28 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 29 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 30 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 31 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 32 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 33 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 34 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 35 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 36 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 37 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 38 shall also include any Reed act funds that may be made available to 39 this state under section 903 of the social security act as amended 40 and in accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the 41 direction of the New York state department of labor subject to 42 approval of the director of the budget to pay the administrative 43 expenses of the employment security program, including the adminis- 44 tration of the unemployment insurance law and the administration of 45 state public employment offices. 46 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 47 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 48 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 49 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 50 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 492 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 2 ation as if fully stated. 3 Personal service ... 209,867,000 ................... (re. $10,494,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 63,253,500 .................. (re. $3,163,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 106,130,000 ..................... (re. $5,307,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 516,500 ............................. (re. $26,000) 7 For services and expenses of administering the Reemployment Services 8 program. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to aid 9 to localities. The amount appropriated herein shall include any 10 moneys credited to the reemployment service fund, created pursuant 11 to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs are incurred for allow- 12 able services pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998. Notwith- 13 standing section 581-b of the labor law, or any other provision of 14 law to the contrary, when annual contributions paid into the reem- 15 ployment services fund by all eligible employers exceed $35,000,000, 16 any further contributions for the remainder of such year may be used 17 for services and expenses of the unemployment insurance systems 18 modernization project. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 20 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 21 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 22 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 23 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 24 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 25 ation as if fully stated. 26 Personal service ... 22,029,000 ..................... (re. $1,102,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 25,219,500 .................. (re. $1,261,000) 28 Fringe benefits ... 11,140,000 ........................ (re. $557,000) 29 Indirect costs ... 378,900 ............................. (re. $19,000) 30 For services and expenses of administering the Unemployment Insurance 31 Control Fund program. The amount appropriated herein shall include 32 up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insurance control 33 fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 2000, as costs 34 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 5 of the 35 laws of 2000. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 38 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 39 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 40 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 41 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 42 ation as if fully stated. 43 Personal service ... 4,803,000 ........................ (re. $241,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 359,000 ........................ (re. $18,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 2,429,000 ......................... (re. $122,000) 46 Indirect costs ... 82,600 ............................... (re. $5,000) 47 For services and expenses of the unemployment Insurance renovation 48 fund. The amount appropriated herein shall include any funds credit- 49 ed to the unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are 50 incurred. 51 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 52 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 493 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 2 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 3 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 4 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 5 ation as if fully stated. 6 Nonpersonal service ... 12,000,000 .................... (re. $120,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 8 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 9 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 10 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 11 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 12 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 13 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 14 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 15 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 16 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 17 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 18 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 19 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 20 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 21 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 22 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 23 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 24 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 25 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 26 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 27 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 28 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 29 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 30 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 31 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 32 shall also include any moneys credited to the reemployment service 33 fund, created pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs 34 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 589 of the 35 laws of 1998, up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insur- 36 ance control fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 37 2000, as costs are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chap- 38 ter 5 of the laws of 2000, any funds credited to the career resource 39 network account, as costs are incurred, any funds credited to the 40 unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are incurred, 41 and any Reed act funds that may be made available to this state 42 under section 903 of the social security act as amended and in 43 accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the direction 44 of the New York state department of labor subject to approval of the 45 director of the budget to pay the administrative expenses of the 46 employment security program, including the administration of the 47 unemployment insurance law and the administration of state public 48 employment offices. Notwithstanding section 581-b of the labor law, 49 or any other provision of law to the contrary, when annual contrib- 50 utions paid into the reemployment services fund by all eligible 51 employers exceed $35,000,000, any further contributions for the 494 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 remainder of such year may be used for services and expenses of the 2 unemployment insurance systems modernization project. 3 Personal service ... 232,000,000 .................... (re. $4,640,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 156,857,000 ................. (re. $3,138,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 100,386,000 ..................... (re. $2,008,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 1,000,000 ........................... (re. $20,000) 7 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 8 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 9 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 10 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 11 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 12 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 13 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 14 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 15 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 16 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 17 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 18 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 19 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 20 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 21 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 22 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 23 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 24 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 25 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 26 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 27 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 28 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 29 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 30 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 31 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 32 shall also include any moneys credited to the reemployment service 33 fund, created pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs 34 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 589 of the 35 laws of 1998, up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insur- 36 ance control fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 37 2000, as costs are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chap- 38 ter 5 of the laws of 2000, any funds credited to the career resource 39 network account, as costs are incurred, any funds credited to the 40 unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are incurred, 41 and any Reed act funds that may be made available to this state 42 under section 903 of the social security act as amended and in 43 accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the direction 44 of the New York state department of labor subject to approval of the 45 director of the budget to pay the administrative expenses of the 46 employment security program, including the administration of the 47 unemployment insurance law and the administration of state public 48 employment offices. Notwithstanding section 581-b of the labor law, 49 or any other provision of law to the contrary, when annual contrib- 50 utions paid into the reemployment services fund by all eligible 51 employers exceed $35,000,000, any further contributions for the 495 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 remainder of such year may be used for services and expenses of the 2 unemployment insurance systems modernization project ............... 3 465,755,000 ....................................... (re. $8,000,000) 4 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 53, 5 section 1, of the laws of 2010: 6 For services and expenses of administering unemployment insurance 7 programs, job service programs, workforce investment act programs, 8 employability development programs, other miscellaneous programs, 9 and a reserve for unanticipated funding, pursuant to federal grants 10 and contracts. A portion of this appropriation may be used to 11 provide information and advice regarding unemployment insurance 12 benefit appeals and hearing assistance. A portion of this appropri- 13 ation may be transferred to aid to localities. 14 Notwithstanding section 135 of the civil service law, the commissioner 15 of the department of labor, subject to approval of the director of 16 the budget, is hereby authorized to grant additional compensation to 17 employees of the department of labor whose positions are funded in 18 whole or in part by the disabled veterans' outreach program special- 19 ists and/or local veterans' employment representative grant or 20 grants based on merit as determined pursuant to the performance 21 incentive program provided for in the grant consistent with the 22 terms of the grant and applicable provisions of federal law. The 23 payment of such extra compensation shall be in addition to and shall 24 not be part of an employee's basic annual salary and shall not 25 affect or impair any performance advancement payments, performance 26 awards, longevity payments or other rights or benefits to which an 27 employee may be entitled. Furthermore, any additional compensation 28 payable pursuant to this subdivision shall not be included as 29 compensation for retirement purposes. The amount appropriated herein 30 shall also include any moneys credited to the reemployment service 31 fund, created pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs 32 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 589 of the 33 laws of 1998, up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insur- 34 ance control fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 35 2000, as costs are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chap- 36 ter 5 of the laws of 2000, any funds credited to the career resource 37 network account, as costs are incurred, any funds credited to the 38 unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are incurred, 39 and any Reed act funds that may be made available to this state 40 under section 903 of the social security act as amended and in 41 accordance with federal regulations, to be used under the direction 42 of the New York state department of labor subject to approval of the 43 director of the budget to pay the administrative expenses of the 44 employment security program, including the administration of the 45 unemployment insurance law and the administration of state public 46 employment offices. Notwithstanding section 581-b of the labor law, 47 or any other provision of law to the contrary, when annual contrib- 48 utions paid into the reemployment services fund by all eligible 49 employers exceed $35,000,000, any further contributions for the 50 remainder of such year may be used for services and expenses of the 496 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 unemployment insurance systems modernization project ............... 2 468,628,000 .......................................... (re. $10,000) 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 4 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 5 Unemployment Insurance Control Fund Account - 25903 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 7 For services and expenses of administering the unemployment insurance 8 control fund program. The amount appropriated herein shall include 9 up to $16,000,000 credited to the unemployment insurance control 10 fund, created pursuant to chapter 5 of the laws of 2000, as costs 11 are incurred for allowable services pursuant to chapter 5 of the 12 laws of 2000. 13 Personal service ... 3,949,000 ...................... (re. $1,580,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 499,000 ....................... (re. $200,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 2,103,000 ......................... (re. $842,000) 16 Indirect costs ... 66,000 .............................. (re. $27,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 19 Unemployment Insurance Reemployment Services Account - 25902 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 21 For services and expenses of administering the reemployment services 22 program. A portion of this appropriation may be transferred to aid 23 to localities. The amount appropriated herein shall include any 24 moneys credited to the reemployment service fund, created pursuant 25 to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998, as costs are incurred for allow- 26 able services pursuant to chapter 589 of the laws of 1998. Notwith- 27 standing section 581-b of the labor law, or any other provision of 28 law to the contrary, when annual contributions paid into the reem- 29 ployment services fund by all eligible employers exceed $35,000,000, 30 any further contributions for the remainder of such year may be used 31 for services and expenses of the unemployment insurance systems 32 modernization project. 33 Personal service ... 25,102,000 .................... (re. $11,296,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 24,788,000 ................. (re. $11,155,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 13,367,000 ...................... (re. $6,016,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 419,000 ............................ (re. $189,000) 37 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 38 Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund 39 Unemployment Insurance Renovation Fund Account - 25904 40 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 41 For services and expenses of the unemployment insurance renovation 42 fund. The amount appropriated herein shall include any funds credit- 43 ed to the unemployment insurance renovation sub fund as costs are 44 incurred. 45 Nonpersonal service ... 650,000 ........................ (re. $65,000) 497 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Internal Service Funds 2 Agency Internal Services Fund 3 Labor Contact Center Account - 55071 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For payments related to the planning, development and establishment of 6 a new statewide contact center within the department of tax and 7 finance, the office of children and family services and the depart- 8 ment of labor on behalf of customer state agencies. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, for the 10 purpose of planning, developing and/or implementing the consol- 11 idation of administration, business services, procurement, informa- 12 tion technology and/or other functions shared among agencies to 13 improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government operations, 14 the amounts appropriated herein may be (i) interchanged without 15 limit, (ii) transferred between any other state operations appropri- 16 ations within this agency or to any other state operations appropri- 17 ations of any state department, agency or public authority, and/or 18 (iii) suballocated to any state department, agency or public author- 19 ity with the approval of the director of the budget who shall file 20 such approval with the department of audit and control and copies 21 thereof with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the 22 chairman of the assembly ways and means committee. 23 Personal service--regular ... 2,180,000 ............. (re. $1,108,000) 24 Supplies and materials ... 297,000 .................... (re. $256,000) 25 Travel ... 30,000 ...................................... (re. $29,000) 26 Contractual services ... 811,000 ...................... (re. $642,000) 27 Equipment ... 639,000 ................................. (re. $635,000) 28 Fringe benefits ... 1,236,000 ......................... (re. $353,000) 29 Indirect costs ... 61,000 .............................. (re. $19,000) 30 EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM 31 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 32 Federal Emergency Employment Act Fund 33 Federal Workforce Investment Act Account - 26001 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 35 For the administration and operation of employment and training 36 programs as funded by grants under the workforce investment act, 37 public law 105-220, including grants to other governmental units, 38 community-based organizations, non-profit and for profit organiza- 39 tions, suballocations to state departments and agencies and a 40 portion may be transferred to aid to localities, according to the 41 following: 42 For services and expenses of statewide activities, including but not 43 limited to state administration and technical assistance to local 44 workforce investment areas, pursuant to an expenditure plan approved 45 by the director of the budget. Of the moneys appropriated herein for 46 statewide activities, the state workforce investment board shall 47 assist the governor in developing programs and identifying activ- 48 ities to be funded through the statewide reserve pursuant to section 498 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 134 of the federal workforce investment act, PL 105-220, and the 2 commissioner of labor shall periodically report to the state work- 3 force investment board on such programs and activities which shall 4 be developed giving consideration to the strategic training alliance 5 program and other existing programs. 6 Statewide employment and training activities may include one-to-one 7 business advisement and training for qualified enrollees of the 8 self-employment assistance program which may be operated by the 9 state's small business development centers or the entrepreneurial 10 assistance program. 11 Personal service ... 4,984,000 ...................... (re. $3,987,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 13,486,000 ................. (re. $10,789,000) 13 Fringe benefits ... 2,654,000 ....................... (re. $2,123,000) 14 Indirect costs ... 207,000 ............................ (re. $166,000) 15 For services and expenses of adult, youth and dislocated worker 16 employment and training local workforce investment area programs and 17 statewide rapid response activities. 18 Personal service ... 7,425,000 ...................... (re. $5,940,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 8,986,000 ................... (re. $7,189,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 3,954,000 ....................... (re. $3,163,000) 21 For services and expenses of miscellaneous workforce investment act, 22 public law 105-220 national reserve grants and other federal employ- 23 ment and training grants and federally administered programs. 24 Personal service ... 3,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,400,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 15,352,000 ................. (re. $12,282,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 1,598,000 ....................... (re. $1,278,000) 27 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $40,000) 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 29 For the administration and operation of employment and training 30 programs as funded by grants under the workforce investment act, 31 public law 105-220, including grants to other governmental units, 32 community-based organizations, non-profit and for profit organiza- 33 tions, suballocations to state departments and agencies and a 34 portion may be transferred to aid to localities, according to the 35 following: 36 For services and expenses of statewide activities, including but not 37 limited to state administration and technical assistance to local 38 workforce investment areas, pursuant to an expenditure plan approved 39 by the director of the budget. Of the moneys appropriated herein for 40 statewide activities, the state workforce investment board shall 41 assist the governor in developing programs and identifying activ- 42 ities to be funded through the statewide reserve pursuant to section 43 134 of the federal workforce investment act, PL 105-220, and the 44 commissioner of labor shall periodically report to the state work- 45 force investment board on such programs and activities which shall 46 be developed giving consideration to the strategic training alliance 47 program and other existing programs. 48 Statewide employment and training activities may include one-to-one 49 business advisement and training for qualified enrollees of the 50 self-employment assistance program which may be operated by the 499 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 state's small business development centers or the entrepreneurial 2 assistance program. 3 Personal service ... 6,565,000 ...................... (re. $1,252,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 9,193,000 ...................... (re. $96,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 3,857,000 ....................... (re. $1,491,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 227,000 ............................. (re. $83,000) 7 For services and expenses of adult, youth and dislocated worker 8 employment and training local workforce investment area programs and 9 statewide rapid response activities. 10 Personal service ... 6,508,000 ...................... (re. $4,739,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 8,807,000 ................... (re. $5,359,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 3,824,000 ....................... (re. $2,553,000) 13 For services and expenses of miscellaneous workforce investment act, 14 public law 105-220 national reserve grants and other federal employ- 15 ment and training grants and federally administered programs. 16 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ........................ (re. $647,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 16,791,000 .................. (re. $1,415,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 1,175,000 ......................... (re. $384,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $11,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For the administration and operation of employment and training 22 programs as funded by grants under the workforce investment act, 23 public law 105-220, including grants to other governmental units, 24 community-based organizations, non-profit and for profit organiza- 25 tions, suballocations to state departments and agencies and a 26 portion may be transferred to aid to localities, according to the 27 following: 28 For services and expenses of statewide activities, including but not 29 limited to state administration and technical assistance to local 30 workforce investment areas, pursuant to an expenditure plan approved 31 by the director of the budget. Of the moneys appropriated herein for 32 statewide activities, the state workforce investment board shall 33 assist the governor in developing programs and identifying activ- 34 ities to be funded through the statewide reserve pursuant to section 35 134 of the federal workforce investment act, PL 105-220, and the 36 commissioner of labor shall periodically report to the state work- 37 force investment board on such programs and activities which shall 38 be developed giving consideration to the strategic training alliance 39 program and other existing programs. 40 Statewide employment and training activities may include one-to-one 41 business advisement and training for qualified enrollees of the 42 self-employment assistance program which may be operated by the 43 state's small business development centers or the entrepreneurial 44 assistance program. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 46 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 47 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 48 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 49 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 50 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 51 ation as if fully stated. 500 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 4,119,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 2,629,000 ...................... (re. $10,000) 3 Fringe benefits ... 2,083,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 4 Indirect costs ... 179,000 ............................. (re. $10,000) 5 For services and expenses of adult, youth and dislocated worker 6 employment and training local workforce investment area programs and 7 statewide rapid response activities. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 10 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 11 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 12 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 13 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 14 ation as if fully stated. 15 Personal service ... 6,242,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 6,645,000 ................... (re. $2,633,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 3,157,000 ......................... (re. $460,000) 18 For services and expenses of miscellaneous workforce investment act, 19 public law 105-220 national reserve grants and other federal employ- 20 ment and training grants and federally administered programs. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 23 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 24 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 25 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 26 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 27 ation as if fully stated. 28 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 29 Nonpersonal service ... 16,955,000 .................... (re. $770,000) 30 Fringe benefits ... 1,012,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 31 Indirect costs ... 35,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 33 For the administration and operation of employment and training 34 programs as funded by grants under the workforce investment act, 35 public law 105-220, including grants to other governmental units, 36 community based organizations, non-profit and for profit organiza- 37 tions, suballocations to state departments and agencies and a 38 portion may be transferred to aid to localities, according to the 39 following: 40 For services and expenses of statewide activities, including but not 41 limited to state administration and technical assistance to local 42 workforce investment areas, pursuant to an expenditure plan approved 43 by the director of the budget. Of the moneys appropriated herein for 44 statewide activities, the state workforce investment board shall 45 assist the governor in developing programs and identifying activ- 46 ities to be funded through the statewide reserve pursuant to section 47 134 of the federal workforce investment act, PL 105-220, and the 48 commissioner of labor shall periodically report to the state work- 49 force investment board on such programs and activities which shall 50 be developed giving consideration to the strategic training alliance 51 program and other existing programs. 501 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Statewide employment and training activities may include one-to-one 2 business advisement and training for qualified enrollees of the 3 self-employment assistance program which may be operated by the 4 state's small business development centers or the entrepreneurial 5 assistance program. 6 Personal service ... 8,071,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 8,727,000 ...................... (re. $10,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 3,492,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 9 Indirect costs ... 236,000 ............................. (re. $10,000) 10 For services and expenses of adult, youth and dislocated worker 11 employment and training local workforce investment area programs and 12 statewide rapid response activities. 13 Personal service ... 7,643,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 5,131,000 ...................... (re. $10,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 3,308,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 16 For services and expenses of miscellaneous workforce investment act, 17 public law 105-220 national reserve grants and other federal employ- 18 ment and training grants and federally administered programs. 19 Personal service ... 1,123,000 ......................... (re. $10,000) 20 Nonpersonal service ... 18,374,000 ..................... (re. $10,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 486,000 ............................ (re. $10,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 17,000 ............................... (re. $9,000) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Unemployment Insurance Interest and Penalty Fund 25 Unemployment Insurance Interest and Penalty Account - 23601 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 27 For services and expenses of the department of labor employment and 28 training programs. 29 Personal service--regular ... 2,630,000 ............... (re. $526,000) 30 Supplies and materials ... 80,000 ...................... (re. $17,000) 31 Travel ... 24,000 ....................................... (re. $4,000) 32 Contractual services ... 206,000 ....................... (re. $46,000) 33 Equipment ... 19,000 .................................... (re. $6,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 1,492,000 ......................... (re. $344,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 75,000 .............................. (re. $21,000) 36 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50, 37 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 38 For services and expenses of the department of labor employment and 39 training programs, including youth employment readiness training 40 expenses and related stipends and up to $300,000 of funds appropri- 41 ated herein for expenses related to the next generation NY job link- 42 age program where such training advances participation in the NY 43 youth works program. 44 Contractual services ... 8,260,000 .................... (re. $300,000) 45 OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM 46 Special Revenue Funds - Other 47 Training and Education Program on Occupational Safety and Health Fund 502 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 OSHA-Training and Education Account - 21251 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 3 For services and expenses related to occupational safety and health 4 program enforcement activities, services and expenses associated 5 with reporting requirements included in the workers' compensation 6 reform law of 2007 as well as activities previously funded from the 7 department of labor general fund administration appropriation. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 10 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 11 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 12 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 14 Contractual services ... 6,712,000 .................. (re. $5,879,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 16 For services and expenses related to occupational safety and health 17 program enforcement activities, services and expenses associated 18 with reporting requirements included in the workers' compensation 19 reform law of 2007 as well as activities previously funded from the 20 department of labor general fund administration appropriation. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 23 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 24 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 25 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 27 Contractual services ... 6,943,000 .................. (re. $1,292,000) 503 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 102,823,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 38,442,000 9,650,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 83,792,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 225,057,000 9,650,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 15,307,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 15 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 16 changed or transferred without limit to 17 any other appropriation in any other 18 program or fund within the department of 19 law, with the approval of the director of 20 the budget. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,278,000 23 Temporary service ................................ 240,000 24 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 25,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,543,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ........................... 881,000 30 Travel ........................................... 105,000 31 Contractual services ........................... 1,628,000 32 Equipment ........................................ 150,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,764,000 35 -------------- 36 APPEALS AND OPINIONS PROGRAM ................................. 8,681,000 37 -------------- 38 General Fund 39 State Purposes Account - 10050 504 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 2 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 3 changed or transferred without limit to 4 any other appropriation in any other 5 program or fund within the department of 6 law, with the approval of the director of 7 the budget. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,052,000 10 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,053,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Contractual services ............................. 628,000 16 -------------- 17 COUNSEL FOR THE STATE PROGRAM ............................... 60,522,000 18 -------------- 19 General Fund 20 State Purposes Account - 10050 21 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 22 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 23 changed or transferred without limit to 24 any other appropriation in any other 25 program or fund within the department of 26 law, with the approval of the director of 27 the budget. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ..................... 29,201,000 30 Temporary service ................................. 85,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ....... 29,292,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Travel ........................................... 137,000 37 Contractual services ........................... 4,764,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,901,000 40 -------------- 505 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 34,193,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Litigation Settlement and Civil Recovery Account - 22117 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 7 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 8 changed or transferred without limit to 9 any other appropriation in any other 10 program or fund within the department of 11 law, with the approval of the director of 12 the budget. 13 For payment according to the following sche- 14 dule, net of refunds, reimbursements, and 15 credits, which shall in no case total more 16 than $5,700,000 in the aggregate across 17 all appropriations from the Litigation 18 Settlement and Civil Recovery Account and 19 the Department of Law Seized Asset 20 Account, from this and any other program. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,174,000 23 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,178,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ........................... 732,000 29 Travel ........................................... 239,000 30 Contractual services .......................... 19,637,000 31 Equipment ........................................ 629,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,833,000 33 Indirect costs .................................... 81,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 23,151,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal .................. 26,329,000 38 -------------- 39 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS PROGRAM ............................. 12,628,000 40 -------------- 41 General Fund 42 State Purposes Account - 10050 506 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 2 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 3 changed or transferred without limit to 4 any other appropriation in any other 5 program or fund within the department of 6 law, with the approval of the director of 7 the budget. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,313,000 10 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 307,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for personal service ....... 11,620,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Travel ............................................ 94,000 16 Contractual services ............................. 294,000 17 Equipment ........................................ 620,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,008,000 20 -------------- 21 CRIMINAL JUSTICE PROGRAM .................................... 11,734,000 22 -------------- 23 General Fund 24 State Purposes Account - 10050 25 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 26 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 27 changed or transferred without limit to 28 any other appropriation in any other 29 program or fund within the department of 30 law, with the approval of the director of 31 the budget. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,843,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,846,000 37 -------------- 507 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 3 Travel ............................................ 80,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 85,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 170,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 9,016,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Department of Law Seized Assets Account - 21990 13 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 14 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 15 changed or transferred without limit to 16 any other appropriation in any other 17 program or fund within the department of 18 law, with the approval of the director of 19 the budget. 20 For payment according to the following sche- 21 dule, net of refunds, reimbursements, and 22 credits, which shall in no case total more 23 than $5,700,000 in the aggregate across 24 all appropriations from the Litigation 25 Settlement and Civil Recovery Account and 26 the Department of Law Seized Asset 27 Account, from this and any other program. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ........................ 300,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Contractual services ........................... 1,236,000 33 Equipment ...................................... 1,000,000 34 Fringe benefits .................................. 173,000 35 Indirect costs ..................................... 9,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,418,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 2,718,000 40 -------------- 41 ECONOMIC JUSTICE PROGRAM .................................... 26,124,000 42 -------------- 43 General Fund 508 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 State Purposes Account - 10050 2 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 3 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 4 changed or transferred without limit to 5 any other appropriation in any other 6 program or fund within the department of 7 law, with the approval of the director of 8 the budget. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ........................ 553,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ..................... 553,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 16 Litigation Settlement and Civil Recovery Account - 22117 17 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 18 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 19 changed or transferred without limit to 20 any other appropriation in any other 21 program or fund within the department of 22 law, with the approval of the director of 23 the budget. 24 For payment according to the following sche- 25 dule, net of refunds, reimbursements, and 26 credits, which shall in no case total more 27 than $5,700,000 in the aggregate across 28 all appropriations from the Litigation 29 Settlement and Civil Recovery Account and 30 the Department of Law Seized Asset 31 Account, from this and any other program. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,161,000 34 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 11,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for personal service ....... 11,172,000 37 -------------- 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 55,000 40 Travel ............................................ 15,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 4,800,000 509 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................ 6,442,000 2 Indirect costs ................................... 283,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 11,595,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal .................. 22,767,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Real Estate Finance Account - 22154 11 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 12 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 13 changed or transferred without limit to 14 any other appropriation in any other 15 program or fund within the department of 16 law, with the approval of the director of 17 the budget. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ........................ 822,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................. 8,000 23 Contractual services ........................... 1,471,000 24 Equipment .......................................... 8,000 25 Fringe benefits .................................. 474,000 26 Indirect costs .................................... 21,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,982,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ................... 2,804,000 31 -------------- 32 MEDICAID FRAUD CONTROL PROGRAM .............................. 51,494,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 36 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25117 37 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 38 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 39 changed or transferred without limit to 40 any other appropriation in any other 41 program or fund within the department of 42 law, with the approval of the director of 43 the budget. 510 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to grants 2 for the investigation and prosecution of 3 medicaid fraud. 4 Personal service .............................. 19,356,000 5 Nonpersonal service ............................ 7,212,000 6 Fringe benefits ............................... 11,112,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 762,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal .................. 38,442,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Medicaid Fraud Seized Assets Account - 21917 14 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 15 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 16 changed or transferred without limit to 17 any other appropriation in any other 18 program or fund within the department of 19 law, with the approval of the director of 20 the budget. 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 17,000 23 Travel ............................................ 17,000 24 Contractual services ............................. 104,000 25 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ..................... 238,000 28 -------------- 29 Special Revenue Funds - Other 30 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 31 Recoveries and Revenue Account - 22041 32 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 33 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 34 changed or transferred without limit to 35 any other appropriation in any other 36 program or fund within the department of 37 law, with the approval of the director of 38 the budget. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,431,000 41 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 21,000 42 -------------- 511 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,452,000 2 -------------- 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ........................... 194,000 5 Travel ............................................ 41,000 6 Contractual services ........................... 2,060,000 7 Equipment ........................................ 109,000 8 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,704,000 9 Indirect costs ................................... 254,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,362,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal .................. 12,814,000 14 -------------- 15 REGIONAL OFFICES PROGRAM .................................... 15,591,000 16 -------------- 17 General Fund 18 State Purposes Account - 10050 19 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 20 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 21 changed or transferred without limit to 22 any other appropriation in any other 23 program or fund within the department of 24 law, with the approval of the director of 25 the budget. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 12,205,000 28 Temporary service ................................. 90,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 7,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 12,302,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Travel ........................................... 144,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 3,145,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,289,000 38 -------------- 39 SOCIAL JUSTICE PROGRAM ...................................... 22,976,000 40 -------------- 41 General Fund 512 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 State Purposes Account - 10050 2 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 3 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 4 changed or transferred without limit to 5 any other appropriation in any other 6 program or fund within the department of 7 law, with the approval of the director of 8 the budget. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,180,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 19,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,199,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 37,000 17 Contractual services ............................. 618,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 655,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 6,854,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Litigation Settlement and Civil Recovery Account - 22117 26 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 27 amounts herein appropriated may be inter- 28 changed or transferred without limit to 29 any other appropriation in any other 30 program or fund within the department of 31 law, with the approval of the director of 32 the budget. 33 For payment according to the following sche- 34 dule, net of refunds, reimbursements, and 35 credits, which shall in no case total more 36 than $5,700,000 in the aggregate across 37 all appropriations from the Litigation 38 Settlement and Civil Recovery Account and 39 the Department of Law Seized Asset 40 Account, from this and any other program. 513 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,658,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 6,673,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Travel ............................................ 94,000 9 Contractual services ........................... 5,338,000 10 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,848,000 11 Indirect costs ................................... 169,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,449,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 16,122,000 16 -------------- 514 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF LAW STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 MEDICAID FRAUD CONTROL PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25117 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the amounts herein appropri- 7 ated may be interchanged or transferred without limit to any other 8 appropriation in any other program or fund within the department of 9 law, with the approval of the director of the budget. 10 For services and expenses related to grants for the investigation and 11 prosecution of medicaid fraud. 12 Personal service ... 19,356,000 ..................... (re. $1,700,000) 13 Nonpersonal service ... 7,212,000 ................... (re. $2,400,000) 14 Fringe benefits ... 11,214,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 15 Indirect costs ... 660,000 ............................ (re. $100,000) 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 17 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the amounts herein appropri- 18 ated may be interchanged or transferred without limit to any other 19 appropriation in any other program or fund within the department of 20 law, with the approval of the director of the budget. 21 For services and expenses related to grants for the investigation and 22 prosecution of medicaid fraud. 23 Personal service ... 19,356,000 ..................... (re. $1,600,000) 24 Nonpersonal service ... 7,212,000 ..................... (re. $950,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 11,214,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 660,000 ............................ (re. $100,000) 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 28 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the amounts herein appropri- 29 ated may be interchanged or transferred without limit to any other 30 appropriation in any other program or fund within the department of 31 law, with the approval of the director of the budget. 32 For services and expenses related to grants for the investigation and 33 prosecution of medicaid fraud. 34 Nonpersonal service ... 6,612,000 ..................... (re. $800,000) 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 36 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the amounts herein appropri- 37 ated may be interchanged without limit to any other appropriation in 38 any other program or fund within the department of law, with the 39 approval of the director of the budget. 40 For services and expenses related to grants for the investigation and 41 prosecution of medicaid fraud. 42 Nonpersonal service ... 6,612,000 ................... (re. $2,000,000) 515 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 600,000,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 600,000,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 11 Amount appropriated for the various offices 12 of the department of mental hygiene and 13 for employee fringe benefits of any other 14 state agency. The director of the budget 15 is hereby authorized to transfer this 16 appropriation to state operations and/or 17 local assistance in the office of mental 18 health, office for people with develop- 19 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 20 and substance abuse services and the 21 justice center for the protection of 22 people with special needs or to the gener- 23 al fund from this appropriation by certif- 24 icate of approval. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 30 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 31 state operations appropriation for the 32 budget division program of the division of 33 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 34 herein and a part of this appropriation as 35 if fully stated ............................ 300,000,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................. 300,000,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 42 Amount appropriated for the various offices 43 of the department of mental hygiene and 44 for employee fringe benefits of any other 45 state agency. The director of the budget 516 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 is hereby authorized to transfer this 2 appropriation to state operations and/or 3 local assistance in the office of mental 4 health, office for people with develop- 5 mental disabilities, office of alcoholism 6 and substance abuse services and the 7 justice center for the protection of 8 people with special needs, or to the 9 general fund from this appropriation by 10 certificate of approval. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 12 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 15 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 16 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 17 state operations appropriation for the 18 budget division program of the division of 19 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 20 herein and a part of this appropriation as 21 if fully stated ............................ 300,000,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................. 300,000,000 24 -------------- 517 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 6,170,000 3,529,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 110,029,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 116,199,000 3,529,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM ................................. 50,017,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 13 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Account 14 - 25147 15 For services and expenses associated with 16 administering the substance abuse 17 prevention and treatment (SAPT) block 18 grant. 19 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 20 of law, a portion of the funds hereby 21 appropriated may, subject to the approval 22 of the director of the budget, be trans- 23 ferred to local assistance and/or any 24 appropriation of the office of alcoholism 25 and substance abuse services consistent 26 with the terms and conditions of the SAPT 27 block grant award. 28 Personal service ............................... 3,780,000 29 Nonpersonal service .............................. 980,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 4,760,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 34 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 35 Statewide Data Collection Account - 25388 36 For services and expenses related to the 37 statewide data collection program as 38 mandated in the 1988 federal anti-drug 39 abuse act. 40 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 41 of law, moneys hereby appropriated may, 518 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 subject to the approval of the director of 2 the budget, be transferred to local 3 assistance and/or any appropriation of the 4 office of alcoholism and substance abuse 5 services. 6 Personal service ................................. 200,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Conference and Special Projects Account - 22109 13 For services and expenses related to special 14 projects. 15 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 16 of law, moneys hereby appropriated may, 17 subject to the approval of the director of 18 the budget, be transferred to local 19 assistance and/or any appropriation of the 20 office of alcoholism and substance abuse 21 services. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 24 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 28 state operations appropriation for the 29 budget division program of the division of 30 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 31 herein and a part of this appropriation as 32 if fully stated. 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 130,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ..................... 130,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 42 the money hereby appropriated may be 43 transferred to local assistance and/or any 519 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriation of the office of alcoholism 2 and substance abuse services, and may be 3 increased or decreased by transfer or 4 suballocation between these appropriated 5 amounts and appropriations of the depart- 6 ment of health, the office of medicaid 7 inspector general, the office of mental 8 health, the office for people with devel- 9 opmental disabilities, and the justice 10 center for the protection of people with 11 special needs with the approval of the 12 director of the budget who shall file such 13 approval with the department of audit and 14 control and copies thereof with the chair- 15 man of the senate finance committee and 16 the chairman of the assembly ways and 17 means committee. 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 22 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 23 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 24 state operations appropriation for the 25 budget division program of the division of 26 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 27 herein and a part of this appropriation as 28 if fully stated. 29 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 30 of law, funds hereby appropriated may, 31 subject to the approval of the director of 32 the budget, be used for services and 33 expenses related to the credentialing of 34 prevention, alcohol and substance abuse, 35 and problem gambling counselors. 36 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 37 of law, funds hereby appropriated may, 38 subject to the approval of the director of 39 the budget, be used for services and 40 expenses related to the operation of 41 methadone services and a patient registry, 42 pursuant to section 19.16 of the mental 43 hygiene law, that shall be used for the 44 prevention of simultaneous enrollment in 45 multiple methadone treatment programs, as 46 well as maintaining accurate patient 47 dosing information. The state comptroller 48 is hereby authorized and directed to loan 49 money in accordance with the provisions 50 set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of 520 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 the state finance law to the mental 2 hygiene program fund account. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ..................... 20,962,000 5 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 31,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for personal service ....... 20,993,000 8 -------------- 9 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 10 Supplies and materials ........................... 340,000 11 Travel ........................................... 525,000 12 Contractual services ........................... 6,880,000 13 Equipment ........................................ 110,000 14 Fringe benefits ............................... 15,151,000 15 Indirect costs ................................... 928,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 23,934,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal .................. 44,927,000 20 -------------- 21 INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES ...................................... 66,182,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 25 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Account 26 - 25147 27 For services and expenses associated with 28 administering the substance abuse 29 prevention and treatment (SAPT) block 30 grant. 31 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 32 of law, a portion of the funds hereby 33 appropriated may, subject to the approval 34 of the director of the budget, be trans- 35 ferred to local assistance and/or any 36 appropriation of the office of alcoholism 37 and substance abuse services consistent 38 with the terms and conditions of the SAPT 39 block grant award. 40 Personal service ................................. 870,000 41 Nonpersonal service .............................. 340,000 42 -------------- 521 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 1,210,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 7 the money hereby appropriated may be 8 transferred to local assistance and/or any 9 appropriation of the office of alcoholism 10 and substance abuse services with the 11 approval of the director of the budget who 12 shall file such approval with the depart- 13 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 14 eof with the chairman of the senate 15 finance committee and the chairman of the 16 assembly ways and means committee. The 17 state comptroller is hereby authorized and 18 directed to loan money in accordance with 19 the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 20 of section 4 of the state finance law to 21 the mental hygiene patient income account. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 24 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 26 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 28 state operations appropriation for the 29 budget division program of the division of 30 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 31 herein and a part of this appropriation as 32 if fully stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,584,000 35 Temporary service .................................. 9,000 36 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 100,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,693,000 39 -------------- 40 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 41 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,294,000 42 Indirect costs ................................... 255,000 43 -------------- 522 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,549,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ................... 9,242,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 9 the money hereby appropriated may be 10 transferred to local assistance and/or any 11 appropriation of the office of alcoholism 12 and substance abuse services, with the 13 approval of the director of the budget who 14 shall file such approval with the depart- 15 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 16 eof with the chairman of the senate 17 finance committee and the chairman of the 18 assembly ways and means committee. The 19 state comptroller is hereby authorized and 20 directed to loan money in accordance with 21 the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 22 of section 4 of the state finance law to 23 the mental hygiene program fund account. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 27 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 28 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 29 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 30 state operations appropriation for the 31 budget division program of the division of 32 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 33 herein and a part of this appropriation as 34 if fully stated. 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular ..................... 25,904,000 37 Temporary service ................................ 286,000 38 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 753,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for personal service ....... 26,943,000 41 -------------- 523 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 4,006,000 3 Travel ........................................... 128,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 7,893,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 204,000 6 Fringe benefits ............................... 14,728,000 7 Indirect costs ................................... 908,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 27,867,000 10 -------------- 11 For additional services and expenses related 12 to the operation of addiction treatment 13 centers ........................................ 920,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 55,730,000 16 -------------- 524 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 EXECUTIVE DIRECTION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Account 5 - 25147 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 7 For services and expenses associated with administering the substance 8 abuse prevention and treatment (SAPT) block grant. 9 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of the 10 funds hereby appropriated may, subject to the approval of the direc- 11 tor of the budget, be transferred to local assistance and/or any 12 appropriation of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse 13 services consistent with the terms and conditions of the SAPT block 14 grant award. 15 Personal service ... 3,780,000 ...................... (re. $2,100,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 980,000 ....................... (re. $800,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 19 Statewide Data Collection Account - 25388 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 21 For services and expenses related to the statewide data collection 22 program as mandated in the 1988 federal anti-drug abuse act. 23 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, moneys hereby 24 appropriated may, subject to the approval of the director of the 25 budget, be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 26 of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services. 27 Personal service ... 200,000 .......................... (re. $104,000) 28 INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES 29 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 30 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 31 Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) Account - 25147 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 33 For services and expenses associated with administering the substance 34 abuse prevention and treatment (SAPT) block grant. 35 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, a portion of the 36 funds hereby appropriated may, subject to the approval of the direc- 37 tor of the budget, be transferred to local assistance and/or any 38 appropriation of the office of alcoholism and substance abuse 39 services consistent with the terms and conditions of the SAPT block 40 grant award. 41 Personal service ... 870,000 .......................... (re. $435,000) 42 Nonpersonal service ... 340,000 ........................ (re. $90,000) 525 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 796,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,538,000 3,076,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 2,192,065,000 0 6 Enterprise Funds ................... 8,606,000 0 7 Internal Service Funds ............. 2,597,000 0 8 ---------------- ---------------- 9 All Funds ........................ 2,205,602,000 3,076,000 10 ================ ================ 11 SCHEDULE 12 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE PROGRAM ......................... 110,401,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 15 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 16 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25180 17 For administration of the community services 18 block grant. 19 Personal service ................................. 875,000 20 Nonpersonal service ................................ 5,000 21 Fringe benefits .................................. 468,000 22 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 23 -------------- 24 Program account subtotal ................... 1,358,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 28 PATH Account - 25124 29 For administration of programs to assist and 30 transition from homelessness(PATH) grants. 31 Personal service ................................. 105,000 32 Nonpersonal service ............................... 17,000 33 Fringe benefits ................................... 56,000 34 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ..................... 180,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 526 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Office of Mental Health Grants and Bequests Account - 2 20100 3 For nonpersonal service expenditures to 4 benefit patients from bequests from 5 patients' families. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................ 30,000 8 Contractual services ............................. 140,000 9 -------------- 10 Program account subtotal ..................... 170,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Mental Health Gifts and Donations Fund 14 Mental Hygiene Gifts and Donations Account - 20000 15 For nonpersonal service expenditures to 16 benefit patients or for other purposes 17 from investment income, private donations 18 and other contributions. 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 200,000 21 Travel ............................................ 35,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 125,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 140,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Fund - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Cook/Chill Account - 22057 30 For services and expenses related to the 31 operation of the cook/chill production 32 center at the Rockland psychiatric center. 33 Appropriations may be transferred to the 34 department of corrections and community 35 supervision for expenses related to 36 cook/chill production with the approval of 37 the director of the budget. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 527 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 2 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 3 state operations appropriation for the 4 budget division program of the division of 5 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 6 herein and a part of this appropriation as 7 if fully stated. 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,642,000 10 Contractual services ........................... 1,642,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ................... 3,284,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 16 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 18 the money hereby appropriated may be 19 increased or decreased by interchange, 20 with any appropriation of the office of 21 mental health, and may be increased or 22 decreased by transfer or suballocation 23 between these appropriated amounts and 24 appropriations of the department of 25 health, the office of medicaid inspector 26 general, the office for people with devel- 27 opmental disabilities, the justice center 28 for the protection of people with special 29 needs, and the office of alcoholism and 30 substance abuse services, with the 31 approval of the director of the budget who 32 shall file such approval with the depart- 33 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 34 eof with the chairman of the senate 35 finance committee and the chairman of the 36 assembly ways and means committee. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 39 priated herein may be increased or 40 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 41 out limit, with any appropriation of the 42 office of mental health or by transfer or 43 suballocation to any department, agency or 44 public authority for expenditures incurred 45 in the operation of such programs with the 46 approval of the director of the budget who 528 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 shall file such approval with the depart- 2 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 3 eof with the chairman of the senate 4 finance committee and the chairman of the 5 assembly ways and means committee. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 11 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 12 state operations appropriation for the 13 budget division program of the division of 14 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 15 herein and a part of this appropriation as 16 if fully stated. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, a portion of this appro- 19 priation shall be available to the 20 Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, 21 Inc. pursuant to a contract, subject to 22 the approval of the director of the budg- 23 et, to assist the office in restructuring 24 the financing of community-based mental 25 health programs. 26 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 27 and directed to loan money in accordance 28 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 29 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 30 law to the mental hygiene program fund 31 account. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ..................... 38,980,000 34 Temporary service ................................ 841,000 35 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 257,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service ....... 40,078,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,118,000 41 Travel ......................................... 1,000,000 42 Contractual services .......................... 26,300,000 43 Equipment ........................................ 800,000 529 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ............................... 22,788,000 2 Indirect costs ................................. 1,122,000 3 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 53,128,000 4 -------------- 5 For services and expenses related to the 6 creation and operation of a community 7 housing wait list .............................. 500,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal .................. 93,706,000 10 -------------- 11 Enterprise Funds 12 Mental Hygiene Community Stores Account 13 MH & MR Community Stores Fund Account - 50500 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ........................ 608,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,679,000 19 Equipment ........................................ 154,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 309,000 21 Indirect costs .................................... 20,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,162,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 2,770,000 26 -------------- 27 Enterprise Funds 28 OMH Sheltered Workshop Fund 29 Mental Health Sheltered Workshop Fund Account - 50400 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 757,000 32 Travel ........................................... 123,000 33 Contractual services ........................... 4,699,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 257,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 5,836,000 37 -------------- 38 Internal Service Funds 39 Mental Hygiene Revolving Account 40 Mental Hygiene Internal Service Fund Account - 55101 530 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ........................ 981,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Supplies and materials ........................... 459,000 6 Travel ............................................. 7,000 7 Contractual services ............................. 386,000 8 Equipment ........................................ 235,000 9 Fringe benefits .................................. 511,000 10 Indirect costs .................................... 18,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,616,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ................... 2,597,000 15 -------------- 16 ADULT SERVICES PROGRAM ................................... 1,424,394,000 17 -------------- 18 General Fund 19 State Purposes Account - 10050 20 Funds appropriated under this program are 21 available for the payment of tolls at the 22 Robert F. Kennedy bridge, for vehicles 23 driven by persons commuting to and from 24 work who are employed at facilities 25 located on Ward's island operated by the 26 department of mental hygiene. 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 28 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 29 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 31 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 32 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 33 state operations appropriation for the 34 budget division program of the division of 35 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 36 herein and a part of this appropriation as 37 if fully stated. 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Travel ........................................... 796,000 40 -------------- 41 Program account subtotal ..................... 796,000 42 -------------- 531 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Healthcare Emergency Preparedness Program (HEP) Account 4 - 22198 5 For services and expenses incurred by 6 psychiatric centers participating in the 7 healthcare emergency preparedness program. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 12 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 14 state operations appropriation for the 15 budget division program of the division of 16 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 17 herein and a part of this appropriation as 18 if fully stated. 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 199,000 21 Travel ............................................. 5,000 22 Contractual services .............................. 45,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 49,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 298,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Fund - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 32 priated herein may be increased or 33 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 34 out limit, with any appropriation of the 35 office of mental health or by transfer or 36 suballocation to any department, agency or 37 public authority for expenditures incurred 38 in the operation of such programs with the 39 approval of the director of the budget who 40 shall file such approval with the depart- 41 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 42 eof with the chairman of the senate 43 finance committee and the chairman of the 44 assembly ways and means committee. 532 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, and consistent with 3 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 4 the directors of facilities operated by 5 the office of mental health who act as 6 federally-appointed representative payees 7 and who assume management responsibility 8 over the funds of a resident may continue 9 to use such funds for the cost of the 10 resident's care and treatment, consistent 11 with federal law and regulations. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 17 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 18 state operations appropriation for the 19 budget division program of the division of 20 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 21 herein and a part of this appropriation as 22 if fully stated. 23 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 24 and directed to loan money in accordance 25 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 26 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 27 law to the mental hygiene patient income 28 account. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular .................... 618,400,000 31 Temporary service .............................. 3,864,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 49,907,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ...... 672,171,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ........................ 87,000,000 38 Travel ........................................... 900,000 39 Contractual services .......................... 88,227,000 40 Equipment ...................................... 2,150,000 41 Fringe benefits .............................. 382,196,000 42 Indirect costs ................................ 18,821,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 579,294,000 45 -------------- 533 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ............... 1,251,465,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 8 priated herein may be increased or 9 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 10 out limit, with any appropriation of the 11 office of mental health or by transfer or 12 suballocation to any department, agency or 13 public authority for expenditures incurred 14 in the operation of such programs with the 15 approval of the director of the budget who 16 shall file such approval with the depart- 17 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 18 eof with the chairman of the senate 19 finance committee and the chairman of the 20 assembly ways and means committee. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 22 to the contrary, and consistent with 23 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 24 the directors of facilities operated by 25 the office of mental health who act as 26 federally-appointed representative payees 27 and who assume management responsibility 28 over the funds of a resident may continue 29 to use such funds for the cost of the 30 resident's care and treatment, consistent 31 with federal law and regulations. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 33 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 34 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 37 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 38 state operations appropriation for the 39 budget division program of the division of 40 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 41 herein and a part of this appropriation as 42 if fully stated. 43 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 44 and directed to loan money in accordance 45 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 46 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 47 law to the mental hygiene program fund 48 account. 534 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ..................... 72,019,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 913,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 3,438,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ....... 76,370,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ......................... 7,500,000 10 Travel ........................................... 800,000 11 Contractual services .......................... 33,000,000 12 Equipment ........................................ 503,000 13 Fringe benefits ............................... 43,424,000 14 Indirect costs ................................. 2,138,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 87,365,000 17 -------------- 18 For additional services and expenses related 19 to the operation of office of mental 20 health facilities ............................ 8,100,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ................. 171,835,000 23 -------------- 24 CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES PROGRAM ........................ 248,263,000 25 -------------- 26 Special Revenue Funds - Other 27 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 28 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 30 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 31 priated herein may be increased or 32 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 33 out limit, with any appropriation of the 34 office of mental health or by transfer or 35 suballocation to any department, agency or 36 public authority for expenditures incurred 37 in the operation of such programs with the 38 approval of the director of the budget who 39 shall file such approval with the depart- 40 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 41 eof with the chairman of the senate 42 finance committee and the chairman of the 43 assembly ways and means committee. 535 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 3 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 4 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 7 state operations appropriation for the 8 budget division program of the division of 9 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 10 herein and a part of this appropriation as 11 if fully stated. 12 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 13 and directed to loan money in accordance 14 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 15 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 16 law to the mental hygiene patient income 17 account. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular .................... 125,452,000 20 Temporary service .............................. 2,464,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 9,583,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service ...... 137,499,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ........................ 12,973,000 27 Travel ........................................... 680,000 28 Contractual services .......................... 14,215,000 29 Equipment ........................................ 864,000 30 Fringe benefits ............................... 78,182,000 31 Indirect costs ................................. 3,850,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 110,764,000 34 -------------- 35 FORENSIC SERVICES PROGRAM .................................. 325,072,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 39 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 42 priated herein may be increased or 43 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 536 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 out limit, with any appropriation of the 2 office of mental health or by transfer or 3 suballocation to any department, agency or 4 public authority for expenditures incurred 5 in the operation of such programs with the 6 approval of the director of the budget who 7 shall file such approval with the depart- 8 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 9 eof with the chairman of the senate 10 finance committee and the chairman of the 11 assembly ways and means committee. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 17 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 18 state operations appropriation for the 19 budget division program of the division of 20 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 21 herein and a part of this appropriation as 22 if fully stated. 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, and consistent with 25 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 26 the directors of facilities operated by 27 the office of mental health who act as 28 federally-appointed representative payees 29 and who assume management responsibility 30 over the funds of a resident may continue 31 to use such funds for the cost of the 32 resident's care and treatment, consistent 33 with federal law and regulations. 34 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 35 and directed to loan money in accordance 36 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 37 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 38 law to the mental hygiene program fund 39 account. 40 PERSONAL SERVICE 41 Personal service--regular .................... 159,410,000 42 Temporary service .............................. 2,396,000 43 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 29,483,000 44 -------------- 45 Amount available for personal service ...... 191,289,000 46 -------------- 537 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................ 11,160,000 3 Travel ........................................... 600,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 6,900,000 5 Equipment ...................................... 1,000,000 6 Fringe benefits .............................. 108,767,000 7 Indirect costs ................................. 5,356,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 133,783,000 10 -------------- 11 RESEARCH IN MENTAL ILLNESS PROGRAM .......................... 97,472,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, any of the amounts appro- 18 priated herein may be increased or 19 decreased by interchange or transfer with- 20 out limit, with any appropriation of the 21 office of mental health or by transfer or 22 suballocation to any department, agency or 23 public authority for expenditures incurred 24 in the operation of such programs with the 25 approval of the director of the budget who 26 shall file such approval with the depart- 27 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 28 eof with the chairman of the senate 29 finance committee and the chairman of the 30 assembly ways and means committee. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 32 to the contrary, and consistent with 33 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 34 the directors of facilities operated by 35 the office of mental health who act as 36 federally-appointed representative payees 37 and who assume management responsibility 38 over the funds of a resident may continue 39 to use such funds for the cost of the 40 resident's care and treatment, consistent 41 with federal law and regulations. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 43 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 44 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 45 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 46 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 538 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 2 state operations appropriation for the 3 budget division program of the division of 4 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 5 herein and a part of this appropriation as 6 if fully stated. 7 The state comptroller is hereby authorized 8 and directed to loan money in accordance 9 with the provisions set forth in subdivi- 10 sion 5 of section 4 of the state finance 11 law to the mental hygiene program fund 12 account. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ..................... 47,965,000 15 Temporary service ................................. 78,000 16 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 873,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for personal service ....... 48,916,000 19 -------------- 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,787,000 22 Travel ............................................ 30,000 23 Contractual services ........................... 8,025,000 24 Equipment ........................................ 300,000 25 Fringe benefits ............................... 27,814,000 26 Indirect costs ................................. 1,370,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 41,326,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal .................. 90,242,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 34 OMH-Research Recovery Account - 22086 35 For services and expenses to support central 36 administration, research associates, 37 equipment provided through external 38 grants, travel, conference expenses, 39 including the annual research conference, 40 contractual services, grant writers to 41 increase income from non-state sources, 42 and other research initiatives. Funding 43 will be provided through research founda- 44 tion for mental hygiene, inc. resources, 539 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 including, but not limited to, indirect 2 costs recoveries, direct grant reimburse- 3 ment, interest earnings and operating 4 balances. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 10 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 11 state operations appropriation for the 12 budget division program of the division of 13 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 14 herein and a part of this appropriation as 15 if fully stated. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,915,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Contractual services ........................... 4,665,000 21 Fringe benefits .................................. 650,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,315,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 7,230,000 26 -------------- 540 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE OF MENTAL HEALTH STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 4 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25180 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For administration of the community services block grant. 7 Personal service ... 875,000 .......................... (re. $875,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 5,000 ........................... (re. $5,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 468,000 ........................... (re. $468,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 13 Federal Health and Human Services Account 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 15 For administration of the community services block grant. 16 Personal service ... 814,000 .......................... (re. $814,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 178,000 ....................... (re. $178,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 366,000 ........................... (re. $366,000) 19 For administration of programs to assist and transition from 20 homelessness(PATH) grants. 21 Personal service ... 95,000 ............................ (re. $95,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 30,000 ......................... (re. $30,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 55,000 ............................. (re. $55,000) 24 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 25 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 26 PATH Account - 25124 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 28 For administration of programs to assist and transition from 29 homelessness(PATH) grants. 30 Personal service ... 105,000 .......................... (re. $105,000) 31 Nonpersonal service ... 17,000 ......................... (re. $17,000) 32 Fringe benefits ... 56,000 ............................. (re. $56,000) 33 Indirect costs ... 2,000 ................................ (re. $2,000) 541 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 751,000 599,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 2,128,055,000 0 5 Enterprise Funds ................... 2,657,000 0 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 348,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 2,131,811,000 599,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 CENTRAL COORDINATION AND SUPPORT PROGRAM ................... 106,089,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 15 Housing Counseling Assistance and Training Account - 25350 16 For services and expenses associated with 17 housing counseling assistance and training 18 programs. 19 Nonpersonal service .............................. 418,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ..................... 418,000 22 -------------- 23 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 24 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 25 Senior Companions Account - 25445 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 27 the money hereby appropriated may be 28 transferred to local assistance and/or any 29 appropriation of the office for people 30 with developmental disabilities, with the 31 approval of the director of the budget who 32 shall file such approval with the depart- 33 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 34 eof with the chairman of the senate 35 finance committee and the chairman of the 36 assembly ways and means committee. 37 For services and expenses related to the 38 administration of the federal senior 39 companions program. 542 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Nonpersonal service .............................. 333,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ..................... 333,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 9 the money hereby appropriated may be 10 transferred to local assistance and/or any 11 appropriation of the office for people 12 with developmental disabilities, and may 13 be increased or decreased by transfer or 14 suballocation between these appropriated 15 amounts and appropriations of the depart- 16 ment of health, the office of medicaid 17 inspector general, the office of mental 18 health, the justice center for the 19 protection of people with special needs 20 and the office of alcoholism and substance 21 abuse services with the approval of the 22 director of the budget who shall file such 23 approval with the department of audit and 24 control and copies thereof with the chair- 25 man of the senate finance committee and 26 the chairman of the assembly ways and 27 means committee. The state comptroller is 28 hereby authorized and directed to loan 29 money in accordance with the provisions 30 set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of 31 the state finance law to the mental 32 hygiene patient income account. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, and consistent with 35 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 36 the directors of facilities operated by 37 the office for people with developmental 38 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 39 ed representative payees and who assume 40 management responsibility over the funds 41 of a resident may continue to use such 42 funds for the cost of the resident's care 43 and treatment, consistent with federal law 44 and regulations. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 46 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 47 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 48 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 543 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 2 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 3 state operations appropriation for the 4 budget division program of the division of 5 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 6 herein and a part of this appropriation as 7 if fully stated. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular ..................... 18,781,000 10 Temporary service ................................ 174,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 62,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ....... 19,017,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Nonpersonal service, including for services 17 and expenses of the assets for independ- 18 ence program and other health and human 19 services programs. 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 327,000 21 Travel ......................................... 1,110,000 22 Contractual services .......................... 10,300,000 23 Equipment ...................................... 1,915,000 24 Fringe benefits ............................... 10,991,000 25 Indirect costs ................................... 569,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 25,212,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 44,229,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 35 the money hereby appropriated may be 36 transferred to local assistance and/or any 37 appropriation of the office for people 38 with developmental disabilities, and may 39 be increased or decreased by transfer or 40 suballocation between these appropriated 41 amounts and appropriations of the depart- 42 ment of health, the office of medicaid 43 inspector general, the office of mental 544 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 health, the justice center for the 2 protection of people with special needs 3 and the office of alcoholism and substance 4 abuse services with the approval of the 5 director of the budget who shall file such 6 approval with the department of audit and 7 control and copies thereof with the chair- 8 man of the senate finance committee and 9 the chairman of the assembly ways and 10 means committee. The state comptroller is 11 hereby authorized and directed to loan 12 money in accordance with the provisions 13 set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of 14 the state finance law to the mental 15 hygiene program fund account. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, and consistent with 18 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 19 the directors of facilities operated by 20 the office for people with developmental 21 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 22 ed representative payees and who assume 23 management responsibility over the funds 24 of a resident may continue to use such 25 funds for the cost of the resident's care 26 and treatment, consistent with federal law 27 and regulations. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 31 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 32 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 33 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 34 state operations appropriation for the 35 budget division program of the division of 36 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 37 herein and a part of this appropriation as 38 if fully stated. 39 PERSONAL SERVICE 40 Personal service--regular ..................... 29,901,000 41 Temporary service ................................ 277,000 42 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 97,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for personal service ....... 30,275,000 45 -------------- 545 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Nonpersonal service, including for services 3 and expenses of the assets for independ- 4 ence program and other health and human 5 services programs. 6 Supplies and materials ........................... 281,000 7 Travel ........................................... 952,000 8 Contractual services ........................... 8,839,000 9 Equipment ...................................... 1,644,000 10 Fringe benefits ............................... 17,931,000 11 Indirect costs ................................... 839,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 30,486,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal .................. 60,761,000 16 -------------- 17 Internal Service Fund 18 Agencies Internal Service Fund 19 OPWDD Copy Center Account - 55065 20 For services and expenses associated with 21 the office for people with developmental 22 disabilities copy center. 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 28 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 29 state operations appropriation for the 30 budget division program of the division of 31 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 32 herein and a part of this appropriation as 33 if fully stated. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Contractual services ............................. 348,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ..................... 348,000 38 -------------- 39 COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM ............................... 1,391,572,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 546 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 2 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 3 of law, the state comptroller is hereby 4 authorized and directed to loan money in 5 accordance with the provisions set forth 6 in subdivision 5 of section 4 of the state 7 finance law to the mental hygiene patient 8 income account. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 10 the money hereby appropriated may be 11 transferred to local assistance and/or any 12 appropriation of the office for people 13 with developmental disabilities, with the 14 approval of the director of the budget who 15 shall file such approval with the depart- 16 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 17 eof with the chairman of the senate 18 finance committee and the chairman of the 19 assembly ways and means committee. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, and consistent with 22 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 23 the directors of facilities operated by 24 the office for people with developmental 25 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 26 ed representative payees and who assume 27 management responsibility over the funds 28 of a resident may continue to use such 29 funds for the cost of the resident's care 30 and treatment, consistent with federal law 31 and regulations. 32 Notwithstanding section 6908 of the educa- 33 tion law and any other provision of law, 34 rule or regulation to the contrary, direct 35 support staff in programs certified or 36 approved by the office for people with 37 developmental disabilities, including the 38 home and community based services waiver 39 programs that the office for people with 40 developmental disabilities is authorized 41 to administer with federal approval pursu- 42 ant to subdivision (c) of section 1915 of 43 the federal social security act, are 44 authorized to provide such tasks as OPWDD 45 may specify when performed under the 46 supervision, training and periodic 47 inspection of a registered professional 48 nurse and in accordance with an authorized 49 practitioner's ordered care. 547 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 3 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 4 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 6 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 7 state operations appropriation for the 8 budget division program of the division of 9 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 10 herein and a part of this appropriation as 11 if fully stated. 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular .................... 379,986,000 14 Temporary service ................................ 960,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 31,103,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ...... 412,049,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Nonpersonal service, including moneys for 21 the community services program, net of 22 refunds, rebates, reimbursements and cred- 23 its, and expenses related to the payment 24 of a provider of services assessment for 25 the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 26 2016 pursuant to section 43.04 of the 27 mental hygiene law. 28 Supplies and materials ........................ 22,120,000 29 Travel ......................................... 2,645,000 30 Contractual services .......................... 37,914,000 31 Equipment ..................................... 11,877,000 32 Fringe benefits .............................. 224,360,000 33 Indirect costs ................................ 16,922,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 315,838,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................. 727,887,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 42 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 43 of law, the state comptroller is hereby 548 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 authorized and directed to loan money in 2 accordance with the provisions set forth 3 in subdivision 5 of section 4 of the state 4 finance law to the mental hygiene program 5 fund account. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 7 the money hereby appropriated may be 8 transferred to local assistance and/or any 9 appropriation of the office for people 10 with developmental disabilities, with the 11 approval of the director of the budget who 12 shall file such approval with the depart- 13 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 14 eof with the chairman of the senate 15 finance committee and the chairman of the 16 assembly ways and means committee. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, and consistent with 19 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 20 the directors of facilities operated by 21 the office for people with developmental 22 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 23 ed representative payees and who assume 24 management responsibility over the funds 25 of a resident may continue to use such 26 funds for the cost of the resident's care 27 and treatment, consistent with federal law 28 and regulations. 29 Notwithstanding section 6908 of the educa- 30 tion law and any other provision of law, 31 rule or regulation to the contrary, direct 32 support staff in programs certified or 33 approved by the office for people with 34 developmental disabilities, including the 35 home and community based services waiver 36 programs that the office for people with 37 developmental disabilities is authorized 38 to administer with federal approval pursu- 39 ant to subdivision (c) of section 1915 of 40 the federal social security act, are 41 authorized to provide such tasks as OPWDD 42 may specify when performed under the 43 supervision, training and periodic 44 inspection of a registered professional 45 nurse and in accordance with an authorized 46 practitioner's ordered care. 47 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 48 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 49 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 50 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 549 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 2 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 3 state operations appropriation for the 4 budget division program of the division of 5 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 6 herein and a part of this appropriation as 7 if fully stated. 8 PERSONAL SERVICE 9 Personal service--regular .................... 349,937,000 10 Temporary service ................................ 883,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 28,643,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ...... 379,463,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Nonpersonal service, including moneys for 17 the community services program, net of 18 refunds, rebates, reimbursements and cred- 19 its, and expenses related to the payment 20 of a provider of services assessment for 21 the period April 1, 2015 through March 31, 22 2016 pursuant to section 43.04 of the 23 mental hygiene law. 24 Supplies and materials ........................ 19,260,000 25 Travel ......................................... 2,303,000 26 Contractual services .......................... 33,008,000 27 Equipment ..................................... 10,340,000 28 Fringe benefits .............................. 204,158,000 29 Indirect costs ................................ 15,153,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 284,222,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................. 663,685,000 34 -------------- 35 INSTITUTIONAL SERVICES PROGRAM ............................. 606,686,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 Combined Nonexpendable Trust Fund 39 OPWDD Nonexpendable Trust Account - 21654 40 For expenditures on behalf of individuals 41 from donated funds. Notwithstanding any 42 other provision of law, the money hereby 550 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriated may be transferred to local 2 assistance and/or any appropriation of the 3 office for people with developmental disa- 4 bilities, with the approval of the direc- 5 tor of the budget who shall file such 6 approval with the department of audit and 7 control and copies thereof with the chair- 8 man of the senate finance committee and 9 the chairman of the assembly ways and 10 means committee. 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ....................... 4,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Mental Health Gifts and Donations Fund 18 Office for People With Developmental Disabilities Gifts 19 and Donations Account - 20000 20 For expenditures on behalf of individuals 21 from donated funds. Notwithstanding any 22 other provision of law, the money hereby 23 appropriated may be transferred to local 24 assistance and/or any appropriation of the 25 office for people with developmental disa- 26 bilities, with the approval of the direc- 27 tor of the budget who shall file such 28 approval with the department of audit and 29 control and copies thereof with the chair- 30 man of the senate finance committee and 31 the chairman of the assembly ways and 32 means committee. 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 498,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ..................... 498,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 41 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 42 the money hereby appropriated may be 551 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 transferred to local assistance and/or any 2 appropriation of the office for people 3 with developmental disabilities, with the 4 approval of the director of the budget who 5 shall file such approval with the depart- 6 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 7 eof with the chairman of the senate 8 finance committee and the chairman of the 9 assembly ways and means committee. The 10 state comptroller is hereby authorized and 11 directed to loan money in accordance with 12 the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 13 of section 4 of the state finance law to 14 the mental hygiene patient income account. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, and consistent with 17 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 18 the directors of facilities operated by 19 the office for people with developmental 20 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 21 ed representative payees and who assume 22 management responsibility over the funds 23 of a resident may continue to use such 24 funds for the cost of the resident's care 25 and treatment, consistent with federal law 26 and regulations. 27 Notwithstanding section 6908 of the educa- 28 tion law and any other provision of law, 29 rule or regulation to the contrary, direct 30 support staff in programs certified or 31 approved by the office for people with 32 developmental disabilities, including the 33 home and community based services waiver 34 programs that the office for people with 35 developmental disabilities is authorized 36 to administer with federal approval pursu- 37 ant to subdivision (c) of section 1915 of 38 the federal social security act, are 39 authorized to provide such tasks as OPWDD 40 may specify when performed under the 41 supervision, training and periodic 42 inspection of a registered professional 43 nurse and in accordance with an authorized 44 practitioner's ordered care. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 46 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 47 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 48 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 49 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 50 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 552 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of 3 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 4 herein and a part of this appropriation as 5 if fully stated. 6 PERSONAL SERVICE 7 Personal service--regular .................... 147,877,000 8 Temporary service ................................ 275,000 9 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 11,914,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for personal service ...... 160,066,000 12 -------------- 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Nonpersonal service, including expenses 15 related to the payment of a provider of 16 services assessment for the period April 17 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016 pursuant to 18 section 43.04 of the mental hygiene law. 19 Supplies and materials ........................ 19,865,000 20 Travel ........................................... 747,000 21 Contractual services .......................... 18,816,000 22 Equipment ...................................... 5,613,000 23 Fringe benefits ............................... 97,358,000 24 Indirect costs ................................ 15,129,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 157,528,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................. 317,594,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 32 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 33 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 34 of law, the state comptroller is hereby 35 authorized and directed to loan money in 36 accordance with the provisions set forth 37 in subdivision 5 of section 4 of the state 38 finance law to the mental hygiene program 39 fund account. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 41 the money hereby appropriated may be 42 transferred to local assistance and/or any 43 appropriation of the office for people 553 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 with developmental disabilities, with the 2 approval of the director of the budget who 3 shall file such approval with the depart- 4 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 5 eof with the chairman of the senate 6 finance committee and the chairman of the 7 assembly ways and means committee. 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, and consistent with 10 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 11 the directors of facilities operated by 12 the office for people with developmental 13 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 14 ed representative payees and who assume 15 management responsibility over the funds 16 of a resident may continue to use such 17 funds for the cost of the resident's care 18 and treatment, consistent with federal law 19 and regulations. 20 Notwithstanding section 6908 of the educa- 21 tion law and any other provision of law, 22 rule or regulation to the contrary, direct 23 support staff in programs certified or 24 approved by the office for people with 25 developmental disabilities, including the 26 home and community based services waiver 27 programs that the office for people with 28 developmental disabilities is authorized 29 to administer with federal approval pursu- 30 ant to subdivision (c) of section 1915 of 31 the federal social security act, are 32 authorized to provide such tasks as OPWDD 33 may specify when performed under the 34 supervision, training and periodic 35 inspection of a registered professional 36 nurse and in accordance with an authorized 37 practitioner's ordered care. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 42 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 43 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 44 state operations appropriation for the 45 budget division program of the division of 46 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 47 herein and a part of this appropriation as 48 if fully stated. 554 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular .................... 136,159,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 253,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 10,975,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ...... 147,387,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Nonpersonal service, including expenses 10 related to the payment of a provider of 11 services assessment for the period April 12 1, 2015 through March 31, 2016 pursuant to 13 section 43.04 of the mental hygiene law. 14 Supplies and materials ........................ 18,764,000 15 Travel ........................................... 704,000 16 Contractual services .......................... 17,772,000 17 Equipment ...................................... 5,300,000 18 Fringe benefits ............................... 88,122,000 19 Indirect costs ................................. 7,884,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 138,546,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................. 285,933,000 24 -------------- 25 Enterprise Funds 26 Mental Hygiene Community Stores Account 27 OPWDD Community Stores Fund Account - 50500 28 For services and expenses of community 29 stores located at various developmental 30 centers. 31 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 32 the money hereby appropriated may be 33 transferred to local assistance and/or any 34 appropriation of the office for people 35 with developmental disabilities, with the 36 approval of the director of the budget who 37 shall file such approval with the depart- 38 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 39 eof with the chairman of the senate 40 finance committee and the chairman of the 41 assembly ways and means committee. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 43 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 44 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 555 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 3 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 4 state operations appropriation for the 5 budget division program of the division of 6 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 7 herein and a part of this appropriation as 8 if fully stated. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ........................ 289,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ........................... 719,000 14 Fringe benefits ................................... 94,000 15 Indirect costs .................................... 12,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 825,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal ................... 1,114,000 20 -------------- 21 Enterprise Funds 22 OPWDD Sheltered Workshop Fund 23 Sheltered Workshop Fund OPWDD Account - 50450 24 For services and expenses including sala- 25 ries, supplies and materials of sheltered 26 workshops and vocational rehabilitation 27 work activities. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 29 the money hereby appropriated may be 30 transferred to local assistance and/or any 31 appropriation of the office for people 32 with developmental disabilities, with the 33 approval of the director of the budget who 34 shall file such approval with the depart- 35 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 36 eof with the chairman of the senate 37 finance committee and the chairman of the 38 assembly ways and means committee. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 40 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 41 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 44 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 556 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 state operations appropriation for the 2 budget division program of the division of 3 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 4 herein and a part of this appropriation as 5 if fully stated. 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ........................... 697,000 8 Travel ............................................ 10,000 9 Contractual services ............................. 796,000 10 Equipment ......................................... 40,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal ................... 1,543,000 13 -------------- 14 RESEARCH IN DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PROGRAM .............. 27,464,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 18 Research in Developmental Disabilities Account - 20116 19 Amount available for genetic counseling and 20 research from external grants and contrib- 21 utions. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 23 the money hereby appropriated may be 24 transferred to local assistance and/or any 25 appropriation of the office for people 26 with developmental disabilities, with the 27 approval of the director of the budget who 28 shall file such approval with the depart- 29 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 30 eof with the chairman of the senate 31 finance committee and the chairman of the 32 assembly ways and means committee. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 38 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 39 state operations appropriation for the 40 budget division program of the division of 41 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 42 herein and a part of this appropriation as 43 if fully stated. 557 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Contractual services ............................. 149,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ..................... 149,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 8 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 10 the money hereby appropriated may be 11 transferred to local assistance and/or any 12 appropriation of the office for people 13 with developmental disabilities, with the 14 approval of the director of the budget who 15 shall file such approval with the depart- 16 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 17 eof with the chairman of the senate 18 finance committee and the chairman of the 19 assembly ways and means committee. The 20 state comptroller is hereby authorized and 21 directed to loan money in accordance with 22 the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 23 of section 4 of the state finance law to 24 the mental hygiene patient income account. 25 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 26 to the contrary, and consistent with 27 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 28 the directors of facilities operated by 29 the office for people with developmental 30 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 31 ed representative payees and who assume 32 management responsibility over the funds 33 of a resident may continue to use such 34 funds for the cost of the resident's care 35 and treatment, consistent with federal law 36 and regulations. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 40 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 41 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 42 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 43 state operations appropriation for the 44 budget division program of the division of 45 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 46 herein and a part of this appropriation as 47 if fully stated. 558 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,982,000 3 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 174,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,156,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ........................... 421,000 9 Travel ............................................. 3,000 10 Contractual services ............................. 568,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 79,000 12 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,894,000 13 Indirect costs ................................... 246,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,211,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal .................. 14,367,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 21 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 23 the money hereby appropriated may be 24 transferred to local assistance and/or any 25 appropriation of the office for people 26 with developmental disabilities, with the 27 approval of the director of the budget who 28 shall file such approval with the depart- 29 ment of audit and control and copies ther- 30 eof with the chairman of the senate 31 finance committee and the chairman of the 32 assembly ways and means committee. The 33 state comptroller is hereby authorized and 34 directed to loan money in accordance with 35 the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 36 of section 4 of the state finance law to 37 the mental hygiene program fund account. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, and consistent with 40 section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, 41 the directors of facilities operated by 42 the office for people with developmental 43 disabilities who act as federally-appoint- 44 ed representative payees and who assume 45 management responsibility over the funds 559 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 of a resident may continue to use such 2 funds for the cost of the resident's care 3 and treatment, consistent with federal law 4 and regulations. 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 9 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 10 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 11 state operations appropriation for the 12 budget division program of the division of 13 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 14 herein and a part of this appropriation as 15 if fully stated. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,153,000 18 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 157,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,310,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ........................... 362,000 24 Travel ............................................. 3,000 25 Contractual services ............................. 490,000 26 Equipment ......................................... 68,000 27 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,494,000 28 Indirect costs ................................... 221,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,638,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal .................. 12,948,000 33 -------------- 560 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CENTRAL COORDINATION AND SUPPORT PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Housing Counseling Assistance and Training Account - 25350 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses associated with housing counseling assist- 7 ance and training programs. 8 Nonpersonal service ... 418,000 ....................... (re. $409,000) 9 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 10 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 11 Senior Companions Account - 25445 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 14 ated may be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 15 of the office for people with developmental disabilities, with the 16 approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval 17 with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the 18 chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the 19 assembly ways and means committee. 20 For services and expenses related to the administration of the federal 21 senior companions program. 22 Nonpersonal service ... 333,000 ....................... (re. $190,000) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 27 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 28 ated may be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 29 of the office for people with developmental disabilities, and may be 30 increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between these 31 appropriated amounts and appropriations of the department of health, 32 the office of medicaid inspector general, the office of mental 33 health, the justice center for the protection of people with special 34 needs and the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services with 35 the approval of the director of the budget who shall file such 36 approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof 37 with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman 38 of the assembly ways and means committee. The state comptroller is 39 hereby authorized and directed to loan money in accordance with the 40 provisions set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of the state 41 finance law to the mental hygiene patient income account. 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and 43 consistent with section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, the direc- 44 tors of facilities operated by the office for people with develop- 561 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 mental disabilities who act as federally-appointed representative 2 payees and who assume management responsibility over the funds of a 3 resident may continue to use such funds for the cost of the resi- 4 dent's care and treatment, consistent with federal law and regu- 5 lations. 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 7 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 8 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 9 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 10 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 11 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 12 ation as if fully stated. 13 Personal service--regular ... 17,578,000 ............ (re. $1,935,000) 14 Temporary service ... 163,000 ........................... (re. $7,000) 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 58,000 ............... (re. $58,000) 16 Nonpersonal service, including for services and expenses of the assets 17 for independence program and other health and human services 18 programs. 19 Supplies and materials ... 327,000 ..................... (re. $40,000) 20 Travel ... 1,110,000 .................................... (re. $5,000) 21 Contractual services ... 10,300,000 .................... (re. $76,000) 22 Equipment ... 1,915,000 ................................ (re. $17,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 10,788,000 ........................ (re. $331,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 569,000 ............................. (re. $31,000) 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 30 ated may be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 31 of the office for people with developmental disabilities, and may be 32 increased or decreased by transfer or suballocation between these 33 appropriated amounts and appropriations of the department of health, 34 the office of medicaid inspector general, the office of mental 35 health, the justice center for the protection of people with special 36 needs and the office of alcoholism and substance abuse services with 37 the approval of the director of the budget who shall file such 38 approval with the department of audit and control and copies thereof 39 with the chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman 40 of the assembly ways and means committee. The state comptroller is 41 hereby authorized and directed to loan money in accordance with the 42 provisions set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of the state 43 finance law to the mental hygiene program fund account. 44 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and 45 consistent with section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, the direc- 46 tors of facilities operated by the office for people with develop- 47 mental disabilities who act as federally-appointed representative 48 payees and who assume management responsibility over the funds of a 562 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 resident may continue to use such funds for the cost of the resi- 2 dent's care and treatment, consistent with federal law and regu- 3 lations. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 5 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 6 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 7 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 8 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 9 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 10 ation as if fully stated. 11 Personal service--regular ... 27,229,000 ............ (re. $1,935,000) 12 Temporary service ... 252,000 ........................... (re. $7,000) 13 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 88,000 ............... (re. $58,000) 14 Nonpersonal service, including for services and expenses of the assets 15 for independence program and other health and human services 16 programs. 17 Supplies and materials ... 281,000 ..................... (re. $40,000) 18 Travel ... 952,000 ...................................... (re. $5,000) 19 Contractual services ... 8,839,000 ..................... (re. $76,000) 20 Equipment ... 1,644,000 ................................ (re. $17,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 16,728,000 ........................ (re. $331,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 839,000 ............................. (re. $31,000) 23 COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM 24 Special Revenue Funds - Other 25 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 26 Mental Hygiene Patient Income Account - 21909 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 28 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the state comp- 29 troller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money in accord- 30 ance with the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of 31 the state finance law to the mental hygiene patient income account. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 33 ated may be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 34 of the office for people with developmental disabilities, with the 35 approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval 36 with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the 37 chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the 38 assembly ways and means committee. 39 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and 40 consistent with section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, the direc- 41 tors of facilities operated by the office for people with develop- 42 mental disabilities who act as federally-appointed representative 43 payees and who assume management responsibility over the funds of a 44 resident may continue to use such funds for the cost of the resi- 45 dent's care and treatment, consistent with federal law and regu- 46 lations. 563 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 3 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 5 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 6 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 7 ation as if fully stated. 8 Personal service--regular ... 361,507,000 ........... (re. $1,935,000) 9 Temporary service ... 913,000 ........................... (re. $7,000) 10 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 29,590,000 ........... (re. $58,000) 11 Nonpersonal service, including moneys for the community services 12 program, net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits, and 13 expenses related to the payment of a provider of services assessment 14 for the period April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015 pursuant to 15 section 43.04 of the mental hygiene law. 16 Supplies and materials ... 22,120,000 .................. (re. $40,000) 17 Travel ... 2,645,000 .................................... (re. $5,000) 18 Contractual services ... 37,914,000 .................... (re. $76,000) 19 Equipment ... 11,877,000 ............................... (re. $17,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 221,020,000 ....................... (re. $331,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 16,922,000 .......................... (re. $31,000) 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 24 Mental Hygiene Program Fund Account - 21907 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 26 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, the state comp- 27 troller is hereby authorized and directed to loan money in accord- 28 ance with the provisions set forth in subdivision 5 of section 4 of 29 the state finance law to the mental hygiene program fund account. 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the money hereby appropri- 31 ated may be transferred to local assistance and/or any appropriation 32 of the office for people with developmental disabilities, with the 33 approval of the director of the budget who shall file such approval 34 with the department of audit and control and copies thereof with the 35 chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the 36 assembly ways and means committee. 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, and 38 consistent with section 33.07 of the mental hygiene law, the direc- 39 tors of facilities operated by the office for people with develop- 40 mental disabilities who act as federally-appointed representative 41 payees and who assume management responsibility over the funds of a 42 resident may continue to use such funds for the cost of the resi- 43 dent's care and treatment, consistent with federal law and regu- 44 lations. 45 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 46 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 47 Authority, and the Alignment Interchange and Transfer Authority as 48 defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 564 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MENTAL HYGIENE OFFICE FOR PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 2 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 3 ation as if fully stated. 4 Personal service--regular ... 322,678,000 ........... (re. $1,935,000) 5 Temporary service ... 814,000 ........................... (re. $7,000) 6 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 26,412,000 ........... (re. $58,000) 7 Nonpersonal service, including moneys for the community services 8 program, net of refunds, rebates, reimbursements and credits, and 9 expenses related to the payment of a provider of services assessment 10 for the period April 1, 2014 through March 31, 2015 pursuant to 11 section 43.04 of the mental hygiene law. 12 Supplies and materials ... 19,260,000 .................. (re. $40,000) 13 Travel ... 2,303,000 .................................... (re. $5,000) 14 Contractual services ... 33,008,000 .................... (re. $76,000) 15 Equipment ... 10,340,000 ............................... (re. $17,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 191,021,000 ....................... (re. $331,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 15,153,000 .......................... (re. $31,000) 565 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 25,354,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 42,780,000 25,700,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 9,277,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 77,411,000 25,700,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,966,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,140,000 26 Temporary service ................................ 150,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 13,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,303,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ........................... 140,000 33 Travel ............................................ 15,000 34 Contractual services ............................. 480,000 35 Equipment ......................................... 28,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 663,000 38 -------------- 39 MILITARY READINESS PROGRAM .................................. 55,030,000 40 -------------- 566 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,121,000 15 Temporary service ................................ 500,000 16 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 82,000 17 -------------- 18 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,703,000 19 -------------- 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,322,000 22 Travel ............................................ 53,000 23 Contractual services ........................... 2,038,000 24 Equipment ......................................... 54,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 4,467,000 27 -------------- 28 Total amount available ...................... 12,170,000 29 -------------- 30 For services and expenses of the New York 31 guard as directed and approved by the 32 adjutant general of the national guard. 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 18,000 35 Contractual services .............................. 36,000 36 Equipment ......................................... 26,000 37 -------------- 38 Total amount available .......................... 80,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal .................. 12,250,000 41 -------------- 42 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 43 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 567 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - Air Force, Naval 2 Militia and Army - 25380 3 Personal service .............................. 14,166,000 4 Nonpersonal service ........................... 20,495,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................ 8,119,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal .................. 42,780,000 8 -------------- 9 SPECIAL SERVICES PROGRAM .................................... 18,415,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For operating expenses associated with task 14 force empire shield and other homeland 15 security activities. 16 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 17 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 19 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 20 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 21 appropriation for the budget division 22 program of the division of the budget, are 23 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 24 part of this appropriation as if fully 25 stated. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Temporary service .............................. 7,075,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ........................... 341,000 31 Travel ........................................... 413,000 32 Contractual services ............................. 753,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 315,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,822,000 36 -------------- 37 Total amount available ....................... 8,897,000 38 -------------- 39 For operating expenses associated with the 40 New York state military museum and veter- 41 ans research center. 568 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 59,000 3 Travel ............................................ 11,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 108,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 63,000 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ......................... 241,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................... 9,138,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 13 L.M. Josephthal Account - 20123 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Contractual services ............................... 2,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ....................... 2,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Other 20 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 21 Military Fund Account - 20127 22 For expenses from rentals and other funds 23 collected pursuant to sections 183 and 221 24 of the military law. 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 27 Contractual services .............................. 10,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 33 Youth, Bequests and Donations Account - 20165 34 For services and expenses related to youth 35 academic and drug demand reduction 36 programs, the New York guard, the New York 37 naval militia, the New York state military 38 museum and veterans' research center and 39 the preservation and restoration of 40 historic artifacts. 569 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................... 720,000 3 Contractual services ............................. 180,000 4 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Armory Rental Account - 22052 11 PERSONAL SERVICE 12 Personal service--regular ........................ 163,000 13 Temporary service ................................ 440,000 14 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 139,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service .......... 742,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ........................... 943,000 20 Travel ............................................ 44,000 21 Contractual services ........................... 1,151,000 22 Equipment ......................................... 48,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................. 176,000 24 Indirect costs .................................... 22,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,384,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 3,126,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 32 Camp Smith Billeting Account - 22017 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ......................... 89,000 35 Temporary service ................................. 28,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for personal service .......... 117,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Supplies and materials ............................ 17,000 41 Travel ............................................. 1,000 570 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services .............................. 36,000 2 Fringe benefits ................................... 54,000 3 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 112,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ..................... 229,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Distance Learning Account - 22064 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 19 DMNA Seized Assets Account - 21991 20 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 21 Supplies and materials ........................... 150,000 22 Travel ............................................ 21,000 23 Contractual services ............................. 846,000 24 Equipment ........................................ 483,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Recruitment Incentive Account - 22171 31 For the payment of tuition benefits provided 32 to eligible members of the state's organ- 33 ized militia pursuant to section 669-b of 34 the education law. The moneys hereby 35 appropriated shall be available for 36 expenses already accrued or to accrue. 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Contractual services ........................... 3,300,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................... 3,300,000 41 -------------- 571 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 MILITARY READINESS PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Miscellaneous Grants Account - Air Force, Naval Militia and 5 Army - 25380 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 7 Personal service ... 14,166,000 ..................... (re. $7,100,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 20,495,000 ................. (re. $15,300,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 8,119,000 ....................... (re. $3,300,000) 572 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 19,339,000 83,911,900 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 79,649,000 0 5 Internal Service Funds ............. 5,300,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 104,288,000 83,911,900 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 6,700,000 11 -------------- 12 Special Revenue Funds - Other 13 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 14 DMV-Federal Seized Assets Account - 22084 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 11,000 17 Contractual services .............................. 98,000 18 Equipment ........................................ 891,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 24 DMV-Seized Assets Account - 21906 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................ 28,000 27 Contractual services ............................. 257,000 28 Equipment ........................................ 115,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 400,000 31 -------------- 32 Internal Service Funds 33 Agencies Internal Service Fund 34 Banking Services Account - 55057 35 For services and expenses in connection with 36 the purchase of banking services. 37 Contractual services ........................... 5,300,000 38 -------------- 573 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 5,300,000 2 -------------- 3 ADMINISTRATIVE ADJUDICATION PROGRAM ......................... 42,189,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 Administrative Adjudication Account - 22055 8 For services and expenses for the adjudi- 9 cation of traffic infractions in accord- 10 ance with article 2-A of the vehicle and 11 traffic law. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ..................... 19,545,000 24 Temporary service ................................ 955,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 135,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ....... 20,635,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,308,000 31 Travel ............................................ 12,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 7,997,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 184,000 34 Fringe benefits ............................... 11,531,000 35 Indirect costs ................................... 522,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 21,554,000 38 -------------- 39 CLEAN AIR PROGRAM ........................................... 19,162,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 42 Clean Air Fund 43 Mobile Source Account - 21452 574 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to devel- 2 oping, implementing and operating the 3 emissions testing program. 4 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 5 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 6 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 7 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 8 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 9 appropriation for the budget division 10 program of the division of the budget, are 11 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 12 part of this appropriation as if fully 13 stated. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ..................... 10,442,000 16 Temporary service ................................. 40,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 135,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ....... 10,617,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ........................... 255,000 23 Travel ............................................ 25,000 24 Contractual services ........................... 1,885,000 25 Equipment ......................................... 46,000 26 Fringe benefits ................................ 6,037,000 27 Indirect costs ................................... 297,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 8,545,000 30 -------------- 31 COMPULSORY INSURANCE PROGRAM ................................ 14,758,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Compulsory Insurance Account - 22087 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 39 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 40 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 41 appropriation for the budget division 42 program of the division of the budget, are 43 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 44 part of this appropriation as if fully 45 stated. 575 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ...................... 8,274,000 3 Temporary service ................................. 41,000 4 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 162,000 5 -------------- 6 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,477,000 7 -------------- 8 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 9 Supplies and materials ........................... 630,000 10 Travel ............................................ 25,000 11 Contractual services ............................. 609,000 12 Equipment ......................................... 66,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,737,000 14 Indirect costs ................................... 214,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 6,281,000 17 -------------- 18 GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ......................... 19,339,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 Highway Safety Section 402 Account - 25319 23 Personal service ................................. 598,000 24 Nonpersonal service ............................... 54,000 25 Fringe benefits .................................. 341,000 26 Indirect costs .................................... 45,000 27 -------------- 28 Total amount available ....................... 1,038,000 29 -------------- 30 For suballocation to other state agencies 31 for services and expenses related to high- 32 way safety programs. A portion of these 33 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 34 ties. 35 Personal service ............................... 5,989,000 36 Nonpersonal service ............................ 5,770,000 37 Fringe benefits .................................. 960,000 38 Indirect costs .................................... 82,000 39 -------------- 40 Total amount available ...................... 12,801,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal .................. 13,839,000 43 -------------- 576 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Highway Safety Section 403 Account - 25320 4 For suballocation to other state agencies 5 for services and expenses related to high- 6 way safety programs. A portion of these 7 funds may be transferred to aid to locali- 8 ties. 9 Personal service ................................. 573,000 10 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,546,000 11 Fringe benefits .................................. 336,000 12 Indirect costs .................................... 45,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ................... 5,500,000 15 -------------- 16 TRANSPORTATION SAFETY PROGRAM ................................ 2,140,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 Accident Prevention Course Program Account - 22094 21 For services and expenses related to the 22 accident prevention course internet tech- 23 nology pilot program in accordance with 24 article 12-C of the vehicle and traffic 25 law and section 89-g of the state finance 26 law. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ........................ 157,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service .......... 160,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 47,000 35 Travel ............................................. 1,000 36 Contractual services ............................. 211,000 37 Fringe benefits ................................... 89,000 38 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 39 -------------- 40 Amount available for nonpersonal service........ 352,000 41 -------------- 42 Program account subtotal ..................... 512,000 43 -------------- 577 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 3 Motorcycle Safety Account - 21976 4 For services and expenses related to the 5 motorcycle safety program in accordance 6 with section 92-g of the state finance law 7 and section 410-a of the vehicle and traf- 8 fic law. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ......................... 91,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 14 Travel ............................................. 2,000 15 Contractual services ........................... 1,457,000 16 Fringe benefits ................................... 51,000 17 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,537,000 20 -------------- 21 Program account subtotal ................... 1,628,000 22 -------------- 578 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 GOVERNOR'S TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMITTEE 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Highway Safety Section 402 Account - 25319 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Personal service ... 586,000 .......................... (re. $586,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 344,000 ........................... (re. $344,000) 9 Indirect costs ... 46,000 .............................. (re. $46,000) 10 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 11 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 12 transferred to aid to localities. 13 Personal service ... 5,894,000 ...................... (re. $5,894,000) 14 Nonpersonal service ... 5,680,000 ................... (re. $5,680,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 945,000 ........................... (re. $945,000) 16 Indirect costs ... 81,000 .............................. (re. $81,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 18 Personal service ... 586,000 .......................... (re. $586,000) 19 Nonpersonal service ... 50,000 ......................... (re. $50,000) 20 Fringe benefits ... 344,000 ........................... (re. $344,000) 21 Indirect costs ... 46,000 .............................. (re. $46,000) 22 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 23 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 24 transferred to aid to localities. 25 Personal service ... 5,694,000 ...................... (re. $5,694,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 5,680,000 ................... (re. $5,680,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 945,000 ........................... (re. $945,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 81,000 .............................. (re. $81,000) 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 30 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 31 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 32 transferred to aid to localities. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 34 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 35 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 37 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 38 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 39 ation as if fully stated. 40 Personal service ... 1,805,000 ...................... (re. $1,805,000) 41 Nonpersonal service ... 9,096,000 ................... (re. $9,096,000) 42 Fringe benefits ... 905,000 ........................... (re. $905,000) 43 Indirect costs ... 114,000 ............................ (re. $114,000) 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 45 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 46 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 47 transferred to aid to localities. 579 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 1,805,000 ...................... (re. $1,805,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 8,998,370 ................... (re. $8,998,370) 3 Fringe benefits ... 750,000 ........................... (re. $750,000) 4 Indirect costs ... 186,530 ............................ (re. $186,530) 5 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 6 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 7 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 8 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 9 transferred to aid to localities ... 11,541,530 .. (re. $10,000,000) 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 12 Highway Safety Section 403 Account - 25320 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 14 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 15 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 16 transferred to aid to localities. 17 Personal service ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $500,000) 18 Nonpersonal service ... 3,968,000 ................... (re. $3,968,000) 19 Fringe benefits ... 293,000 ........................... (re. $293,000) 20 Indirect costs ... 39,000 .............................. (re. $39,000) 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 22 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 23 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 24 transferred to aid to localities. 25 Personal service ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $500,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 3,968,000 ................... (re. $3,968,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 293,000 ........................... (re. $293,000) 28 Indirect costs ... 39,000 .............................. (re. $39,000) 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 30 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 31 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 32 transferred to aid to localities. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 34 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 35 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 36 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 37 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 38 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 39 ation as if fully stated. 40 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 41 Nonpersonal service ... 1,671,000 ................... (re. $1,671,000) 42 Fringe benefits ... 1,003,000 ....................... (re. $1,003,000) 43 Indirect costs ... 126,000 ............................ (re. $126,000) 44 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 580 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 2 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 3 transferred to aid to localities. 4 Personal service ... 2,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,000,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 1,764,000 ................... (re. $1,764,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 830,000 ........................... (re. $830,000) 7 Indirect costs ... 206,000 ............................ (re. $206,000) 8 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010, as amended by chapter 50, 9 section 1, of the laws of 2011: 10 For suballocation to other state agencies for services and expenses 11 related to highway safety programs. A portion of these funds may be 12 transferred to aid to localities ... 4,000,000 .... (re. $4,000,000) 581 20011-02-5 OLYMPIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 4,168,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 150,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 4,318,000 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 OLYMPIC FACILITIES OPERATIONS PROGRAM ........................ 4,318,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For services and expenses related to opera- 14 tion and maintenance of olympic facili- 15 ties. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,548,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 463,000 21 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,157,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,620,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ................... 4,168,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 US Olympic Committee/Lake Placid Olympic Training Fund 29 Lake Placid Training - DMV Account - 23501 30 For services and expenses of the Lake Placid 31 training account. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ......................... 20,000 34 -------------- 582 20011-02-5 OLYMPIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 3 Fringe benefits ................................... 10,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 30,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 US Olympic Committee/Lake Placid Olympic Training Fund 11 Lake Placid Training - Tax Account - 23502 12 For services and expenses of the Lake Placid 13 training account. 14 PERSONAL SERVICE 15 Personal service--regular ......................... 45,000 16 -------------- 17 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 18 Supplies and materials ............................ 35,000 19 Fringe benefits ................................... 20,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 55,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 24 -------------- 583 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 129,544,700 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 7,280,900 19,431,800 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 87,831,900 8,244,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 224,657,500 27,675,800 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 6,694,200 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,597,050 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 15,789 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,612,839 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ........................... 141,300 32 Travel ............................................ 80,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 817,261 34 Equipment ......................................... 42,800 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,081,361 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal ................... 5,694,200 39 -------------- 40 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 41 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 584 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25383 2 Personal service ................................. 100,000 3 Nonpersonal service .............................. 350,000 4 Fringe benefits ................................... 50,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Federal Indirect Recovery Account - 22188 11 For services and expenses related to the 12 administration of special revenue funds - 13 other, special revenue funds - federal and 14 internal service funds and for services 15 provided to other state agencies, govern- 16 mental bodies and other entities. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ......................... 50,000 29 Temporary service ................................. 25,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ........... 75,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 65,000 35 Travel ............................................ 30,000 36 Contractual services ............................. 170,000 37 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 38 Fringe benefits ................................... 50,000 39 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 425,000 42 -------------- 43 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 44 -------------- 585 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM ............................... 10,703,600 2 -------------- 3 General Fund 4 State Purposes Account - 10050 5 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 6 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 7 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 8 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 9 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 10 appropriation for the budget division 11 program of the division of the budget, are 12 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 13 part of this appropriation as if fully 14 stated. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ...................... 6,310,100 17 Temporary service .............................. 1,836,750 18 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 86,650 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for personal service ........ 8,233,500 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ........................... 198,000 24 Travel ............................................ 10,300 25 Contractual services ............................. 385,200 26 Equipment ......................................... 53,700 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 647,200 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ................... 8,880,700 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 33 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 34 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25462 35 For services and expenses related to grants 36 for historic preservation projects includ- 37 ing acquisition, research, development, 38 education and rehabilitation of historic 39 sites, programs and facilities. 40 Personal service ................................. 800,000 41 Nonpersonal service .............................. 600,900 42 Fringe benefits .................................. 380,000 43 -------------- 586 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 1,780,900 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 5 Philipse Manor Hall Account - 20122 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 9 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 11 appropriation for the budget division 12 program of the division of the budget, are 13 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully 15 stated. 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Supplies and materials ............................ 30,000 18 Contractual services .............................. 12,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ...................... 42,000 21 -------------- 22 PARK OPERATIONS PROGRAM .................................... 198,851,700 23 -------------- 24 General Fund 25 State Purposes Account - 10050 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 27 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 29 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 30 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 31 appropriation for the budget division 32 program of the division of the budget, are 33 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 34 part of this appropriation as if fully 35 stated. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ..................... 70,996,400 38 Temporary service ............................. 22,804,900 39 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 5,504,600 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for personal service ....... 99,305,900 42 -------------- 587 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 5,677,700 3 Travel ........................................... 115,500 4 Contractual services ........................... 6,227,400 5 Equipment ...................................... 3,643,300 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 15,663,900 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal ................. 114,969,800 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Patron Services Account - 22163 14 For services and expenses related to the 15 administration and operation of the park 16 operations program, providing that moneys 17 hereby appropriated shall be available to 18 the program net of refunds, rebates, 19 reimbursements and credits. 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 23 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 25 appropriation for the budget division 26 program of the division of the budget, are 27 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 28 part of this appropriation as if fully 29 stated. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,565,500 32 Temporary service ............................. 21,345,200 33 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 1,184,400 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ....... 30,095,100 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ........................ 27,093,200 39 Travel ........................................... 336,900 40 Contractual services .......................... 16,218,700 41 Equipment ...................................... 6,075,000 42 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,063,000 43 -------------- 44 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 53,786,800 45 -------------- 588 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 83,881,900 2 -------------- 3 RECREATION SERVICES PROGRAM .................................. 8,408,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 7 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25383 8 For services and expenses related to grants 9 for park operations projects including 10 acquisition, research, development, educa- 11 tion and rehabilitation of parklands, 12 programs and facilities. 13 Personal service ............................... 1,500,000 14 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,550,000 15 Fringe benefits .................................. 750,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 4,800,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 20 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 21 USDA Forest Service - Parks Account - 25036 22 For services and expenses related to the 23 federal park lands and forest grants, 24 including suballocation to other state 25 departments and agencies. 26 Personal service .................................. 50,000 27 Nonpersonal service .............................. 125,000 28 Fringe benefits ................................... 25,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 200,000 31 -------------- 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 34 Bayard Cutting Arboretum Fund Account - 20121 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 36 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 37 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 38 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 39 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 40 appropriation for the budget division 41 program of the division of the budget, are 42 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 589 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ......................... 40,000 5 Temporary service ................................. 10,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 1,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........... 51,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ........................... 105,000 12 Contractual services ............................. 224,000 13 Fringe benefits ................................... 30,000 14 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 361,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ..................... 412,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 22 OPR-Miscellaneous Gifts Account - 20104 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 26 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 27 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 28 appropriation for the budget division 29 program of the division of the budget, are 30 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully 32 stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Temporary service ................................. 20,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ............................ 55,000 38 Contractual services .............................. 87,500 39 Fringe benefits .................................... 6,500 40 Indirect costs ..................................... 1,000 41 -------------- 590 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 150,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ..................... 170,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 7 Planting Fields Foundation and Friends Account - 20101 8 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 9 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 10 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 11 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 12 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 13 appropriation for the budget division 14 program of the division of the budget, are 15 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 16 part of this appropriation as if fully 17 stated. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ........................ 103,000 20 Temporary service ................................. 95,000 21 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 22 -------------- 23 Amount available for personal service .......... 203,000 24 -------------- 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 27 Fringe benefits ................................... 34,500 28 Indirect costs ..................................... 5,500 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 41,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ..................... 244,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Combined Nonexpendable Trust Fund 36 Rockefeller Trust-Cumulative Interest Account - 21653 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 44 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 591 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Supplies and materials ............................ 19,000 5 Travel ............................................. 2,000 6 Contractual services ............................. 181,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ..................... 202,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 I Love NY Water Account - 21930 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ........................ 110,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 65,000 28 Travel ............................................. 8,000 29 Contractual services .............................. 55,000 30 Equipment .......................................... 4,000 31 Fringe benefits ................................... 71,000 32 Indirect costs ..................................... 8,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 211,000 35 -------------- 36 Total amount available ......................... 321,000 37 -------------- 38 For services and expenses related to boating 39 access and maintenance in accordance with 40 a plan to be approved by the director of 41 the budget. Notwithstanding any other 42 provision of law, the director of the 43 budget is hereby authorized to transfer 592 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 any or all of this appropriation to any 2 capital projects fund or aid to locali- 3 ties. 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services ........................... 1,300,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ................... 1,621,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 NYS Water Rescue Team Awareness and Research Fund Account - 22181 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ...................... 20,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Seized Asset Account - 21986 30 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 31 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 32 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 33 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 34 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 35 appropriation for the budget division 36 program of the division of the budget, are 37 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 38 part of this appropriation as if fully 39 stated. 593 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 50,000 3 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 4 Equipment .......................................... 6,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ..................... 106,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Snowmobile Trail Development and Management Account - 11 21932 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ........................ 149,000 24 Temporary service .................................. 4,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 6,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service .......... 159,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 31 Travel ............................................. 1,000 32 Contractual services ............................... 1,600 33 Equipment ......................................... 37,400 34 Fringe benefits ................................... 62,000 35 Indirect costs ..................................... 5,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 112,000 38 -------------- 39 Total amount available ......................... 271,000 40 -------------- 41 For services and expenses related to snowmo- 42 bile trail development and maintenance, 43 including suballocation to other state 44 departments and agencies. 594 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ......................... 63,000 3 -------------- 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Supplies and materials ........................... 106,000 6 Contractual services .............................. 20,000 7 Equipment ........................................ 142,000 8 Fringe benefits ................................... 31,000 9 -------------- 10 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 299,000 11 -------------- 12 Total amount available ......................... 362,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ..................... 633,000 15 -------------- 595 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25383 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Personal service ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 350,000 ....................... (re. $350,000) 8 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 Personal service ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 350,000 ....................... (re. $350,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 15 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 18 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 19 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 20 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 21 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 22 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 23 ation as if fully stated. 24 Personal service ... 100,000 .......................... (re. $100,000) 25 Nonpersonal service ... 350,000 ....................... (re. $350,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 27 Special Revenue Funds - Other 28 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 29 Federal Indirect Recovery Account - 22188 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 32 revenue funds - other, special revenue funds - federal and internal 33 service funds and for services provided to other state agencies, 34 governmental bodies and other entities. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 37 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 38 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 39 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 40 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 41 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $50,000) 42 Temporary service ... 25,000 ........................... (re. $25,000) 43 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 44 Travel ... 30,000 ...................................... (re. $30,000) 45 Contractual services ... 170,000 ...................... (re. $170,000) 596 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 2 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 3 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 5 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 6 revenue funds - other, special revenue funds - federal and internal 7 service funds and for services provided to other state agencies, 8 governmental bodies and other entities. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 11 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 12 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 13 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 15 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $50,000) 16 Temporary service ... 25,000 ........................... (re. $25,000) 17 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 18 Travel ... 30,000 ...................................... (re. $30,000) 19 Contractual services ... 170,000 ...................... (re. $170,000) 20 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 21 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 22 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 24 For services and expenses related to the administration of special 25 revenue funds - other, special revenue funds - federal and internal 26 service funds and for services provided to other state agencies, 27 governmental bodies and other entities. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 32 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 33 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 34 ation as if fully stated. 35 Personal service--regular ... 50,000 ................... (re. $50,000) 36 Temporary service ... 25,000 ........................... (re. $25,000) 37 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 38 Travel ... 30,000 ...................................... (re. $30,000) 39 Contractual services ... 170,000 ...................... (re. $170,000) 40 Equipment ... 100,000 ................................. (re. $100,000) 41 Fringe benefits ... 50,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 42 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 43 HISTORIC PRESERVATION PROGRAM 44 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 45 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 46 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25462 47 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 597 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to grants for historic preservation 2 projects including acquisition, research, development, education and 3 rehabilitation of historic sites, programs and facilities. 4 Personal service ... 800,000 .......................... (re. $800,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 600,900 ....................... (re. $600,900) 6 Fringe benefits ... 380,000 ........................... (re. $380,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 For services and expenses related to grants for historic preservation 9 projects including acquisition, research, development, education and 10 rehabilitation of historic sites, programs and facilities. 11 Personal service ... 500,000 .......................... (re. $500,000) 12 Nonpersonal service ... 600,900 ....................... (re. $600,900) 13 Fringe benefits ... 250,000 ........................... (re. $250,000) 14 RECREATION SERVICES PROGRAM 15 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 16 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 17 Federal Operating Grants Fund Account - 25383 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 19 For services and expenses related to grants for park operations 20 projects including acquisition, research, development, education and 21 rehabilitation of parklands, programs and facilities. 22 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,500,000) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 2,550,000 ................... (re. $2,550,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 750,000 ........................... (re. $750,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 26 For services and expenses related to grants for park operations 27 projects including acquisition, research, development, education and 28 rehabilitation of parklands, programs and facilities. 29 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,500,000) 30 Nonpersonal service ... 2,550,000 ................... (re. $2,550,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 750,000 ........................... (re. $750,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 33 For services and expenses related to grants for park operations 34 projects including acquisition, research, development, education and 35 rehabilitation of parklands, programs and facilities. 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 37 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 38 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 39 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 40 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 41 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 42 ation as if fully stated. 43 Personal service ... 1,500,000 ...................... (re. $1,500,000) 44 Nonpersonal service ... 2,550,000 ................... (re. $2,550,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 750,000 ........................... (re. $750,000) 598 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal USDA-Food and Nutrition Services Fund 3 USDA Forest Service - Parks Account - 25036 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses related to the federal park lands and forest 6 grants, including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 7 cies. 8 Personal service ... 50,000 ............................ (re. $50,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 125,000 ....................... (re. $125,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 25,000 ............................. (re. $25,000) 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 12 For services and expenses related to the federal park lands and forest 13 grants, including suballocation to other state departments and agen- 14 cies. 15 Personal service ... 50,000 ............................ (re. $50,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 125,000 ....................... (re. $125,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 25,000 ............................. (re. $25,000) 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 20 I Love NY Water Account - 21930 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 23 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 24 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 25 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 26 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 27 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 28 Personal service--regular ... 67,000 ................... (re. $67,000) 29 Temporary service ... 20,000 ........................... (re. $20,000) 30 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 31 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 32 Contractual services ... 78,000 ........................ (re. $78,000) 33 Equipment ... 4,000 ..................................... (re. $4,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 71,000 ............................. (re. $71,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000) 36 For services and expenses related to boating access and maintenance in 37 accordance with a plan to be approved by the director of the budget. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the 39 budget is hereby authorized to transfer any or all of this appropri- 40 ation to any capital projects fund or aid to localities. 41 Contractual services ... 1,300,000 .................. (re. $1,300,000) 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 45 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 46 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 599 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 2 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 3 Personal service--regular ... 67,000 ................... (re. $67,000) 4 Temporary service ... 20,000 ........................... (re. $20,000) 5 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 6 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 7 Contractual services ... 78,000 ........................ (re. $78,000) 8 Equipment ... 4,000 ..................................... (re. $4,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 71,000 ............................. (re. $71,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000) 11 For services and expenses related to boating access and maintenance in 12 accordance with a plan to be approved by the director of the budget. 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the 14 budget is hereby authorized to transfer any or all of this appropri- 15 ation to any capital projects fund or aid to localities. 16 Contractual services ... 1,300,000 .................. (re. $1,300,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 19 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 20 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 21 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 22 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 23 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 24 ation as if fully stated. 25 Personal service--regular ... 55,000 ................... (re. $55,000) 26 Temporary service ... 20,000 ........................... (re. $20,000) 27 Supplies and materials ... 65,000 ...................... (re. $65,000) 28 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 29 Contractual services ... 78,000 ........................ (re. $78,000) 30 Equipment ... 4,000 ..................................... (re. $4,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 65,000 ............................. (re. $65,000) 32 Indirect costs ... 8,000 ................................ (re. $8,000) 33 For services and expenses related to boating access and maintenance in 34 accordance with a plan to be approved by the director of the budget. 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the director of the 36 budget is hereby authorized to transfer any or all of this appropri- 37 ation to any capital projects fund or aid to localities. 38 Contractual services ... 1,300,000 .................. (re. $1,300,000) 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 Snowmobile Trail Development and Management Account - 21932 42 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 45 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 46 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 47 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 48 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 49 Personal service--regular ... 149,000 ................. (re. $149,000) 600 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Temporary service ... 4,000 ............................. (re. $4,000) 2 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 6,000 ................. (re. $6,000) 3 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 4 Travel ... 1,000 ........................................ (re. $1,000) 5 Contractual services ... 19,000 ........................ (re. $19,000) 6 Equipment ... 20,000 ................................... (re. $20,000) 7 Fringe benefits ... 60,500 ............................. (re. $60,500) 8 Indirect costs ... 6,500 ................................ (re. $6,500) 9 For services and expenses related to snowmobile trail development and 10 maintenance, including suballocation to other state departments and 11 agencies. 12 Personal service--regular ... 63,000 ................... (re. $63,000) 13 Supplies and materials ... 106,000 .................... (re. $106,000) 14 Contractual services ... 20,000 ........................ (re. $20,000) 15 Equipment ... 142,000 ................................. (re. $142,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 31,000 ............................. (re. $31,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 19 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 20 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 21 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 22 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 24 Personal service--regular ... 149,000 ................. (re. $149,000) 25 Temporary service ... 4,000 ............................. (re. $4,000) 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 6,000 ................. (re. $6,000) 27 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 28 Travel ... 1,000 ........................................ (re. $1,000) 29 Contractual services ... 19,000 ........................ (re. $19,000) 30 Equipment ... 20,000 ................................... (re. $20,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 60,500 ............................. (re. $60,500) 32 Indirect costs ... 6,500 ................................ (re. $6,500) 33 For services and expenses related to snowmobile trail development and 34 maintenance, including suballocation to other state departments and 35 agencies. 36 Personal service--regular ... 63,000 ................... (re. $63,000) 37 Supplies and materials ... 106,000 .................... (re. $106,000) 38 Contractual services ... 20,000 ........................ (re. $20,000) 39 Equipment ... 142,000 ................................. (re. $142,000) 40 Fringe benefits ... 31,000 ............................. (re. $31,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 42 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 43 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 44 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 45 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 46 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 47 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 48 ation as if fully stated. 49 Personal service--regular ... 149,000 ................. (re. $149,000) 50 Temporary service ... 4,000 ............................. (re. $4,000) 601 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Holiday/overtime compensation ... 6,000 ................. (re. $6,000) 2 Supplies and materials ... 5,000 ........................ (re. $5,000) 3 Travel ... 1,000 ........................................ (re. $1,000) 4 Contractual services ... 19,000 ........................ (re. $19,000) 5 Equipment ... 20,000 ................................... (re. $20,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 60,500 ............................. (re. $60,500) 7 Indirect costs ... 6,500 ................................ (re. $6,500) 8 For services and expenses related to snowmobile trail development and 9 maintenance, including suballocation to other state departments and 10 agencies. 11 Personal service--regular ... 63,000 ................... (re. $63,000) 12 Supplies and materials ... 106,000 .................... (re. $106,000) 13 Contractual services ... 20,000 ........................ (re. $20,000) 14 Equipment ... 142,000 ................................. (re. $142,000) 15 Fringe benefits ... 31,000 ............................. (re. $31,000) 602 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 1,728,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,100,000 0 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 41,000 0 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 890,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 3,759,000 0 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,759,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,478,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ............................ 64,000 30 Travel ............................................ 72,000 31 Contractual services .............................. 97,000 32 Equipment ......................................... 17,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 250,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 1,728,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 40 Research Demonstration Project Account - 25470 603 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to federal 2 research, training and technical assist- 3 ance and demonstration projects, including 4 fringe benefits. A portion of these funds 5 may be transferred to aid to localities 6 and may be suballocated to other state 7 agencies. 8 Personal service ................................. 500,000 9 Nonpersonal service .............................. 300,000 10 Fringe benefits .................................. 275,000 11 Indirect costs .................................... 25,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 1,100,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 17 Grants and Bequest Account - 20167 18 For services and expenses related to demon- 19 stration projects, research, training, 20 technical assistance, and evaluation 21 activities. 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Travel ............................................. 3,000 24 Contractual services ............................... 3,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ....................... 6,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Domestic Violence Training Account - 21958 31 For services and expenses related to the 32 provision of domestic violence training. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 36 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 37 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 38 appropriation for the budget division 39 program of the division of the budget, are 40 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 41 part of this appropriation as if fully 42 stated. 604 20011-02-5 OFFICE FOR THE PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................. 2,000 3 Travel ............................................. 5,000 4 Contractual services .............................. 28,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ...................... 35,000 7 -------------- 8 Internal Service Funds 9 Agencies Internal Service Fund 10 Domestic Violence Grant Account - 55067 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 12 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 14 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 15 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 16 appropriation for the budget division 17 program of the division of the budget, are 18 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 19 part of this appropriation as if fully 20 stated. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ........................ 770,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Supplies and materials ............................ 20,000 26 Travel ........................................... 100,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 120,000 29 -------------- 30 Program account subtotal ..................... 890,000 31 -------------- 605 20011-02-5 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 3,600,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 384,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 3,984,000 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,984,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,163,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 240,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,403,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ............................ 36,000 31 Travel ............................................ 51,000 32 Contractual services ............................... 8,000 33 Equipment ........................................ 102,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 197,000 36 -------------- 37 Program account subtotal ................... 3,600,000 38 -------------- 39 Special Revenue Funds - Other 40 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 41 Public Employment Relations Board Account - 21964 606 20011-02-5 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 PERSONAL SERVICE 2 Personal service--regular ......................... 35,000 3 Temporary service ................................ 240,000 4 -------------- 5 Amount available for personal service .......... 275,000 6 -------------- 7 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 8 Supplies and materials ............................ 13,000 9 Travel ............................................ 15,000 10 Contractual services .............................. 69,000 11 Equipment ......................................... 12,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 109,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ..................... 384,000 16 -------------- 607 20011-02-5 JOINT COMMISSION ON PUBLIC ETHICS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 4,382,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 4,382,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 PUBLIC ETHICS PROGRAM ........................................ 4,382,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 23 to the contrary, $200,000 from this appro- 24 priation may be used to operate a phone 25 hotline and website for the public to 26 report violations of public officers law, 27 including allegations by state employees 28 of sexual harassment. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ...................... 3,437,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 45,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ........ 3,482,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ............................ 80,000 37 Travel ............................................ 40,000 38 Contractual services ............................. 730,000 39 Equipment ......................................... 50,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 900,000 42 -------------- 608 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 3,500,000 3,500,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 80,912,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 84,412,000 3,500,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 12,761,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Public Service Account - 22011 14 For services and expenses of the adminis- 15 tration program, including suballocation 16 to the office of the inspector general. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ...................... 7,147,000 29 Temporary service ................................. 28,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 59,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 7,234,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................ 98,000 36 Travel ............................................ 97,000 37 Contractual services ............................. 836,000 38 Equipment ........................................ 177,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 4,116,000 40 Indirect costs ................................... 203,000 41 -------------- 609 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,527,000 2 -------------- 3 REGULATION OF UTILITIES PROGRAM ............................. 71,651,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 7 PSC-Pipeline Safety Grant Account - 25379 8 Personal service ............................... 1,900,000 9 Nonpersonal service .............................. 700,000 10 Fringe benefits .................................. 850,000 11 Indirect costs .................................... 50,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 3,500,000 14 -------------- 15 Special Revenue Funds - Other 16 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 17 Cable Television Account - 21971 18 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 19 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 20 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 21 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 22 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 23 appropriation for the budget division 24 program of the division of the budget, are 25 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 26 part of this appropriation as if fully 27 stated. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,776,000 30 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 14,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,790,000 33 -------------- 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 36 Travel ............................................ 35,000 37 Contractual services .............................. 94,000 38 Equipment ......................................... 22,000 39 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,002,000 40 Indirect costs .................................... 56,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,249,000 43 -------------- 610 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 3,039,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Public Service Account - 22011 6 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 7 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 8 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 9 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 10 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 11 appropriation for the budget division 12 program of the division of the budget, are 13 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully 15 stated. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ..................... 36,132,000 18 Temporary service ................................ 184,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 142,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service ....... 36,458,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................... 232,000 25 Travel ........................................... 573,000 26 Contractual services ........................... 6,322,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 272,000 28 Fringe benefits ............................... 20,209,000 29 Indirect costs ................................. 1,046,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 28,654,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal .................. 65,112,000 34 -------------- 611 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 REGULATION OF UTILITIES PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 ARRA-DOE Account 5 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 6 For regulatory and other related activities as funded by the American 7 Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, including the payment of 8 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2010. Funds appropriated 9 herein shall be subject to all applicable reporting and accountabil- 10 ity requirements contained in such act ............................. 11 1,250,000 ........................................... (re. $515,000) 12 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 13 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 14 PSC-Pipeline Safety Grant Account - 25379 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 16 Personal service ... 1,900,000 ...................... (re. $1,900,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $700,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 850,000 ........................... (re. $850,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $50,000) 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 21 Personal service ... 1,900,000 ...................... (re. $1,900,000) 22 Nonpersonal service ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $700,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 850,000 ........................... (re. $850,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 50,000 .............................. (re. $50,000) 612 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 13,893,000 700,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 7,995,000 25,096,406 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 43,984,000 2,350,000 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 65,782,000 28,146,406 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 4,220,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,179,000 26 Temporary service ................................. 36,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 5,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,220,000 30 -------------- 31 AUTHORITIES BUDGET OFFICE PROGRAM ............................ 1,815,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Authority Budget Office Account - 22138 36 For services and expenses related to execut- 37 ing the functions and responsibilities of 38 the authorities budget office, including 39 but not limited to performing reviews and 40 analyses of the operations, finances, and 41 records of public authorities, supporting 613 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 and enhancing a consolidated public 2 authority information and reporting system 3 in cooperation with the office of the 4 state comptroller, assisting public 5 authorities adopt and adhere to the prin- 6 ciples of accountability, transparency and 7 effective corporate governance, and 8 supporting the training of public authori- 9 ty directors. Up to $70,000 of the amount 10 appropriated herein may be suballocated to 11 the city university of New York and to any 12 other state department or agency for 13 services and expenses related to the 14 training of public authority board members 15 on their legal, ethical, fiduciary, and 16 financial responsibilities. Monies appro- 17 priated herein may also be suballocated to 18 the department of state for all necessary 19 expenses incurred on behalf of the author- 20 ities budget office. 21 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 22 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 23 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 24 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 25 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 26 appropriation for the budget division 27 program of the division of the budget, are 28 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 29 part of this appropriation as if fully 30 stated. 31 PERSONAL SERVICE 32 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,018,000 33 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 3,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ........ 1,021,000 36 -------------- 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 39 Travel ............................................ 23,000 40 Contractual services ............................. 176,000 41 Equipment ......................................... 15,000 42 Fringe benefits .................................. 545,000 43 Indirect costs .................................... 31,000 44 -------------- 45 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 794,000 46 -------------- 614 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 BUSINESS AND LICENSING SERVICES PROGRAM ..................... 37,933,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Business and Licensing Services Account - 21977 6 For services and expenses related to the 7 business and licensing program, including 8 suballocation to other departments and 9 agencies. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 11 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 12 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 13 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 14 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 15 appropriation for the budget division 16 program of the division of the budget, are 17 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 18 part of this appropriation as if fully 19 stated. 20 PERSONAL SERVICE 21 Personal service--regular ..................... 15,405,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,200,000 25 Travel ........................................... 544,000 26 Contractual services .......................... 10,942,000 27 Equipment ........................................ 457,000 28 Fringe benefits ................................ 8,869,000 29 Indirect costs ................................... 516,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 22,528,000 32 -------------- 33 CONSUMER PROTECTION PROGRAM .................................. 3,986,000 34 -------------- 35 General Fund 36 State Purposes Account - 10050 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 615 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 2 part of this appropriation as if fully 3 stated. 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,986,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal ................... 1,986,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 Consumer Protection Account - 21900 12 For services and expenses related to consum- 13 er protection activities. 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ........................ 650,000 26 -------------- 27 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 28 Supplies and materials ............................. 6,000 29 Travel ............................................. 6,000 30 Contractual services ............................... 6,000 31 Fringe benefits .................................. 312,000 32 Indirect costs .................................... 20,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 350,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 40 Wholesale Market Consumer Advocacy Account - 22206 41 For the implementation of a wholesale market 42 consumer advocacy project to supply 616 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 comprehensive consumer advocacy in matters 2 pending before the New York independent 3 system operator and at the federal energy 4 regulatory commission. The funds hereby 5 appropriated shall be spent in a manner 6 consistent with an allocation and distrib- 7 ution proposal as heretofore filed by the 8 department of public service and approved 9 by the federal energy regulatory commis- 10 sion. All technical experts, consultants 11 or other services funded from this appro- 12 priation shall be acquired pursuant to the 13 requirements of section 163 of the state 14 finance law. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal ................... 1,000,000 19 -------------- 20 LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION PROGRAM .......................... 2,032,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Other 23 Lake George Park Trust Fund 24 Lake George Park Account - 22751 25 For services and expenses of the Lake George 26 park commission, including suballocation 27 to other state departments and agencies. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 30 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 31 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 32 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 33 appropriation for the budget division 34 program of the division of the budget, are 35 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 36 part of this appropriation as if fully 37 stated. 38 PERSONAL SERVICE 39 Personal service--regular ........................ 506,000 40 Temporary service ................................ 171,000 41 -------------- 42 Amount available for personal service .......... 677,000 43 -------------- 617 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 40,000 3 Travel ............................................ 15,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 506,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 41,000 6 Fringe benefits .................................. 384,000 7 Indirect costs .................................... 19,000 8 -------------- 9 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,005,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 1,682,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 15 Lake George Invasive Species Account - 22212 16 For services and expenses of administering 17 the invasive species program. 18 PERSONAL SERVICE 19 Personal service--regular ......................... 35,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Contractual services ............................. 285,000 23 Fringe benefits ................................... 20,000 24 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 315,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ..................... 350,000 29 -------------- 30 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM ............. 14,182,000 31 -------------- 32 General Fund 33 State Purposes Account - 10050 34 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 35 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 36 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 37 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 38 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 39 appropriation for the budget division 40 program of the division of the budget, are 41 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 618 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,999,000 5 Temporary service ................................. 30,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 6,033,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 12 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25127 13 For services and expenses of administering 14 community services block grants to commu- 15 nity action agencies, including suballo- 16 cation to other state departments and 17 agencies. 18 Personal service ............................... 1,765,000 19 Nonpersonal service .............................. 608,000 20 Fringe benefits .................................. 772,000 21 Indirect costs .................................... 20,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................... 3,165,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 26 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 27 Appalachian Technical Assistance Account - 25382 28 For services and expenses of administering 29 the appalachian regional grants program. 30 Personal service ................................. 137,000 31 Nonpersonal service ............................... 78,000 32 Fringe benefits ................................... 62,000 33 Indirect costs ..................................... 3,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ..................... 280,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 38 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 39 Coastal Zone Management Program Account - 25449 40 For services and expenses of the coastal 41 resources and waterfront revitalization 619 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 program, including suballocation to other 2 state departments and agencies. 3 Personal service ............................... 2,252,000 4 Nonpersonal service .............................. 538,000 5 Fringe benefits .................................. 985,000 6 Indirect costs .................................... 25,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ................... 3,800,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 11 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 12 Code Enforcement Program Account - 25416 13 For services and expenses of the code 14 enforcement program. 15 Personal service ................................. 300,000 16 Nonpersonal service ............................... 75,000 17 Fringe benefits .................................. 150,000 18 Indirect costs .................................... 75,000 19 -------------- 20 Program account subtotal ..................... 600,000 21 -------------- 22 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 23 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 24 Local Government Federal Programs Account - 25300 25 For services and expenses of the local 26 government federal programs. 27 Personal service .................................. 75,000 28 Nonpersonal service ............................... 27,000 29 Fringe benefits ................................... 38,000 30 Indirect costs .................................... 10,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ..................... 150,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Combined Expendable Trust Fund 36 Local Government and Community Services Administrative 37 Account - 20144 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 40 Travel ............................................ 10,000 41 Contractual services ............................. 119,000 42 -------------- 620 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ..................... 154,000 2 -------------- 3 OFFICE FOR NEW AMERICANS ....................................... 442,000 4 -------------- 5 General Fund 6 State Purposes Account - 10050 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 10 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 12 appropriation for the budget division 13 program of the division of the budget, are 14 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 15 part of this appropriation as if fully 16 stated. 17 PERSONAL SERVICE 18 Personal service--regular ........................ 442,000 19 -------------- 20 STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS ............. 135,000 21 -------------- 22 General Fund 23 State Purposes Account - 10050 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Contractual services ............................. 135,000 26 -------------- 27 TUG HILL COMMISSION PROGRAM .................................. 1,127,000 28 -------------- 29 General Fund 30 State Purposes Account - 10050 31 For services and expenses of the Tug Hill 32 commission. 33 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 34 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 35 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 36 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 37 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 38 appropriation for the budget division 39 program of the division of the budget, are 40 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 621 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 969,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................ 13,000 8 Travel ............................................. 8,000 9 Contractual services .............................. 85,000 10 Equipment .......................................... 2,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 108,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ................... 1,077,000 15 -------------- 16 Special Revenue Funds - Other 17 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 18 Tug Hill Administration Account - 22044 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 20 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 22 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 23 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 24 appropriation for the budget division 25 program of the division of the budget, are 26 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 27 part of this appropriation as if fully 28 stated. 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ...................... 50,000 33 -------------- 622 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CONSUMER PROTECTION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Other 3 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 4 Wholesale Market Consumer Advocacy Account - 22206 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For the implementation of a wholesale market consumer advocacy project 7 to supply comprehensive consumer advocacy in matters pending before 8 the New York independent system operator and at the federal energy 9 regulatory commission. The funds hereby appropriated shall be spent 10 in a manner consistent with an allocation and distribution proposal 11 as heretofore filed by the department of public service and approved 12 by the federal energy regulatory commission. All technical experts, 13 consultants or other services funded from this appropriation shall 14 be acquired pursuant to the requirements of section 163 of the state 15 finance law. 16 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 17 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 18 For the implementation of a wholesale market consumer advocacy project 19 to supply comprehensive consumer advocacy in matters pending before 20 the New York independent system operator and at the federal energy 21 regulatory commission. The funds hereby appropriated shall be spent 22 in a manner consistent with an allocation and distribution proposal 23 as heretofore filed by the department of public service and approved 24 by the federal energy regulatory commission. All technical experts, 25 consultants or other services funded from this appropriation shall 26 be acquired pursuant to the requirements of section 163 of the state 27 finance law. 28 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 29 LAKE GEORGE PARK COMMISSION PROGRAM 30 [Enterprise Funds] SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - OTHER 31 [Agencies Enterprise Fund] MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL REVENUE 32 FUND 33 Lake George Invasive Species Account - 22212 34 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, to 35 the enterprise funds, agencies enterprise fund, is hereby trans- 36 ferred and reappropriated to the special revenue funds - other, 37 miscellaneous special revenue fund: 38 For services and expenses of administering the invasive species 39 program. 40 Personal service ... 35,000 ............................ (re. $35,000) 41 Contractual services ... 285,000 ...................... (re. $285,000) 42 Fringe benefits ... 20,000 ............................. (re. $20,000) 43 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 44 LOCAL GOVERNMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAM 623 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 3 Federal Health and Human Services Account - 25127 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses of administering community services block 6 grants to community action agencies, including suballocation to 7 other state departments and agencies. 8 Personal service ... 1,765,000 ...................... (re. $1,765,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 608,000 ....................... (re. $608,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 772,000 ........................... (re. $772,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 20,000 .............................. (re. $20,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses of administering community services block 14 grants to community action agencies, including suballocation to 15 other state departments and agencies. 16 Personal service ... 1,765,000 ...................... (re. $1,765,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 608,000 ....................... (re. $608,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 772,000 ........................... (re. $772,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 20,000 .............................. (re. $20,000) 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 Appalachian Technical Assistance Account - 25382 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For services and expenses of administering the appalachian regional 25 grants program. 26 Personal service ... 137,000 .......................... (re. $137,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 78,000 ......................... (re. $78,000) 28 Fringe benefits ... 62,000 ............................. (re. $62,000) 29 Indirect costs ... 3,000 ................................ (re. $3,000) 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 31 For services and expenses of administering the appalachian regional 32 grants program. 33 Personal service ... 137,000 .......................... (re. $137,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 78,000 ......................... (re. $78,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 62,000 ............................. (re. $62,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 3,000 ................................ (re. $3,000) 37 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 38 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 39 Coastal Zone Management Program Account - 25449 40 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 41 For services and expenses of the coastal resources and waterfront 42 revitalization program, including suballocation to other state 43 departments and agencies. 44 Personal service ... 2,252,000 ...................... (re. $2,252,000) 45 Nonpersonal service ... 538,000 ....................... (re. $538,000) 624 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ... 985,000 ........................... (re. $985,000) 2 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $25,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 4 For services and expenses of the coastal resources and waterfront 5 revitalization program, including suballocation to other state 6 departments and agencies. 7 Personal service ... 2,252,000 ...................... (re. $2,252,000) 8 Nonpersonal service ... 538,000 ....................... (re. $538,000) 9 Fringe benefits ... 985,000 ........................... (re. $985,000) 10 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $25,000) 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 12 For services and expenses of the coastal resources and waterfront 13 revitalization program, including suballocation to other state 14 departments and agencies. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 16 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 17 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 18 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 19 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 20 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 21 ation as if fully stated. 22 Personal service ... 2,252,008 ...................... (re. $2,252,008) 23 Nonpersonal service ... 538,000 ....................... (re. $538,000) 24 Fringe benefits ... 985,398 ........................... (re. $985,398) 25 Indirect costs ... 25,000 .............................. (re. $25,000) 26 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 27 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 28 Code Enforcement Program Account - 25416 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 30 For services and expenses of the code enforcement program. 31 Personal service ... 300,000 .......................... (re. $300,000) 32 Nonpersonal service ... 75,000 ......................... (re. $75,000) 33 Fringe benefits ... 150,000 ........................... (re. $150,000) 34 Indirect costs ... 75,000 .............................. (re. $75,000) 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 36 For services and expenses of the code enforcement program. 37 Personal service ... 300,000 .......................... (re. $300,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 75,000 ......................... (re. $75,000) 39 Fringe benefits ... 150,000 ........................... (re. $150,000) 40 Indirect costs ... 75,000 .............................. (re. $75,000) 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 42 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 43 Great Lakes Initiative Account 44 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 45 For services and expenses of the Great Lakes restoration initiative. 625 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF STATE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service ... 1,718,000 ...................... (re. $1,718,000) 2 Nonpersonal service ... 2,711,000 ................... (re. $2,711,000) 3 Fringe benefits ... 808,000 ........................... (re. $808,000) 4 Indirect costs ... 69,000 .............................. (re. $69,000) 5 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 6 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 7 Local Government Federal Programs Account - 25300 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 9 For services and expenses of the local government federal programs. 10 Personal service ... 75,000 ............................ (re. $75,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 27,000 ......................... (re. $27,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 38,000 ............................. (re. $38,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 15 For services and expenses of the local government federal programs. 16 Personal service ... 75,000 ............................ (re. $75,000) 17 Nonpersonal service ... 27,000 ......................... (re. $27,000) 18 Fringe benefits ... 38,000 ............................. (re. $38,000) 19 Indirect costs ... 10,000 .............................. (re. $10,000) 20 STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION ON UNIFORM STATE LAWS 21 General Fund 22 State Purposes Account - 10050 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 Contractual services ... 135,000 ...................... (re. $135,000) 25 Travel ... 21,000 ...................................... (re. $21,000) 26 UNIFORM CODE ENFORCEMENT 27 General Fund 28 State Purposes Account - 10050 29 The appropriation made by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014, is 30 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 31 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, $700,000 shall be used for 32 the purpose of preparing, printing, and providing local governments 33 with Uniform Code Enforcement books. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE ... 700,000 ....................... (re. $700,000) 626 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 614,402,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 7,700,000 14,400,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 55,609,000 0 6 ---------------- ---------------- 7 All Funds ........................ 677,711,000 14,400,000 8 ================ ================ 9 SCHEDULE 10 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ...................................... 14,341,000 11 -------------- 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 15 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 16 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 17 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 18 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 19 appropriation for the budget division 20 program of the division of the budget, are 21 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 22 part of this appropriation as if fully 23 stated. 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,377,000 26 Temporary service ................................. 34,000 27 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 415,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for personal service ....... 13,826,000 30 -------------- 31 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 32 Supplies and materials ............................ 77,000 33 Travel ............................................ 38,000 34 Contractual services .............................. 54,000 35 Equipment ......................................... 38,000 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 207,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal .................. 14,033,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Other 627 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Combined Nonexpendable Trust Fund 2 Brummer Award Account - 21651 3 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 4 Contractual services ............................... 8,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ....................... 8,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Training Academy Account - 22167 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 13 Travel ............................................. 1,000 14 Contractual services ............................. 290,000 15 Equipment .......................................... 4,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ..................... 300,000 18 -------------- 19 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES PROGRAM .................. 180,386,000 20 -------------- 21 General Fund 22 State Purposes Account - 10050 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular .................... 156,399,000 25 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 5,264,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for personal service ...... 161,663,000 28 -------------- 29 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 30 Supplies and materials ......................... 3,842,000 31 Travel ........................................... 351,000 32 Contractual services ........................... 3,006,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 7,199,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................. 168,862,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 40 State Police Account - 25362 628 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to combat- 2 ing internet crimes against children. 3 Personal service ................................. 150,000 4 Nonpersonal service .............................. 483,000 5 Fringe benefits ................................... 65,000 6 Indirect costs ..................................... 2,000 7 -------------- 8 Program account subtotal ..................... 700,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Regulation of Indian Gaming Account - 22046 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,427,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 118,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,545,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 400,000 21 Travel ............................................ 62,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 517,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 335,000 24 Fringe benefits ................................ 3,573,000 25 Indirect costs ................................... 392,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,279,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal .................. 10,824,000 30 -------------- 31 PATROL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM .................................. 402,376,000 32 -------------- 33 General Fund 34 State Purposes Account - 10050 35 PERSONAL SERVICE 36 Personal service--regular .................... 345,859,000 37 For additional personal service--regular ....... 5,000,000 38 Temporary service ................................ 254,000 39 Holiday/overtime compensation ................. 17,100,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for personal service ...... 368,213,000 42 -------------- 629 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ......................... 4,054,000 3 Travel ............................................ 23,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 1,024,000 5 Equipment ...................................... 3,935,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 9,036,000 8 -------------- 9 For services and expenses of security 10 services for the legislative office build- 11 ing. 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ........................ 250,000 14 -------------- 15 Program account subtotal ................. 377,499,000 16 -------------- 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 19 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Account - 25316 20 For services and expenses related to commer- 21 cial vehicle safety enforcement and other 22 activities. 23 Personal service ............................... 2,700,000 24 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,593,000 25 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,163,000 26 Indirect costs .................................... 44,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ................... 5,500,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Other 31 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 32 State Police Seized Assets Account - 22054 33 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 34 of law, the money hereby appropriated may 35 be used for the payment of prior year 36 liabilities. 37 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 38 Equipment ..................................... 16,000,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal .................. 16,000,000 41 -------------- 630 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 NYS DOT Highway Safety Program Fund 3 Highway Safety Account - 23001 4 PERSONAL SERVICE 5 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,572,000 6 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 380,000 7 -------------- 8 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,952,000 9 -------------- 10 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 11 Supplies and materials ............................ 35,000 12 Travel ............................................. 2,000 13 Equipment ........................................ 388,000 14 -------------- 15 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 425,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 3,377,000 18 -------------- 19 TECHNICAL POLICE SERVICES PROGRAM ........................... 80,608,000 20 -------------- 21 General Fund 22 State Purposes Account - 10050 23 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 24 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 25 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 26 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 27 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 28 appropriation for the budget division 29 program of the division of the budget, are 30 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully 32 stated. 33 PERSONAL SERVICE 34 Personal service--regular ..................... 24,014,000 35 Temporary service .............................. 1,437,000 36 Holiday/overtime compensation .................. 2,313,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for personal service ....... 27,764,000 39 -------------- 631 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ........................ 15,713,000 3 Travel ........................................... 979,000 4 Contractual services ........................... 8,970,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 382,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 26,044,000 8 -------------- 9 Total amount available ...................... 53,808,000 10 -------------- 11 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the 12 contrary, for the purchase of services 13 related to accessing highly secure infor- 14 mation and equipment from the center for 15 internet security. 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal .................. 54,008,000 20 -------------- 21 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 22 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 23 State Police Account - 25362 24 For services and expenses related to the 25 investigation of illicit activities asso- 26 ciated with the manufacture and distrib- 27 ution of methamphetamine. 28 Personal service ................................. 155,000 29 Nonpersonal service .............................. 285,000 30 Fringe benefits ................................... 60,000 31 -------------- 32 Total amount available ......................... 500,000 33 -------------- 34 For services and expenses related to grants 35 from the national institute of justice. 36 Personal service ................................. 250,000 37 Nonpersonal service .............................. 638,000 38 Fringe benefits .................................. 108,000 39 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 40 -------------- 41 Total amount available ....................... 1,000,000 42 -------------- 632 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal ................... 1,500,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Statewide Public Safety Communications Account - 22123 6 Supplies and materials ......................... 5,725,000 7 Contractual services .......................... 10,275,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal .................. 16,000,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement and Motor 13 Vehicle Theft and Insurance Fraud Prevention Fund 14 State Police Motor Vehicle Law Enforcement Account - 15 22802 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,000,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ........................... 104,000 21 Travel ............................................. 6,000 22 Contractual services ........................... 4,490,000 23 Equipment ........................................ 500,000 24 -------------- 25 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,100,000 26 -------------- 27 Program account subtotal ................... 9,100,000 28 -------------- 633 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 State Police Account - 25362 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to combating internet crimes against 7 children. 8 Personal service ... 150,000 .......................... (re. $150,000) 9 Nonpersonal service ... 483,000 ....................... (re. $483,000) 10 Fringe benefits ... 65,000 ............................. (re. $65,000) 11 Indirect costs ... 2,000 ................................ (re. $2,000) 12 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 13 For services and expenses related to combating internet crimes against 14 children. 15 Personal service ... 150,000 .......................... (re. $150,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 483,000 ....................... (re. $483,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 65,000 ............................. (re. $65,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 2,000 ................................ (re. $2,000) 19 PATROL ACTIVITIES PROGRAM 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 22 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program Account - 25316 23 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 24 For services and expenses related to commercial vehicle safety 25 enforcement and other activities. 26 Personal service ... 2,700,000 ...................... (re. $2,700,000) 27 Nonpersonal service ... 1,593,000 ................... (re. $1,593,000) 28 Fringe benefits ... 1,163,000 ....................... (re. $1,163,000) 29 Indirect costs ... 44,000 .............................. (re. $44,000) 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 31 For services and expenses related to commercial vehicle safety 32 enforcement and other activities. 33 Personal service ... 2,700,000 ...................... (re. $2,700,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 1,593,000 ................... (re. $1,593,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 1,163,000 ....................... (re. $1,163,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 44,000 .............................. (re. $44,000) 37 TECHNICAL POLICE SERVICES PROGRAM 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 40 State Police Account - 25362 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 634 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF STATE POLICE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses related to grants from the national insti- 2 tute of justice. 3 Personal service ... 250,000 .......................... (re. $250,000) 4 Nonpersonal service ... 638,000 ....................... (re. $638,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 108,000 ........................... (re. $108,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 For services and expenses related to grants from the national insti- 9 tute of justice. 10 Personal service ... 250,000 .......................... (re. $250,000) 11 Nonpersonal service ... 638,000 ....................... (re. $638,000) 12 Fringe benefits ... 108,000 ........................... (re. $108,000) 13 Indirect costs ... 4,000 ................................ (re. $4,000) 635 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 1,408,643,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 415,600,000 640,227,000 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 6,888,548,500 600,950,000 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 20,600,000 0 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 8,733,391,500 1,241,177,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 GENERAL FUND 12 General Fund 13 State Purposes Account - 10050 14 EMPLOYEE FRINGE BENEFITS ................................. 1,408,643,000 15 -------------- 16 For other employee fringe benefit programs 17 including, but not limited to, the state's 18 contributions to the health insurance 19 fund, the employees' retirement system 20 pension accumulation fund, the social 21 security contribution fund, employee bene- 22 fit fund programs, the dental insurance 23 plan, the vision care plan, the unemploy- 24 ment insurance fund, and for workers' 25 compensation benefits. Notwithstanding any 26 other law to the contrary, no expenditure 27 shall be made from this appropriation for 28 any other purpose and it may not be 29 reduced by interchange with any other 30 appropriation made to the state universi- 31 ty. This entire appropriation shall be 32 transferred to the miscellaneous -- all 33 state departments and agencies, general 34 state charges program .................... 1,408,643,000 35 -------------- 36 Total general fund support ................. 1,408,643,000 37 -------------- 38 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - FEDERAL 39 STUDENT AID ................................................ 415,600,000 40 -------------- 41 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 636 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Federal Education Fund 2 College Work Study Account - 25218 3 For services and expenses, including grants, 4 relating to the federal supplemental 5 educational opportunity grant program ........ 7,000,000 6 For services and expenses related to the 7 federal college work study program .......... 13,000,000 8 -------------- 9 Program account subtotal .................. 20,000,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Education Fund 13 Federal Teach Grant Aid Account - 25215 14 For services and expenses, including grants, 15 related to the federal teach grant aid 16 program ..................................... 20,000,000 17 -------------- 18 Program account subtotal .................. 20,000,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 21 Federal Education Fund 22 Iraq and Afghanistan Service Award Account - 25218 23 For services and expenses related to the 24 federal scholarship for individuals whose 25 parents served in Iraq or Afghanistan 26 after September 11, 2001 ....................... 100,000 27 -------------- 28 Program account subtotal ..................... 100,000 29 -------------- 30 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 31 Federal Education Fund 32 SUNY Pell Program Account - 25218 33 For services and expenses, including grants, 34 related to the federal Pell grant program .. 375,000,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................. 375,000,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 39 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 40 Federal Scholarship Account - 25114 41 For services and expenses related to the 42 federal scholarship for disadvantaged 43 students program ............................... 500,000 637 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 -------------- 2 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 3 -------------- 4 Total special revenue funds - federal ........ 415,600,000 5 -------------- 6 SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - OTHER 7 DORMITORY INCOME REIMBURSABLE .............................. 343,400,000 8 -------------- 9 Special Revenue Funds - Other 10 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 11 State University Dormitory Income Reimbursable Account - 12 21937 13 For services and expenses of state universi- 14 ty dormitory operations. Of this amount, 15 up to $5,000,000 may be used for the 16 payment of claims subject to self-insured 17 retention pursuant to liability insurance 18 policies held by the dormitory authority 19 of the state of New York arising out of 20 bodily injury or property damage for which 21 the state university of New York, the 22 state of New York, and the dormitory 23 authority of the state of New York might 24 be liable, occurring upon, or about any 25 projects covered by agreements between the 26 dormitory authority of the state of New 27 York, state university of New York, or 28 state university construction fund, to be 29 financed from a transfer from the state 30 university dorm income fund ................ 343,400,000 31 -------------- 32 STUDENT LOANS ............................................... 34,000,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Combined Student Loan Fund 36 Student Loan Account - 20955 37 For services and expenses relating to low 38 interest loans made to students under the 39 federal perkins, nursing student and 40 health profession loan programs. Of this 41 appropriation, authority identified as 42 related to federal drawdown will be trans- 43 ferred to the appropriate federal appro- 638 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 priation upon direction of the state 2 university of New York ...................... 34,000,000 3 -------------- 4 STATE UNIVERSITY DOCTORAL AND STATE UNIVERSITY HEALTH 5 SCIENCE CAMPUSES ......................................... 470,906,200 6 -------------- 7 Special Revenue Funds - Other 8 State University Income Fund 9 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 11 for the purpose of subdivision 4 of 12 section 355 of the education law, the 13 separate amounts appropriated herein for 14 doctoral and health science campuses, 15 state university colleges, state universi- 16 ty colleges of technology and agriculture, 17 shall be deemed to be amounts appropriated 18 to state-operated institutions and amounts 19 appropriated to individual state-operated 20 institutions shall be deemed to be amounts 21 appropriated for programs or purposes. 22 Provided further, that a portion of the 23 funds appropriated herein shall be used to 24 implement a plan to improve educator 25 effectiveness by: 26 (1) increasing admissions requirements for 27 all state university teacher preparation 28 programs; and 29 (2) upgrading the curriculum and require- 30 ments for these programs, which includes 31 increasing opportunities for in-school 32 experience to better prepare aspiring 33 teachers to enter the classroom upon grad- 34 uation. 35 For payment to the state university doctoral 36 and health science campuses according to 37 the following: 38 For services and expenses of the state 39 university of New York at Albany ............ 49,157,700 40 For services and expenses of the state 41 university of New York at Binghamton ........ 39,712,700 42 For services and expenses of the state 43 university of New York at Buffalo, includ- 44 ing services and expenses of the research 45 institute on addictions. Notwithstanding 46 any inconsistent provision of law, rule or 47 regulation to the contrary, so much of 48 this appropriation as may be needed shall 49 be available for transfer to the depart- 639 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ment of health, medical assistance 2 program, local assistance account for the 3 purpose of reimbursing the non-federal 4 share of any supplemental fee payments for 5 professional services provided by physi- 6 cians, nurse practitioners and physician 7 assistants who are participating in a plan 8 for the management of clinical practice at 9 the state university of New York while 10 acting in their capacity as a participant 11 in such plan, at levels approved by the 12 division of the budget, in accordance with 13 federal law and regulation and subject to 14 federal financial participation ............ 131,760,600 15 For services and expenses of the state 16 university of New York at Stony Brook. 17 Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision 18 of law, rule or regulation to the contra- 19 ry, so much of this appropriation as may 20 be needed shall be available for transfer 21 to the department of health, medical 22 assistance program, local assistance 23 account for the purpose of reimbursing the 24 non-federal share of any supplemental fee 25 payments for professional services 26 provided by physicians, nurse practition- 27 ers and physician assistants who are 28 participating in a plan for the management 29 of clinical practice at the state univer- 30 sity of New York while acting in their 31 capacity as a participant in such plan, at 32 levels approved by the division of the 33 budget, in accordance with federal law and 34 regulation and subject to federal finan- 35 cial participation ......................... 130,726,000 36 For services and expenses of the state 37 university health science center at Brook- 38 lyn. Notwithstanding any inconsistent 39 provision of law, rule or regulation to 40 the contrary, so much of this appropri- 41 ation as may be needed shall be available 42 for transfer to the department of health, 43 medical assistance program, local assist- 44 ance account for the purpose of reimburs- 45 ing the non-federal share of any supple- 46 mental fee payments for professional 47 services provided by physicians, nurse 48 practitioners and physician assistants who 49 are participating in a plan for the 50 management of clinical practice at the 51 state university of New York while acting 52 in their capacity as a participant in such 640 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 plan, at levels approved by the division 2 of the budget, in accordance with federal 3 law and regulation and subject to federal 4 financial participation ..................... 51,601,600 5 For services and expenses of the state 6 university health science center at Syra- 7 cuse. Notwithstanding any inconsistent 8 provision of law, rule or regulation to 9 the contrary, so much of this appropri- 10 ation as may be needed shall be available 11 for transfer to the department of health, 12 medical assistance program, local assist- 13 ance account for the purpose of reimburs- 14 ing the non-federal share of any supple- 15 mental fee payments for professional 16 services provided by physicians, nurse 17 practitioners and physician assistants who 18 are participating in a plan for the 19 management of clinical practice at the 20 state university of New York while acting 21 in their capacity as a participant in such 22 plan, at levels approved by the division 23 of budget, in accordance with federal law 24 and regulation and subject to federal 25 financial participation ..................... 37,959,800 26 For services and expenses of the state 27 university college of environmental 28 science and forestry ........................ 19,979,700 29 For services and expenses of the state 30 university college of optometry ............. 10,008,100 31 -------------- 32 STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES .................................. 169,320,500 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 State University Income Fund 36 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 38 for the purpose of subdivision 4 of 39 section 355 of the education law, the 40 separate amounts appropriated herein for 41 doctoral and health science campuses, 42 state university colleges, state universi- 43 ty colleges of technology and agriculture, 44 shall be deemed to be amounts appropriated 45 to state-operated institutions and amounts 46 appropriated to individual state-operated 47 institutions shall be deemed to be amounts 48 appropriated for programs or purposes. 641 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Provided further, that a portion of the 2 funds appropriated herein shall be used to 3 implement a plan to improve educator 4 effectiveness by: 5 (1) increasing admissions requirements for 6 all state university teacher preparation 7 programs; and 8 (2) upgrading the curriculum and require- 9 ments for these programs, which includes 10 increasing opportunities for in-school 11 experience to better prepare aspiring 12 teachers to enter the classroom upon grad- 13 uation. 14 For payment to the state university colleges 15 according to the following: 16 For services and expenses of the state 17 university college at Brockport ............. 15,479,800 18 For services and expenses of the state 19 university college at Buffalo ............... 21,191,300 20 For services and expenses of the state 21 university college at Cortland .............. 12,390,400 22 For services and expenses of the state 23 university empire state college .............. 7,686,500 24 For services and expenses of the state 25 university college at Fredonia .............. 11,580,300 26 For services and expenses of the state 27 university college at Geneseo ............... 10,565,400 28 For services and expenses of the state 29 university college at New Paltz ............. 14,013,600 30 For services and expenses of the state 31 university college at Old Westbury ........... 8,901,900 32 For services and expenses of the state 33 university college at Oneonta ............... 11,357,100 34 For services and expenses of the state 35 university college at Oswego ................ 13,866,000 36 For services and expenses of the state 37 university college at Plattsburgh ........... 10,654,100 38 For services and expenses of the state 39 university college at Potsdam ............... 11,117,200 40 For services and expenses of the state 41 university college at Purchase .............. 12,704,000 42 For services and expenses of the state 43 university maritime college .................. 7,812,900 44 -------------- 45 STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGES OF TECHNOLOGY AND AGRICULTURE ..... 53,967,900 46 -------------- 47 Special Revenue Funds - Other 48 State University Income Fund 49 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 642 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law, 2 for the purpose of subdivision 4 of 3 section 355 of the education law, the 4 separate amounts appropriated herein for 5 doctoral and health science campuses, 6 state university colleges, state universi- 7 ty colleges of technology and agriculture, 8 shall be deemed to be amounts appropriated 9 to state-operated institutions and amounts 10 appropriated to individual state-operated 11 institutions shall be deemed to be amounts 12 appropriated for programs or purposes. 13 Provided further, that a portion of the 14 funds appropriated herein shall be used to 15 implement a plan to improve educator 16 effectiveness by: 17 (1) increasing admissions requirements for 18 all state university teacher preparation 19 programs; and 20 (2) upgrading the curriculum and require- 21 ments for these programs, which includes 22 increasing opportunities for in-school 23 experience to better prepare aspiring 24 teachers to enter the classroom upon grad- 25 uation. 26 For payment to the state university colleges 27 of technology and agriculture according to 28 the following: 29 For services and expenses of the state 30 university college of technology at Alfred ... 7,325,600 31 For services and expenses of the state 32 university college of technology at Canton ... 5,522,100 33 For services and expenses of the state 34 university college of agriculture and 35 technology at Cobleskill ..................... 6,029,300 36 For services and expenses of the state 37 university college of technology at Delhi .... 5,663,600 38 For services and expenses of the state 39 university college of technology at Farm- 40 ingdale ..................................... 11,108,600 41 For services and expenses of the state 42 university college of agriculture and 43 technology at Morrisville .................... 7,142,100 44 For services and expenses of the state 45 university college of technology at Utica- 46 Rome/state university polytechnic insti- 47 tute ........................................ 11,176,600 48 -------------- 49 UNIVERSITY-WIDE PROGRAMS ................................... 136,349,000 50 -------------- 643 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Other 2 State University Income Fund 3 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 4 STUDENT GRANTS AND LOANS 5 For empire state diversity honors scholar- 6 ships program subject to a university 7 match of equal amount for granting and 8 administration of honor scholarships ........... 621,900 9 For tuition awards to recipients of the 10 Maritime appointments program at SUNY 11 Maritime ....................................... 239,600 12 For expenses of the federal Perkins, health 13 professions and nursing student loan 14 programs; the supplemental educational 15 opportunity grant program; and the college 16 work study program ........................... 3,114,100 17 For the payment of financial assistance to 18 certain categories of regularly enrolled 19 full-time students at state-operated 20 institutions of the state university of 21 New York ..................................... 1,570,700 22 For graduate diversity fellowships ............. 6,039,300 23 For services and expenses of providing 24 services to students with disabilities ......... 544,100 25 OPPORTUNITY AND DIVERSITY PROGRAMS 26 For services and expenses related to the 27 office of diversity and educational equity ..... 591,400 28 For services and expenses of the Native 29 American program ............................... 215,200 30 For services and expenses of the trustees 31 underrepresented faculty initiative ............ 422,000 32 Educational opportunity programs, for 33 services and expenses to expand opportu- 34 nities in institutions of higher learning 35 for the educationally and economically 36 disadvantaged in accordance with chapter 37 917 of the laws of 1970, for educational 38 opportunity programs on state university 39 campuses, a summer program and educational 40 opportunity programs in state university 41 community colleges .......................... 21,080,000 42 For additional services and expenses of 43 educational opportunity programs ............. 1,284,400 44 For services and expenses related to the 45 operation of educational opportunity 46 centers and their outreach programs 47 including, but not limited to, necessary 48 programs, services, and financial assist- 644 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 ance, for educationally and economically 2 disadvantaged adults, recipients of feder- 3 al temporary assistance to needy families 4 (TANF) and out-of-school youth who have 5 attained the age of 16 years. $2,000,000 6 of this appropriation shall be used for 7 the services and expenses related to the 8 operation of the ATTAIN lab program. For 9 the purpose of this appropriation, the 10 term "economically disadvantaged" shall be 11 defined as set forth in regulations 12 promulgated by the state university ......... 51,036,300 13 STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND SYSTEM-WIDE RESOURCES 14 For services and expenses of the empire 15 innovation program ........................... 9,497,400 16 For services and expenses of the strategic 17 partnership for industrial resurgence in 18 accordance with a plan approved by the 19 director of the budget ....................... 1,747,400 20 For services and expenses to promote and 21 coordinate energy reduction projects, to 22 provide an index of the health of New York 23 residents and to match health providers to 24 communities in need ............................ 279,300 25 For services and expenses of the Rockefeller 26 institute including $62,400 for the Philip 27 Weinberg senior fellowship and $82,000 for 28 the statistical yearbook ..................... 1,104,200 29 For the college of nanoscale science and 30 engineering .................................. 1,928,600 31 For services and expenses of the sea grant 32 institute ...................................... 411,800 33 For services and expenses related to the 34 establishment of the central New York cord 35 blood center at the state university 36 health science center at Syracuse .............. 205,600 37 For services and expenses related to expand- 38 ing capacity in campus programs for which 39 there is a demonstrated economic develop- 40 ment or public health need ................... 3,164,300 41 For additional services and expenses related 42 to the high need program for expansion of 43 nursing programs. A portion of the funds 44 herein appropriated may be transferred to 45 the general fund-local assistance account 46 of the state university of New York to 47 accomplish the purposes of this appropri- 48 ation, in accordance with a plan approved 49 by the director of the budget ................ 1,663,600 645 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of the small busi- 2 ness development centers ..................... 1,973,200 3 For additional services and expenses of the 4 small business development centers ........... 2,000,000 5 For services and expenses to provide 6 system-wide support to campuses for inter- 7 national education programs including 8 study abroad, international exchange and 9 recruiting international students to 10 provide additional revenue for campuses to 11 increase in-state resident enrollment ........ 1,800,000 12 For services and expenses to provide faculty 13 and staff development for state-operated 14 and community colleges ......................... 360,400 15 For expenses for the purpose of providing 16 students access to the benefits of use of 17 computer technology to achieve academic 18 excellence through innovative instruction, 19 including Open SUNY .......................... 1,607,700 20 For services and expenses to improve the 21 educational pipeline, including the Urban 22 Teacher Center in New York City ................ 435,600 23 For academic equipment replacement ............. 4,373,200 24 For services and expenses related to the 25 operation of child care centers for the 26 benefit of students at the state operated 27 campuses and programs of the state univer- 28 sity of New York, subject to a provision 29 for matching funds of at least 35 percent 30 from non-state sources ....................... 1,567,800 31 For tuition reimbursement for community 32 college employees .............................. 116,700 33 For teacher education and support, by 34 tuition reimbursement or other expendi- 35 tures in support of the clinical prepara- 36 tion of teachers ............................. 2,050,000 37 For services and expenses of the university 38 computer center, including the telecommu- 39 nications network and Open SUNY .............. 4,764,400 40 For services and expenses of the library and 41 educational technology programs, including 42 Open SUNY .................................... 5,081,600 43 For expenses of university-wide student 44 governance ...................................... 57,100 45 For services and expenses of the library 46 conservation program ........................... 350,000 47 For services and expenses of the adminis- 48 tration of charter schools ..................... 848,600 49 For services and expenses of multimedia 50 services, including the New York Network ....... 118,500 51 For services and expenses of the New York 52 state veterinary college at Cornell ............ 250,000 646 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For the services and expenses of staffing 2 and research faculty at the state univer- 3 sity polytechnic institute ..................... 500,000 4 For services and expenses of the marine 5 animal disease laboratory at Stony Brook 6 University ..................................... 333,000 7 Business development and commercialization ..... 1,000,000 8 -------------- 9 Subtotal - university-wide programs ........ 136,349,000 10 ============== 11 SYSTEM ADMINISTRATION ....................................... 31,804,300 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Other 14 State University Income Fund 15 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 16 For services and expenses for system admin- 17 istration, including minority and women 18 business enterprise contracting and 19 purchasing and the internal and independ- 20 ent audit programs. Provided further, the 21 chancellor of the state university of New 22 York and the chancellor of the city 23 university of New York shall jointly 24 develop a back office consolidation plan 25 to expeditiously combine administrative 26 functions between the two university 27 systems including, but not limited to, 28 human resources, financial management, and 29 information technology services and submit 30 such plan, with implementation timelines, 31 to the state university trustees, the city 32 university trustees, and shall submit the 33 plan for approval by the director of the 34 division of the budget on or before Novem- 35 ber 1, 2015 ................................. 13,804,300 36 For additional amount to be distributed to 37 the State University of New York Board of 38 Trustees, representing support for 39 personal service costs ...................... 18,000,000 40 -------------- 41 Total of state-operated institutions general 42 operating schedule ......................... 862,347,900 43 -------------- 44 Special Revenue Funds - Other 45 State University Income Fund 46 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 647 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses of state universi- 2 ty operations supported in whole or in 3 part by tuition. Notwithstanding section 4 23 of the public lands law, expenditures 5 from this appropriation may include the 6 proceeds deposited from the sale of 7 surplus state university property ........ 1,823,158,800 8 -------------- 9 Total gross operating - state-operated 10 institutions support ..................... 2,814,826,500 11 -------------- 12 STATE UNIVERSITY STATUTORY AND CONTRACT COLLEGES ........... 129,319,800 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 State University Income Fund 16 State University Revenue Offset Account - 22655 17 For payment to the statutory or contract 18 colleges, as defined by subdivision 3 of 19 section 350 of the education law. 20 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, 21 the separate amounts appropriated herein 22 for the statutory and contract colleges 23 may not be decreased by transfer or inter- 24 change with appropriations made for 25 doctoral and health science campuses, 26 state university colleges, state universi- 27 ty colleges of technology and agriculture 28 or system administration. 29 For services and expenses of the New York 30 state college of Ceramics - Alfred Univer- 31 sity ......................................... 8,088,100 32 For services and expenses of the New York 33 state statutory colleges - Cornell univer- 34 sity ........................................ 78,913,000 35 For services and expenses to support 36 research conducted at the New York state 37 veterinary college at Cornell into canine 38 diseases affecting humans and animals .......... 138,000 39 For Cornell land scrip ............................ 35,000 40 For services and expenses related to 41 programs that support Cornell university's 42 federal land grant mission .................. 42,145,700 43 -------------- 44 Amount available - New York statutory 45 colleges - Cornell University ............ 121,231,700 46 -------------- 648 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Total of statutory and contract colleges 2 support .................................... 129,319,800 3 -------------- 4 Total gross operating - state-operated 5 institutions and statutory and contract 6 college support .......................... 2,814,826,500 7 -------------- 8 GENERAL INCOME REIMBURSABLE ................................ 837,800,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 State University Income Fund 12 State University General Income Reimbursable Account - 13 22653 14 For services and expenses of activities 15 supported in whole or in part by user fees 16 and other charges .......................... 837,800,000 17 -------------- 18 HOSPITAL INCOME REIMBURSABLE ............................. 2,660,000,000 19 -------------- 20 Special Revenue Funds - Other 21 State University Income Fund 22 State University Hospitals Income Reimbursable Account - 23 22656 24 For services and expenses of the state 25 university of New York hospitals at Stony 26 Brook, Brooklyn, and Syracuse, including 27 fringe benefits and other operational 28 expenses ................................. 2,541,500,000 29 For additional services and expenses of the 30 state university of New York hospitals at 31 Stony Brook, Brooklyn, and Syracuse, 32 including fringe benefits and other opera- 33 tional expenses ............................. 18,500,000 34 -------------- 35 Program account subtotal ............... 2,560,000,000 36 -------------- 37 Special Revenue Funds - Other 38 State University Income Fund 39 State University-wide Hospital Reimbursable Account - 40 22658 41 For services and expenses of hospital activ- 42 ities supported in whole or in part by 43 user fees and other charges ................ 100,000,000 649 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 -------------- 2 Program account subtotal ................. 100,000,000 3 -------------- 4 LONG ISLAND VETERANS' HOME REIMBURSABLE ..................... 46,622,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 State University Income Fund 8 Long Island Veterans' Home Account - 22652 9 For services and expenses related to opera- 10 tion of the Long Island veterans' home ...... 46,622,000 11 -------------- 12 TUITION REIMBURSABLE ....................................... 151,900,000 13 -------------- 14 Special Revenue Funds - Other 15 State University Income Fund 16 SUNY Tuition Reimbursable Account - 22659 17 For services and expenses of activities 18 supported in whole or in part by tuition 19 and related academic fees. This appropri- 20 ation shall be available for expenditure 21 upon approval by the director of the budg- 22 et of an annual plan submitted by the 23 university to the director of the budget 24 and the chairmen of the senate finance 25 committee and the assembly ways and means 26 committee on or before October 15, 2015 .... 151,900,000 27 -------------- 28 Total special revenue funds - other ...... 6,888,548,500 29 -------------- 30 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS 31 BANKING SERVICES ............................................ 20,600,000 32 -------------- 33 Internal Service Fund 34 Agencies Internal Service Fund 35 Banking Services Account - 55057 36 For services and expenses in connection with 37 the purchase of banking services ............ 20,600,000 38 -------------- 39 Total internal service fund ................. 20,600,000 40 -------------- 650 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 STUDENT AID 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Education Fund 4 College Work Study Account - 25218 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 7 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 8 7,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,908,000) 9 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 10 program ... 13,000,000 ........................... (re. $10,218,000) 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 12 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 13 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 14 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,796,000) 15 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 16 program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $5,696,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Education Fund 19 College Work Study Account 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 22 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 23 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,666,000) 24 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 25 program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $4,947,000) 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 27 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 28 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 29 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,603,000) 30 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 31 program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $4,869,000) 32 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 33 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 34 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 35 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,262,000) 36 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 37 program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $4,557,000) 38 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 39 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 40 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 41 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $3,011,000) 42 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 43 program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $2,960,000) 651 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 2 For services and expenses, including grants, relating to the federal 3 supplemental educational opportunity grant program ................. 4 9,000,000 ......................................... (re. $2,819,000) 5 For services and expenses related to the federal college work study 6 Program ... 15,000,000 ............................ (re. $3,769,000) 7 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 8 Federal Education Fund 9 Federal Teach Grant Aid Account - 25215 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 11 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 12 teach grant aid program ... 20,000,000 ........... (re. $18,230,000) 13 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 14 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 15 teach grant aid program ... 28,000,000 ........... (re. $24,082,000) 16 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 17 Federal Education Fund 18 Federal Teach Grant Aid Account 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 20 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 21 teach grant aid program ... 28,000,000 ........... (re. $23,549,000) 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 23 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 24 teach grant aid program ... 28,000,000 ........... (re. $22,444,000) 25 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 26 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 27 teach grant aid program ... 28,000,000 ........... (re. $22,357,000) 28 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 29 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 30 teach grant aid program ... 28,000,000 ........... (re. $21,212,000) 31 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 32 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 33 teach grant aid program ... 25,000,000 ............ (re. $9,996,000) 34 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 35 Federal Education Fund 36 Iraq and Afghanistan Service Award Account - 25218 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 38 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for indi- 39 viduals whose parents served in Iraq or Afghanistan after September 40 11, 2001 ... 100,000 ................................ (re. $100,000) 652 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Education Fund 3 SUNY Academic Competitiveness Grants Program Account 4 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 5 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 6 academic competitiveness grant program ............................. 7 15,000,000 ........................................ (re. $2,808,000) 8 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 9 national science and mathematics access to retain talent (SMART) 10 grant program ... 15,000,000 ...................... (re. $2,590,000) 11 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 12 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 13 academic competitiveness grant program ............................. 14 15,000,000 ........................................ (re. $7,224,000) 15 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 16 national science and mathematics access to retain talent (SMART) 17 grant program ... 15,000,000 ...................... (re. $6,868,000) 18 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 19 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 20 Academic Competitiveness Grant program ............................. 21 25,000,000 ....................................... (re. $18,767,000) 22 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 23 National Science and Mathematics Access to Retain Talent (SMART) 24 Grant program ... 25,000,000 ..................... (re. $20,336,000) 25 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 26 Federal Education Fund 27 SUNY Pell Program Account - 25218 28 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 29 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 30 Pell grant program ... 375,000,000 .............. (re. $222,769,000) 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 32 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 33 Pell grant program ... 375,000,000 ............... (re. $96,045,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 35 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 36 Pell grant program ... 375,000,000 .............. (re. $105,320,000) 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 38 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 39 Pell grant program ... 310,000,000 ............... (re. $43,839,000) 40 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 41 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 42 Pell grant program ... 235,000,000 ................ (re. $1,854,000) 653 20011-02-5 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 2 For services and expenses, including grants, related to the federal 3 Pell grant program ... 215,000,000 ............... (re. $11,309,000) 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 5 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 6 Federal Scholarship Account - 25114 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 8 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 9 disadvantaged students program ... 500,000 .......... (re. $500,000) 10 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 11 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 12 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ...... (re. $1,500,000) 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Health and Human Services Fund 15 Federal Scholarship Account 16 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 17 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 18 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ...... (re. $1,487,000) 19 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 20 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 21 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ...... (re. $1,238,000) 22 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 23 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 24 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ........ (re. $993,000) 25 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 26 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 27 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ........ (re. $827,000) 28 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 29 For services and expenses related to the federal scholarship for 30 disadvantaged students program ... 1,500,000 ........ (re. $608,000) 31 GENERAL INCOME REIMBURSABLE 32 Special Revenue Funds - Other 33 State University Income Fund 34 State University General Income Reimbursable Account - 22653 35 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 36 For services and expenses of activities supported in whole or in part 37 by user fees and other charges ..................................... 38 837,800,000 ..................................... (re. $600,950,000) 654 20011-02-5 STATEWIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 30,137,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 30,137,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 STATEWIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM PROGRAM .......................... 30,137,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For services and expenses related to the 13 development of enterprise technology 14 solutions. Funds appropriated herein may 15 be suballocated to any other state depart- 16 ment, agency or public benefit corporation 17 to achieve this purpose; provided however, 18 these funds shall only be available upon 19 the mutual agreement of the director of 20 the budget and the state comptroller on a 21 joint implementation plan for the inte- 22 grated development of statewide financial 23 system to be utilized by agencies, the 24 division of the budget, and the office of 25 the state comptroller. 26 PERSONAL SERVICE 27 Personal service--regular ..................... 10,681,000 28 Temporary service ................................ 360,000 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 71,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service ....... 11,112,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 60,000 35 Travel ............................................ 10,000 36 Contractual services .......................... 18,817,000 37 Equipment ........................................ 138,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 19,025,000 40 -------------- 655 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 270,327,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 5,000,000 0 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 106,477,000 0 6 Internal Service Funds ............. 77,442,400 3,000,000 7 ---------------- ---------------- 8 All Funds ........................ 459,246,400 3,000,000 9 ================ ================ 10 SCHEDULE 11 AUDIT, COLLECTION, AND ENFORCEMENT PROGRAM ................. 197,735,000 12 -------------- 13 General Fund 14 State Purposes Account - 10050 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 PERSONAL SERVICE 26 Personal service--regular .................... 168,316,000 27 Temporary service ................................ 204,000 28 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 750,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for personal service ...... 169,270,000 31 -------------- 32 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 33 Supplies and materials ........................... 421,000 34 Travel ......................................... 3,701,000 35 Contractual services ........................... 1,084,000 36 Equipment ........................................ 164,000 37 -------------- 38 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 5,370,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ................. 174,640,000 41 -------------- 656 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement - Justice Account - 4 25406 5 For moneys to the department of taxation and 6 finance for the justice department federal 7 equitable sharing agreement to be used for 8 law enforcement purposes. 9 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,500,000 10 -------------- 11 Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000 12 -------------- 13 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 14 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 15 Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement - Treasury Account - 16 25524 17 For moneys to the department of taxation and 18 finance for the treasury department feder- 19 al equitable sharing agreement to be used 20 for law enforcement purposes. 21 Nonpersonal service ............................ 2,500,000 22 -------------- 23 Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Other 26 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 27 Cigarette Strike Task Force Account 28 For services and expenses related to the 29 investigation and prosecution of criminal 30 activity associated with the sale and 31 trafficking of illegal cigarettes. 32 PERSONAL SERVICE 33 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,572,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ........................... 500,000 37 Travel ............................................ 70,000 38 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 39 Equipment ......................................... 35,000 657 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits .................................. 878,000 2 Indirect costs .................................... 40,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,523,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 4,095,000 7 -------------- 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 10 Equitable Sharing Agreement Account - 22195 11 For moneys to the department of taxation and 12 finance for various equitable sharing 13 agreements to be used for law enforcement 14 purposes. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 18 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 19 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 20 appropriation for the budget division 21 program of the division of the budget, are 22 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 23 part of this appropriation as if fully 24 stated. 25 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 26 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,050,000 27 Travel ........................................... 200,000 28 Contractual services ............................. 200,000 29 Equipment ...................................... 1,050,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 2,500,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Tax Revenue Arrearage Account - 22168 36 For services and expenses related to the 37 administration and collection of outstand- 38 ing tax liabilities through the use of 39 contractual services. 40 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 41 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 42 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 43 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 44 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 45 appropriation for the budget division 46 program of the division of the budget, are 658 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 2 part of this appropriation as if fully 3 stated. 4 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 5 Contractual services .......................... 11,500,000 6 -------------- 7 Program account subtotal .................. 11,500,000 8 -------------- 9 CENTRALIZED OPERATIONS SUPPORT PROGRAM ...................... 18,815,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ...................... 4,118,000 25 Temporary service ................................ 110,000 26 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 50,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service ........ 4,278,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,920,000 32 Travel ............................................ 28,000 33 Contractual services .......................... 10,965,000 34 Equipment ........................................ 624,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 14,537,000 37 -------------- 38 CONCILIATION AND MEDIATION PROGRAM ........................... 1,629,000 39 -------------- 40 General Fund 41 State Purposes Account - 10050 659 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 3 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 4 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 5 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 6 appropriation for the budget division 7 program of the division of the budget, are 8 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 9 part of this appropriation as if fully 10 stated. 11 PERSONAL SERVICE 12 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,551,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ............................. 4,000 16 Travel ............................................ 69,000 17 Contractual services ............................... 4,000 18 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 78,000 21 -------------- 22 MANAGEMENT, ADMINISTRATION, AND COUNSEL PROGRAM ............. 14,927,000 23 -------------- 24 General Fund 25 State Purposes Account - 10050 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 27 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 28 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 29 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 30 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 31 appropriation for the budget division 32 program of the division of the budget, are 33 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 34 part of this appropriation as if fully 35 stated. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ..................... 13,630,000 38 Temporary service ................................. 32,000 39 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 10,000 40 -------------- 41 Amount available for personal service ....... 13,672,000 42 -------------- 660 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 98,000 3 Travel ........................................... 112,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 778,000 5 Equipment ........................................ 267,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,255,000 8 -------------- 9 NEW YORK STATE IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS PROGRAM .................... 250,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ........................ 250,000 15 -------------- 16 OFFICE OF REAL PROPERTY TAX SERVICES PROGRAM ................ 17,926,000 17 -------------- 18 General Fund 19 State Purposes Account - 10050 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 23 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 25 appropriation for the budget division 26 program of the division of the budget, are 27 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 28 part of this appropriation as if fully 29 stated. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ..................... 11,635,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ........................... 100,000 35 Travel ........................................... 200,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 1,700,000 37 Equipment ........................................ 100,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,100,000 40 -------------- 661 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Program account subtotal .................. 13,735,000 2 -------------- 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other 4 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 5 Industrial and Utility Service Account - 22004 6 For services and expenses related to the 7 preparation of appraisals on special fran- 8 chises, unit of production values of oil 9 and gas rights and assessment ceilings on 10 railroad properties. 11 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 12 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 13 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 14 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 15 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 16 appropriation for the budget division 17 program of the division of the budget, are 18 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 19 part of this appropriation as if fully 20 stated. 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular ...................... 1,896,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Contractual services ............................. 100,000 26 Fringe benefits .................................. 980,000 27 Indirect costs .................................... 51,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,131,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 3,027,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Local Services Account - 22078 36 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 37 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 38 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 39 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 40 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 41 appropriation for the budget division 42 program of the division of the budget, are 43 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 662 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 722,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Contractual services .............................. 50,000 8 Fringe benefits .................................. 373,000 9 Indirect costs .................................... 19,000 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 442,000 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal ................... 1,164,000 14 -------------- 15 REVENUE PROCESSING AND RECONCILIATION PROGRAM .............. 193,343,400 16 -------------- 17 General Fund 18 State Purposes Account - 10050 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 20 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 22 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 23 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 24 appropriation for the budget division 25 program of the division of the budget, are 26 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 27 part of this appropriation as if fully 28 stated. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ..................... 32,770,000 31 Temporary service .............................. 1,035,000 32 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 375,000 33 -------------- 34 Amount available for personal service ....... 34,180,000 35 -------------- 36 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 37 Supplies and materials ........................... 814,000 38 Travel ........................................... 100,000 39 Contractual services ........................... 1,012,000 40 Equipment ........................................ 142,000 41 -------------- 663 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,068,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 36,248,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 New York City Assessment Account - 22062 8 For services and expenses related to the 9 administration, collection, and distrib- 10 ution of the New York city personal income 11 taxes. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 13 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 14 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 15 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 16 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 17 appropriation for the budget division 18 program of the division of the budget, are 19 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 20 part of this appropriation as if fully 21 stated. 22 PERSONAL SERVICE 23 Personal service--regular ..................... 35,566,000 24 Temporary service .............................. 1,315,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for personal service ....... 36,881,000 27 -------------- 28 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 29 Supplies and materials ......................... 2,553,000 30 Travel ......................................... 2,000,000 31 Contractual services .......................... 18,000,000 32 Equipment ...................................... 2,000,000 33 Fringe benefits ............................... 16,799,000 34 Indirect costs ................................. 1,420,000 35 -------------- 36 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 42,772,000 37 -------------- 38 Program account subtotal .................. 79,653,000 39 -------------- 40 Internal Service Funds 41 Agencies Internal Service Fund 42 Banking Services Account - 55057 43 For services and expenses in connection with 44 the purchase of banking services, as well 664 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 as for tax return processing within the 2 department of taxation and finance. 3 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 4 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 5 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 6 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 7 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 8 appropriation for the budget division 9 program of the division of the budget, are 10 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 11 part of this appropriation as if fully 12 stated. 13 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 14 Contractual services .......................... 25,380,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal .................. 25,380,000 17 -------------- 18 Internal Service Funds 19 Agencies Internal Service Fund 20 Tax Contact Center Account - 55073 21 For payments related to the planning, devel- 22 opment and establishment of a new state- 23 wide contact center within the department 24 of tax and finance, the office of children 25 and family services and the department of 26 labor on behalf of customer state agen- 27 cies. 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 29 to the contrary, for the purpose of plan- 30 ning, developing and/or implementing the 31 consolidation of administration, business 32 services, procurement, information tech- 33 nology and/or other functions shared among 34 agencies to improve the efficiency and 35 effectiveness of government operations, 36 the amounts appropriated herein may be (i) 37 interchanged without limit, (ii) trans- 38 ferred between any other state operations 39 appropriations within this agency or to 40 any other state operations appropriations 41 of any state department, agency or public 42 authority, and/or (iii) suballocated to 43 any state department, agency or public 44 authority with the approval of the direc- 45 tor of the budget who shall file such 46 approval with the department of audit and 47 control and copies thereof with the chair- 48 man of the senate finance committee and 665 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 the chairman of the assembly ways and 2 means committee. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ..................... 31,367,600 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Contractual services ........................... 1,789,600 8 Fringe benefits ............................... 18,820,600 9 Indirect costs .................................... 84,600 10 -------------- 11 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 20,694,800 12 -------------- 13 Program account subtotal .................. 52,062,400 14 -------------- 15 TAX POLICY, REVENUE ACCOUNTING, AND TAXPAYER GUIDANCE 16 PROGRAM ................................................... 10,083,000 17 -------------- 18 General Fund 19 State Purposes Account - 10050 20 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 21 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 22 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 23 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 24 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 25 appropriation for the budget division 26 program of the division of the budget, are 27 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 28 part of this appropriation as if fully 29 stated. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ...................... 9,673,000 32 Temporary service .................................. 8,000 33 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 65,000 34 -------------- 35 Amount available for personal service ........ 9,746,000 36 -------------- 666 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 2 Supplies and materials ............................ 44,000 3 Travel ............................................ 20,000 4 Contractual services ............................. 260,000 5 Equipment ......................................... 13,000 6 -------------- 7 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 337,000 8 -------------- 9 TREASURY MANAGEMENT PROGRAM .................................. 4,538,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Other 12 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 13 Investment Services Account - 22034 14 For services and expenses relating to the 15 performance of certain fiduciary responsi- 16 bilities on behalf of certain agencies, 17 public benefit corporations and public 18 authorities. 19 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 20 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 21 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 22 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 23 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 24 appropriation for the budget division 25 program of the division of the budget, are 26 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 27 part of this appropriation as if fully 28 stated. 29 PERSONAL SERVICE 30 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,070,000 31 Temporary service .................................. 5,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,075,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 37 Travel ............................................ 10,000 38 Contractual services ........................... 1,300,000 39 Equipment ......................................... 15,000 40 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,072,000 41 Indirect costs .................................... 56,000 42 -------------- 43 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,463,000 44 -------------- 667 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND FINANCE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 REVENUE PROCESSING AND RECONCILIATION PROGRAM 2 Internal Service Funds 3 Agencies Internal Service Fund 4 Banking Services Account - 55057 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses in connection with the purchase of banking 7 services, as well as for tax return processing within the department 8 of taxation and finance. 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 10 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 11 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 12 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 13 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 14 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 15 Contractual services ... 25,380,000 ................. (re. $3,000,000) 668 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF TAX APPEALS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 3,040,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 3,040,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 3,040,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,810,000 14 Temporary service ................................. 60,000 15 -------------- 16 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,870,000 17 -------------- 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ............................ 32,000 20 Travel ............................................ 16,000 21 Contractual services .............................. 81,000 22 Equipment ......................................... 41,000 23 -------------- 24 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 170,000 25 -------------- 669 20011-02-5 THRUWAY AUTHORITY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 21,500,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 21,500,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 THRUWAY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM .................................. 21,500,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For the cost of goods and services incurred 13 after December 31, 2014 by the New York 14 state thruway authority on behalf of the 15 state of New York, pursuant to an agree- 16 ment as provided for by subdivision 2 of 17 section 357-a of public authorities law. 18 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 19 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,000 20 Travel ............................................. 1,000 21 Contractual services .......................... 21,495,000 22 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 23 Fringe benefits .................................... 1,000 24 Indirect costs ..................................... 1,000 25 -------------- 26 Amount available for nonpersonal service .... 21,500,000 27 -------------- 670 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 18,918,000 63,062,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 14,189,000 9,212,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 33,107,000 72,274,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 OFFICE OF PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM ...... 29,897,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 13 Federal Aviation Administration Planning Account - 25303 14 Nonpersonal service ............................ 1,060,000 15 -------------- 16 Program account subtotal ................... 1,060,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 19 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 20 FTA Program Management Account - 25446 21 Personal service ............................... 2,447,000 22 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,072,000 23 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,311,000 24 Indirect costs ................................... 119,000 25 -------------- 26 Program account subtotal ................... 7,949,000 27 -------------- 28 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 29 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 30 Motor Carrier Safety Account - 25397 31 Personal service ............................... 3,427,000 32 Nonpersonal service ............................ 4,480,000 33 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,836,000 34 Indirect costs ................................... 166,000 35 -------------- 36 Program account subtotal ................... 9,909,000 37 -------------- 38 Special Revenue Funds - Other 39 Clean Air Fund 40 Mobile Source Account - 21452 671 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For the expenses of the department of trans- 2 portation, including liabilities incurred 3 prior to April 1, 2015, relating to the 4 implementation and administration of the 5 heavy duty vehicle emissions inspection 6 program. 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 8 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 9 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 10 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 11 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 12 appropriation for the budget division 13 program of the division of the budget, are 14 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 15 part of this appropriation as if fully 16 stated. 17 PERSONAL SERVICE 18 Personal service--regular ........................ 410,000 19 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 125,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for personal service .......... 535,000 22 -------------- 23 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 24 Supplies and materials ........................... 181,000 25 Travel ............................................ 45,000 26 Contractual services .............................. 53,000 27 Equipment ......................................... 60,000 28 Fringe benefits .................................. 299,000 29 Indirect costs .................................... 14,000 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 652,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ................... 1,187,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other 36 Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Fund 37 Metropolitan Mass Transportation Operating Assistance 38 Account - 21402 39 For services and expenses related to the 40 administration of the mass transportation 41 operating assistance program including bus 42 inspections primarily within the metropol- 43 itan commuter transportation district. 44 Provided, however, notwithstanding any 45 other provision of law, $100,000 of this 46 appropriation shall be made available for 672 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 contractual services for the purpose of 2 auditing and examining the accounts, 3 books, records, documents, and papers of 4 transportation operators receiving mass 5 transportation operating assistance 6 payments serving primarily within the 7 metropolitan commuter transportation 8 district when the commissioner of trans- 9 portation deems such audits necessary. 10 Such contracts may also include, but not be 11 limited to, recommendations to achieve 12 economies and efficiencies in the state 13 transportation operating assistance 14 program. 15 PERSONAL SERVICE 16 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,084,000 17 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 298,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for personal service ........ 2,382,000 20 -------------- 21 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 22 Supplies and materials ............................ 26,000 23 Travel ........................................... 170,000 24 Contractual services ............................. 177,000 25 Equipment ......................................... 37,000 26 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,331,000 27 Indirect costs .................................... 60,000 28 -------------- 29 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 1,801,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 4,183,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Fund 35 Public Transportation Systems Operating Assistance 36 Account - 21401 37 For services and expenses related to the 38 administration of the mass transportation 39 operating assistance program including bus 40 inspections primarily outside of the 41 metropolitan commuter transportation 42 district. Provided, however, notwithstand- 43 ing any other provision of law, $100,000 44 of this appropriation shall be made avail- 45 able for contractual services for the 46 purpose of auditing and examining the 673 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 accounts, books, records, documents, and 2 papers of transportation operators receiv- 3 ing mass transportation operating assist- 4 ance payments serving primarily outside of 5 the metropolitan commuter transportation 6 district when the commissioner of trans- 7 portation deems such audits necessary. 8 Such contracts may also include, but not be 9 limited to, recommendations to achieve 10 economies and efficiencies in the state 11 transportation operating assistance 12 program. 13 PERSONAL SERVICE 14 Personal service--regular ........................ 617,000 15 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 13,000 16 -------------- 17 Amount available for personal service .......... 630,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................ 23,000 21 Travel ........................................... 306,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 102,000 23 Equipment ......................................... 73,000 24 Fringe benefits .................................. 352,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 16,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 872,000 28 -------------- 29 Program account subtotal ................... 1,502,000 30 -------------- 31 Special Revenue Funds - Other 32 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 33 Transportation Aviation Account - 22165 34 For payment of expenses related to operation 35 of Stewart and Republic airports. 36 PERSONAL SERVICE 37 Personal service--regular ........................ 126,000 38 -------------- 39 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 40 Travel ............................................. 9,000 41 Contractual services ........................... 3,897,000 674 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fringe benefits ................................... 71,000 2 Indirect costs ..................................... 4,000 3 -------------- 4 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 3,981,000 5 -------------- 6 Program account subtotal ................... 4,107,000 7 -------------- 8 OPERATIONS PROGRAM ........................................... 3,210,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Highway Construction and Maintenance Safety Education 13 Account - 22089 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ............................ 73,000 16 Contractual services .............................. 68,000 17 Equipment ......................................... 69,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal ..................... 210,000 20 -------------- 21 Special Revenue Funds - Other 22 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 23 Transportation Surplus Property Account - 21933 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 25 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 26 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 27 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 28 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 29 appropriation for the budget division 30 program of the division of the budget, are 31 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 32 part of this appropriation as if fully 33 stated. 34 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 35 Supplies and materials ......................... 1,000,000 36 Contractual services ........................... 1,000,000 37 Equipment ...................................... 1,000,000 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ................... 3,000,000 40 -------------- 675 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 OFFICE OF PASSENGER AND FREIGHT TRANSPORTATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Federal Aviation Administration Planning Account - 25303 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Nonpersonal service ... 1,060,000 ................... (re. $1,060,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 8 Nonpersonal service ... 1,060,000 ................... (re. $1,060,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 11 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 12 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 14 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 15 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 16 ation as if fully stated. 17 Nonpersonal service ... 1,060,000 ................... (re. $1,055,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 19 Nonpersonal service ... 1,060,000 ................... (re. $1,060,000) 20 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 21 Maintenance undistributed ... 1,060,000 ............... (re. $661,000) 22 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 23 Maintenance undistributed ... 1,060,000 ............. (re. $1,060,000) 24 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 25 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 26 FTA Program Management Account - 25446 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 28 Personal service ... 2,399,000 ...................... (re. $2,399,000) 29 Nonpersonal service ... 4,170,000 ................... (re. $4,170,000) 30 Fringe benefits ... 1,283,000 ....................... (re. $1,283,000) 31 Indirect costs ... 97,000 .............................. (re. $97,000) 32 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 33 Personal service ... 1,399,000 ...................... (re. $1,399,000) 34 Nonpersonal service ... 3,070,000 ................... (re. $3,070,000) 35 Fringe benefits ... 822,000 ........................... (re. $822,000) 36 Indirect costs ... 55,000 .............................. (re. $55,000) 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 40 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 41 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 676 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 2 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 3 ation as if fully stated. 4 Personal service ... 1,282,000 ...................... (re. $1,282,000) 5 Nonpersonal service ... 3,374,000 ................... (re. $3,374,000) 6 Fringe benefits ... 643,000 ........................... (re. $643,000) 7 Indirect costs ... 47,000 .............................. (re. $47,000) 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 9 Personal service ... 1,415,000 ...................... (re. $1,229,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 3,253,000 ................... (re. $2,098,000) 11 Fringe benefits ... 613,000 ........................... (re. $459,000) 12 Indirect costs ... 65,000 .............................. (re. $54,000) 13 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 14 Personal service ... 1,962,000 ...................... (re. $1,047,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 253,000 ....................... (re. $253,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 865,000 ........................... (re. $602,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 88,000 .............................. (re. $56,000) 18 Maintenance undistributed ... 3,000,000 ............. (re. $3,000,000) 19 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 20 Personal service ... 1,767,000 ........................ (re. $454,000) 21 Nonpersonal service ... 253,000 ....................... (re. $253,000) 22 Fringe benefits ... 765,000 ........................... (re. $374,000) 23 Maintenance undistributed ... 3,000,000 ............. (re. $3,000,000) 24 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 25 Nonpersonal service ... 253,000 ....................... (re. $253,000) 26 Fringe benefits ... 765,000 ........................... (re. $121,000) 27 Maintenance undistributed ... 3,000,000 ............. (re. $3,000,000) 28 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007: 29 For the grant period October 1, 2006 to September 30, 2007: 30 Nonpersonal service ... 253,000 ....................... (re. $101,000) 31 Fringe benefits ... 836,000 ........................... (re. $836,000) 32 Maintenance undistributed ... 3,000,000 ............. (re. $3,000,000) 33 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2006: 34 For the grant period October 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006: ... ... 35 5,714,000 ........................................... (re. $858,000) 36 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 37 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 38 Motor Carrier Safety Account - 25397 39 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 40 Personal service ... 3,427,000 ...................... (re. $2,368,000) 41 Nonpersonal service ... 4,511,000 ................... (re. $4,444,000) 42 Fringe benefits ... 1,833,000 ....................... (re. $1,439,000) 43 Indirect costs ... 138,000 ............................ (re. $109,000) 677 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 2 Personal service ... 3,427,000 ...................... (re. $1,111,000) 3 Nonpersonal service ... 4,333,000 ................... (re. $3,913,000) 4 Fringe benefits ... 2,014,000 ......................... (re. $162,000) 5 Indirect costs ... 135,000 ............................. (re. $22,000) 6 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 7 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 8 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 9 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 10 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 11 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 12 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 13 ation as if fully stated. 14 Personal service ... 3,294,000 ........................ (re. $369,000) 15 Nonpersonal service ... 4,842,000 ................... (re. $4,471,000) 16 Fringe benefits ... 1,652,000 .......................... (re. $19,000) 17 Indirect costs ... 121,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 18 Special Revenue Funds - Other 19 Clean Air Fund 20 Mobile Source Account - 21452 21 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 22 For the expenses of the department of transportation, including 23 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2014, relating to the imple- 24 mentation and administration of the heavy duty vehicle emissions 25 inspection program. 26 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 27 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 28 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 29 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 30 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 31 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 32 Supplies and materials ... 175,000 .................... (re. $168,000) 33 Travel ... 45,000 ...................................... (re. $20,000) 34 Contractual services ... 49,000 ........................ (re. $48,000) 35 Equipment ... 40,000 ................................... (re. $40,000) 36 Fringe benefits ... 313,000 ........................... (re. $248,000) 37 Indirect costs ... 16,000 .............................. (re. $13,000) 38 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 39 For the expenses of the department of transportation, including 40 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2013, relating to the imple- 41 mentation and administration of the heavy duty vehicle emissions 42 inspection program. 43 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 44 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 45 fer Authority as defined in the 2013-14 state fiscal year state 46 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 47 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 48 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 678 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Supplies and materials ... 166,000 .................... (re. $150,000) 2 Travel ... 35,000 ...................................... (re. $27,000) 3 Contractual services ... 215,000 ....................... (re. $82,000) 4 Equipment ... 272,000 ................................. (re. $264,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 265,000 ............................ (re. $43,000) 6 Indirect costs ... 15,000 ............................... (re. $3,000) 7 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 8 For the expenses of the department of transportation, including 9 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2012, relating to the imple- 10 mentation and administration of the heavy duty vehicle emissions 11 inspection program. 12 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 13 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 14 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 15 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 16 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 17 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 18 ation as if fully stated. 19 Supplies and materials ... 221,000 ..................... (re. $12,000) 20 Travel ... 27,000 ....................................... (re. $1,000) 21 Contractual services ... 274,000 ...................... (re. $220,000) 22 Equipment ... 272,000 ................................. (re. $224,000) 23 Fringe benefits ... 218,000 ........................... (re. $162,000) 24 Indirect costs ... 11,000 ............................... (re. $9,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 26 For the expenses of the department of transportation, including 27 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2011, relating to the imple- 28 mentation and administration of the heavy duty vehicle emissions 29 inspection program. 30 Supplies and materials ... 321,000 ..................... (re. $57,000) 31 Travel ... 27,000 ....................................... (re. $1,000) 32 Contractual services ... 274,000 ...................... (re. $260,000) 33 Equipment ... 272,000 .................................. (re. $97,000) 34 Fringe benefits ... 175,000 ............................ (re. $19,000) 35 Indirect costs ... 12,000 ............................... (re. $1,000) 36 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 37 For the expenses of the department of transportation, including 38 liabilities incurred prior to April 1, 2010, relating to the imple- 39 mentation and administration of the heavy duty vehicle emissions 40 inspection program. 41 Supplies and materials ... 321,000 ..................... (re. $32,000) 42 Travel ... 27,000 ....................................... (re. $1,000) 43 Contractual services ... 274,000 ...................... (re. $274,000) 44 Equipment ... 272,000 .................................. (re. $18,000) 45 Fringe benefits ... 201,000 ............................ (re. $18,000) 46 Indirect costs ... 13,000 ............................... (re. $3,000) 47 Special Revenue Funds - Other 48 Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Fund 679 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Metropolitan Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Account - 21402 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 3 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 4 transportation operating assistance program including bus 5 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 6 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 7 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 8 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 9 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 10 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 11 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 12 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 13 deems such audits necessary. 14 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 15 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 16 tion operating assistance program. 17 Contractual services ... 177,000 ...................... (re. $134,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 19 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 20 transportation operating assistance program including bus 21 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 22 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 23 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 24 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 25 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 26 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 27 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 28 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 29 deems such audits necessary. 30 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 31 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 32 tion operating assistance program. 33 Contractual services ... 125,000 ....................... (re. $24,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 35 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 36 transportation operating assistance program including bus 37 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 38 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 39 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 40 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 41 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 42 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 43 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 44 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 45 deems such audits necessary. 46 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 47 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 48 tion operating assistance program. 680 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 2 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 3 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 4 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 5 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 6 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 7 ation as if fully stated. 8 Contractual services ... 146,000 ....................... (re. $15,000) 9 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 10 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 11 transportation operating assistance program including bus 12 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 13 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 14 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 15 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 16 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 17 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 18 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 19 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 20 deems such audits necessary. 21 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 22 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 23 tion operating assistance program. 24 Contractual services ... 75,000 ........................ (re. $29,000) 25 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 26 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 27 transportation operating assistance program including bus 28 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 29 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 30 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 31 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 32 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 33 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 34 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 35 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 36 deems such audits necessary. 37 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 38 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 39 tion operating assistance program. 40 Contractual services ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $14,000) 41 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 42 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 43 transportation operating assistance program including bus 44 inspections primarily within the metropolitan commuter transporta- 45 tion district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 46 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 47 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 48 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 49 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 681 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 assistance payments serving primarily within the metropolitan commu- 2 ter transportation district when the commissioner of transportation 3 deems such audits necessary. 4 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 5 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 6 tion operating assistance program. 7 Contractual services ... 100,000 ....................... (re. $99,000) 8 Special Revenue Funds - Other 9 Mass Transportation Operating Assistance Fund 10 Public Transportation Systems Operating Assistance Account - 21401 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 13 transportation operating assistance program including bus 14 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 15 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 16 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 17 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 18 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 19 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 20 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 21 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 22 tation deems such audits necessary. 23 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 24 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 25 tion operating assistance program. 26 Contractual services ... 102,000 ...................... (re. $100,000) 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 28 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 29 transportation operating assistance program including bus 30 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 31 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 32 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 33 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 34 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 35 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 36 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 37 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 38 tation deems such audits necessary. 39 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 40 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 41 tion operating assistance program. 42 Contractual services ... 100,000 ...................... (re. $100,000) 43 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 44 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 45 transportation operating assistance program including bus 46 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 47 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 48 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 682 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 2 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 3 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 4 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 5 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 6 tation deems such audits necessary. 7 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 8 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 9 tion operating assistance program. 10 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 11 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 12 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 13 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 14 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 15 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 16 ation as if fully stated. 17 Contractual services ... 256,000 ...................... (re. $100,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 19 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 20 transportation operating assistance program including bus 21 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 22 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 23 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 24 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 25 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 26 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 27 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 28 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 29 tation deems such audits necessary. 30 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 31 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 32 tion operating assistance program. 33 Contractual services ... 272,000 ...................... (re. $100,000) 34 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 35 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 36 transportation operating assistance program including bus 37 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 38 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 39 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 40 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 41 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 42 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 43 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 44 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 45 tation deems such audits necessary. 46 Such contracts may also include, but not be limited to, recommenda- 47 tions to achieve economies and efficiencies in the state transporta- 48 tion operating assistance program. 49 Contractual services ... 272,000 ....................... (re. $97,000) 683 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 2 For services and expenses related to the administration of the mass 3 transportation operating assistance program including bus 4 inspections primarily outside of the metropolitan commuter transpor- 5 tation district. Provided, however, notwithstanding any other 6 provision of law, $100,000 of this appropriation shall be made 7 available for contractual services for the purpose of auditing and 8 examining the accounts, books, records, documents, and papers of 9 transportation operators receiving mass transportation operating 10 assistance payments serving primarily outside of the metropolitan 11 commuter transportation district when the commissioner of transpor- 12 tation deems such audits necessary. Such contracts may also include, 13 but not be limited to, recommendations to achieve economies and 14 efficiencies in the state transportation operating assistance 15 program. 16 Contractual services ... 103,000 ....................... (re. $79,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Other 18 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 19 Transportation Aviation Account - 22165 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 21 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 22 airports. 23 Contractual services ... 3,904,000 .................. (re. $3,710,000) 24 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 25 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 26 airports. 27 Travel ... 9,000 ........................................ (re. $9,000) 28 Contractual services ... 3,910,000 .................... (re. $362,000) 29 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 30 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 31 airports. 32 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 33 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 34 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 35 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 36 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 37 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 38 ation as if fully stated. 39 Travel ... 13,000 ...................................... (re. $13,000) 40 Contractual services ... 3,915,000 .................... (re. $574,000) 41 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 42 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 43 airports. 44 Travel ... 13,000 ...................................... (re. $13,000) 45 Contractual services ... 3,915,000 .................... (re. $105,000) 46 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 684 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 2 airports. 3 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $8,000) 4 Contractual services ... 3,915,000 ..................... (re. $98,000) 5 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 6 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 7 airports. 8 Travel ... 8,000 ........................................ (re. $4,000) 9 Contractual services ... 3,915,000 .................... (re. $109,000) 10 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2005: 11 For payment of expenses related to operation of Stewart and Republic 12 airports ... ... 3,211,000 ........................ (re. $448,000) 13 OPERATIONS PROGRAM 14 General Fund 15 State Purposes Account 16 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 17 For payment of Highway Emergency Local Patrol (HELP) program equipment 18 and services in the cities of Binghamton, Syracuse, and Utica ...... 19 525,000 ............................................. (re. $525,000) 20 For payment of Highway Emergency Local Patrol (HELP) program equipment 21 and services in the counties of Bronx, Westchester, and Queens...... 22 525,000 ............................................. (re. $525,000) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Highway Construction and Maintenance Safety Education Account - 22089 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 27 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 28 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 29 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 30 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 31 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 32 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 33 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 34 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 35 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 36 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 37 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 38 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 39 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 40 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 41 ation as if fully stated. 42 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 685 20011-02-5 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 2 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 3 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 4 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 5 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 6 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 7 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 8 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 9 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 10 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 11 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2009: 12 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 13 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 14 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 15 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 16 Supplies and materials ... 73,000 ...................... (re. $73,000) 17 Contractual services ... 68,000 ........................ (re. $68,000) 18 Equipment ... 69,000 ................................... (re. $69,000) 686 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 6,259,000 500,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 1,966,000 4,468,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 8,225,000 4,968,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ......................................... 480,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 PERSONAL SERVICE 24 Personal service--regular ........................ 367,000 25 -------------- 26 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 27 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 28 Travel ............................................ 14,000 29 Contractual services .............................. 70,000 30 Equipment ......................................... 19,000 31 -------------- 32 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 113,000 33 -------------- 34 VETERANS' COUNSELING SERVICES PROGRAM ........................ 5,779,000 35 -------------- 36 General Fund 37 State Purposes Account - 10050 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 39 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 687 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 2 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 3 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 4 appropriation for the budget division 5 program of the division of the budget, are 6 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 7 part of this appropriation as if fully 8 stated. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ...................... 5,488,000 11 Holiday/overtime compensation ..................... 23,000 12 -------------- 13 Amount available for personal service ........ 5,471,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 63,000 17 Travel ........................................... 104,000 18 Contractual services .............................. 51,000 19 Equipment ......................................... 90,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 308,000 22 -------------- 23 VETERANS' EDUCATION PROGRAM .................................. 1,966,000 24 -------------- 25 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 26 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 27 Federal Operating Grant Account - 25386 28 Personal service ............................... 1,161,000 29 Nonpersonal service .............................. 208,000 30 Fringe benefits .................................. 528,000 31 Indirect costs .................................... 69,000 32 -------------- 688 20011-02-5 DIVISION OF VETERANS' AFFAIRS STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011, as amended by chapter 50, 5 section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to a federally funded state veter- 7 ans' cemetery, pursuant to chapter 57 of the laws of 2013, and 8 pursuant to a project approved by the United States department of 9 veterans' affairs ... 500,000 ....................... (re. $500,000) 10 VETERANS' EDUCATION PROGRAM 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 13 Federal Operating Grant Account - 25386 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 15 Personal service ... 1,161,000 ...................... (re. $1,119,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 208,000 ....................... (re. $207,000) 17 Fringe benefits ... 528,000 ........................... (re. $528,000) 18 Indirect costs ... 69,000 .............................. (re. $69,000) 19 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 20 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 21 Federal Operating Account - 25386 22 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 23 Personal service ... 1,161,000 ........................ (re. $752,000) 24 Nonpersonal service ... 208,000 ....................... (re. $146,000) 25 Fringe benefits ... 528,000 ........................... (re. $256,000) 26 Indirect costs ... 69,000 .............................. (re. $52,000) 27 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 28 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 29 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 30 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 31 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 32 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 33 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 34 ation as if fully stated. 35 Personal service ... 1,161,000 ........................ (re. $819,000) 36 Nonpersonal service ... 208,000 ....................... (re. $117,000) 37 Fringe benefits ... 528,000 ........................... (re. $353,000) 38 Indirect costs ... 69,000 .............................. (re. $50,000) 689 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 4,212,000 2,651,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 6,446,000 175,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 10,658,000 2,826,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM ....................................... 9,196,000 10 -------------- 11 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 12 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 13 Crime Victims Assistance Account - 25370 14 Personal service ............................... 1,416,000 15 Nonpersonal service .............................. 518,000 16 -------------- 17 Program account subtotal ................... 1,934,000 18 -------------- 19 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 20 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 21 Crime Victims - Compensation Account - 25370 22 Personal service ................................. 333,000 23 Nonpersonal service .............................. 274,000 24 -------------- 25 Program account subtotal ..................... 607,000 26 -------------- 27 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 28 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 29 Crime Victims Legal Assistance Account - 25370 30 Personal service .................................. 10,000 31 Nonpersonal service .............................. 492,000 32 -------------- 33 Program account subtotal ..................... 502,000 34 -------------- 35 Special Revenue Funds - Other / State Operations 36 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund - 339 37 CVB-Conference Fees Account - 22050 38 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 39 Supplies and materials ............................ 15,000 690 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Travel ............................................ 10,000 2 Contractual services .............................. 80,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ..................... 105,000 5 -------------- 6 Special Revenue Funds - Other 7 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 8 Criminal Justice Improvement Account - 21945 9 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 10 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 11 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 12 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 13 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 14 appropriation for the budget division 15 program of the division of the budget, are 16 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 17 part of this appropriation as if fully 18 stated. 19 PERSONAL SERVICE 20 Personal service--regular ...................... 2,978,000 21 -------------- 22 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 23 Supplies and materials ............................ 33,000 24 Travel ............................................ 24,000 25 Contractual services ............................. 348,000 26 Equipment .......................................... 5,000 27 Fringe benefits ................................ 1,698,000 28 Indirect cost ..................................... 94,000 29 -------------- 30 Amount available for nonpersonal service ..... 2,202,000 31 -------------- 32 Program account subtotal ................... 5,180,000 33 -------------- 34 Special Revenue Funds - Other 35 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 36 OVS Restitution Account - 22134 37 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 38 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 39 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 40 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 41 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 42 appropriation for the budget division 43 program of the division of the budget, are 44 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 691 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 part of this appropriation as if fully 2 stated. 3 PERSONAL SERVICE 4 Personal service--regular ........................ 498,000 5 -------------- 6 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 7 Supplies and materials ............................ 98,000 8 Travel ............................................ 72,000 9 Contractual services ............................. 102,000 10 Equipment ......................................... 98,000 11 -------------- 12 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 370,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ..................... 868,000 15 -------------- 16 VICTIM AND WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ........................ 1,462,000 17 -------------- 18 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 19 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 20 Crime Victims Assistance Account - 25370 21 For victim and witness assistance in accord- 22 ance with the federal crime control act of 23 1984, distributed through a competitive 24 process. A portion of these funds may be 25 transferred, suballocated, or otherwise 26 made available to other state agencies. 27 Personal service ................................. 625,000 28 Nonpersonal service .............................. 230,000 29 Fringe benefits .................................. 314,000 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ................... 1,169,000 32 -------------- 33 Special Revenue Funds - Other 34 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 35 Criminal Justice Improvement Account - 21945 36 For services and expenses of programs 37 providing services to crime victims and 38 witnesses, distributed through a compet- 39 itive process. A portion of these funds 40 may be transferred, suballocated, or 41 otherwise made available to other state 42 agencies. 692 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 2 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 3 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 4 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 5 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 6 appropriation for the budget division 7 program of the division of the budget, are 8 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 9 part of this appropriation as if fully 10 stated. 11 PERSONAL SERVICE 12 Personal service--regular ........................ 154,000 13 -------------- 14 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 15 Supplies and materials ............................ 10,000 16 Travel ............................................ 10,000 17 Contractual services .............................. 39,000 18 Fringe benefits ................................... 80,000 19 -------------- 20 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 139,000 21 -------------- 22 Program account subtotal ..................... 293,000 23 -------------- 693 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 Crime Victims Assistance Account - 25370 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 Personal service ... 1,156,000 ...................... (re. $1,156,000) 7 Nonpersonal service ... 268,000 ....................... (re. $268,000) 8 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 9 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 10 Crime Victims - Compensation Account - 25370 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 12 Personal service ... 333,000 .......................... (re. $333,000) 13 Nonpersonal service ... 274,000 ....................... (re. $274,000) 14 VICTIM AND WITNESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM 15 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 16 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 17 Crime Victims Assistance Account - 25370 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 19 For victim and witness assistance in accordance with the federal crime 20 control act of 1984, distributed through a competitive process, to 21 be suballocated to the division of state police, the department of 22 corrections and community supervision, the office for the prevention 23 of domestic violence, and the office of victim services for associ- 24 ated operating expenses. 25 Personal service ... 625,000 .......................... (re. $350,000) 26 Nonpersonal service ... 150,000 ........................ (re. $80,000) 27 Fringe benefits ... 314,000 ........................... (re. $190,000) 28 Special Revenue Funds - Other 29 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 30 Criminal Justice Improvement Account - 21945 31 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 32 For services and expenses of programs providing services to crime 33 victims and witnesses, distributed through a competitive process, to 34 be suballocated to the division of state police, the department of 35 corrections and community supervision, the office for the prevention 36 of domestic violence, and the office of victim services for associ- 37 ated operating expenses. 38 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 39 Interchange and Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange and Trans- 40 fer Authority as defined in the 2014-15 state fiscal year state 41 operations appropriation for the budget division program of the 42 division of the budget, are deemed fully incorporated herein and a 43 part of this appropriation as if fully stated. 694 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF VICTIM SERVICES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Personal service--regular ... 154,000 .................. (re. $95,000) 2 Supplies and materials ... 10,000 ...................... (re. $10,000) 3 Travel ... 10,000 ...................................... (re. $10,000) 4 Contractual services ... 19,000 ........................ (re. $10,000) 5 Fringe benefits ... 80,000 ............................. (re. $50,000) 695 20011-02-5 OFFICE OF WELFARE INSPECTOR GENERAL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 1,162,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 1,162,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 OFFICE OF WELFARE INSPECTOR GENERAL PROGRAM .................. 1,162,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For services and expenses associated with 13 the office of the welfare inspector gener- 14 al. 15 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 16 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 17 Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and 18 Transfer Authority and the Alignment 19 Interchange and Transfer Authority as 20 defined in the 2015-16 state fiscal year 21 state operations appropriation for the 22 budget division program of the division of 23 the budget, are deemed fully incorporated 24 herein and a part of this appropriation as 25 if fully stated. 26 Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the 27 money hereby appropriated may be increased 28 or decreased by transfer with any other 29 appropriation within any other agency. 30 PERSONAL SERVICE 31 Personal service--regular ........................ 750,000 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................ 25,000 35 Travel ............................................ 28,000 36 Contractual services ............................. 320,000 37 Equipment ......................................... 39,000 38 -------------- 39 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 412,000 40 -------------- 696 20011-02-5 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 187,237,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 187,237,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 WORKERS' COMPENSATION PROGRAM .............................. 187,237,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 Workers' Compensation Account - 21995 13 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 14 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 15 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 16 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 17 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 18 appropriation for the budget division 19 program of the division of the budget, are 20 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 21 part of this appropriation as if fully 22 stated. 23 A portion of these funds may be suballocated 24 to the department of law. 25 Up to $3,300,000 of these funds may be used 26 by the workers compensation board inspec- 27 tor general for expenses incurred. 28 PERSONAL SERVICE 29 Personal service--regular ..................... 80,841,000 30 Temporary service ................................ 173,000 31 Holiday/overtime compensation .................... 402,000 32 -------------- 33 Amount available for personal service ....... 81,416,000 34 -------------- 35 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 36 Supplies and materials ......................... 4,097,000 37 Travel ......................................... 1,014,000 38 Contractual services .......................... 49,480,000 39 Equipment ...................................... 2,914,000 40 Fringe benefits ............................... 44,987,000 41 Indirect costs ................................. 2,970,000 42 -------------- 697 20011-02-5 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ... 105,462,000 2 -------------- 3 Total amount available ..................... 186,878,000 4 -------------- 5 For suballocation to the department of 6 health for expenses incurred in the devel- 7 opment of inpatient hospital rates for 8 workers' compensation benefit payments. 9 PERSONAL SERVICE 10 Personal service--regular ........................ 187,000 11 -------------- 12 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 13 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 14 Travel ............................................. 1,000 15 Equipment .......................................... 5,000 16 Fringe benefits ................................... 84,000 17 Indirect costs .................................... 77,000 18 -------------- 19 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 172,000 20 -------------- 21 Total amount available ......................... 359,000 22 -------------- 698 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES ABANDONED PROPERTY CONTINGENCY RESERVE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, for 4 payment to the abandoned property fund of an amount, not 5 to exceed $100,000,000, set forth in a certification 6 provided by the comptroller in accordance with and that 7 meets the requirements of section 1407 of the abandoned 8 property law ............................................. 100,000,000 9 ============== 699 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEFERRED COMPENSATION BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 111,000 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 781,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 892,000 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 OPERATIONS PROGRAM ............................................. 892,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For services and expenses of the deferred 14 compensation board pursuant to section 5 15 of the state finance law. 16 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 17 Contractual services ............................. 111,000 18 -------------- 19 Program account subtotal ..................... 111,000 20 -------------- 21 Special Revenue Funds - Other 22 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 23 Deferred Compensation Administration Account - 22151 24 PERSONAL SERVICE 25 Personal service--regular ........................ 353,000 26 Temporary service ................................. 28,000 27 -------------- 28 Amount available for personal service .......... 381,000 29 -------------- 30 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 31 Supplies and materials ............................ 22,000 32 Travel ............................................ 22,000 33 Contractual services ............................. 109,000 34 Equipment ......................................... 34,000 35 Fringe benefits .................................. 201,000 36 Indirect costs .................................... 12,000 37 -------------- 700 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES DEFERRED COMPENSATION BOARD STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 400,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal ..................... 781,000 4 -------------- 701 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 3,149,415,609 0 4 Fiduciary Funds .................... 300,500,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 3,449,915,609 0 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 GENERAL STATE CHARGES .................................... 3,449,915,609 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For employee fringe benefits, net of 14 receipts to the fringe benefit escrow 15 accounts, including costs for those bene- 16 fits which are related to employees paid 17 from funds, accounts, or programs where 18 the division of the budget has issued 19 waivers. 20 For the state's contribution to the employ- 21 ees' retirement system pension accumu- 22 lation fund, the police and fire retire- 23 ment system pension accumulation fund, and 24 the New York state public employees group 25 life insurance plan ...................... 1,694,896,971 26 For the State's additional contribution to 27 the police and fire retirement system 28 pension accumulation fund related to the 29 transfer of university police officers 30 appointed by the State University of New 31 York from the employees' retirement system 32 pension accumulation fund .................... 2,420,000 33 For the State's additional contribution to 34 the employees' retirement system pension 35 accumulation fund, and the police and fire 36 retirement system pension accumulation 37 fund related to the purchase of veterans 38 service credits as provided in article 39 twenty of the retirement and social secu- 40 rity law ..................................... 5,000,000 41 Less: an amount to be paid to offset the New 42 York state and local employees' retirement 43 systems costs, the New York state public 702 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 employees' group life insurance plan 2 costs, and the police and fire retirement 3 system costs from the retirement account 4 of the fringe benefit escrow account ..... (750,697,362) 5 For the state's pension obligations associ- 6 ated with certain state employees who are 7 members of the teachers' retirement system 8 and the optional retirement program .......... 2,369,000 9 For the state's share of contributions to 10 the voluntary defined contribution plan 11 made on behalf of eligible employees 12 pursuant to chapter 18 of the laws of 2012 13 who elect to participate in such plan and 14 who are not otherwise eligible to partic- 15 ipate in the SUNY optional retirement 16 program ...................................... 1,700,000 17 For the state's contribution to the health 18 insurance fund, net of anticipated savings 19 associated with a dependent eligibility 20 audit of the New York state health insur- 21 ance program in 2015-16. The state's share 22 of the health insurance program dividends 23 shall be available to pay for the premiums 24 in 2015-16 ............................... 2,013,227,000 25 For the state's contribution to the social 26 security contribution fund ................. 535,427,000 27 For the state's contribution to the dental 28 insurance plan .............................. 40,400,000 29 For the state's contribution to employee 30 benefit fund programs ....................... 42,875,000 31 For the state's contribution to the vision 32 care plan .................................... 5,410,000 33 For payments to the state insurance fund for 34 workers' compensation benefits and other 35 related workers' compensation costs prior 36 to or after they become incurred including 37 but not limited to the benefits defined in 38 chapters 302 and 303 of the laws of 1985 ... 267,309,000 39 For payments associated with the accident 40 reporting system ............................... 600,000 41 For reimbursement to the unemployment insur- 42 ance fund for payments made to claimants 43 formerly employed by the state of New York .. 12,792,000 44 For the state's contribution for supple- 45 mental pension payments in accordance with 46 the provisions of article 4 and article 6 47 of the retirement and social security law 48 and retirement benefits paid under 49 sections 214 and 215 of the military law ....... 255,000 50 To the survivors' benefit fund for payments 703 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 to the survivors of state employees and 2 retired state employees ...................... 7,725,000 3 For payments for the income protection plans 4 of current and prior years ................... 3,020,000 5 For payments for accidental death benefits 6 pursuant to collective bargaining agree- 7 ments .......................................... 150,000 8 For payments for tuition reimbursement 9 pursuant to collective bargaining agree- 10 ments ........................................... 50,000 11 For the payment of the metropolitan commuter 12 transportation mobility tax pursuant to 13 article 23 of tax law as amended by chap- 14 ter 25 of the laws of 2009 on behalf of 15 the state employees employed in the metro- 16 politan commuter transportation district .... 16,963,000 17 For payment of liabilities incurred during 18 the period July 1, 2015 through June 30, 19 2016 on behalf of the state university of 20 New York to the teachers' retirement 21 system for eligible state university 22 faculty ..................................... 16,320,000 23 For payment during the period July 1, 2015 24 to June 30, 2016 of the state's share to 25 the teachers insurance and annuity associ- 26 ation and the college retirement equities 27 fund for state university faculty in 28 accordance with chapter 337 of the laws of 29 1964 ....................................... 206,620,000 30 Reimbursement of liabilities heretofore 31 accrued or hereafter to accrue during the 32 period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 to 33 Cornell university and Alfred university 34 for unemployment for employees of the 35 statutory colleges ............................. 500,000 36 For payment of liabilities incurred during 37 the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 38 specific to federal retirement costs of 39 Cornell cooperative extension professional 40 employees who are now participating in the 41 federal retirement system ...................... 200,000 42 For expenses incurred during the period July 43 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 specific to the 44 group disability insurance program for 45 employees in the professional service in 46 order to provide disability benefits for 47 such employees ............................... 6,940,000 48 For expenses incurred during the period July 49 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 specific to the 704 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 health insurance program provided for 2 graduate student employees ...................... 25,000 3 For payment of liabilities incurred during 4 the period July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 5 specific to the metropolitan commuter 6 transportation mobility tax pursuant to 7 article 23 of the tax law as amended by 8 chapter 25 of the laws of 2009 on behalf 9 of the state university teaching hospitals 10 employees at Stony Brook and downstate 11 medical employed in the commuter transpor- 12 tation district .............................. 2,200,000 13 For taxes on public lands and payments 14 pursuant to sections 532 through 546 of 15 the real property tax law. The moneys 16 hereby appropriated are available for 17 payment of any liabilities or obligations 18 incurred prior to April 1, 2015 in addi- 19 tion to current liabilities ................ 232,010,000 20 For payments in accordance with section 19-a 21 of the public lands law ..................... 15,466,000 22 For payments in accordance with section 19-b 23 of the public lands law ........................ 500,000 24 For payments in accordance with section 3 of 25 chapter 774 of the laws of 1989 ................ 300,000 26 For the state's share of assessments issued 27 by the Hudson River-Black River regulating 28 district pursuant to subdivisions 2 and 3 29 of section 15-2121 of the environmental 30 conservation law ............................. 1,000,000 31 For assessments for local improvements. The 32 moneys hereby appropriated are available 33 for payment of any liabilities or obli- 34 gations incurred prior to April 1, 2015 in 35 addition to current liabilities .............. 4,000,000 36 For judgments against the state pursuant to 37 section 20 of the court of claims act and 38 for judgments pursuant to actions brought 39 in the court of claims against public 40 benefit corporations indemnified by the 41 state, exclusive of the payment of any 42 judgments arising out of actions or 43 proceedings brought to obtain payment for 44 wages, salaries or other employee bene- 45 fits. The moneys hereby appropriated are 46 available for payment of any liabilities 47 or obligations incurred prior to April 1, 48 2015 in addition to current liabilities .... 129,800,000 49 For the payment of the defense by private 50 counsel and the indemnification or payment 705 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 on behalf of state officers and employees 2 in civil judicial proceedings in accord- 3 ance with the provisions of section 17 of 4 the public officers law; the payment on 5 behalf of the state, exclusive of the 6 payment for wages, salaries or other 7 employee benefits, in civil judicial 8 proceedings where a state officer or 9 employee entitled to a defense in accord- 10 ance with public officers law section 17 11 was dismissed from the civil judicial 12 proceeding; the payment on behalf of the 13 state, exclusive of the payment for wages, 14 salaries or other employment benefits, and 15 in civil judicial proceedings brought 16 pursuant to Title VI of the Civil Rights 17 Act of 1964, 42 USC S 2000d et seq., Title 18 VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 19 USC S 2000e et seq., Title IX of the 20 Education Amendments of 1972, 20 USC S 21 1681 et seq., Titles II, III, and/or V of 22 the Americans With Disabilities Act of 23 1990, 42 USC S 12101 et seq., of the Reha- 24 bilitation Act of 1973, 29 USC S 791 et 25 seq., the state human rights law and other 26 employment related causes of action; and 27 in criminal proceedings in accordance with 28 the provisions of section 19 of the public 29 officers law. The moneys hereby appropri- 30 ated are available for payment of any 31 liabilities or obligations incurred prior 32 to April 1, 2015 in addition to current 33 liabilities ................................. 34,100,000 34 For the payment on behalf of the state in 35 connection with the resolution of Merton 36 Simpson et al. v. New York State Depart- 37 ment of Civil Service et al. and associ- 38 ated United States District Court Northern 39 District of New York Order dated April 25, 40 2011 ........................................ 10,200,000 41 For the reissuance of checks which were not 42 presented for payment within the time 43 limits contained in section 102 of the 44 state finance law or for which payment has 45 been authorized by specific legislation ......... 23,000 46 For transfer to the property casualty insur- 47 ance security fund in accordance with the 48 terms of the settlement between the state 49 and the plaintiffs in accordance with the 50 Court of Appeals' opinion in Alliance of 706 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 American Insurers v. Chu, 77 NY2d 573 2 (1991) ......................................... 201,000 3 For services and expenses associated with 4 legal and other fees related to Indian 5 land claims litigation involving the state 6 of New York, local governments and private 7 land owners who are named as defendants in 8 these lawsuits, including liabilities 9 incurred prior to April 1, 2015 .............. 1,250,000 10 For payment of claims for damage to personal 11 or real property or for bodily injuries or 12 wrongful death caused by officers, employ- 13 ees, or other authorized persons providing 14 service to state government while provid- 15 ing such service, and the state university 16 construction fund while acting within the 17 scope of their employment, and while oper- 18 ating motor vehicles, and for any individ- 19 uals operating motor vehicles which are 20 assigned on a permanent basis with unre- 21 stricted use to state officers and employ- 22 ees when the person is permanently 23 assigned the motor vehicle ................... 1,932,000 24 Less the amount appropriated to the state 25 university of New York for suballocation 26 to the miscellaneous -- all state depart- 27 ments and agencies, general state charges 28 program for payment of employee fringe 29 benefits ............................... (1,408,643,000) 30 -------------- 31 Program account subtotal ............... 3,149,415,609 32 -------------- 33 Fiduciary Funds 34 Employees Dental Insurance Fund 35 Dental Insurance Interest Account - 60402 36 For additional state expenditures in 37 relation to the New York state dental 38 insurance fund ................................. 500,000 39 -------------- 40 Program account subtotal ..................... 500,000 41 -------------- 42 Fiduciary Funds 43 Employees Health Insurance Fund 44 Reserve for Rate Fluctuations Account - 60202 45 For additional state expenditures in 707 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GENERAL STATE CHARGES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 relation to the New York state health 2 insurance program .......................... 300,000,000 3 -------------- 4 Program account subtotal ................. 300,000,000 5 -------------- 708 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GREEN THUMB PROGRAM STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 3,142,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 3,142,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 GREEN THUMB PROGRAM .......................................... 3,142,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For services and expenses of the green thumb 13 program, including allocation to other 14 state departments and agencies. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services ........................... 3,142,000 17 -------------- 709 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES GREENWAY HERITAGE CONSERVANCY FOR THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 166,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 166,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 OPERATIONS PROGRAM ............................................. 166,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ........................ 132,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Fringe benefits ................................... 34,000 17 -------------- 710 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES HEALTH INSURANCE CONTINGENCY RESERVE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 For payments to those insurance companies participating in 4 the New York state government employees health insurance 5 plan in the event of termination of the contractual 6 agreement between such insurance companies and the New 7 York state department of civil service, or in the event 8 of termination of the contractual agreement between the 9 New York state department of civil service and such 10 municipalities or school districts which have elected to 11 receive distributions from the health insurance reserve 12 receipts fund, and for payments to the health insurance 13 reserve receipts fund as required to fulfill contractual 14 agreements between the New York state department of 15 civil service and those insurance companies participat- 16 ing in the New York state governmental employees health 17 insurance plan. 18 The moneys hereby appropriated shall be available for 19 payments to the health insurance reserve receipts fund 20 and the above insurance carriers ......................... 662,924,000 21 ============== 711 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES HEALTH INSURANCE RESERVE RECEIPTS FUND STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Fiduciary Funds 2 Health Insurance Reserve Receipts Fund - 60553 3 For disbursement pursuant to section 99-c of the state 4 finance law .............................................. 192,400,000 5 ============== 712 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES HIGHER EDUCATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 1,300,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 1,300,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 COLLEGE CHOICE TUITION SAVINGS PROGRAM ....................... 1,300,000 9 -------------- 10 Special Revenue Funds - Other 11 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 12 College Savings Account - 22022 13 For services and expenses related to the 14 administration of the college choice 15 tuition savings program. 16 PERSONAL SERVICE 17 Personal service--regular ........................ 349,000 18 -------------- 19 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 20 Supplies and materials ............................. 5,000 21 Travel ............................................ 20,000 22 Contractual services ............................. 785,000 23 Equipment .......................................... 1,000 24 Fringe benefits .................................. 125,000 25 Indirect costs .................................... 15,000 26 -------------- 27 Amount available for nonpersonal service ....... 951,000 28 -------------- 713 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES HUDSON RIVER VALLEY GREENWAY COMMUNITIES COUNCIL STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 185,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 185,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 OPERATIONS PROGRAM ............................................. 185,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 PERSONAL SERVICE 13 Personal service--regular ........................ 139,000 14 -------------- 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Supplies and materials ............................ 22,000 17 Travel ............................................. 6,000 18 Contractual services .............................. 14,000 19 Equipment .......................................... 4,000 20 -------------- 21 Amount available for nonpersonal service ........ 46,000 22 -------------- 714 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES INSURANCE AND SECURITIES FUNDS RESERVE GUARANTEE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 2 General Fund ....................... 1,605,000,000 0 3 ---------------- ---------------- 4 All Funds ........................ 1,605,000,000 0 5 ================ ================ 6 INSURANCE AND SECURITIES FUNDS RESERVE GUARANTEE ......... 1,605,000,000 7 -------------- 8 General Fund 9 State Purposes Account - 10050 10 For the purpose of maintaining the solvency 11 of the following funds. 12 Notwithstanding section 40 of the state 13 finance law, this appropriation shall 14 remain in effect until a subsequent appro- 15 priation is made available. 16 No moneys shall be available for expenditure 17 from this appropriation until a certif- 18 icate of approval has been issued by the 19 director of the division of the budget and 20 a copy of such certificate has been filed 21 with the state comptroller, the chairman 22 of the senate finance committee and the 23 chairman of the assembly ways and means 24 committee. Such moneys shall be payable on 25 the audit and warrant of the comptroller 26 on vouchers certified or approved in the 27 manner provided by law. 28 To the state insurance fund provided that no 29 expenditure may be made from this amount 30 if other assets of such fund not part of 31 reserves for payments of workers' compen- 32 sation and medical benefits, and payments 33 under employer's liability coverage, 34 including claims by third parties for 35 contribution or indemnity are available .... 190,000,000 36 To the state insurance fund provided that no 37 expenditure may be made from this amount 38 if other assets of such fund not part of 39 reserves for payments of workers' compen- 40 sation and medical benefits, and payments 41 under employer's liability coverage, 42 including claims by third parties for 43 contribution or indemnity are available .... 325,000,000 44 To the state insurance fund provided that no 45 expenditure may be made from this amount 46 if other assets of such fund not part of 715 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES INSURANCE AND SECURITIES FUNDS RESERVE GUARANTEE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 reserves for payments of workers' compen- 2 sation and medical benefits, and payments 3 under employer's liability coverage, 4 including claims by third parties for 5 contribution or indemnity are available .... 300,000,000 6 To the state insurance fund provided that no 7 expenditure may be made from this amount 8 if other assets of such fund not part of 9 reserves for payments of workers' compen- 10 sation and medical benefits, and payments 11 under employer's liability coverage, 12 including claims by third parties for 13 contribution or indemnity are available .... 250,000,000 14 To the state insurance fund provided that no 15 expenditure may be made from this amount 16 if other assets of such fund not part of 17 reserves for payments of workers' compen- 18 sation and medical benefits, and payments 19 under employer's liability coverage, 20 including claims by third parties for 21 contribution or indemnity are available .... 230,000,000 22 To the aggregate trust fund provided that no 23 expenditure may be made from this amount 24 if other assets of such fund not part of 25 reserves for claims or losses are avail- 26 able ........................................ 50,000,000 27 To the aggregate trust fund provided that no 28 expenditure may be made from this amount 29 if other assets of such fund not part of 30 reserves for claims or losses are avail- 31 able ....................................... 110,000,000 32 To the aggregate trust fund provided that no 33 expenditure may be made from this amount 34 if other assets of such fund not part of 35 reserves for claims or losses are avail- 36 able ........................................ 60,000,000 37 To the property/casualty insurance security 38 fund provided that no expenditure may be 39 made from this amount if other assets of 40 such fund not part of reserves for claims 41 or losses are available ..................... 90,000,000 42 -------------- 716 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 39,508,000 71,974,000 4 Special Revenue Funds - Other ...... 250,000 0 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 39,758,000 71,974,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS ............................ 39,758,000 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For services and expenses to implement writ- 14 ten agreements determining the terms and 15 conditions of employment between the state 16 and employee organizations representing 17 negotiating units established pursuant to 18 article 14 of the civil service law. A 19 portion of these funds may be suballocated 20 to other state agencies: 21 PERSONAL SERVICE 22 Personal service--regular .......................... 1,000 23 -------------- 24 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 25 Contractual services ............................... 1,000 26 -------------- 27 Total amount available ........................... 2,000 28 -------------- 29 Civil Service Employees Association 30 Joint committee on health benefits ............. 1,385,000 31 Employee training and development ............. 11,147,000 32 Safety and health maintenance committee .......... 663,000 33 Employee security committee ...................... 546,000 34 Family benefits committee ...................... 2,686,000 35 Discipline ....................................... 396,000 36 Employee assistance program ...................... 674,000 37 Statewide performance rating committee ............ 43,000 38 Property damage ................................... 33,000 717 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Work related clothing (osu) .................... 1,114,000 2 Tool allowance (osu) .............................. 77,000 3 Tool insurance (osu) .............................. 27,000 4 Uniform allowance(isu) ........................... 430,000 5 Work related clothing (isu) ....................... 80,000 6 -------------- 7 Total amount available ...................... 19,301,000 8 -------------- 9 Management Confidential 10 Family benefits .................................. 310,000 11 Medical flexible spending program ................ 500,000 12 Pre-tax transportation benefit ................... 550,000 13 Management training ............................ 1,018,000 14 Uniform allowance ................................ 245,000 15 Tuition reimbursement ............................ 250,000 16 M/C share of negotiated programs ................. 570,000 17 -------------- 18 Total amount available ....................... 3,443,000 19 -------------- 20 Professional, Scientific and Technical 21 Services Unit 22 Professional development and quality of 23 working life committee ......................... 406,000 24 Health and safety ................................ 527,000 25 PSPT program ................................... 4,307,000 26 Joint funded programs ............................ 751,000 27 Multi-funded programs ............................ 735,000 28 Professional development for nurses .............. 383,000 29 Property damage ................................... 16,000 30 Joint committee on health benefits ............... 383,000 31 Family benefits ................................ 1,443,000 32 Employee assistance program ...................... 326,000 33 -------------- 34 Total amount available ....................... 9,277,000 35 -------------- 36 Security Services Unit 37 Labor management committees ...................... 291,000 38 Employee assistance program ...................... 209,000 39 Joint committee on health benefits ............... 172,000 40 Employee training and development ................ 166,000 41 Organizational alcoholism program ................ 163,000 42 Labor management training ........................ 105,000 43 Family benefits .................................. 449,000 44 Legal defense fund ............................... 157,000 718 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 -------------- 2 Total amount available ....................... 1,712,000 3 -------------- 4 Security Supervisors Unit 5 Employee training and development ................. 22,000 6 Quality of work life committee .................... 16,000 7 Family benefits committee ......................... 15,000 8 Employee assistance program ........................ 5,000 9 Legal defense fund ................................. 6,000 10 Management directed training ...................... 15,000 11 Organizational alcoholism program .................. 7,000 12 Joint committee on health benefits ................. 7,000 13 -------------- 14 Total amount available .......................... 93,000 15 -------------- 16 District Council-37 Unit 17 Family Benefits ................................... 11,000 18 Joint Committee on health benefits ................. 6,000 19 Employee assistance program ........................ 4,000 20 Statewide performance rating committee admin ....... 1,000 21 Time and attendance umpire process admin ........... 1,000 22 Disciplinary panel administration .................. 1,000 23 Training and development contract ................. 63,000 24 -------------- 25 Total amount available .......................... 87,000 26 -------------- 27 Professional Services Negotiating Unit 28 Education and training ......................... 3,311,000 29 Joint committee on health benefits ............... 182,000 30 -------------- 31 Total amount available ....................... 3,493,000 32 -------------- 33 Graduate Student Employee Union 34 Doctoral program recruitment and retention 35 fund ........................................... 683,000 36 Comprehensive college graduate program ........... 200,000 37 Fee mitigation fund .............................. 590,000 38 Downstate location fund .......................... 358,000 39 Statewide professional development committee ..... 171,000 40 Family benefits ................................... 86,000 41 Employee assistance program ....................... 12,000 42 -------------- 719 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Total amount available ....................... 2,100,000 2 -------------- 3 Program account subtotal .................. 39,508,000 4 -------------- 5 Special Revenue Funds - Other 6 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 7 NYS Flex Spending Accounts - 22047 8 For services and expenses related to the 9 administration of the NYS flex spending 10 accounts. 11 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 12 Contractual services ............................. 250,000 13 -------------- 14 Program account subtotal ..................... 250,000 15 -------------- 720 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS 2 General Fund 3 State Purposes Account - 10050 4 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 5 For services and expenses to implement written agreements determining 6 the terms and conditions of employment between the state and employ- 7 ee organizations representing negotiating units established pursuant 8 to article 14 of the civil service law. A portion of these funds may 9 be suballocated to other state agencies: 10 Personal service--regular ... 1,000 ..................... (re. $1,000) 11 Contractual services ... 1,000 .......................... (re. $1,000) 12 Civil Service Employees Association 13 Joint committee on health benefits ... 1,358,000 .... (re. $1,193,000) 14 Employee training and development ... 10,928,000 ... (re. $10,200,000) 15 Safety and health maintenance committee ... 650,000 ... (re. $610,000) 16 Employee security committee ... 535,000 ............... (re. $535,000) 17 Family benefits committee ... 2,634,000 ............. (re. $2,634,000) 18 Discipline ... 389,000 ................................ (re. $303,000) 19 Employee assistance program ... 661,000 ............... (re. $400,000) 20 Statewide performance rating committee ... 42,000 ...... (re. $42,000) 21 Property damage ... 33,000 ............................. (re. $33,000) 22 Work related clothing (osu) ... 1,092,000 ........... (re. $1,070,000) 23 Tool allowance (osu) ... 77,000 ........................ (re. $37,000) 24 Tool insurance (osu) ... 26,000 ........................ (re. $26,000) 25 Uniform allowance(isu) ... 430,000 .................... (re. $430,000) 26 Work related clothing (isu) ... 80,000 ................. (re. $80,000) 27 Management Confidential 28 Family benefits ... 310,000 ........................... (re. $310,000) 29 Medical flexible spending program ... 500,000 ......... (re. $330,000) 30 Pre-tax transportation benefit ... 550,000 ............ (re. $516,000) 31 Management training ... 1,018,000 ................... (re. $1,018,000) 32 Uniform allowance ... 245,000 ......................... (re. $245,000) 33 Tuition reimbursement ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 34 M/C share of negotiated programs ... 570,000 .......... (re. $417,000) 35 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Unit 36 Professional development and quality of working life committee ....... 37 541,000 ............................................. (re. $541,000) 38 Health and safety ... 702,000 ......................... (re. $702,000) 39 PSPT program ... 1,242,000 .......................... (re. $1,242,000) 40 Joint funded programs ... 1,000,000 ................. (re. $1,000,000) 41 Multi-funded programs ... 979,000 ..................... (re. $979,000) 42 Professional development for nurses ... 510,000 ....... (re. $510,000) 721 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Property damage ... 21,000 ............................. (re. $21,000) 2 Joint committee on health benefits ... 510,000 ........ (re. $510,000) 3 Family benefits ... 1,922,000 ....................... (re. $1,922,000) 4 Employee assistance program ... 435,000 ............... (re. $250,000) 5 Security Services Unit 6 Labor management committees ... 285,000 ............... (re. $228,000) 7 Employee assistance program ... 204,000 ............... (re. $100,000) 8 Joint committee on health benefits ... 168,000 ........ (re. $168,000) 9 Employee training and development ... 162,000 ......... (re. $142,000) 10 Organizational alcoholism program ... 159,000 ......... (re. $159,000) 11 Labor management training ... 102,000 ................. (re. $102,000) 12 Family benefits ... 440,000 ........................... (re. $440,000) 13 Legal defense fund ... 153,000 ........................ (re. $153,000) 14 Security Supervisors Unit 15 Employee training and development ... 21,000 ........... (re. $12,000) 16 Quality of work life committee ... 15,000 .............. (re. $15,000) 17 Legal defense fund ... 5,000 ............................ (re. $5,000) 18 Management directed training ... 14,000 ................ (re. $14,000) 19 Organizational alcoholism program ... 6,000 ............. (re. $6,000) 20 Joint committee on health benefits ... 7,000 ............ (re. $7,000) 21 Agency Police Services 22 Joint committee on health benefits ... 7,000 ............ (re. $7,000) 23 Education and training ... 22,000 ...................... (re. $21,000) 24 Education and training - management directed ......................... 25 13,000 ............................................... (re. $13,000) 26 Organizational alcohol program ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000) 27 Quality of work life initiatives ... 16,000 ............ (re. $16,000) 28 Professional Services Negotiating Unit 29 Education and training ... 3,245,000 ................ (re. $2,305,000) 30 Joint committee on health benefits ... 179,000 ........ (re. $179,000) 31 The appropriation made by chapter 182, section 11, of the laws of 2014, 32 is hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 33 DISTRICT COUNCIL - 37 UNIT 34 Family Benefits ... 41,000 ............................. (re. $41,000) 35 JOINT Committee on health benefits ... 21,000 .......... (re. $21,000) 36 Employee assistance program ... 14,000 ................. (re. $14,000) 37 Employee development and training ... 242,000 ......... (re. $242,000) 38 Contract Administration ... 3,000 ....................... (re. $3,000) 39 Statewide Performance Rating Committee ... 4,000 ........ (re. $4,000) 722 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Time & Attendance Umpire Process Admin ... 4,000 ........ (re. $4,000) 2 Disciplinary Panel Administration ... 4,000 ............. (re. $4,000) 3 By chapter 183, section 16, of the laws of 2014: 4 Doctoral Program Recruitment and Retention Enhancement Fund .......... 5 670,000 ............................................. (re. $670,000) 6 Comprehensive College Graduate Program Recruitment and Retention Fund 7 ... 196,000 ......................................... (re. $196,000) 8 Fee Mitigation Fund ... 578,000 ....................... (re. $578,000) 9 Downstate Location Fund ... 351,000 ................... (re. $351,000) 10 Family Benefits Program ... 84,000 ..................... (re. $84,000) 11 Statewide Professional Development Committee ......................... 12 168,000 ............................................. (re. $168,000) 13 Employee Assistance Program ... 12,000 ................. (re. $12,000) 14 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 15 Personal service--regular ... 1,000 ..................... (re. $1,000) 16 Contractual services ... 1,000 .......................... (re. $1,000) 17 Civil Service Employees Association 18 Joint committee on health benefits ... 1,331,000 ...... (re. $400,000) 19 Employee training and development ... 10,714,000 .... (re. $5,214,000) 20 Safety and health maintenance committee ... 637,000 ... (re. $637,000) 21 Employee security committee ... 525,000 ............... (re. $525,000) 22 Family benefits committee ... 2,582,000 ............. (re. $1,000,000) 23 Discipline ... 381,000 ................................ (re. $221,000) 24 Employee assistance program ... 648,000 ............... (re. $200,000) 25 Statewide performance rating committee ... 41,000 ...... (re. $36,000) 26 Property damage ... 32,000 ............................. (re. $32,000) 27 Work related clothing (osu) ... 1,071,000 ............. (re. $276,000) 28 Tool allowance (osu) ... 77,000 ........................ (re. $42,000) 29 Tool insurance (osu) ... 26,000 ........................ (re. $26,000) 30 Uniform allowance(isu) ... 430,000 ..................... (re. $76,000) 31 Work related clothing (isu) ... 80,000 ................. (re. $79,000) 32 Management Confidential 33 Medical flexible spending program ... 500,000 ......... (re. $157,000) 34 Pre-tax transportation benefit ... 550,000 ............ (re. $130,000) 35 Management training ... 1,018,000 ................... (re. $1,018,000) 36 Uniform allowance ... 245,000 .......................... (re. $62,000) 37 Tuition reimbursement ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 38 M/C share of negotiated programs ... 570,000 .......... (re. $417,000) 39 Professional, Scientific and Technical Services Unit 40 Professional development and quality of working life committee ....... 41 530,000 ............................................. (re. $432,000) 42 Health and safety ... 688,000 ......................... (re. $688,000) 723 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 PSPT program ... 1,129,000 ............................ (re. $913,000) 2 Joint funded programs ... 981,000 ..................... (re. $833,000) 3 Multi-funded programs ... 960,000 ..................... (re. $712,000) 4 Professional development for nurses ... 500,000 ....... (re. $467,000) 5 Property damage ... 21,000 ............................. (re. $21,000) 6 Family benefits ... 1,885,000 ....................... (re. $1,000,000) 7 Employee assistance program ... 426,000 ............... (re. $200,000) 8 Security Services Unit 9 Labor management committees ... 279,000 ............... (re. $228,000) 10 Joint committee on health benefits ... 165,000 ........ (re. $100,000) 11 Employee training and development ... 159,000 ......... (re. $135,000) 12 Organizational alcoholism program ... 156,000 .......... (re. $56,000) 13 Labor management training ... 100,000 ................. (re. $100,000) 14 Legal defense fund ... 150,000 ........................ (re. $150,000) 15 Security Supervisors Unit 16 Employee training and development ... 21,000 ........... (re. $21,000) 17 Quality of work life committee ... 15,000 .............. (re. $11,000) 18 Legal defense fund ... 5,000 ............................ (re. $5,000) 19 Management directed training ... 14,000 ................ (re. $14,000) 20 Organizational alcoholism program ... 6,000 ............. (re. $6,000) 21 Joint committee on health benefits ... 7,000 ............ (re. $7,000) 22 Agency Police Services 23 Joint committee on health benefits ... 7,000 ............ (re. $7,000) 24 Education and training ... 21,000 ...................... (re. $21,000) 25 Education and training - management directed ......................... 26 13,000 ............................................... (re. $13,000) 27 Organizational alcohol program ... 5,000 ................ (re. $5,000) 28 Quality of work life initiatives ... 16,000 ............ (re. $16,000) 29 By chapter 340, section 17, of the laws of 2013, as amended by chapter 30 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 31 Joint labor management committee ... $3,182,000 ..... (re. $1,582,000) 32 Joint committee on health benefits ... $175,000 ....... (re. $175,000) 33 By chapter 15, section 26, of the laws of 2012: 34 Joint committee on health benefits ... 13,000 .......... (re. $10,000) 35 Contract administration ... 30,000 ..................... (re. $30,000) 36 Education and Training ... 43,000 ...................... (re. $41,000) 37 Education and Training - Management Directed ......................... 38 26,000 ............................................... (re. $26,000) 39 Organizational Alcohol Program ... 10,000 .............. (re. $10,000) 40 Legal Defense Fund ... 10,000 .......................... (re. $10,000) 41 Quality of Work Life Initiatives ... 32,000 ............ (re. $30,000) 724 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 By chapter 37, section 17, of the laws of 2012: 2 Professional development and quality of Working life committee ... 3 1,060,000 ........................................... (re. $732,000) 4 Health and Safety ... 1,376,000 ..................... (re. $1,220,000) 5 PSPT Program ... 4,008,000 .......................... (re. $1,621,000) 6 Joint Funded Programs ... 1,961,000 ................... (re. $570,000) 7 Multi-Funded Programs ... 1,919,000 ................. (re. $1,458,000) 8 Professional Development for Nurses ... 500,000 ....... (re. $376,000) 9 Property Damage ... 41,000 ............................. (re. $41,000) 10 Family Benefits ... 3,769,000 ....................... (re. $1,100,000) 11 Employee Assistance Program ... 852,000 ............... (re. $340,000) 12 Joint Committee on Health Benefits ... 500,000 ........ (re. $200,000) 13 PEF IT ... 1,000,000 ................................ (re. $1,000,000) 14 Contract administration ... 300,000 ................... (re. $236,000) 15 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 16 For services and expenses to implement written agreements determining 17 the terms and conditions of employment between the state and employ- 18 ee organizations representing negotiating units established pursuant 19 to article 14 of the civil service law in accordance with the 20 following: 21 Civil Service Employees Association 22 Joint committee on health benefits ... 1,331,000 ...... (re. $300,000) 23 Employee training and development ... 10,714,000 ...... (re. $500,000) 24 Safety and health maintenance committee ... 637,000 ... (re. $100,000) 25 Employee security committee ... 525,000 ............... (re. $150,000) 26 Family benefits committee ... 2,582,000 ............. (re. $1,100,000) 27 Discipline ... 381,000 ................................ (re. $103,000) 28 Statewide performance rating committee ... 41,000 ...... (re. $35,000) 29 Property damage ... 32,000 ............................. (re. $32,000) 30 Work related clothing (osu) ... 1,071,000 ............. (re. $213,000) 31 Tool allowance (osu) ... 77,000 ......................... (re. $4,000) 32 Tool insurance (osu) ... 26,000 ........................ (re. $26,000) 33 Uniform allowance(isu) ... 430,000 ..................... (re. $38,000) 34 Work related clothing (isu) ... 80,000 ................. (re. $72,000) 35 Management Confidential 36 Medical flexible spending program ... 500,000 ......... (re. $408,000) 37 Pre-tax transportation benefit ... 550,000 ............ (re. $175,000) 38 Management training ... 1,018,000 ..................... (re. $516,000) 39 Uniform allowance ... 245,000 .......................... (re. $49,000) 40 Tuition reimbursement ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $250,000) 41 M/C share of negotiated programs ... 570,000 .......... (re. $426,000) 42 By chapter 261, section 15, of the laws of 2012: 43 Labor Management Committees ... 279,000 ............... (re. $279,000) 44 Employee assistance program ... 200,000 ............... (re. $150,000) 725 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 Joint committee on health benefits ... 165,000 ......... (re. $83,000) 2 Contract administration ... 200,000 ................... (re. $177,000) 3 Employee Training and Development ... 159,000 .......... (re. $56,000) 4 Organizational alcoholism program ... 156,000 .......... (re. $49,000) 5 Labor Management Training ... 100,000 ................. (re. $100,000) 6 Legal Defense Fund ... 150,000 ........................ (re. $150,000) 7 By chapter 257, section 28, of the laws of 2012: 8 Employee training and development ... 21,000 ........... (re. $18,000) 9 Quality of work life committee ... 15,000 .............. (re. $14,000) 10 Contract administration ... 50,000 ..................... (re. $46,000) 11 Legal defense fund ... 5,000 ............................ (re. $5,000) 12 Management directed training ... 14,000 ................ (re. $14,000) 13 Organizational alcoholism program ... 6,000 ............. (re. $6,000) 14 Joint Committee on Health Benefits ... 7,000 ............ (re. $7,000) 15 By chapter 491, part a section 25, of the laws of 2011: 16 Joint committee on health benefits ... 1,331,000 ....... (re. $55,000) 17 Employee training and development ... 10,714,000 ....... (re. $50,000) 18 Safety and health maintenance committee ... 637,000 .... (re. $50,000) 19 Employment security committee ... 525,000 .............. (re. $54,000) 20 Statewide performance rating committee ... 41,000 ...... (re. $37,000) 21 Property damage ... 32,000 ............................. (re. $27,000) 22 Work related clothing (operational services unit) .................... 23 1,071,000 ........................................... (re. $145,000) 24 Tool allowance (operational services unit) ... 77,000 .. (re. $11,000) 25 Tool insurance (operational services unit) ... 26,000 .. (re. $26,000) 26 Uniform allowance (institutional services unit) ...................... 27 430,000 .............................................. (re. $26,000) 28 Work related clothing (institutional services unit) .................. 29 80,000 ............................................... (re. $80,000) 30 Contract Administration ... 400,000 ................... (re. $304,000) 31 By chapter 491, part b section 14, of the laws of 2011: 32 Medical flexible spending account ... 500,000 ......... (re. $425,000) 33 Pre-tax transportation benefit ... 550,000 ............ (re. $433,000) 34 Management training ... 1,018,000 ..................... (re. $476,000) 35 Uniform allowance ... 245,000 .......................... (re. $71,000) 36 Tuition reimbursement ... 250,000 ..................... (re. $168,000) 37 M/C share of negotiated programs ... 570,000 .......... (re. $195,000) 38 The appropriation by chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010, is 39 hereby amended and reappropriated to read: 40 A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state agencies: 41 For services and expenses related to funding for training of employees 42 in information technology (IT) in the professional, scientific and 43 technical services unit (PS&T) pursuant to a memorandum of under- 44 standing between the state and PS&T. The state will increase funding 45 available for such training by $200,000, up to a maximum of 46 $1,000,000, at each increment of an additional 100 full-time employ- 726 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ees (FTEs) hired [prior to December 31, 2011,] to perform IT work 2 that had been performed by contractors. 3 Supplies and materials ... 90,000 ...................... (re. $90,000) 4 Travel ... 10,000 ...................................... (re. $10,000) 5 Contractual services ... 900,000 ...................... (re. $900,000) 6 By chapter 69, section 25, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 7 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 8 A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state agencies: 9 Contract Administration ... 25,000 ..................... (re. $24,000) 10 By chapter 70, section 23, of the laws of 2009, as amended by chapter 11 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 12 A portion of these funds may be suballocated to other state agencies: 13 Contract administration ... 50,000 ..................... (re. $50,000) 727 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 2,500,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 2,500,000 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING BOARD ................................ 2,500,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For services and expenses related to the 13 administration of the financial restruc- 14 turing board. 15 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 16 Contractual services ........................... 2,500,000 17 -------------- 728 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 333,500 0 4 Special Revenue Funds - Federal .... 30,000,000 103,423,000 5 ---------------- ---------------- 6 All Funds ........................ 30,333,500 103,423,000 7 ================ ================ 8 SCHEDULE 9 OPERATIONS PROGRAM .......................................... 30,333,500 10 -------------- 11 General Fund 12 State Purposes Account - 10050 13 For services and expenses of the state's 14 share of administrative costs of the 15 national and community service trust act 16 program. 17 Notwithstanding any other provision of law 18 to the contrary, the OGS Interchange and 19 Transfer Authority and the IT Interchange 20 and Transfer Authority as defined in the 21 2015-16 state fiscal year state operations 22 appropriation for the budget division 23 program of the division of the budget, are 24 deemed fully incorporated herein and a 25 part of this appropriation as if fully 26 stated. 27 PERSONAL SERVICE 28 Personal service--regular ........................ 321,200 29 Holiday/overtime compensation ...................... 4,400 30 -------------- 31 Amount available for personal service .......... 325,600 32 -------------- 33 NONPERSONAL SERVICE 34 Supplies and materials ............................. 1,800 35 Contractual services ............................... 6,100 36 -------------- 37 Amount available for nonpersonal service ......... 7,900 38 -------------- 39 Program account subtotal ..................... 333,500 40 -------------- 729 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 2 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 3 National and Community Service Trust Act Account - 25450 4 For services and expenses related to the 5 national and community service trust act, 6 including suballocation to various agen- 7 cies that administer or receive funding 8 from this grant. 9 Personal service ............................... 1,000,000 10 Nonpersonal service ........................... 29,000,000 11 -------------- 12 Program account subtotal .................. 30,000,000 13 -------------- 730 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 OPERATIONS PROGRAM 2 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 3 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 4 National and Community Service Trust Act Account - 25450 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 6 For services and expenses related to the national and community 7 service trust act, including suballocation to various agencies that 8 administer or receive funding from this grant. 9 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 10 Nonpersonal service ... 29,000,000 ................. (re. $29,000,000) 11 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 12 For services and expenses related to the national and community 13 service trust act, including suballocation to various agencies that 14 administer or receive funding from this grant. 15 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ...................... (re. $1,000,000) 16 Nonpersonal service ... 29,000,000 ................. (re. $27,681,000) 17 Special Revenue Funds - Federal 18 Federal Miscellaneous Operating Grants Fund 19 National and Community Service Trust Act Account 20 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012: 21 For services and expenses related to the national and community 22 service trust act, including suballocation to various agencies that 23 administer or receive funding from this grant. 24 Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the OGS 25 Interchange and Transfer Authority, the IT Interchange and Transfer 26 Authority, and the Call Center Interchange and Transfer Authority as 27 defined in the 2012-13 state fiscal year state operations appropri- 28 ation for the budget division program of the division of the budget, 29 are deemed fully incorporated herein and a part of this appropri- 30 ation as if fully stated. 31 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ........................ (re. $488,000) 32 Nonpersonal service ... 29,000,000 .................. (re. $6,309,000) 33 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 34 For services and expenses related to the national and community 35 service trust act, including suballocation to various agencies that 36 administer or receive funding from this grant. 37 Personal service ... 1,000,000 ........................ (re. $230,000) 38 Nonpersonal service ... 29,000,000 .................. (re. $3,340,000) 39 By chapter 53, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 40 For services and expenses related to the national and community 41 service trust act, including suballocation to various agencies that 42 administer or receive funding from this grant ...................... 43 30,000,000 ....................................... (re. $29,327,000) 731 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 For additional services and expenses related to the national and 2 community service trust act in accordance with the requirements of 3 the American recovery and reinvestment act of 2009 (Public Law 4 111-5), which may include suballocation to agencies that administer 5 or receive funding from this grant. Funds appropriated herein shall 6 be subject to all applicable reporting and accountability require- 7 ments contained in such act ... 6,000,000 ......... (re. $5,048,000) 732 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY ASSET TRANSFER STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For payment according to the following schedule: 2 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 3 General Fund ....................... 300,00,000 0 4 ---------------- ---------------- 5 All Funds ........................ 300,000,00 0 6 ================ ================ 7 SCHEDULE 8 NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY ASSET TRANSFER PROGRAM ............ 300,000,000 9 -------------- 10 General Fund 11 State Purposes Account - 10050 12 For deposit to the appropriate account or 13 accounts of the New York power authority 14 pursuant to a plan submitted by the New 15 York power authority and approved by the 16 director of the budget. Notwithstanding 17 section 40 of the state finance law, this 18 appropriation shall remain in place until 19 a subsequent appropriation is made avail- 20 able. The sum of $85,000,000 is hereby 21 appropriated to the New York power author- 22 ity for deposit to the appropriate account 23 or accounts. Such appropriation shall be 24 made available either: (i) pursuant to a 25 repayment agreement submitted by the New 26 York power authority and approved by the 27 director of the budget, or (ii) upon 28 certification of the director of the budg- 29 et, at the request of the New York power 30 authority when and to the extent that the 31 authority certifies to the director that 32 the monies available to the authority are 33 not sufficient to meet the authority's 34 obligations with respect to its debt 35 service or operating or capital programs .... 85,000,000 36 For deposit to the appropriate account or 37 accounts of the New York power authority 38 pursuant to a plan submitted by the New 39 York power authority and approved by the 40 director of the budget. Notwithstanding 41 section 40 of the state finance law, this 42 appropriation shall remain in place until 43 a subsequent appropriation is made avail- 44 able. The sum of $215,000,000 is hereby 733 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY ASSET TRANSFER STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 appropriated to the New York power author- 2 ity for deposit to the appropriate account 3 or accounts. Such appropriation shall only 4 be made available upon certification of 5 the director of the budget, at the request 6 of the New York power authority when and 7 to the extent that the authority certifies 8 to the director that such monies are 9 necessary to comply with the authority's 10 expenses related to the transfer and 11 disposal of nuclear spent fuel as required 12 by federal or state statute ................ 215,000,000 13 -------------- 734 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 For services and expenses to prevent, deter, or respond to 2 acts of terrorism, disasters, or other emergencies. This 3 amount is appropriated from monies available in any fund 4 of the state, including monies received from external 5 sources. This appropriation is available for payments 6 for state operations, aid to localities, or capital 7 purposes and may be suballocated, transferred, or allo- 8 cated to any state department, division, agency, or 9 authority pursuant to a certificate issued by the direc- 10 tor of the budget. Notwithstanding any provision of law 11 to the contrary, the state comptroller shall credit 12 these appropriations with federal grants received pursu- 13 ant to the federal community development block grant 14 program or any other federal program providing disaster 15 aid, in recognition that the state was required to make 16 payments for eligible projects and/or activities in 17 advance of the availability of federal reimbursement ..... 200,000,000 18 -------------- 735 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 All Funds 2 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2014: 3 For services and expenses to prevent, deter, or respond to acts of 4 terrorism, disasters, or other emergencies. This amount is appropri- 5 ated from monies available in any fund of the state, including 6 monies received from external sources. This appropriation is avail- 7 able for payments for state operations, aid to localities, or capi- 8 tal purposes and may be suballocated, transferred, or allocated to 9 any state department, division, agency, or authority pursuant to a 10 certificate issued by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding 11 any provision of law to the contrary, the state comptroller shall 12 credit these appropriations with federal grants received pursuant to 13 the federal community development block grant program or any other 14 federal program providing disaster aid, in recognition that the 15 state was required to make payments for eligible projects and/or 16 activities in advance of the availability of federal reimbursement 17 ... 200,000,000 ................................. (re. $200,000,000) 18 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2013: 19 For services and expenses to prevent, deter, or respond to acts of 20 terrorism, disasters, or other emergencies. This amount is appropri- 21 ated from monies available in any fund of the state, including 22 monies received from external sources. This appropriation is avail- 23 able for payments for state operations, aid to localities, or capi- 24 tal purposes and may be suballocated, transferred, or allocated to 25 any state department, division, agency, or authority pursuant to a 26 certificate issued by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding 27 any provision of law to the contrary, the state comptroller shall 28 credit these appropriations with federal grants received pursuant to 29 the federal community development block grant program or any other 30 federal program providing disaster aid, in recognition that the 31 state was required to make payments for eligible projects and/or 32 activities in advance of the availability of federal reimbursement 33 ... 200,000,000 ................................. (re. $200,000,000) 34 For services and expenses to recover from the impact of storm Sandy 35 and to mitigate the impact of future natural or man-made disasters. 36 This amount is appropriated from monies available in any special 37 revenue federal fund of the state, and may be used to implement 38 storm Sandy recovery or disaster mitigation and preparedness 39 programs authorized by the state or federal government, including 40 making payments to local governments, public authorities, not-for- 41 profit corporations, businesses, and individuals. This appropriation 42 may be suballocated or transferred to any state department, divi- 43 sion, agency, or authority pursuant to a certificate issued by the 44 director of the budget five business days after the close of each 45 month, the division of the budget shall report to the chair of the 46 senate finance committee and the chair of the assembly ways and 47 means committee total disbursements from this appropriation. Upon 48 the allocation, suballocation, or transfer of this appropriation to 736 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 any program, state department, division, agency, or authority, the 2 division of the budget or the receiving entity shall, within ten 3 business days, provide the chair of the senate finance committee and 4 the chair of the assembly ways and means committee with a 5 description of the program or purpose to be funded, and the guide- 6 lines for accessing or distributing the funding .................... 7 8,000,000,000 ................................. (re. $8,000,000,000) 8 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2012, as amended by chapter 50, 9 section 1, of the laws of 2013: 10 For services and expenses to prevent, deter, or respond to acts of 11 terrorism, disasters, or other emergencies. This amount is appropri- 12 ated from monies available in any fund of the state, including 13 monies received from external sources. This appropriation is avail- 14 able for payments for state operations, aid to localities, or capi- 15 tal purposes and may be suballocated, transferred, or allocated to 16 any state department, division, agency, or authority pursuant to a 17 certificate issued by the director of the budget. Notwithstanding 18 any provision of law to the contrary, the state comptroller shall 19 credit these appropriations with federal grants received pursuant to 20 the federal community development block grant program or any other 21 federal program providing disaster aid, in recognition that the 22 state was required to make payments for eligible projects and/or 23 activities in advance of the availability of federal reimbursement 24 ... 200,000,000 ................................. (re. $200,000,000) 25 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 26 For payments related to security measures implemented to prevent, 27 deter, or respond to acts of domestic terrorism. This amount is 28 appropriated from moneys available in the general, special revenue - 29 federal or other funds of the state, including moneys received from 30 external sources, for payments for state operations or aid to local- 31 ities purposes and for transfer, suballocation, or allocation to all 32 state departments, agencies and public authorities pursuant to a 33 certificate of approval issued by the director of the budget ....... 34 45,000,000 ....................................... (re. $13,862,000) 35 For payments related to security measures implemented to prevent, 36 deter or respond to acts of domestic terrorism. This amount is 37 appropriated from moneys available in special revenue - federal 38 funds for payments for state operations or aid to localities 39 purposes and for transfer, suballocation, or allocation to all state 40 departments, agencies and public authorities pursuant to a certif- 41 icate of approval issued by the director of the budget. Such 42 payments shall be disbursed in compliance with all applicable feder- 43 al statutes and regulations ... 50,000,000 ....... (re. $43,600,000) 44 For payments related to security measures implemented in response to 45 heightened security threat alerts or domestic terrorism incidents. 46 This amount is appropriated from moneys available in the general, 47 special revenue - federal or other funds of the state, including 48 moneys received from external sources, for payments for state oper- 737 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 ations or aid to localities purposes and for transfer, suballo- 2 cation, or allocation to all state departments, agencies and public 3 authorities pursuant to a certificate of approval issued by the 4 director of the budget ... 65,000,000 ............ (re. $65,000,000) 5 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 6 For payments related to security measures implemented to prevent, 7 deter or respond to acts of domestic terrorism. This amount is 8 appropriated from moneys available in the general, special revenue - 9 federal or other funds of the state, including moneys received from 10 external sources, for payments for such purposes and for transfer, 11 suballocation, or allocation to all state departments, agencies and 12 public authorities, pursuant to a certificate of approval issued by 13 the director of the budget ... 50,000,000 ......... (re. $9,602,000) 14 For payments related to security measures implemented in response to 15 heightened security threat alerts or domestic terrorism incidents. 16 This amount is appropriated from moneys available in the general, 17 special revenue - federal or other funds of the state, including 18 moneys received from external sources, for payments for such 19 purposes and for transfer, suballocation, or allocation to all state 20 departments, agencies and public authorities pursuant to a certif- 21 icate of approval issued by the director of the budget ............. 22 65,000,000 ....................................... (re. $65,000,000) 23 Special Revenue Funds - Other 24 Miscellaneous Special Revenue Fund 25 Airport Security Account 26 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2011: 27 For payments related to airport, bridge, transit and transportation 28 security measures implemented at the request of the port authority 29 of New York and New Jersey, the metropolitan transportation authori- 30 ty or other public authorities to prevent, deter or respond to acts 31 of domestic terrorism. This amount is appropriated from moneys 32 available in the miscellaneous special revenue fund, airport securi- 33 ty account, for payments for such purposes and for transfer, subal- 34 location, or allocation to all state departments, agencies and 35 public authorities pursuant to a certificate of approval issued by 36 the director of the budget ... 9,000,000 .......... (re. $9,000,000) 37 By chapter 50, section 1, of the laws of 2010: 38 For payments related to airport, bridge, transit and transportation 39 security measures implemented at the request of the port authority 40 of New York and New Jersey, the metropolitan transportation authori- 41 ty or other public authorities to prevent, deter or respond to acts 42 of domestic terrorism. This amount is appropriated from moneys 43 available in the miscellaneous special revenue fund-339, airport 44 security account, for payments for such purposes and for transfer, 45 suballocation, or allocation to all state departments, agencies and 738 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 public authorities pursuant to a certificate of approval issued by 2 the director of the budget ... 3,000,000 .......... (re. $3,000,000) 739 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES RACING REFORM PROGRAM STATE OPERATIONS - REAPPROPRIATIONS 2015-16 1 APPROPRIATIONS REAPPROPRIATIONS 2 General Fund ....................... 0 2,000,000 3 ---------------- ---------------- 4 All Funds ........................ 0 2,000,000 5 ================ ================ 6 RACING REFORM PROGRAM 7 General Fund 8 State Purposes Account - 10050 9 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2008: 10 For services and expenses associated with the enactment of chapter 354 11 of the laws of 2005 and chapter 18 of the laws of 2008 including but 12 not limited to costs and expenses incurred by the non-profit racing 13 association oversight board and the franchise oversight board. 14 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 15 By chapter 55, section 1, of the laws of 2007, as amended by chapter 55, 16 section 1, of the laws of 2008: 17 For services and expenses associated with the enactment of chapter 354 18 of the laws of 2005 and chapter 18 of the laws of 2008 including but 19 not limited to costs and expenses incurred by the non-profit racing 20 association oversight board or services and expenses associated with 21 the operation and administration of an ad-hoc committee as author- 22 ized within section 208 of the racing, pari-mutuel wagering and 23 breeding law or services and expenses incurred by the franchise 24 oversight board. 25 Contractual services ... 1,000,000 .................. (re. $1,000,000) 740 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES RESERVE FOR FEDERAL AUDIT DISALLOWANCES STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 For transfer by the director of the budget to the local 4 assistance account of the general fund or to the state 5 purposes account of the general fund to supplement 6 appropriations for services and expenses of any state 7 department or agency to provide such agency with spend- 8 ing authority necessary to replace anticipated revenue 9 denied such agency and department as a result of federal 10 audit disallowances which reduce available grant awards .. 500,000,000 11 ============== 741 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 The sum of $250,000,000 is hereby appropriated solely for 2 transfer by the governor to the general, special reven- 3 ue, capital projects, proprietary or fiduciary funds to 4 meet unanticipated emergencies pursuant to section 53 of 5 the state finance law .................................... 250,000,000 6 ============== 742 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES SPECIAL FEDERAL EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 The sum of $1,000,000,000 is hereby appropriated solely 2 for transfer by the governor to funds established to 3 account for revenues from the federal government in 4 order to meet unanticipated or emergency expenditures 5 pursuant to section 53 of the state finance law. In 6 addition, to the extent necessary to spend monies avail- 7 able to recover from Storm Sandy, funds appropriated 8 herein may be suballocated, subject to the approval of 9 the director of the budget, to any state department, 10 agency or public authority. Funds appropriated herein 11 shall be subject to all applicable reporting and 12 accountability requirements contained in the act ....... 1,000,000,000 13 ============== 743 20011-02-5 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES WORKERS' COMPENSATION RESERVE STATE OPERATIONS 2015-16 1 General Fund 2 State Purposes Account - 10050 3 For payments to the state insurance fund for the purpose 4 of making workers' compensation payments to state 5 employee claimants as required to fulfill terms of the 6 agreement between the New York state department of civil 7 service and the state insurance fund ...................... 12,450,000 8 ============== 744 20011-02-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page SECTION 1 - STATE AGENCIES ........................................... 1 ADIRONDACK PARK AGENCY ............................................. 3 AGING, OFFICE FOR THE .............................................. 6 AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS, DEPARTMENT OF ............................ 10 ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL ........................................ 32 ARTS, COUNCIL ON THE .............................................. 35 AUDIT AND CONTROL, DEPARTMENT OF .................................. 38 BUDGET, DIVISION OF THE ........................................... 50 CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK ....................................... 57 CIVIL SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF ...................................... 62 CORRECTION, COMMISSION OF ......................................... 70 CORRECTIONS AND COMMUNITY SUPERVISION, DEPARTMENT OF .............. 71 CRIMINAL JUSTICE SERVICES, DIVISION OF ............................ 85 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES PLANNING COUNCIL ....................... 98 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, DEPARTMENT OF .............................. 100 EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ............................................. 108 ELECTIONS, STATE BOARD OF ........................................ 152 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS, OFFICE OF .................................... 157 ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION, DEPARTMENT OF ........................ 160 EXECUTIVE CHAMBER ................................................ 217 LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR, OFFICE OF THE ............................. 218 FAMILY ASSISTANCE, DEPARTMENT OF CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES, OFFICE OF ........................ 219 TEMPORARY AND DISABILITY ASSISTANCE, OFFICE OF ................. 276 FINANCIAL CONTROL BOARD, NEW YORK STATE .......................... 297 FINANCIAL SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF ................................ 298 745 20011-02-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GAMING COMMISSION, NEW YORK STATE ................................ 314 GENERAL SERVICES, OFFICE OF ...................................... 322 HEALTH, DEPARTMENT OF ............................................ 337 MEDICAID INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF .......................... 418 HIGHER EDUCATION SERVICES CORPORATION ............................ 421 HOMELAND SECURITY AND EMERGENCY SERVICES, DIVISION OF ............ 424 HOUSING AND COMMUNITY RENEWAL, DIVISION OF ....................... 432 MORTGAGE AGENCY, STATE OF NEW YORK ............................. 447 HUMAN RIGHTS, DIVISION OF ........................................ 449 INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES, OFFICE OF ............................... 452 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES, OFFICE OF ....................... 454 INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF THE STATE ........................... 462 INTEREST ON LAWYER ACCOUNT ....................................... 464 JUDICIAL CONDUCT, COMMISSION ON .................................. 465 JUDICIAL NOMINATION, COMMISSION ON ............................... 466 JUDICIAL SCREENING COMMITTEES .................................... 467 JUSTICE CENTER FOR THE PROTECTION OF PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS .......................................................... 468 LABOR, DEPARTMENT OF ............................................. 476 LAW, DEPARTMENT OF ............................................... 503 MENTAL HYGIENE, DEPARTMENT OF .................................... 515 ALCOHOLISM AND SUBSTANCE ABUSE SERVICES, OFFICE OF ............. 517 MENTAL HEALTH, OFFICE OF ....................................... 525 PEOPLE WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES, OFFICE FOR ............. 541 MILITARY AND NAVAL AFFAIRS, DIVISION OF .......................... 565 MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF .................................... 572 OLYMPIC REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ........................... 581 746 20011-02-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page PARKS, RECREATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION, OFFICE OF ........... 583 PREVENTION OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, OFFICE FOR THE .................. 602 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT RELATIONS BOARD ................................ 605 PUBLIC ETHICS, JOINT COMMISSION ON ............................... 607 PUBLIC SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF .................................... 608 STATE, DEPARTMENT OF ............................................. 612 STATE POLICE, DIVISION OF ........................................ 626 STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK ..................................... 635 STATEWIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM ....................................... 654 TAXATION AND FINANCE, DEPARTMENT OF .............................. 655 TAX APPEALS, DIVISION OF ....................................... 668 THRUWAY AUTHORITY ................................................ 669 TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF .................................... 670 VETERANS' AFFAIRS, DIVISION OF ................................... 686 VICTIM SERVICES, OFFICE OF ....................................... 689 WELFARE INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF ............................. 695 WORKERS' COMPENSATION BOARD ...................................... 696 MISCELLANEOUS -- ALL STATE DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES: ABANDONED PROPERTY CONTINGENCY RESERVE ......................... 698 DEFERRED COMPENSATION BOARD .................................... 699 GENERAL STATE CHARGES .......................................... 701 GREEN THUMB PROGRAM ............................................ 708 GREENWAY HERITAGE CONSERVANCY FOR THE HUDSON RIVER VALLEY ...... 709 HEALTH INSURANCE CONTINGENCY RESERVE ........................... 710 HEALTH INSURANCE RESERVE RECEIPTS FUND ......................... 711 HIGHER EDUCATION ............................................... 712 HUDSON RIVER VALLEY GREENWAY COMMUNITIES COUNCIL ............... 713 747 20011-02-5 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INSURANCE AND SECURITIES FUNDS RESERVE GUARANTEE ............... 714 LABOR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEES .................................... 716 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE .................................... 727 NATIONAL AND COMMUNITY SERVICE ................................. 728 NEW YORK POWER AUTHORITY ASSET TRANSFER ........................ 732 PUBLIC SECURITY AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE ......................... 734 RACING REFORM PROGRAM .......................................... 739 RESERVE FOR FEDERAL AUDIT DISALLOWANCES ........................ 740 SPECIAL EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION ................................ 741 SPECIAL FEDERAL EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION ........................ 742 WORKERS' COMPENSATION RESERVE .................................. 743