Bill Text: NY S04438 | 2017-2018 | General Assembly | Introduced

Bill Title: Requires reports by state agencies relating to certain grants and expenditures made to community based organizations; requires listing by zip code of such grants.

Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Democrat 2-0)

Status: (Engrossed - Dead) 2018-01-03 - REFERRED TO FINANCE [S04438 Detail]

Download: New_York-2017-S04438-Introduced.html

                STATE OF NEW YORK
                               2017-2018 Regular Sessions
                    IN SENATE
                                    February 15, 2017
        Introduced  by Sens. MONTGOMERY, COMRIE -- read twice and ordered print-
          ed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Finance
        AN ACT to amend the executive law and the state finance law, in relation
          to requiring reports by state agencies relating to certain grants  and
          expenditures made to community based organizations
          The  People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assem-
        bly, do enact as follows:
     1    Section 1. Section 164 of the executive law, as amended by chapter 833
     2  of the laws of 1965, is amended to read as follows:
     3    § 164. Reports by and to the department.   1. Each  department,  other
     4  than the executive department, shall make an annual report to the gover-
     5  nor  and  legislature  on  or  before  the fifteenth day of May, for the
     6  preceding calendar year. It shall contain  such  information  concerning
     7  the department and its several divisions, bureaus, offices, agencies and
     8  institutions,  and  their  activities  and affairs, and such recommenda-
     9  tions, as the head of the department shall deem necessary or proper, and
    10  any matters required by express provision of law to be included in  such
    11  report.  A  department also shall make such other and special reports as
    12  the governor or either house of the legislature may require.  From  time
    13  to time, the head of a department may require from any board, commission
    14  or  other  body  in  the  department  or from any subordinate officer or
    15  employee, division or bureau of the department, or from any  institution
    16  subject  to the supervision of the department, or from any agency of the
    17  department, such reports or information as such head may deem necessary.
    18  Unless expressly authorized by the head of the department,  there  shall
    19  be  hereafter  no  separate report, annual or otherwise, directly to the
    20  legislature or governor by any such board,  commission,  body,  officer,
    21  division,  bureau,  institution  or  agency notwithstanding any existing
    22  provision of law authorizing or requiring such report.
    23    2. In addition to the annual report  required  by  this  section,  the
    24  division of the budget shall make a report to the legislature by Septem-
         EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets
                              [ ] is old law to be omitted.

        S. 4438                             2
     1  ber  first  of each year relating to distribution of funds and grants to
     2  community based organizations as defined in section one  hundred  fifty-
     3  nine-e  of  this chapter and such report shall be posted on the division
     4  of  the  budget website in a manner which is clear and accessible to the
     5  public.  Such report shall provide a listing of recipients, by zip code,
     6  of grants, awards or funds appropriated for services and programs  which
     7  are made to organizations which provide services on a local basis pursu-
     8  ant to programs established by law.
     9    § 2. Section 14 of the state finance law, as amended by chapter 155 of
    10  the laws of 2012, is amended to read as follows:
    11    § 14. Departmental statements. 1. In addition to the annual department
    12  reports  prescribed by law, the head of each department of the state, on
    13  or before the fifteenth day of October in each year, shall submit to the
    14  governor a statement of the sources,  amounts  and  disposition  of  all
    15  money  received  by  such department, its divisions, bureaus or officers
    16  for the preceding fiscal year other than  money  appropriated  for  such
    17  department  by the legislature or money that was paid by such department
    18  into the treasury. Such statement shall include  a  description  of  the
    19  nature  and  the amount of each fund, if any, then under the supervision
    20  or control of such department or the head thereof or  under  the  super-
    21  vision  or  control  of any division, bureau, commission, board or other
    22  organization therein or under the supervision or control of the head  or
    23  any  other officer of such division, bureau, commission, board or organ-
    24  ization, which was derived from any source whether or not  deposited  in
    25  the  treasury,  a  citation  of  the statute authorizing the creation or
    26  establishment of each such  fund  and  the  nature  and  amount  of  any
    27  payments  made  therefrom during the preceding fiscal year. The director
    28  of the budget in the executive department shall make rules, which  shall
    29  be  approved  by  the governor, regulating the form and contents of such
    30  statements. Copies of such statements shall be simultaneously  furnished
    31  to  the senate finance committee and the assembly ways and means commit-
    32  tee for their information.
    33    2. The governor, in such form and with such explanation as the  gover-
    34  nor may desire, shall transmit to the legislature, with the annual budg-
    35  et,  a  recapitulation  or  summary of the information contained in such
    36  statements arranged under appropriate headings for each department.  The
    37  provisions  of this section shall not apply to any funds received by the
    38  superintendent of financial services in a fiduciary capacity or  to  the
    39  state  teachers' retirement fund, or any state employees' retirement and
    40  pension fund, but such exemption from the application  of  this  section
    41  shall not affect any other provision of law requiring a report or state-
    42  ment of such funds.
    43    3.    In  addition  to the annual report required by this section, the
    44  division of the budget shall make a report to the legislature by Septem-
    45  ber first of each year relating to distribution of funds and  grants  to
    46  community  based  organizations as defined in section one hundred fifty-
    47  nine-e of the executive law and such report shall be posted on the divi-
    48  sion of the budget website in a manner which is clear and accessible  to
    49  the  public.   Such report shall provide a listing of recipients, by zip
    50  code, of grants, awards or funds appropriated for services and  programs
    51  which  are made to organizations which provide services on a local basis
    52  pursuant to programs established by law.
    53    § 3. This act shall take effect immediately.