Bill Text: NY S04923 | 2013-2014 | General Assembly | Amended
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Amends the dates of certain armed conflicts to reflect the dates for such conflicts established by the federal government and provides that future dates of armed conflicts shall be consistent with the federal dates thereof.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-06-20 - COMMITTED TO RULES [S04923 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-S04923-Amended.html
Bill Title: Amends the dates of certain armed conflicts to reflect the dates for such conflicts established by the federal government and provides that future dates of armed conflicts shall be consistent with the federal dates thereof.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Introduced - Dead) 2014-06-20 - COMMITTED TO RULES [S04923 Detail]
Download: New_York-2013-S04923-Amended.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 4923--B 2013-2014 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E May 1, 2013 ___________ Introduced by Sen. LIBOUS -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Veterans, Homeland Securi- ty and Military Affairs -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee -- committee discharged, bill amended, ordered reprinted as amended and recommitted to said committee AN ACT to amend the education law, the retirement and social security law, the civil service law, the social services law and the public officers law, in relation to the dates of certain periods of war and hostilities THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivision 1 of section 668 of the education law, as 2 amended by chapter 580 of the laws of 1992, paragraphs (a) and (d) as 3 amended by chapter 261 of the laws of 1995, paragraph (b) as amended by 4 chapter 616 of the laws of 1995, paragraphs (f) and (g) as added by 5 chapter 435 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows: 6 1. Period of military service. For a student to be eligible, the 7 parent, or step-parent where the student is the dependent of the step- 8 parent, (i) must have been a recipient of the armed forces expeditionary 9 medal, the navy expeditionary medal or the marine corps expeditionary 10 medal for participation in operations in Lebanon from [June first] 11 AUGUST TWENTY-FIRST, nineteen hundred [eighty-three] EIGHTY-TWO to 12 December first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven, in Grenada from October 13 twenty-third, nineteen hundred eighty-three to November twenty-first, 14 nineteen hundred eighty-three, or in Panama from December twentieth, 15 nineteen hundred eighty-nine to January thirty-first, nineteen hundred 16 ninety, or (ii) must have served on regular active duty (other than for 17 training) in the armed forces of the United States during part of one of 18 the following periods: EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD08442-05-3 S. 4923--B 2 1 (a) April sixth, nineteen hundred seventeen to November eleven, nine- 2 teen hundred eighteen. 3 (b) December seven, nineteen hundred forty-one to December thirty-one, 4 nineteen hundred forty-six, or have been employed by the War Shipping 5 Administration or Office of Defense Transportation or their agents as a 6 merchant seaman documented by the United States Coast Guard or Depart- 7 ment of Commerce, or as a civil servant employed by the United States 8 Army Transport Service (later redesignated as the United States Army 9 Transportation Corps, Water Division) or the Naval Transportation 10 Service; and who served satisfactorily as a crew member during the peri- 11 od of armed conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one, to 12 August fifteenth, nineteen hundred forty-five, aboard merchant vessels 13 in oceangoing, i.e., foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such 14 terms are defined under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and further 15 to include "near foreign" voyages between the United States and Canada, 16 Mexico, or the West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in ocean- 17 going service or foreign waters and who has received a Certificate of 18 Release or Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an 19 Honorable Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of 20 Defense or have served as a United States civilian employed by the Amer- 21 ican Field Service and served overseas under United States Armies and 22 United States Army Groups in world war II during the period of armed 23 conflict, December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one through May 24 eighth, nineteen hundred forty-five, and who was discharged or released 25 therefrom under honorable conditions, or have served as a United States 26 civilian Flight Crew and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan Ameri- 27 can World Airways or one of its subsidiaries or its affiliates and 28 served overseas as a result of Pan American's contract with Air Trans- 29 port Command or Naval Air Transport Service during the period of armed 30 conflict, December fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one through August 31 fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-five, and who was discharged or 32 released therefrom under honorable conditions. 33 (c) June twenty-seven, nineteen hundred fifty to January thirty-one, 34 nineteen hundred fifty-five. 35 (d) [December twenty-second] FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH, nineteen hundred 36 sixty-one to May seventh, nineteen hundred seventy-five. 37 (e) August [two] SECOND, nineteen hundred ninety to the end of hostil- 38 ities in the Persian Gulf conflict. 39 (f) From September eighteenth, two thousand one until the end of the 40 United States military efforts in Afghanistan. 41 (g) From October sixteenth, two thousand two until the end of the 42 United States military efforts in Iraq. 43 (H) ANY OTHER PERIOD OF WAR OR HOSTILITIES IN SUCH LOCATIONS AND 44 DURING SUCH PERIODS OF TIME AS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM TIME TO TIME BY 45 THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 46 S 2. Subdivision 1 of section 668-c of the education law, as added by 47 chapter 474 of the laws of 2000, is amended to read as follows: 48 1. Eligible students. Awards shall be made to Vietnam veterans' resi- 49 dent children born with Spina Bifida enrolled in approved undergraduate 50 or graduate programs at degree granting institutions. For the purpose of 51 this section, "Vietnam veteran" shall mean a person who served in Indo- 52 china at any time from the [twenty-second] TWENTY-EIGHTH day of [Decem- 53 ber] FEBRUARY, nineteen hundred sixty-one, to and including the seventh 54 day of May, nineteen hundred seventy-five and was honorably discharged 55 from the armed forces of the United States; "born with Spina Bifida" 56 shall mean a diagnosis at birth of such disease inclusive of all forms, S. 4923--B 3 1 manifestations, complications and associated medical conditions thereof, 2 but shall not include Spina Bifida Occulta. Such diagnosis shall be in 3 accordance with the provisions of the federal Spina Bifida program and 4 shall be documented by the United States Administration of Veterans' 5 Affairs. 6 S 3. Paragraphs (a), (c) and (d) of subdivision 2 of section 1000 of 7 the retirement and social security law, as added by chapter 548 of the 8 laws of 2000, are amended and a new paragraph (e) is added to read as 9 follows: 10 (a) hostilities participated in by the military forces of the United 11 States in Lebanon, from the [first] TWENTY-FIRST day of [June] AUGUST, 12 nineteen hundred [eighty-three] EIGHTY-TWO to the first day of December, 13 nineteen hundred eighty-seven, as established by receipt of the armed 14 forces expeditionary medal, the navy expeditionary medal, or the marine 15 corps expeditionary medal; 16 (c) hostilities participated in by the military forces of the United 17 States in Panama, from the twentieth day of December, nineteen hundred 18 eighty-nine to the thirty-first day of January, nineteen hundred ninety, 19 as established by receipt of the armed forces expeditionary medal, the 20 navy expeditionary medal, or the marine corps expeditionary medal; [or] 21 (d) hostilities participated in by the military forces of the United 22 States, from the second day of August, nineteen hundred ninety, to the 23 end of such hostilities in case of a veteran who served in the theater 24 of operations including Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the 25 United Arab Emirates, Oman, the Gulf of Aden, the Gulf of Oman, the 26 Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the airspace above these locations[.] ; 27 OR 28 (E) ANY OTHER HOSTILITIES OR PERIOD OF WAR PARTICIPATED IN BY THE 29 MILITARY FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES IN SUCH LOCATIONS AND DURING SUCH 30 PERIODS OF TIME AS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE FEDERAL 31 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 32 S 4. Subparagraph 5 of paragraph (c) of subdivision 1 of section 85 of 33 the civil service law, as added by chapter 467 of the laws of 1991, is 34 amended and a new subparagraph 9 is added to read as follows: 35 (5) Hostilities participated in by the military forces of the United 36 States in Lebanon, from the [first] TWENTY-FIRST day of [June] AUGUST, 37 nineteen hundred [eighty-three] EIGHTY-TWO to the first day of December, 38 nineteen hundred eighty-seven, as established by receipt of the armed 39 forces expeditionary medal, the navy expeditionary medal, or the marine 40 corps expeditionary medal. 41 (9) ANY OTHER HOSTILITIES OR PERIOD OF WAR PARTICIPATED IN BY THE 42 MILITARY FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES IN SUCH LOCATIONS AND DURING SUCH 43 PERIODS OF TIME AS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE FEDERAL 44 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 45 S 5. Subdivision 1 of section 168 of the social services law, as 46 amended by chapter 467 of the laws of 1991, is amended to read as 47 follows: 48 1. Veteran means a person, male or female, who has served in the armed 49 forces of the United States in time of war, or who was a recipient of 50 the armed forces expeditionary medal, navy expeditionary medal or marine 51 corps expeditionary medal for participation in operations in Lebanon 52 from [June first, nineteen hundred eighty-three] AUGUST TWENTY-FIRST, 53 NINETEEN HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO to December first, nineteen hundred eighty- 54 seven, in Grenada from October twenty-third, nineteen hundred eighty- 55 three to November twenty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, or in 56 Panama from December twentieth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine to January S. 4923--B 4 1 thirty-first, nineteen hundred ninety, and who has been honorably 2 discharged or released under honorable circumstances from such service 3 or furloughed to the reserve. 4 S 6. Subdivision 2 of section 168 of the social services law is 5 amended by adding a new paragraph 9 to read as follows: 6 (9) ANY OTHER PERIOD OF WAR OR HOSTILITIES IN SUCH LOCATIONS AND 7 DURING SUCH PERIODS OF TIME AS SHALL BE DETERMINED FROM TIME TO TIME BY 8 THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS. 9 S 7. Section 63 of the public officers law, as amended by chapter 179 10 of the laws of 2006, is amended to read as follows: 11 S 63. Leave of absence for veterans on Memorial day and Veterans' day. 12 It shall be the duty of the head of every public department and of every 13 court of the state of New York, of every superintendent or foreman on 14 the public works of said state, of the county officers of the several 15 counties of said state, of the town officers of the various towns in 16 this state, of the fire district officers of the various fire districts 17 in this state, and of the head of every department, bureau and office in 18 the government of the various cities and villages in this state, and the 19 officers of any public benefit corporation or any public authority of 20 this state, or of any public benefit corporation or public authority of 21 any county or subdivision of this state, to give leave of absence with 22 pay for twenty-four hours on the day prescribed by law as a public holi- 23 day for the observance of Memorial day and on the eleventh day of Novem- 24 ber, known as Veterans' day, to every person in the service of the 25 state, the county, the town, the fire district, the city or village, the 26 public benefit corporation or public authority of this state, or any 27 public benefit corporation or public authority of any county or subdivi- 28 sion of this state, as the case may be, (i) who served on active duty in 29 the armed forces of the United States during world war I or world war 30 II, or who was employed by the War Shipping Administration or Office of 31 Defense Transportation or their agents as a merchant seaman documented 32 by the United States Coast Guard or Department of Commerce, or as a 33 civil servant employed by the United States Army Transport Service 34 (later redesignated as the United States Army Transportation Corps, 35 Water Division) or the Naval Transportation Service; and who served 36 satisfactorily as a crew member during the period of armed conflict, 37 December seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one, to August fifteenth, nine- 38 teen hundred forty-five, aboard merchant vessels in oceangoing, i.e., 39 foreign, intercoastal, or coastwise service as such terms are defined 40 under federal law (46 USCA 10301 & 10501) and further to include "near 41 foreign" voyages between the United States and Canada, Mexico, or the 42 West Indies via ocean routes, or public vessels in oceangoing service or 43 foreign waters and who has received a Certificate of Release or 44 Discharge from Active Duty and a discharge certificate, or an Honorable 45 Service Certificate/Report of Casualty, from the Department of Defense, 46 or who served as a United States civilian employed by the American Field 47 Service and served overseas under United States Armies and United States 48 Army Groups in world war II during the period of armed conflict, Decem- 49 ber seventh, nineteen hundred forty-one through May eighth, nineteen 50 hundred forty-five, and who was discharged or released therefrom under 51 honorable conditions, or who served as a United States civilian Flight 52 Crew and Aviation Ground Support Employee of Pan American World Airways 53 or one of its subsidiaries or its affiliates and served overseas as a 54 result of Pan American's contract with Air Transport Command or Naval 55 Air Transport Service during the period of armed conflict, December 56 fourteenth, nineteen hundred forty-one through August fourteenth, nine- S. 4923--B 5 1 teen hundred forty-five, and who was discharged or released therefrom 2 under honorable conditions, or during the period of the Korean conflict 3 at any time between the dates of June twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred 4 fifty and January thirty-first, nineteen hundred fifty-five, or during 5 the period of the Vietnam conflict from the twenty-eighth day of Febru- 6 ary, nineteen hundred sixty-one to the seventh day of May, nineteen 7 hundred seventy-five, or (ii) who served on active duty in the armed 8 forces of the United States and who was a recipient of the armed forces 9 expeditionary medal, navy expeditionary medal or marine corps expedi- 10 tionary medal for participation in operations in Lebanon from [June 11 first, nineteen hundred eighty-three] AUGUST TWENTY-FIRST, NINETEEN 12 HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO to December first, nineteen hundred eighty-seven, in 13 Grenada from October twenty-third, nineteen hundred eighty-three to 14 November twenty-first, nineteen hundred eighty-three, [or] in Panama 15 from December twentieth, nineteen hundred eighty-nine to January thir- 16 ty-first, nineteen hundred ninety, OR DURING ANY OTHER PERIOD OF WAR OR 17 HOSTILITIES IN SUCH LOCATIONS AND DURING SUCH PERIODS OF TIME AS SHALL 18 BE DETERMINED FROM TIME TO TIME BY THE FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE OR 19 THE UNITED STATES CONGRESS, or (iii) who served in the armed forces of a 20 foreign country allied with the United States during world war I or 21 world war II, or during the period of the Korean conflict at any time 22 between June twenty-seventh, nineteen hundred fifty and January thirty- 23 first, nineteen hundred fifty-five, or during the period of the Vietnam 24 conflict from the twenty-eighth day of February, nineteen hundred 25 sixty-one to the seventh day of May, nineteen hundred seventy-five, or 26 during the period of the Persian Gulf conflict from the second day of 27 August, nineteen hundred ninety to the end of such conflict, or who 28 served on active duty in the army or navy or marine corps or air force 29 or coast guard of the United States, and who was honorably discharged or 30 separated from such service under honorable conditions, except where 31 such action would endanger the public safety or the safety or health of 32 persons cared for by the state, in which event such persons shall be 33 entitled to leave of absence with pay on another day in lieu thereof. 34 All such persons who are compensated on a per diem, hourly, semi-monthly 35 or monthly basis, with or without maintenance, shall also be entitled to 36 leave of absence with pay under the provisions of this section and no 37 deduction in vacation allowance or budgetary allowable number of working 38 days shall be made in lieu thereof. A refusal to give such leave of 39 absence to one entitled thereto shall be neglect of duty. 40 S 8. Notwithstanding any other provisions of law to the contrary, any 41 provisions of law which grant benefits or eligibility to veterans who 42 served in the armed forces of the United States during a period of war 43 or hostilities, such period shall include any additional period of war 44 or hostilities in such locations and during such periods of time as 45 shall be determined from time to time by the federal Department of 46 Defense of the United States Congress. 47 S 9. This act shall take effect immediately. FISCAL NOTE.--This bill would extend the benefits of Chapter 548 of the Laws of 2000 to members of public retirement systems in New York State who rendered military service during the period of conflict in Lebanon from 8/20/82-12/1/87. Currently, the period is defined to be 6/1/83-12/1/87. Affected members may purchase up to a maximum of three years of military service. Tier 1-5 members would be required to make a payment of three percent of their most recent compensation per year of additional service credit granted by this bill. Tier 6 members would be S. 4923--B 6 required to make a payment of six percent of their most recent compen- sation per year of additional service credit. If this bill is enacted, insofar as this proposal affects the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System (ERS), it is estimated that the past service cost will average approximately 12% (9% for Tier 6) of an affected members' compensation for each year of additional service credit that is purchased. Insofar as this proposal affects the New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System (PFRS), it is estimated that the past service cost will average approximately 17% (14% for Tier 6) of an affected members' compensation for each year of additional service that is purchased. The exact number of current members as well as future members who could be affected by this legislation cannot be readily determined. ERS Costs: Pursuant to Section 25 of the Retirement and Social Securi- ty Law, the increased cost to the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System would be borne entirely by the State of New York and would require an itemized appropriation sufficient to pay the cost of the provision. Since a member can apply for this service credit at any time prior to retirement, a precise cost can't be determined until each member, as well as future members, applies for the service credit. Every year a cost will be determined (and billed to the state) based on those benefiting from this provision. PFRS Cost: These costs would be shared by the State of New York and the participating employers in the PFRS. Summary of relevant resources: Data: March 31, 2012 Actuarial Year End File with distributions of membership and other statistics displayed in the 2012 Report of the Actuary and 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Assumptions and Methods: 2010, 2011 and 2012 Annual Report to the Comptroller on Actuarial Assumptions, Codes Rules and Regulations of the State of New York: Audit and Control. Market Assets and GASB Disclosures: March 31, 2012 New York State and Local Retirement System Financial Statements and Supplementary Informa- tion. Valuations of Benefit Liabilities and Actuarial Assets: summarized in the 2012 Actuarial Valuations report. I am a member of the American Academy of Actuaries and meet the Quali- fication Standards to render the actuarial opinion contained herein. This estimate, dated February 12, 2013 and intended for use only during the 2013 Legislative Session, is Fiscal Note No. 2013-81, prepared by the Actuary for the New York State and Local Employees' Retirement System and the New York State and Local Police and Fire Retirement System.