Bill Text: NY S05868 | 2015-2016 | General Assembly | Introduced
NOTE: There are more recent revisions of this legislation. Read Latest Draft
Bill Title: Relates to the reform of charitable corporations.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Passed) 2015-12-11 - SIGNED CHAP.555 [S05868 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-S05868-Introduced.html
Bill Title: Relates to the reform of charitable corporations.
Spectrum: Partisan Bill (Republican 1-0)
Status: (Passed) 2015-12-11 - SIGNED CHAP.555 [S05868 Detail]
Download: New_York-2015-S05868-Introduced.html
S T A T E O F N E W Y O R K ________________________________________________________________________ 5868 2015-2016 Regular Sessions I N S E N A T E June 9, 2015 ___________ Introduced by Sen. RANZENHOFER -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Rules AN ACT to amend the not-for-profit corporation law, the estates, powers and trusts law and the religious corporations law, in relation to the reform of charitable corporations THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, REPRESENTED IN SENATE AND ASSEM- BLY, DO ENACT AS FOLLOWS: 1 Section 1. Subdivisions 6-a, 19, 21, 22, 23 and 25 of paragraph (a) of 2 section 102 of the not-for-profit corporation law, as added by chapter 3 549 of the laws of 2013, are amended to read as follows: 4 (6-a) "Entire board" means the total number of directors entitled to 5 vote which the corporation would have if there were no vacancies. If the 6 by-laws of the corporation provide that the board shall consist of a 7 fixed number of directors, then the "entire board" shall consist of that 8 number of directors. If the by-laws of any corporation provide that the 9 board may consist of a range between a minimum and maximum number of 10 directors, AND THE NUMBER WITHIN THAT RANGE HAS NOT BEEN FIXED IN 11 ACCORDANCE WITH PARAGRAPH (A) OF SECTION SEVEN HUNDRED TWO OF THIS CHAP- 12 TER, then the "entire board" shall consist of the number of directors 13 within such range that were elected OR APPOINTED as of the most recently 14 held election of directors, AS WELL AS ANY DIRECTORS WHOSE TERMS HAVE 15 NOT YET EXPIRED. 16 (19) An "affiliate" of a corporation means any entity controlled by, 17 OR in control of, [or under common control with] such corporation. 18 (21) "Independent director" means a director who: (i) is not, and has 19 not been within the last three years, an employee of the corporation or 20 an affiliate of the corporation, and does not have a relative who is, or 21 has been within the last three years, a key employee of the corporation 22 or an affiliate of the corporation; (ii) has not received, and does not 23 have a relative who has received, in any of the last three fiscal years, 24 more than ten thousand dollars in direct compensation from the corpo- EXPLANATION--Matter in ITALICS (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted. LBD11470-02-5 S. 5868 2 1 ration or an affiliate of the corporation (other than reimbursement for 2 expenses reasonably incurred as a director or reasonable compensation 3 for service as a director as permitted by paragraph (a) of section 202 4 (General and special powers)); [and] (iii) is not a current employee of 5 or does not have a substantial financial interest in, and does not have 6 a relative who is a current officer of or has a substantial financial 7 interest in, any entity that has made payments to, or received payments 8 from, the corporation or an affiliate of the corporation for property or 9 services in an amount which, in any of the last three fiscal years, 10 exceeds the lesser of twenty-five thousand dollars or two percent of 11 such entity's consolidated gross revenues; OR (IV) IS NOT AND DOES NOT 12 HAVE A RELATIVE WHO IS A CURRENT OWNER, WHETHER WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY, 13 DIRECTOR, OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE OF THE CORPORATION'S OUTSIDE AUDITOR OR 14 WHO HAS WORKED ON THE CORPORATION'S AUDIT AT ANY TIME DURING THE PAST 15 THREE YEARS. For purposes of this [subparagraph] SUBDIVISION, "payment" 16 does not include charitable contributions, DUES OR FEES PAID TO THE 17 CORPORATION FOR SERVICES WHICH THE CORPORATION PERFORMS AS PART OF ITS 18 NONPROFIT PURPOSES. 19 (22) "Relative" of an individual means [his or her] (i) HIS OR HER 20 spouse[,] OR DOMESTIC PARTNER AS DEFINED IN SECTION TWENTY-NINE HUNDRED 21 NINETY-FOUR-A OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW; (II) HIS OR HER ancestors, 22 brothers and sisters (whether whole or half blood), children (whether 23 natural or adopted), grandchildren, great-grandchildren[, and spouses]; 24 OR (III) THE SPOUSE OR DOMESTIC PARTNER of HIS OR HER brothers, sisters, 25 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren[; or (ii) domestic 26 partner as defined in section twenty-nine hundred ninety-four-a of the 27 public health law]. 28 (23) "Related party" means (i) any director, officer or key employee 29 of the corporation or any affiliate of the corporation, OR ANY OTHER 30 PERSON WHO EXERCISES THE POWERS OF DIRECTORS, OFFICERS OR KEY EMPLOYEES 31 OVER THE AFFAIRS OF THE CORPORATION OR ANY AFFILIATE OF THE CORPORATION; 32 (ii) any relative of any [director, officer or key employee of the 33 corporation or any affiliate of the corporation] INDIVIDUAL DESCRIBED IN 34 CLAUSE (I) OF THIS SUBDIVISION; or (iii) any entity in which any indi- 35 vidual described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this [subparagraph] SUBDIVI- 36 SION has a thirty-five percent or greater ownership or beneficial inter- 37 est or, in the case of a partnership or professional corporation, a 38 direct or indirect ownership interest in excess of five percent. 39 (25) "Key employee" means any person who is in a position to exercise 40 substantial influence over the affairs of the corporation, as referenced 41 in 26 U.S.C. S 4958(f)(1)(A) and further specified in 26 CFR S 42 53.4958-3(c), (d) and (e), or succeeding provisions TO THE EXTENT SUCH 43 PROVISIONS ARE APPLICABLE. 44 S 2. Paragraph (b) of section 515 of the not-for-profit corporation 45 law, as amended by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read 46 as follows: 47 (b) A corporation may pay compensation in a reasonable amount to 48 members, directors, or officers, for services rendered, and may make 49 distributions of cash or property to members upon dissolution or final 50 liquidation as permitted by this chapter. No person who may benefit from 51 such compensation may be present at or otherwise participate in any 52 board or committee deliberation or vote concerning such person's compen- 53 sation; provided that nothing in this section shall prohibit the board 54 or authorized committee from requesting that a person who may benefit 55 from such compensation present information as background or answer ques- 56 tions at a committee or board meeting prior to the commencement of S. 5868 3 1 deliberations or voting relating thereto. NOTHING IN THIS SECTION OR IN 2 PARAGRAPH (H) OF SECTION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTEEN OF THIS CHAPTER SHALL BE 3 CONSTRUED TO PROHIBIT A DIRECTOR FROM DELIBERATING OR VOTING CONCERNING 4 COMPENSATION FOR SERVICE ON THE BOARD THAT IS TO BE MADE AVAILABLE OR 5 PROVIDED TO ALL DIRECTORS OF THE CORPORATION ON THE SAME OR SUBSTANTIAL- 6 LY SIMILAR TERMS. 7 S 3. Paragraph (b) of section 702 of the not-for-profit corporation 8 law is amended to read as follows: 9 (b) The number of directors may be increased or decreased by amendment 10 of the by-laws or[, in the case of a corporation having members,] by 11 action of the members, or of the board under the specific provisions of 12 a by-law [adopted by the members], subject to the following limitations: 13 (1) If the board is authorized by the by-laws to change the number of 14 directors, whether by amending the by-laws or by taking action under the 15 specific provisions of a by-law [adopted by the members], such amendment 16 or action shall require the vote of a majority of the entire board. 17 (2) No decrease shall shorten the term of any incumbent director. 18 S 4. Paragraph (d) of section 708 of the not-for-profit corporation 19 law, as amended by chapter 173 of the laws of 1975 and as relettered by 20 chapter 314 of the laws of 1977, is amended to read as follows: 21 (d) Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the vote of a major- 22 ity of the directors present at the time of the vote, if a quorum is 23 present at such time, shall be the act of the board. DIRECTORS WHO ARE 24 PRESENT AT A MEETING BUT NOT PRESENT AT THE TIME OF A VOTE DUE TO A 25 CONFLICT OF INTEREST OR RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION SHALL BE DETERMINED TO 26 BE PRESENT AT THE TIME OF THE VOTE FOR PURPOSES OF THIS PARAGRAPH. 27 S 5. Paragraph (e) of section 712 of the not-for-profit corporation 28 law, as amended by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read 29 as follows: 30 (e) Committees, other than committees of the board, whether created by 31 the board or by the members, shall be committees of the corporation. 32 [Such committees of the corporation may be elected or appointed in the 33 same manner as officers of the corporation, but no] NO such committee 34 shall have the authority to bind the board. Provisions of this chapter 35 applicable to officers generally shall apply to members of such commit- 36 tees. [Such] MEMBERS OF SUCH committees of the corporation, WHO MAY BE 37 NON-DIRECTORS, shall be elected or appointed in the manner set forth in 38 the by-laws, or if not set forth in the by-laws, in the same manner as 39 officers of the corporation. 40 S 6. Paragraph (e) of section 712-a of the not-for-profit corporation 41 law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as 42 follows: 43 (e) Only independent directors may participate in any board or commit- 44 tee deliberations or voting relating to matters set forth in this 45 section, PROVIDED THAT NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL PROHIBIT THE 46 BOARD OR DESIGNATED AUDIT COMMITTEE FROM REQUESTING THAT A PERSON WITH 47 AN INTEREST IN THE MATTER PRESENT INFORMATION AS BACKGROUND OR ANSWER 48 QUESTIONS AT A COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEETING PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF 49 DELIBERATIONS OR VOTING RELATING THERETO. 50 S 7. Paragraphs (e), (f), (f) and (g) of section 715 of the not-for- 51 profit corporation law, paragraph (e) as amended and paragraphs (f), (f) 52 and (g) as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, are amended to read 53 as follows: 54 (e) The fixing of [salaries] COMPENSATION of officers, if not done in 55 or pursuant to the by-laws, shall require the affirmative vote of a S. 5868 4 1 majority of the entire board unless a higher proportion is set by the 2 certificate of incorporation or by-laws. 3 (f) The attorney general may bring an action to enjoin, void or 4 rescind any related party transaction or proposed related party trans- 5 action that violates any provision of this chapter or was otherwise not 6 reasonable or in the best interests of the corporation at the time the 7 transaction was approved, or to seek restitution, and the removal of 8 directors or officers, or seek to require any person or entity to: 9 (1) Account for any profits made from such transaction, and pay them 10 to the corporation; 11 (2) Pay the corporation the value of the use of any of its property or 12 other assets used in such transaction; 13 (3) Return or replace any property or other assets lost to the corpo- 14 ration as a result of such transaction, together with any income or 15 appreciation lost to the corporation by reason of such transaction, or 16 account for any proceeds of sale of such property, and pay the proceeds 17 to the corporation together with interest at the legal rate; and 18 (4) Pay, in the case of willful and intentional conduct, an amount up 19 to double the amount of any benefit improperly obtained. 20 [(f)] (G) The powers of the attorney general provided in this section 21 are in addition to all other powers the attorney general may have under 22 this chapter or any other law. 23 [(g)] (H) No related party may participate in deliberations or voting 24 relating to [matters set forth in this section] A RELATED PARTY TRANS- 25 ACTION IN WHICH HE OR SHE HAS AN INTEREST; provided that nothing in this 26 section shall prohibit the board or authorized committee from requesting 27 that a related party present information AS BACKGROUND OR ANSWER QUES- 28 TIONS concerning a related party transaction at a board or committee 29 meeting prior to the commencement of deliberations or voting relating 30 thereto. 31 S 8. Subdivision 3 of paragraph (b) of section 715-a of the not-for- 32 profit corporation law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is 33 amended to read as follows: 34 (3) a requirement that the person with the conflict of interest not be 35 present at or participate in board or committee deliberation or vote on 36 the matter giving rise to such conflict, PROVIDED THAT NOTHING IN THIS 37 SECTION SHALL PROHIBIT THE BOARD OR A COMMITTEE FROM REQUESTING THAT THE 38 PERSON WITH THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST PRESENT INFORMATION AS BACKGROUND 39 OR ANSWER QUESTIONS AT A COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEETING PRIOR TO THE 40 COMMENCEMENT OF DELIBERATIONS OR VOTING RELATING THERETO; 41 S 9. Paragraph (c) of section 715-a of the not-for-profit corporation 42 law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read as 43 follows: 44 (c) The conflict of interest policy shall require that prior to the 45 initial election of any director, and annually thereafter, such director 46 shall complete, sign and submit to the secretary of the corporation OR A 47 DESIGNATED COMPLIANCE OFFICER a written statement identifying, to the 48 best of the director's knowledge, any entity of which such director is 49 an officer, director, trustee, member, owner (either as a sole proprie- 50 tor or a partner), or employee and with which the corporation has a 51 relationship, and any transaction in which the corporation is a partic- 52 ipant and in which the director might have a conflicting interest. The 53 policy shall require that each director annually resubmit such written 54 statement. The secretary of the corporation OR THE DESIGNATED COMPLI- 55 ANCE OFFICER shall provide a copy of all completed statements to the S. 5868 5 1 chair of the audit committee or, if there is no audit committee, to the 2 chair of the board. 3 S 10. Subdivision 3 of paragraph (b) of section 715-b of the not-for- 4 profit corporation law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is 5 amended to read as follows: 6 (3) A requirement that a copy of the policy be distributed to all 7 directors, officers, employees and to volunteers who provide substantial 8 services to the corporation. FOR PURPOSES OF THIS SUBDIVISION, POSTING 9 THE POLICY ON THE CORPORATION'S WEBSITE OR AT THE CORPORATION'S OFFICES 10 IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION ACCESSIBLE TO EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS ARE 11 AMONG THE METHODS A CORPORATION MAY USE TO SATISFY THE DISTRIBUTION 12 REQUIREMENT. 13 S 11. Paragraph (b) of section 1407 of the not-for-profit corporation 14 law, as amended by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is amended to read 15 as follows: 16 (b) Type of corporation. 17 An alumni corporation is a [non-charitable] CHARITABLE corporation. 18 S 12. Subdivisions 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of paragraph (a) of section 8-1.9 19 of the estates, powers and trusts law, as added by chapter 549 of the 20 laws of 2013, are amended to read as follows: 21 (3) "Key employee" means any person who is in a position to exercise 22 substantial influence over the affairs of the [corporation] TRUST, as 23 referenced in 26 U.S.C. section 4958(f)(1)(A) and further specified in 24 26 C.F.R. section 53.4958-3(c), (d) and (e), or succeeding provisions 25 TO THE EXTENT SUCH PROVISIONS ARE APPLICABLE. 26 (4) An "affiliate" of a trust means any entity controlled by, OR in 27 control of, [or under common control with] such trust. 28 (5) "Relative" of an individual means [his or her] (i) HIS OR HER 29 spouse[,] OR DOMESTIC PARTNER AS DEFINED IN SECTION TWENTY-NINE HUNDRED 30 NINETY-FOUR-A OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH LAW; (II) HIS OR HER ancestors, 31 brothers and sisters (whether whole or half blood), children (whether 32 natural or adopted), grandchildren, great-grandchildren[, and spouses]; 33 OR (III) THE SPOUSE OR DOMESTIC PARTNER of HIS OR HER brothers, sisters, 34 children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren[; and (ii) his or her 35 domestic partner as defined in section twenty-nine hundred ninety-four-a 36 of the public health law]. 37 (6) "Related party" means (i) any trustee or key employee of the trust 38 or any affiliate of the trust OR ANY OTHER PERSON WHO EXERCISES THE 39 POWERS OF A TRUSTEE OR KEY EMPLOYEE OVER THE AFFAIRS OF THE TRUST OR ANY 40 AFFILIATE OF THE TRUST; (ii) any relative of any [trustee or key employ- 41 ee of the trust or any affiliate of the trust] INDIVIDUAL DESCRIBED IN 42 CLAUSE (I) OF THIS SUBDIVISION; or (iii) an entity in which any individ- 43 ual described in clauses (i) and (ii) of this [subparagraph] SUBDIVISION 44 has a thirty-five percent or greater ownership or beneficial interest 45 or, in the case of a partnership or professional corporation, a direct 46 ownership interest in excess of five percent. 47 (7) "Independent trustee" means a trustee who: (i) is not, and has not 48 been within the last three years, an employee of the trust or an affil- 49 iate of the trust, and does not have a relative who is, or has been 50 within the last three years, a key employee of the trust or an affiliate 51 of the trust; (ii) has not received, and does not have a relative who 52 has received, in any of the last three fiscal years, more than ten thou- 53 sand dollars in direct compensation from the trust or an affiliate of 54 the trust (other than reimbursement for expenses or the payment of trus- 55 tee commissions OR REASONABLE COMPENSATION as permitted by law and the 56 governing instrument); [and] (iii) is not a current employee of or does S. 5868 6 1 not have a substantial financial interest in, and does not have a rela- 2 tive who is a current officer of or have a substantial financial inter- 3 est in, any entity that has made payments to, or received payments from, 4 the trust or an affiliate of the trust for property or services in an 5 amount which, in any of the last three fiscal years, exceeds the lesser 6 of twenty-five thousand dollars or two percent of such entity's consol- 7 idated gross revenues; OR (IV) IS NOT AND DOES NOT HAVE A RELATIVE WHO 8 IS A CURRENT OWNER, WHETHER WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY, DIRECTOR, OFFICER OR 9 EMPLOYEE OF THE TRUST'S OUTSIDE AUDITOR OR WHO HAS WORKED ON THE TRUST'S 10 AUDIT AT ANY TIME DURING THE PAST THREE YEARS. For purposes of this 11 [subparagraph] SUBDIVISION, "payment" does not include charitable 12 contributions, DUES OR FEES PAID TO THE TRUST FOR SERVICES WHICH THE 13 TRUST PERFORMS AS PART OF ITS NONPROFIT PURPOSES. 14 S 13. Subdivision 5 of paragraph (b) of section 8-1.9 of the estates, 15 powers and trusts law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is 16 amended to read as follows: 17 (5) Only independent trustees may participate in deliberations or 18 voting relating to matters set forth in this [paragraph] SECTION, 19 PROVIDED THAT NOTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH SHALL PROHIBIT THE BOARD OR 20 DESIGNATED AUDIT COMMITTEE FROM REQUESTING THAT A PERSON WITH AN INTER- 21 EST IN THE MATTER PRESENT INFORMATION AS BACKGROUND OR ANSWER QUESTIONS 22 AT A COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEETING PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF DELIBER- 23 ATIONS OR VOTING RELATING THERETO. 24 S 14. Subdivision 6 of paragraph (c) of section 8-1.9 of the estates, 25 powers and trusts law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws of 2013, is 26 amended to read as follows: 27 (6) No related party may participate in deliberations or voting relat- 28 ing to [matters set forth in this paragraph] A RELATED PARTY TRANSACTION 29 IN WHICH HE OR SHE HAS AN INTEREST; provided that nothing in this 30 section shall prohibit the trustees or designated audit committee from 31 requesting that a related party present information OR ANSWER QUESTIONS 32 concerning a related party transaction at a trustees or committee meet- 33 ing prior to the commencement of deliberations or voting relating to the 34 related party transaction. 35 S 15. Clause (C) of subdivision 2 of paragraph (d) of section 8-1.9 of 36 the estates, powers and trusts law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws 37 of 2013, is amended to read as follows: 38 (C) a requirement that the person with the conflict of interest not be 39 present at or participate in any deliberation or vote on the matter 40 giving rise to such conflict, PROVIDED THAT NOTHING IN THIS SECTION 41 SHALL PROHIBIT THE TRUSTEES OR A COMMITTEE FROM REQUESTING THAT THE 42 PERSON WITH THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST PRESENT INFORMATION AS BACKGROUND 43 OR ANSWER QUESTIONS AT A TRUSTEES OR COMMITTEE MEETING PRIOR TO THE 44 COMMENCEMENT OF DELIBERATIONS OR VOTING RELATING THERETO; 45 S 16. Clause (C) of paragraph 2 of subdivision (e) of section 8-1.9 of 46 the estates, powers and trusts law, as added by chapter 549 of the laws 47 of 2013, is amended to read as follows: 48 (C) A requirement that a copy of the policy be distributed to all 49 trustees, officers, employees and volunteers, with instructions on how 50 to comply with the procedures set forth in the policy. FOR PURPOSES OF 51 THIS SUBDIVISION, POSTING THE POLICY ON THE CORPORATION'S WEBSITE OR AT 52 THE CORPORATION'S OFFICES IN A CONSPICUOUS LOCATION ACCESSIBLE TO 53 EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS ARE AMONG THE METHODS A CORPORATION MAY USE TO 54 SATISFY THE DISTRIBUTION REQUIREMENT. S. 5868 7 1 S 17. Subdivision 1 of section 12 of the religious corporations law, 2 as amended by chapter 244 of the laws of 1981, is amended to read as 3 follows: 4 1. A religious corporation shall not sell, mortgage or lease for a 5 term exceeding five years any of its real property without applying for 6 and obtaining leave of the court OR THE ATTORNEY GENERAL therefor pursu- 7 ant to section five hundred eleven of the not-for-profit corporation law 8 as that section is modified by paragraph (d-1) of [subsection] SUBDIVI- 9 SION one of section two-b of this chapter OR SECTION FIVE HUNDRED 10 ELEVEN-A OF THE NOT-FOR-PROFIT CORPORATION LAW, except that a religious 11 corporation may execute a purchase money mortgage or a purchase money 12 security agreement creating a security interest in personal property 13 purchased by it without obtaining leave of the court therefor. 14 S 18. Severability. If any clause, sentence, paragraph, section or 15 part of this act shall be adjudged by any court of competent jurisdic- 16 tion to be invalid, the judgment shall not affect, impair, or invalidate 17 the remainder thereof, but shall be confined in its operation to the 18 clause, sentence, paragraph, section or part thereof directly involved 19 in the controversy in which the judgment shall have been rendered. 20 S 19. This act shall take effect immediately.