Ohio Legislature | 2025-2026 | 136th General Assembly

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Active Ohio Bills (Introduced, Engrossed, Enrolled, Passed)

SB26To enact sections 103.52 and 103.53 of the Revised Code to create the Joint Law Enforcement Oversight Committee and to make an appropriation.2025-01-29
SB25To amend sections 4713.50, 4713.51, and 4713.64 of the Revised Code to prohibit the provision of sun lamp tanning services to individuals under age 16.2025-01-29
SB41To enact section 5.57 of the Revised Code to designate January 22 as the "Day of Tears."2025-01-29
SB34To amend sections 3314.03, 3326.11, and 3328.24 and to enact section 3313.802 of the Revised Code to enact the Historical Educational Displays Act regarding the display of certain historical documents in public schools.2025-01-29
SB3To amend section 5747.02 of the Revised Code to phase-down the state income tax to a flat rate of 2.75% over two years.2025-01-29
SB19To amend sections 3301.0714, 3314.03, and 3326.11 and to enact sections 3302.131, 3302.132, and 3313.6030 of the Revised Code with regard to academic intervention services at public schools and the establishment of mathematics improvement and interve...2025-01-29
SB63To amend sections 3501.01 and 5747.502 and to enact sections 3505.011, 3513.141, 5747.504, and 5747.505 of the Revised Code to generally prohibit the use of ranked choice voting and to withhold Local Government Fund distributions from a municipality ...2025-01-29
SB37To amend section 3501.01 of the Revised Code to require a presidential primary election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May.2025-01-29
SB55To amend sections 1547.11, 3701.143, and 4511.19 of the Revised Code to change the laws pertaining to operating a vehicle or watercraft while under the influence of marihuana and the admissibility of evidence for purposes of OVI statutes.2025-01-29
SB40To amend sections 5747.98 and 5751.98 and to enact sections 5747.74 and 5751.56 of the Revised Code to authorize a nonrefundable tax credit for donations to certain pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes.2025-01-29

Top Ohio Sponsors

House Sponsors# BillsRSS
Rep. Josh Williams [R]16Syndicate content
Rep. Mark Johnson [R]15Syndicate content
Rep. Jennifer Gross [R]12Syndicate content
Rep. Sean Brennan [D]12Syndicate content
Rep. Gayle Manning [R]11Syndicate content
Senate Sponsors# BillsRSS
Sen. Timothy Schaffer [R]23Syndicate content
Sen. Hearcel Craig [D]21Syndicate content
Sen. Jerry Cirino [R]20Syndicate content
Sen. Bill Reineke [R]19Syndicate content
Sen. Steve Wilson [R]19Syndicate content

Most Viewed Ohio Bills

SB1To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, ...Bill Text
HB18To amend sections 145.11, 742.11, 3307.15, 3309.15, 3770.06, and 5505.06 and to enact section 135.146 of the Revised Code to address investments in exchange-traded products by the state retirement systems, to permit the Treasurer of State to invest c...Bill Text
SB8To enact section 4117.091 of the Revised Code to prohibit a public employer from providing paid leave or compensation for a public employee to engage in certain union activities.Bill Text
HB26To amend sections 9.63, 4501.06, 5747.50, 5747.502, 5747.51, and 5747.53 and to enact sections 9.631, 9.632, 9.633, and 5747.504 of the Revised Code to require state and local authorities to cooperate with the federal government in the enforcement of...Bill Text
HB6To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, ...Bill Text
HB12To enact section 3792.08 of the Revised Code regarding prescribing, dispensing, and administering drugs and to name this act the Jeff, Dave, and Angie Patient Right to Try Act.Bill Text
SR1Relative to the salaries of the officials and employees of the Senate.Bill Text
HB15To amend sections 4906.04, 4928.01, 4928.05, 4928.08, 4928.14, 4928.141, 4928.142, 4928.144, 4928.17, 4928.20, 4928.23, 4928.231, 4928.232, 4928.34, 4928.542, 4928.64, 4928.645, 4929.20, 5727.01, 5727.031, 5727.06, 5727.11, 5727.111, and 5727.15; to ...Bill Text
SB56To amend sections 121.04, 121.08, 519.21, 928.03, 3376.07, 3780.01, 3780.06, 3780.08, 3780.10, 3780.11, 3780.31, 3796.01, 3796.02, 3796.03, 3796.032, 3796.05, 3796.06, 3796.061, 3796.07, 3796.09, 3796.10, 3796.11, 3796.12, 3796.13, 3796.14, 3796.15, ...Bill Text
HB5To amend sections 109.57, 109.572, 109.578, 109.579, 2151.357, 2901.08, 2923.125, 2923.13, 2923.14, 2929.01, 2929.13, 2929.14, 2941.141, 2941.144, 2941.145, 2941.146, 2953.25, 2953.26, 2953.32, 2953.34, 2953.61, 4723.28, 4729.16, 4729.56, 4729.57, 47...Bill Text

Most Monitored Ohio Bills

SB1To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, ...Bill Text
HB26To amend sections 9.63, 4501.06, 5747.50, 5747.502, 5747.51, and 5747.53 and to enact sections 9.631, 9.632, 9.633, and 5747.504 of the Revised Code to require state and local authorities to cooperate with the federal government in the enforcement of...Bill Text
HB12To enact section 3792.08 of the Revised Code regarding prescribing, dispensing, and administering drugs and to name this act the Jeff, Dave, and Angie Patient Right to Try Act.Bill Text
HB8To enact sections 3902.65 and 5164.13 of the Revised Code to require health benefit plan and Medicaid program coverage of biomarker testing.Bill Text
HB6To amend sections 3335.02, 3335.09, 3337.01, 3339.01, 3341.02, 3343.02, 3344.01, 3345.45, 3350.10, 3352.01, 3356.01, 3359.01, 3361.01, 3362.01, 3364.01, 4117.14, and 4117.15; to enact new section 3333.045 and sections 3345.029, 3345.0216, 3345.0217, ...Bill Text
HB15To amend sections 4906.04, 4928.01, 4928.05, 4928.08, 4928.14, 4928.141, 4928.142, 4928.144, 4928.17, 4928.20, 4928.23, 4928.231, 4928.232, 4928.34, 4928.542, 4928.64, 4928.645, 4929.20, 5727.01, 5727.031, 5727.06, 5727.11, 5727.111, and 5727.15; to ...Bill Text
SB8To enact section 4117.091 of the Revised Code to prohibit a public employer from providing paid leave or compensation for a public employee to engage in certain union activities.Bill Text
SB19To amend sections 3301.0714, 3314.03, and 3326.11 and to enact sections 3302.131, 3302.132, and 3313.6030 of the Revised Code with regard to academic intervention services at public schools and the establishment of mathematics improvement and interve...Bill Text
SB56To amend sections 121.04, 121.08, 519.21, 928.03, 3376.07, 3780.01, 3780.06, 3780.08, 3780.10, 3780.11, 3780.31, 3796.01, 3796.02, 3796.03, 3796.032, 3796.05, 3796.06, 3796.061, 3796.07, 3796.09, 3796.10, 3796.11, 3796.12, 3796.13, 3796.14, 3796.15, ...Bill Text
SB4To amend sections 109.95 and 3501.05 and to enact section 3501.055 of the Revised Code to establish the Election Integrity Unit in the Office of the Secretary of State and to modify the law governing the prosecution of Election Law violations.Bill Text

Ohio Sessions

2025-2026136th General Assembly14242BrowseSearchDownload
2024135th General Assembly 1st Special Session52BrowseSearchDownload
2023-2024135th General Assembly23111268BrowseSearchDownload
2021-2022134th General Assembly21261039BrowseSearchDownload
2019-2020133rd General Assembly22421073BrowseSearchDownload
2017-2018132nd General Assembly26651557BrowseSearchDownload
2015-2016131st General Assembly23761424BrowseSearchDownload
2013-2014130th General Assembly22101202BrowseSearchDownload
2011-2012129th General Assembly19961077BrowseSearchDownload
2009-2010128th General Assembly1660697BrowseSearchDownload
2007-2008127th General Assembly1001129BrowseSearchDownload