Sec. 125.09. (A) Pursuant to section 125.07 of the Revised | 6 |
Code, the department of administrative services may prescribe such | 7 |
conditions under which competitive sealed bids will be received | 8 |
and terms of the proposed purchase as it considers necessary; | 9 |
provided, that all such conditions and terms shall be reasonable | 10 |
and shall not unreasonably restrict competition, and bidders may | 11 |
bid upon all or any item of the supplies or services listed in | 12 |
such notice. Those bidders claiming the preference for United | 13 |
States and Ohio products outlined in this chapter shall designate | 14 |
in their bids either that the product to be supplied is an Ohio | 15 |
product or that under the rules established by the director of | 16 |
administrative services they qualify as having a significant Ohio | 17 |
economic presence. | 18 |
(4) Criteria and procedures to be used by the director to | 35 |
qualify bidders located in states bordering Ohio who might | 36 |
otherwise be excluded from being awarded a contract by operation | 37 |
of this section and section 125.11 of the Revised Code. The | 38 |
criteria and procedures shall recognize the level and regularity | 39 |
of interstate commerce between Ohio and the border states and | 40 |
provide that the non-Ohio businesses may qualify for award of a | 41 |
contract as long as they are located in a state that imposes no | 42 |
greater restrictions than are contained in this section and | 43 |
section 125.11 of the Revised Code upon persons located in Ohio | 44 |
selling products or services to agencies of that state. The | 45 |
criteria and procedures shall also provide that a non-Ohio | 46 |
business shall not bid on a contract for state printing in this | 47 |
state if the business is located in a state that excludes Ohio | 48 |
businesses from bidding on state printing contracts in that state. | 49 |
(5) Criteria and procedures to be used to qualify bidders | 50 |
whose manufactured products, except for mined products, are | 51 |
produced in other states or in North America, but the bidders have | 52 |
a significant Ohio economic presence in terms of the number of | 53 |
employees or capital investment a bidder has in this state. | 54 |
Bidders with a significant Ohio economic presence shall qualify | 55 |
for award of a contract on the same basis as if their products | 56 |
were produced in this state. | 57 |
Sec. 125.11. (A) Subject to division (B) of this section, | 76 |
contracts awarded pursuant to a reverse auction under section | 77 |
125.072 of the Revised Code or pursuant to competitive sealed | 78 |
bidding, including contracts awarded under section 125.081 of the | 79 |
Revised Code, shall be awarded to the lowest responsive and | 80 |
responsible bidder on each item in accordance with section 9.312 | 81 |
of the Revised Code. When the contract is for meat products as | 82 |
defined in section 918.01 of the Revised Code or poultry products | 83 |
as defined in section 918.21 of the Revised Code, only those bids | 84 |
received from vendors offering products from establishments on the | 85 |
current list of meat and poultry vendors established and | 86 |
maintained by the director of administrative services under | 87 |
section 125.17 of the Revised Code shall be eligible for | 88 |
acceptance. The department of administrative services may accept | 89 |
or reject any or all bids in whole or by items, except that when | 90 |
the contract is for services or products available from a | 91 |
qualified nonprofit agency pursuant to sections 125.60 to 125.6012 | 92 |
or 4115.31 to 4115.35 of the Revised Code, the contract shall be | 93 |
awarded to that agency. | 94 |
(B) Prior to awarding a contract under division (A) of this | 95 |
section, the department of administrative services or the state | 96 |
agency responsible for evaluating a contract for the purchase of | 97 |
products shall evaluate the bids received according to the | 98 |
criteria and procedures established pursuant to divisions (C)(1) | 99 |
and (2) of section 125.09 of the Revised Code for determining if a | 100 |
product is produced or mined in the United States and if a product | 101 |
is produced or mined in this state. The department or other state | 102 |
agency shall first remove bids that offer products that have not | 103 |
been or that will not be produced or mined in the United States. | 104 |
From among the remaining bids, the department or other state | 105 |
agency shall select the lowest responsive and responsible bid, in | 106 |
accordance with section 9.312 of the Revised Code, from among the | 107 |
bids that offer products that have been produced or mined in this | 108 |
state where sufficient competition can be generated within this | 109 |
state to ensure that compliance with these requirements will not | 110 |
result in an excessive price for the product or acquiring a | 111 |
disproportionately inferior product.
For purposes of this | 112 |
division, "excessive price" means a price that exceeds by more | 113 |
than five per cent the lowest price bid, except that a price that | 114 |
exceeds the lowest price bid by more than five per cent but not | 115 |
more than ten per cent shall not be considered an excessive price | 116 |
if the entity submitting the bid has demonstrated that the entity | 117 |
will create or retain jobs in Ohio as a result of being awarded | 118 |
the contract. For purposes of this division, "lowest price bid" | 119 |
means the lowest price submitted on a responsive and responsible | 120 |
bid from among the bids that do not offer products that have been | 121 |
produced or mined in this state. | 122 |
(E) The director of administrative services shall publish in | 127 |
the form of a model act for use by counties, townships, municipal | 128 |
corporations, or any other political subdivision described in | 129 |
division (B) of section 125.04 of the Revised Code, a system of | 130 |
preferences for products mined and produced in this state and in | 131 |
the United States and for Ohio-based contractors. The model act | 132 |
shall reflect substantial equivalence to the system of preferences | 133 |
in purchasing and public improvement contracting procedures under | 134 |
which the state operates pursuant to this chapter and section | 135 |
153.012 of the Revised Code. To the maximum extent possible, | 136 |
consistent with the Ohio system of preferences in purchasing and | 137 |
public improvement contracting procedures, the model act shall | 138 |
incorporate all of the requirements of the federal "Buy America | 139 |
Act," 47 Stat. 1520 (1933), 41 U.S.C. 10a to 10d, as amended, and | 140 |
the rules adopted under that act. | 141 |
Before and during the development and promulgation of the | 142 |
model act, the director shall consult with appropriate statewide | 143 |
organizations representing counties, townships, and municipal | 144 |
corporations so as to identify the special requirements and | 145 |
concerns these political subdivisions have in their purchasing and | 146 |
public improvement contracting procedures. The director shall | 147 |
promulgate the model act by rule adopted pursuant to Chapter 119. | 148 |
of the Revised Code and shall revise the act as necessary to | 149 |
reflect changes in this chapter or section 153.012 of the Revised | 150 |
Code. | 151 |
(F) An entity that has been awarded a contract under division | 157 |
(B) of this section in part by demonstrating that the entity will | 158 |
create or retain jobs in Ohio as a result of being awarded the | 159 |
contract, and that has within a reasonable time following | 160 |
completion of the contract failed to fulfill the obligation to | 161 |
create or retain jobs, is liable to the state for an amount equal | 162 |
to the difference between the entity's bid price and the lowest | 163 |
price submitted on a responsive and responsible bid from among the | 164 |
bids that did not offer products that have been produced or mined | 165 |
in this state. | 166 |
(C) The department of administrative services may consult | 194 |
with other state agencies in the development, establishment, | 195 |
operation, and support of the web site required by division (B) of | 196 |
this section. State awards shall be posted on the web site within | 197 |
thirty days after being made. The department of administrative | 198 |
services shall provide an opportunity for public comment as to the | 199 |
utility of the web site required by division (B) of this section | 200 |
and any suggested improvements. | 201 |
(F) Each agency awarding a grant to an entity in fiscal year | 215 |
2008 and thereafter shall establish and maintain a separate web | 216 |
site listing the name of the entity receiving each grant, the | 217 |
grant amount, information on each grant, and any other relevant | 218 |
information determined by the department of administrative | 219 |
services. Each agency shall provide the link to such a web site to | 220 |
the department of administrative services within a reasonable time | 221 |
after the effective date of this sectionDecember 30, 2008, and | 222 |
shall thereafter update its web site within thirty days of | 223 |
awarding a new grant. Not later than one year after the effective | 224 |
date of this sectionDecember 30, 2008, the department of | 225 |
administrative services shall establish and maintain a separate | 226 |
web site, accessible to the public at no cost, which contains the | 227 |
links to the agency web sites required by this division. | 228 |
(G) The attorney general shall monitor the compliance of an | 229 |
entity with the terms and conditions, including performance | 230 |
metrics, if any, of a state award for economic development | 231 |
received by that entity. As necessary, the agency that makes and | 232 |
administers the state award for economic development shall assist | 233 |
the attorney general with that monitoring. The attorney general | 234 |
shall submit to the general assembly pursuant to section 101.68 of | 235 |
the Revised Code an annual report regarding the level of | 236 |
compliance of such entities with the terms and conditions, | 237 |
including any performance metrics, of their state awards for | 238 |
economic development. When the attorney general determines | 239 |
appropriate and to the extent that an entity that receives or has | 240 |
received a state award for economic development does not comply | 241 |
with a performance metric that is specified in the terms and | 242 |
conditions of the award, the attorney general shall pursue against | 243 |
and from that entity such remedies and recoveries as are available | 244 |
under law. For purposes of this division, "state award for | 245 |
economic development" means state financial assistance and | 246 |
expenditure in any of the following forms: grants, subgrants, | 247 |
loans, awards, cooperative agreements, or other similar and | 248 |
related forms of financial assistance and contracts, subcontracts, | 249 |
purchase orders, task orders, delivery orders, or other similar | 250 |
and related transactions. "State award for economic development" | 251 |
includes a contract awarded under division (B) of section 125.11 | 252 |
of the Revised Code to an entity that has demonstrated that the | 253 |
entity will create or retain jobs in Ohio. "State award for | 254 |
economic development" does not include compensation received as an | 255 |
employee of the state or any state financial assistance and | 256 |
expenditure received from the general assembly or any legislative | 257 |
agency, any court or judicial agency, the secretary of state, | 258 |
auditor of state, treasurer of state, or attorney general and | 259 |
their respective offices. | 260 |