OK Legislation | 2020 | Regular Session

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HB3228VetoMedical Marijuana; licensing; distribution; sales; patient records; waste disposal; testing.
Vetoed 05/21/2020
HB3270PassMotor vehicles; modifying time frame to tag certain vehicles; allowing for electronic documents; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/18/2020
HB3756PassCourts; authorizing use of videoconferencing in district court proceedings; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB4049PassMotor vehicles; registration; online renewal; requiring certain fees be deposited in General Revenue Fund; effective date.
Filed with Secretary of State
HB3864PassInsurance; captive insurance taxes; apportionments; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB2938PassPublic health; modifying certain exception relating to confidential information; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3824VetoState government; creating the State Government Transparency in Billing Act; exempting Legislature and Judiciary from fees and costs for services rendered by state agencies; defining term; effective date.
Vetoed 05/19/2020
HB3826PassInitiative and referendum; modifying initiative and referendum forms and cover sheet; modifying verification of signatures; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB2877PassVictims impact panel programs; sentencing powers of the court; changing fee amount for victims impact panel programs.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB2750PassEndowed chair funding; modifying maximum aggregate amount of certain obligations of the Capitol Improvement Authority; effective date.
Filed with Secretary of State
HB2272PassRetirement; Public Employees Retirement System; benefit computations; deputy sheriffs or county jailers; death benefits; contribution rates; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3964PassState Aid; allocation; prohibiting assessment of certain penalty if a school district exceeds certain limits during certain fiscal year; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3963PassAgriculture; Oklahoma certified beef definition; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3330PassPublic retirement systems; Oklahoma Police Pension and Retirement System; disability benefits; violent act; effective dates; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB2760VetoRevenue and taxation; income tax credits for affordable housing; modifying maximum credit amount; effective date.
Vetoed 05/18/2020
HB2588PassGuardians; limitation of powers of guardian; requiring separate order from court; requirements; limiting authorization; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/18/2020
HB3939PassOklahoma Public Employees Retirement System; modifying provisions related to date of required distributions; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3827PassState government; amending Ethics Rule 2.2 of the Rules of the Ethics Commission; campaign finance; modifying definition; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
SB1002PassRural broadband expansion; Rural Broadband Expansion Council; membership; appointees. Emergency.
Filed with Secretary of State
HB2753PassQuartz Mountain; transferring from the board of trustees for the Quartz Mountain Arts and Conference Center and Nature Park to the Tourism and Recreation Department; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB1349PassAlcoholic beverages; retail licenses; modifying restriction on sale of malt beverages; mixed beverage license; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB2777PassPackage theft; creating the Porch Piracy Act of 2020; penalties; payment of restitutions; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/18/2020
HB3508PassMotor vehicles; prohibited acts on highways; requiring certain liability insurance for tractors carrying cargo; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB2804PassSchools; requiring screening for dyslexia; directing the State Board of Education to develop certain policies; screening tools; report; training; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3350PassPublic retirement systems; cost-of-living; increasing benefit; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3223PassPublic health and safety; authorizing certain schools and persons to retain and donate tissue from bodies for the purpose of training dogs to search for human remains; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3619PassCities and towns; prohibiting certain codes and ordinances; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB2008PassLivestock products; authorizing Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry to implement certain standards to sell certain meat products; authorizing Department to promulgate certain rules; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB2749PassSchools; endowed accounts; limiting the amount of total state matching dollars; effective date.
Filed with Secretary of State
HB2668PassPublic finance; money judgements; adding certain trusts to exclusive jurisdiction of courts; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB2871PassInitiative and referendum; authorizing certain registered voters to use certain address to sign initiative and referendum petitions; codification; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB4025PassPublic finance; state agencies; data; Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB2504PassRevenue and taxation; exempt property; providing for use of property by certain entities; church property use; prohibiting removal of exempt treatment; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/18/2020
HB3663VetoMotor vehicles; motor license agents; removal; free speech; effective date.
Vetoed 05/19/2020
HB3142PassSchools; licensure and certification; modifying certification requirements for school principals; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3271PassCounties and county officers; establishing an online bidding process for counties; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/18/2020
HB3398PassSchools; requiring criminal history record check for current school district employees and for new teacher contracts; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3938PassUniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges; distribution requirements; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB3967PassState contracts; declaring Israel a prominent trading partner; prohibiting state contracts without certain written certification; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3916PassAmusements and sports; modifying the authority of the Lottery Commission's board of trustees to regulate forms of payment for tickets and shares; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB4142PassOklahoma Tax Commission; information provided to legislators based on written reports; requiring certain analysis and methodology be provided upon request.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB4155PassOklahoma Health Care Authority; directing to revise certain methodology; compensation; authorizing certain transfers; unanticipated federal funds; budget procedures.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB2823PassSunset extension; extending sunset date on various entities; effective date; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB4160VetoDepartment of Corrections; authorizing certain lease payments; authorizing expenditure of certain funds for certain purposes; budgeted funds requirement.
Line item vetoed 05/20/2020
HB1038PassCourts; extending date for transfer of monies of certain judicial revolving funds; emergency.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB4159PassOklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry; requiring that portions of certain appropriated funds be used for certain purpose.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
HB3466PassSchools; State Textbook Committee; textbook standards; repealer; effective date.
Approved by Governor 05/19/2020
HB4153PassEducation; specifying apportionment of certain appropriated funds; budgeting procedures.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB4158PassOklahoma Historical Society; requiring that no less than certain amount of certain funds be used for certain purpose; lapse of funds; budget procedures.
Approved by Governor 05/20/2020
HB4141PassOklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department; making an appropriation.
Approved by Governor 05/21/2020
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