OR Legislation | 2019 | Regular Session | House

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
HB2850FailDirects Department of Environmental Quality to conduct study to examine funding opportunities for supporting brownfield redevelopment efforts and report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to environment and natural reso...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2873FailDirects Department of Education to conduct study to identify methods for increasing availability of early childhood education. Directs department to submit report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2020. Sunsets ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2941FailDirects Higher Education Coordinating Commission to require each mental health provider preparation program in this state to prepare plan to recruit and graduate diverse mental health providers.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2991FailRequires law enforcement agencies to adopt policies on responding to officer-involved domestic violence. Defines "officer-involved domestic violence." Requires Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to adopt rules related to officer-invol...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2310FailEstablishes Prosperity 1,000 Pilot Program to provide career coaching, occupational training and job placement services for at least 1,000 low-income job seekers residing in areas of concentrated poverty. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Depa...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2502FailModifies juvenile jeopardy law to describe hearings and proceedings that trigger jeopardy. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2596FailAllows cities and counties to impose controls on rental rates and rental rate increases applicable to spaces in facilities for manufactured or floating homes.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3180FailModifies allocation formula for grants to regional assessment centers and community assessment centers. Establishes Child Abuse Assessment Account within State Treasury for purpose of grant program for assessment centers. Appropriates moneys from Gen...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2870FailDirects Higher Education Coordinating Commission to conduct study to determine best method for reducing long-term rate of tuition and mandatory enrollment fee increases at public universities. Requires commission to report findings to interim committ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2986FailRequires Oregon Health Authority and coordinated care organizations to partner with regional health equity coalitions in addressing health disparities for communities of color, Indian tribes, immigrants, refugees, migrant and seasonal farmworkers, lo...
In committee upon adjournment.
HJR11FailProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution providing that, for purposes of ad valorem property taxation under Ballot Measure 50 (1997), property that is subject of sale or other transfer shall have maximum assessed value equal to property's real marke...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2648FailPermits board of community college to determine whether to establish campus police department and commission police officers.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2274FailShortens length of time until unpaid wages become abandoned to one year. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2613FailRequires Oregon Business Development Department to prepare and report master plan for county fairground capital construction. Specifies content and procedural requirements for report. Appropriates moneys to department for biennium beginning July 1, 2...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3023FailRequires transportation network company that operates in this state to obtain license from Department of Transportation. Requires department to establish licensing and regulatory program by rule and specifies conditions for obtaining license. Require...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3340FailDeclares harmful algal blooms to be menace to public health and welfare. Directs Oregon Health Authority to identify water sources susceptible to harmful algal blooms, monitor and test susceptible waters and develop protocol for advisory alerts. Dire...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2875FailDirects Department of Education to conduct study to identify stable and sustainable funding sources for High School Graduation and College and Career Readiness Act. Directs department to submit report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no l...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2902FailRequires school district to report on number of incidents during which students of classroom were removed from classroom because other student in classroom was acting in manner that would threaten to cause harm to student, to injure other person or t...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2549FailAuthorizes reserve officers sponsored by law enforcement unit to pay for training as police with cash and G.I. Bill education benefits. Requires Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to increase training class sizes by up to 25 percent a...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2296FailAllows employer to pay 85 percent of minimum wage to agricultural employee under 21 years of age for initial 90 days of employment.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2726FailPermits employees who are not union members to voluntarily consent to make in-lieu-of-dues payment to labor organization for organization's representation of nonmember employees in employment relations with public employer. Prohibits compulsory payme...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2771FailDirects State Court Administrator to implement education program for state judges that focuses on issues that arise in international custody disputes.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2852FailAuthorizes local governments to form authorities for purpose of implementing community choice aggregation programs. Places certain requirements on electric companies and Public Utility Commission related to implementation of community choice aggregat...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2962FailDirects Housing and Community Services Department to conduct study to estimate amount of additional homeless shelter capacity necessary in each county and cost of building or acquiring such capacity. Directs department to submit report on findings to...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3263FailDirects State Board of Education, in consultation with State Library, to adopt standards for school library program and academic content standards for library and media studies. Prescribes required components of standards.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2019FailDirects Department of Education to conduct study to determine adequacy of public education in state. Directs department to submit report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2020. Sunsets December 31, 2020. Declare...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2988FailDirects Department of Education to conduct study related to reengaging into school persons who dropped out of public secondary schools. Directs department to submit report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly no later than September 15, 2020....
In committee upon adjournment.
HB5053FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to _____ for biennial expenses. Limits biennial expenditures from fees, moneys or other revenues, including Miscellaneous Receipts, but excluding lottery funds and federal funds, collected or received by _______....
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2667FailEstablishes Adult Suicide Intervention and Prevention Coordinator within Oregon Health Authority. Specifies responsibilities. Requires development of strategic plan to address suicides by adults and develop intervention strategies. Requires strategic...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3287FailDirects Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to conduct study on relationship between recidivism rates and amount of fines imposed and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3399FailRequires state agency, in proceeding agency initiates to enjoin disclosure of public records, to name Attorney General as respondent. Requires public body other than state agency, in proceeding public body initiates to enjoin disclosure of public rec...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2878FailAllows board of county commissioners to vote to direct Department of Human Services not to apply for waiver of time limit on receipt of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits for specified adults residing in county.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3444FailAllows resident serving, or who has served, in Armed Forces of United States to obtain free licenses for hunting, angling or shellfish.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2970FailRequires that trains and light engines transporting freight must have two crew members. Provides exceptions. Imposes civil penalties for violation. Makes violation Class D violation, punishable by maximum fine of $250.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2103FailRepeals sunset of homestead property tax deferral program. Authorizes late filing of claim for deferral with payment of late fee. Modifies determination of maximum number of new claims allowable for property tax year. Requires timely and late-filed c...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2412FailCreates Community Outreach and Labor Education Account in State Treasury. Requires Commissioner of Bureau of Labor and Industries to charge respondent on wage claim fee on moneys collected on wage claim. Requires that moneys collected as fee be depos...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2429FailProvides that machinery and equipment used to compress and bale harvested straw, hay, grass or other plants for purpose of storage or shipment is tangible personal property exempt from ad valorem property taxation. Applies to property tax years begin...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2035FailReestablishes Mental Health Clinical Advisory Group in Oregon Health Authority to continue development of evidence-based algorithms for prescription drug treatment of mental health disorders. Specifies membership. Declares emergency, effective on pas...
In committee upon adjournment.
HJR6FailProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to allow accused person to waive trial by jury with state agreement and trial judge approval. Refers proposed amendment to people for their approval or rejection at next regular general election.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3325FailRequires public utility to meet certain requirements for processing applications from nonresidential customer-generators to interconnect to electric distribution system net metering facility that has generating capacity of more than 25 kilowatts but ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2851FailAuthorizes Water Resources Department to require reporting of water use measurements.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2887FailSpecifies that podiatry includes diagnosis and treatment of ailments of soft tissue distal to tibial tubercle.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2456FailAllows counties to partition and rezone up to 200 acres of lands within Eastern Oregon Border Economic Development Region from exclusive farm use to residential uses. Allows counties to partition and rezone up to 200 acres of lands within Eastern Ore...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2304FailAuthorizes issuance of lottery bonds to finance acquisition and restoration of Willamette Falls navigation canal and locks. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2259FailRemoves requirement for Oregon transparency website to include links to administrative rules on state agency websites in addition to link to Secretary of State's website. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2542FailRequires student to demonstrate proficiency in civics in order to receive high school diploma. Takes effect January 1, 2023.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3355FailRemoves limit on number of chemicals Oregon Health Authority may include on list of high priority chemicals of concern in children's products. Removes requirement that authority grant waiver from requirement to remove or substitute certain chemical i...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2884FailRequires vision examination as part of evaluation before initially receiving special education.
In committee upon adjournment.
HJM10FailApplies to Congress to call convention for purpose of proposing amendments to United States Constitution to impose fiscal restraints on federal government, limit power and jurisdiction of federal government and limit terms of office for federal offic...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2644FailDirects Youth Development Division to administer pilot program to coordinate delivery of youth development services through Youth Development Hubs. Requires division to submit reports on pilot program to interim committee of Legislative Assembly rela...
In committee upon adjournment.
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