HB2132 | Fail | Extends sunset for tax credit for contributions to Trust for Cultural Development Account. Specifies amount of credit allowed for types of personal income taxpayers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2735 | Fail | Establishes Task Force on Disaster Response and Recovery. Establishes Open Spaces Task Force on Emergency Preparedness] Task Force on Disaster Response and Recovery. Directs task force, inter alia, to identify locations suitable for emergency prepare... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2743 | Fail | For purposes of taxpayer election of reduced tax rate for certain pass-through income, reduces tax rates, reduces maximum eligible income and modifies employment requirements. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020. Takes effect o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HCR33 | Fail | Urges Governor and state agencies to work with legislators, tribal governments, water stakeholders and others in cooperative process to create comprehensive state water vision. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2622 | Fail | Establishes Organ Donor Registry and Public Awareness Fund. Directs Department of Transportation to accept donations to fund. Becomes operative January 1, 2021. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2552 | Fail | Makes corporations eligible to serve on juries. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HJM4 | Fail | Applies to Congress to call convention for purpose of proposing amendments to United States Constitution that address campaign finance reform. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3018 | Fail | Requires city to allow single-family dwellings in residential lots platted and zoned for such uses. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2314 | Fail | Allows operator of motorcycle or moped to travel between lanes of traffic under certain conditions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2599 | Fail | Establishes Task Force on Preventing Assaults Committed Against Public Transit Employees to address ways to reduce and prevent assaults committed against public transit employees. Requires task force to submit report to interim committees of Legislat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2649 | Fail | Modifies process for revising form or notice sent to parents or adult students regarding statewide summative assessments. Clarifies process for completing forms. Declares emergency, effective on passage. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2292 | Fail | Requires Oregon Health Authority, in consultation with Department of Environmental Quality, to study manners in which state has authority to regulate use of asbestos in new products manufactured, sold or offered for sale in Oregon, and submit report ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2414 | Fail | Adds to definition of "public works" project to build or repair ship that public agency owns or for which using funds of public agency serves public interest, maintenance of building that public agency owns or occupies and fabricating or manufacturin... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3196 | Fail | Requires transportation network company or other employer to conduct or have other person conduct criminal records check to determine whether individual that transportation network company or other employer intends to engage as participating driver h... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2993 | Fail | Modifies retirement plan options of persons elected or appointed as statewide elected officials or judges. Declares emergency, effective on passage. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2597 | Fail | Requires Office of Manufactured Dwelling Park Community Relations to establish landlord-tenant dispute resolution program for tenants of facilities subject to certain rent increases to initiate dispute-resolution process. Requires landlord to notify ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2245 | Fail | Requires Department of Human Services to use savings achieved in temporary assistance for needy families program to increase amount of cash grants paid to families enrolled in program or to make additional investments in JOBS program. Declares emerge... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3192 | Fail | Imposes annual assessment on manufacture of prescription opioids. Applies to opioids dispensed on or after January 1, 2020. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3245 | Fail | Requires Oregon Department of Administrative Services to reduce allotments to state agencies that report personnel positions that have remained vacant for continuous period of six months. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2228 | Fail | Establishes Local Government Technical Assistance Program within Housing and Community Services Department. Requires program to provide assistance to] department and Department of Land Conservation and Development to enter into intergovernmental agre... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2665 | Fail | Establishes grant program for purpose of improving kindergarten student-to-teacher ratios in schools that are considered high poverty. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2167 | Fail | Provides that, for ad valorem property tax purposes, real market value of commercial and industrial property be three-year average. Provides five-year ramp-up to taxation on real market value of commercial and industrial property that has ratio of ma... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2605 | Fail | Authorizes State Treasurer to issue Article XI-Q general obligation bonds to finance construction and improvement of courthouses. Authorizes county and state to enter into long-term lease agreement or intergovernmental agreement with respect to owner... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HJR13 | Fail | Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to permit Legislative Assembly, governing body of city, county, municipality or district, or people through initiative process, to enact laws or regulations regulating use of moneys in political campaigns. Pr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3090 | Fail | Establishes beginning farmer and rancher incentive program in State Department of Agriculture. Requires department to establish types of incentives to provide to beginning farmers and ranchers. Establishes Beginning Farmer and Rancher Incentive Fund.... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2776 | Fail | Increases penalties for crime of riot if, during commission of riot, person conceals person's face with intent to facilitate commission of riot. Punishes by maximum of 10 years' imprisonment, $250,000 fine, or both. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2891 | Fail | Modifies certain provisions relating to state initiative measures that require appropriation or expenditure of $500,000 or more in public moneys over a 10-year period. Takes effect only if House Joint Resolution 18 (2019) is approved by people at nex... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2126 | Fail | Directs Legislative Revenue Officer to report to Legislative Assembly on options for tax reform including recommendations for legislation intended to reform current tax system. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2026 | Fail | Extends sunset on pilot program to decrease rates of school absenteeism by using trauma-informed approaches to education, health services and intervention strategies. Requires report on preliminary evaluation on progress of pilot program. Declares em... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2183 | Fail | Directs Oregon Business Development Department to study best methods to help small businesses recover from economic losses due to disasters and to report its findings to interim legislative committees related to economic development on or before Sept... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3179 | Fail | Directs Department of Human Services to distribute $1 million to Center for the Prevention of Abuse and Neglect to conduct Oregon Child Abuse Prevalence Study. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Department of Human Services for distribution. De... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3259 | Fail | Directs Department of Corrections to study and report on creating inmate anatomical donation program to allow donor-eligible inmates to voluntarily donate bone marrow and peripheral blood stem cells. Sunsets on December 31, 2021. Takes effect on 91st... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2959 | Fail | Expands crime of offensive littering to include discharge of human waste. Punishes by maximum of 30 days' imprisonment, $1,250 fine, or both. Declares emergency, effective on passage. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2368 | Fail | Modifies juvenile court dependency procedure to require Department of Justice to bear responsibility for certain expenses arising out of summonses issued by Department of Human Services. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3086 | Fail | Allows facilities for processing farm products under 2,500 square feet on lands zoned for exclusive farm use without regard to siting standards. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3378 | Fail | Appropriates moneys to fund engineering and design work necessary for adding bicycle and pedestrian lane to Bridge of the Gods. Appropriates moneys to fund engineering and design work necessary for adding add] bicycle and pedestrian lane to Bridge of... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2857 | Fail | Requires eight percent of electricity sold in this state by each electric company that makes sales to 25,000 or more retail electricity consumers to be generated by small-scale renewable energy facilities or certain biomass facilities. Increases, to ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2066 | Fail | Eliminates one-day angling license. Reduces one-day angling and shellfish license fees under schedules taking effect in 2020 and 2027. Deletes provision for temporary partial dedication of one-day angling license fee for fish restoration and enhancem... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2669 | Fail | Authorizes State Board of Pharmacy to inspect pharmacy to determine whether pharmacy compounds drugs. Defines "compound." Directs board to register outsourcing facility that complies with requirements established by rule and to inspect registered out... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3215 | Fail | Requires superintendent of state mental hospital, or director of facility designated by Oregon Health Authority, to ensure that defendant committed for lacking fitness to proceed receives treatment designed to allow defendant to attain defendant's hi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2762 | Fail | Requires candidate for President or Vice President of United States, in order to appear on general election ballot or in general election voters' pamphlet, to provide Secretary of State with copy of candidate's federal income tax returns for five yea... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3002 | Fail | Requires contracting agency to provide in certain public contracts that contracting agency will not pay invoice for work on public contract that contractor provides by means of information technology unless contractor verifies work by means of tracki... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2677 | Fail | Modifies manner of committing crime of assault in the third degree against certain public transportation employees. Expands class of persons against whom crime may be committed, from public transportation vehicle operators in control of or operating ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2345 | Fail | Reduces public records request fees charged by state agencies by 50 percent if requester is member of news media, and waives fees entirely if request is narrowly tailored. Requires similar reduction or complete waiver of fees for news media public re... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2117 | Fail | Requires Legislative Revenue Officer to study options for improving transient lodging tax. Requires Legislative Revenue Officer to report results of study to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to revenue on or before September 15, 202... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2210 | Fail | Requires Oregon transparency website to include information regarding elected officials and emergency managers of local governments and description of jurisdiction over which each official or manager presides. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB3248 | Fail | Provides that county prohibition, restriction, limitation or regulation of certain open burning applies throughout county unless county court or board of county commissioners expressly states otherwise. Prohibits rural fire protection district or cit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2901 | Fail | Requires hospitals and ambulatory surgical centers to use smoke evacuation system during surgical procedures likely to generate surgical smoke. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2050 | Fail | Requires law enforcement agencies to collect fingerprints, palm prints and identifying data for persons arrested for felony or misdemeanor. Requires completion of disposition report for all felonies and misdemeanors. Authorizes Department of State Po... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |
HB2233 | Fail | Provides for regulation by Oregon Liquor Control Commission of consumption and sale of marijuana items at temporary events, including licensure of premises at which temporary events are conducted. Creates local option for cities and counties. Provide... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2019-06-30 In committee upon adjournment. |