OR Legislation | 2019 | Regular Session | House

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HB2237FailCreates income tax credit for operation costs of housing for agricultural workers. Provides for refundability of credit and for transferability of credit earned by tax-exempt entity. Imposes limitation on total credits allowed to all owners of housin...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2685FailRequires person who files to run for public office to provide campaign phone number and campaign electronic mail address. Except for de minimis personal use, requires phone number and electronic mail address to be used exclusively for purpose of supp...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3219FailRestricts commercial growing of canola within portion of Willamette Valley.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3318FailExpands rural health care income tax credit to include pharmacist services performed in rural areas. Directs Office of Rural Health to establish criteria for certifying pharmacists as eligible for credit. Applies to tax years beginning on or after Ja...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2754FailRequires pharmacy or pharmacist to substitute prescribed biological product with interchangeable biological product. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2797FailRequires sentence of 58 to 130 months' imprisonment if person convicted of unlawful delivery or manufacture of controlled substance that results in death of another person from use of controlled substance. Punishes by maximum of 20 years' imprisonmen...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2805FailEstablishes Oregon Youth Aging Out of Foster Care Task Force. Requires task force to develop recommendations for housing and shelter for youth aging out of foster care. Requires task force to submit report to Legislative Assembly by September 15, 202...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2505FailRequires owner or possessor of firearm to secure firearm with trigger or cable lock or in locked container except in specified circumstances. Punishes violation by maximum of $500 fine. If minor obtains unsecured firearm as result of violation, punis...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2276FailRemoves authority of public employer and labor organization to enter into fair-share agreement. Removes authority of public employer to deduct in-lieu-of-dues payment from salary or wages of public employee.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2498FailAdds to test to determine whether person is independent contractor requirement that person not perform services that are within usual course of business of person that hired purported independent contractor. Takes effect on 91st day following adjourn...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3357FailAllows dependent care income tax credit to be claimed for expenses to allow taxpayer or spouse to attend school as enrolled degree-seeking student. Limits expenses to combination of earned income taxable by Oregon and imputed income, using lesser amo...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2727FailAllows subtraction from federal taxable income of gain from sale of opportunity zone property, defined as property in low-income census tract developed for affordable housing and held for stated period of time. Applies to tax years beginning on or af...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2802FailEstablishes Homeownership Repair and Rehabilitation Program within Housing and Community Services Department to provide grants to entities providing financial assistance to persons in low income households for repair and rehabilitation of residences....
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3403FailDirects Oregon Health Authority to disclose to district attorney and law enforcement agencies addresses of marijuana grow sites in county over which district attorney and law enforcement agencies have jurisdiction. Takes effect on 91st day following ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2890FailPermits Oregon Business Development Department to hire attorney for purpose of prosecuting patent for any invention that faculty, staff or students reduce to practice while employed by or enrolled in public high school in this state. Permits departme...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2911FailDirects that moneys appropriated from General Fund for payment of expenses of members of Legislative Assembly that are unexpended and uncommitted at end of biennium be transferred to Public Employees Retirement Fund to be applied against liabilities ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2031FailRequires that educator who is certified by national professional organization for teaching standards be teaching in public school in state in order to qualify to have educator license renewal fee waived.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2484FailDirects Public Defense Services Commission to conduct study on improving provision of public defense services and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 2020. Sunsets J...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3265FailProhibits possession of large-capacity magazine 180 days after effective date of Act. Specifies manner in which person must alter or dispose of large-capacity magazine currently possessed by person. Prohibits use of large-capacity magazine upon effec...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2732FailCreates income tax credit for employing up to three students enrolled in at least four credit hours in institution of higher education. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2019, and before January 1, 2025. Takes effect on 91st day f...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2311FailCreates income tax credit for taxpayer that employs community college student as apprentice. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2020, and before January 1, 2026. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2256FailCreates Oregon Housing Crisis Task Force. Requires task force to develop recommendations addressing housing affordability. Requires task force to submit report to Legislative Assembly by September 15, 2020. Sunsets task force on December 31, 2020. De...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3101FailExtends from July 1, 2019, to July 1, 2023, period of time public universities must provide scope and value of specified employee benefits. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2012FailRequires Oregon Health Authority to develop plan for Medicaid Buy-In program or public option for Oregon residents who do not have access to health care. Allows individuals who do not qualify for medical assistance or premium tax credits under Afford...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2104FailReduces discount for on-time payment of property taxes imposed on business property. Reduces amounts scheduled for distribution by tax collector to taxing jurisdictions to provide funding for certain tax administration programs. Directs portion of in...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2511FailRequires health benefit plan, health care service contract and medical assistance coverage of pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders associated with streptococcal infections and pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome. Requires Orego...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3222FailProhibits Department of Environmental Quality from issuing air quality permits for new or modified sources that department determines may pose material threat to compliance with air quality standards unless certain requirements for review by governin...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2818FailClarifies meaning of "because of age" in employment discrimination law. Designates as unlawful employment practice for employer to seek age of applicant prior to making conditional offer of employment and to include certain words or phrases in job ap...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2366FailAllocates $1,600,000 of lottery revenue to Oregon Business Development Department to be used to issue grants or loans in support of redevelopment of Port of Port Orford Cannery. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3256FailDirects Department of Education to study insurance policies related to interns. Defines "intern." Requires report to interim committee of Legislative Assembly related to education. Sunsets December 31, 2020. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2177FailDirects Oregon Business Development Department to study and make recommendations regarding state laws governing ports. Requires department to submit report on findings by January 1, 2021.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3019FailAuthorizes State Department of Fish and Wildlife to designate areas in this state as habitat critical for biodiversity. Provides that entry of oil or hazardous material into habitat critical for biodiversity due to spill or release of oil or hazardou...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3199FailRequires county treasurer to distribute excess proceeds from sale of real property acquired by foreclosure of delinquent tax liens, or by exchange for land originally acquired by foreclosure of delinquent tax liens, to holders of liens unsatisfied at...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3291FailDirects Department of Corrections to conduct study on adequacy of funding for counties for community corrections programs and present report on findings to interim committees of Legislative Assembly related to judiciary on or before September 15, 202...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2745FailRequires licensed health care provider to provide vaccine information packet to patient to whom licensed health care provider administers vaccine. Requires Oregon Health Authority to maintain website that provides specific vaccine information. Takes ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2819FailRequires Water Resources Department to establish pilot program to make conserved Columbia River water available to holder of water right in critical ground water area in exchange for holder reducing appropriation of ground water. Requires department ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2357FailLimits standing in appeals of land use decisions or limited land use decisions to persons that reside or maintain business within 25 miles of boundary of local government or special district and appeared before decision maker in person at hearing if ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2688FailRequires original equipment manufacturer to make available to owner of digital electronic equipment or independent repair provider on fair and reasonable terms any part, tool, service manual or other device, implement or information that original equ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2297FailAbolishes annual one-hour change in time from standard time to daylight saving time and maintains Oregon on daylight saving time. Becomes operative at 2 a.m. on November 7, 2021, which is first Sunday in November 2021. Refers Act to people for their ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2683FailProhibits landlords that allow pets from charging tenants additional rent or fees based on possession of pets.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2433FailModifies definition of "native fish" for purposes of salmon and trout enhancement program.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3315FailRequires that certain prescription drugs, including those prescribed by veterinarians, must be reported to prescription monitoring program. Requires pharmacies located in institutions operated, controlled, managed and supervised by Oregon Health Auth...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3411FailRequires reporting of physical sexual harassment by legislative officials and registered lobbyists. Specifies procedure for reporting. Punishes failure to report by maximum of $2,000 fine. Creates crime of false reporting of harassment. Punishes by m...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2384FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to Oregon Department of Administrative Services for distribution to Curry County for purpose of installing fiber optic telecommunication line to Cape Blanco Airport. Declares emergency, effective July 1, 2019.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2493FailProhibits aerial application of pesticide to land within watershed of McKenzie River or its tributaries or of Santiam River or its tributaries. Creates exceptions for applications ordered or otherwise authorized by State Department of Agriculture or ...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2555FailEstablishes criteria for state and United States flags to be official flags. Directs public buildings to transition from flags manufactured of flammable materials to flags manufactured of flame retardant materials by July 4, 2020.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2627FailRequires Oregon Health Authority to contract with at least four Recovery Community Organizations, in accordance with criteria adopted by Alcohol and Drug Policy Commission, to operate four recovery community centers in four different counties. Requir...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2529FailDirects Governor, with recommendations from Oregon Health and Science University Board of Directors, to appoint Rare Disease Ombudsman. Allows Rare Disease Ombudsman to solicit and accept gifts, grants and donations. Establishes Rare Disease Ombudsma...
In committee upon adjournment.
HB2693FailRequires health benefit plan to reimburse cost of covered telemedicine health service provided by health professional licensed or certified in this state if same health service is provided in person.
In committee upon adjournment.
HB3195FailEstablishes insurance coverage requirements for participating drivers that offer or provide prearranged rides to riders by means of digital networks. Permits insurers to exclude coverage for transportation network companies or participating drivers. ...
In committee upon adjournment.
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