Oregon Senator Khanh Pham [D] | All Sessions | Senate

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ORSB830FailEstablishes annual salary of members of Legislative Assembly at estimated average income of individual residents of Oregon. Establishes annual salary of members of Legislative Assembly at estimated average income of individual residents of Oregon. Di...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORSB852FailDisallows, for purposes of personal income taxation, mortgage interest deduction for residence other than taxpayer's principal residence, unless taxpayer sells residence or actively markets residence for sale. Disallows, for purposes of personal inco...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORSJR10PassProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude in all circumstances. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude in all circumstances. Authorizes court or probation ...
Filed With Secretary of State.
ORSCR17PassEstablishes environmental justice framework of principles for State of Oregon. Establishes environmental justice framework of principles for State of Oregon.
Filed With Secretary of State.
ORSJM2PassUrges Congress to amend Thirteenth Amendment to United States Constitution to omit clause excepting criminal punishment, thereby ending racist legacy of slavery in nation's most important document. Urges Congress to amend Thirteenth Amendment to Unit...
Filed With Secretary of State.
ORSJM4PassUrges Congress to enact legislation to begin process of implementing reparations for African Americans based on slavery and discrimination. Urges Congress to enact legislation to begin process of implementing reparations for African Americans based o...
Filed With Secretary of State.
ORSJR12PassProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligation of state to ensure every resident of state access to cost-effective, clinically appropriate and affordable health care. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution establishing obligatio...
Filed With Secretary of State.
Prohibits the exclusion of certain school books based on the topic or author of the book. (Flesch Readability Score: 68.9). Prohibits discrimination when selecting or retaining school library materials, textbooks or instructional materials or when de...
No Action History Available
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