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ORHB3135PassPreserves additional funding for small school districts that merge with one or more school districts if certain conditions are met. Preserves additional funding for small school districts that merge with one or more school districts if certain condit...
Chapter 332, (2023 Laws): Effective date January 1, 2024.
ORHB3148PassAuthorizes peace officer to issue investigative subpoena or request order from circuit court for information regarding missing individual if specified standards are met. Authorizes peace officer to issue investigative subpoena or request order from c...
Chapter 333, (2023 Laws): Effective date January 1, 2024.
ORHB3179PassModifies definition of "renewable energy facility" for purposes of county permitting process for solar photovoltaic power generation facility. Modifies definition of "renewable energy facility" for purposes of county permitting process for solar phot...
Chapter 336, (2023 Laws): Effective date January 1, 2024.
ORHB3001PassDirects Department of Transportation to waive fee for Fallen Hero roadside memorial highway sign if applicant is Gold Star Family member and funds are appropriated or otherwise made available to department for purpose of paying fees. Directs Departme...
Chapter 330, (2023 Laws): Effective date July 18, 2023.
ORHB2634PassDefines "recreational vehicle park" for the purposes of residential tenancy law. Defines "recreational vehicle park" for the purposes of residential tenancy law. Expands vacation occupancy exemption from residential tenancy laws to include recreation...
Chapter 250, (2023 Laws): Effective date January 1, 2024.
ORSB523PassAuthorizes community colleges to offer Bachelor of Science in nursing degrees. Authorizes community colleges to offer Bachelor of Science in nursing degrees. Details requirements that must be met for Higher Education Coordinating Commission to approv...
Effective date, January 1, 2024.
ORSB498PassAllows exclusion from taxable estate for value of interest in farm, forestry or fishing business. Allows exclusion from taxable estate for value of interest in farm, forestry or fishing business. Applies to estates of decedents dying on or after July...
Effective date, September 24, 2023.
ORHJR16PassProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to vest power of impeachment of statewide elected Executive Branch officials in House of Representatives and power to try impeachments in Senate. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to vest power of imp...
Filed with Secretary of State.
ORSCR3PassDesignates potato as official vegetable of Oregon. Designates potato as official vegetable of Oregon.
Filed With Secretary of State.
ORHB2577FailIncreases threshold amount of understated income tax above which penalty applies. Increases threshold amount of understated income tax above which penalty applies. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2023. Takes effect on 91st day f...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2606FailRepeals provisions regulating property services contractors. Repeals provisions regulating property services contractors.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2552FailIncreases amount of income tax credit allowed to rural medical providers. Increases amount of income tax credit allowed to rural medical providers. Removes eligibility limitation based on adjusted gross income of medical provider. Applies to tax year...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2551FailProvides for additional exemption against Oregon estate tax. Provides for additional exemption against Oregon estate tax. Phases out availability of exemption based on size of estate. Applies to estates of decedents who die on or after January 1, 202...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2566FailModifies personal income tax brackets. Modifies personal income tax brackets. Decreases rates applicable and resulting tax imposed. Provides for adjustment of all brackets for inflation. Increases Oregon standard deduction. Applies to tax years begin...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2568FailRequires Department of Revenue to study optimal way to exclude tangible personal property from ad valorem property taxes. Requires Department of Revenue to study optimal way to exclude tangible personal property from ad valorem property taxes. Direct...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2603FailRestores offense levels for unlawful possession of controlled substance offenses to levels that existed prior to enactment of House Bill 2355 (2017) and Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act of 2020 (Ballot Measure 110 (2020)). Restores offense l...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2765FailGrants to South Suburban Sanitary District exclusive right to use and sell treated wastewater discharged by district into Klamath River or tributaries. Grants to South Suburban Sanitary District exclusive right to use and sell treated wastewater disc...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2575FailProvides for standing for association or organization to seek declaratory relief in Oregon Tax Court. Provides for standing for association or organization to seek declaratory relief in Oregon Tax Court.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2564FailRestores tax credit for employer-provided dependent care assistance. Restores tax credit for employer-provided dependent care assistance.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2602FailAdds nursing assistant or nurse to types of providers who are eligible for income tax credit allowed to rural medical providers. Adds nursing assistant or nurse to types of providers who are eligible for income tax credit allowed to rural medical pro...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2493FailCreates income tax credit for eligible costs of development of middle housing dwelling units that sell for price affordable to household with annual income between 80 percent and 120 percent of area median income. Creates income tax credit for eligib...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORSB535FailCreates refundable income tax credit for certain child care workers. Creates refundable income tax credit for certain child care workers. Provides for child care worker to elect to deposit refund attributable to credit in Oregon Retirement Savings Pl...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2607FailModifies definition of "compensation," for purposes of pay equity requirements, to exclude hiring bonuses and retention bonuses. Modifies definition of "compensation," for purposes of pay equity requirements, to exclude hiring bonuses and retention b...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2547FailIncreases amount that State Fish and Wildlife Commission must annually set aside for Predatory Animal, Rabbit and Rodent Control Fund. Increases amount that State Fish and Wildlife Commission must annually set aside for Predatory Animal, Rabbit and R...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2567FailRepeals corporate minimum tax. Repeals corporate minimum tax. Applies to tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2024. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2254FailIncreases expenditure threshold for exemption of municipal corporation from audit requirement. Increases expenditure threshold for exemption of municipal corporation from audit requirement.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2766FailRequires Oregon Broadband Office to study barriers to, and opportunities for, investment and deployment of wireline and wireless broadband access points. Requires Oregon Broadband Office to study barriers to, and opportunities for, investment and dep...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHCR3FailRequires written authorization from chief sponsor of bill before legislative concept containing emergency clause may be accepted for filing. Requires written authorization from chief sponsor of bill before legislative concept containing emergency cla...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2236FailProhibits Governor and specified state agencies from taking measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Oregon unless authorized by Legislative Assembly by law enacted on or after effective date of Act. Prohibits Governor and specified state agenc...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2550FailCreates income and corporate excise tax credits for investments in facilities used for manufacturing, siting of headquarters or research. Creates income and corporate excise tax credits for investments in facilities used for manufacturing, siting of ...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2563FailCreates income or corporate excise tax credit for investment in affordable housing, available to taxpayer eligible for federal low-income housing credit, and allocated by Housing and Community Services Department. Creates income or corporate excise t...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2933FailAppropriates moneys from General Fund to Department of Justice for deposit into Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Services Fund. Appropriates moneys from General Fund to Department of Justice for deposit into Oregon Domestic and Sexual Violence Ser...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2604FailDesignates second Monday in October of each year as Columbus Day. Designates second Monday in October of each year as Columbus Day. Moves Indigenous Peoples' Day to first Friday in October of each year. Declares emergency, effective on passage.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2565FailEstablishes Task Force on Tax Competitiveness. Establishes Task Force on Tax Competitiveness. Requires task force to report findings and recommendations to interim committee of Legislative Assembly related to revenue on or before September 15, 2024. ...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2546FailEliminates general rule that sale made to state where taxpayer is not taxable is considered sale in Oregon for apportionment of business income for corporate excise tax purposes. Eliminates general rule that sale made to state where taxpayer is not t...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHJR6FailProposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to expand scope of term "bills for raising revenue" for supermajority vote requirement. Proposes amendment to Oregon Constitution to expand scope of term "bills for raising revenue" for supermajority vote req...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2548FailRequires political subdivision that imposes income tax to conform to statutory provisions governing determination of net income. Requires political subdivision that imposes income tax to conform to statutory provisions governing determination of net ...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2549FailEstablishes December 21, 2017, connection date for Internal Revenue Code sections governing bonus depreciation and deduction of net business interest. Establishes December 21, 2017, connection date for Internal Revenue Code sections governing bonus d...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2791FailExempts from commercial activity subject to corporate activity tax reimbursements for certain health care services, including care provided to medical assistance recipients and to Medicare recipients. Exempts from commercial activity subject to corpo...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2569FailRequires legislative review during odd-numbered year regular session of all tax credits scheduled to expire during upcoming even-numbered year or lacking review during two immediately preceding odd-numbered year regular sessions. Requires legislative...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2557FailRemoves limitation on percentage of students in school district who may enroll in virtual public charter school not sponsored by school district without first receiving approval from school district. Removes limitation on percentage of students in sc...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB3061FailEliminates requirement that health benefit plans cover abortions. Eliminates requirement that health benefit plans cover abortions.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB3064FailAllows landlords to terminate month-to-month residential tenancies without cause. Allows landlords to terminate month-to-month residential tenancies without cause. Repeals limits on increases to rent.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORSB743FailEstablishes personal financial education as requirement for high school diploma. Establishes personal financial education as requirement for high school diploma. Prescribes requirements of personal financial education. Directs Department of Education...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB3063FailProhibits local governments from adopting or enforcing ordinance, rule or regulation or taking actions that prohibit or limit local government or its subdivision, agency, department or office or employee from cooperating with or assisting federal imm...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB3062FailProhibits individual from collecting and returning ballot of another individual, subject to specified exceptions. Prohibits individual from collecting and returning ballot of another individual, subject to specified exceptions. Imposes fine of $2,500...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2259FailModifies estate tax brackets to provide additional estate tax exclusion of $1 million. Modifies estate tax brackets to provide additional estate tax exclusion of $1 million. Takes effect on 91st day following adjournment sine die.
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB3091FailProvides that person who receives finding under wolf depredation compensation and financial assistance grant program may appeal finding to county advisory committee. Provides that person who receives finding under wolf depredation compensation and fi...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2424FailRequires Oregon Health Authority to establish grant program for purpose of making grants to entities that provide services related to encouraging and assisting pregnant persons in carrying their pregnancies to term. Requires Oregon Health Authority t...
In committee upon adjournment.
ORHB2423FailDirects Oregon Health Authority to establish and administer Pregnancy Launch Program to provide certain services to specified persons. Directs Oregon Health Authority to establish and administer Pregnancy Launch Program to provide certain services to...
In committee upon adjournment.
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