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| AN ACT |
| |
1 | Amending Title 27 (Environmental Resources) of the Pennsylvania |
2 | Consolidated Statutes, authorizing programs relating to |
3 | nutrient credit; providing for powers and duties of the |
4 | Department of Environmental Protection, the Environmental |
5 | Quality Board and the Nutrient Credit Trading Program Board; |
6 | further providing for the Pennsylvania Infrastructure |
7 | Investment Authority; and providing for the promulgation of |
8 | regulations. |
9 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
10 | hereby enacts as follows: |
11 | Section 1. Title 27 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated |
12 | Statutes is amended by adding a chapter to read: |
13 | CHAPTER 67 |
15 | Subchapter |
16 | A. Preliminary Provisions. |
17 | B. Nutrient and Sediment Reduction Credits |
18 | C. Nutrient Credit Trading Program Board |
19 | D. Miscellaneous Provisions |
3 | Sec. |
4 | 6701. Short title of chapter. |
5 | 6702. Definitions. |
6 | § 6701. Short title of chapter. |
7 | This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the Nutrient |
8 | Credit Trading Program Act. |
9 | § 6702. Definitions. |
10 | The following words and phrases when used in this chapter |
11 | shall have the meanings given to them in this section unless the |
12 | context clearly indicates otherwise: |
13 | "Aggregator" or "broker." An individual or entity that |
14 | obtains and compiles credits from individual sources for sale |
15 | to: |
16 | (1) the Nutrient Credit Trading Program Board; |
17 | (2) entities required to comply with nutrient limits; or |
18 | (3) other entities created for the purpose of obtaining, |
19 | compiling and selling credits. |
20 | "Board." The Nutrient Credit Trading Program Board |
21 | established in this chapter. |
22 | "Credit." The unit of compliance that corresponds with a |
23 | pound of reduction of nutrient or sediment and that has been |
24 | approved by the Department of Environmental Protection under |
25 | Subchapter B (relating to nutrient and sediment reduction |
26 | costs). |
27 | "Department." The Department of Environmental Protection of |
28 | the Commonwealth. |
29 | "Entities required to comply with nutrient limits." An |
30 | entity that is required to reduce, prevent or eliminate nutrient |
1 | or sediment discharges into surface waters, including: |
2 | (1) Municipalities. |
3 | (2) Municipal authorities. |
4 | (3) Point source entities. |
5 | (4) Developers. |
6 | (5) Nonpoint source entities. |
7 | "Nonpoint source." A source of potential water pollution |
8 | that is not a point source. |
9 | "Nutrient." Nitrogen or phosphorus. |
10 | "Point source." A discernable, confined and discrete |
11 | conveyance, including, but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, |
12 | channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, |
13 | rolling stock, landfill leachate collection system or vessel or |
14 | other floating craft from which pollutants are or may be |
15 | discharged. |
18 | Sec. |
19 | 6711. Scope of subchapter. |
20 | 6712. Oversight of credit approval process. |
21 | 6713. Applications. |
22 | 6714. Verification. |
23 | 6715. Calculation of credits. |
24 | 6716. Registration and tracking of credits. |
25 | 6717. Use of credits. |
26 | 6718. Priority review. |
27 | 6719. Regulations. |
28 | § 6711. Scope of subchapter. |
29 | This subchapter relates to the process by which nutrient and |
30 | sediment reduction credits are calculated, approved, verified, |
1 | tracked and used. Credits approved by the department may be |
2 | sold, purchased or traded as provided by this subchapter or by |
3 | Subchapter C (relating to nutrient credit trading program |
4 | board). |
5 | § 6712. Oversight of credit approval process. |
6 | The department shall have the power and the responsibility |
7 | to: |
8 | (1) Accept and review applications to create credits. |
9 | (2) Make determinations on applications for credits. |
10 | (3) Provide for the verification of nutrient and |
11 | sediment reductions. |
12 | (4) Approve and calculate credits. |
13 | (5) Register and track credits. |
14 | (6) Provide for the use of credits by entities required |
15 | to comply with nutrient limits. |
16 | (7) Cooperate with the board. |
17 | § 6713. Applications. |
18 | (a) Process.--The Environmental Quality Board shall |
19 | establish, by regulation, procedures and requirements relating |
20 | to applications for credits and the process by which such |
21 | applications shall be reviewed. Applications shall be reviewed |
22 | for completeness, technical acceptability and consistency with |
23 | regulatory and legal requirements. |
24 | (b) Determinations.--The department shall make a |
25 | determination on an application to generate credits within 60 |
26 | days after receipt of a complete application. |
27 | (c) Notice.--The department shall post credit application |
28 | requirements and review procedures on its publicly accessible |
29 | Internet website. |
30 | § 6714. Verification. |
1 | (a) General rule.-- |
2 | (1) Prior to a determination on an application to |
3 | generate credits, the department shall verify that the |
4 | relevant regulatory and legal requirements have been met by |
5 | the applicant. |
6 | (2) The department shall establish a process to verify |
7 | nutrient and sediment reductions after approval of an |
8 | application. |
9 | (b) Third parties.--The department may allow approved third |
10 | parties to perform verifications on its behalf or on behalf of |
11 | entities that have submitted applications. |
12 | § 6715. Calculation of credits. |
13 | (a) Measurement.--Credits shall be measured in terms that |
14 | correspond to a unit of compliance and a time period. |
15 | (b) Procedures.--The Environmental Quality Board shall, by |
16 | regulation, establish procedures and methodologies by which |
17 | credits will be calculated. Such procedures and methodologies |
18 | may have general applicability or they may be specific to a |
19 | particular watershed, as determined by regulation. |
20 | (c) Farmland preservation.--Credits shall not be generated |
21 | from the purchase and idling of whole or substantial portions of |
22 | farms to provide credits for use offsite. Credits may be |
23 | generated when converting one land use to another, as provided |
24 | by regulation. |
25 | § 6716. Registration and tracking of credits. |
26 | (a) Registration.--The department shall create a registry of |
27 | credits that have been approved and that are available for sale |
28 | to: |
29 | (1) the board; |
30 | (2) entities required to comply with nutrient limits; or |
1 | (3) aggregators or brokers. |
2 | (b) Tracking.--The department shall track and verify the |
3 | disposition of credits registered under this section. |
4 | § 6717. Use of credits. |
5 | Credits approved and registered under this chapter may be |
6 | used to meet the requirements of permits administered by the |
7 | department, including National Pollutant Discharge Elimination |
8 | System permits required under the Federal Water Pollution |
9 | Control Act (62 Stat. 1155, 33 U.S.C. § 1251 et. seq.). |
10 | § 6718. Priority review. |
11 | Nutrient reduction projects funded by the board under section |
12 | 6724(a) (relating to powers and duties) shall have priority for |
13 | review. |
14 | § 6719. Regulations. |
15 | (a) Environmental Quality Board.--The Environmental Quality |
16 | Board shall promulgate regulations as necessary for the |
17 | implementation of this chapter. The Department of Agriculture |
18 | and the board shall be consulted in the drafting of regulations. |
19 | (b) Temporary regulation.--Notwithstanding any other |
20 | provision of law and in order to facilitate the prompt |
21 | implementation of this chapter, regulations promulgated during |
22 | the two years following the effective date of this chapter shall |
23 | be deemed temporary regulations which shall expire no later than |
24 | three years following the effective date of this chapter or upon |
25 | promulgation of regulations as generally provided by law. The |
26 | temporary regulations shall not be subject to: |
27 | (1) Sections 201, 202, 203, 204 and 205 of the act of |
28 | July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the |
29 | Commonwealth Documents Law. |
30 | (2) The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as |
1 | the Regulatory Review Act. |
2 | (c) Expiration of authority.--The authority provided to |
3 | adopt temporary regulations in this subsection shall expire two |
4 | years from the effective date of this chapter. Regulations |
5 | adopted after the two-year period shall be promulgated as |
6 | provided by law. |
9 | Sec. |
10 | 6721. Scope of subchapter. |
11 | 6722. Board established. |
12 | 6723. Board composition. |
13 | 6724. Powers and duties. |
14 | 6725. Administration. |
15 | 6726. Private market preserved. |
16 | 6727. Regulations. |
17 | § 6721. Scope of subchapter. |
18 | This subchapter relates to the powers and duties of the |
19 | Nutrient Credit Trading Program Board. |
20 | § 6722. Board established. |
21 | There is hereby established a Nutrient Credit Trading Program |
22 | Board. The board shall adopt policies and implement programs to |
23 | purchase and sell credits in the Chesapeake Bay watershed and |
24 | fund projects that generate credits in the Chesapeake Bay |
25 | watershed. |
26 | § 6723. Board composition. |
27 | (a) Membership.--The board shall consist of: |
28 | (1) Three members as follows: |
29 | (i) The Secretary of Environmental Protection or a |
30 | designee. |
1 | (ii) The Secretary of Agriculture or a designee. |
2 | (iii) The executive director of the Pennsylvania |
3 | Infrastructure Investment Authority or a designee. |
4 | (2) Four members as follows: |
5 | (i) One member appointed by the President pro |
6 | tempore of the Senate. |
7 | (ii) One member appointed by the Minority Leader of |
8 | the Senate. |
9 | (iii) One member appointed by the Speaker of the |
10 | House of Representatives. |
11 | (iv) One member appointed by the Minority Leader of |
12 | the House of Representatives. |
13 | (3) Nine members appointed by the Governor as follows: |
14 | (i) One member from county conservation districts |
15 | from a list of no more than three individuals nominated |
16 | by the State Conservation Commission. |
17 | (ii) Three members from local government as follows: |
18 | (A) one member representing boroughs from a list |
19 | of no more than three individuals nominated by the |
20 | Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs; |
21 | (B) one member representing townships from a |
22 | list of no more than three individuals nominated by |
23 | the Pennsylvania State Association of Township |
24 | Supervisors; and |
25 | (C) one member representing cities from a list |
26 | of no more than three individuals nominated by the |
27 | Pennsylvania League of Cities and Municipalities. |
28 | (iii) One member from the agricultural sector from a |
29 | list of no more than three individuals nominated by the |
30 | Pennsylvania Farm Bureau. |
1 | (iv) One member from municipal authorities |
2 | representing wastewater treatment facilities from a list |
3 | of no more than three individuals nominated by the |
4 | Pennsylvania Municipal Authorities Association. |
5 | (v) One member of the housing industry from a list |
6 | of no more than three individuals nominated by the |
7 | Pennsylvania Builders Association. |
8 | (vi) One water quality engineer from a list of no |
9 | more than three individuals nominated by the chair of the |
10 | Joint Legislative Air and Water Pollution Control and |
11 | Conservation Committee. |
12 | (vii) One representative from an environmental |
13 | organization from a list of no more than three |
14 | individuals nominated by the Chesapeake Bay Foundation. |
15 | (b) Officers.--The members shall annually elect, by a |
16 | majority vote of the members, such officers as the members shall |
17 | determine as necessary. |
18 | (c) Terms.--Members shall serve terms as follows: |
19 | (1) Members under subsection (a)(1) shall serve |
20 | concurrently with their position. |
21 | (2) Members under subsection (a)(2) shall serve a term |
22 | concurrent with the term of the appointing authority. |
23 | (3) Members under subsection (a)(3) shall serve a term |
24 | of four years. The initial terms of members appointed under |
25 | subsection (a)(3) shall be staggered by the Governor so that |
26 | two members are appointed to a term of one year, two members |
27 | are appointed to a term of two years, two members are |
28 | appointed to a term of three years and three members are |
29 | appointed to a term of four years. |
30 | (d) Quorum.--Nine members shall constitute a quorum. |
1 | § 6724. Powers and duties. |
2 | (a) Fees.-- |
3 | (1) The board shall set fees and payment schedules for |
4 | the sale of credits to entities required to comply with |
5 | nutrient discharge limits. The schedule shall provide for the |
6 | sale of credits in advance of the time period for which the |
7 | credits are needed. Credits sold under this paragraph may be |
8 | used as provided in section 6717 (relating to use of |
9 | credits). |
10 | (2) The fees collected from an advance sale of credits |
11 | shall be used by the board to fund nutrient reduction |
12 | projects that will generate at least the number of credits |
13 | sold by the board in the time period for which they were |
14 | sold. Such credits shall be determined by the department |
15 | under this subsection. |
16 | (b) Credits.--The board may purchase credits that have been |
17 | approved by the department under this subsection. |
18 | (c) Sale of credits.--The board may sell credits to entities |
19 | required to comply with nutrient discharge limits. |
20 | (d) Trading program.--The board shall operate the nutrient |
21 | credit trading program to generate revenues sufficient to offset |
22 | its cost operations. Administrative or overhead expenses |
23 | incurred by the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority |
24 | under section 6725 (relating to administration) shall not be |
25 | considered in this determination. |
26 | (e) Reserve.--The board shall hold credits in reserve to |
27 | offset any failures or loss of credits. In addition to this |
28 | reserve, the board shall hold a minimum percentage of credits in |
29 | reserve for new growth. The board shall set these reserves at |
30 | percentages it deems necessary, but in no instance shall the |
1 | reserve for new growth be lower than 5%. |
2 | (f) Internet website.--The board shall post information |
3 | regarding the cost and methods of purchasing and selling credits |
4 | on its Internet website. The board shall post on its Internet |
5 | website a list of those projects that have been determined by |
6 | the department to generate credits. |
7 | (g) Technical assistance.--The board shall establish a |
8 | technical subcommittee to provide technical assistance to |
9 | entities proposing projects to generate credits. Members of the |
10 | subcommittee shall be appointed by the board and shall have |
11 | appropriate technical training and experience. |
12 | § 6725. Administration. |
13 | The Pennsylvania Infrastructure Investment Authority shall |
14 | provide staff and administrative and technical support to the |
15 | board in the performance of its powers and duties under this |
16 | chapter. |
17 | § 6726. Private market preserved. |
18 | Nothing in this chapter prohibits the private purchase and |
19 | sale of credits. |
20 | § 6727. Regulations. |
21 | (a) Other regulations.--The board shall promulgate |
22 | regulations as necessary for the implementation of this chapter. |
23 | The board shall consult with the department and the Department |
24 | of Agriculture in the drafting of regulations. |
25 | (b) Temporary regulations.--Notwithstanding any other |
26 | provision of law to the contrary and in order to facilitate the |
27 | prompt implementation of this chapter, regulations promulgated |
28 | by the board during the two years following the effective date |
29 | of this chapter shall be deemed temporary regulations which |
30 | shall expire no later than three years following the effective |
1 | date of this chapter or upon promulgation of regulations as |
2 | generally provided by law. The temporary regulations shall not |
3 | be subject to: |
4 | (1) Sections 201, 202, 203, 204 and 205 of the act of |
5 | July 31, 1968 (P.L.769, No.240), referred to as the |
6 | Commonwealth Documents Law. |
7 | (2) The act of June 25, 1982 (P.L.633, No.181), known as |
8 | the Regulatory Review Act. |
9 | (c) Expiration of authority.--The authority provided to the |
10 | board to adopt temporary regulations in this section shall |
11 | expire two years from the effective date of this chapter. |
12 | Regulations adopted after the two-year period shall be |
13 | promulgated as provided by law. |
16 | Sec. |
17 | 6731. Continuation of policy. |
18 | 6732. Existing credits. |
19 | § 6731. Continuation of policy. |
20 | Policies and procedures created by the department for the |
21 | approval, calculation and trading of credits that are in effect |
22 | on the effective date of this chapter shall be superseded by |
23 | this chapter 120 days after the effective date of this chapter |
24 | or upon the publication of temporary regulations under section |
25 | 6719 (relating to regulations), whichever comes first. |
26 | § 6732. Existing credits. |
27 | Subject to section 6731 (relating to continuation of policy), |
28 | credits approved by the department shall remain in effect and |
29 | shall be subject to the terms and conditions imposed by the |
30 | department at the time of approval. |
1 | Section 2. This act shall take effect in 60 days. |