| PRIOR PRINTER'S NOS. 311, 2074, 2326 | PRINTER'S NO. 3911 |
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| AN ACT |
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1 | Amending the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), entitled, as |
2 | reenacted, "An act relating to alcoholic liquors, alcohol and |
3 | malt and brewed beverages; amending, revising, consolidating |
4 | and changing the laws relating thereto; regulating and |
5 | restricting the manufacture, purchase, sale, possession, |
6 | consumption, importation, transportation, furnishing, holding |
7 | in bond, holding in storage, traffic in and use of alcoholic |
8 | liquors, alcohol and malt and brewed beverages and the |
9 | persons engaged or employed therein; defining the powers and |
10 | duties of the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board; providing |
11 | for the establishment and operation of State liquor stores, |
12 | for the payment of certain license fees to the respective |
13 | municipalities and townships, for the abatement of certain |
14 | nuisances and, in certain cases, for search and seizure |
15 | without warrant; prescribing penalties and forfeitures; |
16 | providing for local option, and repealing existing laws," |
17 | further providing for definitions, for malt and brewed |
18 | beverages manufacturers', distributors' and importing |
19 | distributors' licenses, for malt and brewed beverages |
20 | alternating brewers' licenses, for distributors' and |
21 | importing distributors' restrictions on sales, storage, etc., |
22 | and for breweries., |
23 | This act shall be construed as an enactment of the General |
24 | Assembly's support for the 3-tier system for alcoholic beverages |
25 | production, distribution and sale that, through uniform |
1 | Statewide regulation, provides this Commonwealth regulatory |
2 | authority over the production, storage, distribution, |
3 | transportation, sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages by |
4 | and to its citizens, for the benefit of the public health and |
5 | welfare and this Commonwealth's economic stability. The General |
6 | Assembly intends that the liquor laws shall be enforced in order |
7 | to restrict sales to minors, collect all State and local taxes |
8 | due on the commerce in alcoholic beverages, establish open, |
9 | transparent and accountable distribution systems for alcoholic |
10 | beverages and the intent to exercise, to the fullest extent |
11 | allowed, all the authority granted a state under the Twenty- |
12 | first Amendment. |
13 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
14 | hereby enacts as follows: |
15 | Section 1. The definition of "distributor" in section 102 of |
16 | the act of April 12, 1951 (P.L.90, No.21), known as the Liquor |
17 | Code, reenacted and amended June 29, 1987 (P.L.32, No.14) and |
18 | amended May 31, 1996 (P.L.312, No.49), is amended and the |
19 | section is amended by adding definitions a definition to read: | <-- |
20 | Section 102. Definitions.--The following words or phrases, |
21 | unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, shall have the |
22 | meanings ascribed to them in this section: |
23 | * * * |
24 | "Contract brewing" shall mean the arrangement by which a | <-- |
25 | manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages hires or contracts with |
26 | another manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages to produce its |
27 | malt or brewed beverage. |
28 | * * * |
29 | "Distributor" shall mean any person licensed by the board to |
30 | engage in the purchase only from [Pennsylvania] small certain | <-- |
1 | manufacturers authorized by subsection (a.3) and certified by | <-- |
2 | the board and from importing distributors and the resale of malt |
3 | or brewed beverages, except to importing distributors and |
4 | distributors, in the original sealed containers as prepared for |
5 | the market by the manufacturer at the place of manufacture, but |
6 | not for consumption on the premises where sold, and in |
7 | quantities of not less than a case or original containers |
8 | containing one hundred twenty-eight ounces or more which may be |
9 | sold separately. |
10 | * * * |
11 | "Small manufacturer" shall mean a manufacturer with a maximum | <-- |
12 | production of seventy-five thousand barrels of malt or brewed |
13 | beverages per year. In determining the annual production, the |
14 | small manufacturer shall include a portion of the production of |
15 | any other manufacturer who holds, directly or indirectly, an |
16 | ownership interest in it or with whom it has a distribution |
17 | agreement in this Commonwealth. If another manufacturer holds, |
18 | directly or indirectly, an ownership interest in the small |
19 | manufacturer, the percentage of that interest shall be applied |
20 | to the manufacturer's total production of malt or brewed |
21 | beverage products to determine the amount that shall be included |
22 | in determining the maximum production for the small |
23 | manufacturer. If the small manufacturer has a distribution |
24 | agreement with a larger manufacturer for distribution in this |
25 | Commonwealth, the distributing manufacturer's total distribution |
26 | in this Commonwealth shall be added to the small manufacturer's |
27 | production to determine whether the seventy-five thousand barrel |
28 | mark has been reached. Only malt or brewed beverages for which |
29 | the small manufacturer is responsible for paying the malt |
30 | beverage tax shall be considered in calculating the total number |
1 | of barrels produced per year by the small manufacturer. |
2 | * * * |
3 | Section 2. Section 431 of the act, amended December 20, 1996 |
4 | (P.L.1513, No.196), December 21, 1998 (P.L.1202, No.155) and |
5 | December 8, 2004 (P.L.1810, No.239), is amended to read: |
6 | Section 431. Malt and Brewed Beverages Manufacturers', |
7 | Distributors' and Importing Distributors' Licenses.--(a) The |
8 | board shall issue to any person a resident of this Commonwealth |
9 | of good repute who applies therefor, and pays the license fee |
10 | hereinafter prescribed, a manufacturer's license to produce and |
11 | manufacture malt or brewed beverages, and to transport, sell and |
12 | deliver malt or brewed beverages from the place of manufacture |
13 | only in original containers, in quantities of not less than a |
14 | case or original containers containing one hundred twenty-eight |
15 | ounces or more which may be sold separately anywhere within the |
16 | Commonwealth. The application for such license shall be in such |
17 | form and contain such information as the board shall require. |
18 | All such licenses shall be granted for a license period to be |
19 | determined by the board. Every manufacturer shall keep at his or |
20 | its principal place of business, within the Commonwealth daily |
21 | permanent records which shall show, (1) the quantities of raw |
22 | materials received and used in the manufacture of malt or brewed |
23 | beverages and the quantities of malt or brewed beverages |
24 | manufactured and stored, (2) the sales of malt or brewed |
25 | beverages, (3) the quantities of malt or brewed beverages stored |
26 | for hire or transported for hire by or for the licensee, and (4) |
27 | the names and addresses of the purchasers or other recipients |
28 | thereof. Every place licensed as a manufacturer shall be subject |
29 | to inspection by members of the board or by persons duly |
30 | authorized and designated by the board, at any and all times of |
1 | the day or night, as they may deem necessary, for the detection |
2 | of violations of this act or of the rules and regulations of the |
3 | board, or for the purpose of ascertaining the correctness of the |
4 | records required to be kept by licensees. The books and records |
5 | of such licensees shall at all times be open to inspection by |
6 | members of the board or by persons duly authorized and |
7 | designated by the board. Members of the board and its duly |
8 | authorized agents shall have the right, without hindrance, to |
9 | enter any place which is subject to inspection hereunder or any |
10 | place where such records are kept for the purpose of making such |
11 | inspections and making transcripts thereof. Whenever any checks |
12 | issued in payment of filing and/or license fees shall be |
13 | returned to the board as dishonored, the board shall charge a |
14 | fee of five dollars ($5.00) per hundred dollars or fractional |
15 | part thereof, plus all protest fees, to the maker of such check |
16 | submitted to the board. Failure to make full payment or pay the |
17 | face amount of the check in full and all charges thereon as |
18 | herein required within ten days after demand has been made by |
19 | the board upon the maker of the check or upon notification to |
20 | the board by the Department of Revenue or the Department of |
21 | Labor and Industry of its objection, the license of such person |
22 | shall immediately become invalid and shall remain invalid until |
23 | payment and all charges are received by the board. |
24 | (a.1) [Any [out of State] Except for manufacturers certified | <-- |
25 | by the board to engage in self-distribution, any manufacturer |
26 | whose products are sold and delivered within this Commonwealth |
27 | shall be authorized: to rent, lease or otherwise acquire space |
28 | from an importing distributor or bailee for hire authorized by |
29 | this act at no more than two locations per manufacturer for use |
30 | of a segregated portion of a warehouse or other storage facility |
1 | owned or operated by the importing distributor or bailee for |
2 | hire at which the [out of State] manufacturer may store, |
3 | repackage and sell malt or brewed beverages to any importing |
4 | distributor to whom the [out of State] manufacturer has granted |
5 | distribution rights pursuant to subsection (b) or to any |
6 | purchaser outside this Commonwealth for delivery outside this |
7 | Commonwealth; or to ship to its storage facility outside this |
8 | Commonwealth. Such manufacturer may compensate the importing |
9 | distributor or bailee for hire for any related storage, |
10 | repackaging or delivery services. The [out of State] |
11 | manufacturer must file with the Liquor Control Board the rate of |
12 | compensation to be paid. No manufacturer may rent, lease or | <-- |
13 | otherwise acquire space for more than two storage facilities. A |
14 | separate written application must be filed to acquire storage |
15 | licenses, and the board may establish the information that must |
16 | be provided on the application. The initial filing must be made |
17 | prior to any payments being made, and any subsequent changes in |
18 | the rate of compensation must be filed within thirty days of any |
19 | such change. Nothing in this act authorizing storage facilities |
20 | for [out of State] manufacturers is intended to make any change |
21 | in the manner malt or brewed beverages are distributed through |
22 | the three-tier system. |
23 | [(a.2) The board shall issue to [a holder of a | <-- |
24 | manufacturer's license] a manufacturer no more than two storage | <-- |
25 | licenses per manufacturer to cover storage facilities separate |
26 | from the location of the manufacturing facility. A manufacturer |
27 | may use its storage facilities to receive, store, repackage, |
28 | sell to an importing distributor or distributor and distribute | <-- |
29 | malt or brewed beverages in the same manner as it can at its |
30 | place of manufacture or it may rent, lease or otherwise acquire |
1 | space from an importing distributor or bailee for hire |
2 | authorized by this act in the same manner as [an out of State] a | <-- |
3 | manufacturer as set forth in subsection (a.1). No manufacturer | <-- |
4 | may rent, lease or otherwise acquire space for more than two |
5 | storage facilities under subsection (a.1) or this subsection. A |
6 | separate written application must be filed to acquire storage |
7 | licenses, and the board is empowered to establish what |
8 | information must be provided on that application. Nothing in |
9 | this act authorizing off-site storage facilities for |
10 | manufacturers is intended to make any change in the manner malt |
11 | or brewed beverages are distributed through the three-tier |
12 | system.] | <-- |
13 | (a.3) In order to continue to be eligible as a small | <-- |
14 | manufacturer, the small manufacturer may not produce in excess |
15 | of seventy-five thousand barrels of malt or brewed beverages per |
16 | year, as calculated under section 102. The board shall certify |
17 | that a manufacturer is eligible as a small manufacturer upon the |
18 | written request of the manufacturer, on a form prescribed by the |
19 | board, for such certification. A request for certification may |
20 | be submitted by a manufacturer that holds a manufacturer's |
21 | license and believes it is eligible as a small manufacturer or |
22 | it may be submitted by a manufacturer for a manufacturer's |
23 | license. |
24 | (a.4) A small manufacturer that is located outside of this |
25 | Commonwealth and holds a manufacturer's license is deemed to |
26 | have submitted to the jurisdiction of the board, any other |
27 | Commonwealth agency and the courts of this Commonwealth for |
28 | purposes of enforcement of this section and any related laws, |
29 | rules or regulations. The small manufacturer shall also be |
30 | subject to citation by the enforcement bureau under section 471 |
1 | and nonrenewal by the board under section 470. The Department of |
2 | Revenue may promulgate regulations requiring the filing of |
3 | periodic reports by a small manufacturer subject to the |
4 | provisions of this subsection to ensure compliance with the |
5 | provisions of this section. |
6 | (a.5) A small manufacturer that holds a valid manufacturer's |
7 | license may deliver malt or brewed beverages it has manufactured |
8 | to any holder of any retail license issued by the board if it |
9 | uses its own vehicles. A small manufacturer may not use the |
10 | services of a transporter-for-hire or other commercial carrier |
11 | to deliver malt or brewed beverages in this Commonwealth. A |
12 | small manufacturer that delivers malt or brewed beverages under |
13 | this subsection shall not be entitled to utilize storage |
14 | services or facilities otherwise available under subsection |
15 | (a.1) or (a.2). |
16 | (a.3) Any manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages that | <-- |
17 | holds a valid manufacturer's license and whose total production |
18 | in the prior calendar year did not exceed one hundred fifty |
19 | thousand barrels and which has been certified by the board as |
20 | eligible to engage in self-distribution may deliver annually up |
21 | to seventy-five thousand barrels of malt or brewed beverages |
22 | that is has manufactured or has had contract-brewed for it, |
23 | excluding malt or brewed beverages that it has contract-brewed |
24 | for another, directly to any holder of any hotel, club, |
25 | restaurant, eating place retail dispenser, importing distributor |
26 | or distributor license issued by the board. A manufacturer of |
27 | malt or brewed beverages that engages in self-distribution may |
28 | use its own vehicles, leased vehicles or the services of a |
29 | transporter for hire or other common carrier to deliver such |
30 | quantity of this malt or brewed beverages to the holder of any |
1 | hotel, club, restaurant, eating place retail dispenser, |
2 | importing distributor or distributor license issued by the board |
3 | in this Commonwealth. A manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages |
4 | that engages in self-distribution may not terminate its primary |
5 | relationship with an importing distributor in favor of self- |
6 | distribution of any brand or brands previously distributed by |
7 | such importing distributor unless the termination complies with |
8 | section 431(d)(4). |
9 | (a.4) In order to be eligible and continue to be eligible |
10 | for the self-distribution rights set forth in this section, a |
11 | manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages must submit information |
12 | as required by the board on a form and at such times as |
13 | prescribed by the board. This information shall include a |
14 | certification that total production did not exceed one hundred |
15 | fifty thousand barrels in the prior calendar year and |
16 | affirmation that self-distribution will not exceed the annual |
17 | barrelage limits set forth in this section. The board shall |
18 | review the written request of the manufacturer and grant |
19 | certification if the manufacturer meets the requirement of this |
20 | section. In determining the annual barrel production, the board |
21 | shall include a portion or the production of any other |
22 | manufacturer who holds, directly or indirectly, an ownership |
23 | interest in this applicant or with whom this applicant has a |
24 | distribution agreement in this Commonwealth. If another |
25 | manufacturer holds, directly or indirectly, an ownership |
26 | interest in the applicant, the percentage of that interest shall |
27 | be multiplied by the owning manufacturer's total production of |
28 | malt or brewed beverage products to determine the amount that |
29 | shall be added in determining the production of the applicant. |
30 | If the applicant has a distribution agreement with another |
1 | manufacturer for distribution in this Commonwealth, the |
2 | distributing manufacturer's total self-distribution in this |
3 | Commonwealth shall be added to the manufacturer's self- |
4 | distribution to determine whether the seventy-five thousand |
5 | barrel mark has been reached. Only such malt or brewed beverages |
6 | for which the manufacturer is responsible for paying the malt |
7 | beverage tax shall be considered in calculating the total number |
8 | of barrels produced per year by the manufacturer, except to the |
9 | extent provided in this subsection for adjustment in the case of |
10 | an owning manufacturer or a manufacturer with which it has a |
11 | distribution agreement. |
12 | (a.5) Prior to being certified to engage in self- |
13 | distribution, a manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages that |
14 | holds a manufacturer's license, if not already registered in |
15 | this Commonwealth, shall obtain a certificate of authority to do |
16 | business in this Commonwealth from the Corporation Bureau of the |
17 | Department of State. By submitting an application to engage in |
18 | self-distribution, a manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages is |
19 | deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of the board, any |
20 | other Commonwealth agency and the courts of this Commonwealth |
21 | for purposes of enforcement of this section and any related |
22 | laws, rules or regulations. The manufacturer shall also be |
23 | subject to and comply with section 444. The Department of |
24 | Revenue may promulgate regulations requiring the filing of |
25 | periodic reports by any manufacturer subject to this subsection |
26 | to ensure compliance with this section. |
27 | (a.6) A manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages that has |
28 | been certified as eligible to engage in self-distribution may |
29 | distribute malt or brewed beverages it has manufactured to the |
30 | holder of any importing distributor, distributor or hotel, club, |
1 | restaurant, eating place retail dispenser license issued by the |
2 | board if it uses its own vehicles which are marked and |
3 | identified as required pursuant to board regulations, or uses |
4 | the services of a transporter-for-hire. A manufacturer that |
5 | distributes malt or brewed beverages under this subsection shall |
6 | not be entitled to utilize for sales or deliveries to importing |
7 | distributor, distributor or hotel, club, restaurant or eating |
8 | place retail dispenser licensees storage services or facilities |
9 | otherwise available under subsection (a.1). |
10 | (b) The board shall issue to any reputable person who |
11 | applies therefor, and pays the license fee hereinafter |
12 | prescribed, a distributor's or importing distributor's license |
13 | for the place which such person desires to maintain for the sale |
14 | of malt or brewed beverages, not for consumption on the premises |
15 | where sold, and in quantities of not less than a case or |
16 | original containers containing one hundred twenty-eight ounces |
17 | or more which may be sold separately as prepared for the market |
18 | by the manufacturer at the place of manufacture. The board shall |
19 | have the discretion to refuse a license to any person or to any |
20 | corporation, partnership or association if such person, or any |
21 | officer or director of such corporation, or any member or |
22 | partner of such partnership or association shall have been |
23 | convicted or found guilty of a felony within a period of five |
24 | years immediately preceding the date of application for the said |
25 | license: And provided further, That, in the case of any new |
26 | license or the transfer of any license to a new location, the |
27 | board may, in its discretion, grant or refuse such new license |
28 | or transfer if such place proposed to be licensed is within |
29 | three hundred feet of any church, hospital, charitable |
30 | institution, school or public playground, or if such new license |
1 | or transfer is applied for a place which is within two hundred |
2 | feet of any other premises which is licensed by the board: And |
3 | provided further, That the board shall refuse any application |
4 | for a new license or the transfer of any license to a new |
5 | location if, in the board's opinion, such new license or |
6 | transfer would be detrimental to the welfare, health, peace and |
7 | morals of the inhabitants of the neighborhood within a radius of |
8 | five hundred feet of the place proposed to be licensed. The |
9 | board shall refuse any application for a new license or the |
10 | transfer of any license to a location where the sale of liquid |
11 | fuels or oil is conducted. The board may enter into an agreement |
12 | with the applicant concerning additional restrictions on the |
13 | license in question. If the board and the applicant enter into |
14 | such an agreement, such agreement shall be binding on the |
15 | applicant. Failure by the applicant to adhere to the agreement |
16 | will be sufficient cause to form the basis for a citation under |
17 | section 471 and for the nonrenewal of the license under section |
18 | 470. If the board enters into an agreement with an applicant |
19 | concerning additional restrictions, those restrictions shall be |
20 | binding on subsequent holders of the license until the license |
21 | is transferred to a new location or until the board enters into |
22 | a subsequent agreement removing those restrictions. If the |
23 | application in question involves a location previously licensed |
24 | by the board, then any restrictions imposed by the board on the |
25 | previous license at that location shall be binding on the |
26 | applicant unless the board enters into a new agreement |
27 | rescinding those restrictions. The board shall require notice to |
28 | be posted on the property or premises upon which the licensee or |
29 | proposed licensee will engage in sales of malt or brewed |
30 | beverages. This notice shall be similar to the notice required |
1 | of hotel, restaurant and club liquor licensees. |
2 | Except as hereinafter provided, such license shall authorize |
3 | the holder thereof to sell or deliver malt or brewed beverages |
4 | in quantities above specified anywhere within the Commonwealth |
5 | of Pennsylvania, which, in the case of distributors, have been |
6 | purchased only from persons licensed under this act as small | <-- |
7 | manufacturers or importing distributors, and in the case of |
8 | importing distributors, have been purchased from manufacturers |
9 | or persons outside this Commonwealth engaged in the legal sale |
10 | of malt or brewed beverages or from manufacturers or importing |
11 | distributors licensed under this article. In the case of an |
12 | importing distributor, the holder of such a license shall be |
13 | authorized to store and repackage malt or brewed beverages owned |
14 | by a manufacturer at a segregated portion of a warehouse or |
15 | other storage facility authorized by section 441(d) and operated |
16 | by the importing distributor within its appointed territory and |
17 | deliver such beverages to another importing distributor who has |
18 | been granted distribution rights by the manufacturer as provided |
19 | herein. The importing distributor shall be permitted to receive |
20 | a fee from the manufacturer for any related storage, repackaging |
21 | or delivery services. In the case of a bailee for hire hired by |
22 | a manufacturer, the holder of such a permit shall be authorized: |
23 | to receive, store and repackage malt or brewed beverages |
24 | produced by that manufacturer for sale by that manufacturer to |
25 | importing distributors to whom that manufacturer has given |
26 | distribution rights pursuant to this subsection or to purchasers |
27 | outside this Commonwealth for delivery outside this |
28 | Commonwealth; or to ship to that manufacturer's storage |
29 | facilities outside this Commonwealth. The bailee for hire shall |
30 | be permitted to receive a fee from the manufacturer for any |
1 | related storage, repackaging or delivery services. The bailee |
2 | for hire shall, as required in Article V of this act, keep |
3 | complete and accurate records of all transactions, inventory, |
4 | receipts and shipments and make all records and the licensed |
5 | areas available for inspection by the board and for the |
6 | Pennsylvania State Police, Bureau of Liquor Control Enforcement, |
7 | during normal business hours. |
8 | Each [out of State] manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages, |
9 | excluding small manufacturers except for those manufacturers of | <-- |
10 | malt or brewed beverages certified as eligible to engage in |
11 | self-distribution, whose products are sold and delivered in this |
12 | Commonwealth shall give distributing rights for such products in |
13 | designated geographical areas to specific importing |
14 | distributors, and such importing distributor shall not sell or |
15 | deliver malt or brewed beverages manufactured by the [out of |
16 | State] manufacturer to any person issued a license under the |
17 | provisions of this act whose licensed premises are not located |
18 | within the geographical area for which he has been given |
19 | distributing rights by such manufacturer. Should a licensee |
20 | accept the delivery of such malt or brewed beverages in |
21 | violation of this section, said licensee shall be subject to a |
22 | suspension of his license for at least thirty days: Provided, |
23 | That the importing distributor holding such distributing rights |
24 | for such product shall not sell or deliver the same to another |
25 | importing distributor without first having entered into a |
26 | written agreement with the said secondary importing distributor |
27 | setting forth the terms and conditions under which such products |
28 | are to be resold within the territory granted to the primary |
29 | importing distributor by the manufacturer. |
30 | When a [Pennsylvania] small manufacturer of malt or brewed | <-- |
1 | beverages licensed under this article names or constitutes a |
2 | distributor or importing distributor as the primary or original |
3 | supplier of his product, he shall also designate the specific |
4 | geographical area for which the said distributor or importing |
5 | distributor is given distributing rights, and such distributor |
6 | or importing distributor shall not sell or deliver the products |
7 | of such manufacturer to any person issued a license under the |
8 | provisions of this act whose licensed premises are not located |
9 | within the geographical area for which distributing rights have |
10 | been given to the distributor and importing distributor by the |
11 | said manufacturer: Provided, That the importing distributor |
12 | holding such distributing rights for such product shall not sell |
13 | or deliver the same to another importing distributor without |
14 | first having entered into a written agreement with the said |
15 | secondary importing distributor setting forth the terms and |
16 | conditions under which such products are to be resold within the |
17 | territory granted to the primary importing distributor by the |
18 | manufacturer. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to |
19 | prevent any manufacturer from authorizing the importing |
20 | distributor holding the distributing rights for a designated |
21 | geographical area from selling the products of such manufacturer |
22 | to another importing distributor also holding distributing |
23 | rights from the same manufacturer for another geographical area, |
24 | providing such authority be contained in writing and a copy |
25 | thereof be given to each of the importing distributors so |
26 | affected. |
27 | (b.1) (1) Any person in this Commonwealth or elsewhere who |
28 | shall purchase or in any manner whatsoever acquire or otherwise |
29 | succeed to the business of a manufacturer, assets or rights to |
30 | import, market, ship into this Commonwealth or distribute a |
1 | brand of beer, or to use and exploit any trademark incorporated |
2 | as part of a brand of beer produced by such a manufacturer shall |
3 | be obligated to all terms of the manufacturer's franchise |
4 | agreements in effect on the effective date of the purchase, |
5 | acquisition or succession, or, if earlier, at the time the |
6 | agreement contemplating the purchase, acquisition or succession |
7 | is actually made. |
8 | (2) "Purchase" or "acquisition," for purposes of this |
9 | section, includes, but is not limited to, a purchase, |
10 | acquisition, lease, license or assignment of all or a |
11 | controlling interest in the capital stock or operating assets, |
12 | including brand trademarks rights; merger; any corporate |
13 | reorganization or consolidation; and also, without limitation, |
14 | any license, cross-license, joint venture or other agreement or |
15 | arrangement, directly or indirectly, transferring, substituting |
16 | or materially changing the person or persons authorized by the |
17 | one owning or controlling a brand or any trademark as part of a |
18 | brand, to produce, import, ship, market or distribute the brand |
19 | of beer into or within this Commonwealth. |
20 | (3) "Manufacturer," as used in this subsection, shall mean |
21 | any person, including any agent of such person, who (i) is |
22 | licensed as a manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages located |
23 | within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, (ii) holds a |
24 | distributor or importing distributor license, or (iii) |
25 | manufactures any malt beverage, has title to any malt beverage |
26 | products or has the contractual right to distribute any malt |
27 | beverage product, whether licensed in this Commonwealth or not, |
28 | who enters into an "agreement" with any importing distributor |
29 | licensed to do business in this Commonwealth. |
30 | (b.2) Any secondary relationship between an importing | <-- |
1 | distributor and a manufacturer existing as of the effective date |
2 | of this subsection shall remain in effect and shall not be |
3 | subject to this section, except to the extent required by the |
4 | severability provisions of this amendatory act adding this |
5 | subsection. |
6 | (b.3) Any manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages that |
7 | brews some or all of its product in a brewery building that is |
8 | more than one hundred fifty years old and whose principal |
9 | corporate office is located in that building may engage in |
10 | direct sales to licensees who are licensed on the effective date |
11 | of this subsection and whose principal place of business is in |
12 | the same county as the brewery, and to nonlicensees, all subject |
13 | to the restrictions stated herein, without the requirement of |
14 | first being sold to importing distributors and distributors. |
15 | Sales under this subsection shall be for pickup only at the |
16 | brewery of product that was brewed in this Commonwealth, and |
17 | shall be in such quantities and package configurations as are |
18 | otherwise authorized by law for sale by manufacturers of malt or |
19 | brewed beverages. Any such product picked up by licensees at the |
20 | brewery shall not be resold to other licensees whose principal |
21 | place of business is outside the county where the brewery is |
22 | located. |
23 | (c) The aforesaid licenses shall be issued only to reputable |
24 | individuals, partnerships and associations who are, or whose |
25 | members are, citizens of the United States and [have for two |
26 | years prior to the date of their applications been] are |
27 | residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or to reputable |
28 | corporations organized or duly registered under the laws of the |
29 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Such licenses shall be issued to |
30 | corporations duly organized or registered under the laws of the |
1 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania only when it appears that all of |
2 | the officers and directors of the corporation are citizens of |
3 | the United States and [have been] are residents of the |
4 | Commonwealth of Pennsylvania [for a period of at least two years |
5 | prior to the date of application], and that at least fifty-one |
6 | per centum of the capital stock of such corporation is actually |
7 | owned by individuals who are citizens of the United States and |
8 | [have been] are residents of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
9 | [for a period of at least two years prior to the date of |
10 | application]: Provided, That the provisions of this subsection |
11 | with respect to residence requirements shall not apply to |
12 | individuals, partners, officers, directors and owners of capital |
13 | stock, of corporations licensed or applying for licenses as |
14 | manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages, nor shall the |
15 | provisions of this subsection with respect to stockholder |
16 | requirements apply to corporations licensed or applying for |
17 | licenses as manufacturers of malt or brewed beverages. |
18 | (d) (1) All distributing rights as hereinabove required |
19 | shall be in writing, shall be equitable in their provisions and |
20 | shall be substantially similar as to terms and conditions with |
21 | all other distributing rights agreements between the |
22 | manufacturer giving such agreement and its other importing |
23 | distributors and distributors shall not be modified, cancelled, |
24 | terminated or rescinded by the manufacturer without good cause, |
25 | and shall contain a provision in substance or effect as follows: |
26 | "The manufacturer recognizes that the importing distributor and |
27 | distributor are free to manage their business in the manner the |
28 | importing distributor and distributor deem best and that this |
29 | prerogative vests in the importing distributor and distributor |
30 | the exclusive right to establish a selling price, to select the |
1 | brands of malt or brewed beverages they wish to handle and to |
2 | determine the efforts and resources which the importing |
3 | distributor and distributor will exert to develop and promote |
4 | the same of the manufacturer's products handled by the importing |
5 | distributor and distributor. However, the manufacturer expects |
6 | that the importing distributor and distributor will price |
7 | competitively the products handled by them, devote reasonable |
8 | effort and resources to the sale of such products and maintain a |
9 | reasonable sales level." "Good cause" shall mean the failure by |
10 | any party to an agreement, without reasonable excuse or |
11 | justification, to comply substantially with an essential, |
12 | reasonable and commercially acceptable requirement imposed by |
13 | the other party under the terms of an agreement. |
14 | (2) After January 1, 1980, no manufacturer shall enter into |
15 | any agreement with more than one distributor or importing |
16 | distributor for the purpose of establishing more than one |
17 | agreement for designated brand or brands of malt or brewed |
18 | beverages in any one territory. Each franchise territory which |
19 | is granted by a manufacturer shall be geographically contiguous. |
20 | All importing distributors shall maintain sufficient records to |
21 | evidence compliance of this section. With regard to any |
22 | territorial distribution authority granted to an importing |
23 | distributor by a manufacturer of malt or brewed beverages after |
24 | January 1, 1996, the records shall establish that each and every |
25 | case of a brand of malt or brewed beverages for which the |
26 | importing distributor is assigned was sold, resold, stored, |
27 | delivered or transported by the importing distributor, either |
28 | from a point or to a point with the assigned geographically |
29 | contiguous territory, to any person or persons, whether such |
30 | person or persons are licensed by this act or not licensed by |
1 | this act. |
2 | (3) Except for discontinuance of a brand or a valid |
3 | termination for good cause, the purchaser of the assets of the |
4 | manufacturer as defined in this act shall become obligated to |
5 | all the territorial and brand designations of the agreement in |
6 | effect on the date of purchase. Purchase of assets as defined |
7 | for the purposes of this act shall include, but not be limited |
8 | to, the sale of stock, sale of assets, merger, lease, transfer |
9 | or consolidation. |
10 | (4) The court of common pleas of the county wherein the |
11 | licensed premises of the importing distributor or distributor |
12 | are located is hereby vested with jurisdiction and power to |
13 | enjoin the modification, rescission, cancellation or termination |
14 | of a franchise or agreement between a manufacturer and an |
15 | importing distributor or distributor at the instance of such |
16 | importing distributor or distributor who is or might be |
17 | adversely affected by such modification, rescission, |
18 | cancellation or termination, and in granting an injunction the |
19 | court shall provide that no manufacturer shall supply the |
20 | customers or territory of the importing distributor or |
21 | distributor by servicing the territory or customers through |
22 | other importing distributors or distributors or any other means |
23 | while the injunction is in effect: Provided, however, That any |
24 | injunction issued under this subsection shall require the |
25 | posting of sufficient bond against damages arising from an |
26 | injunction improvidently granted and a showing that the danger |
27 | of irrevocable loss or damage is immediate and that during the |
28 | pendency of such injunction the importing distributor or |
29 | distributor shall continue to service the accounts of the |
30 | manufacturer in good faith. |
1 | (5) [The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to | <-- |
2 | [Pennsylvania] small manufacturers [whose principal place of | <-- |
3 | business is located in Pennsylvania] unless they name or | <-- |
4 | constitute a distributor or importing distributor as a primary |
5 | or original supplier of their products subsequent to the |
6 | effective date of this act, or unless such [Pennsylvania] small | <-- |
7 | manufacturers have named or constituted a distributor or |
8 | importing distributor as a primary or original supplier of their |
9 | products prior to the effective date of this act, and which |
10 | status is continuing when this act becomes effective.] | <-- |
11 | Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (1) and section |
12 | 492(19), subject to the limitations set forth in this |
13 | subsection, unless the parties mutually agree to the contrary in |
14 | their written agreement, a manufacturer of malt or brewed |
15 | beverages whose total production in the prior twelve complete |
16 | calendar months, calculated as set forth in subsection (a.4), |
17 | did not exceed one hundred fifty thousand barrels of malt or |
18 | brewed beverages may modify, cancel, terminate or rescind an |
19 | agreement entered into after the effective date of this |
20 | subsection with an importing distributor or distributor without |
21 | good cause as permitted by this subsection. Termination without |
22 | good cause is permitted only if: |
23 | (A) the manufacturer gives prior written notice of the date |
24 | of termination to the importing distributor or distributor. The |
25 | date of termination shall be not less than one hundred eighty |
26 | days after the importing distributor or distributor's receipt of |
27 | such notice. The notice shall include an affidavit executed by |
28 | the manufacturer attesting that its total production in the |
29 | twelve complete calendar months immediately preceding the notice |
30 | of termination, calculated as set forth in subsection (a.4), did |
1 | not exceed one hundred fifty thousand barrels of malt or brewed |
2 | beverages; |
3 | (B) the brand or brands being terminated represented three |
4 | per centum or less of the aggregate case equivalent sales volume |
5 | of malt or brewed beverages sold by the importing distributor or |
6 | distributor during the twelve complete calendar months set forth |
7 | in clause (A); and |
8 | (C) the manufacturer pays to the importing distributor or |
9 | distributor prior to the effective date of termination the fair |
10 | market value of the importing distributor's or distributor's |
11 | business with respect to the terminated brand or brands. |
12 | Each importing distributor or distributor who receives a |
13 | notice of termination shall, within forty-five days after |
14 | receipt of such notice, provide the manufacturer a written |
15 | affidavit attesting to the percentage of the total case |
16 | equivalent sales volume of malt or brewed beverages sold by the |
17 | importing distributor or distributor that the brand or brands to |
18 | be terminated represented during the twelve complete calendar |
19 | months as set forth in clause (A). Failure of an importing |
20 | distributor or distributor to provide an affidavit to the |
21 | manufacturer within the forty-five days shall be deemed an |
22 | admission that the manufacturer represents three per centum or |
23 | less of the aggregate case equivalent sales volume of malt or |
24 | brewed beverages sold by the importing distributor or |
25 | distributor during the prior twelve completed calendar months as |
26 | set forth in clause (A). |
27 | If the manufacturer and the importing distributor or |
28 | distributor cannot agree on the fair market value of the |
29 | importing distributor's or distributor's business with respect |
30 | to the terminated brand or brands to be paid, either party may |
1 | bring an action in the court of common pleas to determine such |
2 | fair market value and to resolve any other issues in dispute. |
3 | For purposes of this subsection, "fair market value" means the |
4 | amount a willing seller, under no compulsion to sell, would be |
5 | willing to accept, and a willing buyer, under no compulsion to |
6 | purchase, would be willing to pay for the importing |
7 | distributor's or distributor's business with respect to the |
8 | terminated brand or brands where both have knowledge of the |
9 | relevant facts. |
10 | (e) In addition to the fees under section 614-A of the act |
11 | of April 9, 1929 (P.L.177, No.175), known as "The Administrative |
12 | Code of 1929," the board shall assess a fee surcharge of ninety- |
13 | five dollars ($95.00) for a distributor's license and a fee |
14 | surcharge of four hundred seventy dollars ($470.00) for an |
15 | importing distributor's license and a fee surcharge of seventy- |
16 | five dollars ($75.00) for brand registration. Money collected |
17 | under this subsection shall be placed in a restricted account in |
18 | The State Stores Fund. The board may use the money in this |
19 | account to implement section 216. In the event the provisions of |
20 | section 447(a)(2) and/or (c) are held invalid, then this |
21 | subsection shall be void and shall not apply. |
22 | (f) (1) Any malt or brewed beverage produced outside this |
23 | Commonwealth that is repackaged by a bailee for hire or |
24 | importing distributor on behalf of an out of State manufacturer |
25 | must be returned to the out of State manufacturer and come to |
26 | rest out of State before it may reenter this Commonwealth. Such |
27 | repackaged malt or brewed beverages must be distributed through |
28 | the three-tier system. Any malt or brewed beverage that is |
29 | repackaged by a bailee for hire or importing distributor on |
30 | behalf of an in State manufacturer must be returned to the in |
1 | State manufacturer and come to rest at the in State |
2 | manufacturer's licensed facility. |
3 | (2) For purposes of this section, "repackage" shall mean any |
4 | change or alteration to the containers or container |
5 | configuration of a case. |
6 | Section 3. Section 431.1(d) of the act, added February 21, |
7 | 2002 (P.L.103, No.10), is amended to read: |
8 | Section 431.1. Malt and Brewed Beverages Alternating |
9 | Brewers' Licenses.--* * * |
10 | (d) [Malt and brewed beverages manufactured under the | <-- |
11 | authority of an alternating brewer's license must be distributed |
12 | in this Commonwealth only through specific importing |
13 | distributors who shall first have been given distributor rights |
14 | for such products in designated geographical areas through the |
15 | distribution system required for [out-of-State] manufacturers | <-- |
16 | under section 431(b) as well as all other pertinent sections of |
17 | this act.] The alternating brewer must comply with section 444. | <-- |
18 | * * * |
19 | Section 4. Section 441(g) of the act, added December 20, |
20 | 1996 (P.L.1513, No.196), is amended to read: |
21 | Section 441. Distributors' and Importing Distributors' |
22 | Restrictions on Sales, Storage, Etc.--* * * |
23 | (g) All malt or brewed beverages purchased by an importing |
24 | distributor from a [Pennsylvania] manufacturer of malt or brewed |
25 | beverages [or from any person located outside this Commonwealth] |
26 | for resale shall be invoiced to the importing distributor, shall |
27 | come physically into the possession of such importing |
28 | distributor and shall be unloaded into and distributed from the |
29 | licensed premises of such importing distributor. The board may |
30 | act to further define and control the storage and distribution |
1 | of malt or brewed beverages in conformity with this section and |
2 | this act. |
3 | Section 5. Section 446 of the act, amended June 30, 1992 |
4 | (P.L.327, No.66), May 31, 1996 (P.L.312, No.49) and January 6, |
5 | 2006 (P.L.1, No.1), is amended to read: |
6 | Section 446. Breweries.--Holders of a brewery license may: |
7 | (1) Sell malt or brewed beverages produced and owned by the |
8 | brewery on the licensed premises under such conditions and |
9 | regulations as the board may enforce, to individuals for |
10 | consumption on the premises [and]. Additionally, a small | <-- |
11 | manufacturer may sell malt or brewed beverages produced and |
12 | owned by the brewery on the licensed premises under such |
13 | conditions and regulations as the board may enforce to hotel, |
14 | restaurant, club and public service liquor licensees. |
15 | (2) Operate a restaurant or brewery pub on the licensed |
16 | premises under such conditions and regulations as the board may |
17 | enforce: Provided, however, That sales on Sunday may be made |
18 | irrespective of the volume of food sales if the licensed |
19 | premises are at a public venue location. The holder of a brewery |
20 | license may sell at its brewery pub premises Pennsylvania wines |
21 | it has purchased from either the holder of a Pennsylvania |
22 | limited winery license or from the board: Provided, however, |
23 | That said wines must be consumed at the licensed brewery pub |
24 | premises. |
25 | (3) [Use brewery storage and distribution facilities for the | <-- |
26 | purpose of receiving, storing and distributing malt or brewed |
27 | beverages manufactured outside this Commonwealth if the |
28 | beverages are distributed in this Commonwealth only through |
29 | specific importing distributors who shall have first been given |
30 | distributing rights for such products in designated geographical |
1 | areas through the distribution system required for [out-of- | <-- |
2 | State] manufacturers under section 431(b) as well as all other | <-- |
3 | pertinent sections of this act.] The manufacturer of the | <-- |
4 | beverages must comply with section 444. |
5 | (4) Apply for and hold a hotel liquor license, a restaurant |
6 | liquor license or a malt and brewed beverages retail license to |
7 | sell for consumption at the restaurant or brewery pub on the |
8 | licensed brewery premises, liquor, wine and malt or brewed |
9 | beverages regardless of the place of manufacture, under the same |
10 | conditions and regulations as any other hotel liquor license, |
11 | restaurant liquor license or malt and brewed beverages retail |
12 | license, but must brew at least two hundred fifty barrels per |
13 | year. Each holder of a brewery license who receives a hotel |
14 | liquor license, a restaurant liquor license or a malt or brewed |
15 | beverages retail license to operate a brew pub shall not sell |
16 | directly to any person licensed by this act, except if any malt |
17 | or brewed beverage is to be distributed in this Commonwealth it |
18 | shall be only through specific importing distributors who shall |
19 | have first been given distributing rights for such products in |
20 | designated geographical areas through the distribution system |
21 | required for [out-of-State] manufacturers under section 431(b) |
22 | as well as all other pertinent sections of this act. |
23 | Section 6. The provisions of this act are severable. If any | <-- |
24 | provision of this act or its application to any person or |
25 | circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect |
26 | other provisions or applications of this act which can be given |
27 | effect without the invalid provision or application. |
28 | Section 6. The provisions of this act are severable. If any | <-- |
29 | provision of this act or its application to any person or |
30 | circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect |
1 | other provisions or applications of this act which can be given |
2 | effect without the invalid provision or application. |
3 | Section 7. This act shall take effect as follows: | <-- |
4 | (1) The requirement in section 431(b) that certain |
5 | manufacturers are required to give distribution rights for |
6 | their products in this Commonwealth shall take effect in 150 |
7 | days. |
8 | (2) This section shall take effect immediately. |
9 | (3) The remainder of this act shall take effect in 60 |
10 | days in 90 days. | <-- |