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| AN ACT |
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1 | Amending Title 34 (Game) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated |
2 | Statutes, in fiscal affairs, further providing for deterrent |
3 | fences for deer, bear and elk and the payment of claims for |
4 | damages by certain elk; imposing duties on the Department of |
5 | Agriculture; and providing for the establishment of the Elk |
6 | Damage Fund. |
7 | The General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania |
8 | hereby enacts as follows: |
9 | Section 1. Section 541 of Title 34 of the Pennsylvania |
10 | Consolidated Statutes is amended to read: |
11 | § 541. Authority to provide deterrent fences for deer. |
12 | [(a) Fences for deer or elk.--]In areas of this Commonwealth |
13 | where deer [and elk] are present on lands open to public hunting |
14 | and are, in a material way, injuring or destroying farm crops, |
15 | fruit orchards or commercial tree nurseries where ornamental or |
16 | fruit trees are grown for sale or regeneration on commercial |
17 | forest lands, the owners or lessees of such farms, fruit |
18 | orchards, commercial tree nurseries or commercial forest lands |
19 | may make application to the commission for assistance in the |
1 | erection of a deterrent fence. Except where produce is raised |
2 | for market on a commercial basis, the provisions of this section |
3 | shall not apply to gardens or truck patches. |
4 | [(b) Fences for bears.--In areas of this Commonwealth where |
5 | bears are present on lands open to public hunting and are, in a |
6 | material way, damaging or destroying beehives where ten or more |
7 | hives are placed at one location or imminent danger exists of |
8 | such damage or destruction, the owner of such beehives may make |
9 | application to the director for assistance in the erection of a |
10 | deterrent fence.] |
11 | Section 2. Title 34 is amended by adding sections to read: |
12 | § 541.1. Authority to provide deterrent fences for bear. |
13 | In areas of this Commonwealth where bears are present on |
14 | lands open to public hunting and are, in a material way, |
15 | damaging or destroying beehives where ten or more hives are |
16 | placed at one location or imminent danger exists of such damage |
17 | or destruction, the owner of such beehives may make application |
18 | to the director for assistance in the erection of a deterrent |
19 | fence. |
20 | § 541.2. Authority to provide deterrent fences for elk. |
21 | (a) General rule.--In areas of this Commonwealth where elk |
22 | are present, the owners or lessees of land which has been |
23 | damaged or is likely to be damaged by elk may make application |
24 | to the commission for assistance in the erection of deterrent |
25 | fences. In investigating applications under this section, the |
26 | commission using standards and priorities established by the |
27 | Department of Agriculture shall evaluate both the damage or |
28 | potential for damage to the land and the protection of the elk. |
29 | (b) Applicability.--This section applies to all land whether |
30 | used for commercial or noncommercial purposes. |
1 | Section 3. Section 543(b) of Title 34 is amended and the |
2 | section is amended by adding a subsection to read: |
3 | § 543. Purchase of materials and construction. |
4 | * * * |
5 | (b) Construction of deer [or elk] deterrent fences.-- |
6 | (1) The commission may construct, or may enter into |
7 | contracts for the construction of, or enter into a written |
8 | agreement with the applicant for the construction of[, deer |
9 | or elk] deer deterrent fences on sites approved by the |
10 | commission. |
11 | (2) In making application for a deterrent fence under |
12 | the provisions of [this subsection] section 541 (relating to |
13 | authority to provide deterrent fences for deer), the |
14 | applicant shall agree to one of the following three fence |
15 | construction options: |
16 | (i) The commission may construct, or may contract |
17 | for the construction of, the deterrent fence. |
18 | (ii) The applicant may, within six months of |
19 | delivery of materials, construct the deterrent fence. |
20 | (iii) The applicant may contract with a third party |
21 | for the construction of the deterrent fence. |
22 | The commission may, by regulation, establish a baseline cost |
23 | per foot of fence. |
24 | (3) After any deterrent fence for deer is constructed |
25 | and approved by the commission under the option specified in |
26 | paragraph (2)(i), the commission shall pay for the cost of |
27 | installation, and the landowner or lessee shall then |
28 | reimburse the commission for 50% of the cost of installation. |
29 | * * * |
30 | (c.1) Construction of elk deterrent fence.-- |
1 | (1) The commission may construct, may enter into |
2 | contracts for the construction of or enter into a written |
3 | agreement with the applicant for the construction of elk |
4 | deterrent fences on sites approved by the commission. |
5 | (2) In making application for a deterrent fence under |
6 | the provisions of section 541.2 (relating to authority to |
7 | provide deterrent fences for elk), the applicant shall agree |
8 | to one of the following four fence construction options: |
9 | (i) The commission may construct or may contract for |
10 | the construction of the deterrent fence. |
11 | (ii) The applicant may, within six months of |
12 | delivery of materials, construct the deterrent fence. |
13 | (iii) The applicant may contract with a third party |
14 | for the construction of the deterrent fence. |
15 | (iv) Any other procedures for the construction of |
16 | the elk deterrent fence agreed to by the landowner or |
17 | lessee and the commission. |
18 | The commission may, by regulation, establish a baseline cost |
19 | per foot of fence. |
20 | * * * |
21 | Section 4. Section 544 of Title 34 is amended to read: |
22 | § 544. Maintenance, repair or replacement. |
23 | [All] (a) General rule.--Except as provided in subsection |
24 | (b), deterrent fences for deer and bear, after erection, shall |
25 | be maintained by the individuals interested, and the commission |
26 | shall bear no part of any future maintenance. |
27 | (b) Deterrent fences for elk.--Responsibility for the |
28 | maintenance of deterrent elk fencing shall be based on the |
29 | written agreement between the landowner or lessee and the |
30 | commission. |
1 | (c) Replacement of deterrent fences.--Replacement of the |
2 | deterrent fences when worn out may be on the same basis as the |
3 | erection of the original fence. The commission shall decide when |
4 | the replacement deterrent fence is necessary. |
5 | Section 5. Title 34 is amended by adding sections to read: |
6 | § 548. Payment for elk damage. |
7 | (a) General rule.--The commission shall be responsible for |
8 | and may make payment for damage caused by elk within or outside |
9 | of areas protected by elk deterrent fences. Damage reports must |
10 | be submitted to an office of the commission within 48 hours of |
11 | discovery. The commission shall investigate all complaints of |
12 | elk damage within 24 hours of receipt of a damage claim. The |
13 | refusal of a claimant to erect elk deterrent fencing or the |
14 | killing of an elk by a claimant are relevant factors in |
15 | determining whether to pay an elk damage claim. |
16 | (b) Source of funds for payments.--All costs associated with |
17 | the purchase and erection of elk deterrent fencing and the |
18 | payment of approved elk damage claims shall be paid from the Elk |
19 | Damage Fund established in subsection (c). |
20 | (c) Elk Damage Fund.-- |
21 | (1) There is established within the State Treasury a |
22 | special fund to be known as the Elk Damage Fund which shall |
23 | be used for the purchase, construction or maintenance of elk |
24 | deterrent fences, for the payment of elk damage claims |
25 | arising under subsection (a) and for the costs of |
26 | implementation and staffing incurred by the Department of |
27 | Agriculture for implementation of this section. |
28 | (2) All moneys deposited into the Elk Damage Fund are |
29 | appropriated on a continuing basis to the Department of |
30 | Agriculture for the purposes specified in paragraph (1). |
1 | (d) Review.--When the commission's officers and the claimant |
2 | cannot agree upon the value of the damages, the claimant may, |
3 | within ten days of the conclusion of discussions, request, in |
4 | writing, that the director review the matter as provided in |
5 | Subchapter E (relating to review procedures). |
6 | § 549. Unlawful acts. |
7 | (a) General rule.--It is unlawful for any landowner or |
8 | lessee to file a fraudulent claim for damage of any kind alleged |
9 | to have been done by elk or for any person to violate any other |
10 | provision of this subchapter. |
11 | (b) Penalties.--A person who collects or attempts to collect |
12 | a fraudulent claim for damage by elk contrary to this subchapter |
13 | commits a summary offense of the first degree. Any other |
14 | violation of this subchapter is a summary offense of the fifth |
15 | degree. |
16 | Section 6. Section 561 of Title 34 is amended to read: |
17 | § 561. Appointment of hearing examiner. |
18 | Within 15 days following receipt of a request for review |
19 | under section 545 (relating to request for review) [or], 554 |
20 | (relating to request for review) or 548(d) (relating to payment |
21 | for elk damage), a hearing examiner designated by the director |
22 | shall select a location and a time for hearing the review, which |
23 | location shall be within the county of origin of the dispute. |
24 | The applicant for review or the commission officer investigating |
25 | the claim may, at the time of the review, appear personally or |
26 | with counsel to testify and present witnesses and evidence in |
27 | their behalf and to confront and examine witnesses. The hearing |
28 | shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Title 2 |
29 | (relating to administrative law and procedure) and the |
30 | regulations promulgated by the commission. |
1 | Section 7. The Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Game |
2 | Commission and the Secretary of Agriculture may enter into such |
3 | cooperative agreements as may be necessary to implement and |
4 | administer the provisions of 34 Pa.C.S. § 548. |
5 | Section 8. This act shall take effect immediately. |