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1 | Creating the Joint Legislative Commission on Public School |
2 | Finance and providing for its powers and duties. |
3 | WHEREAS, Section 14 of Article III of the Constitution of |
4 | Pennsylvania clearly gives the General Assembly sole authority |
5 | to, "...provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough |
6 | and efficient system of public education to serve the needs of |
7 | the Commonwealth"; and |
8 | WHEREAS, The General Assembly, as part of Act 114 of 2006, |
9 | amended the Public School Code of 1949 to direct the State Board |
10 | of Education to "...conduct or provide for a comprehensive |
11 | Statewide costing-out study to arrive at a determination of the |
12 | basic cost per pupil to provide an education that will permit a |
13 | student to meet the State's academic standards and assessments," |
14 | with a final report to be presented to the General Assembly one |
15 | year from the date of the signing of the contract to conduct the |
16 | study; and |
17 | WHEREAS, According to the National Education Association, in |
18 | 2004 and 2005 the Commonwealth ranked 14th in expenditure per |
1 | student at $9,638 per pupil, well above the national average of |
2 | $8,618 and spending in excess of $14 billion total; and |
3 | WHEREAS, The Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education |
4 | Act places strict provisions for identification and services for |
5 | children with special needs, but has been severely underfunded |
6 | by Federal funding; and |
7 | WHEREAS, Since 2001 and 2002, special education expenditures |
8 | by school districts have increased by 28% and expenditures by |
9 | the Commonwealth have increased by 9.6%; and |
10 | WHEREAS, The Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 focuses |
11 | on accountability, requiring states to close any existing |
12 | achievement gaps and assuring that students are proficient in |
13 | basic core academic subjects, but is underfunded by the Federal |
14 | Government; and |
15 | WHEREAS, The Commonwealth has established academic standards |
16 | and Statewide assessments in order to move students toward |
17 | defined proficiencies in core academic subjects; and |
18 | WHEREAS, Over the past three decades, efforts have been made |
19 | throughout the nation to revise state systems for funding public |
20 | schools; and |
21 | WHEREAS, Both Federal and state courts have increasingly been |
22 | asked to review the constitutionality of educational funding |
23 | systems that rely on local property taxes on the basis that the |
24 | dependence on local property taxes yields constitutionally |
25 | impermissible disparities in funding between school districts |
26 | that violate equal protection, as well as State constitutional |
27 | obligations with regards to education; and |
28 | WHEREAS, The Commonwealth currently ranks 11th in the nation |
29 | in the number of individual school districts, and concerns have |
30 | been raised that this large number of administrative units is |
1 | not cost effective and that the merging of some districts or |
2 | regionalization of services would be more efficient both |
3 | economically and educationally; therefore be it |
4 | RESOLVED (the House of Representatives concurring), That the |
5 | General Assembly establish a Joint Commission on Public School |
6 | Finance as a means of analyzing the results of the State Board |
7 | of Education's costing-out study and make recommendations on |
8 | issues surrounding the Commonwealth's current system of funding |
9 | public education with the purpose of identifying what school |
10 | districts need to do to improve the chances of students, schools |
11 | and the districts themselves to meet the requirements of the |
12 | State's accountability system; and be it further |
13 | RESOLVED, That specific goals of the commission are to ensure |
14 | that: |
15 | (1) State funds allocated for basic education funding |
16 | are distributed both adequately and equitably; |
17 | (2) the allocation of State funding addresses and is |
18 | reflective of unique characteristics among districts |
19 | including changes in demography; |
20 | (3) the allocation of State funding is linked with |
21 | measures of accountability; and |
22 | (4) school districts remain accountable for meeting |
23 | State academic standards and attaining student proficiency; |
24 | and be it further |
25 | RESOLVED, That the commission consist of 45 members appointed |
26 | as follows: |
27 | (1) A chairperson of the commission, chosen jointly by |
28 | the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of |
29 | the House of Representatives, who shall be a recognized |
30 | expert in the field of public school finance currently |
1 | employed at a Commonwealth institution of higher education. |
2 | (2) The chairpersons and minority chairpersons of the |
3 | Education Committee of the Senate and the Education Committee |
4 | of the House of Representatives, or their designees, who are |
5 | members of the respective committee. |
6 | (3) The chairpersons and minority chairpersons of the |
7 | Appropriations Committee of the Senate and the Appropriations |
8 | Committee of the House of Representatives, or their |
9 | designees, who are members of the respective committee. |
10 | (4) Four additional members of the General Assembly, one |
11 | of whom is to be appointed by each of the following: the |
12 | Majority Leader of the Senate, the Minority Leader of the |
13 | Senate, the Majority Leader of the House of Representatives |
14 | and the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives. |
15 | (5) The Secretary of Education or his designee, who |
16 | shall be a deputy secretary within the Department of |
17 | Education. |
18 | (6) The Secretary of the Budget or his designee, who |
19 | shall be an employee of the Office of the Budget. |
20 | (7) The Chairperson of the State Board of Education or |
21 | his designee, who shall be a member of the State Board of |
22 | Education. |
23 | (8) Representatives of the State's basic education |
24 | community as follows: |
25 | (i) Four classroom teachers, two of whom shall be |
26 | nominated by each of the established recognized |
27 | organizations representing the Commonwealth's public |
28 | school employees. |
29 | (ii) A school business manager nominated by the |
30 | Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials. |
1 | (iii) Three chief school administrators nominated by |
2 | the Pennsylvania Association of School Administrators, |
3 | one of whom shall be from an urban school district, one |
4 | of whom shall be from a suburban school district and one |
5 | of whom shall be from a rural school district. |
6 | (iv) A vocational-technical school administrator |
7 | nominated by the Pennsylvania Association of Vocational |
8 | Administrators. |
9 | (v) An intermediate unit director nominated by the |
10 | Pennsylvania Association of Intermediate Units. |
11 | (vi) Three elected school board directors nominated |
12 | by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association, one of |
13 | whom shall be from an urban school district, one of whom |
14 | shall be from a suburban school district and one of whom |
15 | shall be from a rural school district. |
16 | (vii) A representative of the State's charter school |
17 | community nominated by the Pennsylvania Charter Schools |
18 | Association. |
19 | (viii) Two parents of students enrolled in a State |
20 | public school nominated by the Pennsylvania Parent |
21 | Teacher Association, one of whom shall be the parent of a |
22 | special needs student. |
23 | (9) Four representatives of the State's business |
24 | community, one of whom shall be appointed by each of the |
25 | following: the Majority Leader of the Senate, the Minority |
26 | Leader of the Senate, the Majority Leader of the House of |
27 | Representatives and the Minority Leader of the House of |
28 | Representatives. |
29 | (10) Four representatives from the State's education |
30 | community appointed by the Governor, two of whom shall be |
1 | representatives of Statewide education or a child advocacy |
2 | organization and two of whom shall be representatives of |
3 | teacher preparation institutions of higher education located |
4 | in this Commonwealth; |
5 | and be it further |
6 | RESOLVED, That, to the extent possible, appointments reflect |
7 | the various geographic regions of this Commonwealth, and |
8 | notification of appointments to the commission be furnished to |
9 | the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the |
10 | House of Representatives by the nominating body no later than 30 |
11 | days after adoption of this resolution by both chambers; and be |
12 | it further |
13 | RESOLVED, That the commission have the following powers and |
14 | duties: |
15 | (1) To review the findings and recommendations from the |
16 | Statewide costing-out study conducted by the State Board of |
17 | Education pursuant to section 2599.3 of the Public School |
18 | Code. |
19 | (2) To examine national trends in educational funding, |
20 | including foundation programs, percentage equalization and |
21 | guaranteed yield programs and their potential relevance for |
22 | the Commonwealth. |
23 | (3) To review methods that attempt to link adequate and |
24 | equitable funding to system accountability, such as value- |
25 | added assessment systems. |
26 | (4) To examine Federal mandates, including the |
27 | Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the No Child |
28 | Left Behind Act, and their impact on Pennsylvania public |
29 | schools. |
30 | (5) To examine State regulations, standards and |
1 | guidelines that implement Federal and State laws and their |
2 | impact on Pennsylvania's public schools. |
3 | (6) To study demographic patterns within this |
4 | Commonwealth in order to determine the impact of both growth |
5 | and decline in student enrollments on school district |
6 | operations and costs and the positive and negative aspects of |
7 | school consolidation as a means to affect cost efficiencies. |
8 | (7) To examine the efficacy of consolidating existing |
9 | funding programs used to disperse State education funds and |
10 | to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of targeted |
11 | categorical funding. |
12 | (8) To review potential local cost control mechanisms |
13 | that may become necessary should the commission's |
14 | recommendations lead to the State's assuming greater funding |
15 | responsibility. |
16 | (9) To examine opportunities for improved cooperation |
17 | and consolidation among the districts to improve the |
18 | efficiency and the effectiveness of school district |
19 | operations in order to achieve savings; |
20 | and be it further |
21 | RESOLVED, That the commission develop, at a minimum, two |
22 | formulae for the adequate and equitable distribution of State |
23 | funds for the support of public schools in this Commonwealth and |
24 | other recommendations based upon their study; and be it further |
25 | RESOLVED, That the commission hold public hearings to receive |
26 | public comment and testimony on the proposed funding formulae |
27 | and other recommendations of the commission; and be it further |
28 | RESOLVED, That the commission hold its first meeting no later |
29 | than 60 days following the appointment of members; and be it |
30 | further |
1 | RESOLVED, That the commission have the authority to adopt, by |
2 | majority vote of its membership, rules of operation and conduct, |
3 | and the commission shall hold meetings at the call of the |
4 | chairperson and may hold hearings, take testimony and make its |
5 | investigations at such places as it deems necessary in this |
6 | Commonwealth, and all meetings and public hearings of the |
7 | commission shall be considered public meetings for the purpose |
8 | of 65 Pa.C.S. Ch. 7 (relating to open meetings); and be it |
9 | further |
10 | RESOLVED, That the commission members receive no compensation |
11 | for their services but be reimbursed for all necessary travel |
12 | and other reasonable expenses incurred in connection with the |
13 | performance of their duties as members; and be it further |
14 | RESOLVED, That the commission be authorized to hire or |
15 | contract for such services as it deems necessary, and that all |
16 | expenses approved by the President pro tempore of the Senate and |
17 | the Speaker of the House of Representatives incurred or |
18 | authorized by the commission be paid equally from accounts under |
19 | the control of the Chief Clerk of the Senate and the Chief Clerk |
20 | of the House of Representatives; and be it further |
21 | RESOLVED, That the Senate and the House of Representatives |
22 | provide administrative support, office space and any other |
23 | assistance required by the commission to carry out its duties |
24 | under this resolution, and, whenever possible, the commission |
25 | shall utilize the services and expertise of existing personnel |
26 | and staff of the General Assembly in the performance of their |
27 | duties; and be it further |
28 | RESOLVED, That the commission make a report of its findings |
29 | and recommendations to the Governor, the President pro tempore |
30 | of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives no |
1 | later than one year from the first meeting date of the |
2 | commission; and be it further |
3 | RESOLVED, That upon receipt of the final report of the |
4 | commission, the General Assembly promptly review and consider |
5 | the recommendations of the commission and develop legislation |
6 | based on the commission's recommendations for consideration as |
7 | it deems appropriate. |