RI Legislation | 2021 | Regular Session

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H6376PassCreates a new formula for determining a totally and partially disabled injured workers' weekly benefit entitlement. It also eliminates the current ambiguity in an injured workers' entitlement, when he or she suffers a recurrence of disability.
Signed by Governor
S0884PassProvides for insurance coverage for the loss of use of the rental motor vehicle provided that the rental car company can establish that their rental vehicle sustained damage and that the rental vehicle will require repair or is a total loss.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0733PassLimits credit of tortfeasor to amount paid by released tortfeasor.
Signed by Governor
S0937PassCreates a new formula for determining a totally and partially disabled injured workers' weekly benefit entitlement. It also eliminates the current ambiguity in an injured workers' entitlement, when he or she suffers a recurrence of disability.
Signed by Governor
H6329PassRequires that motor vehicle accident reports be transmitted by the law enforcement agency or their contract agent within fourteen (14) days of preparing the report to the department of transportation.
Signed by Governor
S0256PassIncreases the maximum fine amount for those found guilty of unprofessional conduct by the board of medical licensure and discipline from $10,000 to $30,000 and would establish a new chapter of the general laws.
Signed by Governor
S0963PassAuthorizes town of West Greenwich to provide, by ordinance, regulations controlling the use of personal watercraft on any/or all fresh/inland waters of the town; ordinances may include a ban or limitation of personal watercraft on any waters in the t...
Effective without Governor's signature
H5289PassPermits campaign funds to be used to pay all childcare expenses that are incurred as a direct result of campaign activity.
Signed by Governor
H5400PassTerminates all parental rights of any person convicted of sexual assault which results in the birth of a child from that assault.
Signed by Governor
S0924PassClarifies the tax classification statute pertaining to homestead exemptions in the city of Providence exempting the city from certain rate calculations.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0442PassProvides that three (3)-wheeled motorcycles be included under the licensing requirements of the department of motor vehicles. Effective March 1, 2022.
Signed by Governor
H6331PassMakes various amendments pertaining to the charter of the Hope Valley and Wyoming Fire District.
Effective without Governor's signature
H6422PassAllows the Providence board of licenses to grant an exemption from restrictions with regard to the proximity to schools and churches relating to issuance of a Class BV alcoholic beverage retail license for property located at 601 Hartford Avenue.
Effective without Governor's signature
H5258PassAuthorizes the Stone Bridge fire district to borrow up to $100,000 in funds to meet specific short-term financial obligations.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0401PassMakes changes to the motor vehicles laws by repealing the sections that require the filing of security or bond with the DMV following a motor vehicle accident in which the operator of the vehicle does not have insurance.
Signed by Governor
S0556PassExempts 203-209 Douglas Avenue, Plat 68, Lots 83 and 646 of the applicable city of Providence tax assessment map from the permitting of alcohol beverages retail licenses within a certain proximity to schools and churches.
Effective without Governor's signature
H5978PassRemoves the $25.00 limit on tuition for a motorist to attend a driver education course, and would allow a judge or magistrate to delay the imposition of a suspension or revocation of a driver's license or registration for a period up to 30 days.
Effective without Governor's signature
H6421PassAllows the town of Barrington board of licenses to grant an exemption from the provisions of the statute regarding proximity to schools and churches relating to the issuance of an alcoholic beverage retail license for property located at 305 Sowams R...
Effective without Governor's signature
S0792PassRemoves the town of Smithfield from the provisions of §§ 44-5-20.05, 44-5-20.06, 44-5-20.07, and 44-5-20.08, in regard to property tax classification and tax levy determinations.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0440PassAllows the Providence board of licenses to grant an exemption from restrictions with regard to the proximity to schools and churches relating to issuance of a Class BV alcoholic beverage retail license for property located at 601 Hartford Avenue.
Effective without Governor's signature
H5544PassIncludes in the definition of unprofessional conduct performing a pelvic examination without consent of an anesthetized or unconscious female patient.
Signed by Governor
S0975PassAuthorizes the town of Smithfield to exempt or stabilize taxes on qualified property used for manufacturing or commercial purposes in the town of Smithfield.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0860PassGives the ambulance service coordinating board approval powers over regulations, protocols, standards, licensing fees and other administrative actions set proposed by the director of health.
Signed by Governor
S0193PassRequires that penalties or restitution payments for larceny of a campaign account or campaign expenditure reporting violations be deposited into the Rhode Island crime victim compensation program fund and not into the candidate's campaign account.
Signed by Governor
H5051PassIncreases time that SOS can withdraw a certificate of revocation for a corporation, nonprofit corporation, or LLC from 10 to 20 years without the corporation or limited liability company being required to seek reinstatement by the legislature.
Signed by Governor
S0025PassExcludes municipal and government bodies that aggregate electrical loads for residential retail customers from the requirement that a new contract is required when there is a change of terms for electric-generation services.
Signed by Governor
S0316PassUpon request of a parolee, enables the parole board to terminate a parolee's supervision and legal custody order in accordance with guidelines it is authorized to promulgate. Prisoners with a life sentence for first and second degree murder are exclu...
Signed by Governor
S0035PassEstablishes the Ocean State Climate Adaptation and Resilience Fund. Enables municipalities and the state to apply for grants to improve public safety and community climate resilience for coastal habitats, as well as river and stream floodplains.
Signed by Governor
H6454PassRequires that penalties or restitution payments for larceny of a campaign account or campaign expenditure reporting violations be deposited into the Rhode Island crime victim compensation program fund and not into the candidate's campaign account.
Signed by Governor
H5967PassEstablishes the Ocean State Climate Adaptation and Resilience Fund.
Signed by Governor
S0550PassProhibits an employer from reporting an employee's immigration status for whistle blowing.
Signed by Governor
H5468PassThis act would, upon its own motion or upon request of a parolee, enable the parole board to terminate a parolee's supervision and legal custody order. Prisoners with a life sentence for first and second degree murder are excluded.
Signed by Governor
H5031PassRequires the department of transportation, along with the division of motor vehicles and the office of energy resources, to develop, no later than January 1, 2022, a plan for statewide electric vehicle charging station infrastructure.
Signed by Governor
S0736PassProducts liability defense of subsequent alteration eliminated.
Signed by Governor
H5346PassProhibits third-party delivery services from using any likeness or intellectual property of a merchant without written consent. This act would require a third-party delivery service to register to do business in Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor
S0451PassClarifies uniform commercial code provisions to specify that the provisions apply to electronic transactions.
Signed by Governor
S1001PassEliminates the words "moral turpitude" as a cause of refusal to issue a license to various professionals.
Signed by Governor
H5855PassProhibits an employer from reporting an employee's immigration status for whistle blowing.
Signed by Governor
S0994PassRequires the department of transportation, along with the division of motor vehicles and the office of energy resources, to develop, no later than January 1, 2022, a plan for statewide electric vehicle charging station infrastructure.
Signed by Governor
H5511PassClarifies uniform commercial code provisions to specify that the provisions apply to electronic transactions.
Signed by Governor
H6431PassExcludes municipal and government bodies that aggregate electrical loads for residential retail customers from the requirement that a new contract is required when there is a change of terms for electric-generation services.
Signed by Governor
H5867PassProducts liability defense of subsequent alteration eliminated.
Signed by Governor
S0024PassRemoves the 10 year period within which time the secretary of state's office is authorized to withdraw a certificate of revocation for all Rhode Island business corporations, foreign corporations, nonprofit corporations and limited liability companie...
Signed by Governor
H5599PassEliminates the words "moral turpitude" as a cause of refusal to issue a license to various professionals.
Signed by Governor
H6282PassGives the ambulance service coordinating board approval powers over regulations, protocols, standards, licensing fees and other administrative actions set proposed by the director of health.
Signed by Governor
S0788PassPrevents third-party delivery service from using the likeness, registered trademark, or any intellectual property belonging to the merchant to falsely suggest sponsorship or endorsement by, or affiliation with the merchant without the merchant’s co...
Signed by Governor
S0791PassRequires the department of health to promulgate rules and regulations by January 1, 2022 for the licensing and operation of health centers operating in elementary and secondary schools.
Signed by Governor
H6067PassAdds airspace to the land the department of transportation can acquire that is necessary for a suitable airport or to preserve, maintain, or restore an approach. Additionally this act would add the term “Approach, approach zone, approaches” to §...
Signed by Governor
H5328PassRequires schools to comply with composting and recycling laws.
Signed by Governor
S0104PassRequires schools to comply with recycling and composting laws and promotes the donation of unspoiled nonperishable food by schools. Requires the use of share tables at all schools.
Signed by Governor
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