RI Legislation | 2021 | Regular Session

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Sine Die
Amends the definition of dimensional variance located in chapter 24 of title 45 of the general laws relating to zoning ordinances.
House read and passed
S0919PassRemoves all references to "and Providence Plantations" in statutes relating to the judiciary, in accordance with the constitutional amendment approved by the voters on November 3, 2020.
Signed by Governor
S0935PassAllows Kimberley Gaffett to join Abigail Hopkins Stamler and Christopher George Fitzgerald in marriage on or about June 29, 2021, within the Town of New Shoreham, Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor
H5629PassEstablishes an emergency telephone system call review and quality improvement and would require at least one 911 system operator trained in telecommunicator cardiopulmonary resuscitation be on duty at all time.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
License required for advanced recycling facilities. No licensing within two (2) miles residential zone, school, place of worship or waterway or wetlands, except this prohibition shall not apply to grandfathered operations.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
S0264PassRequires employees of regulated financial institutions to report suspected financial exploitation of elder adults to the office of healthy aging and provide authority to the regulated financial institution to place a temporary hold on transactions.
Signed by Governor
H6463PassHouse Resolution Congratulating Dr. David Dooley On His Retirement As The President Of The University Of Rhode Island On July 31, 2021, After Twelve Years Of Exemplary Service To The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
H6461PassHouse Resolution Commemorating September Of 2021, As "national Suicide Prevention Month" And The Week Of September 5th-11th As "national Suicide Prevention Week" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
S0380PassRequires at least one oral and maxillofacial surgeon on the Rhode Island board of examiners in dentistry.
Signed by Governor
H6155PassEliminates the marital sexual assault exception when a victim is incapacitated, disabled, or helpless.
Signed by Governor
H6462PassHouse Resolution Honoring And Recognizing Lt. Kenneth Marcotte, Firefighter Gregory Francis, Lt. Raymond Gervais And Firefighter Joshua Mcallister For Their Timely And Professional Actions Bringing A New Life Into The World
House read and passed

Sine Die
Prohibits new high-heat waste processing facilities.
To Senate Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Reduces the appoint the historian laureate from a five (5) year term to a two (2) year term, and requires the historian laureate to develop and implement programs about pertinent aspects of Rhode Island history.
To House State Government & Elections Committee

Sine Die
Makes the hate crime sentencing enhancement applicable to petty misdemeanors.
To House Judiciary Committee
H6450PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming June To Be Caribbean American Heritage Month In The State Of Rhode Island And Celebrating The Immense Contributions Caribbean Americans Have Made To The United States
House read and passed

Sine Die
Amend the title of Chapter 12-30 of the General Laws to be "The Jennifer Rivera Witness Protection Act".
To House Judiciary Committee
H6451PassHouse Resolution Recognizing And Congratulating Lisa Garcia On Being Selected As The 2022 "rhode Island Teacher Of The Year"
House read and passed

Sine Die
To Vacate The Forfeiture Or Revocation Of The Charter Of East Passage Estates Lot Owners’ Association
To House Corporations Committee
H6453PassHouse Resolution Honoring Dorothy A. Mccarthy On The Occasion Of Her Retirement As Director Of The Board Of Canvassers For The City Of Warwick
House read and passed
H6452PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences
House read and passed

Sine Die
Requires all contractors and subcontractors who perform construction, alteration, demolition, installation, repair or maintenance work, pursuant to public works contracts, to comply with industry standards for infrastructure corrosion prevention.
To House Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Creates the "Medicaid Employer Assessment".
Meeting postponed (06/22/2021)
S0967PassSenate Resolution Expressing Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Mary Anita Dewitt
Senate read and passed
S0970PassSenate Resolution Congratulating Rhode Island Department Of Environmental Management Director Janet Coit On Her New Position With The United States Department Of Commerce And Thanking Her For Her Service And Many Accomplishments At Dem On Behalf Of T...
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Appropriates four hundred sixty nine thousand six hundred fifty-five dollars ($469,655) to the Crime Victim Compensation Program created by the Criminal Injuries Compensation to be extended during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
Prohibits the sale, offer of sale, trade or distribution of fur products as defined and makes any violation punishable by a fine of five hundred dollars ($500) up to five thousand dollars ($5,000) and up to one year in jail.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
H6339PassAllows the Honorable Joseph R. Paolino, Jr., to join Sarah Pillemer and Richard Weiner in marriage on or about October 16, 2021, within the Town of Bristol, Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Prohibits PFAS, a class of fluorinated organic chemicals, from being used in food packaging.
To Senate Environment and Agriculture Committee

Sine Die
Removes the requirement that a credit bureau, at a minimum, utilizes at least one additional identifier to confirm the identity of the person who is the subject of the credit inquiry.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
S0392PassAllows a condominium association to impose a fee of up to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for preparation of a resale certificate.
Effective without Governor's signature
H5107PassAllows the town of Middletown to enroll its full-time police officers hired on or after July 1, 2021, in a defined contribution plan established by the town and prevents newly hired police officers from becoming members of the retirement system.
Effective without Governor's signature
H5644PassAllows a condominium association to impose a fee of up to one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) for preparation of a resale certificate.
Effective without Governor's signature
H6139PassMapleville Number 4 Fire District
Effective without Governor's signature
S0390PassIncorporates Oakland--Mapleville Number 4 Fire District.
Effective without Governor's signature
H6385PassAllows the Honorable Mary Ann Shallcross Smith to join Megan T. Amaral and Mitchell L. Shallcross in marriage on or about June 21, 2021, within the Town of Lincoln, Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor
S0296PassAllows the town of Middletown to enroll its full-time police officers hired on or after July 1, 2021, in a defined contribution plan established by the town and prevents newly hired police officers from becoming members of the retirement system.
Effective without Governor's signature

Sine Die
Requires that the tax imposed on little cigars be imposed in the same manner as the tax imposed on cigarettes, that 25% of such tax revenue would be applied to smoking cessation programs, and requires that little cigars be sold in packs of 20 or more...
To Senate Finance Committee
S0928PassTo Vacate The Forfeiture Or Revocation Of The Charter Of Life Science Resource Partners International, Llc
Effective without Governor's signature

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Granting A One Year Extension To The Town Of Johnston For The Mandatory Revaluation Cycle And Real Property Update (this Resolution Would Grant A One-year Extension For The Mandatory Revaluation Cycle And Real Property Update To The ...
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee

Sine Die
Increases the age of children able to utilize a recorded forensic interview for cases of sexual abuse in grand jury testimony -- child assault from age fourteen (14) to age eighteen (18).
To Senate Judiciary Committee
S0890PassAllows Linda Fischer to join Breann Bouley and Brittany Dalpe in marriage on or about August 28, 2021, within the City of Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature
S0900PassAllows Andrew Best to join Tess Victoria Povar and Zachary Joseph White in marriage on or about August 29, 2021, within the City of Newport, Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature

Sine Die
Entitles disabled and military voters to utilize electronically transmitted ballots.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
S0907PassTo Vacate The Forfeiture Or Revocation Of The Charter Of New Wave Systems, Inc.
Effective without Governor's signature

Sine Die
Requires that the Rhode Transit Authority impose no fares and/or charges for service provided to the general public. Effective January 1, 2022.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
Allows a classified employee to seek elected office provided that they resign their position upon being elected.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
H6448PassHouse Resolution Expressing Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Elizabeth A. Mahoney
House read and passed

Sine Die
Establishes appropriate disability language and authorizes law revision director to replace inappropriate disability language in general law with appropriate language.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
H6447PassHouse Resolution Recognizing "juneteenth National Freedom Day" On June 19, 2021
House read and passed

Sine Die
Provides that fifty dollars ($50.00) of the filing fee paid to the HUD-approved agency for the mediation conference involving the mortgagee and mortgagor, shall be paid to the Rhode Island Legal Services.
To Senate Judiciary Committee
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