| RI | H7331 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Provides a four (4) year expiration period on any certificate of exemption pursuant to this section for writers, composers and artists. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2687 | Engross
Sine Die | COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- COURT CLERKS' INCENTIVE PAY - Extends the incentive pay plan to all full-time court clerks who meet the eligibility requirements. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-10 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2983 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- COUNCIL ON POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION -- STUDENT SUCCESS ACT - Reduces the time, from three (3) years to one year, required for a nonimmigrant foreign national student, who has resided in Rhode Island, to be eligible to pay the same in-stat... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-07 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2453 | Engross
Sine Die | HIGHWAYS -- RHODE ISLAND TURNPIKE AND BRIDGE AUTHORITY - Extends the repayment period for toll violations, and requires the RI transit and bridge authority to notify frequent violators by certified mail that their driver's license may be in jeopardy ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-05 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8245 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE - Provides that licensed independent clinical social workers be able to enroll and bill Medicaid directly for covered services provided to adults with Medicaid fee-for-service coverage. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-06-04 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2931 | Engross
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Provides a four (4) year expiration period on any certificate of exemption pursuant to this section for writers, composers and artists. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-31 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2905 | Engross
Sine Die | PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT SYSTEM -- CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS - Allows retired state employees who worked as certified or qualified court interpreter to be employed or re-employed for a limited period of time in a given year to pro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-31 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2380 | Engross
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Prohibits prior authorization or a step therapy protocol for the prescription of a nonpreferred medication on their drug formulary used to assess or treat an enrollee's bipolar disorder, schizop... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-29 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8283 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Prohibits the collection of sales tax on refundable deposits for batteries and core charges for motor vehicle equipment, parts or components. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-29 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2608 | Engross
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Requires executive office of health and human services to establish an early childhood mental health hub program focused on improving access to infant and early childhood mental he... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-29 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7895 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE - Codifies the Katie Beckett Program pursuant to federal guidelines. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-29 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7855 | Intro
Sine Die | FOOD AND DRUGS -- THE RHODE ISLAND CANNABIS ACT - Provides amendments to the cannabis act relating to the definition of a social equity applicant and the required fee to maintain such status as a social equity applicant. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-29 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2397 | Engross
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Provides the state would cover dialysis for the treatment of end stage renal disease ("ESRD") and kidney transplants for persons who do not qualify for full Medicaid due to their i... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7487 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- ESTATE AND TRANSFER TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Increases the net taxable estate exemption to four million dollars ($4,000,000) for deaths that occur on or after January 1, 2025. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2872 | Engross
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- COMPREHENSIVE DISCHARGE PLANNING - Requires coverage for residential/inpatient mental health services for detox/stabilization/substance abuse disorders without preauthorization or be subject to concurrent review during the first ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2743 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- CERTIFICATION OF TEACHERS - Extends teacher certifications without fee or penalty for three (3) or five (5) years for teachers who hold certifications as of July 1, 2024. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8183 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Imposes a tax of five percent (5%) upon the rental of a house or condominium. The funds from the tax to be used exclusively for infrastructure improvements, riverine and coastal resilienc... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-23 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8242 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- THE RHODE ISLAND COMPREHENSIVE HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM - Establishes a universal, comprehensive, affordable single-payer health care insurance program and helps control health care costs, which would be referred to as, "the Rhod... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-22 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7027 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- INSPECTOR GENERAL - Establishes the office of inspector general as an independent administrative agency charged with the responsibility to investigate, detect, and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, and mismanagement in the ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-22 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8267 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION -- LOCAL MEALS AND BEVERAGE TAX - Allocates five percent (5%) of revenues from the local meals and beverage tax to the Rhode Island Semiquincentennial (R.I. 250) Commission for the executio... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-21 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8179 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- RESIDENCE OF CHILDREN FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES - Relieves East Providence from providing any educational/financial resources to children in the CRAFT program or other Bradley Hospital programs. Requires the school district of origin where the... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-21 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8243 | Intro
Sine Die | TOWNS AND CITIES -- OPTIONAL RETIREMENT FOR MEMBERS OF POLICE FORCE AND FIREFIGHTERS - Provides an option for members to receive retirement allowances, without reduction, upon reaching twenty-five (25) years of total service or after twenty (20) year... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-21 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7913 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- FOUNDATION LEVEL SCHOOL SUPPORT - Modifies the current law to allow for approval of construction projects within school districts, rather than needing the project to be commenced by a certain date, permitting the municipality to take adv... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-21 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2844 | Engross
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF THE SPECIAL EDUCATION OMBUD - Establishes the RI ombud for special education who ensures school districts throughout the state meet the minimum standards required to comply with the individualized education p... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-17 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2519 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- RHODE ISLAND PREKINDERGARTEN EDUCATION ACT - Allows municipalities participating in the state prekindergarten program to accept students from outside the municipality under certain conditions and establishes a lottery for enrollment in t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-17 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | S2843 | Engross
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- RHODE ISLAND PREKINDERGARTEN EDUCATION ACT - Establishes guidelines for the continued implementation and expansion of high quality public prekindergarten education programs in the state. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-17 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8282 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT SYSTEM -- CONTRIBUTIONS AND BENEFITS - Awards all members of the pension system a three and one-half percent (3.5%) annual benefit adjustment applied to the first thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of a memb... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-16 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8281 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- RHODE ISLAND PUBLIC TRANSIT AUTHORITY - Prohibits RIPTA from using state funds or the proceeds of any bond(s) to pay for any work performed after 9/1/24, pursuant to the “transit center joint development project” ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-16 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7900 | Intro
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- INSURANCE COVERAGE FOR MENTAL ILLNESS AND SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS - Requires the EOHHS to establish an early childhood mental health hub program focused on improving access to infant and early childhood mental health services for childre... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7854 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- PUBLIC ASSISTANCE ACT - Provides eligibility for an additional forty dollars ($40.00) per month in food stamp benefits to certain qualifying persons or households eligible for food stamp benefits, commencing July 1, 2024. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7678 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- TRANSPORTATION NETWORK COMPANY SERVICES - Imposes a seventy-five cent (0.75) surcharge on fares charged by rideshare companies as well as an account to benefit RIPTA from the payment of sales taxes collected from ride... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7035 | Intro
Sine Die | BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE, DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES AND HOSPITALS -- COMMUNITY MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES - Appropriates $1,875,000 for the creation of a 9-8-8 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline within the department of behavioral healthca... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7858 | Intro
Sine Die | HIGHWAYS -- RHODE ISLAND TURNPIKE AND BRIDGE AUTHORITY - Directs the Rhode Island turnpike and bridge authority (RITBA) design a safety barrier or netting system on the several bridges within its authority. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7903 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- THE MEDICAL PRIMARY CARE SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM - Establishes the medical primary care scholarship program to be administered by the commissioner of postsecondary education. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7591 | Intro
Sine Die | PUBLIC FINANCE -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE AND PUBLIC ASSISTANCE CASELOAD ESTIMATING CONFERENCES - Requires that the department of human services and the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals provide forecasted costs... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7298 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE -- LONG-TERM CARE SERVICE AND FINANCE REFORM - All Medicaid programs operated by EOHHS would not reimburse home care providers less than fee-for-service rates adopted by rate review recommendations of the office o... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7033 | Intro
Sine Die | HUMAN SERVICES -- MEDICAL ASSISTANCE -- LONG-TERM CARE SERVICE AND FINANCE REFORM -- CHIROPRACTIC SERVICES RATES - Provides the executive office of health and human services would submit to the US Department of Health and Human Services a state plan ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8210 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF HEALTHCARE FACILITIES - Amends Article 9 of the state budget and various provisions relative to hospital licensing fees, would redefine base year for purposes of calculating disproportionate share payments for fiscal... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7902 | Intro
Sine Die | HEALTH AND SAFETY -- PRIMARY CARE TRAINING SITES PROGRAM - Establishes the primary care training sites program and appropriates $2,700,000 for implementing the program. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7398 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OFFICE OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES - Provides the state would cover dialysis for the treatment of end stage renal disease ("ESRD") and kidney transplants for persons who do not qualify for full Medicaid due to their i... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7255 | Intro
Sine Die | INSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES - Requires every individual or group health insurance contract effective on or after January 1, 2025, to provide coverage to the insured and the insured's spouse and dependents for all FDA-approve... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8000 | Intro
Sine Die | STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- REDUCED HOUSING RENT PILOT PROGRAM - Establishes and funds an incentive program for landlords to offer reduced rents to eligible tenants. The program would be administered by the state department of housing with an app... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8030 | Intro
Sine Die | PARKS AND RECREATIONAL AREAS -- GENERAL PROVISIONS - Adds to those persons exempt from payment of parking fees at any recreational facility owned and operated by the state those individuals determined by the executive office of HHS, or its designee, ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-15 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8032 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES - Amends tax law on renewable energy products to exempt certain additional products from sales tax including battery energy storage system equipment, if supplied by a manufacturer of solar photovoltaic equipment. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7480 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Provides a tax credit to individual taxpayers who convert their gas-powered vehicle into a vehicle propelled by an alternative fuel source. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7399 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- SALES AND USE TAXES -- LIABILITY AND COMPUTATION - Creates a sales tax holiday on August 10 and 11, 2024. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7120 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- PERSONAL INCOME TAX - Allows a deduction from federal adjusted gross income for interest payments on outstanding student loans. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7405 | Intro
Sine Die | TAXATION -- AGREEMENT TO PHASE OUT CORPORATE INCENTIVES COMPACT ACT - Establishes a compact agreement among at least two (2) states to prohibit the use of subsidies to selectively retain industry or company entice relocation from one state to another... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H7594 | Intro
Sine Die | EDUCATION -- BILINGUAL, DUAL LANGUAGE AND WORLD LANGUAGE TEACHERS INVESTMENT ACT - Authorizes the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish a program to expand the issuance of teaching certificates to bilingual dual language and w... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |
| RI | H8132 | Intro
Sine Die | TOWNS AND CITIES -- GENERAL POWERS - Enables the city of Newport to impose a nine percent (9%) amusement tax on the sale of certain amusement ticket sales. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2024-05-14 To House Finance Committee |