Rhode Island Senator Alana DiMario [D] | All Sessions

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StanceStateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
RIS1071PassEstablishes a new, temporary process in the department of children, youth and families, for the hiring of social workers and child protective investigators at the department for a one year period commencing on October 1, 2023.
Signed by Governor
RIS0445PassIncludes all books, periodicals and papers in the keeping of the Rhode Island Black Heritage Society to be placed under the care of the state librarian.
Signed by Governor
RIS0228PassAllows participating municipalities to elect to its employees the deferred compensation plans offered by the state.
Signed by Governor
RIS0373PassDirects the department of corrections to collect information from individuals entering its custody: sex, race, nativity (country of origin), religion, and level of education.
Signed by Governor
RIS0604PassProhibits abusive litigation context of domestic violence or stalking and allow the court to dismiss a case upon finding, by preponderance of the evidence, that the person who filed the case is abusing the system.
Signed by Governor
RIS0660PassProvides that certain public works renovation projects that include glazing work would have that work performed by North American contractor certification certified companies.
Signed by Governor
RIS0714PassAllows state employees the ability to make an after tax contribution to a qualified Roth contribution program as a part of a deferred compensation plan.
Signed by Governor
RIS0742PassDesignates a liaison position within the secretary of state's office to formulate communication between the department of state and the board of elections and adds accessible voting devices to the equipment maintained by secretary of state.
Signed by Governor
RIS0720PassAmends several sections of law relating to safety and care for the elderly.
Signed by Governor
RIS0035PassAllows individuals, who have not reached the age of eighteen (18) years, to vote in a primary election, as long as the voter will be eighteen (18), as of the date of the general or special election.
Signed by Governor
RIS0469PassIncludes the Block Island Utility District as one of the electric companies that are exempt from offering retail access from nonregulated power producers to all customers.
Signed by Governor
RIS0729PassEstablishes an escrow account for tenants to deposit their rent whenever the leased property is not compliant with the lead hazard risk reduction provisions in state law.
Signed by Governor
RIS0723PassIncludes licensed advanced practice registered nurses (APRN), certified in psychiatric/mental health, as qualified to certify the need for mental health treatment in certain patients.
Signed by Governor
RIS0752PassRequires the secretary of state to maintain and provide to the public, an online directory of government officials and a limited number of printed government directories and eliminate the legislative manual used by the secretary of state.
Signed by Governor
RIS1075PassAuthorizes the town of North Kingstown to issue bonds in the amount of twenty five million dollars ($25,000,000) to finance an indoor recreation center/emergency shelter upon voter approval.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Increases the minimum required awarded to minority business enterprises to 20% and of that, require a minimum of 10% be awarded to minority owned businesses and that a minimum of 10% be awarded to women owned businesses.
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
Includes siblings/grandchildren/care recipient for temporary caregiver benefits of 12 weeks/Increases weekly dependent's allowances from $10 to $20 or 7% of benefit rate whichever is greater. Effective January 1, 2024.
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Amends the comprehensive community-police relationship act of 2015 to require an annual study by an outside agency chosen by the department.
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Authorizes the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to establish a program to expand the issuance of teaching certificates to bilingual dual language and world language teachers in urban and urban ring schools.
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
Prohibits the state, ERISA or any health plans to purchase referenced drugs for a cost higher than the referenced rate.
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
Provides that the permanent foundation educational aid program would provide state funding for school-based mental health services pursuant to specified conditions.
Senate read and passed
RIS0163PassRemoves the sunset provision relative to mediation coverage prior to mortgage foreclosures.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Permits those other residents of a residential dwelling unit to extend the term of the rental agreement for a period not to exceed three (3) months after the death of the lessee.
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
Provides for an appropriation by the general assembly in the amount of two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the various school districts and municipalities to employ additional social workers.
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Permits the substitution of advertising the voter registration deadline in a newspaper by posting notice of designations on the municipality's website, continuously, for at least 10 days leading up to the last day prescribed by law.
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Appropriates $1,875,000 for the creation of a 9-8-8 suicide prevention and mental health crisis hotline within the department of behavioral healthcare, developmental disabilities and hospitals (BHDDH).
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Permits residents on ponds in Coventry with a capacity in excess of 170 acres of water, to alter, repair, modify, or replace a dock on the pond by seeking approval only from DEM and the town of Coventry.
To House Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Establishes a safe and reasonable regulatory framework for companies and drivers providing non-emergency medical transportation services to a population of vulnerable passengers through coordination with the state's health and human service agencies.
To House Judiciary Committee

Sine Die
Joint Resolution Creating A Special Legislative Commission To Write An Olmstead Plan For Rhode Island (creates A Twenty-eight (28) Member Special Legislative Commission Whose Purpose It Is To Write An Olmstead Plan For Ri, And Who Reports Back To The...
Senate read and passed
RIS0907PassTransfers jurisdiction of child endangerment offenses from the family court to the superior court.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Requires the department of children, youth and families (DCYF) to conduct periodic comprehensive needs assessments to determine whether the department’s programs and services meet the needs of children and families
Senate passed Sub A
RIS1076Pass1) UP TO $167,460,000 IS FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL, AND (2) UP TO $55,000,000 IS FOR A NEW PUBLIC SAFETY COMPLEX (Authorizes the town of North Kingstown to issue bonds in the amount of $...
Signed by Governor
RIS1122PassSenate Resolution Congratulating Aimee Couto On Being Named The 2024 "rhode Island Teacher Of The Year" By The Rhode Island Department Of Education
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Replaces the coastal resources management council with a state department of coastal resources and transfers all of the powers and duties between the two (2) authorities. It also creates a non-binding advisory committee to replace CRMC.
Committee recommended measure be held for further study
RIS0101PassExtends authority of physical therapists to order x-rays until December 31, 2025.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
Prohibits the declawing of cats by any surgical procedure to amputate or modify a portion of a cat's paw in order to remove the cat's claws. Does not apply to any procedure performed for a therapeutic purpose.
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
Requires all school districts to designate an athletic trainer to be available for high school athletic practices and games.
To House Education Committee

Sine Die
Develops a plan to expand public, high quality prekindergarten education programs available to all children ages three (3) and four (4) throughout Rhode Island to increase children’s school readiness and makes fund available to sustain all classroo...
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Establishes the Rhode Island lake management program and a restricted receipt account as a find within the department of environmental management to aid with lake and pond management issues relating to the control of aquatic invasive plants.
To House Environment and Natural Resources Committee

Sine Die
Amends RI's existing Healthcare Services Funding Plan Act by adding an account relating to a new Psychiatry Resource Network to fund RI's present PediPRN and MomsPRN, as well as similar programs which may be added by regulation in the future.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Extends IOD benefits to police officers/firefighters suffering from post-traumatic stress injuries/provides municipal police/firefighters retiring due to PTSI accidental disability retirement allowance.
To House Municipal Government & Housing Committee

Sine Die
Requires businesses that offer automatic subscription renewals/continuous service offers to provide consumers with notice to the consumer prior to their engagement in the contract along with notice of renewal of subscription/cancellation info. eff. 1...
To House Corporations Committee

Sine Die
Increases the taxable wage base upon which employees make contributions to the TDI and TCI funds, increases individual benefit rates for lower wage individuals, and creates an opt- in option for self-employed workers.
To Senate Finance Committee

Sine Die
Provides $4,000,000 to support comprehensive and effective afterschool/school vacation/summer learning/workforce development programs for students grades PK-12, requires annual report to general assembly and the governor on status/progress of the pro...
To Senate Finance Committee
RIS1094PassSenate Resolution Celebrating June 6, 2023, As "quonset Day" In The State Of Rhode Island
Senate read and passed
RIS1095PassSenate Resolution Honoring Armand E. Sabitoni On His Retirement As General Secretary-treasurer After Nearly Twenty-two Years Of Dedicated Service To The Laborers’ International Union Of North America
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
Increases the amount of parental or family leave available to an employee from thirteen (13) weeks to twenty-four (24) weeks in any two (2) calendar years.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
Authorizes emergency medical service agencies to transport individuals to alternative facilities for treatment and permits licensed providers for mental health disorders to treat patients within the community.
To House Health & Human Services Committee

Sine Die
Requires that Medicaid enrollment be maintained or provided to all inmates in the first 30 days of incarceration at the adult correctional institutions within the department of corrections and the last 30 days of incarceration when possible.
To House Finance Committee
RIS0015PassSenate Resolution Respectfully Requesting The Rhode Island Department Of Administration To Provide Recommendations To Support The Preservation And Protection Of Our Environment (bans State Purchases Of Plastic Bottles, Bags And Polystyrene. It Would ...
Senate passed Sub A
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