Rhode Island Senator Matthew LaMountain [D] | All Sessions

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RIS2714PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF HEALTHCARE FACILITIES - Requires all hospitals to screen uninsured patients for eligibility for public health programs and financial assistance under Medicare and Medicaid.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2227PassCRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS - Redefines misdemeanors for expungement purposes and make prior felonies, subsequently reclassified as misdemeanors, eligible for expungement pursuant to sections 12-1.3-2 and 12-1.3-3.
Signed by Governor
RIS2174PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- LICENSING OF YOUTH CAMPS - Establishes the procedures and requirements for the licensing of youth camps.
Signed by Governor
RIS2322PassTAXATION -- PROPERTY SUBJECT TO TAXATION -- LIFE ESTATE - Entitles holders of a life estate to real property to use any veteran's tax exemptions available to them.
Signed by Governor
RIS2298PassWATERS AND NAVIGATION -- ACT ON COASTS -- COASTAL RESILIENCY - Requires the chief resilience officer (CRO) and a resiliency office within the department of environmental management (DEM) be charged with the creation, maintenance and updating of the s...
Signed by Governor
RIS2436VetoLABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- RHODE ISLAND NONCOMPETITION AGREEMENT ACT - Prohibits noncompete agreements except for noncompete agreements between a seller and buyer of a business; creates civil action for an employer for the violation of an agreement...
Vetoed by Governor
RIS2808PassPUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- SOLAR DECOMMISSIONING PLANS - Requires that developers of ground-mounted solar systems submit a plan for decommissioning to be held on file by the municipality and requires DEM, with the office of energy resources, ma...
Signed by Governor
RIS2885PassFOOD AND DRUGS -- THE RHODE ISLAND CANNABIS ACT - Permits hybrid cannabis cultivators to advertise regarding cannabis products during the transitional period.
Signed by Governor
RIS3003PassPUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- MERIT SYSTEM -- PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION - Eliminates waiting periods for acceptance response for successful candidates, requires that all qualified candidates names be sent to the hiring agency, mandates given DHS so...
Signed by Governor
RIS3044PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- CONFIDENTIALITY OF HEALTH CARE COMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION ACT - Amends definition of "authorized representative" in the confidentiality of health-care communications/information act provides that an authorized repres...
Signed by Governor
RIS2183PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- COUNSELING COMPACT - Adopts a counseling compact for the interstate practice of licensed professional counselors by providing for the mutual recognition of other member state licenses governed and administrated by commis...
Signed by Governor
RIS2293PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- RENEWABLE READY PROGRAM - Establishes the renewable ready program and fund to promotes the responsible siting/development of renewable energy generating resources in locations where it would be an ancillary beneficial ...
Signed by Governor
RIS2418PassELECTIONS -- REGISTRATION OF VOTERS - Allows non-affiliated party voters to vote in party primaries, without becoming an affiliated party voter.
Signed by Governor
RIS2780PassELECTIONS -- MAIL BALLOTS - Requires mail ballot drop boxes to be opened thirty-five (35) days prior to election day, and twenty (20) days prior to special elections.
Signed by Governor
RIS2763PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- CITY HOUSING AUTHORITIES - Allows RIHMFC and related organization to administer allocations of funds for low-income housing.
Signed by Governor
RIS2989PassMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- MOBILE AND MANUFACTURED HOMES - Makes several amendments relative to manufactured homes, including adding a definition for manufactured home and a provision allowing for certain manufactured homes to be considered a single...
Signed by Governor
RIS2991PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- LOCAL PLANNING BOARD OR COMMISSION - Provides amendments to the membership provisions of planning boards or commissions and would enable municipalities to establish "combined review boards" to replace separate planning and zoning ...
Signed by Governor
RIS3001PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- SUBDIVISION OF LAND - Makes amendments to various provisions relative to subdivision of land review, review stages, special provisions related to development and the procedures for approvals from various permitting authorities.
Signed by Governor
RIS2994PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- ZONING ORDINANCES - Amends provisions relative to the application of zoning ordinances pertaining to wetland buffers to projects for development, redevelopment, construction or rehabilitation.
Signed by Governor
RIS2214PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- FACILITATING BUSINESS RAPID RESPONSE TO STATE DECLARED DISASTER ACT OF 2024 - Exempts out-of-state businesses and their employees performing services, during declared state or federal disasters or emergencies, from state...
Signed by Governor
RIS2211PassCOURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- COURTS -- FAMILY COURT - Only protective orders issued against adults are to be transmitted to A.G.'s B.C.I. for inclusion in the R.O.N.C.O. system. Protective orders against juveniles will be accessible to law enforceme...
Signed by Governor
RIS2639PassTAXATION -- COLLECTION OF TAXES GENERALLY - Allows municipalities that issue tax bills via mail to develop programs to provide adequate notice through other digital means.
Signed by Governor
RIS2732PassFISH AND WILDLIFE -- HUNTING AND HUNTING SAFETY -- CAPTIVE HUNTING PROHIBITED - Prohibits captive hunting for domestic or wild animals and does not prohibit the release of domestic game birds for hunting on licensed shooting preserves.
Signed by Governor
RIS2873PassINSURANCE -- DENTAL INSURANCE LOSS RATIO REPORTING AND STUDY ACT - Requires dental health insurance carriers to file an actuarial memorandum disclosing its incurred claims/earned premiums, to assist the health insurance commissioner with respect to a...
Signed by Governor
RIS2112PassPROBATE PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE -- LIMITED GUARDIANSHIP AND GUARDIANSHIP OF ADULTS - Provides that supported decision-making pursuant to chapter 66.13 of title 42 be added to the Limited Guardianship and Guardianship of Adults forms section as one of ...
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2933PassTOWNS AND CITIES -- INTERLOCAL CONTRACTING AND JOINT ENTERPRISE - Removes the attorney general's oversight of interlocal agreements.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIS2115PassCRIMINAL PROCEDURE -- VICTIM'S RIGHTS - Amends the current requirement of payment of initial filing fee/service of process costs when the victim of crime is still owed restitution at the expiration of the case/seeks to enforce the civil judgment ente...
Signed by Governor
RIS2220PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- NURSES - Prohibits any agreement whereby an advanced practice registered nurse is restricted in the right to practice in a certain geographic area, assist or provide treatment or establish a professional relationship wit...
Signed by Governor
RIS2185PassBUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS -- REAL ESTATE SALES DISCLOSURES - Requires information on the public's rights and privileges of the shore to be included in disclosure forms for the sale of vacant land or real property.
Signed by Governor
RIS2382PassINSURANCE -- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS INSURANCE POLICIES -- LIFETIME LIMITS - Repeals the authority of the health insurance commissioner to enforce any act of Congress/decision of federal court invalidating or repealing the prohibition of annual lifetim...
Signed by Governor
RIS2698PassALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES -- RETAIL LICENSES - Adds the month of August to the dates a Class A retail alcoholic beverage establishment can offer unlimited free samples of wine, beer and distilled spirits products.
Signed by Governor
RIS2810PassFISH AND WILDLIFE -- DEER HUNTING - Modifies reporting requirements regarding collisions between vehicles and wildlife where the vehicle has been substantially damaged.
Signed by Governor
RIS2850PassHEALTH AND SAFETY -- TOXIC PACKAGING REDUCTION ACT - Updates the existing Toxic Packaging Act by delaying the ban on PFAS in food packaging until January 1, 2025, and in processing agents until July 1, 2027.
Signed by Governor
RIS2954PassFISH AND WILDLIFE -- LOBSTERS AND OTHER CRUSTACEANS - Amends the current law to allow for the harvesting of blue crabs during the hours of darkness.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS -- NET METERING - Prohibits utility companies from limiting the eligibility of a net metering site based on prior consumption and requires excess energy not consumed under the net metering system to be credited to the co...
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
PROPERTY -- BY POSSESSION AND PRESCRIPTION - Denies the right of footway, except within one hundred (100) yards of the Pawtuxet River in the cities of Warwick and Cranston and except in connection with a right to pass with carriages to be acquired by...
Senate read and passed

Sine Die
CORPORATIONS, ASSOCIATIONS, AND PARTNERSHIPS -- RHODE ISLAND BUSINESS CORPORATION ACT - Makes numerous technical amendments to the statutes on taxes and corporations, associations and partnerships.
Senate passed as amended (floor amendment)

Sine Die
EDUCATION -- TEACHERS' RETIREMENT -- PUBLIC OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES -- RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Reduces the number of years from five (5) to three (3), when calculating for retirement purposes, the average of the highest consecutive years of compensation, ...
Senate read and passed
RIS2278PassCOMMERCIAL LAW -- GENERAL REGULATORY PROVISIONS -- SENIOR SAVINGS PROTECTION ACT - Prohibits the charging of any fees to a senior citizen who is 65 years of age or older for a hard-copy paper bill, invoice or statement. The violation of this provisio...
Signed by Governor
RIS2484PassMOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES -- REGISTRATION OF VEHICLES - Amends the Gloria Gemma Breast Cancer Resource Foundation special plate law to include an annual ten-dollar (10.00) surcharge for plate renewals.
Signed by Governor
RIS2516PassEDUCATION -- HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS - Requires RIDE to develop type 1 diabetes informational materials for the parents and guardians of students that will be posted publicly on RIDE's website.
Signed by Governor
RIS2740PassAERONAUTICS -- AIRPORTS AND LANDING FIELDS - Designates the appropriate authority on air space issues as the president and CEO of the Rhode Island airport corporation and aligns certain job titles with their proper responsibilities relative to aerona...
Signed by Governor
RIS2744PassANIMALS AND ANIMAL HUSBANDRY -- DOGS - Increases the penalty for violations of the care of dogs statute to a minimum fine of one hundred dollars ($100) and a maximum fine of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per violation.
Signed by Governor
RIS2821PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION -- THE RHODE ISLAND MUNICIPAL INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM - Provides minor technical changes, including an update to the membership of the state planning council to include the secretary o...
Signed by Governor
RIS2947PassMOTOR VEHICLES -- SIZE, WEIGHT, AND LOAD LIMITS - Adds "loose material" to the contents of a vehicle that must be covered by a covering that must remain in place until the vehicle's contents are purged from the vehicle.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
HEALTH AND SAFETY -- BUILDING DECARBONIZATION ACT OF 2024 - Establishes a program for the energy benchmarking of large buildings in Rhode Island and a standard for their energy performance.
Senate passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment)
RIS3162PassSenate Resolution Extending Deepest Condolences On The Passing Of Elena Marie Ciccone
Senate read and passed
RIS2096PassSTATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' BILL OF RIGHTS - Creates the law enforcement officer's due process accountability and transparency act.
Signed by Governor

Sine Die
COURTS AND CIVIL PROCEDURE -- PROCEDURE GENERALLY -- EVIDENCE - Provides that statements by a health care provider regarding the unanticipated outcome of a patient's medical care and treatment shall be inadmissible as evidence of an admission of liab...
Senate passed Sub A

Sine Die
WATERS AND NAVIGATION -- OIL SPILL PREVENTION, ADMINISTRATION AND RESPONSE FUND - Provides funds to support Executive Climate Change Coordinating Council to reduce climate emissions.
Senate passed Sub A
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