Rhode Island Representative Samuel Azzinaro [D] | All Sessions | Passed

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RIH7239PassNames Route 4 and Route 1 from Warwick to Westerly The Purple Heart Memorial Highway.
Signed by Governor
RIH7532PassExpands the definition of sales to include any license, lease, or rental of prewritten or vendor-hosted computer software and specified digital products. This act would also define "end-user" for specified digital products.
Signed by Governor
RIH7951PassHouse Resolution Respectfully Requesting The President Of The United States To Designate A State Funeral For The Last Surviving Medal Of Honor Recipient From World War Ii When Such Recipient Passes Away
House read and passed
RIH7456PassHouse Resolution Posthumously Honoring First Sergeant Peter Andrew Mckenna On Having The Rhode Island Chapter #004 Of The Irish Veterans Association Named In His Honor
House read and passed
RIH7391PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming The Week Of February 3-7, 2020, To Be "national School Counseling Week" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH7386PassHouse Resolution Celebrating "national Catholic Schools Week" On January 26th Through February 1, 2020, In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH7012PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Commander William F. Bundy, Ph.d., Us Navy Ret.
House read and passed
RIH5639PassProvides that any solid waste collected and disposed of by, or on behalf of the district, shall be charged the same tipping fee per ton as the municipal rate and require the waste hauler to certify the tonnage at the time of disposal.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6166PassAuthorizes the Memorial and Library Association of Westerly to take, hold, transmit and convey real and personal estate to an amount not exceeding sixty-five million dollars ($65,000,000).
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH6185PassAuthorizes the town of Westerly to issue general obligation bonds, notes and other evidences of indebtedness not to exceed $71,410,000 for school improvements.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH5678PassProhibits nonregulated power producers from automatically renewing a contract. Mandates that the nonregulated power producer provide methods for the customer to cancel service and provide the customer with notice of the contract expiration date.
Signed by Governor
RIH5028PassRequires public utilities or utility facilities to repave and repair roadways altered or excavated by them to the satisfaction of state or municipalities providing financial recovery for defective incomplete repairs.
Signed by Governor
RIH5170PassAllows a provisional employee in classified service, who has satisfactorily served in their position for more than five (5) consecutive years, to be deemed qualified to be awarded permanent status in that position, without the need of examination.
Signed by Governor
RIH5458PassRaises amount from $1,500 to $3,000 at which insurer may fail to renew private passenger auto policy/assess premium surcharge for property damage claim payment. Eff. 1/1/20.
Signed by Governor
RIH5419PassProvides conditions to lawfully permit a state employee to be employed as an interpreter or a CART provider outside of the normal working hours.
Signed by Governor
RIH6094PassChanges the name of Gold Star Parents Day to Gold Star Family Day.
Signed by Governor
RIH5251PassEstablishes the requirements for licensure and regulation of electrologists performing electrolysis and/or laser hair removal.
Signed by Governor
RIH5457PassAllows disability insurance with a benefit limit in excess of a benefit limit available from an admitted insurer to be written in the surplus lines market.
Signed by Governor
RIH5191PassEnables city/town council to grant tax relief from payment of real estate/property tax during periods of federal/state government cessation of operations to state/federal employees.
Signed by Governor
RIH5207PassCreating the travel insurance act to establish comprehensive/uniform regulatory framework for travel insurance. Clarifying/bolstering enforcement authority over participants in the travel insurance industry.
Signed by Governor
RIH5470PassClassifies all vehicles used by the department of corrections in the performance official duties as authorized emergency vehicles.
Signed by Governor
RIH6247PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Joseph N. Cugini
House read and passed
RIH5016PassJoint Resolution Extending The Reporting And Expiration Dates Of The Special Legislative Commission To Study Veteran And Military Spouse Education And Employment Opportunities (would Extend The Reporting And Expiration Dates Of The Special Legislativ...
Senate passed in concurrence
RIH6171PassHouse Resolution Honoring And Thanking Ann M. Hollands On The Occasion Of Her Retirement After More Than Forty Years Of Dedicated Service In The Field Of Real Estate And To The People Of The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH6083PassHouse Resolution Commemorating The 74th Anniversary Of V-e Day (victory In Europe) On May 8, 2019, In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH6041PassHouse Resolution Commemorating The Month Of May As "national Military Appreciation Month" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5963PassHouse Resolution Proclaiming April, 2019, To Be "the Month Of The Military Child" In Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5928PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of 1st Lieutenant John D. Crouchley, Jr., While In Heroic Service On Behalf Of Our Nation In World War Ii
House read and passed
RIH5890PassHouse Resolution Commemorating "world Down Syndrome Day" On March 21, 2019, In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5054PassHouse Resolution Extending The Reporting And Expiration Dates Of The Special Legislative Commission To Study And Make Recommendations For A Plan And The Design Of A Beirut Memorial To Be Located At The Rhode Island State House (extends The Reporting ...
House read and passed
RIH5135PassHouse Resolution Respectfully Requesting That The United States Congress Pass, And The President Sign, New Jersey United States Congressman Jeff Van Drew’s Bill To Fund The United States Coast Guard During The Current Federal Government Shutdown
House read and passed
RIH5134PassHouse Resolution Recognizing And Supporting The "know Before You Fly" Campaign As An Official Source Of Safety Education For Prospective And Active Operators Of Unmanned Aircraft Systems In Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH5122PassHouse Resolution Recognizing And Congratulating The Wine Store On Being Named The 2018 Retailer Of The Year By Beverage Dynamics
House read and passed
RIH5000PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of The Most Reverend, Bishop Robert E. Mulvee
House read and passed
RIH7223PassIncreases the fines and penalties of operating under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance with a child under thirteen (13) years of age.
Signed by Governor
RIH7402PassRemoves the requirement that a student with disabilities be a college student in order to be eligible to participate in the Mary Brennan fellowship fund program and also removes the requirement that the fellowship program take place in Providence.
Signed by Governor
RIH7134PassRequires the public utilities commission to implement a purchase of receivables program where the electric distribution company purchases the receivables of a nonregulated power producer at a discount rate.
Signed by Governor
RIH7336PassEnables newspaper motor route carriers to have installed upon them forward viewing a rotating amber beam lights.
Signed by Governor
RIH8220PassAllows Robert E.P. Elmer, III to join Kasey Lynn Quaglia and Benjamin Thomas Corbitt in marriage on or about July 7, 2019, within the Town of Westerly, Rhode Island.
Effective without Governor's signature
RIH7728PassAmends the time within which mail ballots must be returned to the state board of elections and the time to commence the counting of mail ballots on election day, from nine o'clock (9:00) p.m. to eight o'clock (8:00) p.m.
Signed by Governor
RIH7567PassJoint Resolution Extending The Reporting Date Of The Special Legislation Commission To Study Veteran And Military Spouse Education And Employment Opportunities (extends The Reporting Date Of The Special Legislation Commission To Study Veteran And Mil...
Senate passed in concurrence
RIH7522PassRequires the secretary of state to notify the appropriate elected official of a newly registered voter's most recent former place of residence, only if it is located outside of Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor
RIH7560PassEliminates the requirement that a waiver for fuel content standards be obtained from both weights and measures (DLT) and the department of environmental management (DEM).
Signed by Governor
RIH8309PassHouse Resolution Honoring And Congratulating Boy Scout Troop 10 Of Westerly, Rhode Island, For 79 Years Of Invaluable Service To The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
RIH8285PassHouse Resolution Expressing Condolences On The Passing Of Mark S. Spangler
House read and passed
RIH7292PassNames the recreation room at the Rhode Island Veterans Home as the "Michael Andrade Memorial Recreation Room".
Signed by Governor
RIH8237PassAllows Robert E.P. Elmer, III, to join Sophia Irena Marya Olender and Blay William Bradley in marriage on or about June 2, 2018, within the Town of Westerly, Rhode Island.
Signed by Governor
RIH8259PassHouse Resolution Congratulating The Westerly Unified Basketball Team For Winning The Rhode Island Division Iii Championship
House read and passed
RIH8238PassHouse Resolution Honoring And Memorializing The “rhode Island Nine”, The Nine Rhode Island Marines, Sergeant Timothy Giblin, Of North Providence, Corporal Rick R. Crudale, Of Warwick, Corporal Edward S. Iacovino, Jr., Of Warwick, Corporal David C...
House read and passed
RIH8175PassHouse Resolution Celebrating May 6th Through May 12th, 2018, As "national Correctional Officers And Employees Week" In The State Of Rhode Island
House read and passed
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