TN Legislation | 2021-2022 | 112th General Assembly | Bills

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HB2244PassAs enacted, creates the criminal offenses of especially aggravated rape, especially aggravated rape of a child, and grave torture. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 6; Title 7; Title 8; Title 12; Title 38; Title 39; Title 40 and Title 49.
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
SB1912PassAs enacted, requires department's case managers to report a suspected violation of a court order to law enforcement in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 36; Title 37 and Section 39-13-113.
Effective date(s) 05/27/2022
SB2932PassSubject to local approval, authorizes the sale, lease, or other transfer of the Chattanooga-Hamilton County Hospital Authority's assets or liabilities. - Amends amend Chapter 297 of the Private Acts of 1976; as amended.
Comp. became Pr. Ch. 68
HB2022PassAs enacted, requires department's case managers to report a suspected violation of a court order to law enforcement in certain circumstances. - Amends TCA Title 36; Title 37 and Section 39-13-113.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1095
SB2465PassAs enacted, requires a healthcare prescriber to offer a prescription for an opioid antagonist, or another drug approved for complete or partial reversal of an opioid overdose event, to each patient prescribed an opioid, if certain conditions are pres...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1061
SB1872PassAs enacted, revises provisions governing the Ground Ambulance Service Provider Assessment Act. - Amends TCA Title 5; Title 7; Title 56; Title 68 and Title 71.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1052
SB2288PassAs enacted, allows a court to revoke a defendant's probation and suspension of sentence for a misdemeanor offense based upon one instance of a technical violation or violations; specifies that the court may revoke the defendant's probation and suspen...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1060
SB2480PassAs enacted, enacts the "Tennessee Broadband Investment Maximization Act of 2022." - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 65 and Title 67, Chapter 6.
Effective date(s) 05/31/2022
SB2931PassSubject to local approval, establishes the office of county attorney.
Comp. became Pr. Ch. 67
SB2043PassAs enacted, authorizes the department, as allowed via federal department of agriculture waiver of the physical presence requirement, to utilize remote use of the special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children at a substantially si...
Effective date(s) 05/27/2022
HB2426PassAs enacted, authorizes the collateral pool board to make temporary changes to the required collateral and collateral pledge levels contained in the board's rules, including the qualitative and quantitative standards for determining collateral pledge ...
Effective date(s) 05/25/2022
HB0519PassAs enacted, eliminates the professional privilege tax for physicians. - Amends TCA Title 63 and Title 67, Chapter 4, Part 17.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1083
SB2725PassAs enacted, adds to the provisions governing confidentiality of photographic evidence that depicts certain deceased persons. - Amends TCA Section 10-7-504.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1064
HB2895PassSubject to local approval, rewrites the civil service system for the city fire department. - Amends Chapter 104 of the Acts of 1903; as amended and rewritten.
Pr. Ch. 61
HB2668PassAs enacted, requires that certain retirees of the Tennessee wildlife resources agency and Tennessee bureau of investigation with 25 years of service receive 80 percent of the scheduled premium or defined contribution for the health insurance benefits...
Effective date(s) 05/25/2022
SB1885PassAs enacted, extends the nursing home annual assessment fee to June 30, 2023. - Amends TCA Title 71, Chapter 5, Part 10.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1059
HB0959PassAs enacted, enacts the "Interstate Compact for License Portability Act" for professional counseling services. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1088
HB0846PassAs enacted, deletes the requirement that teachers in the special school district of penal and reformatory institutions receive annual compensation at a rate of one tenth times 12 of the annual compensation in effect in the county in which the respect...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
HB2207PassAs enacted, revises provisions governing temporary and provisional licenses for psychologists. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 11.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1035
HB2606PassAs enacted, revises various provisions of the Tennessee Higher Education Authorization Act of 2016, which governs proprietary higher education institutions. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 7.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1044
HB2519PassAs enacted, increases from $10,000 to $25,000 the threshold amount for certain purchases by or for a county road department or by a chief administrative officer that may be made by means other than public advertisement and competitive bid. - Amends T...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1036
HB2102PassAs enacted, revises the eligibility requirements for a person to qualify as an "eligible petitioner" for purposes of petitioning for expunction of public records concerning a conviction for a felony or misdemeanor committed prior to November 1, 1989....
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1027
SB1158PassAs enacted, expands the Individualized Education Act to extend eligibility for the individualized education account program to a child with a specific learning disability. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
HB2375PassAs enacted, requires expedited hearings and appeals in contested child custody cases involving unmarried parties if a paternity test by an accredited laboratory is known to exist or has been requested of or by the court. - Amends TCA Title 36 and Tit...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1028
HB2234PassAs enacted, removes a conviction for prostitution as a requirement for a person to be eligible for expunction of multiple, nonviolent convictions for offenses that resulted from the person's status as a victim of human trafficking. - Amends TCA Title...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1033
SB0827PassAs enacted, prohibits the use of solitary confinement for pregnant inmates and inmates who have given birth within the past eight weeks; prohibits transfer of a pregnant inmate from a jail to a state penitentiary or branch of a prison for safekeeping...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
SB1310PassAs enacted, requires a health carrier, health benefit plan, or utilization review organization that denies coverage of a prescription drug for the treatment of a medical condition through the use of a step therapy protocol to provide access to a clea...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022, 01/01/2023
SB2001PassAs enacted, revises the eligibility requirements for a person to qualify as an "eligible petitioner" for purposes of petitioning for expunction of public records concerning a conviction for a felony or misdemeanor committed prior to November 1, 1989....
Effective date(s) 07/01/2002
SB2204PassAs enacted, requires an entity that contracts with the Megasite Authority of West Tennessee for a real estate interest in the megasite to report, or cause its contractor or contractors to report, certain information to the state building commission, ...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
HB2761PassAs enacted, directs TACIR to perform a study of the overall effect of utility scale solar energy development in this state. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 5; Title 6; Title 13; Title 65; Title 66; Title 67 and Title 68.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1043
HB2875PassAs enacted, prohibits, beginning on the date on which a pregnancy is known to a law enforcement agency and confirmed by a healthcare professional, placing an inmate, who is in the custody of a correctional institution, in restraints; creates certain ...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1041
HB0751PassAs enacted, expands the Individualized Education Act to extend eligibility for the individualized education account program to a child with a specific learning disability. - Amends TCA Title 49.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1019
SB2628PassAs enacted, removes a short-barrel rifle or shotgun from the list of weapons the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of which is prohibited under state law. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
SB2114PassAs enacted, requires expedited hearings and appeals in contested child custody cases involving unmarried parties if a paternity test by an accredited laboratory is known to exist or has been requested of or by the court. - Amends TCA Title 36 and Tit...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
HB2531PassAs enacted, revises the provisions governing the requirements for certain professional counselors. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 22, Part 1.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1040
HB2675PassAs enacted, allows a member of the general assembly to use campaign account funds for lodging expenses if the member is not otherwise eligible for reimbursement or the reimbursement does not cover the total amount of the expense and for mileage reimb...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1026
SB2128PassAs enacted, revises provisions governing "base tax revenues" under the Convention Center and Tourism Development Financing Act of 1998. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 5; Title 6; Title 7 and Title 8.
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
HB1827PassAs enacted, continues permanent rules filed with the secretary of state between January 1, 2021, and December 31, 2021; schedules the University of Tennessee (Knoxville) Rule 1720-04-03.01 regarding student code of conduct and the Austin Peay State U...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1024
SB2326PassAs enacted, establishes a reserve account in the retirement system for the payment of state liabilities, and the interest that would have been earned thereon, resulting from military service credit established pursuant to existing law provisions. - A...
Effective date(s) 05/23/2022
SB2694PassAs enacted, revises the provisions governing the requirements for certain professional counselors. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Title 63, Chapter 22, Part 1.
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022, 01/01/2023
SB1792PassAs enacted, revises the penalties for continuous sexual abuse of a child to clarify circumstances under which the offense is a Class A, Class B, or Class C felony; adds to the list of offenses that warrant the Class A felony, trafficking for a commer...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
SB2313PassAs enacted, extends the applicability of the Local Tourism Development Zone Business Tax Act to a privately owned or operated museum principally dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage, achievements, and contributions of minority artists, ...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
SB2769PassAs enacted, prohibits, beginning on the date on which a pregnancy is known to a law enforcement agency and confirmed by a healthcare professional, placing an inmate, who is in the custody of a correctional institution, in restraints; creates certain ...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
SB1947PassAs enacted, allows a member of the general assembly to use campaign account funds for lodging expenses if the member is not otherwise eligible for reimbursement or the reimbursement does not cover the total amount of the expense and for mileage reimb...
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
SB1670PassAs enacted, requires that each LEA employee who works directly with students in the LEA, instead of only teachers, be trained at least once every three years on the detection, intervention, prevention, and treatment of human trafficking in which the ...
Effective date(s) 07/01/2022
HB2509PassAs enacted, removes a short-barrel rifle or shotgun from the list of weapons the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of which is prohibited under state law. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 13.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1038
HB2672PassAs enacted, prohibits state treasurer from entering into a contract with a state depository if the state depository has a policy prohibiting financing to companies in the fossil fuel industry. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 9 and Title 12.
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1039
HB0916PassAs enacted, prohibits the use of solitary confinement for pregnant inmates and inmates who have given birth within the past eight weeks; prohibits transfer of a pregnant inmate from a jail to a state penitentiary or branch of a prison for safekeeping...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1017
HB2448PassAs enacted, extends the applicability of the Local Tourism Development Zone Business Tax Act to a privately owned or operated museum principally dedicated to the preservation of cultural heritage, achievements, and contributions of minority artists, ...
Comp. became Pub. Ch. 1034
SB2356PassAs enacted, revises provisions governing temporary and provisional licenses for psychologists. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 11.
Effective date(s) 05/11/2022
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