SB1829 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires the board, in consultation with the department of education, to develop an alternative graduation pathway for high school students interested in pursuing technical training or a technical career after graduation; authorizes th... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-28 To Senate Education Committee |
SB0562 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, deletes statutes on marriage licensing and ceremonies; limits the jurisdiction of circuit courts and chancery courts in cases involving the definition of common law marriage to the principles of common law marriage. - Amends TCA Title ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-28 Sponsor(s) Added. |
SB2226 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, reduces from 30 to 21 days the period of time within which a child care agency, substitute pool, or staffing agency must report to the department of human services the occurrence of an employee leaving employment. - Amends TCA Title 49... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-28 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
HB2723 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, grants state employees up to five days of leave to care for a minor child that is required to stay home as the result of a COVID-19 infection or school closure; prohibits counting such leave from against the employee's accumulated sick... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-28 Comp. SB subst. |
SB2382 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires the public utility commission to report to the general assembly concerning the status of the functioning of universal service mechanisms on or before March 1, 2023, and on or before March 1 thereafter. - Amends TCA Title 4; Ti... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-28 To Senate Commerce and Labor Committee |
SB2647 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, changes from January 15 to February 15 the date by which the bureau must submit an annual report to the chairs of the health and welfare committee of the senate and the health committee of the house of representatives that describes th... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-27 To Senate Calendar Committee |
SB0925 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, designates the ladder as the official state tool. - Amends TCA Title 4, Chapter 1, Part 3. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-27 To Senate Calendar Committee |
SB0625 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, permits the court in a tax collection proceeding to enter on the tax books a copy of the court order. - Amends TCA Title 67. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-27 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB2014 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases the penalty for the offense of aggravated burglary, from a Class C felony to a Class B felony, if the burglary is of an occupied habitation; increases the penalty for especially aggravated burglary, from a Class B felony to a... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-27 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB2221 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires LEAs to classify school nurses as licensed personnel for salary purposes; requires an LEA to pay a school nurse the base salary established for licensed teachers for the respective school year if the school nurse holds a valid... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-27 Re-refer to Senate Cal. Comm. |
SB1826 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases, from 35 to 40 years, the maximum time period during which a certain portion of state sales taxes are allocated and distributed to a municipality or industrial development corporation that finances development of an extraordi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB0435 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, broadens the offense of indecent exposure when committed by masturbation or exposure to include victims who are 14 years of age or younger or any age if the victim does not consent to the conduct; increases the penalty for indecent exp... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB1795 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases from $175,000 to $250,000 the first portion of home value for which property tax relief will be reimbursed to disabled veteran home owners. - Amends TCA Section 67-5-704. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB0248 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, establishes a deaf mentor program to be carried out by the West Tennessee School for the Deaf in Jackson and the Tennessee School for the Deaf in Nashville and Knoxville. - Amends TCA Title 49, Chapter 10, Part 9. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1741 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, authorizes full-time public school teachers to enroll in one course at any state-supported college or university without having to pay tuition and fees. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 50, Part 1 and Title 49. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB1785 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, expands the offenses of aggravated assault and assault against a first responder to include an assault involving the use or display of any article used or fashioned to lead the victim to reasonably believe it to be a deadly weapon. - A... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB1904 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, changes the date, from January 1 to January 15, by which the medical cannabis commission must submit its annual report to the general assembly. - Amends TCA Title 33; Title 38; Title 39, Chapter 15, Part 4; Title 39, Chapter 17; Title ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1696 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases the penalty for the offense of aggravated burglary, from a Class C felony to a Class B felony, if the burglary is of an occupied habitation; increases the penalty for especially aggravated burglary, from a Class B felony to a... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB2012 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, reduces, from 29.0141 percent to 28.5262 percent, the share of state sales and use tax revenue deposited to the state general fund; increases, from 4.6030 percent to 5.0909 percent, the share appropriated to municipalities. - Amends TC... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB2160 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, expands the business tax exemption for persons engaged in the manufacture of goods from a location or outlet subject to ad valorem taxation, to also include sales by the person of such manufactured goods from a storage or warehouse fac... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1973 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires TennCare to create and implement a three-year pilot program to provide remote patient monitoring services for maternal health to eligible TennCare recipients; authorizes the TennCare director to seek a federal waiver as necess... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB1879 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, appropriates $15 million to the legislature for planning and construction of a new parking garage that has at least 400 parking spaces, is attached to the Cordell Hull Building, and is used solely by legislative employees. - Amends TCA... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1356 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, enacts the "James 'Dustin' Samples Act." - Amends TCA Title 7, Chapter 51, Part 2; Title 50, Chapter 6 and Title 68, Chapter 102. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
HB0340 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires that an audiovisual recording be made of any interrogation of a child who has been taken into custody on suspicion that the child committed a delinquent act or unruly conduct; states that the requirement may not be waived. - A... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
HB1025 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, reduces the time within which a sentencing hearing must be held from within 45 days after a finding of guilt to within 30 days after the finding of guilt. - Amends TCA Title 39; Title 40; Title 41 and Title 55. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB2483 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, allocates a portion of state sales and use tax revenues to an eligible county or a municipality within the eligible county that is economically distressed for the purpose of funding certain capital outlay or other eligible projects; es... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1071 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, exempts the retail sale of food and food ingredients from the state sales tax for the period of May through October 2021. - Amends TCA Title 67, Chapter 6. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
SB2469 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, deletes the additional state tax of 2.75 percent applied to the amount of single articles in excess of $1,600 but less than or equal to $3,200; authorizes local governments to impose a local tax up to 2.75 percent on such amount. - Ame... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB1772 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, revises definition of "cost" in the Border Region Retail Tourism Development District Act to include rental discounts and incentives provided to certain retail or tourism facilities that lease property within a district. - Amends TCA T... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB2051 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, extends from 60 days to 12 months the period of postpartum coverage for pregnant women who meet certain medical assistance eligibility requirements in accordance with provisions of the American Rescue Plan. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Tit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB2161 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, designates social media platforms as common carriers and requires the entities to obtain certificates of public convenience and necessity from the Tennessee public utilities commission; prescribes fines against social media platforms t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB2721 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, authorizes full-time public school teachers to enroll in one course at any state-supported college or university without having to pay tuition and fees. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 50, Part 1 and Title 49. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB2261 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases, from one to two, the number of free plates for the Purple Heart and disabled veteran license plates issued to veterans with disabilities. - Amends TCA Section 55-4-256 and Section 55-4-257. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB0637 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, permits the court in a tax collection proceeding to enter on the tax books a copy of the court order. - Amends TCA Title 67. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB2369 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, designates social media platforms as common carriers and requires the entities to obtain certificates of public convenience and necessity from the Tennessee public utilities commission; prescribes fines against social media platforms t... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB2338 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires an LEA to notify the LEA's new employees of the health plan offered to the employees. - Amends TCA Title 8, Chapter 27 and Title 49. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB0602 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires newly constructed or renovated buildings that are open to the public to contain at least one restroom containing a powered, height-adjustable, adult-sized changing table if constructed or renovated after a certain date. - Amen... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB1256 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires state funding board to conduct a study on the impact and effects of the rapid devaluation of the United States dollar on the state's economy; requires the board to prepare a report of its findings and recommendations resulting... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
HB2693 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, extends the period before an election, from 30 days to 45 days, during which mass mailings from a member of the general assembly to the persons in the member's district must be paid for with non-state funds. - Amends TCA Title 3; Title... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB1320 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, creates an offense of using force or coercion to cause a person to join a criminal gang against the person's will; sets penalty based on the age of the victim; classifies new offense as a criminal gang offense. - Amends TCA Title 39 an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
SB2752 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires the department to submit to the legislature a quarterly report on the public health impacts of gun violence on local communities, including data on the deaths, disabilities, and economic hardships stemming from gun violence, d... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
SB2046 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, extends from 60 days to 12 months the period of postpartum coverage for pregnant women who meet certain medical assistance eligibility requirements in accordance with provisions of the American Rescue Plan. - Amends TCA Title 4 and Tit... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB2098 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases the penalty for assault that results in the bodily injury of a law enforcement officer who is discharging the officer's official duties from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class E felony; maintains the 30-day minimum sentence and... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB1915 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, appropriates excess state tax revenues over-collected in fiscal year 2021–2022 to the department of transportation to be used for making grants in the amount of $2 million to each county highway department for the construction, repai... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB1440 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, increases from within 45 days to within 60 days of the date of judgment, the timeframe for the court clerk to forward to the Tennessee bureau of investigation a copy of the judgment and date of birth of all persons required to be inclu... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Returned to the Clerk's Desk. |
HB2206 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, expands the offense of assault against a first responder or nurse to include a healthcare facility security guard/officer who is discharging or attempting to discharge their official duties. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13 and Title ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB2253 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, requires LEAs to classify school nurses as licensed personnel for salary purposes; requires an LEA to pay a school nurse the base salary established for licensed teachers for the respective school year if the school nurse holds a valid... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
HB2516 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, establishes the Tennessee flood resilience and community preparedness task force. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 58; Title 68 and Title 69. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |
SB1821 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, appropriates excess state tax revenues over-collected in fiscal year 2021–2022 to the department of transportation to be used for making grants in the amount of $2 million to each county highway department for the construction, repai... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 To Senate Finance, Ways and Means Committee |
HB0829 | Intro
Sine Die | As introduced, enacts the Solemn Covenant of the States to Award Prizes for Curing Diseases compact. - Amends TCA Title 4; Title 53; Title 56; Title 63; Title 68 and Title 71. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2022-04-26 Taken off notice for cal in s/c Finance, Ways, and Means Subcommittee of Finance, Ways, and Means Committee |