Texas Representative Ryan Guillen [R] | All Sessions | Vetoed

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TXHB2629VetoRelating to the reporting of direct campaign expenditures by certain persons and political committees.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXSB2399VetoRelating to the authority of the Public Utility Commission of Texas to regulate Voice over Internet Protocol services.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1544VetoRelating to the eligibility of land to continue to be appraised for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land if the land is temporarily used for sand mining operations; authorizing a fee.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1477VetoRelating to performance and payment bonds for public work contracts on public property leased to a nongovernmental entity.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXSB474VetoRelating to the unlawful restraint of a dog; creating a criminal offense.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB686VetoRelating to the release on parole of certain youthful offenders; changing parole eligibility.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB994VetoRelating to appeals to justice courts of certain ad valorem tax determinations.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1053VetoRelating to the administration, powers, and duties of certain navigation districts; authorizing the imposition of a tax.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1099VetoRelating to peace officers commissioned by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2475VetoRelating to the indigent status of a person for purposes of the driver responsibility program.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB3648VetoRelating to the powers and duties of the office of independent ombudsman for the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2111VetoRelating to the period for which a school district's participation in certain tax increment financing reinvestment zones may be taken into account in determining the total taxable value of property in the school district.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB651VetoRelating to the creation and operations of health care provider participation programs in counties not served by a hospital district or a public hospital.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB70VetoRelating to a strategic plan goal by the Department of Agriculture to prevent crop diseases and plant pests in this state.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB345VetoRelating to the automatic issuance of a personal identification certificate to a person 60 years of age or older whose driver's license has been surrendered or revoked.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2481VetoRelating to the creation and administration of certain specialty court programs; authorizing fees.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1215VetoRelating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB61VetoRelating to consideration under the public school accountability system of performance on assessment instruments by certain students formerly receiving special education services and to the placement and use of video cameras in certain self-contained...
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB1500VetoRelating to the public school accountability system.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB3055VetoRelating to the restrictions on political activities for a county elections administrator.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB499VetoRelating to the public transportation advisory committee.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2282VetoRelating to the procedures for protests and appeals of certain ad valorem tax determinations.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB4103VetoRelating to oaths and affirmations of certain judges of municipal courts.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2084VetoRelating to transparency in the rate-setting processes for the Medicaid managed care and child health plan programs.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB4025VetoRelating to funding to counties for transportation infrastructure projects located in areas of the state affected by increased oil and gas production, including money from county energy transportation reinvestment zones.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB2466VetoRelating to the creation of a safety reimbursement program for employers participating in the workers' compensation system.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB225VetoRelating to the prescription, administration, and possession of certain opioid antagonists for the treatment of a suspected overdose and a defense to prosecution for certain offenses involving controlled substances and other prohibited drugs, substan...
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB130VetoRelating to an enhanced quality full-day prekindergarten program provided by public school districts in conjunction with community providers.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHB821VetoRelating to the sale, recovery, and recycling of certain television equipment; providing administrative penalties.
Vetoed by the Governor
TXHCR252VetoRequesting the governor to appoint a Governor's Task Force on Horse and Greyhound Racing.
Vetoed by the Governor
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