US HB3523 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress
Spectrum: Moderate Partisan Bill (Republican 87-26)
Status: Engrossed on May 7 2012 - 50% progression, died in committee
Action: 2012-05-07 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence.
Pending: Senate Select Intelligence Committee
Text: Latest bill text (Engrossed) [PDF]
Status: Engrossed on May 7 2012 - 50% progression, died in committee
Action: 2012-05-07 - Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence.
Pending: Senate Select Intelligence Committee
Text: Latest bill text (Engrossed) [PDF]
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act - Amends the National Security Act of 1947 to add provisions concerning cyber threat intelligence and information sharing. Defines "cyber threat intelligence" as information in the possession of an element of the intelligence community directly pertaining to a vulnerability of, or threat to, a system or network of a government or private entity, including information pertaining to the protection of a system or network from: (1) efforts to degrade, disrupt, or destroy such system or network; or (2) theft or misappropriation of private or government information, intellectual property, or personally identifiable information. Requires the Director of National Intelligence to: (1) establish procedures to allow intelligence community elements to share cyber threat intelligence with private-sector entities and utilities, and (2) encourage the sharing of such intelligence. Requires the procedures established to ensure that such intelligence is only: (1) shared with certified entities or a person with an appropriate security clearance, (2) shared consistent with the need to protect U.S. national security, and (3) used in a manner that protects such intelligence from unauthorized disclosure. Provides for guidelines for the granting of security clearance approvals to certified entities or officers or employees of such entities. Prohibits a certified entity receiving such intelligence from further disclosing the information to any entity other than another certified entity or a federal department or agency authorized to receive such intelligence. Authorizes a cybersecurity provider (a non-governmental entity that provides goods or services intended to be used for cybersecurity purposes), with the express consent of a protected entity (an entity that contracts with a cybersecurity provider) to: (1) use cybersecurity systems to identify and obtain cyber threat information in order to protect the rights and property of the protected entity; and (2) share cyber threat information with any other entity designated by the protected entity, including the federal government. Requires the head of a federal department or agency receiving cyber threat information to provide such information to the National Cybersecurity and Communications Integration Center of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and allows such department or agency head to request the Center to provide such information to another federal department or agency. Regulates the use and protection of shared information, including prohibiting the use of such information to gain a competitive advantage and, if shared with the federal government, exempts such information from public disclosure. Prohibits a civil or criminal cause of action against a protected entity, a self-protected entity (an entity that provides goods or services for cybersecurity purposes to itself), or a cybersecurity provider acting in good faith under the above circumstances. Allows the federal government to use shared cyber threat information: (1) for cybersecurity purposes, including the investigation of cybersecurity crimes; (2) for the protection of individuals from the danger of death or serious bodily harm and the prosecution of crimes involving such dangers; or (3) to protect U.S. national security. Prohibits the federal government from affirmatively searching such information for any other purpose. Provides for the protection of sensitive personal documents such as library records, tax returns and medical records. Requires a federal department or agency receiving information that is not cyber threat information to so notify the entity or provider of such information. Allows the federal government to undertake efforts to limit the impact of the sharing of such information on privacy and civil liberties. Outlines federal government liability for violations of restrictions on the disclosure, use, and protection of voluntarily shared information. Directs the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community to submit annually to the congressional intelligence committees a review of the use of such information shared with the federal government, as well as recommendations for improvements and modifications to address privacy and civil liberties concerns. Preempts any state statute that restricts or otherwise regulates an activity authorized by the Act. States that nothing in this Act shall be construed to: (1) provide additional authority to, or modify existing authority of, any element of the intelligence community to control or direct the cybersecurity efforts of a private-sector entity or a component of the federal government or a state, local, or tribal government; (2) limit or affect existing information sharing relationships of the federal government; or (3) provide additional authority to, or modify existing authority of, any entity to use a cybersecurity system owned or controlled by the federal government on a private-sector system or network to protect the latter system or network.
Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act
Roll Calls
2012-04-26 - House - On Passage (Y: 248 N: 168 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Motion to Recommit with Instructions (Y: 183 N: 233 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 413 N: 3 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 414 N: 1 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 416 N: 0 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 415 N: 0 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 410 N: 3 NV: 18 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 412 N: 0 NV: 19 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 167 N: 243 NV: 21 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Passage (Y: 248 N: 168 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Motion to Recommit with Instructions (Y: 183 N: 233 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 413 N: 3 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 414 N: 1 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 416 N: 0 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 415 N: 0 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 410 N: 3 NV: 18 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 412 N: 0 NV: 19 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 167 N: 243 NV: 21 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Motion to Recommit with Instructions (Y: 183 N: 233 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 413 N: 3 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 414 N: 1 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 416 N: 0 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 415 N: 0 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 410 N: 3 NV: 18 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 412 N: 0 NV: 19 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 167 N: 243 NV: 21 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Passage (Y: 248 N: 168 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Motion to Recommit with Instructions (Y: 183 N: 233 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 413 N: 3 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 414 N: 1 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 416 N: 0 NV: 15 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 415 N: 0 NV: 16 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 410 N: 3 NV: 18 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 412 N: 0 NV: 19 Abs: 0) [PASS]
2012-04-26 - House - On Agreeing to the Amendment (Y: 167 N: 243 NV: 21 Abs: 0) [FAIL]
Date | Chamber | Action |
2012-05-07 | Senate | Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Select Committee on Intelligence. |
2012-04-26 | House | UNANIMOUS CONSENT - Mr. Mike Rogers (MI) asked unanimous consent that in the engrossment of H.R. 3523, the Clerk be authorized to make the change placed at the desk as follows: Insert "deny access to or" before "degrade" in each place it appears. Agreed to without objection. |
2012-04-26 | House | The Clerk was authorized to correct section numbers, punctuation, and cross references, and to make other necessary technical and conforming corrections in the engrossment of H.R. 3523. (consideration: CR H2186) |
2012-04-26 | House | On passage Passed by recorded vote: 248 - 168 (Roll no. 192). |
2012-04-26 | House | Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection. |
2012-04-26 | House | On motion to recommit with instructions Failed by the Yeas and Nays: 183 - 233 (Roll no. 191). |
2012-04-26 | House | The previous question on the motion to recommit with instructions was ordered without objection. (consideration: CR H2185) |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - The House proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Perlmutter motion to recommit with instructions. The instructions contained in the motion seek to require the bill to be reported back to the House with an amendment to protect the privacy of Internet passwords by prohibiting employers and the Federal Government from requiring the disclosure of confidential passwords by an employee or job applicant. It would also protect freedom of expression on the Internet by prohibiting the Federal Government from establishing a national firewall similar to the "Great Internet Firewall of China." |
2012-04-26 | House | Mr. Perlmutter moved to recommit with instructions to Intelligence (Permanent). (consideration: CR H2184-2186; text: CR H2184) |
2012-04-26 | House | The House adopted the amendment in the nature of a substitute as agreed to by the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union. (text of amendment in the nature of a substitute: CR H2166-2167) |
2012-04-26 | House | The previous question was ordered pursuant to the rule. (consideration: CR H2183) |
2012-04-26 | House | The House rose from the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union to report H.R. 3523. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1030 On agreeing to the Mulvaney amendment (A012) Agreed to by recorded vote: 413 - 3 (Roll no. 190). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1028 On agreeing to the Goodlatte amendment (A010) Agreed to by recorded vote: 414 - 1 (Roll no. 189). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1024 On agreeing to the Mulvaney amendment (A006) Agreed to by recorded vote: 416 - 0 (Roll no. 188). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1023 On agreeing to the Amash amendment (A005) Agreed to by recorded vote: 415 - 0 (Roll no. 187). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1022 On agreeing to the Quayle amendment (A004) Agreed to by recorded vote: 410 - 3 (Roll no. 186). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1021 On agreeing to the Rogers (MI) amendment Agreed to by recorded vote: 412 - 0 (Roll no. 185). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1019 On agreeing to the Langevin amendment Failed by recorded vote: 167 - 243 (Roll no. 184). |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1032 On agreeing to the Richardson amendment (A014) Failed by voice vote. (consideration: CR H2177) |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Richardson amendment No. 10. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1032 Amendment (A014) offered by Ms. Richardson. (consideration: CR H2177-2179; text: CR H2178)Amendment sought to make explicit that nothing in the legislation would prohibit a department or agency of the federal government from providing cyber threat information to owners and operators of critical infrastructure. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1031 By unanimous consent, the Jackson Lee (TX) amendment was withdrawn. (consideration: CR H2179) |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Jackson Lee (TX) amendment No. 5. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1031 Amendment (A013) offered by Ms. Jackson Lee (TX). (consideration: CR H2176-2177; text: CR H2176)An amendment numbered 5 printed in House Report 112-454 to authorize the Secretary to intercept and deploy countermeasure with regard to system traffic for cybersecurity purposes in effect identification of cybersecurity risks to federal systems. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Mulvaney amendment No. 15, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Mulvaney demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Mulvaney amendment No. 15. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1030 Amendment (A012) offered by Mr. Mulvaney. (consideration: CR H2176, H2183; text: CR H2176)Amendment sunsets the provisions of the bill five years after the date of enactment. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1029 On agreeing to the Turner (OH) amendment (A011) Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Turner (OH) amendment No. 14. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1029 Amendment (A011) offered by Mr. Turner (OH). (consideration: CR H2175-2176; text: CR H2175)Amendment makes a technical correction to definitions in Section 2(g) to provide consistency with other cyber security policies within the Executive branch and the Department of Defense. |
2012-04-26 | House | The House resolved into Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for further consideration. |
2012-04-26 | House | Considered as unfinished business. (consideration: CR H2175-2186) |
2012-04-26 | House | Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union rises leaving H.R. 3523 as unfinished business. |
2012-04-26 | House | ORDER OF PROCEDURE - Mr. Rogers of Michigan asked unanimous consent that, during further consideration of H.R. 3523 pursuant to H. Res. 631, amendments numbered 10 and 5 printed in House Report 112-454 may be considered out of sequence. Agreed to without objection. |
2012-04-26 | House | On motion that the committee rise Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | Mr. Rogers (MI) moved that the committee rise. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Goodlatte amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Rogers (MI) demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Goodlatte amendment No. 13. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1028 Amendment (A010) offered by Mr. Goodlatte. (consideration: CR H2174-2175, H2182-2183; text: CR H2174)Amendment narrows definitions in the bill regarding what information may be identified, obtained, and shared. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1027 On agreeing to the Woodall amendment (A009) Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Woodall amendment No. 12. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1027 Amendment (A009) offered by Mr. Woodall. (consideration: CR H2173-2174; text: CR H2173)An amendment numbered 12 printed in House Report 112-454 to ensure that those who choose not to participate in the voluntary program authorized by this bill are not subject to new liabilities. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1026 On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A008) Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Pompeo amendment No. 11. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1026 Amendment (A008) offered by Mr. Pompeo. (consideration: CR H2173; text: CR H2173)An amendment numbered 11 printed in House Report 112-454 to clarify that nothing in the bill would alter existing authorities or provide new authority to any federal agency, including DOD, NSA, DHS or the Intelligence Community to install, employ, or otherwise use cybersecurity systems on private sector networks. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1025 On agreeing to the Flake amendment (A007) Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Flake amendment No. 9. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1025 Amendment (A007) offered by Mr. Flake. (consideration: CR H2173; text: CR H2173)Amendment adds a requirement to include a list of all federal agencies receiving information shared with the government in the report by the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community required under the legislation. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Mulvaney amendment No. 8, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Mulvaney demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Mulvaney amendment No. 8. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1024 Amendment (A006) offered by Mr. Mulvaney. (consideration: CR H2172-2173, H2181-2182; text: CR H2172)Amendment provides authority to the Federal Government to create reasonable procedures to protect privacy and civil liberties, consistent with the need of the Government to protect federal systems and cybersecurity and would also prohibit the Federal Government from retaining or using information shared pursuant to paragraph (b)(1) for anything other than a use permitted under the bill. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Amash amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Amash demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Amash amendment No. 7. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1023 Amendment (A005) offered by Mr. Amash. (consideration: CR H2171-2172, H2181; text: CR H2171)Amendment prohibits the federal government from using library and book records, information on gun sales, tax records, educational records and medical records that it receives from private entities under CISPA. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Quayle amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Ruppersberger demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Quayle amendment No. 6. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1022 Amendment (A004) offered by Mr. Quayle. (consideration: CR H2170-2171, H2180-2181; text: CR H2170)Amendment limits government use of shared cyber threat information to only 5 purposes: (1) cybersecurity; (2) investigation and prosecution of cybersecurity crimes; (3) protection of individuals from the danger of death or physical injury; (4) protection of minors from physical or psychological harm; and (5) protection of the national security of the United States. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDEINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Rogers (MI) amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the ayes had prevailed. Mr. Ruppersberger demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Rogers (MI) amendment No. 4. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1021 Amendment (A003) offered by Mr. Rogers (MI). (consideration: CR H2169-2170, H2180; text: CR H2169-2170)Amendment clarifies that regulatory information already required to be provided remains obtainable under the Freedom of Information Act. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1020 On agreeing to the Pompeo amendment (A002) Agreed to by voice vote. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Pompeo amendment No. 3. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1020 Amendment (A002) offered by Mr. Pompeo. (consideration: CR H2169; text: CR H2169)Amendment makes clear that the liability protection in the bill extends only to the identification and acquisition of cyberthreat information and no further. |
2012-04-26 | House | POSTPONED PROCEEDINGS - At the conclusion of debate on the Langevin amendment, the Chair put the question on adoption of the amendment and by voice vote announced that the noes had prevailed. Mr. Langevin demanded a recorded vote and the Chair postponed further proceedings on the question of adoption of the amendment until later in the legislative day. |
2012-04-26 | House | DEBATE - Pursuant to the provisions of H. Res. 631, the Committee of the Whole proceeded with 10 minutes of debate on the Langevin amendment No. 1. |
2012-04-26 | House | H.AMDT.1019 Amendment (A001) offered by Mr. Langevin. (consideration: CR H2167-2169, H2179; text: CR H2167)Amendment sought to expand eligibility to participate in the voluntary information sharing program created in the bill to include critical infrastructure owners and operators, which allows entities that are not entirely privately owned, such as airports, utilities, and public transit systems, to receive vital cybersecurity information and better secure their networks against cyber threats. |
2012-04-26 | House | GENERAL DEBATE - The Committee of the Whole proceeded with one hour of general debate on H.R. 3523. |
2012-04-26 | House | The Speaker designated the Honorable Judy Biggert to act as Chairwoman of the Committee. |
2012-04-26 | House | House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union pursuant to H. Res. 631 and Rule XVIII. |
2012-04-26 | House | Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3523 with 1 hour of general debate. Motion to recommit with or without instructions allowed. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule makes in order as original text for purpose of amendment the amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 112-20 and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. The rule further provides that it shall be in order at any time through the legislative day of April 27, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules. The rule provides further for a closed rule for consideration of H.R. 4628. The rule provides one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit. Finally, the rule provides that |
2012-04-26 | House | Considered under the provisions of rule H. Res. 631. (consideration: CR H2156-2176) |
2012-04-26 | House | Rule H. Res. 631 passed House. |
2012-04-25 | House | Rule provides for consideration of H.R. 3523 with 1 hour of general debate. Motion to recommit with or without instructions allowed. Measure will be considered read. Specified amendments are in order. The rule waives all points of order against consideration of the bill. The rule makes in order as original text for purpose of amendment the amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 112-20 and provides that it shall be considered as read. The rule waives all points of order against the amendment in the nature of a substitute. The rule makes in order only those amendments printed in the Rules Committee report. The rule further provides that it shall be in order at any time through the legislative day of April 27, 2012, for the Speaker to entertain motions that the House suspend the rules. The rule provides further for a closed rule for consideration of H.R. 4628. The rule provides one hour of general debate and one motion to recommit. Finally, the rule provides that |
2012-04-17 | House | Placed on the Union Calendar, Calendar No. 311. |
2012-04-17 | House | Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Intelligence. H. Rept. 112-445. |
2011-12-01 | House | Ordered to be Reported (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 17 - 1. |
2011-12-01 | House | Committee Consideration and Mark-up Session Held. |
2011-11-30 | House | Referred to the House Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select). |
Same As/Similar To
HR631 (Related) 2012-04-26 - Motion to reconsider laid on the table Agreed to without objection.
Administrative law and regulatory procedures
Armed forces and national security
Business records
Civil actions and liability
Computer security and identity theft
Congressional oversight
Crimes against children
Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation
Director of National Intelligence
Federal preemption
Government information and archives
Government liability
Health information and medical records
Homeland security
Human trafficking
Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information
Public-private cooperation
Right of privacy
Sex offenses
Armed forces and national security
Business records
Civil actions and liability
Computer security and identity theft
Congressional oversight
Crimes against children
Criminal investigation, prosecution, interrogation
Director of National Intelligence
Federal preemption
Government information and archives
Government liability
Health information and medical records
Homeland security
Human trafficking
Intelligence activities, surveillance, classified information
Public-private cooperation
Right of privacy
Sex offenses