US | SB9 | Intro 25% | A bill to provide that for purposes of determining compliance with title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in athletics, sex shall be recognized based solely on a person's reproductive biology and genetics at birth. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-27 Cloture motion on the motion to proceed to the measure presented in Senate. (CR S1434) |
US | SB712 | Intro 25% | A bill to require agencies to repeal ten existing regulations before issuing a new regulation, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-25 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB685 | Intro 25% | A bill to ensure State and local law enforcement officers are permitted to cooperate with Federal officials to protect our communities from violent criminals and suspected terrorists who are illegally present in the United States. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-24 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SB587 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the estate and generation-skipping transfer taxes, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-13 To Senate Finance Committee |
US | SB382 | Intro 25% | A bill to ensure equal protection of the law, to prevent racism in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB401 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Federal Reserve Act to prohibit certain financial service providers who deny fair access to financial services from using taxpayer funded discount window lending programs, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-04 To Senate Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs Committee |
US | SB364 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to remove silencers from the definition of firearms, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-02-03 To Senate Finance Committee |
US | SR49 | Intro 25% | A resolution designating the week beginning February 3, 2025, as "National Tribal Colleges and Universities Week". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-30 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S527; text: CR S525-526) |
US | SB5 | Pass | A bill to require the Secretary of Homeland Security to take into custody aliens who have been charged in the United States with theft, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 Became Public Law No: 119-1. |
US | SB295 | Intro 25% | A bill to reduce the size of the Federal workforce through attrition, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB309 | Intro 25% | A bill to allow a State to submit a declaration of intent to the Secretary of Education to combine certain funds to improve the academic achievement of students. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 To Senate Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions Committee |
US | SR44 | Intro 25% | A resolution designating the week of January 26 through February 1, 2025, as "National School Choice Week". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-29 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SB286 | Intro 25% | A bill to establish vetting standards for the placement of unaccompanied alien children with sponsors, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-28 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SB252 | Intro 25% | A bill to increase access to agency guidance documents. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB250 | Intro 25% | A bill to restrict the availability of Federal funds to organizations associated with the abortion industry. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-24 To Senate Foreign Relations Committee |
US | SB6 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 Cloture on the motion to proceed to the measure not invoked in Senate by Yea-Nay Vote. 52 - 47. Record Vote Number: 11. (CR S294-295) |
US | SB184 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to define the term natural cheese. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 To Senate Health, Education, Labor, And Pensions Committee |
US | SB186 | Intro 25% | A bill to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-22 To Senate Finance Committee |
US | SB164 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, to provide for en bloc consideration in resolutions of disapproval for "midnight rules", and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-21 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB165 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Controlled Substances Act to list fentanyl-related substances as schedule I controlled substances. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-21 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SB152 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to permit kindergarten through grade 12 educational expenses to be paid from a 529 account. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-20 To Senate Finance Committee |
US | SB117 | Intro 25% | A bill to provide remedies to members of the Armed Forces discharged or subject to adverse action under the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-16 To Senate Armed Services Committee |
US | SB128 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to require proof of United States citizenship to register an individual to vote in elections for Federal office, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-16 To Senate Rules And Administration Committee |
US | SB121 | Intro 25% | A bill to extend the statute of limitations for violations relating to pandemic-era programs to be 10 years. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-16 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SB83 | Intro 25% | A bill to amend title 18, United States Code, to provide enhanced penalties for convicted murderers who kill or target America's public safety officers. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-14 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SR21 | Intro 25% | A resolution designating October 10, 2025, as "American Girls in Sports Day". [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-13 To Senate Commerce, Science, And Transportation Committee |
US | SB81 | Intro 25% | A bill to require a guidance clarity statement on certain agency guidance, and for other purposes. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-13 To Senate Homeland Security And Governmental Affairs Committee |
US | SB65 | Intro 25% | A bill to allow reciprocity for the carrying of certain concealed firearms. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-09 To Senate Judiciary Committee |
US | SR19 | Intro 25% | A resolution honoring the life and legacy of President Jimmy Carter and commending President Jimmy Carter for his life-long career of public service, humanitarian leadership, diplomacy, and courageous advocacy. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2025-01-09 Submitted in the Senate, considered, and agreed to without amendment and with a preamble by Unanimous Consent. (consideration: CR S76; text: CR S81) |