Legislative Research: US HB1491 | 2023-2024 | 118th Congress
Other Sessions
Session | Title/Description | Last Action |
2025-2026 119th Congress (Introduced) | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to make the postponement of certain deadlines by reason of disasters applicable to the limitation on credit or refund, and to take postponements into account for purposes of sending collection notices. [HB1491 2025 Detail][HB1491 2025 Text][HB1491 2025 Comments] | 2025-02-26 Ordered to be Reported in the Nature of a Substitute (Amended) by the Yeas and Nays: 44 - 0. |
2023-2024 118th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To amend the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to increase the maximum loan amount for certain loans. [HB1491 2023 Detail][HB1491 2023 Text][HB1491 2023 Comments] | 2023-03-09 Referred to the House Committee on Small Business. |
2021-2022 117th Congress (Engrossed - Dead) | To amend the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act to provide enhanced protection against debt collector harassment of members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. [HB1491 2021 Detail][HB1491 2021 Text][HB1491 2021 Comments] | 2021-04-22 Received in the Senate and Read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. |
2019-2020 116th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Addresses the regulation of financial technology (fintech) start-ups. The FinTech Council is established within the Department of the Treasury. The council must designate, upon request by a fintech start-up, which federal financial regulators have ex... [HB1491 2019 Detail][HB1491 2019 Text][HB1491 2019 Comments] | 2019-03-27 Referred to the Subcommittee on Commodity Exchanges, Energy, and Credit. |
2017-2018 115th Congress (Engrossed - Dead) | Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Indians Land Affirmation Act of 2017 (Sec. 2) This bill ratifies and confirms the actions of the Department of the Interior to: (1) take approximately 1,427 acres of land in Santa Barbara County, California, into trust for ... [HB1491 2017 Detail][HB1491 2017 Text][HB1491 2017 Comments] | 2018-08-23 Placed on Senate Legislative Calendar under General Orders. Calendar No. 559. |
2015-2016 114th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Partnership to Strengthen Homeownership Act of 2015 Amends the National Housing Act to remove the Government National Mortgage Association (Ginnie Mae) from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and establish it as an independent enti... [HB1491 2015 Detail][HB1491 2015 Text][HB1491 2015 Comments] | 2015-03-19 Referred to the House Committee on Financial Services. |
2013-2014 113th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Authorizes the Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to provide funds to any state, local, or tribal government impacted by the events, including marine debris, resulting from the March 2011 earthquake and subseq... [HB1491 2013 Detail][HB1491 2013 Text][HB1491 2013 Comments] | 2014-04-02 Reported (Amended) by the Committee on Natural Resources. H. Rept. 113-399, Part I. |
2011-2012 112th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Safety for Americans from Nuclear Weapons Testing Act - Deems each of the following actions undertaken by a federal agency to be a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment for which a detailed environmental im... [HB1491 2011 Detail][HB1491 2011 Text][HB1491 2011 Comments] | 2011-05-18 Referred to the Subcommittee on Strategic Forces. |
2009-2010 111th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Securing Equity for the Economic Development of Low Income Areas Act of 2009 - Amends the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 to direct the Administrator of the Small Business Administration (SBA), in selecting companies to participate in the New M... [HB1491 2009 Detail][HB1491 2009 Text][HB1491 2009 Comments] | 2009-03-12 Referred to the Subcommittee on Finance and Tax. |
References Online
Legislative Citation
US HB1491 | 2023-2024 | 118th Congress. (2023, March 09). LegiScan. Retrieved March 03, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB1491/2023
"US HB1491 | 2023-2024 | 118th Congress." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 09 Mar. 2023. Web. 03 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB1491/2023>.
"US HB1491 | 2023-2024 | 118th Congress." March 09, 2023 LegiScan. Accessed March 03, 2025. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB1491/2023.
LegiScan. US HB1491 | 2023-2024 | 118th Congress. 09 March 2023. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB1491/2023 (accessed March 03, 2025).
US Congress State Sources
Type | Source |
Summary | https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/1491/all-info |
Text | https://www.congress.gov/118/bills/hr1491/BILLS-118hr1491ih.pdf |