Legislative Research: US HB2411 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress
Other Sessions
Session | Title/Description | Last Action |
2023-2024 118th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To amend the Public Health Service Act to support and stabilize the existing nursing workforce, establish programs to increase the number of nurses, and for other purposes. [HB2411 2023 Detail][HB2411 2023 Text][HB2411 2023 Comments] | 2023-04-07 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. |
2021-2022 117th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide a tax credit to consumers to reimburse a portion of the cost of broadband infrastructure serving limited broadband districts. [HB2411 2021 Detail][HB2411 2021 Text][HB2411 2021 Comments] | 2021-04-08 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. |
2019-2020 116th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To prohibit the sale of tobacco products to individuals under the age of 21. [HB2411 2019 Detail][HB2411 2019 Text][HB2411 2019 Comments] | 2019-05-01 Referred to the Subcommittee on Health. |
2017-2018 115th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | To provide that certain current and former Federal employees and members of the Armed Forces may enroll in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, and for other purposes. This bill declares that any current or former federal employee, includin... [HB2411 2017 Detail][HB2411 2017 Text][HB2411 2017 Comments] | 2017-05-11 Referred to the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned. |
2015-2016 114th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Strong Start for America's Children Act of 2015 This bill directs the Department of Education (ED) to allot matching grants to states and, through them, subgrants to local educational agencies, childhood education program providers, or consortia of t... [HB2411 2015 Detail][HB2411 2015 Text][HB2411 2015 Comments] | 2015-11-16 Referred to the Subcommittee on Early Childhood, Elementary, and Secondary Education. |
2013-2014 113th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Prohibits the federal government from contracting with an offeror or any of its principals if the offeror certifies that it or any of its principals: (1) within the preceding three years, has been convicted of (or had a civil judgment rendered agains... [HB2411 2013 Detail][HB2411 2013 Text][HB2411 2013 Comments] | 2013-06-18 Referred to the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. |
2011-2012 112th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | Reduce America's Debt Now Act of 2011 - Authorizes an employee to elect for an employer to deduct and withhold upon the payment of his or her wages amounts to be used to reduce the public debt. Disallows an itemized deduction under the Internal Reven... [HB2411 2011 Detail][HB2411 2011 Text][HB2411 2011 Comments] | 2011-07-06 Referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means. |
2009-2010 111th Congress (Introduced - Dead) | State Admission Day Recognition Act of 2009 - Requires the Architect of the Capitol (AOC) to honor a state's anniversary of admission to the Union by flying its flag over the Capitol each year on that anniversary. Requires the AOC to: (1) fly the fir... [HB2411 2009 Detail][HB2411 2009 Text][HB2411 2009 Comments] | 2009-05-14 Referred to the House Committee on House Administration. |
References Online
Legislative Citation
US HB2411 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress. (2011, July 06). LegiScan. Retrieved March 06, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB2411/2011
"US HB2411 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 06 Jul. 2011. Web. 06 Mar. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB2411/2011>.
"US HB2411 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress." July 06, 2011 LegiScan. Accessed March 06, 2025. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB2411/2011.
LegiScan. US HB2411 | 2011-2012 | 112th Congress. 06 July 2011. https://legiscan.com/US/bill/HB2411/2011 (accessed March 06, 2025).
US Congress State Sources
Type | Source |
Summary | https://www.congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/2411/all-info |
Text | https://www.congress.gov/112/bills/hr2411/BILLS-112hr2411ih.pdf |