[US Congress HB6140] | Google Web | Google News | | | | |
[US Congress House Education And The Workforce Committee] | Google Web | Google News | | N/A | | |
[Representative Dave Camp US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Sandy Adams US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Robert Aderholt US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Steve Austria US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Michele Bachmann US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Spencer Bachus US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Gus Bilirakis US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Rob Bishop US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Diane Black US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Senator Marsha Blackburn US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Charles Boustany US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Kevin Brady US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mo Brooks US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Paul Broun US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Vern Buchanan US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Larry Bucshon US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Dan Burton US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Francisco Canseco US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Senator Shelley Capito US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative John Carter US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Steve Chabot US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Howard Coble US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mike Coffman US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tom Cole US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Michael Conaway US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Chip Cravaack US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Geoff Davis US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jeff Denham US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Renee Ellmers US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Virginia Foxx US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Trent Franks US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jim Gerlach US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Bob Gibbs US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Phil Gingrey US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Bob Goodlatte US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Paul Gosar US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Trey Gowdy US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tom Graves US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tim Griffin US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Morgan Griffith US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Andy Harris US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Vicky Hartzler US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Doc Hastings US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Nan Hayworth US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jeb Hensarling US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Wally Herger US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tim Huelskamp US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Bill Huizenga US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Darrell Issa US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Lynn Jenkins US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Bill Johnson US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Sam Johnson US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Walter Jones US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jim Jordan US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mike Kelly US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Steve King US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jack Kingston US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative John Kline US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Doug Lamborn US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Leonard Lance US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jeffrey Landry US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Senator James Lankford US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Robert Latta US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Billy Long US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Donald Manzullo US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Kenny Marchant US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Michael McCaul US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tom McClintock US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative David McKinley US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Gary Miller US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jeff Miller US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mick Mulvaney US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tim Murphy US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | N/A | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Sue Myrick US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Randy Neugebauer US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Richard Nugent US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Alan Nunnelee US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Pete Olson US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Erik Paulsen US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Joseph Pitts US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Ted Poe US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mike Pompeo US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Bill Posey US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tom Price US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Benjamin Quayle US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tom Reed US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Martha Roby US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative David Roe US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Todd Rokita US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Peter Roskam US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Dennis Ross US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Steve Scalise US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Jean Schmidt US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Aaron Schock US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative David Schweikert US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Senator Tim Scott US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative John Shimkus US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Adrian Smith US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Lamar Smith US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Steve Southerland US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Cliff Stearns US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Marlin Stutzman US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Mac Thornberry US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Tim Walberg US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Allen West US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Lynn Westmoreland US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Joe Wilson US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |
[Representative Kevin Yoder US] | Google Web | Google News | OpenSecrets | FollowTheMoney | Ballotpedia | VoteSmart | BioGuide |