Legislative Research: VA HR5 | 2010 | Regular Session

Other Sessions

SessionTitle/DescriptionLast Action
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Day of Tears. Recognizing January 22 as the Day of Tears in Virginia.
[HR5 2024 Detail][HR5 2024 Text][HR5 2024 Comments]
Left in Rules
Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Frank Clifford Doczi.
[HR5 2022 Detail][HR5 2022 Text][HR5 2022 Comments]
Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
Regular Session

Commending the Williamsburg-Jamestown Airport.
[HR5 2020 Detail][HR5 2020 Text][HR5 2020 Comments]
Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
Memorializing the United States Senate; federal recognition of certain Indian tribes in Virginia. Urges the United States Senate to pass H.R. 984, the Thomasina E. Jordon Indian Tribe of Virginia Recognition Act. The legislation, which has passed the...
[HR5 2018 Detail][HR5 2018 Text][HR5 2018 Comments]
Left in Rules
Regular Session

Commending McGee Grocery Store.
[HR5 2016 Detail][HR5 2016 Text][HR5 2016 Comments]
Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
Regular Session

Celebrating the life of Egbert Fullen Stallard.
[HR5 2014 Detail][HR5 2014 Text][HR5 2014 Comments]
Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
Regular Session

General Assembly. Invites the Governor of Virginia and other distinguished guests to the Hall of the House of Delegates.
[HR5 2012 Detail][HR5 2012 Text][HR5 2012 Comments]
House: Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)
Regular Session

(Introduced - Dead)
State sovereignty; Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. Urges Congress to honor state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and claims sovereignty for the Commonwealth under the Tenth Amendment o...
[HR5 2010 Detail][HR5 2010 Text][HR5 2010 Comments]
House: Left in Privileges and Elections
Regular Session

Nominating persons to be elected to circuit court judgeships.
[HR5 2008 Detail][HR5 2008 Text][HR5 2008 Comments]
House: Bill text as passed House (HR5ER)

References Online

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Legislative Citation

VA HR5 | 2010 | Regular Session. (2010, March 14). LegiScan. Retrieved February 25, 2025, from https://legiscan.com/VA/bill/HR5/2010
"VA HR5 | 2010 | Regular Session." LegiScan. LegiScan LLC, 14 Mar. 2010. Web. 25 Feb. 2025. <https://legiscan.com/VA/bill/HR5/2010>.
"VA HR5 | 2010 | Regular Session." March 14, 2010 LegiScan. Accessed February 25, 2025. https://legiscan.com/VA/bill/HR5/2010.
LegiScan. VA HR5 | 2010 | Regular Session. 14 March 2010. https://legiscan.com/VA/bill/HR5/2010 (accessed February 25, 2025).

Virginia State Sources
