An Act to amend and reenact §§2.2-203, 2.2-203.2:1, 2.2-212,
2.2-214, 2.2-215, 2.2-221, 2.2-230, 2.2-435.8, 2.2-517, 2.2-712, 2.2-1111,
2.2-1117, 2.2-1118, 2.2-1122, 2.2-1137, 2.2-1201, 2.2-1204, 2.2-1507, 2.2-2001,
2.2-2001.1, 2.2-2004, 2.2-2006, 2.2-2012, 2.2-2101, as it is currently
effective and as it shall become effective, 2.2-2411, 2.2-2528, 2.2-2626,
2.2-2627, 2.2-2664, 2.2-2666.3, 2.2-2674.01, 2.2-2676, 2.2-2677, 2.2-2696,
2.2-3000, 2.2-3003 through 2.2-3005.1, 2.2-3401, 2.2-3402, 2.2-3501,
2.2-3705.2, 2.2-3705.3, 2.2-3705.5, 2.2-3711, 2.2-3902, 2.2-4002, 2.2-4006,
2.2-4024, 2.2-4117, 2.2-4118, 2.2-4343, 2.2-4344, as it is currently effective
and as it shall become effective, 2.2-4345, 2.2-5300, 2.2-5510, 3.2-102,
3.2-109, 3.2-111, 3.2-114, 3.2-1100, 3.2-1102, 3.2-1800, 3.2-1802 through
3.2-1808, 3.2-1810, 3.2-1812, 3.2-1813, 3.2-1815, 3.2-2400 through 3.2-2407,
3.2-2408, 3.2-2409, 3.2-2410, 3.2-6588, 4.1-207.1, 4.1-223, 8.01-44.3,
8.01-66.9, 8.01-384.1, 8.01-418.2, 8.01-581.23, 9.1-102, 9.1-108, 10.1-104,
10.1-107, 10.1-400, 10.1-603.2, 10.1-603.2:1, 10.1-603.2:2, 10.1-603.4,
10.1-603.8:1, 10.1-603.12, 10.1-603.12:1, 10.1-603.14, 10.1-1102, 10.1-1103,
10.1-1183, 10.1-1186, 15.2-738, 15.2-1507, 15.2-1535, 15.2-1604, 15.2-1805,
15.2-2159, 15.2-2232, 16.1-287, 16.1-293, 19.2-164.1, 19.2-389, 22.1-17.1,
22.1-19, 22.1-209.1:2, 22.1-214, 22.1-217, 22.1-217.01, 22.1-253.13:5,
22.1-289, 22.1-346.2, 23-9.9:01, 23-50.16:24, 30-34.2:1, 30-182, 30-193,
30-198, 30-326, 32.1-23.1, 32.1-45.1, 32.1-64.1, 32.1-89, 32.1-102.1,
32.1-116.1, 32.1-127.1:04, 32.1-283.5, 32.1-330.3, 37.2-304, 37.2-312.1,
37.2-504, 37.2-505, 37.2-605, 37.2-802, 37.2-1000, 37.2-1010, 37.2-1015,
40.1-51.4:4, 44-123.3, 45.1-161.292:2, 45.1-161.292:11, 45.1-161.292:19 through
45.1-161.292:22, 45.1-161.292:24 through 45.1-161.292:29, 45.1-161.292:71,
45.1-186.1, 45.1-194, 46.2-221, 46.2-411, 46.2-1206, 46.2-1217, 51.1-124.3,
51.1-124.22, 51.1-124.27, 51.1-1101, 51.5-1, 51.5-2, 51.5-5.01, 51.5-9,
51.5-31, 51.5-33, 51.5-39.2, 51.5-39.7, 51.5-39.10, 51.5-41, 51.5-44, 53.1-5,
53.1-10, 53.1-32, 53.1-32.1, 53.1-41, 53.1-63.1, 54.1-300, 54.1-500,
54.1-500.1, 54.1-501, 54.1-516, 54.1-700, 54.1-701, 54.1-703, 54.1-704.1,
54.1-704.2, 54.1-705, 54.1-706, 54.1-1500, 54.1-2200, as it is currently
effective and as it shall become effective, 54.1-3005, 54.1-3408, 57-60,
58.1-344.3, 58.1-439.11, 58.1-609.1, 58.1-662, 58.1-2259, 58.1-3703, 58.1-3840,
59.1-203, 59.1-207.3, 59.1-207.34, 59.1-207.39, 59.1-207.44, 59.1-429,
59.1-432, 59.1-473, 62.1-44.5, 62.1-229.4, 63.2-100, 63.2-215, 63.2-313,
63.2-315, 63.2-401, 63.2-405, 63.2-1600, 63.2-1601, 63.2-1602, 63.2-1605,
63.2-1606, 63.2-1700, 63.2-1706, 63.2-1734, 63.2-1810, 63.2-2100, 63.2-2102,
66-3, 66-10, 66-13, 66-25.1, as it is currently effective and as it shall
become effective, 66-25.1:2, and 66-25.4 of the Code of Virginia; to amend the
Code of Virginia by adding in Article 2 of Chapter 2 of Title 2.2 a section
numbered 2.2-203.2:2, by adding in Chapter 5 of Title 2.2 an article numbered
4, consisting of sections numbered 2.2-520 through 2.2-524, by adding sections
numbered 2.2-1202.1 and 2.2-1501.1, by adding in Chapter 24 of Title 2.2 an
article numbered 23, consisting of sections numbered 2.2-2465 through 2.2-2469,
by adding in Article 9 of Chapter 26 of Title 2.2 a section numbered
2.2-2627.1, by adding in Chapter 39 of Title 2.2 a section numbered 2.2-3903,
by adding in Chapter 18 of Title 3.2 an article numbered 3, consisting of
sections numbered 3.2-1816 through 3.2-1822, by adding sections numbered
3.2-2407.1 and 4.1-103.02, by adding in Chapter 2 of Title 22.1 a section
numbered 22.1-20.1, by adding in Chapter 1 of Title 46.2 sections numbered
46.2-116, 46.2-117, 46.2-118, and 46.2-119, by adding in Chapter 9 of Title
51.5 a section numbered 51.5-39.13, by adding in Title 51.5 a chapter numbered
14, containing articles numbered 1 through 12, consisting of sections numbered
51.5-116 through 51.5-181, by adding sections numbered 54.1-1500.1 and
54.1-1500.2, by adding in Chapter 15 of Title 54.1 an article numbered 3,
consisting of sections numbered 54.1-1506 through 54.1-1509, by adding sections
numbered 54.1-2200.1 and 54.1-2200.2, by adding in Chapter 22 of Title 54.1 an
article numbered 3, consisting of sections numbered 54.1-2208.1 through
54.1-2208.4, and by adding a section numbered 66-13.1; and to repeal §2.2-118,
Chapter 7 (§§2.2-700 through 2.2-720), Chapter 10 (§§2.2-1000 and 2.2-1001),
Article 9 (§§2.2-2328 through 2.2-2335) of Chapter 22, Articles 6 (§§2.2-2411
and 2.2-2412), 7 (§§2.2-2413 and 2.2-2414), 12 (§§2.2-2426 through 2.2-2433),
and 13 (§2.2-2434) of Chapter 24, Articles 8 (§§2.2-2620 through 2.2-2625), 9
(§§2.2-2626 and 2.2-2627), 10 (§§2.2-2628 through 2.2-2629.2), 12 (§§
2.2-2632 through 2.2-2639), and 26 (§§2.2-2675 through 2.2-2678) of Chapter
26, Articles 2 (§§2.2-2705 through 2.2-2708.1) and 4 (§2.2-2711) of Chapter
27, and §2.2-4118 of Title 2.2, Chapter 25 (§§3.2-2500 through 3.2-2510), §§
3.2-3901, 3.2-3902, 3.2-3903, and 3.2-3905, and Chapter 41 (§§3.2-4100 through
3.2-4111) of Title 3.2, Article 4 (§§10.1-217.1 through 10.1-217.6) of Chapter
2, §§10.1-406, 10.1-603.14:1, 10.1-1172, Chapter 18 (§§22.1-339 through
22.1-345.1) of Title 22.1, §§45.1-161.292:15, 45.1-161.292:16,
45.1-161.292:18, 45.1-161.292:23, 45.1-195, and 45.1-196, §46.2-224 and
Chapter 28 (§§46.2-2800 through 46.2-2828) of Title 46.2, §51.5-2 and
Chapters 2 (§§51.5-3 through 51.5-5.01), 3 (§§51.5-8 through 51.5-10.1), 3.1
(§§51.5-12.1 through 51.5-12.4), 4 (§§51.5-13 through 51.5-14.1), 5 (§§
51.5-15 through 51.5-22), and 6 (§§51.5-23 through 51.5-30) of Title 51.5,
Article 3 (§§54.1-517.3, 54.1-517.4, and 54.1-517.5) of Chapter 5, §
54.1-703.2, Chapter 14 (§§54.1-1400 through 54.1-1405), §§54.1-1502 and
54.1-1503, Chapter 17 (§§54.1-1700 through 54.1-1706), and §54.1-2202, as it
is currently effective and as it shall become effective, of Title 54.1, §§
63.2-800, 63.2-1528, 63.2-1602.1, 63.2-1604, and 63.2-1735 of the Code of
Virginia and the second enactment of Chapter 551 of the Acts of Assembly of
2011, relating to the Governor's reorganization of the executive branch of
state government; elimination of the Commonwealth Competition Council, the
Interagency Dispute Resolution Council, the Virginia Public Buildings Board,
the Virginia Council on Human Resources, the Small Business Advisory Board, the
Board of Surface Mining Review, the Board of Mineral Mining Examiners, the
Virginia National Defense Industrial Authority, the Virginia Public
Broadcasting Board, the Hemophilia Advisory Board, the Boating Advisory
Committee, the Council on Indians, the Foundation for Virginia's Natural
Resources, the Board of Correctional Education, the Virginia Juvenile
Enterprise Committee, the Board of Transportation Safety, and the Board of
Towing and Recovery Operators; consolidation of the Department of Employment
Dispute Resolution into the Department of Human Resource Management, the Human
Rights Council and the Office of Consumer Affairs of the Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services into the Office of the Attorney General, the
Reforestation of Timberlands Board into the Board of Forestry, the Seed Potato
Board and the Potato Board, the Bright Flue-Cured Tobacco Board and the
Dark-Fired Tobacco Board, the Pesticide Control Board into the Board of
Agriculture and Consumer Services, the Board for Opticians and the Board for
Hearing Aid Specialists, the Board for Geology and the Board for Professional
Soil Scientists and Wetland Professionals, the Department for Aging, the
Department of Rehabilitative Services, and adult services and adult protective
services of the Department of Social Services into the Department for Aging and
Rehabilitative Services, the Advisory Board on Child Abuse and Neglect into the
Family and Children's Trust Fund, the Child Day-Care Council into the Board of
Social Services, the Chippokes Plantation Farm Foundation and Board of Trustees
and the Scenic River Board into the Board of Conservation and Recreation, the
Department of Correctional Education into the Departments of Corrections and
Juvenile Justice, and the Virginia War Memorial Foundation becomes the Virginia
War Memorial Board under the Department of Veterans Services; deregulation of
the professions of hair braiding and mold inspectors and mold remediators;
transfer of certain powers and duties from the Department of Environmental
Quality to the Department of Conservation and Recreation concerning environmental
education, from the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board to the State
Water Control Board concerning municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4)
permitting, and from the Governor's Office of Substance Abuse Prevention to the
Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control concerning substance abuse prevention.
[S 678]
Approved April 18, 2012
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia: