WI Legislation | 2017-2018 | Regular Session

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AR8FailObserving Tuesday, April 4, 2017, as Equal Pay Day in Wisconsin.
Failed to adopt pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB884FailActions against certain third parties by injured employees under the worker's compensation law. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB232FailPhysical examinations conducted by chiropractors; performance of medical examinations by chiropractors for the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration; chiropractic acupuncture and chiropractic dry needling; delegation of certain services by a ch...
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB938FailGrants to the Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc., and making an appropriation. (FE)
Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AJR76FailHonoring the 30th anniversary of the ABC apprenticeship program.
Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB450FailEligibility for state procurement contracts and certain actions taken by state and local governmental bodies involving a boycott of Israel. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB16FailCertain references to obsolete federal motor carrier law (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Transportation).
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AJR24FailRecognition of the importance of calling 811 prior to excavation and declaring April 2017 as Safe Digging Month.
Failed to adopt pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB254FailMotor vehicle data recorders and providing a penalty. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB785FailProviding funding, creating an individual income tax credit, and providing a levy limit exception for lead service line replacement and making an appropriation. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB940FailMandatory parenting classes.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB531FailAuthorizing the Wisconsin Propane Education and Research Council to levy an assessment.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB614FailThe regulation of ferrous metallic mining and related activities. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB623FailEliminating the state trail pass. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB644FailRequirements for colleges when service member students are called into active duty. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB14FailEliminating the property tax assessment freeze (suggested as remedial legislation by the Department of Revenue). (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB867FailAuthorized bases of local motor vehicle registration fees. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB195FailSchool board referendums to exceed revenue limit applicable to a school district. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB936FailProhibiting requirements for maintenance of certification by physicians.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB1015FailLimiting emergency care hospital rates for uninsured patients.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB742FailIntensive care coordination program in the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB891FailCreating a small farm start-up grant program, providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB45FailEliminating certain abortion prohibitions.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB604PassFingerprinting and conducting background investigations of employees in the state civil service or of a political subdivision, and of individuals performing contractual services for the state, who have access to federal tax information. (FE)
Published 3-29-2018
SB646FailExempting certain facilities from solid waste facility regulations. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB247FailAuthorizing hunting from a mechanized lift attached to a motor vehicle.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB773FailThe transfer of wild turkey hunting authorizations. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB704FailFirst responders on duty at prisons. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB1053FailReasonable accommodations for University of Wisconsin System students who are victims of sexual violence and harassment. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB346FailThe Wisconsin Natural Resources Magazine and the publication of information about climate change by the Department of Natural Resources. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB272FailA sales and use tax exemption for material used to construct a war memorial owned by a veterans organization. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB932FailVarious University of Wisconsin System reporting requirements and commencement of the system's fall semester for graduate health science classes.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB495FailProviding evidence in defense of a claim for excessive assessment.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB897PassThe fees for a foreign corporation's certificate of authority, withdrawal of a certificate of authority, and annual report. (FE)
Published 3-29-2018
AB316FailRequired notices by a health care provider who orders a test for the presence of Lyme disease. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB337FailEliminating the administrative code chapter for the Department of Health Services relating to loans to group homes for recovering substance abusers.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB939FailTrustees of Milwaukee County mental health facilities, Milwaukee County Mental Health Board vacancies, and the administrator of the behavioral health division.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AJR69FailOpposing the development of Aquila Resources' Back Forty Project, a proposed open pit metallic sulfide mine in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
Failed to adopt pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB530FailNutritional food pilot program under FoodShare and providing an exemption from rule-making procedures. (FE)
Failed to concur in pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB444FailDriver education instruction on human trafficking. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB611FailReporting requirements for crimes involving firearms, distribution of marijuana, and the theft of motor vehicles. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB1008FailExemption from state trail pass requirements for certain bicycle users with a disability.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB719FailVarious changes to the Wisconsin Retirement System, cancelling coverage under the Wisconsin Public Employers Group Life Insurance Program, and income continuation insurance premiums for certain teachers employed by the University of Wisconsin System ...
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB190FailIncreasing the minimum retirement age under the Wisconsin Retirement System and determining final average earnings for the purpose of calculating Wisconsin Retirement System annuities. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB28FailLicensure or certificate renewal for certain emergency medical services personnel. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB778FailBilling practices for certain health care providers and granting rule-making authority.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB937FailAccess to and release of patient health care records.
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB31FailRevising the length-of-service awards program in the Department of Administration for volunteer emergency response personnel. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB503FailModifications to a local governmental unit's employee grievance procedure. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB879FailCoercive conditions attached to federal funding. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
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