WI Legislation | 2017-2018 | Regular Session

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BillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
SB887FailLegislative power and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, administrative rule-making process, federal government waivers and approvals, unemployment insurance work search and registration requirements, and making an appropr...
Fiscal estimate received
SB884PassLegislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making process. (FE)
Fiscal estimate received
AB1070FailLegislative powers and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, and administrative rule-making process. (FE)
Fiscal estimate received
AB1073FailLegislative power and duties, state agency and authority composition and operations, administrative rule-making process, federal government waivers and approvals, unemployment insurance work search and registration requirements, and making an appropr...
Fiscal estimate received
SB883PassState and local highway projects; expenditure of transportation moneys received from the federal government; determining a reduction in individual income tax rates; and election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level. (FE)
Published 12-15-2018
SB886PassFederal government waivers and other requests for federal approval; public assistance programs; waivers from work search and registration requirements for certain unemployment insurance benefit claimants; granting rule-making authority; and making an...
Published 12-15-2018
AB1069FailState and local highway projects; expenditure of transportation moneys received from the federal government; determining a reduction in individual income tax rates; and election of pass-through entities to be taxed at the entity level. (FE)
Fiscal estimate received

Sine Die
The life and public service of Bishop Robert C. Morlino.
Report correctly enrolled on 12-7-2018

Sine Die
Honoring the life and public service of President George H.W. Bush.
Report correctly enrolled
AB1072FailFederal government waivers and other requests for federal approval; public assistance programs; waivers from work search and registration requirements for certain unemployment insurance benefit claimants; granting rule-making authority; and making an...
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB1071FailHolding the presidential preference primary on the second Tuesday in March; applying for an absentee ballot in-person; and absentee ballots cast by overseas and military voters. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
SB885FailHolding the presidential preference primary on the second Tuesday in March; applying for an absentee ballot in-person; and absentee ballots cast by overseas and military voters. (FE)
Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
AB365FailProhibiting lifetime and annual limits under health insurance policies and plans. (FE)
Action ordered immediately messaged
AB963FailAuthorizing certain tax benefits for a paper products manufacturer with facilities in the city of Neenah and village of Fox Crossing and making an appropriation. (FE)
To Joint Finance Committee
AB64PassState finances and appropriations, constituting the executive budget act of the 2017 legislature.
Partial veto failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82
AB539PassPlans for supervised release of sexually violent persons, representation of sexually violent persons by the state public defender, and making an appropriation. (FE)
Partial veto failed to pass notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82
SB798FailA sales and use tax rebate for certain dependent children and making an appropriation. (FE)
Failed to pass partial veto notwithstanding the objections of the Governor pursuant to Joint Rule 82
AB332PassThe signature requirement for nomination of candidates to school board in school districts that contain territory lying within a second class city.
Published 4-17-2018
AB926PassShoreline maintenance in outlying waters.
Published 4-17-2018
AB904PassCommercial building code administration; county authority regarding certain buildings and safety requirements; carbon monoxide detection in commercial residential buildings; examination requirements for marriage and family therapy, professional couns...
Published 4-17-2018
SB695PassDistances between motor vehicles.
Published 4-17-2018
AB902PassWholesale distributors subject to Pharmacy Examining Board requirements and enforcement and disciplinary authority of the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached boards and credentialing boards. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB905PassVarious changes to statutes administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached credentialing boards and requiring the exercise of rule-making authority. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB903PassVarious changes to statutes administered by the Department of Safety and Professional Services and attached credentialing boards. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB626PassEstablishing an open season for hunting deer with muzzle-loading firearms within the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore.
Published 4-17-2018
AB356PassLicensure or certificate renewal for certain emergency medical services personnel and ambulance service providers. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB355PassNeglect of a child and providing criminal penalties. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB114PassBattery of a tribal judge, tribal prosecutor, or tribal law enforcement officer and providing criminal penalties.
Published 4-17-2018
AB120PassInformation required to be included in class 2 and class 3 legal notices.
Published 4-17-2018
AB752PassApplications for alcohol beverage licenses and permits and for cigarette and tobacco products retailer licenses, appointment of corporate agents of alcohol beverage licensees and permittees, and providing a penalty. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB766PassA licensure exemption for sports medicine physicians licensed outside this state and granting rule-making authority.
Published 4-17-2018
AB584PassWaiver of certain fees during a declared state of emergency. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB581PassVenue requirements for domestic abuse, child abuse, and harassment cases.
Published 4-17-2018
AB771PassThe authority of political subdivisions to regulate rental properties and historic properties and of municipalities to inspect dwellings, public utility service to rental dwelling units, landlord and tenant regulations, fees imposed by a political su...
Published 4-17-2018
AB112PassGrants for treatment and diversion programs.
Published 4-17-2018
AB748PassPreventing the state or local governments from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive its rights under the National Labor Relations Act or state labor law; prohibiting local regulation of employee hours and o...
Published 4-17-2018
AB552PassIncorporation of Red Arrow Clubs.
Published 4-17-2018
AB583PassA sales and use tax exemption for services performed during a disaster period by electric cooperatives or telecommunications utilities. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB754PassVehicle weight limits, and permits for vehicles transporting certain loads, on certain state trunk highways in Ashland County and Vilas County. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB877PassDisclosures to the commissioner of insurance and other changes to the insurance laws, extending the time limit for emergency rule procedures, providing an exemption from emergency rule-making procedures, and granting rule-making authority. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB477PassSupplemental aid for school districts with a large area.
Published 4-17-2018
AB768PassTax-exempt property of housing authorities. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB911PassFunding for the Southeastern Wisconsin Fox River Commission and making an appropriation. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB871PassIntensive care coordination program in the Medical Assistance program. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB876PassCoverage of prescription eye drop refills.
Published 4-17-2018
AB789PassExempting certain facilities from solid waste facility regulations. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB518PassCondominium disclosure materials and payoff statements.
Published 4-17-2018
AB735PassCreating a penalty applicable to a seller that continues to collect sales tax erroneously on a product after receiving two or more written notices that the product is not taxable; certification of property assessors; use of social security numbers on...
Published 4-17-2018
AB732PassPilot program to provide outreach, support, and mental health and substance abuse services for veterans and making an appropriation. (FE)
Published 4-17-2018
AB731PassQualification of newspapers to receive compensation for publication of legal notice.
Published 4-17-2018
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