WV Legislation | 2019 | 1st Special Session | House | Bills

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HB207PassThe purpose of this bill is to exempt certain merchant power plants from the business and occupation tax.
Approved by Governor 7/30/19 - Senate Journal
HB132PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to decrease and increase existing items of appropriation in the aforesaid accounts for the designated spending units for the fiscal year 2020.
Approved by Governor 7/29/19 - Senate Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to require that the cost of benefits be included in a job posting.
Became law without Governor's signature - Senate Journal
HB118PassThe purpose of this bill is to remove barriers to employment for individuals with criminal records who seek licensure or certification in an occupation governed by this article, with certain exceptions. Â
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB156PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is appropriate funds in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue, unappropriated surplus balance and making a supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB150PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, and add an item of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2020.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB206PassRelating to public education
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB113PassThe purpose of this bill is to create a decreasing modification for personal income tax and corporation net income tax for income derived from businesses activity in qualified opportunity zones in West Virginia.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is provide that work performed for recovery from a declared state of disaster or state of emergency is to be considered as a government construction project subject to competitive bidding.
By substitute, do pass

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to appropriate additional money to the State Auditor’s Office out of available funds for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.
Communicated to Senate
HB148PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to appropriate funds in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue, unappropriated surplus balance and making a supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB149PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is appropriate funds in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB153PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is appropriate funds in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue, unappropriated surplus balance and making a supplemental appropriation for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB144PassThe purpose of this bill is to create the Business Ready Sites Program, which would provide for the Development Office to designate industrial sites for installation of utilities to make them more attractive for businesses to locate within West Virgi...
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB155PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement and increase an item of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2020.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB152PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to add a new item of appropriation in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue, for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB151PassThe purpose of supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement existing items of appropriation in the aforesaid account for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2020.                 ...
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB154PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to increase an existing item of appropriation from the State Fund, General Revenue for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB146PassThe purpose of this bill is to infuse additional resources into the Ryan Brown Fund and create greater flexibility in that fund for purposes beyond for long-term beds such as recovery housing and other SUD related service models that may exist.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal
HB157PassThe purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to appropriate funds in the aforesaid account from the State Fund, General Revenue, for the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 6/28/19 - Senate Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to address the residency issue that was struck down under the Dormant Commerce Clause in Tennessee Wine and Spirits Retailers Assn. v. Russel F. Thomas, Executive Director of the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission, et...
Committed to Judiciary on 2nd reading

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to create the West Virginia Equal Opportunity Education Scholarship program to provide tax credits for eligible contributions made to an authorized scholarship-granting organization, an educational improvement grant organi...
On 2nd reading, House Calendar

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to increase the salaries for public school teachers and school service personnel by five percent.
On 3rd reading with right to amend, House Calendar

Sine Die
The purpose of this supplemental appropriation bill is to add a new item of appropriation from the State Fund, General Revenue for the fiscal year 2019.
On 3rd reading with right to amend, House Calendar

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to provide for student accountability for the results of the statewide comprehensive assessment program.Â
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to remove sections of the West Virginia Code, or portions of some sections, which contain antiquated, redundant, or outdated requirements for the administration of education in West Virginia.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to increase and promote school innovation and flexibility; define Innovation School; set forth responsibilities for Innovation Schools; allow Innovation Schools to solicit and accept gifts to use in support of Innovation S...
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to remove sections of the West Virginia Code, or portions of some sections, which contain antiquated, redundant, or outdated requirements for the administration of education in West Virginia.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to move provisions from two articles under the Educations chapter of the West Virginia to a more appropriate location within the chapter for Public Health. The two current articles in Chapter 18 are to be repealed and then...
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to repeal an entire article and to reenact the provisions of the article into a new section of the code within the appropriate chapter for state purchasing requirements and procedures.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to encourage out-of-state educational professionals to apply and work in West Virginia by removing certificate fees.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to remove or revise obsolete, outdated, antiquated, inoperative, surplus or superseded provisions of code related to the School Building Authority.
To Senate Education Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate the permit requirement for storing of a concealed handgun in a vehicle on school property for persons over 21.
To House Select Committee on Education A

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to authorize the establishment of experimental school zones and to provide for the evaluation of the performance of experimental curricula and policies.
To House Select Committee on Education B

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to reduce the pay of legislators for the first extraordinary session of 2019 following the 6th day of attendance.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to establish the Summer Feeding for All initiative that will encourage county school systems to look for innovative ways to provide assistance to students in need to access nutritious foods during summer break and other ti...
To House Select Committee on Education C

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to modify the school aid formula to allow for a greater number of counselors and other professional support personnel in county schools.
To House Select Committee on Education A

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to provide an annual cost-of-living increase in the amount of $2,000 for retired teachers and service personnel.
To House Finance Committee

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to create a pilot program to establish school-based mental and behavioral health services for students and families as an alternative to the standard disciplinary measures.
To House Select Committee on Education B

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to increase teacher salaries; provide that certain math and special education teachers be considered to have three additional years of experience for the purposes of the salary schedule; remove definition of salary equity ...
To House Select Committee on Education D
HB112PassThe purpose of this bill is to provide a reducing modification to the West Virginia adjusted gross income of a shareholder of a Subchapter S corporation, or member of a limited liability company, engaged in banking business in this state and making t...
Approved by Governor 5/29/19 - House Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to require the Governor to expand Mountaineer Challenge Academy at its existing location and to a new location subject to agreement required under federal law.
To House Select Committee on Education C
HB117PassThe purpose of this bill is to provide reduced rates for low-income residential customers of privately-owned water, sewer or combined water and sewer utilities.
Approved by Governor 5/29/19 - House Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to expand the definition of “professional student support personnel”; increase the basic foundation allowance for professional student support personnel; provide that counties with less than 1,400 in net enrollment sha...
To House Select Committee on Education D
HB119PassThe purpose of this bill is to supplemental appropriation bill is to supplement, amend, decrease, and increase items of appropriation in the aforesaid accounts for the designated spending unit for expenditure during the fiscal year 2019.
Approved by Governor 5/28/19 - House Journal
HB116PassThe purpose of this bill is to require notices be given to relevant courts and judicial authorities when a person originally under the custody of the Bureau for Juvenile Services, but charged under the adult jurisdiction of the courts, attains the ag...
Approved by Governor 5/29/19 - House Journal

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to increase the salaries for public school teachers and school service personnel by five percent.
To House Select Committee on Education C

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to grant the right of collective bargaining and the right to strike to teachers and school service personnel.
To House Select Committee on Education C

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to make certain reforms to the special community development pilot program.
To House Select Committee on Education C

Sine Die
The purpose of this bill is to create an after school program grant system.
To House Select Committee on Education C
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