SF0015 | Pass | AN ACT relating to court jurisdiction; increasing circuit court jurisdiction as specified; increasing jurisdiction for small claims court; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-10 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0070 | Pass | AN ACT relating to public education; creating the Wyoming Accountability in Education Act and establishing a statewide education accountability system; modifying statewide assessment requirements; establishing system components and student performanc... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-10 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0095 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the legislature; modifying required composition of specified committees; modifying dates for appointments to be made; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-10 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0146 | Pass | AN ACT relating to teacher contracts; establishing the teacher accountability act; requiring school district teacher performance evaluations to be based in part upon student achievement; directing the state board of education to establish performance... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-09 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0025 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Long Term Care Choices Act; authorizing a statewide network of aging and disability resource centers as specified; providing an appropriation; and providing for effective dates. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0091 |
SF0029 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the Medicaid program; providing requirements for the reimbursement of home and community based waiver service providers; directing the department of health to provide enhanced reimbursement of certified behavioral specialists as sp... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0107 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to counties; creating a program to assist counties impacted by energy development; providing authority to the state loan and investment board to issue loans and grants to counties to construct or reconstruct roads impacted by energy d... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0094 |
SF0109 | Pass | AN ACT relating to peace officers; providing for the department of state parks and cultural resources to enter into memoranda of understanding to temporarily hire peace officers of other agencies and governmental entities; and providing for an effect... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0038 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to education; providing for training of coaches and athletic trainers and education of students, parents and guardians regarding head injury and concussion resulting from athletic activities; granting rulemaking authority; and providi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0097 |
SF0124 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing fines for overweight and oversize vehicles; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0096 |
SF0050 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to the administration of government, Medicaid and the 2010 federal health care reform; providing for a study related to options for reconfiguring of the Medicaid program; requiring a report; providing report requirements; providing an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0092 |
SF0058 | Pass | AN ACT relating to industrial siting for wind energy facilities; requiring the identification of specified landowners; giving specified landowners the right to notice and other participation rights; requiring the disclosure of specified industrial si... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0059 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Controlled Substances Act; adding specified controlled substances to schedule I of the act; authorizing additional positions; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0065 | Pass | AN ACT relating to livestock; repealing existing livestock remedy provisions and creating animal remedy provisions; providing definitions; providing exemptions; providing for powers and duties of the director of the department of agriculture; providi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0069 | Pass | AN ACT relating to revision of inadvertent errors; correcting statutory references and language resulting from inadvertent errors and omissions in previously adopted legislation; correcting obsolete references; repealing fully executed provisions; sp... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0071 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to education; requiring school districts provide hunter safety education to grades 5 or 6; prohibiting fees for school district provided education courses; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (S) Indefinitely Postponed |
SF0085 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to game and fish; specifying penalties for convictions of taking specified big game animals without a license and for wanton destruction of big game animals; providing an exception to a firearms criminal statute as specified; and prov... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0088 |
SF0090 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Nurse Practice Act; authorizing assessment of the cost of disciplinary proceedings as specified; amending grounds for discipline of licensees and certificate holders; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0091 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the wildlife/livestock disease research partnership; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0093 | Pass | AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; creating the dietetics licensing board; specifying membership; specifying board duties, powers and immunity; providing for licensure of dietitians; specifying requirements for licensure; providing excep... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SJ0001 | Pass | A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution by recognizing and preserving the heritage of Wyoming citizens' opportunity to fish, hunt and trap wildlife. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Governor Signed SEJR No. 0003 |
SF0001 | Pass | AN ACT relating to supplemental appropriations for the operation of state government; increasing or decreasing certain amounts; adjusting the number of authorized positions; modifying prior appropriations; making additional appropriations; making cer... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0131 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the military department; authorizing the adjutant general to create and fill authorized positions that are fully reimbursed by federal funding; requiring reporting; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0132 | Pass | AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; creating the crime of strangulation of a household member; specifying elements of the crime; providing exceptions; providing a penalty; providing a definition; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0139 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the healthy frontiers health care reform demonstration project; amending the membership of the benefit design committee; providing for education of enrollees concerning the project; amending enrollment eligibility as specified; pro... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0121 | Pass | AN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing for performance based evaluation and performance based design in the approval of municipal solid waste landfill permits; providing definitions; making conforming amendments; and providing for an eff... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0112 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the military; establishing a fund for monies collected from soldier billeting operations; specifying the use of monies in the fund; specifying administration of the fund; requiring rulemaking; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0100 | Pass | AN ACT relating to cruelty to animals; modifying elements of the offense of cruelty to animals; classifying animal hoarding and puppy mill ownership and operation as animal cruelty; creating the animals protection account; providing definitions; prov... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0102 | Enroll
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to the administration of government and the 2010 federal health care reform; creating a legislative advisory committee; providing for the development of cost estimates for the mandatory coverage expansion of the Medicaid program; requ... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 (H) Speaker Signed SEA No. 0093 |
SF0143 | Pass | AN ACT relating to public funds; providing for funding of county investigation and litigation related to federal natural resource policy as specified; requiring reports; providing an appropriation; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0009 | Pass | AN ACT relating to economic analysis; providing for collecting, compiling, analyzing and distributing county economic data; providing for establishment of uniform data criteria; authorizing a position and a temporary contract position; providing appr... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-03 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0012 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to county powers and authority; authorizing counties to prohibit smoking in public places; authorizing counties to delegate to local public health departments the authority to adopt regulations prohibiting smoking in public places; an... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Scott Nayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson and Martin Ayes 1 Nays 4 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0013 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to elections; limiting when a voter may change party affiliation; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Nayes: Senator(s) Case, Hines, Johnson, Martin and Scott Ayes 0 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0105 | Engross
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to public lands; requiring a plan from the Wyoming attorney general for the transfer and management of federal lands as specified; requiring the plan to include consideration of an offer to purchase federal lands; amending definitions... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Greear, Kasperik, Lockhart and Moniz Nayes: Representative(s) Byrd, Roscoe, Stubson, Zwonitzer, Dn. and Zwonitzer, Dv. Ayes 4 Nays 5 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0030 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to domestic and sexual violence; creating a Wyoming Safe Homes Act as specified; authorizing a victim of domestic or sexual violence to terminate a lease as specified; providing an affirmative defense as specified; requiring a landlor... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 (S) Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c) |
SF0034 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to gambling; providing an exception to the requirement for bona fide social relationships for wagers in card games; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Burns and Driskill Nayes: Senator(s) Christensen, Dockstader and Esquibel, F. Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0045 | Pass | AN ACT relating to professional services procurement; providing for consideration of residency during the professional services selection process; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0123 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing for collection of DNA for a person arrested for a felony; providing conforming amendments; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Christensen and Hicks Nayes: Senator(s) Burns, Esquibel, F. and Perkins Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0047 | Pass | AN ACT relating to concealed weapons; authorizing the carrying of concealed weapons by persons without a concealed weapon permit as specified; amending a restriction on where a concealed firearm may be carried; specifying penalties for a second or su... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0053 | N/A
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to domestic relations; providing that the wishes of a child shall be considered in child custody determinations as specified; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 (S) File Withdrawn by Sponsor 1/14/11 |
SF0054 | Engross
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring notification when disability insurance premium rates are set to maintain a surplus exceeding six months of claims expenses; requiring notification when disability insurers maintain a surplus exceeding six month... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Representative(s) Patton, Roscoe and Shepperson Nayes: Representative(s) Blikre, Byrd, Illoway, Jaggi, Kroeker and Stubson Ayes 3 Nays 6 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0055 | Pass | AN ACT relating to subdivisions; requiring subdivision perimeter partition fences as specified; providing for no liability of livestock owners for damages occurring on subdivided land; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0056 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to real estate brokers and salesmen; making general revisions throughout the Real Estate License Act; amending and repealing provisions as required; providing requirements for a broker's price opinion; providing definitions; and provi... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 (S) Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c) |
SF0151 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to game and fish; providing for a grizzly bear hunting season as specified; providing legislative findings; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 ROLL CALL Ayes: Senator(s) Dockstader and Driskill Nayes: Senator(s) Burns, Christensen and Esquibel, F. Ayes 2 Nays 3 Excused 0 Absent 0 Conflicts 0 |
SF0060 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; requiring a person suspected of driving while under the influence of alcohol to be arrested and detained as specified; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 (S) Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c) |
SF0062 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the Wyoming Wildlife and Natural Resource Funding Act; providing for funding of large projects under that act; specifying large projects approved for funding in 2011; amending funding and timing for specified previously approved la... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0154 | Intro
Sine Die | AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; providing for the licensing of plumbers; providing definitions; creating a board of plumber examiners; providing duties and powers of the board; establishing licensing procedures and criteria; providing... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 (S) Committee Returned Bill Pursuant to SR 7-3(c) |
SF0072 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the fair practices of equipment act; amending the fair practices of equipment act to include snowmobiles, multipurpose vehicles and off-road recreational vehicles in the definition of equipment; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0073 | Pass | AN ACT relating to environmental quality; providing for municipal solid waste landfill lifetime permits; requiring annual reports; providing definitions; establishing priorities for municipal solid waste landfill remediation; providing for orphan lan... [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |
SF0079 | Pass | AN ACT relating to the Recreation Safety Act; clarifying and specifying assumption of risk relating to that act; modifying the listing of activities which constitute a sport or recreational opportunity; and providing for an effective date. [Detail][Text][Discuss] | 2011-03-02 Assigned Chapter Number |