WY Legislation | 2019 | Regular Session | House | Resolutions

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HJ0010PassA JOINT RESOLUTION to designate cities and communities in the state of Wyoming as Medal of Honor cities or communities to honor the Medal of Honor recipients connected with the cities or communities.
Governor Signed HEJR No. 0003
HJ0002PassA JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to remove the specific limit on the amount of debt a municipality can incur for a sewer project and to allow the legislature to prescribe by law the debt limit for municipal sewer project...
Governor Signed HEJR No. 0002

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION urging Congress to propose a constitutional amendment ensuring free and fair elections.
postponed indefinitely

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution by removing distinctions between legislative general and budget sessions including repealing the introductory vote requirement for bills in a legislative budget session and making conform...
COW:Failed 3-27-0-0-0
HJ0001PassA JOINT RESOLUTION requesting the swift delisting under the Endangered Species Act of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem grizzly bear population; requesting a return of the species management to local control; and requesting full federal funding of sp...
Governor Signed HEJR No. 0001

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to restrict the imposition of an income tax; and to provide a ballot statement.
Did Not Consider for Introduction

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION rescinding a previous resolution adopted by the Wyoming Legislature which requested the Congress of the United States to convene a constitutional convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution.
Did Not Consider in CoW

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to provide that for six years all state mineral royalties earned from the lease of state school lands may be appropriated by the legislature for the support of the public schools and prov...
postponed indefinitely

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution; imposing term limits on the offices of state senator and state representative, the governor, secretary of state, treasurer, auditor and superintendent of public instruction; and providin...
Did Not Consider for Introduction

Sine Die
A JOINT RESOLUTION proposing to amend the Wyoming Constitution to require senate confirmation of Wyoming Supreme Court selections, to allow temporary selections and to provide a ballot statement.
Did Not Consider for Introduction
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