WY Legislation | 2020 | 1st Special Session | Bills | Engrossed

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Sine Die
AN ACT relating to the emergency expenses of government related to business relief; providing legislative findings; authorizing emergency governmental programs related to economic development and business relief as specified; providing appropriations...
See Mirror Bill HB1004

Sine Die
AN ACT relating to civil procedure; providing immunity from civil liability for damages and injuries resulting from exposure to coronaviruses as specified; defining terms; specifying applicability; and providing for an effective date.
Did not Consider in Committee

Sine Die
AN ACT relating to emergency budgeting for the expenses of government; temporarily amending the computation of school district operating balances and cash reserves; providing for carryover and reappropriaton of certain funds as specified; authorizing...
Did not Consider in Committee

Sine Die
AN ACT relating to emergency aid and emergency procedures in response to the COVID-19 novel coronavirus pandemic; amending unemployment benefits; authorizing agreements with the federal government and the expenditure of federal funds; creating progra...
See Mirror Bill SF1002

Sine Die
AN ACT relating to the emergency expenses of government; providing legislative findings; authorizing emergency governmental programs as specified; requiring reporting; providing an appropriation; specifying conditions on the appropriation and expendi...
See Mirror Bill SF1001
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