Wyoming Senator Laura Pearson [R] | Passed

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StateBillStatusSummary/TitleLast Actionsort icon
WYSF0113PassAN ACT relating to professions and occupations; specifying that the practice of natural hair braiding is exempt from the Wyoming Cosmetology Act; clarifying that the owner of a salon may require certification for the practice of natural hair braiding...
Assigned Chapter Number 80
WYSF0064PassAN ACT relating to agriculture, livestock and other animals; providing policies on identification of livestock for disease traceability; specifying that buyers of livestock in receiving states are responsible for the usage of electronic ear tags; req...
Assigned Chapter Number 53
WYHB0172PassAN ACT relating to concealed weapons; repealing gun free zones; providing for the carrying of concealed weapons as specified; creating a criminal offense for prohibiting entry to a person carrying a concealed weapon as specified; clarifying that only...
Assigned Chapter Number 61
WYHB0061PassAN ACT relating to state land leasing; authorizing a person who is not currently in violation of the terms of their state land lease to have a preferred right to renew their lease; and providing for an effective date.
Assigned Chapter Number 36
WYSF0120PassAN ACT relating to marketing homemade foods; providing for the sale of producer-raised, homemade meat products as specified; providing a delayed effective date pending certification by the governor based on federal action; providing definitions; auth...
Assigned Chapter Number 43
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