LegiScan Search
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VA SB1082 Commonwealth Transportation Special Structures Program Revenue Bond Act...
RI H5492 Creates the Microplastics Reduction Act to prohibit the sale or distribution...
TX SB1291 Relating to the authority of certain persons to bring an action for declaratory...
TX SB1311 Relating to a pilot program for the establishment of disaster relief hub...
MT HB637 Provide for medical aid in dying
TX SB1337 Relating to the computation of certain tax penalties and interest amou...
TX SB1312 Relating to the disconnection of electric service by certain entities during...
NY A01283 Authorizes certain persons confined in institutions operated by the department...
AZ SB1398 Abortion; waiting period; authorized providers
TX SB1323 Relating to the curriculum requirements for high school students in public...