Virginia Code | Chapter 19 Article 2 Section 303.03 | Senate | Bills

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VASB696VetoModification of sentence for marijuana-related offenses. Creates a process by which persons convicted of certain felony offenses involving the possession, manufacture, selling, giving, distribution, transportation, or delivery of marijuana committed ...
Senate sustained Governor's veto

Sine Die
Petition for modification of a sentence; eligibility; procedures. Provides procedures for individuals serving a sentence for certain felony convictions or a combination of such convictions who remain incarcerated in a state or local correctional faci...
To House Appropriations Committee

Petition for modification of a sentence; eligibility; procedures. Provides procedures for individuals serving a sentence for certain felony convictions or a combination of such convictions who remain incarcerated in a state or local correctional faci...
To House Appropriations Committee
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