Mississippi Code | Chapter 23 Article 15 Section 573

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An Act To Amend Section 23-15-573, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That If A Voter Was Not A Registered Voter In The Jurisdiction In Which He Or She Tried To Vote But Was Otherwise Eligible To Vote In The Jurisdiction Where He Or She Tried To Vo...
To Senate Elections Committee
MSHB24FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Twenty Days Before The Election And Continue Until Five Days Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shall Be For Each Pri...
Died In Committee
MSHB249FailAn Act To Create The Donald J. Trump Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Fourteen Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide T...
Died In Committee
MSHB320FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-523, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That For General And Special Elections, All Ballots That Have Been Rejected By The Omr Equipment And That Are Damaged Or Defective, Blank Or Overvoted Will Be Reviewed By The Res...
Died In Committee
MSHB561FailAn Act To Provide That Before Any Voter Registration Application May Be Accepted, Each Applicant Who Registers In Person Or By Mail, And Who Is Not Eligible To Register Using A Federal Post Card Application, Shall Provide An Identifying Document That...
Died In Committee
MSSB2063FailAn Act To Amend Sections 23-15-563 And 23-15-573, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Reduce The Length Of Time After The Election Within Which A Voter Who Is Unable To Present Acceptable Photographic Identification Must Return To The Circuit Or Municipal C...
Died In Committee
MSSB2625FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-573, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Allow Individuals To Vote By Affidavit On Election Day, If The Individual Registered After The Thirty-day Qualifying Cutoff, But Before Election Day; And For Related Purposes.
Died In Committee
MSHB347FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Six Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shal...
Died In Committee
MSHB586FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide The Time For The Early Voting Period; To Provide That Early Voting Shall Be For Each Primary, General, Runoff, Special And Municipal Election For Public Office; To Provide The ...
Died In Committee
MSHB843FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-573, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Require The Secretary Of State To Provide On His Official Website A Secure Portal That Allows A Voter Who Votes By Affidavit Ballot To Enter A Secure Personal Identification Number And P...
Died In Committee
MSHB946FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Ten Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shal...
Died In Committee
MSSB2644FailAn Act To Restore The Right Of Suffrage To Certain Persons Disqualified By Reason Of Conviction Of A Disenfranchising Crime; To Provide That Such Persons Shall Be Enfranchised After Completing The Term Of Incarceration And Parole Or Upon The Impositi...
Died In Committee
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