Mississippi Code | Chapter 23 Article 15 Section 333

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An Act To Amend Sections 23-15-239, 23-15-266, 23-15-335, 23-15-265, 23-15-267, 23-15-333 And 23-15-597, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That If A County Or Municipal Executive Committee Elects To Enter Into A Written Agreement With The Circuit ...
To Senate Elections Committee
MSHB24FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Twenty Days Before The Election And Continue Until Five Days Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shall Be For Each Pri...
Died In Committee
MSHB249FailAn Act To Create The Donald J. Trump Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Fourteen Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide T...
Died In Committee
MSHB321FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-365, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Remove The Blank Space For A Write-in Candidate And Provide That A Supplementary Ballot Shall Be Printed And Used In The Event A Candidate Dies, Resigns, Withdraws Or Is Removed After Th...
Died In Committee
MSHB1180FailAn Act To Amend Section 83-1-3, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That The Commissioner Of Insurance Shall Be Appointed By The Governor, With The Advice And Consent Of The Senate; To Provide The Term Of Office And The Qualifications Of The Positio...
Died In Committee
MSHB347FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Six Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shal...
Died In Committee
MSHB586FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide The Time For The Early Voting Period; To Provide That Early Voting Shall Be For Each Primary, General, Runoff, Special And Municipal Election For Public Office; To Provide The ...
Died In Committee
MSHB946FailAn Act To Create The Early Voting Act; To Provide Definitions; To Provide That The Early Voting Period Shall Begin Ten Days Before The Election And Continue Until The Last Regular Business Day Preceding The Election; To Provide That Early Voting Shal...
Died In Committee
MSHB1068FailAn Act To Amend Section 23-15-361, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Provide That If Only One Person Has Duly Qualified To Be A Candidate For A Municipal Office In The General Election, The Municipal Election Commission Shall Declare That Person Elected W...
Died In Committee
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