Florida Code | Chapter 95

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Citing this act as the "Child Safety and Custody Compliance Act"; specifying that every Child Protection Team investigator employed by the Department of Children and Families is required to perform all specified duties; requiring the department to ve...
FLH7089PassEstablishes 3-year statute of limitations for action to collect medical debt for services; provides personal property exemptions from legal process for medical debts; requires licensed facility to post on its website consumer-friendly list of standar...
Chapter No. 2024-183
FLS1450FailFinding and declaring that a woman has a protected right to an abortion; creating a rebuttable presumption concerning viability of a fetus; providing for civil liability for certain persons who violate such a right; providing for compensatory damages...
Died in Judiciary
FLH1457FailDeclares that woman has protected right to an abortion; provides for civil liability for persons who violate such right; provides for punitive & compensatory damages, costs, & attorney fees; provides for state payment of awards against indigent defen...
Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee

Sine Die
Establishing a 3-year statute of limitations for an action to collect medical debt for services rendered by certain health care facilities; providing additional personal property exemptions from legal process for medical debts resulting from services...
Laid on Table, refer to HB 7089

Sine Die
Establishing a 3-year statute of limitations for an action to collect medical debt for services rendered by a health care provider or facility; providing additional personal property exemptions from legal process for medical debts resulting from serv...
Withdrawn prior to introduction
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